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El Rojo, THIS is the one I want to know if you remember. Jesse Belvin
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Wednesday, July 3, 2002 at 09:26:00
E-Mail: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: I'll buy a brick. What a great idea!
Another idea is to paint tiles, have them fired, then make a mosaic on a wall with them. This is usually offered for the little ones but we big kids might enjoy it too. The only problem is, it would involve everyone actually showing up at the same time.
Maybe we could tie it to Cruise Night, the Hawthorne Fair, Homecoming, Pinks,
"IT" being the sale of bricks? I better talk to someone FIRST, as we might be getting way ahead of ourselves. Great idea though.....
Name: hhs alum () on Wednesday, July 3, 2002 at 08:24:30
E-Mail: none
City and State: la-la land
Class: 69
Message: the eyes this time are Carl Wilson's...lead guitar/vocals....but what was the name of his band?
Guitar player, YES.....Carl Wilson, NO....
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Wednesday, July 3, 2002 at 06:38:53
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: "selling" engraved bricks is a pretty popular thing. They even do a version of it at the Disney Parks. I'd be willing to "buy a brick" for HHS. Glad to hear the the present administrators at HHS are mindful of the short, yet rich history of the school.
I will talk with the school officials and see if they'd be receptive to the idea. We could buy bricks for individual students; classes; particular groups (Diaconians 1975, Knights 1966, etc) or in memory of "Big Mac" 1974. It would add history and reverance to the new Senior Square.
Name: Greg Jones () on Wednesday, July 3, 2002 at 02:44:19
E-Mail: gjones1052@aol.com
City and State: Hawthorne,CA
Class: 1973
Message: Okay, I'm a day late and a dollar short on the Cougar question! Anyways, how 'bout those ANGELS? (Not a Dodger fan at all. By the way, I have an in at getting group discounts to Angel games if anyone's interested).
Not a DODGER FAN!! Greg, you grew up in Hawthorne. How can you not be a Dodger fan?
I like the Halos too.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, July 3, 2002 at 02:34:43
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
City and State: Honolulu, HI
Class: 76
Message: I've bought a brick from someone sometime I just can't remember. It is a great idea. They use them as fundraisers. I have included a link to a place that does it and you can see what it looks like. We could raise alot of money for the school. Go to http://www.donorbricks.com/showcase.htm and see a sample. Can you believe they interrupted Spy Tv here in Hawaii for a Hurricane awareness special so we can prepare for a hurricane if it comes. Where is the priority here. Aloha
Thanks Keith, we'll look into it.
Name: Greg Jones () on Wednesday, July 3, 2002 at 02:31:10
E-Mail: gjones1052@aol.com
City and State: HAwthorne, CA
Class: 1973
Message: NAme the Cougar: Homecoming Queen Tracy Flynn, class of '73
Hi Greg, No, see THAT one has already been answered. You have to name the set of eyes, then when you do, I put the picture up. Tracy has already been guessed by Sue Bierman King.
Name: Ken () on Wednesday, July 3, 2002 at 00:17:33
E-Mail: keninsocal@cox.net
City and State: San Clemente, CA
Maiden: Green
Class: 69
Message: I received a very suspect email from another Cougartown participant. The subject was "A very good tool", and 2 files were attached. A *.scr file and a *.txt.
I know that some viruses create false sender addresses, so I think that may be what this is. But my Norton anti-virus didn't fire off an alarm???
It's the KLEZ virus. Believe me, I've seen this one over 1000 times......I guarantee it. Erase it NOW and have your Norton upgraded.
Name: Danny J (my hip hop name) () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 23:19:53
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
City and State: Sherman Oaks, CA
Class: 77
Message: Hey, I've got a seat in Nyman Hall, so a Which One's Pink? brick for senior square is a no-brainer. Gloria, thanks for rushing to my defense at the hands of the chameleon Mr. Baker. I know the name of my freshman English teacher -- she loved it when I used quotes from Queen for our charades competitions with the sophomores ("dynamite with a laser beam")
Yeah I guess Roberta was a "Killer Queen" as a teacher, but was just another classmate to me.
The Chameleon Mr. B.....MY Hip Hop name....
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 22:02:37
E-Mail: ct_helpdesk@yahoo.com
City and State: San Pedro, CA
Maiden: Nix
Class: 1974
Message: Alan Nelson, what a great idea! I'd also be willing to buy a brick or two for Senior Square Park.... All in All we're just another brick in the walk....(sorry Dan, couldn't resist).
Glad someone beat Dan to that one. I was going to use it but it was entirely TOO EZ!!!
I was thinking maybe we could dis-assemble the current brickwork in Senior Square and use those bricks for the engraved bricks in the new Senior Square.
