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Speaking of Tina Turner and "What's his Name". Tina and Ike Turner
Congratulations Cathy, and now I'd like to ask all the residents of Cougartown, whether they graduated in your class or not, to send you by email, their personal thanks for unearthing this Sinister Slinking Scanner Skunk!!! Yes, I don't care how you do it folks, but EVERYONE in Cougartown send an e-card or an email. Call her on the telephone if you have to, but thank her for this heroic deed!!! Thank You Cathy for this unselfish act. We salute you!!
Name: anonymous () on Saturday, May 15, 1999 at 00:32:04
E-Mail: nope
Maiden: ???????
Class: xxxxx
Message: bill snyder
rumor control
marilyn monroe went to washington elementary
i went to leuzinger my freshman year that is why this is anonymous, i was in an english class with Kevin Porter who i believe played bass with you guess it the Dooby brothers he was definitely with the doobie brothers it is the bass i am unsure of. Kevin Porter was absolutely the quietest nicest kid in the class
Hey, It's no sin to have gone to Leuzinger High (yeah right) so don't be ashamed, just tell us who you are.
Name: Laura Geele Wang () on Saturday, May 15, 1999 at 00:15:32
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele
Class: 76
Message: It's fun to see all the names from the past. Does anyone remember who painted the shed on the football field the night before the class of 76 graduated? (I do.) Bet no one even noticed the shed had been painted .
Welcome Laura to our humble forum. Thanks for finding us here and I do not know who painted the shed, but I'll bet Gloria Valencia or Sharon Bierman had something to do with it. Thanks Laura for checking in.
Name: MERRILL WASSERMAN () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 23:41:57
E-Mail: merrillwasserman@netzero.net
Class: 1985
Message: Is there anyone planning the 15 year reunion for the class of 1985??? If so, I am interested in helping with the set up and organization.
call me at 323-265-9403 or write me at 2979 marengo street unit 100 Los Angeles Ca 90033
Thanks, Merrill
Name: Dave Krikac () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 22:49:58
E-Mail: dadkrikac@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Hey Laura: The blind Intermediate school teacher was Mr. Swanson. I had Dubas, he was cool. Mark Manning used to shoot paper Baskets to get out of tests. Most of the time he won....
Hey John, when I had the UP Do happenin(76), I looked a lot like Link on the mod Squad....Solid!
Hey, Right On Link Bro'!!! You shoulda' seen what I was wearin' in 76
Name: judi () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 21:54:29
E-Mail: jakejude@aol.com
Maiden: kiester
Class: 61
Message: mr plotkin, so glad you remembered me, mom and dad are doing great and living in yucaipa,ca. dad is 81 and mom is 79 and in pretty good health. they are planning on coming up to visit us this summer and mom will be glad to hear that i have heard from you.
we remember jerry cross from gunga din doing his thing he was always hitting on the girls. one of his best performances was at the fox theater in inglewood, ca during the filming of the all time "teen flick", blackboard jungle! jerry and phyllis smith were doing the swing in the isles to rock around the clock. it was a great sight, the kids were going crazy. the opening of teen angst in the 50's. we were in the age that the teachers were a great influence on our lives. it is evident in our success and fond rememberances of our times. we all grew up in a really great time and our children can't really understand the special relationship we had with our teachers and classmates. thats why our reunions are really fun! thanks for the mail mr plotkin, talk to you later.
mrs el rojo!! jakejude
Judi Kiester Jacobsen.....El Rojo finally let you have your say on this forum. I wouldn't have believed it. Judi and I were on the same bowling team in bowling club one year, only Judi doesn't remember me. I am crushed.
Name: Dave Krikac () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 21:03:19
E-Mail: dadkrikac@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Wow! I forgot how scary I looked in 1976, kinda had that smirky, I wish I knew how to pose, kinda look. If I would have tilted my head more I would have been horizontal.
Hey anyone remember Coach Chichester? I ran into him a few years ago and he looked EXACTLY the same.
"Most embarrassing moment-Being locked out of the locker room naked and forced to run around the building to the other entrance (by my older brother Paul)" Anyone else care to SHARE theirs? I gotta a few...
Man, that was a hairy story Dave.
Name: Laura Nyce () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 21:01:29
E-Mail: Nyce710@aol.com
Maiden: Magdalany
Class: 78
Message: Ok, guys If your all talkin about memories of Hawthorne Intermediate and Mr. Clayton then I guess it's my turn/ Who out there remembers that day in 8th grade, Mr. Clayton's class. (Lets see, must have been 1973) when Mr. Clayton started acting really weird. He grabbed a window opening stick (remember those things) and started running around the room. We all were really scared so we ran out and Mr. Dubas came by and gave Mr. Clayton a candy bar. I think he was having a sugar attack. Also what was that blind teachers name?
