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El Rojo, THIS is the one I want to know if you remember. Jesse Belvin
Name: Tim Helble () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 15:12:12
E-Mail: TKHelble@netscape.net
City and State: Columbia, MD
Class: 73
Message: First job? Other than the usual paper route (I had the streets around Washington School between Hawthorne and Prairie), I worked for Hugh Atkin's (Mrs Atkin's husband) restaurant on Redondo Pier. It was called Gomi's and it was right under El Torito and next to Tony's. We went out of business due to a run of bad luck - it was a very cloudy summer, so nobody came to the beach, plus we had to buy our meat at high black market prices as it was the summer Nixon tried to implement price controls and you couldn't get good steaks otherwise.
Saw something cool a couple of weekends ago - the Dodgers came out here to Camden Yards to play the Orioles. I went to the Saturday game and think I rooted for both teams...the Dodgers ended up winning 8 to 4. It was sort of humiliating at the start of the game as they showed clips on the big screen of the '64 World Series when the Orioles swept the Dodgers in 4 games. They also interviewed Vin Scully on WBAL & I could hear it on people's radios. If I closed my eyes for a minute I could imagine being back in Dodger Stadium. There never has been or ever will be anyone who can call a game as well as Vin Scully.
Name: Mardell () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 14:15:34
E-Mail: MardellD@Yahoo.com
City and State: Norco, Ca.
Maiden: Blaylock
Class: 1960
Message: I moved before I started Hawthorne High School and went to Narbonne in Lomita, Ca. I moved away from many friends I had gone from Kindergarten through 8th grade and still have fond memories of my childhood. I would love to hear from any of them who might still remember me.
Hey Mardell, Live close to Gaucho Country myself. Thanks for letting all know you're out there and hope you connect with lots of old friends.
Name: GOMEZ () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 14:00:49
Name: Larry Biller () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 13:26:32
E-Mail: Lbiller49@yahoo.com
City and State: Portland,Sunnywarm
Class: 1967
Message: First jobs: My first job was taking over Lon Michaelson's paper route with the L.A. Mirror. Then on to the Herald-Examiner. My first job out of high school was at the B of A in downtown L.A. gotten through Ralph Miller. Funny after a few aimless years I ended up in the machining industry. One of the last places I thought I'd end up. Anyone else care to share what type of work they ended up doing? Wow..lunch is almost over. Gotta get back to those machines.
Forgot to mention that today is a very significant day for me. After 7 years of working nights I am back on days. I've still got 3 boys at home so this is a good thing.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 12:29:35
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
City and State: Mission Viejo
Class: 1977
Message: First jobs, huh? Well, I did not really have a first job per se. However, I used to babysit kids for 50 cents an hour and one dollar after midnight. You can't get that anymore. I also worked for an insurance company calling people during dinner and tried to sell them insurance. I was really bad at it, because I would end up talking to people more than I should have. Hope everyone had a great weekend, and how bout them Dodgers! GO BLUE! I will be going to Edison Field on Saturday to watch the freeway series between LA and the Angels!
Go Blue, Go Halos......
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 00:06:43
E-Mail: cindyw01@netzero.net
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Well that's cause I call them all Indycars. I can't remember if it was 1975 or 1976 that I worked there. They started as an SCCA F5000 race in 1975 and in 1976 became a stop on the Formula One circuit. It wasn't until 1984 that they signed up with CART (Indycars). Oh well! I just like the vrrrrroooooom!!
That vrrroooooom is my favorite part too. Thanks Cindy....
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 23:44:57
E-Mail: The Nicocia Girls Rock..
City and State: When it comes to getting
Maiden: The job done! :-)
Class: 72
Message: Yes, the Grappa Man and his better half Cheryl have gone back to their home on the River in Keno, Oregon. I just want to say to my "FAVORITE" sister-in-law Cheryl, a big THANK YOU!! You are the best! We could not of done this overwhelming job of painting/sprucing up our "Sainted" Mama's house without you! And, as usual, you bring so much fun and personality to our Nicocia Family. I don't know how you put up with my brother John. We're going to have to call YOU the "Sainted" one pretty soon! See you next time you're down, which I'm sure will be soon. I'll have a glass of Vino waiting for you.