Name: Gloria () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 21:22:34
E-Mail: Gpork3@aol.com
City and State: Las Vegas
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 76
Message: Thanks, Mr. Baker! The homecoming queen is Tracy(?) Flynn? The eyes, are they V1??? Looks, like Ricki to me. But what does me know? I gradeeadet in the 70s! XXXgOOO
Name: ERNIE SAMEGA () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 21:06:32
E-Mail: n one
Class: 68
OK OK if you don't have something to say please say it to yourself. Or is that a guess for the eyes? No, it's not Jim, but a better dart player, there wasn't.
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 20:37:01
E-Mail: AMERICA.....
City and State: From Sea to....
Maiden: Shining Sea.
Class: '72
Message: JB...I think a Cougar's Night at Dodger Stadium is a GREAT idea! I can see it now~one great big tailgate party!
I'll even bring some of my famous pasta. I think we have a bottle or two of John's Grappa around here somewhere as well. What do ya say? LET'S PARTY! WOOOHOOO :-)
OK Enza, you just volunteered to set it up, so get to it, and thanks......
Name: Gloria () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 19:49:56
E-Mail: Gpork3@aol.com
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 76
Message: I beg to differ with you Mr. Baker. Regarding Danny J's feedback... I believe Ms.Burket was a freshman English teacher at HHS. I knew it was she in the photo, from the start. I thought it would have been guessed much sooner or I would have written in. Jill thought it was me, but she was one "V" off... Roberta is an honorary "V7"!!!
Name: Sue King () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 19:10:58
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Hey Kathleen Nix Griffin - you go girl! Now the B's are pretty fond of Wayne Dickey but the crack about "children" from the class of 74 not understanding Vietnam or having any sense of proximity to it was just too much to take. I, for one, have a brother, just 3 years older than I who was holding a draft number that came up right when it was stopped. The fear of losing our very own, much less the deep sorrow we witnessed each night, right along with the rest of you, on the nightly news, put us in the middle of the fray. I am sure that my stand against the war was so much more directed toward hating war itself and the terrible waste of human life. It was noted that the "Moving Vietnam Wall" is somewhere in the southland this week. Take the time to go by and be sure to take a list of the Hawthorne soldiers whose names you can find there. You can also volunteer your time helping to man the computer search center, assist visitors in finding names and making "tracings." To this day, my eyes tear and the lump returns to my throat when I recall the turbulence and loss of those days. As for memorial bricks, yes, they are done. I actually own a couple of them in the Civic Arts Plaza here in town. Very special they are....and those cute mystery eyes sure look like the sparkling ones of Tracy Flynn, class of 73 -- and she had a smile to match.
How right you are Sue. Thanks for sharing.....
Name: Stephen Colet () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 19:03:07
E-Mail: StephenColet7@aol.com
City and State: Castaic, Ca.
Class: 68
Message: Ernie Samega rules!
Name: Denny () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 18:19:56
E-Mail: unfried@attbi.com
City and State: Del Aire
Class: DoubleNickels
Message: All you Cougs can go watch the Dodgers but I will hang around Philippe's French Dip Deli. Was on jury duty Downtown on a long case that lasted two months and spent many lunch hours at that place. Yum!!!
Instead of a Pinks run.....maybe.
Name: Dawn Moffett () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 17:59:47
E-Mail: dmoffett@clunet.edu
City and State: Simi Valley, CA
Maiden: Koch
Class: 78
Message: It has been forever since I've had a chance to visit CT. I think I have a really neat story that might lighten the feedback. It's getting a little dated but it's still a great story. Last October my then 8 year-old daughter wanted to write to George Harrison. She drew a picture and wrote something which she sealed up in an envelope for me to send. I included a note to him to explain why this 8 year-old was writing and that my sister-in-law had graduated with Olivia, his wife. We all know the sad story that George passed away in November but on December 31st my daughter received a letter from Olivia.
The letter was dated Dec. 19th, just three weeks after George's passing and to my surprise Olivia had been a close friend of my sister-in-law's. The letter mentioned her and some of the things they did when they were at HHS. Olivia mentioned George's passing and thanked my daughter for her prayers and letter. The letter has become a real treasure for my daughter and I guess the moral of the story is that Olivia Harrison is an amazing person to take the time to write a little girl during such a tragic time in her life. What a great person she is. Just thought I'd pass along that little Cougar related story.
Have a great Fourth of July and be safe!
Great story Dawn, and thanks for sharing with us.
I remember her brother Ronnie Arias HHS60 had a cool Packard with the name "El Dillinger" painted on the side by, our own T-shirt artist, Alan Hauge. That's as close as I get to the famous people.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 17:58:11
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
City and State: Sherman Oaks, CA
Class: 77
Message: French Dip = Phillipe's. Mystery Cougar looks a lot like my Freshman English teacher. EJ's band is playing at the Cat Club tonight (next door to the Whisky).
