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El Rojo, THIS is the one I want to know if you remember. Jesse Belvin
Name: Tressa () on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 10:25:28
E-Mail: tressas@criterionmachineworks
City and State: Tustin, CA
Maiden: Gerkin
Class: 61
Message: Paco.....whatever became of Bobby Bausman? I'll never forget leaving a party with him in my 54 VW. He kept turning off the engine and taking my keys as we were rolling down the hills in Redondo. Those were some fun parties in Redondo Beach!!!!!
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 22:30:09
E-Mail: antiquenza@aol.com
City and State: More Jocks
Message: I just got this brand new scanner and I'm just having so much fun with it. OK, here's one more of the class of '73. Who could this cute baby faced boy be? Hint: He's not fond of the Lakers. ;-)
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 22:13:07
E-Mail: HHS Jocks......
City and State: They Were Easy...
Maiden: On The Eyes!!!
Class: 72
Message: OK, this is going out to all you Cougs from the 70's. Here's a photo of the Varsity Club Jocks that was in the '72 Yearbook. How many do you recognize? My only regret is that I didn't take the opportunity do get to know a certain one a little bit better....Dean are you still out there??? ;-)
Name: gary lents () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 21:25:58
E-Mail: glents@hotmail.com
City and State: v
Class: 67
Message: Maybe not my first job, but the best one during HS days was at Charlie Soards "Bearclods" Chevron...I mean folks would leave the A&W, and, of course, stop by "The Station". What a party, and we got paid for it. Woody McCain, Jerry Skaff, Frank Gardner, me and others (can't remember all that worked there as so many just hung out) all had a great time seeing who could clean the most windows (heh,heh). Ah the days of 101 octane for 27 cents a gallon.
Name: ROJO () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 20:22:47
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
City and State: YOU KNOW
Maiden: NUN
Class: 6TEE
Message: I,like most of the guys first jobs, started out selling papers at 10 years old. But I was hustling traffic at Aviation and Century trying to sell em between cars. We made 2 and a half cents a paper back then. I sold 3 papers the first night on my corner. That was for about 3 hrs work. My boss gave me a "dime" just to even things out. I remember one time when the paper went from 7 cents to a dime a guy wouldn't believe me and just paid his 7 cents and hauled ass into traffic. Well he apparently looked at the cost on the paper when he got home because when he came by the next day he tipped me a half a buck, big money back then. He apparently felt quite bad about stiffing me the 3 cents. I worked my way up to selling 60 to a 100 a night at North American and Douglas over the next three yrs. The other memorable job I had was working in a meat market with my dad and the owner. Cutting meat, cleaning machines etc. A buck an hour, 3 hours a day, my senior year. The store was on Inglewood ave down towards Imperial hwy. The evening I remember was the day of Sr ditch day. I had been getting sick all day long while we were at D-land. I got home and called to tell my dad I was really sick and wasn't going to make it. Went to work real quick. To make a long story short I came down with the 3 day measles the next day. I still wonder if I might have started a mini-epidemic of sorts after having handled all that meat and breathing all over everything. And John did you try that CD on a player not your computer? No 5 or 6.... how about a "GOTCHA"? MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. Jake N Jude!
Hey Russ, Yes I tried the CD on all the CD players around here and nothing. What's a GOTCHA???
Name: Ron Dickson () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 19:56:44
E-Mail: rond201@earthlink.net
City and State: Norco,Ca
Class: 1967
Message: First jobs, ABC markets in south central La. Worked during the Watts riots in 1965, boxboy and then stock clerk. The checkers were all black and said I was crazy for going to work that day. They did send me home. My next job was one of my favorites. John Norman got me in with him and Dave Orlaska at the Wynns Bros. Auto Parts. The counter work there was great, we met a lot of people and always got some perks, with parts for our cars.
Ahhhh, Wynns Bros.....my favorite store in the early 60's.
Name: Howard"Paco"Duran () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 18:52:33
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
City and State: Lake Forest
Class: 61
Message: My real first job was selling the Herald Examiner with Brian Tully. He at Hawthorne and Broadway and me at the Safeway on Hawthorne Blvd we were 10 years old. My real real first job started with a phone call from, 2 Cougs who already working there, Kenny Blomsterberg and Bobby Bausman. They said, if I really wanted this job I should run all the way, it was on 119th and Hawthorne Blvd at the CAR WASH. I lasted 2 weekends, and got paid about $6 or $7 and lost it pitching pennies to the more senior employees..I quit when the "Girl of my Dreams" came in to have her car washed..Here I was, doing Jeanie Houck's wheels..
Hey Paco, was Jeannie Houk, Judy Houk's sister?
