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Another early 60's classic Sarah Vaughan
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 12:20:06
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
City and State: Oakhills, CA.
Message: Just wanted to thank the prom committee for a great job. It was really a great time had by all. Nice to see so many cougars in one place at one time. Thanks again to John and Judy and the rest of the people who worked so hard to put this prom together.
Hi Pauline, Thanks for being there, and glad you had a great time. Sorry I didn't make it all the way around the room the other night. The first time I saw you, Billine, and Cheryl Bottolfson was when we were all heading for the hospitality suite. Lotsa' Cougs this weekend at the Marriott Manhattan Beach having lotsa' fun. I know I enjoyed every minute of Saturday night.
Name: Sharon () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 10:48:44
E-Mail: hawthornehigh66@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: I may be from the class of 1966, but after this weekend, I feel like the class of 1906. I'm exhausted, but very happy. This is one of the best weekends I've had in a long time. I'm sure I have extra lines from smiling so much. I know I am hoarse from talking so much. I saw so many people that brought back old times at our class reunion. Some of them brought back times that I still can't remember, but enjoyed hearing about. And the PROM, what fun! I saw more old friends and made some new ones. My Jim danced more with me than he has in the last 17 years. It was a romantic, fun-filled evening I will never forget. Thank you Judy, John, Janny, Mo, and all the rest who put the prom together. John, you're still the KING.
Name: Lee & Norma Jean Leonard () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 10:36:03
E-Mail: Lleonard43@aol.com
Class: 1966
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: Dear John & The Reunion Committee:
What an event! Can't believe it's over already, need at least 2 more to be able to see and talk with everyone. We couldn't walk more than a few steps before seeing old classmates and friends. Nice talking to the effervescent Valencia sisters, what beautiful and personable women! Met some new people as well. Just a terrific time. Hope we can look forward to more gatherings and continue to renew old friendships as well as beginning new ones.
Thanks Lee and NJ, Glad you enjoyed it.
Name: Gina Black Peck () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 10:31:25
E-Mail: gina_peck@yahoo.com
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: A HUGE thank you to everyone who worked sooo hard to put the Prom together. I had such a good time!!! It was like going home again, the entire room was filled with what felt like my brothers and sisters!! Where else could a girl go to dance all night, feel completely safe, and be able to leave your purse on the table and still find it waiting for you, untouched, when you got back? A special thank you to all the "young bucks" who danced with my Aunt Nora. She simply refused to dance with me! I can't wait until next time!!
Thanks to you, Gina, AND Aunt Nora for showing up. I know you both had a great time.
Name: Bob and Karen Fraser () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 10:28:24
E-Mail: krafalski@lcmhs.org
Class: 60
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca.
Message: Oh my God what a fantastic evening Saturday night. To everyone who put together the Prom,, thank you, thank you , thank you ! Your hard work paid off as it was the best time ever. So wonderful to see so many old friends and the music, food, atmosphere , everything was perfect. It is going to take us a long time to come down off this high !!! Love to you all ...
The Frasers
Thanks you two, Glad you enjoyed this weekends get together.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 09:57:30
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: redondobeach,ca
Message: I've said it before and I'll say it again, I LOVE YOU GUYS! The prom was a blast. The music was great, the food delicious and the people were beautiful. I danced 'till my feet couldn't take it anymore. Mrs. B is my new role model, Mike Backus is my new fantasy man, and the Valencia sisters are my new extended family. Walter Holt, Tom Burroughs, Pat Burris, Roger Ridings, Bill, Gary, Sue B, Karen Hare, Donna and Wayne, (the tequila man) Thank you. Everything was groovy, man. Thank you John, Janet, Judy, Jan, Maureen, Marsha and Robin and any and all who put in the time and energy to make it happen. Seeing my old girl scout buddy, Lynette Sperry was a gift worth more than the price of admission. It is, indeed, great to be a Cougar. oxxooxoxoxoxxo Elizabeth
AHHH NOW, see that's the thing right there, "Finding your old Buddies". That is exactly what it's all about. Thanks Liz for being there. I hope lots of Cougars found their old buddies on Saturday night.
Name: Maureen "Mo" Trott () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 09:23:27
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Well, it's over, but boy did we have a great time or what! I would like to take this time to thank Bill Jensen, Marsha RUSSELL Hood, Karen GRAHAM Kuehl and Mike Hunter, Steve and Kathy LORIG Stonebraker and Beverly "Mom B" Bierman for all their help with the "Reception" tables. They stayed and helped from the time we started handing out the registration packets until we were ready for dinner, my deepest appreciation. This was probably the BEST dance/party I have ever been to, and I know that many others felt the same way. Hawthorne Cougars are the best! Now on a very important question....did anyone happen to find or pick up a pair of glasses by mistake? I lost a brand new pair (not even paid for yet...) and am hoping that someone might have found them and didn't know what to do with them. If I should be so lucky, please E-mail me and let me know. I checked with the hotel Saturday night and again on Sunday morning, but no luck. Thanks again to everyone (committee members and attendees) for a "One Summer Night" I know I will never forget! Always a coug!
