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Back to the 50's once more with The Gallahads.
Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 10:15:33
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 23:00:43
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 22:06:08
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 21:08:03
Name: John Baker
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 19:01:46
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 18:15:44
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 16:59:14
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 16:16:20
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 14:55:52
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 14:20:11
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 12:50:05
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 10:48:30
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 09:28:37
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 08:33:47
Sunday, May 2, 1999 at 17:25:23
Sunday, May 2, 1999 at 15:37:06
Sunday, May 2, 1999 at 12:54:27
Sunday, May 2, 1999 at 11:15:34
Sunday, May 2, 1999 at 01:48:55
Sunday, May 2, 1999 at 01:38:55
Sunday, May 2, 1999 at 01:29:59
Sunday, May 2, 1999 at 01:14:41
Name: John Baker
Name: Pam Betraun
E-Mail: pbetraun@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: Tony, Sorry you could not make the reunions. I was on drill team with Kathy and Becky. Kathy passed away after the 10 yr. reuion. We were sorry to hear of it also. What I heard is that Kathy had a brain tumor. She left a husband and 4 kids.
Becky was at the 20 yr. reunion she looks great!
As for Joe Clayton I have known him since 3rd grade. He came to the 10yr reunion but was not there at the 20yr.
There are not too many from the class of 78 in here. Where is everyone??????
Note:Hi Pam, Individuals in some classes are just a little tougher to find than others. All of the classes might take a lesson from the class of 71. They were lagging for a bit until Carl Tank, Jan Chauncey Norton and others got involved in personally contacting their class members. The class of 71 has about 10 percent of their people on the email list. It just takes a little push and people will tell other people. Lots of these people have Internet access, they just need to be notified.
Name: Michelle Drapeau
E-Mail: havnfun@qnet.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
Message: Wow! I like your memory of me (some would laugh). You're right on the dark hair part! Kurt Morlock name is familiar! And yes, you are who I thought you were! It's great reading all your input! You've had an.....I mean you're HAVING an interesting and busy life! That's great!! I went to my 20th reunion and had a great time, but this is really fun catching up on so much more and with so many more people! I've been telling as many people as I can think of, that went to HHS to check it out! My sister graduated in 76 and even though we talk all the time, we are soooo enjoying all this!!
Note:Hi Michelle and thanks for finding the website. I'm glad you're having a great time here too. That's what it's all about. Thanks too for spreading the word. Our goal here is to find all Cougars. We are definitely on our way....
Name: David Gonzales
E-Mail: Horus2@msn.com
Class: 1976
Message: Thanks for taking the time to develop this web page the Alma Mater song was really cool. So lets all hail and cheer Hawthorne High !!!!!!
Note:Hi David, Glad you found your youth here and enjoy the site.
Name: Loretta Cuiper
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: I remember that earthquake very well. It wasn't the late 60's, it was Feb 9th, 1971, our daughter was 2 weeks old and the 9th was my Mother-in-Laws birthday and we blamed her for the quake. Our poor neighbor was giving birth that day too. It was not her best experience at that moment. All did turn out well.
John, there still are little fruit/veggie stands along Crenshaw going up towards PV. Saw one this Sunday, selling Strawberries.
Also wanted to say it was good to see some old/new friends at the 1st HHS car/motorcycle show, it was on the small scale, but I think next year should be bigger. It was a fun Saturday, thanks for a good time with good friends, also, Larry was enjoying seeing all of you too.
Note:Hi Loretta, It was good seeing you and Larry too. Along with Joyce, Mike, Bob, Chris, Gary, Miki, Bob again, and Jorge. I thoroughly enjoyed being with all of you for the day. You people are my roots.
Class: 62
Message: Here we go again. Another photo from ***MSG***. It seems the Mad Scanner also knows that this one and her sisters had some kind of special language?? This is getting eerie.
