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Here's one for all the Elvis fans out there.
Friday, May 7, 1999 at 00:35:02
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 23:40:23
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 23:05:19
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 22:12:53
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 20:04:11
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 19:49:27
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 17:08:50
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 15:44:28
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 13:38:24
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 12:47:22
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 12:13:53
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 12:00:15
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 08:40:49
Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 00:27:04
Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 22:37:32
Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 21:28:12
Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 20:33:23
Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 20:13:09
Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 16:50:58
Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 16:05:06
Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 01:07:04
Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 21:52:51
Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 17:22:21
Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 11:17:10
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Dale buddy! Where have you been? I (we) missed you! I see myself checking in on this thing about four or five times a day. I want to put in a little about Dana Jr. High. I remember I painted one of the pieces to the mosiac in the front (if it's still there) I think it was a piece to a spaceman or something. We did it in art class. Mr Helvey as I remembered was a teacher we all were a little scared of. Remember Mrs. Sandler. Mr. Brunion (?) used to read us a book all the time. I remember the spanish teacher chasing Ralph Keskey around the playground. The paddling we got from Mr. Degner. The Friday dances where I played ping pong and won so much they changed the rules where you can only keep playing for two games. Mr. Manion (principal) wanted to do alot more to punish me more than he did but didn't because Mr. Goode (V.P.) was a very good family friend so he always came in and saved me. I remember making Lake Dana after I jumped up and down on one of the drnking facets outside and busted the pipe and the water dept. had to shut off water to half of Holy Glen. It took more than five hours to fix and flooded everything. Used to get sent out to hall on purpose just to watch eight grader John Welch dunk a basketball during 8th grade lunch. Remember thinking Mrs Putnam was beautiful. Mr. Mack the shop teacher was great. His son was my coach and good friend Pat Mack. Mrs Clayton was sought of scary too. I was lucky living in Holy Glen because all the schools were across the street from where I lived. Carbrillo, Don SMith, Peter Burnett and Dana. ANyone out there went to Dana when I went (71-72) I remember our student council had to choose between a swimming pool or air conditioning. We voted for the a/c. Remember Dana Krimbow, Larry Cory, Keven Peterson, Jeff Louny. Mr Krimbow drove the school bus. Remember the class Olympics at Peter Burnett. I love remembering these things. Makes me feel so young. Dale, I'm driving.
Name: Glenn Oclassen
E-Mail: goclassen@aol.com
Class: 1960
Message: In response to Loretta Cuiper's inquiry about the Lighthouse at Hermosa Pier...I was a regular there with a few of my hoodlum friends from Bret Harte Jr High and Washington HS before I moved to Hawthorne. Used to go and listen to Howard Rumsey and his Lighthouse All Stars. A completely cool group which included Frank Rosselino who was a regular in the band on either Steve Allen or Johnny Carson. How the heck we got in to the Lighthouse mystifies me as we were only about 14 at the time. I vaguely remember that they served food as well as liquor so maybe it qualified as a restaurant. We would hitchhike down there from SW LA (Normandie and 110th St) and then do the same to get home at 2 AM. Its amazing that any of us survived but things were a bit more benign then.
Name: Harry Plotkin
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
Message: Bob Rierdan- Since you are somewhere in the neighborhood of 56 I don't think it would be disrespectful to use first names. Tom Hilvey, Wilma Estabrook, Art Margolese, (Gene Tucker, 8th grade), and I all started in Wiseburn in September of 1952. When Dana departmentalized in '59-'60 PE became a full period-not the 30 minutes it had been. Ray Clark went into the classroom and Wilma Estabrook became the girls counselor. Ray retired from Wiseburn in the mid seventies(?) and Wilma a couple of years later(?). Ray Clark passed away about a year ago.. After retirement he became the Recreational Director for the city of Industry. Wilma Estabrook lives in Redondo Beach and I see her one or more times a year. Nellie Diard moved to Phoenix, AZ in the mid fifties. I was in Phoenix in 1960 and telephoned her. She and her husband and son were fine. After my 1st year she helped me with lesson plans for our social studies units-Agriculture and The Petroleum Industry. Art Margolese, like Tom Helvey, started at Anza. Art became Principal of Anza and later Superintendent of Wiseburn. He retired around 1990 and lives in the Santa Rosa area. Tom Helvey retired in the late seventies. He is the campground greeter, docent at Big Sur and loves it. Jack Fitzgerald became vice principal at Dana and then Principal at Peter Burnett until he retired. Jack works at a golf course in the valley and is a consultant, a pro, a starter or all of the above. I see him on occasion. I was going to tell you the ages of the men but thought better of it. In 1956, your 8th grade year I was 31. On April 30th I became 74. Hope this was helpful. Harbor City Harry
John, can you believe 53 pages? I think I checked in on page 8 after the 10 year reunion. I hope before you go to sleep you are filled with warm fuzzies for all the pleasure you bring to so many people. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!