Thanks Mo, and thanks for all the help on the project. Judy and her band of merry Cougs did a great job of getting all inside quickly. LET'S DO IT AGAIN!! but not for awhile.
Name: Walter Holt () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 09:13:11
E-Mail: walter_holt_hhs66@hotmail.com
Class: 66
City and State: Orange, CA
Message: John, Judy, Janet, The Hoody's, Sharon Leach & everyone else who helped put this weekends events together... Thank you for making it possible to spend time with old friends & new friends. Sharon & all, You did a great job for our 66 reunion. I can't tell you how much fun I had reminiscing with many friends I hadn't seen in 35 years. For all my friends that I didn't remember your names right away, I promise I'll find that memory medication soon. (but do I get credit for remembering your face?) ..John & All Saturday was an "Event" that will be difficult to surpass. My Knees hurt, my backs out of whack, and I have a smile on my face that will not go away for a long long time....Thank You. "Goddess" you wore me out. Wayne, Donna & Lynette was much fun hanging with you this weekend. Darrel & Janis it was great seeing some of our old haunts & to all my other classmates let's not wait another 35 years.
Thanks Walter, glad you enjoyed the BIG WEEKEND.
Name: Patti Smith () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 07:36:56
E-Mail: GrnidL80@mediaone.net
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: My heartfelt kudos to all of those wonderful people who put Prom Nite together. It took a tremendous amount of work, and it is very much appreciated. I had a wonderful time, as it seems everyone else did, too. Thanks to everyone who made Saturday a truly memorable night.
Thanks Patti, and thanks for being there too.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 07:36:16
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: restingfromprom
Class: 75
City and State: Lawndale, CA
Message: John Baker,
I had a good time at the all-class prom. I was joking with someone stating that I think a movie could be made about Cougartown (ex. "Cougar Times"). The more I thought about it, the more plausible it seemed. I wish I heard your story a little better about how you got started with the site. I imagine the first scene of the script would show you thumbing through an "HTML for Dummies" book talking to yourself regarding your interest to learn HTML. The movie would contain either Beach Boy music or uniquely composed Beach Boy-like music (if the copyright fees would be too high).
The movie might not only reveal how you began developing the site but also how your friends reacted to the growth of the site, different experiences you encountered and flash backs to various humorous and serious experiences spanning all class groups.
There are many competent story tellers and writers within the Cougartown family. There are also many who are skilled in graphic arts.
I would not be surprised to find that there are script writers out there and Cougs that work within the entertainment industry.
Would the film be mainly a documentary, drama or comedy? It probably could be a mixture of all three. I truly hope one day such
a film is made. I think it could be quite enjoyable and touching. If anyone out there would be interested in such an endeavour,
I would be glad to participate and support in some way. I do not consider myself a good story-teller and am not a script writer. But
I imagine there are many people out there with great writing skills.
Again, it was good going to the prom. The class of 75 had only 4 people but at least there was some showing. There were some people who I thought would be there but were not. They are missed. It was also good to see some of the teachers again. Good job, Judy, Jan and everyone else who made this event possible.
So, Cruise Night in September is the next event?
A Movie??!! Alan Hauge, here's your next project.
Name: Joe Bell () on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 00:13:07
E-Mail: jb41jb@yahoo.com
Class: 59
City and State: Artesia CA
Message: Thank you John, Judy, Jan, and everybody who did so much, to make the a wonderful night for me, and so many new and old Friends. It was a Beautiful time. I thank the Ladies who danced with me too, you all sure have a lot of 'Energy.'
I'd love to join you for a 'get together' again.
You all were so kind to me, I really felt like I belonged there. God Bless Your days under the Sun. You have Help so much more to 'feel LIFE'!
Hey Joe, Glad you had a good time. We'll see you next time.
Name: Myrna Wood () on Sunday, August 19, 2001 at 21:13:43
E-Mail: mybizz@onemain.com
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: John - I know it took a lot of people a lot of hours, and mucho stress on occasion, but..... you all did a wonderful job putting together the Prom 2001. Jim and I had a great time. It is wonderful to find old friends and learn that we still have things in common and that our friendships "stay true til the end". Thank you soooo much to all of you that put this together.
Thanks Myrna, and thanks to you and Jim for participating. Prom Night needs people to be successful and lots of people came from miles or states away to be there. I want to thank them all, as they are what it's all about. I had the best time last night, although I was running on empty by about 12:30am. Hope everyone else had a fun evening too.
