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Another 50's classic Roy Hamilton
Name: Gomez () on Tuesday, March 5, 2002 at 05:15:25
E-Mail: konniesmith@attbi.com
Maiden: Lutz
Class: 72
City and State: Salem, don't inhale 'em
Message: On Enza's photo. Top row, fourth from the left is David Engstrand. I believe I was in Kindergarten with him. I know we graduated together.
Thanks Petey....
Name: Gideon Giroux () on Tuesday, March 5, 2002 at 01:47:11
E-Mail: Girouxgt@earthlink.net
City and State: Ojai Ca
Message: The Rocket to Stardom was a commercial production and Betty Yeakel hosted it. The location was at the Oldsmobile Dealership, Wilshire and Western. Bob Yeakel's two sons that died in the plane crash were Steve and Robert.
Didn't a couple of Yeakels go to jail for flim flammin' the public? How many dealerships did they have? I remember the Olds and Cadillac dealerships, and Harry and Bob Yeakel. Why did they disappear?
Name: Gideon Giroux () on Tuesday, March 5, 2002 at 01:25:38
E-Mail: Girouxgt@earthlink.net
City and State: Ojai ca
Message: ? Ellen Palo maiden name was Ellen Giroux, daughter of, maiden name Ellen Yeakel married Gideon Giroux, Ellen Yeakel was one of 11 and the only girl out of the eleven The Yeakel Brothers as follows, George, Frank, Carl, Harry, Ed, Fred, Jack, Bob, Phil, Warren, And Ellen
Name: Janet Burkett () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 22:38:31
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: Well, the 62 reunion committee went out to dinner last night and test drove..errr...tasted all the great food we are planning for our 40th get together in July. We had a lot of laughs and yukin' it up all evening, but we did make some decisions too! And, it's gonna be GOOOOD!
Hope all you 62ers are making plans now to join us at the Lake Forest Sun and Sail Club in July. Check that reunion page for details and get your $$$ in to Linda soon.
Also, better late than never. It was good to see you all at cruise night too. Dan and Ann, Cheryl and Grappa Man, Terry and Judy, you are all toooo much fun. (or was it just Grappa John's juice???) Harry and Kathy, it's the ballet soon for sure, (John it will be ok...you and Harry will love it!)
Harry and I will be at the bar, taking it in audibly (the sounds, not the alcohol).
Yes, 62ers, please sign up soon and please get your money in too, as we need to pay the bills for this outstanding 40th (ugh) reunion. Please check the missing list at the bottom of the reunions page to see if you can help us find our classmates. This reunion promises to be the best one ever so please make your plans now to be here on July 26 and 27th.
Name: guillermo scoseria () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 22:30:05
E-Mail: ual92@aol.com
Class: 88
City and State: El Segundo CA
Message: what happend to the 10 year class reunion?????????
are we going to have one soon 15th or 20th year?
please email me back with good info.
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 21:19:51
E-Mail: antiquenza@aol.com
Class: 72
City and State: Sunny So. Ca. !!
Message: Ok..I will try and put some names to this
class picture of HIS. I have a bad recall for
names, I hope some of the '72 alumni can help
me out...and btw, didn't this teacher leave in
the middle of the year, and if so, was Mrs.
McDaniel the replacement. I'm a little fuzzy
on this, can anyone help me out?
Name: Julie Law () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 21:01:56
E-Mail: none
City and State: Santa Barbra CA
Message: I was looking for information about CA is the 60's and your site is by far the best! Keep up the good work!
Thanks Julie, glad you enjoy it....
Name: Myrna () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 19:16:00
E-Mail: mybizz@onemain.co
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: John - just want to let you know I'm still alive and kicking in the Central Valley. Married my son off a month ago up at Lake Tahoe - we took a sleigh ride out into a meadow - neat Preacher woman and he found her on the internet. Saw brother Gordon two weekends in a row. Don't know when that happened last.
Hey Myrn', Thanks for checking in and glad your son found a preacher woman to marry. Or did he find his wife on the Internet but shes wasn't a preacher woman......or did he find the preacher woman on the Int.......Never Mind
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 18:19:41
E-Mail: ARizTom@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
More Beany & Cecil. Not to be outdone by some Coug. from 66, I too was on KTLA for a time. The set of Beany & Cecil was right next to the room we did our show in. We got to go in & pick up the real puppets & pretend we wre putting on a show. I was in the 6th grade at Ramona at the time & Beany & Cecil were really a big deal so I was quite a celeb. for a while. I can still remember
Raymond Carlson asking me if I was still going to go to school there. Ray went to Leuzinger. Had a great time at KTLA & met all the people that were on that channel at the time. Stan Chambers & Ken Graue were among the friendliest. Met Doye O'dell, Tim McCoy, Iron Eyes Cody etc. The only real grouch was Old Leather Britches, Dick Lane. Maybe his britches were too tight!! Ah yes, the good ol days. TB from AZ
You got to put your hand in Cecils PUPPETHOLE?? You ARE a GOD!! Thanks Tom....
