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back to the 60's...... Beach Boys
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Monday, July 23, 2001 at 02:13:26
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: IGotTheDress!!!!!!
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: "HOT FLASH" ON PROM NIGHT: Looks like we'll be changing our menu plans a tad.. Janet Burkett has arranged for us to have a wonderful "sit-down" dinner on Aug 18th.. Red and white meat-veggies-salad-rolls-with all the trimmings. And wait til you see the dessert.. For those that are vegetarians, we'll also offer a veggie Wellington. "Now what's your excuse for staying home??" And now, let me add KENNETH STRELTZOFF '62 to our fast growing list of attendees.. Time to model my prom dress again for Janny.. (trust me, it's worth the work girls-if you know what I mean)
Judy D.. "off like a prom dress"
Name: Dennis Johnson () on Monday, July 23, 2001 at 02:04:26
E-Mail: djohn1050@aol.com
Class: 1968
City and State: Los Angeles CA
Message: Liz Estrada's message mentioning the Hawthorne carnival held at Prairie & El Segundo every summer got me remembering...
The big tent with all the commercial displays. I remember a booth that sold cool glow-in-the-dark plaster objects - skulls, snakes, and eyeballs, among others. I bought an eyeball, which I treasured for awhile, later selling it - for a quarter! - to Carl Wilson.
I remember on one of my first visits to the carnival, my mom took my brother and me, giving us each a dollar - enough for ten ride tickets. I remember being terrified on the upside-down ferris wheel, but really digging on the House of Mirrors, until banging face-first into one of the glass panels.
I loved that carnival...
Name: Mitch Cazier () on Friday, July 20, 2001 at 20:01:35
E-Mail: micaplaywrite@aol.com
City and State: Rancho Mirage, Ca.
Message: The Cowboy Dizzy Lizzy was trying to recall was Monty Montana. He would ride his golden palamino and do rope tricks, circling his horse with his lariat and periodically circling one of us kids, much to our delight. I,too, wore my cowboy outfit, complete with boots, vest, cowboy hat and six shooter. Hopalong was a TV cowboy (my hero), but Monty was the real thing. Hoo Ahh!
Monty Montana; one of the great rope men of the B Western scene. I think his horse was named Rex. Thanks Mitch.....
Name: Dan Johnson () on Friday, July 20, 2001 at 15:35:25
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: LA
Message: Comes now plaintiff Daniel A. Johnson and for his first cause of action states as follows:
Plaintiff Daniel A. Johnson is resident of Los Angeles County California
Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereupon alleges that Defendant James Sloey is a resident of Los Angeles County California.
On July 20, 2001 Defendant intentionally and maliciously misappropriated plaintiff's exclusive right to use the word "Pink" in connection with that certain internet website known as "Cougartown" (aka Baker's Folly). Defendant knew, or had reason to know, of the extreme value of plaintiff's exclusive right in light of the upcoming Which One's Pink? free show at the House of Blues on July 28, 2001. Defendant further, knew, or should have known, that free tickets are available by sending an e-mail to plaintiff at wch1ispink@aol.com
WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays as follows:
For compensatory damages sufficient to re-purchase the entire Pink Floyd catalog on vinyl so that the album covers may be framed at plaintiff's home and workplace;
For an injunction barring defendant, and anyone else, from using the word "Pink" on CT in the absence of express consent from plaintiff:
And for such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper.
That's like the Judge who ask the blonde if she'd ever heard of Roe vs. Wade, and she said, "Weren't those the two options pondered by George Washington before crossing the Delaware?"
Have a very PINK weekend COUGS......
Name: Paco () on Friday, July 20, 2001 at 13:35:30
Message: I just got the first group of photo's of " Toast for Yost" up. Have a good weekend...Fore!
Name: Matt Peterson () on Friday, July 20, 2001 at 13:29:25
E-Mail: mattpete6@yahoo.com
Class: 74
City and State: El Dorado Hills
Message: I just want to thank Paco for posting the first set of pictures of the Toast to Yost wrestlers/scorekeepers reunion. THANKS PACO!