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Friday, August 17, 2001 at 19:54:26
E-Mail: judywudy@socal.rr.com
Maiden: BackHomeAgain
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Just got a call from a former HHS teacher, MS. NITA CABLE...and she sends her regrets as she won't be able to make PROM NIGHT tomorrow night and wishes us a "glorious time".. She's hoping she can make a future event.. Also she wanted me to post that she's very interested in hearing from her former students and since she doesn't have internet, she's left her phone number and address:
P.O. BOX 1754
(909) 659-5607
She particularly is interested in the pep squad from 1975-80 and Judy Wanatonobe (spelling?) Now, go make a good teacher feel better.. and call.
Judy D
Name: Dawn Moffett () on Friday, August 17, 2001 at 17:17:41
E-Mail: dmoffett@clunet.edu
Maiden: Koch
Class: 78
City and State: Simi Valley, CA
Message: It has been forever since I've had time to check in. Glad to see that everyone is still around. Wish we could make the prom but life is so hectic right now, too many commitments! I'm sure some great pictures will make their way to Cougartown. I'm not sure if he checks in but I recieved an email from Mr. Wing last week and he mentioned his family was coming in to celebrate his 90th birthday! I'm sure there are some Cougs out there that would like to send birthday wishes to him so I thought I'd let you all know. I can't believe he'll be 90! Seems like I just graduated. . . guess not. All the choir people will remember the fun we had in choir and that was in large part to Mr. Wing. Happy Birthday Mr. Wing!
Hi Dawn, Yes, I can't believe Mr. Wing is 90, and I graduated in 62. Please post his email address so all his early 60's choir members can send him birthday greetings too. Thanks a million and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mr. Wing......
Name: Bob Poorman () on Friday, August 17, 2001 at 14:45:03
Class: '77
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Message: But how can you mention Green Farms without mentioning the pickle barrel. A big wine barrel full of big, no huge, dill pickles. Sure the BBQ was great but the pickles, WOW!
I was into MEAT!!!
Name: John Baker () on Friday, August 17, 2001 at 12:48:14
E-Mail: john@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: 1966 Reunion Reminder:
For all you HHS 66ers out there who are sitting on the reunion fence, there are still tickets available at the door. If you don't go, you WILL regret it tomorrow. This one's going to be a fun one. First off, how can you beat Sheckey Sloey as the Master of Ceremonies. Come on 66ers, get down to the Manhattan Beach Marriott tonight. You'll be glad you went, I guarantee it.
Name: Sharon () on Friday, August 17, 2001 at 12:38:27
E-Mail: chas@ccmaui.com
Maiden: Willis
Class: 72
City and State: Maui
Message: Aloha! Just returned to the island after the meeting of the TRIBE! The reunion 70,71,72,73!
WOW. I have not laughed and cried that much in so long. We are all so blessed to have gone to school in those times. It was a wonderful wonderful time.
To Tom Degrazia, you really were my secret love I lied to you that night!!! And to reunite with the D'Ericos, MClains, Castorani, Rick and Mike, Karen Masters, Barb Duran..I cry for you! And to see Wendy Ulve drive up in the Vette she drove in High School was an unforgetable site! Janice Knott reminded me of the drugs I injested. I forgot. The old Saint Joes's crew was a blast from the past. And the list goes on. the old Holly Glen crew!
I left the reunion at 3:45 in the morning, we could have talked all night..oh we did.
Pam Cleeton really wanted to be there, so if anyone has any pictures, my camerea broke! :-(
Please send a copy on to me...882 Nenelea Street Haliimaile, HI 96768..
I will be contacting Mark Talbert! I got busted with him in Pam Cleetons car with about 5 others.
PS..I am clean and sober now!!! thank god...
Hugs to the Tribe..and enjoy the prom
Thanks to John for this site. It has brought so many of us back together.
Sharon Willis!
Now there's a PARTY person. Sharon, we'll miss you tomorrow night, and glad you had a great time at your reunion. I keep telling you guys, "It's more fun than anyone should
legally be allowed to have".
Name: Kathy Frankforter () on Friday, August 17, 2001 at 09:40:42
E-Mail: kathy90277@earthlink.net
Maiden: Tom's wife
Class: 79
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Cougars,
Wishing you all a great Prom Night. I want you to know, I'm working on the West High Warriors on possibly doing a Prom Night. I think this is a great idea. I have watched the feedback here over the last few months and it has been fun seeing everyone excited about your Prom Night. I need to get the spirit going over at West High.
Have a ball...I have over 500 songs on my hard drive and many of them are from the early 50's. I have no idea how you guys are on songs but I would be happy to make a few CD's for you to
play. I just made a couple for my brother-in-law who's having a class reunion in Bishop, CA.
Made them a couple of real good CD's. By the way, my sister who lives up near Mammoth knows a couple of Cougs...Jim and Carol Calkins. (Hope I spelled their name correctly) John, if you need more music, I'm close by- Just say the word.
