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Here's another 60's sleeper. The Marketts
Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 23:39:02
Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 12:07:06
Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 10:34:44
Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 09:35:20
Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 09:27:44
Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 04:33:42
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 03:56:51
Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 00:01:55
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 23:50:28
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 22:52:09
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 02:44:21
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 18:42:45
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 18:44:52
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 18:18:22
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 17:37:52
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 17:13:42
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 16:24:28
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 16:37:00
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 15:04:56
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 14:28:56
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 12:55:11
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 11:22:42
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 06:23:43
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 05:12:56
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 02:45:06
Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 02:39:38
Name: Mike Shay
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Class: 61
Message: Yup That's me with my dad!!! No wait...I'm the old one with my oldest boy Patrick back about the beginning of his "long hair decade" We didn't think he'd ever cut his hair but then he met the lovely Theresa Andreolo Shay and she straightened him right up. Ricki..you wouldn't recognize him.
Happy Mothers Day Joyce and to all you mothers everywhere...
Name: Harry Plotkin
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
Message: Cyndi Hewitt: Cinda Coussens Slate left Wiseburn circa 1977.
Delia Garza: You must have been too much for Shirley Putnam because she left Wiseburn after you had her for a teacher. She was a nice lady with initials of SHP. When I had occasion to write her a note I signed it SHP for Sir Harry Plotkin.
Hi to the Cuipers!!
Russ and Judi: Hi to Bruce Johnson but I'm afraid he exaggerated my prowess as a pitcher. However I loved the 8th grade faculty games. They were great fun. I'm thrilled with your memories of me, Judi. Russ, Judi WAS very gooood - a nice girl and a good student which couldn't have had anything to do with her Mother being very active in PTA. Regards to your Mom, Judi.
John: True, I was a west ender, but I chaperoned at Club Gunga Din a time or two. I remember Jerry Cross operating at those dances. I knew George Neiderman from Pepperdine and Pete Claydon's wife, Cathy Claydon, taught with me at Dana. I got to know Pete when he went hunting with some of our staff in the Mariposa area. John, all of Hawthorne was great but my memories are of the West. Love to all, especially you MOMS, hch
Mr. P, If you chaperoned at the Gunga Din then I must dub thee SHP, "Honorary Eastsider". I know being in the district for so many years, the teachers from both sides of Hawthorne had to run into each other. Thank you Sir Harry for your input.
Name: el rojo
E-Mail: jakejude@aol.com
Maiden: jacobsen
Class: 60
Message: john, i think i sent this to you one other time, but i'm old and i forget, for the memories page, how about "clean campus day". get out of school early. you do remember don't you?
Russ, No I don't remember you sending me anything like that. It could have been when AOL and Cougartown weren't talking to each other though. I will add it and thanks.
Name: Joyce Savisky
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: That's Michael Shay '61!!!
Yes, I believe we have a winner here. The "Mother" of my lovely daughter has chimed in with the correct answer and, much like Keith D. Jones answering correctly on the Cyndi Laird picture, wins nothing.
I also would like to say Happy Mothers day to Joyce and all you other Mothers out there. I think you know who you are.
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Happy Mother's Day to all of you and special MD wishes to OUR moms for having the good sense and great judgement to raise us all in Hawthorne.....
Name: Cyndi Hewitt
E-Mail: chewitts@aol.com
Maiden: Laird
Class: 75
Message: Yup, that was me alright. My first car was a 1960 Falcon. But as I recall it was a yellow, 2-door. I think the Mad Scanner Guy is confusing my car with Tracy Flynn's ('74). She had the bright orange one. For some reason my dad changed the transmission in that Falcon from the floor to the steering column and left a big hole in the floor. Everytime I drove to school on rainy days my right leg would be all wet from the water splashing in.
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Here's an interesting picture from our artistic Cougar, Ricki "V". It's of another Cougar. Which one's the Cougar and who is he? Anyone??
Hint: This picture is about 15 years old.