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Michelle, I recognized your name too. I was the original co-star in Over The Top with Stallone but due to his wife butting in the casting she felt I didn't fit the look they wanted. Ended up on the cutting room floor. But did appear in Dynasty, Knotts Landing, General Hospital, and did about 30 commercials. The only movie I did that you can recognize me in is Dangerous Vurves with Leslie Nielson (at the video stores). I grew up on 137st in Holy Glen. Played Middle League baseball at Holy Glen. I keep imagining you having dark hair, very very nice body, and very good looking and kind of short. Is that you. I hung around (or they hung around me) Kurt Morlock, Graig Kukuk, Carl Cline, Donald Dye, Art Degirmen. I live in Vegas now and Canyon Lake part time. I was the catcher on the HHS team. Can't believe you can't remember me.
Name: Jerrey Weiss
E-Mail: Cantorjw@Yahoo.com
Class: 70
Message: I went to Hawthorne for a few yrs in the late 60's early 70's.
I was wondering if anyone knew what happened to a Blond girl name of Judy Noll. She was 2 yrs older than I so if you find me look ahead in the yearbook probably 2 yrs and you'll find her.
Thanks Cantorjw@Yahoo.com
Name: Michelle Drapeau
E-Mail: havnfun@qnet.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
Message: Keith Jones - Now I know who you are (I think). It came to me when you said arm wrestler. Weren't you an extra in a movie? I'm sure you don't remember me, I hung around with Lynn McGuyre, Jeri Rich, Donna Ricks, Therese Frye, Teri Fergal (ring a bell?). I can't help but try to put a face to some of the names. Our groups were mixed by year so I remember names from 76 - 79, ya know? This is where having an online yearbook can help refresh our memories without going in the attic, eh? List some other names you hung around, I'm sure you're who I think you are!
Name: Cathy Porter
E-Mail: cporter@jps.net
Maiden: Koerner
Class: 1974
Message: Hello to Kathy Nix, Betty Wright and Ingrid Larsen. It's nice to be remembered. Your memory is definitely better than mine, but luckily I do remember each of you. Kathy, I remember how hard
it is sharing your name, but luckily, it did work
out. What are you up to these days? I remember you too, Betty, drill team and an incredible bridal shower I will never forget. I learned things at your bridal shower that I never knew. It almost makes me blush to remember!!! I also remember Ingrid quite well, but I can't say exactly how or when we knew one another. Sorry. I guess you'll just have to remind me. I've seen some other names that I remember from good ol' HHS so maybe I'll hear from you too. My memory seems to be getting better as I read some of these wonderful memories being shared, I've really enjoyed "living in the past" if even for a moment.
Take care.
Name: Delia Garza
E-Mail: delia.garza@usa.net
Maiden: Yawnick
Class: 86
Message: Angelia,
Yes... I do actually remember you.... It sometimes takes me awhile to fit a face with a name tho....
How have you been? Hope you are doing well! It's great to see another '86er here.... now if we could only find the rest......
Name: Amanda Schuvie
E-Mail: amanda.g.schuvie@marshmc.com
Maiden: Macko
Class: 79
Message: I've been checking in on this site every week or so since finding this wonderful place. There's always something new (actually old) to find in the feedback. The Helms Bakeryman, his truck, the big "T", Cabrillo School Carnival on St. Patricks Day weekend and that imfamous cakewalk in the bike cage. Also remember the Tornado and hey what about that big earthquake back in 1967-68. My sister, Pam (class of '70..but we moved, so she graduated on the East Coast), she was on a ladder painting the gutters on our garage when that big one hit and almost threw her off the ladder? Anyone else remember that earthquake?
Exciting news! I just had dinner with HHS former band director Alex DeLaO, who came down to hear the Pops Concert Band I performed with in San Diego. He looks great and is doing well. Runs a school fundraising company which he caters only to high school and jr high bands and choirs in Southern California (these bands even ask him to help them with their bands). Along with his company, he is on several adjudicating boards so he judges bands at festivals and band competitions, lectures at UCLA, USC, etc., runs band clinics, directs honor bands, you name it...the man is IN DEMAND and he's still GOT IT! Says he reaches more students this way than he ever did working as a music teacher for one school. He lives in Placentia, CA..not on the web yet, but I'm working on him...hopefully he'll be up and running this summer. His wife holds a birthday bash for him every July - usually have 80 or more folks come - most are former students - many from HHS! Anyone interested in seeing Mr. D this July 10th, send me an e-mail me and I'll put you on the attendee list.