If some of you don't know where to view Paco's Pics, go to the top of this page and click on.........well, Paco's Pics. Thanks Matt and Paco.......
Name: Petey () on Friday, July 20, 2001 at 13:16:33
E-Mail: ihavenophotosofsloeyorhisbrothers.com
Maiden: Gomez
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem,Oregon 97306-2503
Message: Sloey would you please tell us from left to right who is in that great golf photo? I recognize a few of the boys then it gets a little fuzzy. Kell and I could name about six of them. Thanks. (We can recognize a Hootie or two anywhere.)
Name: Scott Alan Martin () on Friday, July 20, 2001 at 11:27:12
E-Mail: test.mail@c2i.net
Class: 1984
City and State: Norway
Message: Hello. Just wanted to know if there is anyone on this page that knows me. If so send me an e-mail. have a good summer all. Regards, Scott Alan Martin
Hey Scott, I'm sure someone remembers you. You're certainly a long way from Hawthorne. Hope the website brings you a little closer to home. Thanks and welcome......
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Friday, July 20, 2001 at 10:59:36
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: I had a dream last night that I had invited several couples over for one of my gourmet dinners but it turned into a nightmare when they showed up and I was in my underwear and the house was in shambles. I wanted to get them out to the backyard and give them drinks so I could dress, clean house, go to the grocery store and cook this incredible dinner I had promised. I walked them outside to the backyard to hide them while I performed a miracle and imagine my surprise to find Hawthorne High's swimming pools in my backyard! All three pools were packed with kids of all ages. They were spashing, jumping and diving and I thought, "Do I have insurance for this? Call Sloey. I need to sue somebody." I woke in a sweat, heart pounding and trying to remember what I ate to give me such a nightmare. I figured it out. It wasn't what I ate at all. It was what I had been day dreaming about yesterday while massaging a client. (I do that sometimes) I was remembering the Annual July parade down Hawthorne Blvd. The year that sticks out in my memory is mid '50's, maybe 1955 when Hawthorne had invited a Hollywood celebrity to join us on his famous horse. Does anyone remember if it was Hop-Along Cassidy and his horse Topper, or was it Lash Larue? I was mighty excited to see a "real" cowboy. I think I even wore my holster and six shooters with real caps. After the parade the
133rd Street Gang of 20 or so kids went to the corner of El Segundo and Prairie for the Hawthorne Fair. I was only four years old but I remember it like it was yesterday. The smell of cotton candy and hot dogs. My admiration of the older kids bravery for going on the "Cage" and "The Hammer". I remembered the game booths where if you tossed a ping pong ball in a cup you won a goldfish and the booth where you could easily win a little yellow duckling or baby chick. Several kids brought home new pets. Chuck Currie, and my sister had two little ducklings when they came home. At the time I couldn't understand the look on my poor mothers Face. She tried very hard to look happy and proud of her daughters achievement but.....ducks are really messy. He grew up to be a fine duck and was released at Alondra Park, or so they said.... Yes, the Hawthorne Community Fair was always the third weekend in July and it was the highlight of my summers back then. As the old man says, "It's great to be a Coug!" Love, Dizzy Lizzy the Cowboy Goddess
I can remember kids water-ballooning the Hawthorne Fire Dept's Model T Ford fire truck during the Parade. What a fun time of year for Haytowners. Does anyone know when the last Hawthorne Parade/Fair occurred? The first time I ever tasted pizza was at the Hawthorne Fair. Also, the first time I ever saw a Frisbee. If the Fair was going on now, we'd all be meeting at Hawthorne Park this weekend.
Thanks Liz......
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 22:28:08
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: SorryAnnieDye.. WeStillLoveYourGuy!