Name: el rojo () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 20:30:08
E-Mail: jakejude@aol.com
Maiden: jacobsen
Class: 60/61
Message: john baker! i knew i liked you!(not loved):). the doobie bros? you've joined the ranks of "cool"! china grove, long train running, clear as the driven snow! listen to the music! yes!!! el rojo
Well thanks Russ. Did you get that Real Audio player going yet?
Name: PV () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 19:40:15
Class: '74
Message: Hey John, I will venture a guess at those mysterious, but happy pictures you are putting at the end of your blue replies -- MARIO ESTALANO?
Name: JORGE LLAVES () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 19:06:29
E-Mail: Mathesh@aol.com
Maiden: dropout
Class: 80
Message: I am getting so sick and tired of every night reading all these compliments of JOHN BOY for putting this site together. Personally I find it very abusive and unhealthy. I mean ever since Mandy Treckman put me on to this thing I figure to have lost 945 hours of sleep and that is very unhealthy for an ancient who is older than sin itself. I mean every night at bedtime it takes me an hour to read all the entries, then I go to bed and lie awake for an hour laughing at all the pranks you kids have been up to. Then I smile for 37 minutes before falling asleep thinking how lucky I have been knowing so many of you. The trouble is the problem is growing. Can't you see that the B and V girls plus Keith are now writing books? If any of you can give me some help to break this addiction please help! Oh well, there is one saving grace...I don't need to worry about being late to first period tomorrow.
Buenas Nachos, Jorge
Come on George, don't hold back man.....tell us how you REALLY feel, and when you said "kids", you meant me too, right George?
Name: Patty Valencia () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 19:03:46
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Class: '74
Message: GLORIA'S VERSION, not mine. I was the AUDIENCE. Thanks Cathy, tip - dim lighting. :)
I sure wish the rest of us knew the story too. That's why they call it Feedback yahno.
Name: Bill Snyder () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 17:57:58
E-Mail: griggit@earlink.com
Class: 78
Message: You can tell Landsburger it's all true. Do you remember Yvonne Marin. She was a year younger than us. I'm sure she showed me family pictures with Cheech Marin. Someone out there must have known Yvonne Marin (class of '77). How about a little confirmation here. Oh and you can tell former Los Angeles Laker Mark Landsburger that I did get stuck in the vent after Sister Mary Elizebeth locked me in the closet. Here are a three other Hawthorne celebrity rumors. 1st, Marilyn Monroe spent some of her childhood in Hawthorne the Bolanders, an old couple who lived down the street from the Pizza Show.2nd and 3rd, Sonny Bono and one of the Doobie brothers attended Leuzinger. Any confirmation out there?
Sonny Bono went to Inglewood High, Marilyn Monroe went to Washington School in the 30's and did live with the Bolender's on 134th St, a half block east of Hawthorne Bl on the north side. The Doobies?? All I know is I like their music.
Name: Dewey Storie () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 14:14:39
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.co
Class: 74
Message: haha was I ever that young ? well I guess pay back is when you know ....yes john it was fun
Name: Karen Kusumi () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 11:47:48
E-Mail: karen.h.kusumi@boeing.com
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Hi Betty Kean, Glad you got over being scared and wrote in . Nice to hear from you. Now lets hear from Mary Kean Doyle (66)
Name: Ted Gioia () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 11:43:15
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: True, Sharon, it's hard to imagine any one of our classmates -- especially Mario -- as a doctor. But, if I recall correctly, he was quite knowledgeable about drugs and pharmaceuticals even when he was in high school. But please share your story about the cigarettes and the liquor store.
Yeah Sharon.....PLEASE share!!! You know I have your mother's email address young lady. Or maybe we'd rather hear Patty's version.
Name: Tony Frink () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 10:57:50
E-Mail: tfrink@spacestar.net
Class: 78
Message: Question for all St. Joseph elementary school graduates regarding the St. Joe's/Cheech and Chong connection. This subject came up during this past ice fishing season up here in northern Minnesota as I was fishing one glorious morning this January past with my ice fishing partner, former L.A. Laker Mark Landsberger (hey Bill Snyder, Mark says hello, and that when you swing by here in July, he'll teach you how to play basketball like they do here in the Gopher state (I guess that means how to get your lay-ups blocked and how to miss free throws, both of which Landsberger excelled at).