Love, your "Fav" sis-in-law....Enza :-)
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 21:38:44
E-Mail: cindyw01@netzero.net
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: I was working at the Sports Arena and they asked for volunteers to beer-tend at the Long Beach Grand Prix for the weekend. I raised my hand. They never actually said only 21 and over (I was 17). So I got picked along with several others and went to Long Beach for the weekend! We camped and served beer all weekend long. Right next to the track with Indy cars whizzing by! Awesome! I served a beer to a young man and afterwards a couple of gentlemen asked me to step aside and said they were from ABC (oops!). They asked me what year I was born. I've never added so fast in my life and whoa I got it right (should I thank Ms. Adkins for that?) They said I had served beer to a 17 yr old. Imagine that! So they wrote me a ticket and said I had to appear in court -- never asked for my ID. My mom drove me (shouldn't that have given them a clue?) and I stood in front of the judge. Who me? Shaking in my boots? Nah...(yes!). The judge let me go with a $50 fine and told me "We have to watch out for our 17 yr olds you know." I said with as much respect as I could muster "Oh yes sir!" Nobody ever knew I was only 17. Now every time I drink a beer I hear that gavel hitting the wood... like Telltale Heart... Gee, should I be using an alias to tell this story?
No Cindy, I think the statute of limitations has long since sailed on this one, but I could be wrong. Also, those cars are Formula One and not Indy cars. Not much difference except that Formula Ones are set up to shift lots more, turn left AND right, and have different engines. Great story though....
Name: Alan Nelson () on Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 18:25:28
E-Mail: alan@not-on-fire.com
City and State: Parker, Az
Class: '73
Message: First jobs? Besides the the usual paper routes, my first job was hawking Racing Forms in front of Hollywood Park. Can you imagine a 14 year old surfer punk riding a bicycle from Hawthorne to Century and Manchester now? I also worked for a few years at "Chicken Lickin'" on Century and Hawthorne Blvd, until we opened a new one on Narbonne Ave. in Torrance. Minimum wage and all the broasted chicken you could eat. Yum!
Name: Thom 'Twitch' Twitchell () on Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 17:40:26
E-Mail: twitchs@earthlink.net
City and State: Whittier, CA
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 81
Message: I can 'fondly' remember (and I know my sister Laura, does too) those S&H Green stamps and the Blue Chip Stamps. It was almost a family tradition to save them up all year then lick and post them at the start of summer (yuck). Us kids got stuck with the licking part. Then it was off to the redemption place, I think it was on Prairie, to get some sort of camping gear or what that we couldn't live without. LOL. It was almost a way to start off summer for us. Sometimes we would do it after the first camping trip to replace something that was broke or get something that Dad saw at the Lake. Ahh the memories. Well if any body remembers me, drop me a line. Would love to hear from you.
Thanks Thom, for the memories...
Name: Charlie Fox () on Friday, June 21, 2002 at 16:05:22
E-Mail: Foxhaus@aol.com
City and State: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Class: 1969
Message: High School Jobs: In 1967 I got a job delivering flowers for Hawthorne Florist on El Segundo Blvd. I'd gotten my driver's license about a month earlier and had never operated a standard transmission. The delivery van was a 3-speed column shift that I learned to drive (badly) in one day. I got better as the summer progressed. In 1969 I worked during the school year delivering the Citizen, a south bay throw-away paper, on Wednesday nights until about 5:00 a.m. Thursday mornings. More than once I fell asleep in class on Thursdays. Have a great weekend all.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Friday, June 21, 2002 at 12:10:10
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
City and State: Sherman Oaks, CA
Class: 77
Message: Since I missed Pink's (Which One?) last night, I thought I'd offer up a feedback topic -- unusual jobs during the High School years. I had two. First, I worked at a company in El Segundo called "Flight Services" cleaning headsets used aboard airliners. It was great -- the headsets were placed on hooks on an overhead conveyor belt and feed into a gigantic car wash like washing machine. They came out the other end where we would take them off and "scrub" them in a container that had the ends of two push brooms placed with the bristles facing each other. We would then package them in plastic. After that job, I refused to ever listen to the sound system on an airliner again. (BTW, many other Cougs worked at this place, but their names escape me). The other job was at a company called "CMAS" Continental Mortuary Air Services. If you were not from LA but passed away while visiting, more than likely your remains would have to be shipped home by airfrieght. I was hired to drvie the Datsun (yes Datsun) pickup truck to deliver the bodies to the airfrieght terminals at LAX. That's right, I drove a body wagon. So, anybody else have an unusual job during their high school years in Hawthorne?