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: PROM NIGHT UPDATE: Yea!! Another teacher to keep us in line on Aug 18th. We've just recruited MR. BOB KYLLONEN that taught at HHS from '57-90. Thanks to Mo Trott, we got our hands on a great teacher's mailing list..and they're checking in. Keep an eye on the updates. And responding to Cheryl Nicocia's question of, "Do I get a discount, if I buy my "Dan Dye" kissing booth tickets ahead of time?" Well Cheryl.. I've waited almost 40 long years to lock lips with the famous Dan Dye..(whom I could only stare at as a freshman) So..no special provisions for those with money in their hands early. Hey..why did you think I volunteered for this job anyway. "IT'S MY PARTY" !! Get those lips softened up Danny Boy!! I'll be there early. Stand in line girls! (all that time in hell to spend, just for kissing married men-Shakespeare)
Judy D.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 20:19:41
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: Lawndale, CA
Message: Walter Holt,
I am glad to see you back on Cougartown and I wish you continued support from your family, friends and members of this message board. Perhaps John Baker had no idea what a powerful effect would result from what had originally appeared to be a simple extension of his hobby. The memories we have of our past...our school years are very valuable and can often only be recalled through a medium like this and the subsequent personal contacts which develop as a result. I wish you continued healing, Walter. There are many people here who have you in their thoughts and are quick to be a support to you in any way they feel they are able.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 19:27:56
E-Mail: allicansayaboutcougartown.comishotdog.com
Maiden: PINK
Class: 66
City and State: REDONDO BEACH, CA
Message: I keep getting emails wondering where I am, ok Liz Estrada emailed me once to say she was glad to read feedback without me cluttering it up and of course my dear friend Al and I talk daily. I have been here, just been lost in all the T-Ball tryouts, even though the season is over. Plus I have had several really good lawsuits, Sloey v. Some little kid, [for the recovery of Al Jardine’s long board], Sloey v Lord and Dye [for specific performance, i.e., a break dance and a hug-no kiss], and the class action lawsuit Hood v. The B-Girls [seems the chocolate in their chocolate cake exceeded Federal standards]. Not to mention a violation of the first amendment, free speech protection in a public forum, I am presently entertaining involving a former Norman but that is still premature. Wasn’t that a great golf picture? I had to get the Redondo School district to change my youngest son’s graduation a day early so I wouldn’t upset the parings. I hope all is well with all of you, and I know that our prayers are still with Walter and Sarah’s family. Be a coug its much better than a Norman!
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 15:49:40
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
City and State: Keno,Oregon(ontheriver)
Message: This is a question for Judy ...... Do I get a discount, if I buy my "Dan Dye" kissing booth tickets ahead of time?
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 15:22:17
Class: 66
Message: Hello Fellow Cougars... Just wanted to drop a note to thank all of you for the condolensces you expressed. It is heart warming to be a part of such caring people & your support has certainly helped lift my spirits. Cougartown is a very special place to be able to go when one needs their spirits lifted. You all truly are special people & I am proud to be a part of you. John you have started something that words will never be able to express how magical it really is and how, I am sure, it effects us all. I know for me, we are truly blessed to be able to have this bond that can never be broken because of where and how we grew up along with the deep kinship we have developed because of where we went to school & Cougartown. For others who have lost special people in their lives lately my heart & sympathy go out to you in your hour of need. Again thanks to you all and truly be Proud that You are Cougars.
There's lots of clowning going on here in Ctown, but there's lots of love too. We all DO CARE about one another. Thanks Walter, I know what you say comes from your heart. To paraphrase a line from Royal Lord, "Thank God we're all Cougars".