In any case, as I was sitting on my 5 gallon pails, jigging pole in one hand and cup of peppermint schnapps...er, uh, I mean Folgers coffee in the other, I broached the subject of the old Cheech and Chong routine set in a Catholic grade school. The teacher was called Sister Mary Elephant, and the class was being visited by an Officer Stedenko who was going to talk to the class about drugs. Well, when Bill Snyder and I graduated from 8th grade at St. Joe's in 1974, we had a certain Sister Mary Elizabeth as our reading teacher for our 7th and 8th grade years. She was an elderly nun who, when the students got a bit unruly, would shout in the same nasally tone the exact phrase that Cheech and Chong's Sister Mary Elephant would say during their comedy bit; that is - "CLLAASSS!!!".
Now, the rumor to which I earlier alluded was that Sister Mary Elephant and Sister Mary Elizabeth were one in the same, since either Cheech and/or Chong had supposedly gone to St. Joe's back in the 50's or 60's, and they supposedly had Sister Mary Elizabeth as a teacher. I have a bottle of peppermint schnapps...er, Folgers Mountain Grown riding on this, so I need to know if any older St. Joseph alums out there know whether there is any truth to this long-standing rumor.
P.S. Hey Bill, remember when Sister Mary Elizabeth locked you in the broom closet in the 8th grade when you were goofing off during class. As I recall, didn't you try to escape by climbing through the little window that was above the door, and then you either broke the window or got stuck in it. I don't recall exactly what happened to you; guess I froze my brain from too many days of ice fishing in 40-below weather.
Great story Tony. I know when I make a bet, it's usually the 3 pound can of Folgers that goes on the table too.
OK, older St Joseph Cougs. Can anyone help out on this one??
Name: Ed Haney () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 10:19:38
E-Mail: ehaney1965@aol.com
Class: 1983
Message: Just been spending a little time cruzing the old HHS pages. Still bummin we cant get more class of the 1980's on board. Would be great to hear from friends and classmates. With the rising cost of gas here lately it brought back memories of the late 70's when the gas lines started, we lived on 129th around the corner from which is now AM/PM gas station and would sit out on the sidewalk with Kip August helping him sell goodies to all the people waiting their turn to pump gas. Big difference from what I get to do nowadays at work. But alas I guess we cant always have it as easy as we had it while we were in school. Another great memory, which I havent seen much about, was being part of the football team that got HHS back to the CIF playoffs. I have heard many great things about the sports program in the past at HHS and have seen the trophies (last time I had seen them they were in the cafeteria) that HHS had won. Its kind of funny how many memories come back, just going through these feedback pages, keep up the great work john.
Ah yes, "Gas Line Memories".... not a fun memory for us car guys, but memories just as well. All you mid 80's people pass the word on Cougartown now. I know that era is into computers too, so no excuses. :o) Ed, you musta' been on the same teams as Curtis Conway. Great era for HHS football. Thanks and stay tuned.
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
Message: Here's Cougartown's own Dewey Storie HHS74 today. He's standing in front of the massive Microsoft "BG-1500 Computer/Scanner" that he did his dastardly deeds with. Just kidding folks. We had'em going for a few weeks anyway and I had a ball with it too. Even though you've been uncloaked, you can still send in images of years gone by. I know everyone appreciates them. Thanks Dewey, it was fun.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 07:28:12
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: Okay, Patty, the part about the swat team was true... okay well, maybe the ropes too... well, um, okay, maybe the part about the storeroom...
Name: David Barboza () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 00:41:24
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Maiden: Do I really need one ?
Class: 74
Message: To Ted Gioia: Many, many thanks. Even though you wouldn't trust him as a doctor, (I wouldn't either) Mario was a good friend. I think that it was all the alcohol that made him run so far and so fast in x-country and track. It is so wonderful to hear that old friends did well after school. However, I would have picked alot of professions for Mario and the last of which would have been medicine. Bravo Mario. I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover. Again, Ted my thanks. Well I found one John, thanks to Cougartown. My hats off too you. Try it again... Anyone heard or seen Jim Cigaleese. God I hope I spelled it right?
That's great David. Just keep a lookin'. They're out there. and thanks...
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Friday, May 14, 1999 at 00:07:50
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: John,
I like Cindy Matthies' idea of a photo page. Maybe you could setup a link from the student's name to their photo. There might also be some "other" photos from friends etc.
Dave Krikac: Yes, I remember Art's market and deli. Besides the chips they had a great Malt! You could run over there at lunch and if you were going to get caught, you could go out the back door and back to school.
Patty Valencia: You have my mind going at 100 MPH S.W.A.T. team???
Cathy Porter: My compliments on being such a good sleuth!