You know, Mr Plotkin, I'm filled with warm fuzzies, but it's from all the pleasure you and the rest of the Hawthornians bring to me. This is such and informative group. I think we could ask any question about Hawthorne now and someone in our forum would have the answer. Thank you for being out there too.
53 pages.... It's taking off Cougs.
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr
E-Mail: mhahlbeck@earthlink.net
Class: 75
Message: Just want to Shout out to sis Val welcome aboard
Cougartown! Now we just need Carmen Fischler to log on and we got all the four muskateers Swifty, Glo V, Val, and Carmen. Disco lives in the hearts of the four above mentioned
Next month, I will have more news about "Cougar Cruise 2000" to Mexico....IB Jodi Torgeson Alexander has worked miracles to arrange this event....stay tuned.
Hey Keith Jones...do ya have any recollections
about Hawthorne High please share : ) and you will not be allowed to pilot the cruise ship ie Titanic II
Lucky Lager still kicks butt for $3.00 bucks a 12 pack
Hang loose ya'll
Next month
Hi Dale and thanks for the info on Cruise 2000. I get emails asking about it all the time. Now Lucky Lager.....there's a brewski from the past. Anyone remember Country Club Stout Malt Liquor in the short cans?
Name: El Rojo
E-Mail: jakejude@aol.com
Class: 60/61
Message:From my wife, Judi Kiester, and myself, GOD BLESS DONNA! Donna graduated in the class of 61 with Judi and was such a fun part of our lives when growing up. We had alot of fun. If DONNA has to be the one, that this "WAKE" is for, then, "so be
it"! DONNA, heres a toast to a lovely lady from JAKE"N"JUDE, GOD BLESS YOUR
Name: Bob Rierdan
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: Mr. Plotkin - You seem to have a splendid memory of RH Dana and Hawthorne in the 1950's era - I have wondered about many of the teachers & staff who were at Dana during the '50's. I wonder if you could comment on any of these individuals: Mr. Clark (PE), Mrs. Estabrook (PE), Mr. Margolis (7th), Mrs. Diard (6th), Mr. Helvey (came over from Anza). I know that Mr. Fitzgarald was at the reunion last year; did he go into administration later in his career?
I remember Margie Jensen very well - I do remember the regard that she received aboard the buses in those days. I never saw her discipline a kid, she did not seem to have to, there was a deference that she received from students that was unspoken.
As you know, teachers seem ancient to young children. I have no good idea how old these teachers were when I knew them - they could have had another 30 years before retirement, for all I knew.
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Cindy, yes put the pics up of sis. Another class I liked was Film as Lit. I liked Photo too.
Name: Cindy Matthies
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Wasn't it Mrs. Adkins (Algebra) who used that little rubber dragon to make feetprints on our papers?
Hey Keith Jones, my little sister Michelle says she thinks you are remembering someone else. But I think your description of her fit well. Do you think she would kill me if I sent along a recent picture of her? (Thought I'd warn her in public cause she knows I'll do it!! Hey, it's my job as the big sister! Right Patty V.?)
Name: Linda Dietrich
E-Mail: Leonard-Linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
Message: Hey August, it was nice talking with you by e-mail, but if you want further contact with me do it here and not your wifes e-mail address.
