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Another early 60's classic Sarah Vaughan
Name: Millie Roberts () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 23:30:03
E-Mail: snooks41@email.com
Maiden: same as above
Class: '58
City and State: Paso Robles, CA
Message: Hi John and Judy and Jan, et al
You all worked so very hard and it showed brightly! What a wonderful evening, everything was simply awesome and well planned, to every detail, simply can't wait for the pictures to bring back all the great memories. Everyone, who didn't or couldn't attend, will never know how missed they were, it was just great to see and be in contact with all the great folks, at HHS that made those years so happy and carefree, as they were. We are truly very fortunate, to have this forum and opportunity to keep in touch with everyone.
See you all at Cruise Night, soon???!!! Calendar it soon, OK, John?!
Yes we all are very fortunate to have gone to, and been a part of, Hawthorne High. I wouldn't change my early years for any on the planet. I grew up in the best city at the exact right time in history, for me. Thank you Millie, for being there and being a part of Prom Night.
Cruise Night will be the last Saturday in September or the first Saturday in October. I'll let you all in a couple of days.
Name: Mom B () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 23:24:07
E-Mail: gonore@aol.com
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Judy, what a great idea! You conceived it, you planned it and you delivered it. I know that you had lots of faithful help but without you there would have been no Prom. I saw only one big fault. Someone set the clocks to run double time and the 8 hours was condensed into 4. Dizzy Lizzy, I enjoyed meeting you, too. Your posts always make me laugh. I am wondering how Mike Backus is going to behave in your fantasies. Keep in mind that this is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Be gentle. :o) He has a great sense of humor too. We all reluctantly parted after breakfast at about 6:30 AM, still laughing our heads off. Sharon and I never used the bed in our room! I wish I could have met everybody but I looked around and there were hundreds of us in attendance. Mo Trott stayed out in the lobby for what seems like hours. What a trooper she was! The ladies were beautiful in their gowns. By the way Janet, the food was great. Good choice. The music MC kept jumping down to dance with us in the fast numbers. Mr. Fetherston, you made my night. Missed George Key but the B's, V's, and Konnie stopped by his house to get our marching orders. We behaved reasonably well George. Thank you all for all the work over a very lengthly period. We are indeed, all of us, true to our school. If John reads this, we still love you.
Actually we have to give the conception of Prom Night to Janet, as it was her idea to have an elegant event, rather than all Cruise Nights and Wiener Runs (her words too). Judy, however was steering the "Prom Float" all the way to Manhattan Beach. Thanks again Til, we've used up all the superlatives, "You done good, girl".
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 22:19:59
Maiden: McFarlane
Class: 1977
City and State: Sadness & Regret
Message: I was afraid this was going to happen. I just got through reading the feedback on the Prom, and just as I thought, I regret not going.
I was amused by some of the ancedotes of the prom, and am genuinely happy for all the people who worked continually to make this happen, that it came off without a hitch (or so it sounds).
As far as making a movie about this, it sounds like fun and all, but I dont think any script would do John, or us Cougars justice. Besides, I dont think that Robert Redford would be available to play John.
I am glad to read that so many of you had a blast. Next time a prom is planned, I will be there for sure!
Robert Redford!!?? That would be a GIANT stretch.
Thanks Jill......
Name: Ylse Lynn () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 21:28:51
E-Mail: ylse99@cs.com
Maiden: Ylse Gomez
Class: 90
City and State: Santa Maria , Ca
Message: Has anyone been in contact with Kimberly Ann Spencer from the class of 91'? If so please email me with how I can get in contact with her. Thank you for your assistance.