Thanks Dan, No, not a freshman english teacher.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 17:54:46
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: John, Talking about historical plaques and Senior Square; What happened to the tomb stone that the class of 1965 had installed there? Has anyone heard anything from or about Billy The Ghost resently? I have been looking at Cougartown from the outside world (search for Cougartown) and one of the things that comes up most often is the '60s slang. Does anyone else have any words or phrases that are not listed? 26 rules!
The historical plaque is still there and will be moved to the new senior square. This is something I like about the present administration. They respect the history of HHS. They also are looking into having past classes donate plaques for their years and add them to the new senior square. Another example is they want to replace the present marquis on El Segundo which was donated by the class of 68, so they want to spruce up the present one, relocate it, and use it for a message board somewhere on campus. This is something that would have been torn down and junked in the past. Lots of fresh ideas now.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 17:46:59
E-Mail: anelson@rraz.net
City and State: Parker, Az
Class: '73
Message: On the subject of the new Senior Square (Park?) How about if we approach the school about selling "bricks" with names and graduating year engraved on them? Have a section, a path, or maybe the whole thing, paved with these bricks. I'd be willing to pay $25 bucks or so to help the school maintain a bit of tradition. Any extra funds could go to the school for other projects. How about it Cougs?
Interesting idea Alan, I've never seen engraved bricks before. Is that actually done?
Name: Penny Prouty () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 17:12:07
E-Mail: penny_prouty@usw.salvationarmy.org
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Prouty
Class: '62
Message: In answer to Jill's question about the place close to Union Station......Philippe's (not sure how it's spelled).......I was just there a few weeks ago! Still great food and still popular, as ever!
Hi Penny, Haven't heard from you in awhile and glad you're still out there. Hope you're planning on coming to our reunion too.
Name: Tim Helble () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 17:04:33
E-Mail: TKHelble@netscape.net
City and State: Columbia, MD
Class: 73
Message: I enjoy reading the political views of Cougars in feedback. I'm somewhat reluctant to dive into the fray, as I know other people's political opinions are deep seated and almost never change. Our political views are shaped by so many things -- our political socialization (i.e., the views instilled in us by our parents), our personal experience, our opinions of how right vs. wrong is determined, race, religious background, whether we fall more on the side of personal responsibility or the "it takes a village" approach -- I could go on and on. I will say that watching Viet Nam on T.V. and actually being there are two very different things. Also, I sincerely believe there are things Bush, Ashcroft, Ridge, and company have recently done that have saved our skin and we'll never know the details. I hope most of the feedback falls into the HHS and Hawthorne memories category. More later.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 16:36:19
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Cougartown night at Chavez Ravine, sounds like fun! What is the name of the French dip place near Union Station?
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 15:54:14
E-Mail: john@cougartown.com
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 1962
Message:I just got back from Hawthorne this minute. First, I went to get a haircut at JERRY'S BARBER SHOP (that should maybe get me 10% off my next one), and who was sitting in the chair next to me but Coach Otto Plum. We talked about the old days and he promised to send us some stories and anecdotes from his days at HHS. BTW, he's still coaching football, and is at Gardena High now.
After that, I was feeling lucky so I swung by HHS and met the new Associate Principal, Mr Vince Bravo (no relation to Alex Bravo). He informed me that the ground breaking for the new Cafeteria will be November, Senior Square will be moved, but not exactly sure where, but it looks like it will be between the Science building and the shop buildings. It will be more like a park setting than a square. Other things in the works are the addition of a few new buildings, some are up now, and the razing of the boys locker room this week to make way for a new locker room for the boys and girls (I'm sure they will have a sheet up or something). He likes the idea of this alumni association and says it instills a sense of pride and history in the present student body. All in all, I came away feeling like HHS is on the way back rather than heading down the tubes. The school looks great with all new paint and there does seem to be a sense of unity and pride that's been missing for the last few years.
OK, enough of this; everything is looking good and we may even get a chance to add some historical plaques to the NEW Senior Square. More on that later.....
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 14:55:52
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: I read this morning that Baseball may go on strike. How stupid, greedy and selfish is that? I am sooooo tired of the owners and players complaining about the bottom line. What baseball needs is more players who love the game, and less corporate BS! There was an interesting article in the OC Register on 6/23/02, it talks about "The Book" it does not really exist, but it lists the unspoken rules of baseball, and how many younger players coming up ignore it. I swear to that word that the ninth circuit deemed unconstitional, if Baseball does go on strike, thats it, I will no longer follow the game, and they will not see my cash in their registers. Now for some Hawthorne stuff, have not seen the new paint job at the HS, but look forward to seeing it next time I visit my folks. Go Dodgers!
