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Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 16:36:38
Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 13:35:09
Name: joe gringo
Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 10:34:03
Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 00:41:12
Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 00:14:01
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 23:23:47
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 19:59:45
Message: Any clues to the first picture? She looks familiar.
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 19:03:29
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 18:26:42
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 17:16:45
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 16:39:52
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 15:28:03
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 14:21:32
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 10:01:37
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 11:19:05
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 09:30:17
Monday, April 19, 1999 at 22:31:24
Name: John Baker
Message: Here's another Mystery Photo from the Mad Scanner Person. Anyone?
Name: John Baker
Message: Another Mystery Photo from the Mad Scanner Person out there in Cspace. Anyone have a clue??
Name: Bob Veach
E-Mail: annijor@aol.com
Class: 1972
Message: It was nice to hear about Mr. Nelson doing well. Although I only had two occasions to speak with him, I thought he was too stringent for my tastes.
The first time was when he visited Frank Graves' wood shop class and saw me using an electric sander without goggles. He made me stop and speak to Mr. Graves. I thought "man, what a pain in the a**".
The second time was when Chuck Ramynke and I had a fight in wood shop.We were sent to see him. He sent us home and suspended us for the next day. When I got home and explained to my mom what had happened, she immediatly called him explaining that suspending a student for simply fighting was wrong. That it would only encourage more fighting. He explained that if administrators were to allow this to continue, "there would be chaos on the campus". My mom thought he was a fuddy-duddy from the old school. All kids fight.
Well, after hearing about Littleton, CO yesterday, maybe his ideas weren't that old fashioned. Whenever I hear about violence on high school campuses, I think of him and that day he would not allow "chaos" on his campus.
Oh, if we only knew then what we know now. Thank you Mr. Nelson, I had a fun and safe high school experience. A lot of kids today do not enjoy that luxury.
Note: Gosh Bob, I'm glad you turned that story around. VERY well said. You're choking me up here just thinking about it. The good coach Chauncey and I had a pretty good talk about the Littleton situation last night via email. Without going into it in detail, I think the coach and I agree that the difference between my generation and the generation of today is, we were made responsible for our actions. Someone HAD to know this situation was getting volatile, and yet they didn't come forward. Very sad....... Nuff said.
It is funny how when you're in school, you just KNOW that certain teacher is an IDIOT or a JERK, only to find out years later that he or she only wanted the best for you.
Name: karen kuehl
E-Mail: kaykay@accex.net
Maiden: graham
Class: 59
Message: I too think we should get together again at least so we can meet the people who were at this "reunion" who we didn't get a chance to talk to. But a beach party? I will also be wearing my jeans!! I wouldn't want everyone to pass out at the sight of me in a bathing suit!! Not all of us have cute figures like the V girls and some of the other alumni gals in attendance!!! If we did have a beach party tho, it would have to be at 26th Street. Is it still the same? I haven't been down there in years. Whatever we do, a picnic at a park or a beach party, I would really like to do it again. My husband, Gary, had a really good time too, and is in favor of another HHS reunion. He's an alumni of Nordoff HS in Ojai, class of '59. We will be attending his reunion in October. They're a fun group too, but they don't have a website. Poor guy!
Note: Hi Karen, How about a beach party at Playa Del Rey where they have the fire pits. We could do it at night in the winter and that would be the excuse for not wearing a bathing suit. :o) I think I had my 21st birthday party down there.
Hi Gary, Sorry about that Nordoff High School thing. OJAI...it IS my favorite place. Thanks
E-Mail: something.com
Maiden: inapposite
Class: nope
senior or junior i hab sent to you 2 identical messages regarding dese keith jones dude it do not appear. why not amigos. i want it put up there. i bean by old hawthorne high
Note: OK, Who Is This?? Anyone have a clue?
Name: Chris Prewitt
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: I just found out that John isn?t perfect. He was most likely misinformed by Rick, his barber, from the class of 1967 not 1966. It was great to meet so many people at the "All Class" (take it both ways) reunion in Las Vegas. I enjoyed the food, music, conversation and even put a couple of coins in the slots. And as many people have said, "Lets do it again!" I like the idea of a picnic maybe even a beach party.
Thank you Frank for arranging the hotel, food and entertainment, Patty thank you for coordinating the finances, John for the publicity and all of the Cougars who attended.
Note: Hi Chris, Yes you are correct on the Rick Z thing. I stand corrected. I'm so glad I got to meet you face to face. Folks, Chris has added so much to the Cougartown site over the last couple of years. He too, has roots in that his older sister's, Bonney Carrick HHS62 and Pat Prewitt Deckard HHS65 preceded him through the halls of Cougardom.