Name: Karen Kuehl () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 21:13:16
E-Mail: kaykay@tcsn.net
Maiden: Graham
Class: 59
City and State: exhaustion
Message: Hey, I just want to add my 2 cents and say thanks too. It was a GREAT party and my feet still hurt!! I was the first one to kiss Danny Dye at the Prom, so there, Judywudy!! hehehehe
Hey, girls he's a good kisser too!! You really outdid yourselves Prom Committee! It was sooooo much fun and so fun to see the teachers kicking up their heals, as well. The brunch on Sunday morning (late morning, that is) was a great time too. And I must say, everyone looked great for spending the night talking until dawn! Thanks again Judy, Jan, et al for a great evening. I don't think any of us can say enough thanks to you for the many hours you spent putting this together. Sorry Doris Donaldson was feeling ill and couldn't make it. I hope you can be at the next big event, Doris, and I hope you're feeling better. We love you.
Yes Doris, I heard you were sick. Probably something you ate at Wahoos.
Please come to the next event. I know you'll enjoy it.
Thanks Karen for coming to the Prom too. You always have a great time.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 20:20:25
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: John, Zorro loves the guitar........... : ) DZ
Name: Maurine White () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 20:10:23
E-Mail: maurinekwhite@hotmail.com
Maiden: Endicott
Class: 59
City and State: Huntington Beach
Message: Wow! What a night. I'm hoarse, my jaws ache, my feet ache, and I am still totally tired out, but I wouldn't have done it any other way. I tried to meet everyone I feel I have become friends with everyone on CT--what a great bunch of people. The music was great, the dinner delicious and what a dessert! Thanks so much to the committee that made this all possible. I know we won't have another Prom in the near future, but whatever anyone puts together, I plan to be there. Doris Donaldson, so many of us missed you. Hope you are feeling better. Loved seeing all of my brothers old buddies from the class of '63. Also a delight to meet Mrs. Jensen. Thanks again to John, Jan, Joyce, Judy, Janny, Maureen, Marsha, Robin, Bob, Bill and Paco and all the others that made this fantastic evening possible.
Gosh, I thought I was the only one that was still drained from this one. Thanks Maureen for being there. It WAS a fun party, wasn't it. I hope Sandie Tully Perry named the dance show you were looking for. She knew them all.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 19:46:43
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: Judy, the story of why I came to breakfast in the long black dress is not nearly as interesting as you might like it to be.....My sister, Sharon got a room and after dancing all night and drinking out of Wayne's pickle jar, I decided to camp out in her room instead of driving the 3 miles back home...... Sorry, folks, nothin' 'steamy' to report. The Goddess is still waiting for Mr. Right. DZLizzy
So Liz, you tell the story any way you want, but I swear I saw Don Diego with a red rose clutched in his teeth, scaling the outside wall of the hotel, slide into the open window of your room, only to see the lights dim an instant later. I swear I could hear a flamenco guitar too.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 18:45:56
E-Mail: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
City and State: Still in recovery
Message: I know it's been said before, but, WOW! What a fabulous evening! Cuttin' a rug with Rich Allen, what a dancer! Bill Featherston still handsome and charming. Wonderful Konnie Krislock and lovely Zoe; Maryann Dowell who is more beautiful than ever. My dearest friends the V-girls - effervescent is the perfect adjective. All four of you are just gorgeous. Sister Sue, you are beautiful and funny and full of life; still my hero. (See Steve Andreen story.) Nothing like partying with my mom; she keeps me out till all hours. If only she had been like this in high school! I didn't get to dance with Dan Dye, but I did get Robin Hood all to myself for a few minutes. And Mike Backus (sigh...) the B's lay claim to you. Do not try to escape; it is futile. Did we really talk and laugh until 6 am??? Wayne Dickey, I never got to try that HOOCH, bring it to the next Cruise Night, willya? Thank you Judy, Janet, Joyce, Janny, John, Mo, Marsha, Paco, everyone who put this together. Memories to last a lifetime (or at least until the next prom.) And as a PS, did anyone pick up a 2001 HHS yearbook, black cover with a gold label- I left mine in the ballroom. E-me if you found it. Love you all.
Let's do it again soon!