Gordon Bell and I had a door-to-door window washing business.....
Name: Tressa () on Friday, June 21, 2002 at 10:32:48
E-Mail: tressas@criterionmachineworks.com
City and State: Tustin, CA
Maiden: Gerkin
Class: 61
Message: Dale Schlack..if you're out there..do you remember me? You picked me up for school a few times in our senior year. (The house covered with covered vines on 129th St.) You were among the very few that had a car back then. Remember how empty the school parking lot was?.....now when you drive by a high school the lots are full!!! Anyone else out there that had a car in HHS parking lot in 1961?
ME-ME-ME!!!! A 52 Chevy that we pushed farther than we drove. It wouldn't start because the battery was half shot and a reconditioned battery at Action was about 6 bucks (who had that kinda dough?), so I was always giving people a ride but they had to help push it to get it started. No wonder no one would go out with me in high school.
Name: John Baker () on Friday, June 21, 2002 at 08:19:14
E-Mail: john@cougartown.com
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 62
Message:Thanks to all who fought the traffic from all over to be at the Pinks Run last night. Good times, conversation, and memories were shared by all, albeit a small turnout. I guess you'd have to say that John and Cheryl came the farthest (Keno, OR) except for the fact that they didn't JUST come for the Pinks run, so it was either Jerry Rigney (Palmdale?) or Craig Farlow (Lake Arrowhead). Good to see and talk with you both, and Craig.....great looking Harley too. Others were Richard and Joanie Hanson; Mike and Barbara Shay; Sherry (Peppers) and Doug Wingo; Dan and Ann Dye; Don and Vicki Scheliga and their two daughters; Chris and Kathie Prewitt; and Lisa and Ryan. The next Ctown event will be Cruise night on September 14th. Mark your calendars now.
Name: John Baker () on Friday, June 21, 2002 at 00:54:14
E-Mail: john@cougartown.com
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 62
Message: Here's an email I received from the Ol Coach tonight. I thought maybe you older Cougs might like to see what he and his lovely wife, Cathy, are up to these days. Coach Chauncey has really kept in touch with his "Kids", as he calls them, over the years.
He writes:
Hi John,
Cathy and I are visiting the beautiful beach home of Phil Murphy--he played for HHS ,and me in 1951, 2 & 3. He was an all league end. He also was all league in baseball !
He got a scholarship to Stanford and played one year there before joining the "US Air Force." He was a "top gun" and flew in Vietnam and Korea! He retired as a "Bird Colonel".
He invited the Ol'Coach and Cathy back here to the "red neck riviera"--and as he calls it "his little piece of paradise!", for a visit.
We are in "Port St. Joe", on the gulf side of Florida!
I was so lucky to have had the high type of kids to help start the tradition for the new Hawthorne High School ! It's easier to win with winners!
Just a short note--have you heard about any attempt to start a reunion for the first graduating class --- 1954 ?
Watching those kids go across the graduation stage and get their diploma was a traumatic shock to me and Capelouto. We realized that we had spent 3 years with these kids, and had a real close relationship with them and their parents as well!
We are proud of how that class has done!
All for now John,. Stay well---as ever Ol'Coach Chauncey .
No Coach, Haven't heard anything about a reunion for our first grad class. I probably won't hear anything until about February of 2004, as that's about the time someone will get it started. When I do hear of anything I'll let you and the 54 grads know. That one will be special.