Yes, a beach party. Now there's a pretty picture......."John Baker in Speedos". :o) I'll go, but I'll be wearing my blue jeans. Thanks Chris
Name: Billine Flynn
E-Mail: billine123@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 66
Message: Thanks to John for starting this whole reunion/alumni web page thing. Thanks to Patty and Frank for getting the mini reunion put together. They did a great job. The food was wonderful, the company even better. Robin, Cheryl, Pauline and I had a great time. Can't wait to see the pictures. Hope we can plan more of these thru the year. They don't all have to be in Las Vegas, although that was fun. Maybe a pic-nic somewhere here in Southern Calfornia this summer. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Volleyball and Horseshoes. Anyone interested?
Cynthia, it was great chatting with you. Somehow time just seemed to move too fast and before we knew it the party was over. Oh, and by the way we still have SOME liquor left if you'd like to get together for a little red wine or Chivas. We're only three hours away!!!!
Note: Hi Billine and thank you for showing up on Saturday night too. I've become a real fan of the class of 66 even though Myrna Bell was in that class.........Just Kidding Myrna. Actually my barber, Rick Zapf was in that class too. A picnic in the park would be a hoot. Reunion team, whattayasay?
As for having some Chivas and red wine left over.............ROAD TRIP!!!!
Name: Glenn Crist
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
Message: Thank you, John, for creating this website and allowing me to reconnect to some dear friends and memories.
I had always intended to call Dan Nelson to see how he and his wife were doing, but never had. After being told of Cougartown.com and spending a few days catching up, including contacting several long-lost friends, I decided it was time to make some contacts, closer to home.
Saturday, I called Mr. Nelson to let him know about the site. He said that someone had let him know that it was there, and that although several friends and neighbors had computers, he didn't. He told me he might drop by the hospital where I work, and today, he did just that.
We visited and I pulled up the website. He loved seeing the pictures of the reunion, especially the faculty members with whom he worked for so many years. He said his son worked for Toyota (and lives in the beach (Manhattan, I think) area and his daughter and her husband own four restaurants in Portland, OR. He golfs, although, he says the course gets longer, as years go by. He looks good and is a gentleman. It's hard to believe that he brought fear to the many who received the "privilege" of visiting him. Perhaps it was the parts he played as an extra on "Elliot Ness's The Untouchables."
On a sadder note, I also called Larry Hess, who until a year and a half ago practiced dentistry over in Napa. His wife informed me that he passed away in November, last year, from pancreatic cancer. Larry, graduated in 1964 also, and went to UCLA to dental school. I am sure that Larry is missed by his family and all who knew him.
As for me, I live in the heart of wine country, Sonoma, and practice pharmacy in Santa Rosa, 25 miles north. I'm glad to have found this spot and look forward to connecting with more friends.
Note: Hi Glenn, Thank you for this information. I, and I know, hundreds of others were wondering about Dan Nelson. He was a true gentleman and played as fair as he could at HHS. I think everyone thought he was a stand up guy. I know the girls liked him. :o)
I was saddened to hear about Larry. I remember him as being a happy kid and an all around good guy. I didn't hang around with him, but I knew him. I don't know what to say about the Cougars that we've been losing. In the last 2 weeks I've heard of about 7 people who have passed on recently. Thanks again for the report Glenn and stay in touch.
Name: Gloria Herlosky
E-Mail: gpork@aol.com
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 76
Message: Very funny, John! That's ol Tim Lester and me! I went to school with Tim and all his sisters, (Shannon and Micka), since first grade! He was my escort to the field, when they announced my name as one of the victory queen princess finalists....I LOST! When I think of that time in my life, I remember that moment, as he was a true gentleman and was so sweet with his words; words that were too kind for such a spoiled brat like me. Funny, those few minutes were probably the most time I had ever invested with Tim, and I had known him for 12 years. So, if he is out there as a cougartown voyeur, I wish him all the best.
(I believe it is Mike Rice, that Mr. Jones is referring to. And, that is the name of my husband, (Mike, not Rice!). Also, thanks to all of you, (especially Frank, Maria, V5 and you, Granpuba Webmaster) for making the mini-reunion so fun. It was a memorable experience and one I hope to repeat. (Even my hubby had a good time!)
Note: You lost as Victory Queen?? Man....."It just don't get no worse than that!!"
Hi Mike, I thought you had a good time the other night too for bein' one of those reunion widows. You fit right in. Thanks for coming. Doggone it, I'm making you an honorary Cougar. Oh and Mike and V6, thanks for having me over on Friday Night. That was fun.
Name: Kathy Stonebraker
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: '76
Note: Hi Kathy, She's right out of your era. Anyone??
Name: pauline matthew
E-Mail: sockser@hotmail.com
Maiden: spencer
Class: 69
Message: any one out there know where rick soares is? If so please E-mail me back.
Note: Hi Pauline, If I were you, I'd check the email list under the class of 62 for Cody Soares, or the class of 63 for Marsha Soares. I bet they could tell you where to find him.