Name: Ricki
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: All 6 of the Valencia kids went to Eucalyptus and Hawthorne Intermediate. I, of course, was the first. My earliest memory of Eucalyptus was having been a short, blond, blue-eyed kid who spoke very little English and had to throw up. I didn't know how to ask to go to the restroom so I waited until nap time and crawled outside. Nobody saw me out there, so I stood and puked by the porch. After school when the teacher walked us out, she looked quite surprised by what she saw. I had great teachers there. My 6th grade teacher was Mrs. Peggy Stewart. The next time that I saw her was when I was a 6th grade counselor. She was the Director. She later became the Principal at Eucalyptus. Hawthorne Intermediate was great for me. I loved both of my teachers, Mrs. Brockett in 7th grade and Mr. Claydon in 8th. I remember all the same teachers that you have all mentioned. I used to think Mr. Sweeney was so cute. Remember snack time and buying ice cream at the equipment room door? I loved it when it rained and we stayed in the classroom and played games. I stay in my classroom during lunch now and I have a lot of kids that come in to talk or work on their computers. I hope that I am leaving good memories for them. School is the center of a kid's life for so long and look at the impact that it has. Reading this site really tells it all. Thanks again John.
Ricki, YES!!! Ice cream at the equipment room. Man that hit home. Remember the fruit machines in the front office. Mainly apples as I recall. Thanks Ricki
Name: Loretta Cuiper
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: To answer Keith's question about Suzie Bell. Thats the same Ms. Bell, she was at Burnett until they closed the school in the late 70's, (they re-opened last year.) Ms. Bell was teaching at Cabrillo and this lovely lady is still as youthful as she was 25 years ago. There also was a Helen Bell who was a reading teacher at Cabrillo, she also was a great person, now is a principal at Anza. Keith, the Ms. Bell you remember is Suzie, and you know what, she still loves to hear from former students. She now is teaching back at Peter Burnett, 4th grade. She was our Daughters 4th grade teacher many moons ago and is our sons God Mother, This lady is as nice/young/fun loving today as she was 25 years ago when we first met her.
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: That looks like Cindy Laird. It took me along time to write that last letter, I'm not sure what happend, I just figured that John was putting "character" limit on my messages. It takes me so long to explain everything. Hey Jimbo! Eme and tell me what you want to do when to start. It does seem I'm on here alot and I am. Since I use the computer so much I find myself occasionally checking in and putting in my 2 no 3 no 4 cents worth in. I'll keep this one short. Hi everyone. It was hot yesterday here in Vegas but windy and cooler today. Remember always bet on hard 8.
Keith, No limits here. Talk as long as you like. You may have accidentally hit the Enter key.
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Sorry Cougs about bailing out on you tonight but your Cougartown webmaster had a bonafide date with another Cougarette from his class, Janet Humphreys Burkett. We went out for Mexican food, took a ride and kinda got lost. We ended up at a place that was half biker and half country called Cooks Corner. EVERYONE was having a great time there. Just imagine a cowboy bar on the outskirts of Amarillo. I mean they were line dancin', two steppin, electric slidin' (the bikers were "electra-glidin'"), among other things. I wish I could tell you what the bartender was saying over the mic, but this is a family website. :o)
I had a great time tonight Janet. Thanks for getting us lost. :o)
Name: Michelle Drapeau
E-Mail: havnfun@qnet.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
Message: Hey John!! I went to York Elementary and one of my favorite memories are of the six grade and Mrs Shaller! She was the coolest and tallest teacher (I also remember her having an old Jaguar - the best car!). We went to Hawthorne Youth Camp in 6th grade and Mrs. Shaller took myself, Tony Levison, and I think Rhonda Johnston fishing! Just us 4 and nobody else. I thought that was so cool of her! I think everyone else had to go on some long hike but not us!! We didn't catch any fish but I'll never forget it! And Cindy, my loving, sweet , bestest sister ever!!!! please! please! don't submit any pictures of me!!!!!! Also, I was remembering how we used to call Hawthorne 'Heytown', anyone else?
Great stuff Michelle. Any more east siders?
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: john14
Class: 62
Message: This just in from the Mad Scanner Guy. Anyone know this person? It seems that she used to own a 4 door Ford Falcon bright Orange. Here's the only clue the **MSG** left in his/her email.
live from Tulsa the MaD ScaNNer
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: I saw someone mentioned a Miss Bell. There was a teacher at Peter Burnett named Miss Bell. She was very pretty and had a great body. She used to see one of the Rams football players I think it was that all-pro end they had in the sixties. And then she was seeing a pro skier. I later saw her at when I worked at Tequilla Willies in Manhattan Beach (this is about 20 years later) and she looked about the same. She really aged well. We have talked about Dana alot now lets talk abouit Peter Burnett....