Name: Tony Frink
E-Mail: tfrink@spacestar.net
Class: 1978
Message: Having moved back here to God's country in north-central Minnesota in 1987 (just outside the Fargo/Moorhead area), I was unable to attend my class' 10 and 20 year reunions. However, I sent away for the photo album that was printed following each reunion. Just received the book on our 20 year reunion that was held last September, and was very saddened to read that Kathy Cole had passed away. She was a wonderful lady and good friend. We fell out of touch when I moved away to attend Cal Poly Pomona in 1980. Without the help of Kathy, Becky Ng, and Scott Brown, I would have never made it through calculus our senior year in Mr. Ashley's Honors Math IV class, nor Mr. Levine's Physics class. We all spent many late nights on the phone with one another trying to figure out our homework assignments. Do any '78 Coug's know what happened with Kathy? Becky - are you out there? I'm also looking to track down Joe Clayton. Anyone know where he's keeping himself these days?
Really enjoy the web site. Does anyone remember the old Farmer's Market that used to be on Imperial Highway back in the late '60's (I may be mistaken, but I think it was around Imperial and Prarie)? My mom always shopped there. They had wood-shavings on the floor, and always had the freshest produce. I enjoyed the recent stories on the old KiddyLand that was on Hawthorne Blvd. My folks took us there all the time when I was a little kid back in the '60's. Our other favorite family attraction was the old Marineland up in Palos Verdes. You could always buy the best salt-water taffy from those little roadside stands that were outside the park.
Note:Tony, That store where your family shopped was Imperial Farms on the Southwest corner of Imperial and Prairie. A great old market.
I know there's still a roadside stand or two set up along Palos Verdes Drive, but I'm not sure it's taffy. Sounds good though.....I will check
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been jones
Class: 76
Message: I remember Ole Milkelson. He lived right behind me in Holy Glen. We used to have to pick up our dogs pupu. I used to throw our dogs pupu in his backyard and then the next week he would throw his dogs pupu in ours. Then we decided to start throwing to our other neighbors on either side of us. It was fun. The people that lived next to him didn't know any better and would always just think their dog must have had diarhea. Of course that was when I was younger and didn't know any better and anyway I don't have a dog now. Long story uh? But he did go on to play pro soccer and never saw him again. Holy Glen had probably the most athletes in one concentrated area in Hawthorne. Gary Alison played with the Boston Red Sox, Mike Colbern played with the White Sox and won amateur athlete of the year at Arizona State, His bro Greg is a pro bowler, I played a little baseball and was a pro arm wrestler (World Champion), Mike Scott played with the Houston Astros and was a Cy Young award winner, Wayne Bryan is a pro tennis player, Mark Blackwell is a pro moto-x rider, Mark Lee was the San Diego Padres #1 relief pitcher a couple of years, Ole played pro soccer, Richard Hawkes rode for Suzuki factory, I can't remember the name but he raced at Indy (lived around 141st). Those are just the ones I remember. Another Holy Glen retrospect... One more...I was in love with Candace Pakes
Name: Jay Fernandez
E-Mail: fernandez.jay@mayo.edu
Class: 76
Message: Hey all - I work at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and was surprized to be looked up by a patient and former Coug. I'll respect her privacy, but during the course of things it worked out so that we are planning a mini reunion this June 19 in Valencia. Some people who are claiming to show up will be Dennis Kilroy, Dave Maisonneuve, Bill Denney and Leslie Van Sloten and their families. If there are others from this era that would care to join us, drop me an e-mail and I'll give you the details. BTW - Does anyone know what happened to Steve "Ole" Mickelson? I know he went on to play soccer at UCLA then I believe played pro soccer with the Seattle Sounders. Lost track of him after that. And my .02 on Mom and Pops. I remember Capri on 132 and Inglewood. My dad knew the owner, so I was sent to get beer for my Dad all the time. After a while, it got so I could buy for myself and friends too without any hassel. Oh well, that was many moons ago.
Note:Hi Jay, That sounds great. We've got to keep these old Cougs together, no matter what part of the country they're in. Let me know the particulars and I'll put a blurb on the Reunions page. Thanks Jay
Name: Dewey Storie
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Class: 74
Message: Well gee Sue maybe the Green Phantom and the Mad Scanner is one and the same!