Name: Patricia Gard
E-Mail: pagard@directv.com
Maiden: Sacayan
Class: 68
Message: Just wanted to also thank all of you; Patty, Frank, & Gloria for doing such a great job on the Vegas reunion. Ed and I kept talking about the wonderful food and the neat people we'd met for hours later. We enjoyed the party and hope more of these mini reunions are planned. All I can say about the three V-girls that showed up is "what beautiful women"! John, you lucky dog, to be able to party with these women on a regular basis, how do you keep up with them? Patty, would you believe that Ed and I never had the time to get to a chapel? But we will soon, and um, we might be looking for some entertainment for the wedding reception, are you V-girls available? Can't wait to see the pictures I took, and will mail to John so he can get them on the website. BTW, Mr. Fix, if you read this, my classmates tell me that you and Mr. Keys are Harley riders. I'll be riding my Harley to Laughlin this week, and would love to meet up with you two if you're going. Maybe we could even get a picture taken! Thanks again to all of you who made Ed and I feel very special to be at this mini reunion.
Ed, I miss you like crazy!
Note: Hi Patricia, I'm glad I got to meet you and Ed. You two are a great couple. Yes we will do more of these in the future as I know I had a great time. Re: the "V" Girls, I don't know about a regular basis now. That's twice and I'm still alive. Do you think I'm pushing my luck? :o) I met many new Cougar friends this last weekend. I hope we can all do this again and maybe add a few. Heck I'd like to fill the boys gym some night. Thanks Patricia and stay in touch with all of us. Oh BTW, my x wife, Joyce Savisky Chance HHS62 and her husband were supposed to take that Laughlin ride this weekend, but think it might be too crowded so they're riding with another group to Utah. Again, a small Cougar world.
Name: Janet Falkenstein
E-Mail: janran@ns.net
Maiden: Kinder
Class: 79
Message: The mystery photo is Gloria Valencia and Tim Lester--I cheated by looking in the yearbook!!
Note: YES, Janet. We have a winner here folks, but don't go spending that 1000 dollar prize just yet. What's that......the judges say you've been disqualified for cheating. :O) Thanks Janet
Name: Frank Romano
E-Mail: US-RENT-A-CAR@worldnet.att.net
Class: 61
Message: I just returned to Las Vegas from the quick trip to Florida, and I am sorry that we couldn't stay longer on Saturday. In any case, my most sincere thank you for spending your time here at Las Vegas this past weekend. Maria and I enjoyed seeing all the faces. Thank you again for allowing me to help with the project. Thank you Patty for all the work you did.
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: That is Gloria and Mike something (I Think)
Note: No Keith, "Gloria and Mike something" were on "All in the Family" back in the 70's. Or was that Gloria and Mike Stivak? :o)
Name: Karen Kusumi
E-Mail: karen.h.kusumi@boeing.com
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Hi all Cougars. I just recently found this website thanks to Peggy Sarvis (59). I think it is just great., although I was wondering where all the class of 66 is. There has been a few of you on line, but we need more.
Thanks John for such a great website.
Note: Hi Karen, Yeah, where is everybody. Although last weekend the class of 66 was the big winner at the LV reunion. Spread the word people. We need more Cougs!!!
Name: Loretta Cuiper
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: I see Julie and Cheryl also are from the Cougar High families, I know there are more out there too.
My Grandpa Calla went to night school in 53 to study for the citizenship. Larry's sister Joyce 57, Larry 60, me 62, our daughter Darla 89 and next year,2000, our son Eric.
John, I know we all keep telling you, that you are doing a good job, and I will say it again.
Keep up the good work.
Note: I never get tired of hearing it Loretta, but I'm just providing the wall for us all to hang our memories, and I love it too.
Name: Patty, no Gloria, no Cynthia
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 1974
Message: Well Thank you Maria and Frank Romano for all of the work you did on the arrangements for last weekend. The food was fabulous, as promised. And, John, good choices on the Disco King and Queen - Gary knew all the words to every Disco tune and all the 66er's kept coming up to me and telling me how quiet Cynthia was in high school (as she was flinging her white jacket up in the air and "Travolta-izing")!! And to those guys who didn't go to the disco place so that they could gamble, Gloria and I did both - Lost money and danced. It was great to see old, I mean familiar faces, and to be able to connect new faces with email addresses. So, Pat and Ed, did you visit a chapel? Thanks Chris for bringing your new digital camera. And yes, you S-Girls, we'll have to get together the next time I'm out there. And see Karen, not all V-girls slap people on the butts. Oh What A Night! It just don't get ...never mind.
Note: Yes, I agree, it was a night to remember. Chris, BTW has sent me a score of pictures for the LV reunion page. No one was left out. Give me one more day and they'll be up for all to see. Thank you all and I say "Let's Do It Again!!"
Name: Chris Prewitt
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: '67
Message: I think that the Mystery Photo is that of "Doctor Kemp's Visitor". (H.G.Wells)
Note: Sorry Chris, Nice try. Oh and we are STILL out of "lovely parting gifts". :o)
Name: Shaunna Tito
E-Mail: Siso3@aol.com
Maiden: Rogers
Class: 1971
Message: You did a great job and I enjoyed looking around at your website.
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
"Yahno......it just don't get better'n this."
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
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