Name: Jerry Miles () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 18:09:53
E-Mail: jfmiles@pacbell.net
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Class: 66
Message: One of my first jobs was at good old HHS. There was an after school program I was part of and it was my job to keep Nyman Hall and the girl?s gym sparkling clean. In those days each class had it?s own day to go to Nyman Hall for films during class. I got pretty good at telling who?s day was who?s by the trash on the floor. The freshmen were the worst with candy wrappers and paper abundant. Each class progressively became cleaner with the seniors hardly dirtying the place at all. Being a senior at the time I knew we weren?t that neat but I suspected more than a few slept through the hour.
Another time during Christmas vacation I was working out by Building 16 and saw the gas company putting pipes in the ground. They said they were draining off excess gas. I always wondered if it was from the beans they plowed under when they built the school. Suddenly flames shot up in the crack between the sidewalk and the building. It was quickly put out and did little damage other than leaving a bit of soot. But if the area had been full of students during a passing period I think it would have been another story. If that happened now I imagine they would close the school for two months and do an environmental study.
Hey Jerry, Haven't heard from you in a while either. Thanks for the feedback....
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 17:24:52
E-Mail: mlr922@hotmail.com
City and State: Garden Grove, CA
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 56
Message: Reading Coach Chauncey's E-mail really brings back a lot of memories. I remember Phil Murphy real well. He was sooo good looking! I knew his family from church so it was very interesting reading about his flying career. I knew all those graduates from the first class too. It was a really great school and fun to be a part of the early years. I got a kick out of the message from Doug Medina from Garden Grove High class of 80. My 3 kids also graduated from GG High in 79, 80, and 81. It is a small world. And, John, it is Argonaut's as in Jason and the Argonaut's, Argo's for short.
Hi Marilyn, Geez, you've been gone a long time. Glad you're back sharing HHS memories.
Name: Priscilla Brown/Gallagher () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 16:49:29
E-Mail: sjbtran@aol.com
City and State: Fontana, CA
Maiden: Brown
Class: 74
Message: This is great
I know, huh....
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 16:26:37
E-Mail: ARizTom@webtv.net
City and State: Prescott AZ
Class: 1958
Well I think I just missed a Pinks gathering. Oh well! First job, anyone out there bag groceries for the FGI? That's Food Giant Markets Inc. Bought & fixed up that black 51 merc with that job. The cyclist that got hurt in Manhattan Beach was probabely because he was travelling at a high rate of speed! At the Doughboys rate of travel, chances are he would not have a scratch. Now that I have stirred up that subject a little I will say see ya at cruise night in Sept. The good Lord willing & the old nomad still running! TB from AZ
Hey Tom, Yep, when a Ctown Doughboy hits the pavement, it's the PAVEMENT that suffers. Thanks for the note and if you miss the next event, I'll have to start calling you "Sloey". See you in September.....
Name: Carol Shaner () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 15:57:02
E-Mail: misscaroll@aol.com
City and State: San Bernardino, CA
Maiden: Shaner
Class: 1970
Message: As a 15 year old sophomore with the usual braces, short bobbed hairdo of the day, and looking like a little preppy school girl, my brother took me to Crane?s Record Shop on Nutwood Ave. in Inglewood to apply for a clerk job. The owner interviewed me and hired me on the spot. She said I was such a contrast to all the ?hippy types? that had come in to apply. It didn?t take any time at all and I had the largest record collection of all my friends. Black light posters we sold covered the walls of the place. An added perk was free concert tickets to all the big events, including the Stones, Blind Faith, and I even got to go to Big Sur. A couple of the older employees that worked there asked if I wanted to go to a concert in Big Sur. I didn?t have a clue where Big Sur was but I jumped in the back of their VW bus and off we went. We drove forever. I had to be home by midnight when I was 16 and I realized I might not make it since this was a 2 day concert. I called my mom when we got there and told her where I was..needless to say she was very angry at me. I couldn?t believe she wouldn?t come and pick me up so I wouldn?t miss my curfew. It was a great concert anyway! I had the best time in those three years working there. That?s when music was music. I didn?t work there very long when I grew my hair long and wore the most faded jeans I could find at the Good Will Store. The boss asked me what happened to the sweet little innocent girl she hired?.
Name: Susan King () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 14:17:40
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Cindy Young Stickel, Class of '74, Happy 46th birthday. Still haven't found you online. Where are you?? You are missed.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 12:57:14
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: My first real job wasn't in Hawthorne, but it was different. We still lived in Rhode Island and for the Summer between 9th and 10th grade, I worked at a pony ride. I helped groom and saddle the ponies in the morning and then sat around with the really small ponies waiting for a really little kid to come for a pony ride. I would help put the kid on the pony and "seat-belt" him in and then lead the pony around the track a few times. In between, I would give the ponies water to drink and treats to keep them happy.