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 14:25:52
E-Mail: ct_helpdesk@yahoo.com
City and State: San Pedro, CA
Maiden: Nix
Class: 1974
Message: Wayne Dickey, We 1974 people may not have been old enough to fight in Vietnam, but we certainly do remember it, we lived it nightly in our living rooms. You may not have been politically aware at the tender age of 7, but that's exactly when my horizons broadened. JFK was assassinated just a couple of weeks after my 7th birthday and that's when I began realizing that my world didn't end on 123rd street. We graduated from the 8th grade in 1969, we knew what was going on in the world (at least we knew what the news was reporting). I attended my first protest in 1969 so please don't insult us by saying we didn't live it, we not only lived through the entire conflict, we watched it on TV nightly. As for the monetary stamp "In God We Trust", yes it first appeared on a coin in 1864, it appeared on Union money during the civil war as a reminder that "God" was on the side of the Union (God's always on somebody's side). It didn't appear on all US Currency until the 50's however, so what I wrote was correct. As for a strong Military, yes we need that and I really believe we wouldn't be anywhere in the Middle East if Oil wasn't a major concern, we certainly aren't there for benevolent purposes. As for the Dodger's, I think a Cougartown day in the ballpark would be fun. Anyone else? And everyone have a safe 4th of July.
Sounds like a fun night at the ballpark. Cougartown in the cheap seats....I like it.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 10:44:23
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
City and State: Burlington, WI
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: I personally think that baseball hasn't been the same since they instituted the designated hitter rule. The DH is one of the reasons that interleague play is so bogus. When they play at an American League park, the Nats have to find a DH from their bench and when playing in a National League park, the AMS have to let their pitchers hit or change pitchers every 8 at bats.
Then they did a good thing and switched the Brewers to the National League - they compete nicely with the Cubs for last place in the NL Central (but they have a great park).
If any Cougars are coming to Milwaukee for the All-Star game next week - enjoy. Milwaukee has a lot to great places to eat and things to see. E:mail me if your are coming to town and I can point you in the direction of some of my favorite places.
Sharon, I agree about the DH. I also wish I was coming for the All Star Game. I think the NL has the pitching....we'll see.
Name: Karen Kuehl () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 10:31:41
E-Mail: kaykay@tcsn.net
City and State: Templeton, CA
Maiden: Graham
Class: 59
Message: Well put, JB!! How are those Dodgers doing? Do any of you know the answer to the question of why the class of '59 was not allowed to attend Disneyland because of what happened in '58? I know some of you football players from '58 know the answer. And has anyone seen the new make-over for the HHS campus? It's starting to look pretty good. They've painted it a cream color with red trim and the fence is now off-white. Looking pretty good there Hawthorne High School!! As for Sr. Square, it sounds like the seniors now don't use it anymore. If that's the case then maybe they should expand the cafeteria which they will use and make a senior section in the cafeteria and start the tradition there. I hope you all have a wonderful Fourth of July celebration whether you believe in it or not. Happy Birthday America!! And God bless us all, athiest as well as those who believe in a higher being.
I think they should superimpose the old senior square inside the cafeteria in a tile outline, not so much for Seniors but for the history.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 10:13:17
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: How about those Dodgers? Are you talking about the Draft Dodgers from the 60's and 70's or are you talking about the LA Dodgers?
If you are talking about the Draft Dodgers, I respect them for saying "Hell no I won't go!" I still don't understand that conflict. Personally I refused my student deferment, asked for my 1A, knowing that I would most likely flunk my physical. (That had heredity to blame not the great coaches of HHS.) I did flunk and I am proud to have my 4F draft card.
If you are talking about the LA Dodgers I think that MLB ruined Baseball when they created inter league play. I know some people think it was ruined when the Bum's left Brooklyn.
I was speaking of the LA variety.
Name: Steven Eide () on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 08:38:42
E-Mail: sreide@starpower.net
City and State: Alexandria, VA (DC)
Class: 1966
Message: Wayne, in case you need reminding the US is a democracy. Dialogue is good. Because someone does not agree with the President should not mean they should leave. Those who protested the Viet Nam war were admonished with "America love it or leave it?" Who said because a point of view differs from yours or the President's that the person that holds those views should leave the country, or somehow they don't love the US? I would hazard to guess that all of us have been deeply scarred by the events of 9/11. Our democracy demands that we have differing opinions on the actions of government without penalty. I believe we have the greatest thing going here, warts and all. Long live America and the right of some to believe in a god and mine not to.
SO, how about those Dodgers?
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