Name: Loretta Cuiper
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: Ok John, why didn't you tell everyyone that you are that cute little boy on the top, fourth one in, whew we all look so, I don't know what!!!!
You know I remember alot of our class mates, but I had totally forgotten that Cheryl Nancy Brooks and Gene Fay were in our class, I remembered Gordon, Betty, and Donna and more, but forgot about those two, I guess seeing pictures really do help us recollect our past experience and hearing about what went on years ago helps us remember.
We all looked so **YOUNG** is the word you were looking for. :o) Really jogs the mind to see that picture again huh. I swear if you look at the picture of Gene at the LV reunion, he hasn't changed one bit since 8th grade.
Name: Joyce Chance
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: O.K. Baker, A Ramona Elementary story. Mrs. Meriweather (sp) was my fourth grade teacher. I thought she was the meanest, strictest teacher in the world! And she wasn't very nice to me either.
My first day of P.E. at Hawthorne Intermediate who am I face to face with, Mrs, Meriweather!! My heart just about fell out of my body. And to my surprise she hugged me and said, "I'm so glad to see you again!" I was "Teachers Pet" for the rest of the year. Go figure?
Ramona Elementary School Memories....
The Maypole by the cafeteria, Noon Movies, May Day Dances, Brownie meetings, Girl Scout Cookies only one choice, chocolate and vanilla creme assorted, 50 cents a box. First kiss in the sixth grade(GG), Candy Pink lipstick by Avon. Boyfriends ring on a chain bought at Brooks Paint & Hardware.
Teachers, Mrs. Black, Miss Granis, Miss Bodus, Mrs. Meriweather, Mr.Huffman, Mr.Meyers. Safety Patrol with our white strap belt, things. Walking across the field where Paul Penn was playing football after school!
Thanks Joyce, I thought I was your first kiss though :o) . Now we're getting the eastsiders in the game. Any more east side stories out there?
Name: Swifty
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Caputo
Class: 76
Message: Okay Keith get back in there and finish that game... er... story!!!
Yeah Keith, What happened, did you burn up your keyboard? :o)
Name: Bill Sloey
E-Mail: WSloey@aol.com
Class: 1969
Message:John ; This machine is getting bigger and better everytime I check in. I wanted to get this to you earlier but everytime I would send, a banner would come up saying, that Keith Jones was on please wait 2 to 3 hours. hahaha!
I was at ECC Hall of Fame Night, Thursday the 6th of May (Willie Mays b-day), and at my table was Walt Justice, Coach at ECC and '70 Coug.; a great athlete/individual, (Typical for HHS). He introduced me to Joe Contestible whom I have never met, and within seconds we are bonded and I am telling him about cougartown. com. Joe, as you know, was HHS's first great QB under the
Chauncey era. He had some good memories to share. I told him to check cougartown.com out and he said he would when he gets home in Irving Texas. Here again John, your Labor of Love (lol)? has brought the family of cougs closer together. Take care of yourself. KEEP IT UP.
Thanks for the story Bill. I love to hear that all eras of Cougs are finding each other through Cougartown. It would be nice if Joe could add his name to our list of Alumni. I know there're lots of early Cougars that remember Joe as a great QB, but also a good friend. Thanks again...
Name: Cindy Matthies
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Hey Keith, I'll post that picture of Michelle on Monday since the only ones I have here at home of her include me -- I have a great one of her at work. And okay, Gloria, no more comments on your mouth! But why not? That's exactly how I remember you, always smiling BIG or laughing BIG! That's not a bad thing! Speaking of teachers, how about Mr. Johnson at Hawthorne Intermediate. And that skinny little P.E. teacher .. what was her name? She was tough, eh? Remember how they changed the dress code and we finally got to wear pants to school in 8th grade? Sheesh, it went way casual from there on out, eh? You'd think all of our clothes had shrunk on us the way we showed legs and belly buttons! And it sure seems to me that our guys had their pants hanging off their behinds kinda like the little gangsters of today. So how many of you have teenagers now who insist on wearing them like that and you try to fight it, eh? Yikes! We're the parents now!!!
Name: Larry/Loretta Cuiper
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 60/62
Message: Hey John, your right we can't forget the other side of Hawthorne. Larry remembers Mr. Sweeney, thought he was one of the coolest teachers there, I remember thinking that Mr. Dana was the youngest good looking teacher back then in 57/58, and if I'm not mistaken, I believe that was his 1st year of teaching, also, was his wife a model or did he just show us one time some 8x10 pictures of her? Does anyone remember Sister Dorothy Marie from St. Joseph's, She was a tough teach, but later on in life I got to know her when I was an adult and found her so different then I had remembered as a child, A great Teacher.