Now see folks, this is what happens when you start an HHS website. This is my 70's bonus, "The B's"....... and I just love this group. Not only have I found my old friends through Ctown, but made these NEW friends I'd have never met, had it not been for the website. Sharon, Mom B, Sue, you 3 are the greatest. You always come to these things and bring such personality. I love you guys MAAAANN!! Sue and Beverly, do you EVER sleep? Thank you for adding so much to Prom Night.
I talked to Terry, the DJ, and he said he's done dozens of these events and NEVER seen a group fill a dance floor from the first song, and keep it filled until the last song. I said he must've never done a Cougar affair before. Part of that energy is from people like the Biermans. Sharon, I will get you a dance with Dan Dye, and we'll see you all at the next event.
Name: Regina Jensen () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 18:05:20
E-Mail: latendressejensen@juno.com
Maiden: La Tendresse
Class: 41
City and State: Hemet, California
Message: What a wonderful PROM. Thanks to all who made it so successful. You all did a wonderful job.
I shared so many memories Saturday night with friends and neighbors. I am full of memories that I will always keep. Memories shared are blessings that keep on giving. Thank you all.
Mom J.
Mom J, It was so nice meeting you and Kathleen on Saturday (I've already met the boys) You've got a lot to be proud of in your HHS family. Also glad you had a chance to rekindle memories with old friends at the Prom. You are welcomed anytime.
Name: Rick Sundell () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 17:55:41
E-Mail: rick.sundell@verizon.net
Class: 1967
City and State: Huntington Beach, CA
Message: The prom and reunion were wonderful. This is the second prom I've attended and both with the same date (she graduated in '66 which is how I got to go to the reunion also). Other than the green/white instead of scarlet/gold balloons, everything was perfect. It was great to see old friends and relive old times. Many thanks to both committees for all the hard work. And a big thank you to John Baker. Without his site, this event would have never happened and I may have never reconnected with my '66 prom date and many other old friends.
Hi Rick, Glad you liked the Prom. Actually we would've had scarlet and gold balloons if this had been a reunion, but since it was a Prom, we went with the Prom theme colors.
Thanks for being there and thanks for bringing your original Prom date. Now THAT'S nostalgia.
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 16:12:04
E-Mail: judywudy@socal.rr.com
Maiden: KUDOStoTheCommittee
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey..Did I tell you that I danced with Dan Dye. My gratitute for above & beyond the call of duty to the committee: Mo Trott-Joyce Savisky Chance-Janet Humphreys Burkett-Bob Jensen-Bill Jensen-Larry Wetter-Marsha Russell Hood-Robin Hood - Paco Duran-& my hubby, Janny Blomsterberg and the head man behind the curtain..the wizard of Oz-John Baker who invented Cougartown and started the ball rolling. All the helpers: Kathy & Steve Stonebraker-Karen Graham-Mike Hunter-Sharon and Sue Bierman-& Mom B. Thanks Rich Sloan and Sharon Moore for your generosity.. Now, I'm not one to gossip..and you never heard it from me, but..what the hell was it that Wayne Dickey had in the pickle jar anyway and why was everyone drinking out of it? Hey Gordo, it made Gordy Red look like kool aid. And how many "love stories" came out of Prom Night anyway.. Dizzy Lizzy, I noticed that you came down to breakfast in the same dress you wore the night before!!.. what's the story??? Hey Ed Fite-I saw your dirty dancing on that dance floor..I want a report from you too! I even caught former teacher, Miss Kathy Brooks, smoking a candy cig and Mr. Harry Plotkin brought his flask. (those crazy kids) And as for Tonya Hobson, for someone that hated being crowned "PROM QUEEN" we couldn't pry that tiara off your head. (she wore it to breakfast!) Bet ya still have it on as I speak. Did I mention that I danced with Danny Dye. Hey Sheila Nolan..I kissed Steven Curtin for ya..right on the lips. Danny and I also danced slow.. And Betty Bell, Sandy Tully, Janet Burkett, Marsha Russell..good to have a straight shooter with you in front of the water fountain. I'm sorry Betty Bell lost her balance and fell in, but as promised we won't put that "legs up in the air" picture in CT. Now, CT needs a report on the "love connections" made at PROM NIGHT-and don't tell me there were none. I have eyes ya know.. And in closing.. Thanks DD, for the dance.. my aching feet somehow got healed the moment you took my hand..