Hi Kathy, Thanks for the good thoughts. We are set on the music, however, as we've hired "Have Music Will Travel" to handle the Prom. Jim and Carol Calkins I know real well and did know they had moved from Cerritos to the Bishop area a couple of years ago. The picture above was taken at the First Decade Reunion about three years ago, and shows Jim telling me that I'm number 1 in his book.......
Yep, we Cougs are scattered all over the place.
Name: Alfred Rocca () on Friday, August 17, 2001 at 09:34:18
E-Mail: alrocca1@email.com
Class: 70
City and State: Mesa, Az
Message: Green Farms!!! My favorite!! I used to watch those chickens on the BBQ in the front window. Make my mouth water just to think of the huge sandwiches. Thanks for the memories, I have to get a napkin now!! Anyone remember American Hobbies?? I spent a whole summer in that slot car palace. It used to be across the street from Taco Tio.
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 22:21:14
E-Mail: john@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: Prom Night UPDATE:
We've got lots of great door prizes coming for HHSers on Prom Night. First off, Sharon Moore Leach has graciously donated several items from her business, JSG Products. Sharon, you are a giver, thank you so much for your generosity.
Next we've got some Brian Wilson signed CD's. Rich Sloan went to lunch with Brian today and got him to sign them. Brian would love to be there Saturday, but has the proverbial "prior committments". Thank you Rich Sloan and Brian for the CD's. It means so much when Cougars give back to Cougars. Also Rich Sloan, out of the kindness of his heart, has donated a DVD player too. Thank You Rich; very generous indeed.
The Grand Prize will be a Dell Computer, and will be donated by Cougartown and the Prom Night committee. It will be shipped to the winning Cougar at an address specified. Thank you Prom Night Committee for not taking that money and having you own party.
I know we've said this before, but this will be a great evening for all in attendance. Tickets are still available and will be sold at the door until they are gone. We, the committee, hope to see you all there, and thanks Cougs for being a part of Cougartown.com
Name: Gary Nelson () on Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 22:19:01
E-Mail: Kruiszn@aol.com
Class: 60
City and State: Granite Bay, CA
Message: Chris and John:
Actually, the big hot rod show starts next Thursday in P-Town (Pleasanton- Goodguys). I have to get ready for a Planning Commission Hearing next week so I am stuck here, would rather be somewhere else. And yes John, Chris is right, there really is an "Itchy Acres Road" in Granite Bay. Take care
Thanks Gary, wish you could make it this weekend but maybe next time. I just heard from Frank Romano and he won't be able to make it either. He's going back to Tucson for more tests. Take care of yourself Frank. Maybe we'll see you at the next Ctown event.
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 22:02:38
Class: 66
City and State: Orange, CA
Message: Know what you mean about Art's Market & deli. I know quite a few of us would sneak off to lunch there. Art's Had the Best Burritos in town. Course I also remember getting in a couple fights there too in the yard next to Art's. But all in all we would go there at least 3 times a week. Art would sell us Booze but he would supply us with cigs. To my fellow 66'ers see you tomorrow night, to all of the rest of you going to the prom see you Sat. night and too all who can't attend we will miss you. We Are The Mighty Cougars...
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 21:55:33
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message: Well, our bags are packed and the cat has checked into "Kitty Camp". Bright and early tomorrow morning we wing our way to Southern California. It will be great to see everyone on Saturday! Thanks to all who worked so hard to make the Prom happen.
We'll see you Saturday Sharon. Have a safe trip.....
Name: Joe Bell () on Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 20:22:18
E-Mail: jb41jb@yahoo.com
Class: 59
City and State: Artesia CA
Be glad to see you all Sat. Its been so good planning to come to 'Prom.'
I know I'll have a flat tire, so I'm starting over there about Noon. God Bless Us.
We'll be there Joe. See you Saturday.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 20:08:43
Class: 1977
Message: First of all my condolences to the Angelini family. I did not know Gary, but it is a sad day for all of us at Cougartown when one of its own passes on.
Just something that I wanted to share. Today I happened upon a place that served bbq food, their specialty being bbq beef sandwiches. I thought to myself that I hadn't had a decent sandwich since Green Farms closed. Green Farms BBQ was located on the corner of Hawthorne Blvd. and 132nd street. The guy behind the counter whose name I think was Gene, was a really nice man. He would see me walk in, and start prepping my order. A BBQ beef sandwich with extra sauce. Another place I seem to recall was Arts Mexican Deli. They were on the corner of 131st and Inglewood Ave. My folks went there for years for the best darn mexican food in Hawthorne.
Just thought I would share my food memory with you all.
See now, you're making me hungry. Green Farms was the best BBQ that I remember. Being an Eastsider, I don't remember Arts. I do remember the Original Red Onion though.
Great Mexican cuisine there boy. Thanks Jill.....
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