Name: Brenda Campos () on Friday, June 21, 2002 at 00:09:42
E-Mail: camposgirlpower@aol.com
City and State: El Camino Village
Maiden: Bush
Class: 84
Message: Where are all my fellow cougars?? Would love to hear from you, lets catch up, its been a looonnnggg time!!!!
There you go class of 84. Get in touch with Brenda NOW!!
Name: JUSTA () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 21:59:19
City and State: OFCOURSE
Message: I HAVE TO SAY the STRAND sounds like a dangerous place for life and limb. Usually bike paths in most parts of the nation double as walking/jogging paths. This particular path sounds like they take aim. I say steer clear of The Strand and walk ride and jog in harmony.
Name: Gloria () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 20:44:49
E-Mail: Gpork3@aol.com
City and State: Las Vegas
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 76
Message: Hey, John... I am so glad that you stated you had my '75 yearbook. I thought I lost that in my move. Keep it as long as you need; it's probably safer with you! Did we ever find out how Eddie Braun did at the awards show? Cindy W. you do look great! I would send a recent pix of myself, but haven't had any taken since 1982! Hope all is well with everyone. Life keeps getting better and better for me!
Thanks Gloria.... glad to know you're still with us. Eddie, are you out there and did you win the "Golden Bent Hubcap" or something?
Name: ROJO () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 20:17:38
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Message: Hey John, I just noticed that someone mentioned the word "hippie". Well I want you all to know that Jude and I can no longer consider ourselves hippies in anyway, anymore. A sad day in Idyho. We got rid of our waterbed, sob, sob, finally. Damn that was the last straw. Especially since they drug test us at work. I'm totally lost. It feels like laying on a pile of old go-aheads laying bottom up to lay on a regular mattress. Firm but not quite right at all. By the way John where the hell is Dan Dye? Haven't seen a post or heard you guys say much about him in awhile. I'll say it, Hi Dan Dye. Hope your backs a doing good Dan boy. We're coming in September. Just the 6 John? MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. Jake N Jude!
Hey Russ, Went to dinner with Dan and Ann last night and they both were at Pinks tonight too. Where are we going tomorrow night, Dan? His back is lots better and should be back terrorizing the strand ride soon. See you two in September and sorry Russ....no 6.
Name: Frank Romano () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 20:16:34
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Class: 1961
Message: Yo John... It's been a while. Not for any special reason other than we have been busy with our little company since 911. A few weeks back, Dale Schlack sent me an e-mail. We also spoke, and during that conversation I asked how it was that he located me...since I had been looking for him since CT began. Dale explained that his wife was surfing and did a search on google. That pulled up a CT message that I was looking for Dale. Which is pretty special in my mind. Since we had lost contact back in 1967 or so...
One short story about Dale. We shared an English class with Ms. Vi Clark. For those that remember this grand lady... you'll recall that her bark was much worse than her bite... but at our tender years.. Who knew that.... This particular afternoon, Ms. Clark sent Dale to her car. Her instructions were most specific. "Dale.... go to my car, and bring me everything out of the trunk." Dale being a dutiful student accepted the assignment, and brought everything from the trunk...including the spare tire, jack and lug wrench. Ms. Clark was without words.. She began to laugh supporting her small frame against a file cabinet in her classroom. Dale had won her heart. To bad he didn't win a better grade.
I would add one more line.... Thank you John and CT for being. You have warmed so many hearts by locating so many misplaced friends. God Speed to you and cougars everywhere.
Hey Frank, Glad you're back. I too remember my favorite freshman English teacher and I do know that she could pin your ears back when she was so inclined. She was also very compassionate and very funny too.
Now Dale Schlack I remember as he had this God given ability to sign someones name exactly as they would sign it, if you know what I mean. He doctored an item or two that saved my fanny and my driving privileges too. Mom, if you read this, I didn't say this.
Dale, don't be shy now, you are welcome here too.