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 16:02:03
E-Mail: AZizTom@webtv.net
Class: 58
City and State: Prescott AZ
Well just another average weekend. Woke up 2am on Sat., shaved & showered & went to work. Drove the shuttle from Prescott to Phoenix airport & back. Got home about 9:30 & loaded up the old Chevy & headed west to Cruise Night. Got to Terry's about 4pm. Windy trip!! Went to Cruise Night & then went out to Pomona to the swap meet & slept in a buddies camper. Just your average committed Cougar? I think I might be getting the picture as to why I am no longer married?
Cruise night was the best yet! Nothing but wall to wall great people! It is really amazing there is still such a deep feeling for a town & a school & the people that seem to mean so much to all of us. Great to see 2 of my favorites Donna & Wayne. Got 2 or 3 hugs from Liz, that right there is worth the trip! Alway's great to put the names from feedback with the faces . Thanks again To JB'S the pair for all you guys do for old HHS. TB from AZ
Hey Tom, No one can say you're not committed to the car guys and CTers. Thanks for coming as it's always a blast seeing the Black Nomad pull into Fosters. We'll see you next time.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 14:25:20
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Golly, wish I could have gone to Cruise night, it sounds like it was alot of fun. I would have loved to have met everyone whose posts I see regularly. I hope someone saved a Cougar ball for me. Hopefully I will be able to make the Cruise night in September. Everyone have a great week.
Name: Joe Bell () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 13:34:58
E-Mail: jb41jb@yahoo.com
Class: 59
City and State: Artesia CA
Message: My 1st Cruise Night; it was nice to see see so many there. That Hawthorne Blvd, has really changed, I think it got wider too? That Olds from the 1950's, with other Cars glowing too. Brings back memories of.....
Thanks John for setting it up. Hope to see many of you again on another night. Foster Freeze looked a lot the same, but lots around it has.........
Thanks Joe, for coming on Saturday night. Everyone always seems to have fun. See you next time.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 13:32:02
E-Mail: DZlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: RedondoBeachCA
Message: Hello Everybody!! Cruise Night was a huge success. I had a great time, so much so, that my cheeks hurt the next morning from laughing so much. We had a big turn out. My guess is close to a hundred Cougars showed up including lots of 'new' old faces from the class of '69. I was very happy to see Jon Sloey, although his brothers were no shows this time. Gary Beaird, Bill Gertsch, Gary Catello, Les Vlieger and John Crotty made it. Paco will be posting photo's soon. (Keep in mind that his camera adds 30 pounds.) John Crotty's little sister, Noreen and her husband Cal made it. (Thank you both for the after Cruise Night party in your beautiful home.) Donna Cook Wright and Wayne Dickey and many more made the effort. Tom Burroughs drove his black Nomad in from Prescott Arizona. (See you in Phoenix soon, Tom) Lovely Lori Padelford, beautiful bride, Karen (Hare) Momo Trott, Cathy Barnes, Mom B and good daughter, Sharon. Sweet Marsha Hood and her old man, Robin, Kissing Dan and Ann Dye were there. I wish I could name everybody but it would eat up too much of John's time and space. The important news is, of course, I got my Cougar balls and my dose of nostalgia. Cougars are the best, there's no doubt about it. I really, reeeeeeelllly do love you guys. Can we do it again? xoxoxoxo Dizzy Lizzy the Goddess of Cougar Balls
Thanks Liz, it WAS a great turnout as lots of early Cougs showed their faces too. Cheryl, thanks for the Cougar balls; hubbie John, (thanks for the grappa) was there along with daughters Gina and Lisa and grandson Ryan. Also Paul Mackie, Lynn Brooks, Bill Schultz, Bruce George, Bob Fitzgerald, Gary Mykannen, Ernie Nixon, Larry Cuiper and wife Loretta, Bob Fraser and wife Karen, Rich and Mary Sloan, Denny Unfried, Richard Hansen, Donald Scheliga, Larry Drager, Dave Cato, Craig Farlow, Howard "Paco" Duran and sister Pat, Alan Hauge, Joe Bell, and many many more. Thank you all for attending and we'll see you all back at Fosters around September.
