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Monday, April 19, 1999 at 19:34:36
Monday, April 19, 1999 at 17:05:07
Monday, April 19, 1999 at 14:53:40
Monday, April 19, 1999 at 14:04:31
Monday, April 19, 1999 at 12:59:00
Monday, April 19, 1999 at 10:32:51
Monday, April 19, 1999 at 00:33:30
Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 23:25:16
Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 21:17:28
Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 21:05:56
Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 22:28:42
Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 19:59:41
Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 19:57:20
Name: Cheryl Waggoner
E-Mail: Waggs9@Gateway
Maiden: Bladow
Class: 68
Message: I have been reading the feedbacks for a few months now and have enjoyed all the flashbacks everyone has been writing about. I just read Julie Babineau's feedback and thought I would let her know there are more Hawthorne alumni having their children attend Hawthorne. I also had a brother Steve (72) and two sisters Diane (69) and Carolyn (80) graduate, my two oldest boys Greg (93) and Ronnie (94) are graduates and now this fall my 3rd son Justin will be going there. The school has changed a great deal since I went there. Julie I remember you working in the Wiseburn District offices, are you still there? John thanks for this site I enjoy reading it often
Name: Kathy Duran-Reese
E-Mail: Kuchacho@aol.com
Maiden: Duran
Class: 1964
Message: Hi Everyone! LV sounded like a great time. A little short notice for me . Hope there will be some pics soon. If they can be shown. I've received some great mail from friends and teachers. Mr. Plotkin actually remembered me. Dennis Campbell thinks I HAD THE BIGGEST BUTT of us three sisters. SHEEEEEESH!!!
How is Mr. Bravo? I remember giving him SUCH a hard time. I don't apologize however. because I thought it was pretty fun. I work with a kid named Johnny Bravo in Manhattan Bch, any relation?
Good hearing from all of you
Kathy Duran-Reese
Name: Sandy
E-Mail: sandys00@earthlink.net
Maiden: Snyder
Class: 1962
Message: Just wanted to tell everyone that was in Las Vegas
that it was nice to see everyone, Frank and Patty
did a great job of putting it all together, we were there with Sandie (Tully)1962 and Jim Perry 1960 and had a great time. I met some old friends of my brother, Larry Snyder (1966) and wish he could have been there to see everyone as well. Sorry we never got away from the tables to join you all at the disco, we should have, we would have come home with money in our pockets. Take care everyone and stay in touch.
Note: Hi Sandy, Thanks so much for being there. I think the disco was a little over-rated as it took all the conversation away.
Name: Julie Babineau
E-Mail: J7949@AOL.COM
Message: I didn't graduate from Hawthorne High School, but my husband, his brother and sister, and our 3 children did:
Michael '63
Jeanyce '66
Terry '68 (?)
Michael Jr. '88
Brooke '92
Gary '96
Note: Hi Julie, Now there's an HHS family. Julie, you are now an honorary Cougar.
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Alright who's the wise guy. I can't believe someone has a picture of me from just last year. You know the funny thing is that I remember when that picture was taken because my hair was all goofewd up and didn't want my picture taken but had it anyway. The other funny thing is that my ears then are the same size as they are now. I will scan a pic of me and send it in so you can see. Anyway that is funny. Now who did it? I'm so sorry for not being at the reunion but was in Arizona and didn't get back in time.
Note: Hi Keith, You broke a lotta' hearts by not showing up at the reunion. We forgive you though and we KNOW you'll make the next one huh.
Name: karen kuehl
E-Mail: kaykay@accex.net
Maiden: graham
Class: 59
Message: What a great time we had at the mini reunion in LV!!! Thanx Patty and Frank, you did a great job in getting this all together! And it was so much fun meeting you all in person. For those of you who couldn't make it, you missed a good time. The only advice I can give you is, if you get the chance to attend one of these get-togethers in the future, do so. It is such a kick to meet face-to-face with people you have so much in common with and never knew before. The group ranged from the class of '59 (me) to the class of '80, but at this place in time, we were all the same age!! It was amazing!!! It was just like visiting each other on this site. And, John, we all have you to thank for this everytime we check into Cougartown. It was so good to meet you too. Thanks again to all those that were at this latest gathering for making it such a fun time and I hope we can all do it again . . . soon!!