Since everyone is talking about the great teachers at Dana, I have to say, we know most of the teachers all are talking about, because our children had some of these teachers, our daughter had Mr.Plotkin (thought he was great), and Moss, Williams, McCann and Mr. Goode, also in High School, Mr. Goode's son taught at HHS in the 80's,
A great English teacher. Oh, and we can't forget Suzie Bell 4th grade teacher at Cabrillo. Mr. Plotkin still Subs at Dana (in the 90's) and our son had him a few times and thought the world of him too. It's so good to see that everyone is having so much fun with this site and I quess I'm repeating myself, but it's true it's great...
Loretta, Here's Mr Dana's 8th grade class from 1958 at Hawthorne Intermediate. Mr. Dana in the upper left and you in the lower left. Anyone recognize a friend or two here?
Name: jacobsen
E-Mail: jakejude@aol.com
Maiden: el rojo
Class: 60
Message: darn J.B., i thought that little trivia question might stand up for more than one day. damn i hate these young kids with the good memories. good job jerry! and your parents were pretty darn hip at the time if you were going into the insomniac. as JJ SAYS, worst cup of raspberry tea, at the price, in the world to hear a "BEATNIK" sit up there and play a guitar and sing songs that didn't rhyme. we had no clue, but we were cool.
thanks, EL ROJO.
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Re: Mr clark at HHS. I rememeber him giving me a "F" and failing me which mean I couldn't play baseball. Well that didn't go to well with some of the teachers or students. So coach Minami went to speak to him to tell him that we need Keith to win (really). So Mr. Clark changed my grade to a "D" (It kept my GPA around...well 2, just enough to go UCLA). I remember it made me eligible to play again. The team was playing West High at West. I got a ride from somebody (I actually think it was a taxi) to the game. Showed up in the third inning. Coach had my uniform and I changed behind the dugout. He put me in as a pinch hitter and they intentional walked me. The next time up I hit a home run that went a mile (it had too because they had no fence which meant I had to run it out. Hey Dale remember me and Earthquake. Earthquake was a 400 pound football player from West High that Dale at his sub-200 pound weight destroyed when HHS played West (was it West or North) Everyone was so afaid of Earthquake and Dale pushed him around like he was nothing. Dale was awesome. Anyway myself and Scott Huehn and Donald Dye (if I remember right) were going to run into him as he returned from halftime onto the field. Instead of my collegues following me into the pit I was pushed and ran into the infamous Earthquake. Well, needless to say he rocked my world. He grabbed me and threw me around like an anorexic beanie baby. He was hitting me and squeezing like a soon to be well-done t-bone steak. After about 30 minutes of getting my ass kicked (it felt like that...it was actually about 30 seconds) he got tired of killing me (and was probably getting hungry) and left me to die, while all my so-called buddies were laughing and joining me on the ground celebrating my victory...of survival. I couldn't believe my buddies left me for dead. Oh well the good thing is that Earthquake was so fat and had so much padding that I didn
Name: Gary Miller
E-Mail: garyatsfo@webtv.net
Class: 64
Message: John, you're right the eastside was great, 5th grade teacher at Washington, Mr. Anger, 6th, Mr. Enright, best teacher and most fun class of my life, great classmates. Playing kickball, tetherball, and does anyone remember Sacket? Broke 3 windows in one day, a record which may still stand today. York 51 or 52 Kindergarten. Haw. Christian 3rd or 4th, I think my teacher was Mrs. Bragg, but not sure. I remember Mr. Pike. Haw. Int. 8th grade Mrs. Hanson, she was good, got kicked out of her class, along with Marty Hunter, and I believe, Roy Weber for being too Rowdy. I got the worst of it, going to Mrs. Eahart's, she kept me in line. I remember archery, trying to shoot the arrows all the way over to Wash. Ave. Remember the little green shack, 129th-Wash. where they stored the milk? Can't remember woodshop teacher, but had to make something to pass, I started a bookcase next to the last day of the year and finished it on time and still have it to this day. And Mr. Wandell, principal at Wash. Sixth grade camp, listening to Lollipop, by the Chordettes. Where are all those kids that were in 6th grade in 57, 7th in 58 etc. that lived on Ramona or east? I looked over all 55 of the pages and saw only two, Carol Singleton and J.B. Schroeder. I think there should be a Hawthorne Intermediate reunion 55-59. And how about some from Eucalyptus, third grade 1955?