Name: Chris Hood () on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 11:21:45
E-Mail: exactlywhosaidiwasfullofit?.com
Maiden: HooHooHoo Hootie
City and State: Coosbania
Message: Early this morning I received a surprising message from Mr. Bobby Jones. Bobby expressed his sincere sympathy to me regarding the disrespectful comments expressed towards me recently in CT. It was evident to Bobby that being the only one fed on a regular basis and given appropriate clothing (it had dropped to nearly 75 that day) that I was the one lending support to my brother and cousin. It was clear to him that those broad sloping muscular shoulders were capable of carrying a substantial “load”. Over the past six months or so of following feedback, Bobby began to believe he may have been wrong about the cougar alumni, that they appeared to be sincere, quality individuals looking to share in the appreciation of their youth. He said he was in the process of preparing a formal apology to those cougs who he may have offended in the past, but the recent disrespect shown towards Cougar alum Jim Sloey has calmed his optimism. Being financially secure has allowed Mr. Jones the time to recap prior CT feedback pages and he was genuinely impressed with Mr. Sloey’s undying support, his continuous and optimistic posture, his empathy, his compassion and the fact that not a negative word towards his cougar comrades had ever passed his lips. In closing Mr. Jones only hoped that some day Jim will be able wash his tear stained CT-Tee and rekindle the Coug brotherhood he once felt. We can all only wish for the same. Thanks Bobby.
You know what I think.......I think Sloey and Bobby are the same person. And where has LeeRoy been the last few months??
Name: RAMMA LAMMA () on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 10:13:37
E-Mail: byyoursidesatisfiedthru&thru
Class: cuziwuzborntobewithyou
Message: JENSEN BOYS! Don't be so jealous - us DingDong girls are just tryin to make contact with some long lost siblings ... Bertha, Fuzzy, Harry and Paco jus mite be them siblings!! Thats truly exciting! And thers definitly a resemblance - grate smiles, flaring nostrils and warmth! And doncha think for one minute that you Jensen boys are gettin outta 1st dance and 2nd dance with little ole me! cuziwuzborntobewithyou!!! PROM NITE 2001 30 days & 29 nites and countin!!! EEWWWIE!!
Yeah there's a resemblance between the Ding Dong sisters and Apes too, except Apes don't have tails.
Name: kelley () on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 10:02:44
Message: My Mom is okay.
Great News Kel, and thanks for that articulate and in depth report.
Actually it's about the same amount of words as one of my book reports.
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 09:32:33
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: "cherry pie"
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Thanks boys.. I got Cherry Pie in the face. I knew if I dared ya to "not" do something...you'd do it for sure... you're men, aren't ya?? And now let me add one more name to the PROM NIGHT LIST. LUCY LIPSCOMB-CARTER '75 Now, let me see if Uncle Guido has his dance card filled yet. Oh ya Robin, one more thing, at least I didn't have to take my cousin to my prom.. but I'm not one to judge...and you never heard it from me.
Judy D
Robin and Kelley sittin in a tree............
Name: MIKE ROSE () on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 03:15:17
E-Mail: mrose45@earthlink.net
Maiden: Never was a maiden
Class: 1974
City and State: Noti Creek, OR
Message: Hello from the woods, a distant wind from the "Days in L.A"................
Hey Mike........welcome.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 02:53:22
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: John,
Why is it that when I click to see the guests who will be at Prom night, I get a series of lines with no names. Certainly those lines should be full of names by now. I know we're going. I haven't seen the list since you changed the format. Is it that I'm not waiting long enough for it to come up?
Hi Ricki, I see you're using Internet Explorer 5 with a Power Mac. I don't know a thing about Macs, but suggest you go to the Prom Attendees page, wait for it to come up completely, then hit "Ctrl A" I suspect the names are there, but for some reason are the same color as the background. This will highlight everything on the page.
Also, you can go to the page, click on VIEW|Source, and read them from there. Good Luck ......
Name: Robin () on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 01:44:35
E-Mail: TheSloeysareclones.com
Maiden: Old Hootie
Class: 60
City and State: South Redondo
Message: John , I have to agree..."Cherry Pie" was a Gunga Din squeezer...Unfortunately Judy never stopped dancing with her uncles and so goes Tommy Edwards...Glad the "Toast to Yost" was a hit...Great to give back to the good guys....And a great pic of the "Hooties" and Kell on Pacos pics...We were so proud of Chris that day...almost walking and only 2 1/2....Later Cougs and dont let prom night slip by...:o)
Well anyone can see why he can't stand up. It's that horrendous load he's carrying around there. That low center of gravity keeps pulling him to the ground. Poor kid; no wonder everyone says he's full of it. The boy can walk, he just doesn't know when to "sit". Be a Coug boy......
