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Another early 60's classic Sarah Vaughan
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 08:06:21
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: homestead.juno.com/dondt1/files
Class: 75
City and State: Lawndale, CA
Message: I think one reason why more people don't participate in Cougartown and associated events is that high school was a very traumatic time for them. I truly wish I had become more involved myself, not for the sake becoming popular but in order to have a better experience. If I would have known how precious those four years were, I would have done things differently, but I had all sorts of issues that made my life quite difficult during that time.
I think it is great to see people have so much fun now and in a larger sense things haven't changed. Sure, we've all gotten older but many of the memories are still there and there is still the deal of those who are Cougar "stars" (the popular ones) and the Cougar "squares" (Perhaps the Cougar "balls" too). That will not go away and it's probably part of the nature of things. Not everyone will be part of an "in" crowd. People will feel left out and many
people have had such bad experiences in high school they feel so uncomfortable that they don't even want to view (www.cougartown.com/feedback.php). I think that is understandable.
My goal is to "connect" to as many people as I can in a supportive way. I recognize that the past is gone but it is supportive and positive to revisit memories (positive, painful or not) because so much of myself understanding is encapsulated in those memories. I can gain by participating in a group like Cougartown provided that I keep my expectations in check.
So, it's great to see people having fun. As in all fun, sometimes people get their feelings hurt. I think it is good to address that from time to time as you have done regarding the Prom, John. And I truly hope none of the wives or husbands have been hurt by some of the comments or activities that have occurred at the prom (known or unknown). People want to have a good time without pain....
Let's see… no one died from the food, no ambulances or police were called…guess things turned out well…:)
I'm not sure where you were trying to steer this "feedback truck" but as far as not being popular in High School, I think we've all pretty much outgrown classifying our peers. I wasn't SUPER popular in high school but wasn't UNpopular either. I had NO issues that made my life difficult in high school. The things I "worried" about were car problems on a Saturday night. God forbid, I couldn't go Cruisin, or hang with the guys at Frosties.
I wish I had taken the learning part more seriously. I was a good student and believe I could've been close to an honor student, but did lessons just well enough to get by. I didn't want to fail, because I would've lost car privileges, but didn't "worry" at all that I didn't get an "A". I didn't know what the word "matriculate" meant, and wasn't sure how to get to college, unless you call El Camino a college, but again, wasn't "worried" about it either. My regret NOW? I "worried" about the wrong things in High School, and didn't ask questions of teachers, counselors, and parents. In the total life picture, it takes so little time to gather in a degree or two. That degree will place you in lifes mainstream, and give you a foundation that will make the rest of your life so much easier. Present day HHSers, take heed. Your car privilege this Saturday night is NOT important at all. What is important is your FUTURE. Ask questions of counselors, teachers, and parents. They have the answers.
Sorry Don, for stepping on your feedback. I got a little carried away.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 04:49:34
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: Muchas gracias once again to the entire Prom committee, to all who attended and especially to John Baker who brought us all together. Being at a Prom with all of my sisters seemed kind of weird, but then again, knowing my family, it fits right in. It was great to see the "B's" the "E's" and all of the other extended families in attendance. Billy, you made my night. I hope it isn't another 35 years before our paths cross again. Please send me some info as to where your restaurant is located and if I go through town, I'll stop by and bug you. Sharon E. I enjoyed our conversation, and it was like old times. I can't believe it's been so long. I can say the same for you too Sherry, Dennis, Ginny and everyone else. Betty you are as lovely as ever, and have
the charm to go with it. Marion and Ronnie, I'm glad that we got a chance to talk a bit this time. Robin it was a pleasant surprise to be greeted by you as Jim and I entered. You looked as handsome as always. I won't mention Sammy. I have to admit that winning the Brian Wilson CD was a great surprise. I sat next to him in Algebra II for an entire year and I never caught him in time to sign my El Molino. Thank you again to all of my friends and family for making it a very memorable night for my husband and me.