Hi Chris, We really have to take a look at the space available and see if it's feasible. Messing around here is one thing, but setting up a full blown page for every alumni. That is a monumental task. There're other pages too that need to be addressed. I'll have to think that one over.
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
Message: Now it starts Dewey. It's turnabout time. I put them up for you, and now they're going to add to the pictures.
Good Luck Amigo.....
Name: Cathy Porter () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 21:06:52
E-Mail: cporter@jps.net
Maiden: Koerner
Class: 1974
Message: I was checking out the pix of the "mini reunion" in Las Vegas, and I can't help notice that Patty Valencia hasn't aged one bit. How did you manage that, Patty??? You look fabulous. Can you share your secret....I could use a few.
Dave Barboza...I haven't forgotten your request. I'm still working on it. I wanted to say hi to Dewey Storey... I noticed your feedback earlier. By the way...Dewey would be my guess for the Mad Scanner....it's always the last one you'd suspect.
ALL RIGHT CATHY!!!! What a Sleuth.... you even OUT SLEUTHED the Cougartown Cop, Alan Nelson.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 20:27:13
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Big Craig, How are you? How is your mom and dad and Heidi and Crista. Folks these are the family who had to grow up next door to me. Wow what time. I have to tell you that I turned out nothing like I grew up. I was a little wild and pretty much a nut case...ask Craig. Well Craig to put it short, I used my body to make my living. MAde a very good one at that and used what celebrity status I had to start-up a couple of very potentially huge companies to only have them run into the ground by the people I put in charge of them. Way to long a story for here. NOw, I design web pages (my own company with NO partners) and I am the Marketing Director For Gold's Gym Nutrition Products. We have the worldwide license to manufacture and distribute vitamins and supplements bearing the Gold's Gym name. You'll begin seeing them on the shelves in late July. To any Cougar out there who has maybe gained a pound or two (or more) we will be announcing the Gold's Gym Challenge in late July. It is a body transformation contest where the winners will be given modeling contracts, trips to all sorts of places around the world and Hummers and Harleys for winners (and cash of course) SO it would be great to see a Cougar win. Craig say Hi to your mom and dad and sisters. What do you do now, follow in dads footsteps. Yo know Les in some big time cop (highway patrol). Won some sort of award lately. Oh, Denise (Melanie Howell) how are you doing. You lived next door to Mikey Boy.
I'll pass on the Harley
Name: Patty Valencia () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 20:09:48
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Maiden: Gullible, evidently
Class: 1974
Message: Come on Sharon, the ropes, the cigarettes, the liquor store, the storeroom, the S.W.A.T. team, the helicopters. It was all true, wasn't it?
Wait a minute here.... back up the Feedback Scroll. I must've missed one here.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 20:03:40
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: Since we are talking about teachers of the past, does anyone remember a male teacher at HIS who had a fake arm?? Not a hook, but an arm.
This was in the late 50's, I can not remember his name, anyone out there remember him.
Name: Dave Krikac () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 20:00:42
E-Mail: dadkrikac@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Yeah Cindy...Where is Janey Crews, Kovaks, and Danny Rael. How about Mike Belisimo, Jim Bistolas? You all need to get a computer because we will not stand for this. Do we have a P.I. in our class we can get on the case?
Hey anyone remember the place on Inglewood Ave called Arts Deli? Remember the bags of salted chips?
Name: Craig Reinhardt () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 19:47:19
E-Mail: creinhardt@pacificnet.net
Class: 80
Message: Keith Jones, I have been having a lot of fun reading all of your stories. I was glad to hear that you are still alive and well. After growing up next door to you I had my doubts. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly you do for a living besides write on the computer to cougartown! Take care, your old next door neighbor, Craig
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 18:48:34
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: Ted, you have turned into a fascinating storyteller. But I must tell you that I have finally learned the secret to being a great storyteller:
the teller has to be willing to embellish the truth for the sake of the art. I learned this tidbit from my very bestest friend Glo who has always been able to spin a yarn with the best of 'em... next time around I will relate the story about the cigarettes and the liquor store...
Now Ted, it isn't that I don't believe your recollection of the facts surrounding Mario, but come on... a DOCTOR??!! Well, okay, now that I think about it - does anyone recall the class of 76 10th reunion, Rick Hughes walks thru the door looking like a movie star (VERY handsome) and it turns out he's more than just another pretty face... he's a DR too! And we always thought Rick was just one of us... goofy ... go figure!
JB: dunno bout the pic of Mr Claydon, my teacher was Mrs Clayton (Claydon?-can't recall)
But, I LOVE the pic of Michelle!!! Do you hire out???
Swifty, ClayDon is the way it's spelled in the yearbook. It very well could be a mis-print. Thanks
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