Name: Patti Froom
E-Mail: pfroom@netscape.net
Maiden: Henderson
Class: 66
Message: What a great web page! Found it accidentally (when searching for Hemet High). Too bad I didn't see it last week when Sally Seidenthal and Sherry Souder were here! It's great to be able to catch up with people (and to know that my former mailman, Jim Schroeder, is now a 6th grade teacher!) I'm now principal of Ramona Elementary (the one in Hemet). Regards to all (hey, Jim Sloey, remember we were the only two Rec. Leaders under age 18 to work for Parks & Rec). Whatever happened to Orva Quimby and Kathy Blagg?
Name: not telling
E-Mail: somewhere.com
Maiden: none
Class: yes (but all 3rd)
Message: the picture is Keith Jones wasn't he cute! Oh by the way this isn't Keith Jones!
Note: That picture almost looks like a mug shot doesn't it? Keith, you know I'm just ribbin' ya' huh.
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Another mystery picture from the "Mystery Scanner Guy" somewhere out there in cyberspace. Does this guy ring a bell?
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Just got back from Las Vegas. We had another great mini reunion. People I haven't seen in years along with people that I've talked with through email, but now I can put a face to them. Patty and Frank.......what can we say. You two did a great job of putting this together. From the DJ to the name tags to the food to the coordination. Another fun time was had by all. Thank you so much.
There are pictures, so be looking for them in the next couple of days. I know others took pictures and if you did, and want them on the page, please scan them and email them or mail them to:
John Baker
PO Box 1406
Lomita, CA 90717
Thank you all for coming last night. It was great fun meeting you all. By the way, Gary Nix HHS70 is the Disco King of HHS. Oh and Cynthia Valencia HHS66.....I have crowned you Disco Queen. I think these smaller reunions are just as much fun as the "Every Ten Year" reunions. I hope we can have these at least a couple of times a year. Thanks again to everyone who was there last night. You made the night a special night for us all.
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Maiden: V5
Class: 1974
Message: Hi Bob, Thank you for the "Bulgy" name. I can still picture the fine gold lines on those fishes. I asked Cynthia (one of those "others" my father had to invite along) about what in the heck was so funny. She said, and in my completely mean family upbringing this makes so much sense, that they couldn't stop laughing because Gloria and I looked so scared on the fish. No wonder the slapstick comedy of the Three Stooges was/is so popular.
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: Bob Veach, I saw your posting in regards to the whereabouts of Shirley or Debbie Cook. Shirley was married to Tom Roberts (almost class of '72) for many years. Last I heard, she was working for Hawthorne School District. She was always a funny girl. My wife and her used to cheat at Monopoly against me and Tom.
Name: Barbara Johnsen
E-Mail: barbaraj@linkline.com
Class: '69
Message: Thanks John I have found more old friends with Your Cougartown and it keeps getting BETTER.
I really like the music but can we get all the words somewhere, can't remember most of them any more.
Note:Barbara, It goes something like this:
And it's YOUR website too.
Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 19:06:23
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: Vegas-Bound@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Attention all you Feedbackers. If you want to leave feedback, please do it before tomorrow about Noon. I'm going to shut the Feedback Page down for a couple of days while in LV so it's not overloaded when I get back. Keep that email coming though. Thanks
Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 18:47:36
Name: Bob Rierdan
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: Patty, That squishy fish was called "BULGY" - probably what they were laughing at! Fun for kids but what a boring ride to operate all day for a 14 year old boy. Bob
Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 16:12:24
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: I loved Kiddieland! My father used to take me (ok... with Gloria and those others) almost every weekend. The boat ride was my favorite too, you were on real water and you bobbed up and down somewhat. Gloria and I would ride that Fish ride that made the "squish" sound and my father, big brothers and sisters would just crack up watching us. I still don't know what was so funny, but we loved it. I was too little and scared to ride the big ferris wheel. Whenever I would daydream about Kiddieland I would always see these silver things in the picture. Now, as an adult it makes sense that they were trailers, but as a kid they were just visual noise interfering with my dreams :)
Note: Patty, My story's different. In the 50's, my grandmother lived on Birch and about 118th. She watched me and my cousin after school, while our parents were working. The way she'd get rid of us for awhile was give us each a dollar. The tickets at Kiddieland were 10 cents, but if you bought a dollars worth, they'd give you 2 extra. We each had 12 tickets and we saved most of them for..........The OCTOPUS!!
Man, we LOVED that ride. We would ride it until we'd get sick. To my cousin Dennis and I, it was the worlds first THRILL RIDE and it was right there in Hawthorne.
Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 11:55:43
Name: Susan Ramynke
E-Mail: sramynke@tustin.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Mrs. Chuck Ramynke
Class: IHS 72
Message: I was turned on to your page by Bruce Grey, Class of '64 (I think). He is now a salesman I deal with in my Purchasing Dept. at Tustin Unified. I grew up in Inglewood (IHS Class of '72) and met my husband, Chuck Ramynke (HHS Class of '72) when he was working at Alpha Beta on Arbor Vitae in Inglewood. We were 16, got married at 18 and now almost 27 years later, have 3 kids (20, 19 and 16).We did a lot of crusing, but mostly racing, on Hawthorne Blvd. and those were the days!
Thanks for this website...keep it up!
Note: Susan,
I'm not too sure if I'm for these mixed marriages....you know, Cougar-Sentinel. I guess if you've been together for 27 years, something took. :o)
Thanks for sharing and all kidding aside, Sentinels are welcome here too.
Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 10:09:57
Name: barbara duran
E-Mail: natl098
Maiden: duran
Class: 72
Message: hey bob veach, i wrote to you back on page 41 or 42. i wasn't sure you'd remember me. regarding shirley & debbie, i have no idea whats become of them. the only person i still have contact with is loretta casey (71) don't you just love this web site? i can't wait to get to work each morning to read these (did i just say that i couldn't wait to get to work?) as for mr plotkin, it seems i owe you as apology. it appears the "bb" should stand for big brother. dennis campbell informed me that my brother was the one that started it. looks like christmas wont be too much fun for howard. talk to you soon.
Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 23:26:24
Name: Cynthia Valencia
E-Mail: Mexilucy@AOL.com
Maiden: V-3
Class: 66
Message: I am seeing names I know on the Vegas Reunion list. We are very excited that so many of you cougs are coming into "our" territory. We will have a great time! It is suppose to be a very warm weekend (88 degrees). Hello to Cheryl Bottolfson! I look forward to seeing you this weekend! John----I am really looking forward to meeting you---Ricki (V-1), what a great picture of your family! The v-girls have been quiet lately because we have been conspiring in Vegas for the last three weeks. When we get together,
it is impossible to focus on anything else. We will hopefully be in full force (Ricki?????) this weekend. Sorry the B-girls will not be there in person, but we know they will be there in spirit!
Note: Hi Cynthia, Yes, I can not wait to meet all you Cougs that I've spoken with the last year or so, but have never seen. I also look forward to seeing people like George Gross, Jim and Sandie Perry, Frank Romano, Sandy Snyder, and of course V5 and V6. This is going to be a great weekend. Ricki, Jim, and Sammy???? See you all this weekend.
Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 22:00:41
Name: Janet Amuchastegui
E-Mail: jamuchaste@valint.net
Maiden: Amuchastegui
Class: 68
Message: Oh the memories of the amusement park! When I was preschool age, my parents would take me and my brother Paul if I would go to Sunday School and not cry when they left me in my class. My favorite was the boat ride. Guess I did not have very sophisticated taste. Hearing about the carousel certainly makes me wonder just what amused me about the boats with most likely contaminated water! Another Hawthorne childhood memory was going to BBQ Pete's. It was a neat place and the food for the second floor tables came up on an elevator. The chef (Pete, I bet!) walked around to the patrons to make sure everyone was pleased. All who make it to Las Vegas, have a great time!
Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 08:44:03
Name: Lyman Moss
E-Mail: SMTP:Lyman.Moss@PSS.Boeing.com
Class: 59
Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 07:16:50
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!! Geez, John, one of my LEAST favorite photos. Guess I didn't get that last check in the mail fast enough..!! Sorry we'll miss the LV reunion. Previous engagement sort of thing. But I'll be thinking of y'all. Have a wonderful time. Bring on the Margaritas!
Name: Kathy Stonebraker
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: Hi Janice! Yes we're still here, just had server problems so we changed our e-mail address. Steve's mom is doing fine. She lives up by Kernville. His dad, Ken Stonebraker, passed away last December after a short battle with lung cancer. He'll be missed by everyone who knew him, especially the people in Hawthorne who knew him as Chief!
Hawthorne Youth Camp was great. I spent many summers there. The real trip was the summer I sent my own kids there!
Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 23:23:36
Name: John Ketterer
E-Mail: shasta@deltanet.com
Class: 61
Message: Now living in Hawthorne again.
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