P. S. Connie, if you can contact me at work #562-925-9981 X2703, I'd like to talk to you about yearbook stuff.
Name: Lori Padelford () on Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 01:34:11
Maiden: Princess
Class: 81
Message: Hey I want Cougarballs too! Just think how nice one would look on that new Suburban Mario just bought me. Ya know the one you'll never see him drive because as a joke I put a pink "Princess" license plate frame on it and now he refuses to drive it LOL (well that worked like a charm) Anyway I would like to order quite a few of them to give to the clients I come across that went to HHS and don't have one or haven't heard of CT.
By the way I meant to ask someone at prom night who the couple was that danced so wonderfully. The lady was wearing a long red dress and the gentleman was wearing a tux I believe. Whoever you are I am in total awe of you. I could have watched the two of them dance all night they were so precise yet so graceful. I would guess they had danced together for many a year. Now that is not to say the rest of you did not dance well, you all looked great! Thanks again for all the hard work ! Lori
Dan kept stepping on my toes......but he kisses great.
Lori, I think you mean Betty Bell Boyer HHS61 and her husband. Sorry, I don't recall his name.
Name: Maureen "Mo" Trott () on Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 01:21:15
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: HOWARD "PACO" DURAN a very Happy Birthday, Thursday the 23rd...Have a great day Paco!
Happy Birthday Paco.......
Name: Dan Dye () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 22:50:48
E-Mail: emaildandye
Class: 1962
City and State: Torrance, California
Message: John Baker, I love you man, but I didn't kiss you. My wife Ann said she has enjoyed the fun on the feed back and has no problem with me hugging and kissing the girls, however, she has a problem with me kissing John, (which I didn't) Ann said to tell Judy Wudy "trust me it didn't happen". Ann has a lot more fun with all us Cougars, than her fellow Inglewood Sentinels, class of 64. I want to nominate Betty Bell for the next Homecoming Queen, she is still a knock out, and she is just as beautiful on the inside. We had a great talk down memory lane. I think you have to be a Cougar to know how special going to HHS was. And you have to attend a Cougar function, to really know how much fun we had and can still have with fellow Cougar's. One of the things I was amazed about when I first went to a multi-Cougar class function was, there is no upper classman attitude. We are all equal. Like John said, we are all seniors. My last thought will be, what a great team effort, the prom committee pulled off. And everyone I tried to thank for their hard work said, "I didn't do much, it was the others that did the hard work". THANKS so much team, you are State Champions. Dan Dye, proud to be a Cougar
Thanks Dan, Well put. Maybe we can get some of the closet Cougs out for the next event. I know I had fun.
BTW, I know you kissed me cause I still have your lipstick stain on my collar. I'll never wash that shirt again.
Name: Bob Kyllonen () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 21:02:38
E-Mail: bkylnen@aol.com
City and State: Rancho Mirage, CA
Message: Am I the only former faculty member who keeps coming back to this site? Come on, Chauncey, Fetherson, Allen, Dicus, and Brooks, tell us what it meant to you. To me, it means being proud to have been a part of one of the most wonderful groups of a generation that knows how to live.
I really regret not being introduced to you, JudyWudy. Your comments brighten up the day. Was it one of the Valencia sisters that wanted out of biology and did so well? Let me know, as I have forgotten who, and it is important to me.
I would like a Cougar Ball, whatever that is, and think that the Wine County Week End sounds great.
Maybe you should be thinking about something here in the desert. Rancho Mirage is quite nice.
Bob Kyllonen, Science, 1957-1968, Counselor, 1968-1990, Sponsor of the Knights.
PS How about a reunion of the Kinghts? Would I ever love to reunite members of that group again.
Yes Teachers, where are you? Bob, you and Harry Plotkin are the two who leave Feedback and we all love to hear from the Teachers. Don't be shy Faculty, get in here. It doesn't hurt at all.
Name: Nancy Schuley () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 20:28:27
E-Mail: dorsett@snet.net
Maiden: Dorsett
Class: 1961
City and State: Bethlehem, Connecticut
Message: I wish I had found this Web site sooner, I would have loved to have gone to the Class Reunion. I would have flown into California in a New York minute. Please let me know when there will be another one!