Judy Wudy.. back to normal..6 loads of washing in the works..and scrubbing the kitchen floor.
I do NOT know what you'll do with your time, now that Prom Night is history. Take a breath and enjoy a little R&R. Thank you Judy for a big chunk out of your big heart. WE LOVE YOU MAAAANN!!!
Name: Dick Dixon () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 15:35:31
E-Mail: indyteamwinner@hotmail.com
Class: 1963
City and State: Depends on the week
Message: What a great investment in time. Let us not forget the ole clock keeps ticking. I had a ball, musing with friends, catching a few winks from afar and totally loving every minute. Thanks to the Prom Committee and of course OUR GOOD FRIEND John Baker for making this one of the most enjoyable weekends on record. What a let down this weekend will be at just another Indy car event, messing with the Pennzoil #4, jawing with race groupies and dreaming about last weekend. Lets do'er again...
Thanks Dick for being there.
Name: Larry,Loretta Cuiper and Joyce Titchener () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 15:22:50
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli/Cuiper
Class: 57/60/62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca & Mesa, Arizona
Message: Hello All and a BIG THANK YOU. We all had a wonderful time. Was great seeing so many of our friends and new ones too! John, Janet, Judy, Jan, Marsha, Robin, and all others who worked so hard on the Prom, everyone of you did a great job. We had so much fun, Joyce won one of the CD's and Larry got the table center piece, and I got my dance with my husband " THIS I SWEAR". My cousin Sue connected with some old friends she had not seen since 8th grade, Sue was one of the St. Joseph Kids; she too had a wonderful evening. Oh, Im wanting to write more, but I'm off to work now. Again, Thank you for a night we will all remember. ALWAYS A COUG.
Thanks Larry, Loretta, and Joyce for being there for all of us.
Name: Ruth Watson () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 14:05:12
E-Mail: ruth_watson@customchrome.com
Maiden: Kara
Class: 64
City and State: Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Message: Dear John and Prom Committee:
Thank you ALL for a terrific event Saturday night. Seeing Dan Dye in the Lobby on Saturday afternoon was such a pleasant surprise. My older son got to meet a childhood playmate and neighbor of mine and then hear about the night's event on the drive back to Northern California Sunday morning. Judy and Jan, we got a kick out of the "candies from the past". The food, table decorations, music, memory boards--it was all perfect. You all outdid yourselves and we are greatful to have been a part of a night to remember. Please let us know if there are any activities planned up north in the future. Another Wine Weekend planned? Count us in!
Ruth, You mentioned a Wine Country Weekend, and believe it or not, this is the 3rd request this morning for that one. We'll see what we can do.
Nice to meet you on saturday night and thanks a bunch for the Custom Chrome Cap too.
Name: BARBARA WALKER () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 13:58:09
E-Mail: bwafreebird@aol.com
Maiden: CURTIN
Class: 1969
City and State: BOULDER, CO.
Message: First of all, I want to thank all of you that put this event together. The memories I have taken away will last forever. And JudyWudy I will cherish the glow in the dark rosary beads you gave me. I can't believe you remembered. Although I don't believe I remember how to say a Hail Mary or Our Father. I reconnected after 30 years with my two best buds from HHS, Lynette Sperry and Carol Sartain. Elizabeth Estrada, Donna Cook, and Wayne Dickey all you guys are beautiful, inside and out, and Donna your energy level amazes me. I missed all prior reunions, but will not miss anymore. When I left the area 31 years ago I never kept in contact. I realize now that I have missed a lot. And yes John B. the last time you saw me from the old neighborhood I was probably 2 and yes still in diapers. My brother Steve and I were really looking forward to seeing Bob Reagan and were disappointed he did not make it.