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 09:24:36
E-Mail: antiquenza@aol.com
Class: 72
City and State: La la land
Message: Here's a picture from my Hawthorne Intermediate days. See any one you know?
Name: Patti Smith () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 09:24:36
E-Mail: grnidl80@attbi.com
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: Hope everyone had a great time at Cruise Night on Saturday...I'm sure it was a blast. I did miss you all, but couldn't have made it anyway thanks to a little conflict between the Santa Ana winds and my sinuses. I also wanted to share a bit of happy news with everyone...my baby girl Brandi and her boyfriend have announced their engagement! I'm SO happy for them!! The wedding won't be until the fall of 2003, so we have plenty of time to plan, but need to start soon, since she's VERY picky. So, if any of you Cougars in the So Cal area provide wedding services (photographers, videographers, caterers, etc.) please contact me!
Congrats Brandi, Have a great life.
Name: Jim Peppers () on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 08:28:15
E-Mail: JimPeppers@Yahoo.com
Class: 61
City and State: Athens, Greece
Message: Hello everybody,
I'm planning to be in Los Angeles around the middle of April. Hope some of us can get together.
Be Good Cougars!
Jim Peppers
Name: John Baker () on Saturday, March 2, 2002 at 02:48:14
E-Mail: john@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: I just got word from Rich Sloan that Fred Ragatz(HHS60) wife, Carolyn, passed away last week. If anyone wants to send a card or condolences, please send them to:
Fred Ragatz
2029 La Villa Rose Court
Modesto, Ca 95350
Thanks Cougs
Name: Bob Milazzo () on Friday, March 1, 2002 at 15:17:15
E-Mail: mil93312@AOL.Com
Class: 60
City and State: Bakersfield,Ca
Message: Regarding photo of first grade students at York Ave School(1949)
Second row from bottom third from right,John have I changed that much? Yes it is me with DARK HAIR
Hey Bob, Finally, another person identified. Thanks, and hope to see you tonight at Fosters.
Name: Jerry Miles () on Friday, March 1, 2002 at 15:03:55
E-Mail: jfmiles@pacbell.net
Class: 66
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Message: Heck, even a comparative youngster like myself remembers Beany and Cecil. It was on KTLA until 1955. I even had a hat with a propeller on top. It seems I remember going to a hamburger place that featured the two of them. Does anyone remember where it was?
Nope, don't remember a Beany and Cecil hamburger place.
See lots of you tomorrow night at Cruise Night. Have a great weekend......
Name: Doris () on Friday, March 1, 2002 at 14:34:18
E-Mail: raydori@mindspring.com
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: 1957
City and State: Still cold in Idaho!
Message: Hi Ron! Hey, NOT TO BE DEPRESSED! We're still HERE aren't we!? Yes, I too remember and LOVED Beany and Cecil, the seasick sea serpent! And I ONLY remember the puppets; didn't know there was an animated version. What else do you remember? Let's hear from you!
I remember the Gabby Hayes show and Ouaker Oats that sponsored the show. I really thought Quaker Oats was "Shot From Guns".
Also does anyone remember "Cyclone Malone" from the early 50's?
Name: Ron Dokken () on Friday, March 1, 2002 at 13:17:40
E-Mail: rdokk@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
City and State: Endwell, NY
Message: How depressing...I say again, how depressing...I received my medicare card in the mail today. And on a different level, remember that early TV show featuring the hand puppets Beany and Cecil (the seasick sea-serpent)? I loved that show...
Hey Ron, I think you and I were the only ones to remember "It's Time For Beany". As has been mentioned before, lots remember the cartoon version of Bob Clampetts crew, but the puppet version, in my opinion, was the best. Captain Horatio Huffnpuff and his boat, the "Leakin' Lena", Beany, Cecil, Clowny, DJ (Dishonest John), Thunderbolt the Wondercolt, and my favorite character name of all time, Tearalong The Dotted Lion. The picture is Bob Clampett with the Cecil puppet. Thanks Ron, for the memory flogger.....
Name: Kelley () on Friday, March 1, 2002 at 13:03:06
E-Mail: k.k.currie@att.net
Maiden: big hootie
City and State: booze bay, Oregon
Message: Question about Paco's pic. when does it get cold enough in Florida to where a full wet suit. gloves and all? could this be a misconception on the senders part....take a look cougs what do you think? full wet suit florida?