Stick around Nancy, there's always something going on here.
Name: estrada () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 18:27:38
Class: 69
Message: To all the wives of all the men who danced and laughed with others: Ladies, it truly is all in fun and with the utmost respect to you and yours. We are family here. Your husbands are safe as are the wives who were on the receiving end of the fun. I didn't see anybody being inappropriate or indiscreet. Thanks, John for reminding us that some may feel uncomfortable with all the joking around. It was 'hands off' kinda fun. Elizabeth
Name: BARBARA WALKER () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 17:14:28
E-Mail: bwafreebird@aol.com
Maiden: CURTIN
Class: 69
City and State: BOULDER, CO
Message: To set the lingo straight on what they are called here in Colorado. We refer to any balls of the eating variety as Rocky Mountain Oysters. Generally they are from the steer/bull, but they also come from buffalo, which are raised here and served in restaurants and they are quite tasty. I don't believe us cowboys here in CO. would be attaching these balls to our antenna's. Put me down for one of the Cougar Balls. We also have Cougars here in the mountains, but would be thrown in jail for trying to extract this member from their undersides. And after this I think we need to change the direction of this conversation. Bye Now.....
AMEN to that......thanks Barb
Name: Patty and Gloria () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 16:29:07
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 74-76
Message: Cougar balls, put Gloria and me on the list. You wouldn't have to ship them, JB. Evidently you can just have Liz look at them.
I don't wanna cook'em......
Name: Walter Holt () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 16:28:34
Class: 66
City and State: Orange, CA
Message: Hey John... While your whipping up those Cougar Antenna Cajones...You might as well whip up a few hundred dozen Cougar golf cajones for Paco, Sloan, McDonald, Hoody and the rest of the Cougartown Golf crowd so they don't feel left out. If they golf as badly as I do they'll need em. Of course maybe the Cougar ones would Hit longer, Fly straighter & Auto Search the cup. So we may not need as many. Then again, Why Not Cougar Golf Caps, Cougar Golf Shirts, Cougar Golf Towels, Cougar Paw Grip Shoes, Cougar Golf Bags & Cougartown Golf Tips Videos. A whole new marketing strategy.....Watch Out TIGER & NIKE Here come the COUGARS.
Name: Al Rocca () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 16:17:17
E-Mail: alrocca1@email.com
Class: 70
City and State: Mesa, Az
Message: I want some Cougar "Spheres" also.
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 15:51:19
E-Mail: ingridl@fdgdesign.com
Class: 74
Message: Whew! What a night! Some people really know how to party. Did anyone but me notice the bottle of Annie Green Springs Strawberry Hill that Sharon B smuggled in? Scary. I wonder if that was an actual bottle from '76. I really don't know where she found it.
Marianne Dowell and Patty and Gloria Valencia all deserve the "Look the same as the day they graduated" award. They are all stunning, trim, tanned and glowing. How DO you do it, girls?
Bob Kyllonen, I'm so sorry I missed the opportunity to sit and have a proper chat with you. Part of problem with getting more than 10 or 15 close friends together, is that suddenly one doesn't have time to visit with each and every person in attendance. You cut quite a dapper figure, you devil you.
What can I say about Mike Backus that hasn't already been said? Mike, you truly are an exceptional person; a most delightful mixture of true-blue, good-guy, funny, bright, honorable, dashing, boy-next-door, wizard, artist - AND Barbie Dream Date!
I wandered around during dinner, while everyone was seated at their proper tables (by graduation year) and managed to locate Dave McCormick and his sister Pat (class of '65 and '66, respectively) who had once upon a time - a long time ago - actually baby-sat me and my brothers. What a hoot to see them again, after all this time.
Altogether way way too much fun to have in one evening.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making it the huge success it was.
PS - and by the way, I'd LOVE to have an HHS antenna ball for my little Honda. Pass me two or three!
Thanks for being there yourself, Ingrid........
Name: Gina Black Peck () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 15:36:17
E-Mail: gina_peck@yahoo.com
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: I will NEED at least 10 Cougar antenna balls...(I'll have to change them often, we can't drive around with motly antenna balls, can we.) Thanks!!