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 19:39:30
E-Mail: ct_helpdesk@yahoo.com
City and State: FRUSTRATION
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: GRUMMMMMMMBLE!!!!! Someone threw a cog into my wheels for tonight. We aren't going to make it John.......
Well I'm sorry to hear that, Kathleen. I'll just have to eat a Chili dog for you AND the hippie. I am outta here!!!
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 17:02:13
City and State: the strand
Message: Well this morning The king and his humble riding partner encountered another downed bicycle accident. This one at the Hermosa Pier. Unlike the Studs from HHS, this guy had the police, fire and ambulance assisting him. Cougars just get up and go, we aren't Beach Weenies. Be a Coug!
Yeah this guy was one of those "Skinny Tour de France Lookin' Bikers" with absolutely NO MEAT on his bones. No wonder he didn't bounce like us HHS Pillsbury Doughboys, huh Jim.
Name: C. Prewitt () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 15:20:03
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 67
Sound GREAT doesn't it, C. I can't wait either....
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 14:43:07
E-Mail: cindyw01@netzero.net
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Wish I could join you all at Pink's tonight but my next scheduled trip isn't until August. Doggone it! I'll be playing softball tonight instead so I'll try to hit one out of the park for HHS. Hey, it could happen... you haven't seen this park!
Thanks Cindy, We'll be pulling for you. If you postpone your August trip to September you'll be here in time for Cruise Night.
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 13:09:16
E-Mail: ct_helpdesk@yahoo.com
City and State: San Pedro, CA
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: I was planning on fixing Cornish Game Hens for Dinner tonight but just remembered there's a Pinks Run tonight. Since the Hippie and I haven't been there yet, we will just have to bring a case of Tums and join in. See you all tonight!
GREAT!! We'll see you both there about 7. Thanks Kathleen....
Name: Enza & Cheryl Nicocia () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 13:06:17
E-Mail: Homemade Pizza.com
City and State: Beautiful SoCal
Maiden: "The Babe's" :-)
Class: 72/62
Message: Hey, It's the girls again. Does anybody have a connection for carpeting for this newly painted/spruced up home of our Sainted 87 yr. old Mama/in-law? We will even provide them w/a homemade Sicilian pizza/pasta of there choice. Anyone out there have any "juice"?
Enza & Cheryl
Yes, actually I do have a connection for carpeting. Bob Fraser HHS60. He'll be at Pinks tonight.
Name: Neil Andersen () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 11:25:37
E-Mail: sumerset@aol.com
City and State: Dallas, OR
Class: '62
Message: A little Ziggy Logic too good not to pass along:..if you ever feel you're falling behind in trying to follow your dreams..just remember that they can't get far without you..
Name: Enza & Cheryl Nicocia () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 11:24:01
E-Mail: pasta.com
City and State: ......of grace
Maiden: don't ask/don't remember
Class: 72/62
Message: HEY COUGARS !! We will be at Pink's
tonight, and we will have COUGAR BALL'S for sale. Yes, we did it. The Sainted Mama's house is DONE!! Wade, Wade, Wade, how 'bout those SF Giants? :-)
Name: Wade Greasby () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 10:52:47
E-Mail: wg1672@pacbell
City and State: Surf City
Maiden: tryintoreasonwithsummerseason
Class: 73
Message: Thank God there isn't anymore roundball. I'm sick of Fox, Harper, and the rest of the Laker Girls popping up at real sporting events. Enza, when are you going to open up that Italian Deli and serve up the pasta? I'll be there to support the cause just as long as there isn't any Laker Girl propaganda. Hope all Cougs had a great Father's Day. JB will be in town in October. Dean, I'll be up in the Bay Area in August checking out Pac Bell (Sea Gull) Park.
Name: Mike Shay () on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 10:04:30
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: OS6-9393
Class: More than most
Message: While all the Cougar birthday wishes are making an appearance, I'd like to sneak one in for the class of 56's own Richard Hanson. He hit 64 yesterday and he still has most of his hair.....I hate Him!
Happy Birthday Buddy
Happy Birthday Richard.... see you tonight at Pinks.
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