Name: Big Kell () on Friday, March 1, 2002 at 12:51:50
E-Mail: k.k.currie@att.net
Maiden: big hootie
Class: 67
City and State: booze bay, Oregon
Message: I'd like to congratulate Lisa Graham on her marriage Feb 18th to her long time friend Carl Presby...And Happy Birthdays to all in Feb who had one. Especially you Dizzy. Haven't read CT for some time. Not much changes..New Month New Adventures. LOVE and PEACE.....Enough is Enough Kell
Name: Kim Begley () on Friday, March 1, 2002 at 11:24:35
E-Mail: kbegley@voxeo.com
Maiden: Kim Stembler
Class: 1973
City and State: Scotts Valley, CA
Message: Bob; I lived next door on 137th to Marty, Brian, Rocky and Tia Wilson for 21 years. They are spread all over California. The last known phone number for Lou Wilson (mother) I have is (415) 427-5219 in Pittzburg, California. Give her a call to find out where they are located. She was like a second mother to me growing up. Say hi to her for me!
Name: BOB FAULKNER () on Friday, March 1, 2002 at 09:43:30
Maiden: (AKA: HELPES)
Class: 1963
City and State: GARDEN GROVE, CA.
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Friday, March 1, 2002 at 01:03:02
E-Mail: antiquenza@aol.com
Maiden: hopeful romantic...
Class: 72 rules
City and State: LaLa Land
Message: I just finished reading Ray Millman's posting in
"recollections", and all I can say is, that boy
was a party animal! Annie and I had alot of fun w/him and his pals..he was/is such a sweetheart! And, I TOO remember Joe Seindenthal driving his mom's green Cadillac 100 mph down Rosecrans, and all the parties at Joe's house on 136th and Inglewood Ave. I'm a little foggy on you driving in between the palm trees at the circle park on Broadway...you'll have to refresh my memory on that when I see you at cruise nite.
Hope many early 70's alumni can make it. Half of the Nicocia family will be there..so you know there is going to be a BIG crowd! (HA!)
Don't forget to get your "cougar balls" from
my sis-in-law Cheryl. Cya Saturday night :-)
Ciao, Enza
I hope you 70's people don't think you invented tearing up the lawn in the Broadway circle park. I think Bob Reagan did it in 1959, but I NEVER did it. See you all Saturday night.....
Name: Chris (Allen) Hunt () on Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 18:39:35
E-Mail: chris.hunt@compaq.com
Class: 1977
City and State: San Jose, Ca.
Message: Hello to all my fellow classmates from "77". I hope all went well for you these last 25 years. I have gone and left the area and moved to Northern California, but wish many times I was back home around the kids I grew up with. I miss you all, even the ones I didn't graduate with. Please write back to me personally if you knew me. Take care everyone.---Chris
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 18:14:49
E-Mail: cindycwhittaker@aol.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Message: And you better do what the Bierman sisters say or else! Hey, does anyone remember Aaron Bonnett? I think she went to HHS but Sharon B. and I knew her at York School. We were wondering what happened to her.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 16:36:11
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Live Oak Park, MB
Message: There's some talk of a "free" Which One's Pink? show in Manhattan Beach at some kind of an earthday festival in April. Could be fun for Cougars and a chance for a CT "cruise afternoon"? After all, that's what the Bierman sisters said we should do.
Name: Louise () on Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 14:05:55
E-Mail: louise@cmaintl.com
Maiden: St.George
Class: 77
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Just to update, I've heard it was Robert Rael class of "77" who passed away. If anyone knows how to get a hold of his wife Cindy Jorgensen class of "74" or Jenny Jorgensen class of "77" please email me!
Name: Janet Burkett () on Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 14:03:55
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: Yeah well John, maybe you didn't make it down gunbarrel this time, but just wait til next time!! (You're right, those little 10 year olds don't have a problem, they don't have as far to fall and can slide down most of the way!)
Oh, don't forget.....we're working the L.A. Marathon on Sunday morning. You are gonna be in such GREAT shape soon!
By "working the marathon"; that doesn't mean any kind of running, does it?
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 12:10:06
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: A big Birthday greeting to Mom B! I don't know you, but by postings from other people you sound like a really good person. It sounds like Sue and Sharon are truly blessed to have such a great Mom. I know thats how I feel about my own.
Will miss Cruise night, but save me a Cougar Ball!
Have fun.
Mom B IS a really good person.
Name: Gail Oliver () on Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 11:46:22
E-Mail: gailsgoddies1@socal.rr.com
Maiden: Beaird
Class: 69
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Message: Be Brave John ! I took my 10 year old grandson to Heavenly for his Birthday two weeks ago and even he went down "Gun Barrel"...Now I know you can do better than the Bunny Hill !
Yes, actually I'm doing more than the bunny hill but I just don't see why you have to step off the side of a mountain if you're not being chased by a bear. Also, 10 year olds bend, and I kinda like my skeletal situation the way it is now.
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