How do you SHIP an antenna ball? These will have to be gotten at Cougartown events.
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 15:07:27
E-Mail: judywudy@socal.rr.com
Maiden: I'MNotOneToGossip
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: So Danny Dye kissed John Baker in the elevator..so John, what's your point... it's not who he kissed, but who was the "last kissed." And as for Marsha Russell.. hey girlfriend, how could I trip you when you spent most of the evening on the floor anyway.. Everyone said that you were the most beautiful gal on the dance floor, but when they picked you up, you were "nothin'" As for John Baker getting that last smooch from Danny Dye.. well, I do have a picture of Dan in a dress here. (which is on sale now for a mere 5 bucks a shot) and besides, John Dye..has a nice ring to it. Since you were my husband's best man, I'd be proud to be your Matron of Honor. When I ask for matches made at Prom Night I didn't expect it to be Dan Dye and John Baker. Hey, I may be 55 years old, but I'm a "now" kinda woman.
Let the ceremony begin!
Now see what you're starting here. I'm going to get email on this one and it's all getting forwarded to you to answer.
Name: Walter Holt () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 15:03:26
Class: 66
City and State: Orange, CA
Message: Man O Man...Here I sit (In my back brace & Finally Somewhat rested up) wondering what I'm going to do for entertainment after a week end like last weekend. It has been a long time since I have seen so many grown up kids, including myself, have that much fun. Backus & Dan sounds like you two were the hit of male crowd. My hats off to you, but not to worry I had my share of fun too. I can definitely say I am proud to come from & be a part of the Best School Alumni in the good ole US of A. Ok John Put me down for one of those Cougar Cajones. ( Felt like some one was gonna try to castrate me n hang em on some antenna somewhere....cringe) Be A Coug.
This is to Ann Dye and Mike Backus's wife mainly, but there could be others. I want you to know that these girls are only kidding around when they're talking about your husbands. I just hope we're not stomping on some non-HHSers heart out there who doesn't understand that we all grew up with each other and mean no harm or disrespect to you whatsoever. This is just all good clean fun. I know you understand.
Name: Sharon () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 13:50:52
E-Mail: hawthornehigh66@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: Can we buy Cougar balls now, or is this just in the planning stage?
Planning stage right now. Sharon Branigan and I went over this about 2 years ago. Maybe she remembers where to get them.
Name: Mike Backus () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 13:13:51
Class: '74
Message: I hate to be the one to say it, but Cougar Balls sound like something you might see on a menu in rural Colorado! In deference to the men in the audience, can we call them something else? As long as no cougars (pumas) are harmed, put me down for one.
Uhhhh......Cougar Cajones??
Name: Patti Smith () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 11:54:00
E-Mail: GrnidL80@mediaone.net
Message: Cougar balls for me too!!
Name: Marsha Russell-Hood () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 10:45:12
E-Mail: Russellhoodmg@AOL.com
Maiden: Ohwhatanight
Class: 64
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: What a fun night the Prom was! I was so proud that I stayed until 2 a.m. and then I find out that the Bierman women stayed up the entire night????HOW DO YOU DO THAT????? It sounds like I am just about the only one that didn't kiss Dan Dye. I tried several times to get close enough to kiss him but one time Judy pushed me out of the way, later she tripped me and when I finally did get close enough, she told me that I had an emergency phone call and something about a burning building.
It was great to see so many friends having a great time. One of the highlights for me was seeing Craig and Sherry Farlow, Sherry hasn't changed at all. Judy keeps bragging about kissing Dan Dye, well for those of you who know Craig Farlow, he was MY boyfriend for a few days in sixth grade (you know how long those relationships lasted) and MY FIRST kiss.
Robin and I have often wished that we would have dated in high school and spent the last 35 plus years together. We were given the chance to go back in time and spend one magical night at the Prom and it was the best! The big difference this time is I got to take my Prom date home with me. Love you guys........
Marsha is the REAL "Queen of the PromS". This girl has set the all time record for attending Proms. I think the last count was 17. You can look it up in Guinness. Geez, please try to stay with one guy for at least a week, willya' Marsha...........