Name: Tim Helble () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 12:12:03
E-Mail: TKHelble@netscape.net
City and State: Confusion
Class: 73
Message: I think I got the year of the Orioles/Dodgers World Series wrong in my last posting - it was 1966, not 1964. I think the Dodgers beat the Twins in 1964.
I forgot one short job I had before working at Gomi's -- saw a posting on the HHS job board for a helper at Green Farms BBQ, and went down to apply. The owner put me to work for one night to check me out, and I guess I didn't fit the bill, as I think that was my only time there. Too bad... the chickens on that rotiserie in the window sure were good!
Hi Tim, The Cardinals beat the Yanks in 64, the Dodger over Minnesota in 65, and the Orioles over the Dodgers in 66.
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 11:50:47
E-Mail: ingridl@fdgdesign.com
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Larson
Class: '74
Message: I haven’t paid a visit to Cougartown in quite a while; but it seems that you’ve all been having a very good time without my feedback.
I’m just back from a trip to Hamilton, Ontario (outside Toronto) where I paid a visit to Michele Vickers (class of ’75). She lives there with her cat, Jack, and her doggie, Cloey. Michele owns a little nightclub in a hip area called Hess Village. The name of the place is the same as the address: 33 Hess. Jazz, Blues, and Rock are served up Tuesday through Sunday nights.
If any of you Cougars are headed that way, stop in to see her – she’d love to catch up with old friends.
Hi Ingrid, Yes, we ALL missed your feedback. I still have your yearbooks too. Is your address the 3809 one, still?. I'll get them back to you, HONEST!! Thanks again for all you've help contribute to Cougartown......
Name: Mary Ann Avila () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 10:44:51
E-Mail: mavila7428
City and State: Del Aire
Maiden: Stanley
Class: 77
Message: Hawthorne High's Career Center helped me get my first jobs: you would volunteer for extra-credit; and if they liked you they would hire you. The first place they sent me to was the Air Force Base as a secretary...as I could only type 10 words a minute, I knew this was not a good career match. Second placement was at Blvd. Florist, this was a better match and I stayed there for a year or so. Finally they sent me to work at Sepulveda School which had been rented out to the County for a Special Education School. This was a perfect match as I went on to get my Master's in Special Education and continue to work in the field today. I also have an English credential which was inspired by Ms. Clark and Mr. Orrell. So a big Thank You to Hawthorne High and it's wonderful staff for helping my find a career that I still love today.
Hi Mary Ann, Great teachers, they. Thanks for the inspiring feedback. BTW, I too type ten words a minute.
Name: GOMEZ () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 09:33:37
Maiden: SMITH
Class: 1972
You GNW people have just GOT to quit smokin' those pine needles.
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 09:00:43
E-Mail: kclady5@juno.com
City and State: Kansas City, MO
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
Message: Before I forget I want to wish my big brother Steve Kristof a very Happy 60th Birthday!! Steve is a great guy! He was always there for me when I was in my terrible teens and now he is here for me as an adult. As a matter of fact he missed me so much when we moved here to MO he moved his family out here too. Only kidding, there was other reasons but I am so glad he is close by. We don't see each other as much as we should but we know we are there for each other. My husband actually sees him more than I do as they work at the same place. Anyway you have a great day tomorrow and have a piece of cake for me. I will see you maybe on Saturday.
Hi Steve, Happy Birthday .......mail me a piece of cake.
Name: Stacy Straube () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 21:37:07
E-Mail: scmcwomanofgod@yahoo.com
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Maiden: Straube
Class: 2001
Message: I graduated Hawthorne High in June 2001. In September 2001, I moved to Birmingham, Alabama to go to Steel City Master's Commission, were I am earning my ministerial credentials. My goal is to become a Children's Pastor.
Hi Stacy, Thanks for checking in and good luck with your credentials.
Name: the princess () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 20:53:43
E-Mail: yes
City and State: of course
Maiden: nunya
Class: earlyon
Message: "Great stuff" John? Do you think you could decipher that last post for some of us "girls" not "in the know"? We would like to laugh too! Thanks
I guess you just had to be there.