Name: Harry Plotkin
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
Message: Karen and Jennie: I was so sorry to hear about your sister, Donna. Your mother was very supportive of you girls at school, PTA, and community functions. If possible give her my regards.
Ingrid, re Del Aire Community Bldg: My first year at Dana was 1952 - 53. One Friday in the spring of '53 principal Leonard Swenson asked the men teachers to help in the construction of the community bldg on Saturday. I showed up as did Jack Goode who lived in the district. My great contribution was installing the last plaster board at the peak of the western wall. The men in Del Aire deserve much credit for that undertaking. It was the main focal point for student activities until the Dana Cafetorium was built.
Love to all, hch
Name: Jerry Miles
E-Mail: jfmiles@pacbell.net
Class: 66
Message: Just a quick correction about Baby Huey's. It was on Crenshaw across the street and down the block from the Draft Board (anybody remember that place?). A few years after we graduated Fred Kaiman '66 rented it for a Halloween Party. I won't say what costume I wore but I'm glad there are no pictures.
Name: Michelle Drapeau
E-Mail: havnfun@qnet.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
Message: My favorite teacher was Karna Gotner, the Ceramics teacher. I remember her having a porsche also. I even got a potters wheel for Christmas my senior year, that's how much I liked it!! Of course Mr. Macha was a good teacher (mostly to look at) and Mr. Featherston too. I also took wood shop, there were only a few girls (if any besides me....oh what a bad memory I have) but Mr. Knight was soooo cute and I also learned to make a wall plant hanger, wow! No, it wasn't all about how cute the teachers were, but in case you were wondering who I thought were cute teachers....But my least favorite class was with Mr. Ferguson in his Issues & values class. I liked him, he was a good teacher, I remember him calling me Ali because I reminded him of Ali McGraw. We were all put in a circle with our desks and our whole grade depended on our class input, and that meant actually talking in front of everyone and sharing our ideas, yikes!!! I was shy and I didn't like talking in front of anybody because that would mean they'd actually have to look at me. Well needless to say, I got an F in that class.
Name: Karen Kusumi
E-Mail: karen.h.kusumi@boeing.com
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Hi Billine, How are you. By the looks of the pictures at the mini reunion, you are doing fine. It sure looks like you and everyone had a good time. Maybe more of us will make it to the next one. Hi John how are you this a.m.
Note:Good morning Karen, You sound chipper for a Thursday, this gorgeous morning in LA.
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: John, The site loads fine on my computer. At times it might be slow but thats expected. AOL has the reputation of being very slow. There's really not much you can do. I've been thinking about some teachers I really liked. Mr Macha (Aerospace History) was funny and his class was great, Mr Chichester, Coach Minami, Mrs Adkins in Business Machines was nice too. She always got mad at me for jamming the adding machines, she always had to call in a specialist to fix them. I was good at that. Mr. T, Mr. Allen, Mr. Reagan (sports History), I liked Mr. Key he was really a great principal. Mr. Nelson scared everyone because he always looked mad. Mrs Rael in the cafeteria, Mr Grahammer (german) he was nice but got upset at me when I caught the film projector on fire. Remember Mr Stuckers Porsche always got stolen. He had 3 or 4 of them while I was there. Was watching one of my favorites TV shows (Saved by the Bell) the other day and they were disecting frogs. I loved that when we got to do that. I can't remember the girls name but she was in front of me and she had real curly hair and I was putting some of the fatty odies from the frog in her hair and the guys around me were just busting up. It looked funney. But now that I have grown up I would never do something like that. It must have been my childish side coming out. I can't remember her name either but the Home Ec teacher was nice. Remember our little weight room we had at HHS. Remember baseball practice and football and all the guys waiting for Lori Wilson to walked by on the way home. Memories....
Note:Hi Keith, Thanks for the info on the site loading problem. From what I'm getting back so far it's 100% AOL people.