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 10:21:49
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
City and State: Keno,oregon(ontheriver)
Message: I want a couple dozen "Cougar Balls" I LOVE those little guys! Thanks for the nice words about my dress Janet. (you are the only one I told where I kept the battery pack) Again thanks for the memories ... great party. Our "Little Lisa" had a ball too ....(her two sisters are sorry they didn't come) and NO, we didn't plan our "matching" outfits. Oh, by the way, Lisa has a new job (prayers answered) as Marketing Assistant for RITZ CARLTON ..next party she can get us a rate :o) Judy, Judy, Judy ! Once you're kissed by Dan Dye, you stay kissed. Right Ann? (Just for the record, 1:10, as they were leaving)
What are you going to do with 24 "Cougar Balls"?
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 08:55:54
E-Mail: judywudy@socal.rr.com
Maiden: pickleJarJuice??
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: REMINDER: Prom Night Memory Books and Videos are now for sale.. just go up to the top of this feedback page and find the banner for both and follow the simple instructions. Please note that the video is $20.00 until Sept 18 and then it'll go up to $29.95.. so order now and get the best deal. I was still dreaming about Prom Night last night. Dickey Dixon/shame on you!! (what ever made me dream of that!!) I'm tickled silly to hear all the great responses on the dance, but just remember that "nothing" happens without an audience..so KUDOS to all of you that dropped everything-dress up..and made all that "magic" happen like we were 16 again. To Dale Boll, you made my night to see your handsome face again just like our first prom 36 years ago. And my Janny, I love you babe...thanks for taking me to "our" first prom. Everyone was at the right place at the right time to make it happen. Thanks to all of you that came. Especially Dan Dye.. seems Cheryl Nicocia kept bragging all night that "she" was the first to kiss Danny back in the eighth grade.."Hey Cheryl, didn't that kiss wear off yet!!" I say the last one to kiss Danny is the winner.. I think "I" was that person. It was at about 11:15..on the dance floor..about 2 feet off the ground.
Danny kissed me good night in the elevator.
Name: dz () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 07:12:35
Message: I want a Cougar ball
Name: JB2 again () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 00:50:05
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
Message: OH Yeah, I forgot to mention...I danced with
Dan Dye!!!
You and the rest of Prom Night. Hey Dan, save me a stroll.
Name: Janet () on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 00:44:43
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: OK....I'll try not to be too redundant, but Saturday evening was a blast. Thanks especially to the magic man Jan and his rowdy sidekick Judy. Great job. Jan...I'm tellin ya, this should be your next career! Also to Joyce, Mo, Paco, Bob, JB1 and all the others for their part. Having the idea is one thing, but carrying it out is a lot of work by a lot of people!
Cheryl and John, you two are always too much fun, and Cheryl, you win for having the most glamorous dress at the ball!! Sandy Tully, Betty Bell, Marsha and Judy....who says we can't still do it like we're 18!! At least we were graceful when we fell in the fountain! Dennis and Eileen I don't think I ever have a bad time when you two are around. And, Pat Burris how nice to talk to you about all those old times. Everyone else I had the pleasure of spending time with...thanks for the memories!
Hey darlin', this was your idea. Please don't discount that. The rest did their job, and it came off beautifully. Thanks for the IDEA!!! Now come up with another one. See you at the ballgame.
Name: Gina Black Peck () on Tuesday, August 21, 2001 at 23:55:05
E-Mail: gina_peck@yahoo.com
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Does anyone know if the student store sells HHS Cougar antenna balls? I had to retire my two Y2K "Party animal Jack" heads......and I have a "Castaways" Wilson ball on right now, but I would really LOVE to have a HHS Cougar ball!!! Can you just imagine, a Cougartown event???? The SEA of Cougar heads??? and if you break down and see another Cougar ball you would know it was safe to stop and help!! Or, we could just spot each other more often, and feel that warm glow in our hearts again....
They are about 50 cents if you buy a 1000 of them. Whattayathink Ctown?
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