Walter Holt it was also a pleasure meeting you. I met some wonderful '69 classmates that I did not know very well, but will now keep in contact. Middle age is reflective time, but all who I met seem to be enjoying this time of life. I love it and look forward to the next 50 years. This trip and the reunion has done my heart and soul a world of good. Thank you all for the memories.
Well said, Barbara, It was nice meeting you for the first time, although, as you said, I knew who you were when you were 2 and I was 9. Let's not wait another 45 years to say hi to one another. Thanks for coming all the way from Colorado to be with your friends. I know they appreciated you being there too.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 13:48:04
Class: 66
City and State: REDONDO BEACH, CA
Message: I am sure all the class of 1966 will join me in extending a big thank you to Sharon Moore Leach for all her effort in chairing the 35th reunion of our class and May Keene Doyle, Becky Slaughter O'Brien, and our Princess Karen Hare Kusumi members of the committee. What a renewal of friendships. The warmth and friendliness, kindness and true affection shown by everybody was very impressive. For those of you who were unable to be there, we truly missed you and when the next one rolls around, please try to make it; we are truly an extended family because we all have one thing in common that you don't have with anyone else, we graduated together from a great high school. And just to clarify the answer June 15, 1966, was a Wednesday. To all who attended it was a pleasure to see each of you, wish we had had more TIME; a commodity worth more than Gold.
Name: Bob Kyllonen () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 13:17:44
E-Mail: bkylnen@aol.com
City and State: Rancho Mirage, CA
Message:Prom Night 2001:
What a wonderful idea and what a wonderful event! We continue to review the events of the evening and marvel at how everything, to the last detail, was done with such class.
Of course it was especially nice to meet so many former students, counselees and former faculty members. I hope to contact as many of them as possible with a special e-mail note to let them know just how special it was to meet them once again.
I regret that I did not meet with so many of the people who made this very special event possible. My sincerest thank you for organizing an evening that very few alumni groups could possibly hope to accomplish.
We stayed at the Marriott and were impressed with the beauty of the hotel, the friendly staff and wonderful service. They also deserve a special thank you.
And you, John Baker, have a couple more members in your fan club.
Ahh Bob, you flatter me. Thank YOU, and all the Teachers and Faculty members for attending. I do agree that Judy and her committee went that extra mile to insure a "Class" event. I know the Manhattan Marriott did whatever we asked of them, to make Saturday night much more than a "Reunion". It really was a beautiful, special, and magical night for all in attendance. I think maybe a few new relationships might've been added to the long list of Cougartown love stories on Saturday too (let me know if I'm correct). At least I thought I saw that look in the eyes of a few on the dance floor. We will do this kind of thing again, but right now the committee wants to relax for a few months. For now, let's all savor this one.
Thanks again Bob........
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 12:57:28
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: Thank you so much Prom Committee. We had so much fun. The food, music, decorations and the organization was just terrific. What a kick that candy was. I'm sure we can thank Jan and Judy for that. It was so great seeing my fellow 1964 classmates and everyone else whom was there. The dinner conversation at our table was the greatest. Who was chosen as King and Queen? I was out when they were chosen. Yes, I was probably lolly gagging somewhere and not paying attention. Thank you all for such a great evening.
Hi Sherry, Daniel Gonzales from the class of 67 and Tonya Hobson Braham from the class of 62 were our King and Queen, and Dan Dye HHS62 won our Grand Prize, a Dell Computer. Thanks Sherry for coming and thanks to you and Doug for taking pictures too. I know you'll be bringing some by.
Also, the "Throw Away Cameras" that were on all the tables. We had about 42 cameras out there. These were pictures that were going to go into the Memory Book. We only retrieved about 14 cameras. If you picked up the camera by mistake, please return it so your class has some pictures in the book.
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