Now as far as a weight room goes. I don't know what you had in the mid 70's, but we had 5 pound coffee cans filled with cement and stuck on each end of a 1 inch diameter pipe. And our weight room......... it was outside next to the handball court. Fun memories Keith. Thanks
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
Message: It's been brought up by a few people that the site is hard to get onto, and that it's very sluggish. It also happens to be all AOL people. Do any of you notice the site being slower than normal? Are you an AOL person? Please E-mail me if you're having problems. Thank you
Name: Glenn Oclassen
E-Mail: goclassen@aol.com
Class: 1960
Message: Terrific site. I built a website a few years ago and know how tough it is to build, and particularly to maintain. Congratulations.
Anybody from 1960 have any info on Bobby Hunter. Hello to Cal Kappen.
Note:Hi Glenn, I think Judy Barnwell Hunter was married to Bob Hunter. You might check with her on Bob's whereabouts. Her email address is on the Alumni list. Thanks for the praise too Glenn. I know what you mean about the maintenance, but I don't see the site as any trouble. This is where I see my friends everyday. Just enjoy the site.
Name: David Barboza
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 1974
Message: Cathy (Koerner) Porter
How have you been. Haven't seen you since the 10 year. Still live in Sac.? I was going to send you an e-mail but didn't want you to go into shock. So now you have my e-mail address and would like to hear from you. I am sure there is a certain girlfriend that lives in North Carolina who probably wouldn't mind hearing from you either. You know J.B. LET ME KNOW ok. See Ya.
Name: David Barboza
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 1974
Message: To all the class of 74 who might remember me, HI. I would really enjoy hearing from you and find out how and what everyone is doing. Even if it is to tell me to get lost drop me a line at least I'll know your still around. Stay Happy.
David Barboza
Name: Alan Nelson
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: We had all be careful with what we post in here, lest we all fall victim to the "MSG", like his (her?) latest victim Cathy Koerner. Nice pic, Cathy.
Note:Yes Alan, it's Cathy Koerner. At least that's what the **MSG** said. Anyone know about this special language thing?
Name: George Rea
E-Mail: george.rea@taec.toshiba.com
Class: 62
Message: Great job! Great memories !
Melodee (class of '64) and I are doing fine..Moved two years ago....still in Huntington Beach.
6511 Morningside Dr.
Huntington Beach, Ca. 92648
714 536-4878
Just had dinner with John Mitchell who is doing great at Leuzinger...The Hibachi in Manhattan Beach is going out of business..one last meal.
Bob Bunim is in Vegas...
Regards, George
Note:Hi George, Glad you found the site. It's always nice to add an early 60's person. Please go to the Alumni List and add Melodee and yourself to the list so others can find you. Enjoy the site. John B
Name: Billine Flynn
E-Mail: billine123@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 66
Message: Hi John, The two dance places I had thought about were the Flying Jib (I think somewhere near the beach, maybe Redondo) and Baby Hueys on Hawthorne Blvd. Somehow this part of my previous feedback was left off. The fingers must be getting senile. I remember going to these two places sometime around 66-67. I remember the strobe light going around and around at the Flying Jib. Hey, I'm still thinking that a reunion somewhere near the beach this summer would be a great idea and if there's one in Hawaii you can count me in!!!! Let me know if the reunion committee needs any help, what do you say Patti, Frank. I really enjoyed the one in Las Vegas and I know how much time it takes to plan and implement something like this. Oh! My! God! John, you had to dig up that senior picture didn't you?
Note:Hi Billine, Great memories too. Baby Hueys rings a bell. Wasn't that on the east side of Hawthorne Bl. in Lawndale?
It might be a little too late for a summer beach party in Hawaii this year, but we might get it going for Playa del Rey. Another Cougar mentioned going to HHS's Homecoming game this next year. That might be a fun Friday/Saturday night. Anyone else have an idea for a mini-reunion?