Name: Jim "Double Darrell" Schroeder () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 17:23:50
E-Mail: chezwizz@yahoo.com
City and State: Oregon
Class: "66
Message: At a recent (unnamed) Golf/Horseshoeing event, at an undisclosed location, many Cougar alumnus confessed of their cougartown.com voyeuristic tendencies. I too am a confessed feedback fan, though I have taken an oath (sworn on the high top of Joe Contestable) not to contribute feedback until I have a worthy observation of lifes foibles, or a keen insight into the human condition. Since this doesn't seem likely to happen anytime soon, I'm sending some b.s. anyway. Thanks to all those who attended and contributed to the boss time I had in the Southern California area recently. Bill Young, director of transportation was a swell traveling companion in his Bigbillmobile.....I thought it was quite noble of Sloey to help out in the parking lot, but wearing his Knight sweater in 90 degree weather seemed a bit excessive....It was good to have the youthful help of Chris Hood handy when our host was reluctant to have his Depends changed......A jumpstart was needed to get the Cougar battery from the 66 baseball team playing catch, but it was so familier and zen-like to be playing catch with Larry (Wally) Skeen. Other oddservations: Mike Wadman is a wonder. Where does he store all those jokes?.....Bob Stelse is the Howard Hughes of Hawthorne.... Darwin Schussler can play golf....Ron (Tubeman) Jones has not quit growing....Dennis Higgins got an award for having the second best socks....I had to ride in a cart by myself because of a reoccuring flatulent problem....Only God can hit a one-iron....Why doesn't somebody invent a golf ball that is bigger?.....and buoyant.....is David Hobart an enigma?....he's the most natural and unaffected guy on the planet.....so great to see Jimmy Fleming....who would of known it was his first time playing golf.....even Halford beat him.....Paul Clark's group photo will be sold as a poster by our sponsor, Budweiser.....And really, the gig was wonderous, and to all those who attended....thanks,, and to the host and his lovely family, thanks (though his application as a tax deductable charity is under scrutiny by the IRS)....and boys...I hear that next years shirts may be pink.....so until we meet again (at an undisclosed time and location)...happy trails to ya (from somewhere in Oregon) (Please excuse the spelling...I had Mrs. Jensen for English, and she seemed more concerned with my behavior than my spelling....I bet that if they had all those student learning disabilities back in the day -- I would of been riding the short bus. I could of been a Ritalin child with ADHD [Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder] instead of just a plain old knucklehead...Oh well)....and in closing......Vegas odds have the Optimidgets as 2-run favorites over the Pee Wees. Take that Danny Bigalow. .
Great stuff Jim, thanks....
Name: Ron Dokken () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 17:05:40
E-Mail: rdokk@yahoo.com
City and State: Endwell, NY
Class: 1955
Message: Heres a new thread for feedback. The first time I went to a party where there would be (gasp) girls! In the early 50's my friend convinced me to go to a party at his house - around 141st, just west of Hawthorne blvd. At the appointed time I showed up with my trusty portable phonograph in hand. I remember all the furniture was covered in clear plastic. Somehow I found myself dancing with a girl - who was very short. It seems that at the end of the dance everyone was to kiss. I clamped my eyes closed, and jerkily bent over. I missed her mouth completely, and my hand went unerringly to a small protruberance somewhat higher than her waist. I froze, panicked, my mouth on a cold nose, and my hand THERE! Strangely, I don't remember her having any reaction. Yet through the mists of time it seems I can see her still - staring at me across the room as if thinking...COME ON BIG BOY GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOT! Sigh, girls were always way ahead of me.
No reaction huh.....must've been a Leuzinger girl. JUST KIDDING OLYMPIANS!!! Great story Ron
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 16:14:33
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
City and State: Mission Viejo
Class: 1977
Message: I agree with Tim on Vin Scully, he is the greatest. How many times have you watched a televised game, but turned down the TV, and listened to Vinny call the game? Although, sometimes, especially lately, there are two games going on, the one that is actually being played on the field, and the one that Vinny calls. But we love our Vin Scully! There are some pretty interesting jobs you C-Towners held. I am enjoying this topic.
Name: Cindy Colby () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 15:35:20
E-Mail: cindycolby@att.net
City and State: Laguna Hills, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 63
Message: My first job, outside of babysitting was at Fedco on La Cienega, that was the year that the Baldwin Hills reservoir broke, we were in water up to mid thigh, they took us out of there on fire trucks, after we walked through mud and water, that was the scariest thing that ever happened to me.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 15:16:39
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: My First job was working at Gilbert?s 5-10 and 25 cent store. What made the job worthwhile was cleaning the fish tank. I would siphon the water out of the tank then scrub the glass then refill the tank with water. The interesting part of the job was to determine if the fish were strong swimmers. I would bring the siphon hose near the fish and they would swim as hard as they could to not get sucked down the hose. Very few of the fish were strong swimmers! They would flop around in the drain until I would rescue them and put them back into the tank. A couple of days later the fish learned a new trick, they did the crawl and eventually the backstroke.
You're a sick Carp, Chris....
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