Name: Alex Galindo
E-Mail: galindo7@juno.com
Class: 71
Message: Are there any followers of Y'shua of Nazereth?
Any brothers or sisters who love the Lord have any praises to report? e-mail me!
Love to hear from you.
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Aaaaahhhh! That picture!! That was a silly pic taken by Jeff Roy -(our campus photographer for EVERYTHING) one day when we were all teasing each other.....and THEN it ends up in the yearbook!! And my own sister-in-law to be, Michelle BuGuy was on yearbook staff and allowed it!! Man, I was hoping to avoid this kind of thing.... : ) Alright John, there's BIG $$$ in it for you if you give me the name of the mad scanner....my SISTER is a suspect - and of course those V girls...and HOW could Keith and Dewey recognize that??? Nice crack Dewey! Am sending John a couple of pix of Konnie and her two kids, Zoe and Zak whom many will remember - the kids were 10 and 4 when we were in school - they are NOW 35 and 29! Konnie however, has NOT aged a bit.....(Nor have I....)
Note:Hi Sue, I'm sorry but not even I know the true identity of "Mad Scanner Guy". All I know is the pictures show up, and I'm commanded to put them on the Feedback Page. The only clue that it's the "Mad Scanner Guy" is the initials he leaves on the bottom of each email They look something like this ***"MSG"***. You know..... that could very well stand for "Mad Scanner Girl" too. Or maybe Martha Stewart's Garden.......mono sodium glutomate?? ...MicroSoft Gates??? Or maybe........
Name: Gary Miller
E-Mail: Garyatsfo@webtv.net
Class: 64-65
Message:Wondering about old classmates, anyone know where any of these people are? John Tanaka, Loretta Langtry, Barbara Kazik, Ricky Mott, Marty Hunter, Donna Eide, Lee Kiker, Donna Geddes, Barbara Quartermus, Roy Webber, John Taylor, Ramona and Roxanne Rickers, Butch Savoy, Eleanor Corbell? Anyone live on or know someone who lived on Ramona 118th-120th around the mid fifties, like Pat Kavanaugh, a girl last name Reading, Lee Ann Nixon etc?
Anyone recall "Winnie The Whale", with the detachable tail at Ocean Aquarium In Hermosa Beach?
Name: Dewey Storie
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Class: 74
Message: But I wonder if Sue had those glasses permanently implanted. If you look at the pictures of the V & B-girls mini reunion she still has them on her head!
Name: Jim Fox
E-Mail: puffup@soca.com
Class: 1966
Message: To Gary Miller... I can't recall exact dates (oldtimer's disease) but here are some rough answers to your questions: The helicopter crashed while I was in the 8th grade around 1962; the Cockatoo went up in the very late 50s; and the Food Giant burned in about 1961. My most vivid memory of that fire was standing in the rear parking lot and watching the aerosol cans launch from inside the burning building straight into the sky.
Note:Thanks Jim, Yes, Bob Rierdan (HHS61) had confirmed that the Cockatoo had burned in 1958. I failed to add that to this forum. Sorry Bob.
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: It's Susie Bierman.
Note:Yes, It's that infamous "B" girl from the early 70's Sue Bierman. Very nice picture Sue.
Name: Karen Kusumi
E-Mail: karen.h.kusumi@boeing.com
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Bob, Thank you for sharing some of your memories of Donna and for the cute picture.
Name: Hardy Hess
Class: 66
Message: Reading all this stuff really jogs my memory, what's left of it. It sure would be nice to put faces to all the names. I am in dire need of yearbooks. When my father passed away 10 years ago someone broke into his house on Acacia and stole a bunch of stuff we had packed for moving. There was a box of papers and non-valuables there containing my El Molinos. They took that too. Sad part is they probably ended up in the trash somewhere.
If anyone has any extra yearbooks (years 63-66) they would part with or know where they can be obtained, please e-mail me at (been removed by request). Thanks.
Class: 62
Message: This picture is from Chris Prewitt HHS67 and is our old buddy Harbie. I know we haven't talked about him in a while, but here he is. Better late than.....well you know. Thanks Chris
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