Name: Ricki
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: I've begun looking through some old photos, thanks to this site. Sometimes it seems as though so many people have come aboard, but as I look at my old "El Molinos" and memorabilia, I realize the hundreds that haven't. I think that we probably have some "lurkers" though and I sure wish that they would chime in. Bob Rierdan, I didn't know you in high school, but we graduated together and I feel like I know you now. I think that our class was a great one. I know that lunch in senior square everyday was like a picnic. We were a large group that pretty much stayed together through El Camino. Jim Hespe, Don and Connie DeWald, Carol Moody('62), Sharon Pedrino, Doreen Schaefer, Larry Keating, Gary Johnson, Andy Sajo, Carol Erickson, Jeanne Houck, Joy Çavanagh, Bill Perry, Harvey Mandlin, Ken Becker, Wally and Sandy Lindstruth, Colleen Horne... a lot of us went through scouting together. Holly Glen had a lot going for it Keith, but so did the other side of town. Train tracks made no difference to Cougars. I think that we all blended together very well. I don't remember race, color or creed getting in our way. It was a good, safe place to be. Kids still need it, too many parents want to be their kid's pals instead of their parents.
Don't mean to get preachy but Littleton did get me down. The school where I teach must be an island on to itself. It's great. Mike Shay, you'ld be surprised to see what Mayfair has accomplished since your boys attended. This year alone we were named one of California's Distinguished Schools, CIF champions in both Football and Basketball. And, with pride, I say that the Academy of Animation and Digital Art opened its doors too. I have the pleasure of heading it. The other teachers with whom I work are awesome.
Come on Cougars from the early sixties...what are you doing? Don't tell me that you aren't computer literate. We're entering a new century. I love hearing from Jorge Llaves. I never had the pleasure of meeting you but Roberta Burket has been my pal since we were freshmen at HHS and she says you're terrific. Clayton Williams, a dear friend, says the same. I value their friendship and I trust their judgement. Oh yeah, my mom rode in an auto with you once and she agrees. If you get an okay from her, you must be something. Anyway, I love your posts. Yours too, Keith Jones. I guess you know my little sister Gloria.
I guess I've said enough...one more thing: Everyone with whom I have shared this site wishes that someone from their high school would do the same. It's wonderful to be able to share memories with those with whom we spent the best years of our lives. "Megadittos John."
Note:Hi Ricki, Thank you too for being such a big part of this website. I can echo the George K statements. I saw him on Saturday at the car show, and we had a great little talk. I've met him twice in my life now and, George, you are a stand up guy. I know why you were such a productive leader at HHS. George has a wild looking Sportster too Ricki. George, instead of a car ride, maybe you could give Ricki's mom a ride on the Harley. I met your mother in LV Ricki and now know why the Valencia's are such a proud and respected family. These are the parents that are needed today. OK OK.....someone help ME down off MY soapbox. That's enough....
Thank you Ricki for being a wonderful role model to your students. I'm sure it has lots to do with your parents and your teachers.
Name: pauline matthew
E-Mail: sockser@hotmail.com
Maiden: spencer
Class: 1969
Message: Is there any cougars from the class of 69 out there. If so please e-mail me at sockser@hotmail.com. I would like to hear from any one from my class.
Note:Hi Pauline, Ready for another Reunion?? I know there're bunches of 69 people that remember you. Hey Cougars, give Pauline a shout. That's what this site is all about. Thanks Pauline.
Name: Billine Flynn
E-Mail: billine123@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 66
Message: John, Just thought of a couple of dance places that Karen (Hare), Chuck Currie and a few of those other dancing fools may remember. Personally, I just looked foolish dancing. By the time I would learn one dance everyone else was off on another....I was in Huntington Beach a couple of weeks ago at the Surf Museum listening to my nephews band play. It's a neat place to go see some of the old surf stuff. I noticed that they had a tribute or get together a while back for the old Rendezvous Ballroom. Will let you guys know if the band comes back down here to play again. Karen, I was sorry to read that your sister Donna passed away. My thoughts are with you.
Note:Hi Billine, Yes, the Rendezvous Ballroom. I think Art Lubow used to do his show from there. Also El Monte Legion Stadium was very big in the early 60's. Thanks Billine and if you ever get a chance to dance with me.......DON'T DO IT!!! Unless you're wearing Army boots. :o)
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