P.S., I would have been tetherball champ at Int. in 59, but I lost the coin toss to Terry Murphy and he got to serve two out of the three games, and we were both equally good, so whoever served won their game. And I am still fun to watch!
Great memories Gary. Mr. Pike at Hawthorne Christian....Man, what a presence. Remember the paddle he had in the store room? Just looking at that thing kept me in line.
Name: Ed Carpenter
E-Mail: edcarp63@hotmail.com
Class: 63
Message: Mr Calvin Clark , yes I remember him well, not only as a math teacher but as B football coach, during blocking practice he would stand on the back of the blocking sleds eating a bag of popcorn. He was strict but a nice man.
David Barbosa are you any relation to Bryce Barbosa HHS 64 or 65 .
I'm happy to see my brother Roy HHS60 finally checked into the alummi list.
Keep up the great job John,this site just gets better all the time.
Thanks Ed. Stay tuned...
Name: Delia Garza
E-Mail: delia.garza@usa.net
Maiden: Yawnick
Class: 86
Message: I saw someone ( I think it was Keith ) mention Mrs. Putnam. I am assuming it was Shirley Putnam... I had her as my 6th grade teacher at Anza ...(we were the LAST 6th grade class at Anza)
Mrs. Putnam was one of my favorite teachers... Does anyone know where she might have gone? I will never forget her thick Georgian accent saying, "I shall MARK you!"
There were many wonderful teachers at Anza, Dana and HHS....
I ran into Miss Benedict YEARS after being her student and I was soooo surprised that she recognized me. Said she would always know me by my eyes... I was impressed!
Mr. McCann, Mr. Moss and Mr. Williams were some favorites at Dana.. and OF COURSE Mr. Plotkin is on the top of my list of teachers... There is definitely something to be said for teachers with a sense of humor... I always paid more attention because I never knew when I may miss a funny.
HHS was full of fun teachers.... Mr. McClure, Ms. Burkett, Mrs. Takumi, Mr. Ayers, Mrs. Maxon, Mr. Carnes, Mr. Bree, Mr. Casillas, Mr. T., Mr. Baumgartner (I will always remember his tests because under our name he always had a question like, "what is your favorite band?" and I could always count on a silly comment on my test when he handed it back...)
Donkey Basketball was another fun time. I was determined to be on that team and sold program advertisement to everyone I knew to be sure I got on. I still have my t-shirt with "No Big" Delia on the back.. (I credit Mr. Goode with that nick name)
Being a 6th grade camp counselor was another great time. While I was a counselor I realized I should have asked that cute counselor to dance when I was a 6th grader at camp!
I also made sure I encouraged the kids to have fun and to respect each other.... No cliques in MY cabin darnit! I also think I was the goofiest counselor. I wanted to show them they could have fun and look silly and it was OK..
Sure wish more 86ers would get their butts in here and start reminiscing with me!!!!
I didn't expect this posting to get so long... I was just writing to comment on Mrs. Putnam....
ooops guess i got carried away...
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: john14
Class: 62
Message: OK OK, I know all about Holly Glen, Dana, Peter Burnet, Sepulveda and the like. Is there anyone out there that went to York St. School, Washington, Jefferson, Hawthorne Christian, Intermediate, St Joseph, Williams, Eucalyptus, Ramona, you know.....My Side Of Hawthorne!!! We had schools and teachers too.
At Hawthorne Intermediate, my favorite teacher was Mr. Dana. I just clicked with him. Miss Mingay, my 7th grade teacher was like a mother to me. She was the sweetest thing. We had Mr. Sweeney for the boys Coach (great guy). I wonder what ever became of him? Also I think Mrs. Meriwether was the girls Coach. Does anyone remember the teacher that ran the wood shop at Intermediate?
Grace Hendrickson was the Principal when I was there in 57 and 58. She was very special to everyone, and Mr. Newton was the Vice Principal. I also remember Mrs. Walker, Mrs Hornaday, Mr Hughes, Mr Oliver, and Mrs. Kalkis. Does anyone else remember these schools? Let's here from the people on the east side of Inglewood Av. for a change. I know you must've had the same memories as the westsiders.
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