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 23:51:22
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: TommyCrazy
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey John Boy... I just sent over my song dedication for PROM NIGHT... now, my question to you is, how many Tommy Edwards songs am I allowed.. I keep having this dream that at the last minute the DJ will misplace all the CD's but TOMMY'S and the theme will change to, "A NIGHT WITH TOMMY EDWARDS." How romantic to hear your own special song so many years after you danced to it the first time.. "time to get frisky fellas".. and John, Cherry Pie is "not romantic" ... just my opinion. (and don't you dare play it)
I beg to differ, and I think most 50's guys will agree that "Cherry Pie" is the most romantic song that Marvin and Johnny ever did!!! ....gimme........gimme some........cherry cherry pi---ie.......
Name: Jon Sloey () on Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 21:08:26
E-Mail: fun1runnerv2spd@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: I, too want to thank Matt Peterson for a great job in the TOAST FOR YOST. It was great seeing so many friends and paying tribute to a man that touched so many lives.
Name: Kathy Duran-Reese () on Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 18:27:59
E-Mail: Doubullds@aol.com
Maiden: Duran
Class: 64
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Well I see dear brother got me again. We've been in Palm Springs, and we're having another party soon..SOOOOOOOO I'm sure he'll be showing you all some duzies!!! It's ok though Howard, I won't hit too hard, I am just a "girl" you know.
Name: John Baker () on Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 17:39:14
E-Mail: john@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: For all you Prom Nighters,
You'll be able to dedicate songs to your sweety by clicking here which will take you to the Song Dedication page. On Prom Night our DJ will read the dedication and will play your song (if he has it, which I'm sure he will if we get this list to him early enough). So "Dedicate" away and we'll see you on the 18th of August.
Name: Sara Van Vranken () on Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 15:07:37
E-Mail: coppertonebabe_2001@yahoo.com
Maiden: Van Vranken
Class: 2000
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Could someone please let me know how many tickets are still available for the all class prom. I have a group of 10-15 people who would like to go.
Hi Sara, Please email Judy Blomsterberg at judywudy@att.net and she can answer your question. Thanks....
Name: Jensen and Jensen () on Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 14:44:40
E-Mail: Tencentsadancethatswhattheypayus!
Maiden: Jensen
Class: 63/71
City and State: SoCal
Message: You Ding-Dong Sisters are sure flirting with everyone! I thought ?You only have eyes for us, dears?. Since Judy is preparing a Kissing Booth for Dan Dye and Betty Bell, Brother Bill and I would like to extend the offer to pose with any of the Ladies who do not want to have their PROM Picture taken solo. We may not have much hair but we have great smiles!
And if any of you women want to dance and your other half is not so inclined, please feel free to ask us, we?re easy! Can?t wait to see everyone on August 18th.
EZ is the optimal word here.
Name: Sharon () on Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 12:45:28
E-Mail: hawthornhigh66@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: '66
City and State: Long Beach
Message: Class of 1966 your reunion is rapidly approaching. Call Golden State Reuions at 1-769-433-4558 to make your reservations for August 17, 2001 at the Marriott Manhattan Beach. That's the night before the prom. Most everyone who has signed up for the prom has also signed up for the reunion. It's going to be a great weekend. Remember Golden State Reunions is closed on Fridays. You can reach them from 9-5 on Mon, Tues, Wed, and Thurs. If you have any difficulty contacting Golden State, please contact Sharon Moore Leach at hawthornehigh66@aol.com or toll-free at 1-866-574-7763, but please try Golden State first. I look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.
Let's go 66ers. Time is getting short. Your class wants to see you.
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