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another 60's classic...... Dylan
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 09:35:04
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: HeyLarry...wazup??
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Just spoke to Loretta Cuiper about her hubby, Larry's, "surprise surgery". Seems he went into the hospital for a simple test, never went home and wound up with a triple bypass.. there's a lesson here, but I just don't know what it is yet. GET WELL FAST LARRY, WE HAVE A DANCE TO PUT ON!! (sounds like a scene from a Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney flick) And now as a reminder, all of you that paid a deposit for your PROM NIGHT TICKETS, your balance is now due. You'll be popping another check in the mail to John Baker. For those that still haven't purchased your tickets..I'M WAITING!! August 18th will be here before you know it. This week Mo Trott is working on the badges and Joyce Savisky Chance will be creating the decorations.. (hey, another scene from a barn dance movie) I love it!!
Judy Wudy
Name: Debbie Washburn () on Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 04:46:18
E-Mail: drivemsdazy@aol.com
Maiden: Johnston
Class: 72
City and State: Incline Village, Nv
Message: I think I read, somewhere in all of these pages, a reunion in Hawaii? Are all classes invited, I would love to have a big party with fellow Cougs over there. We go to Kauai every year and even thought of moving there, a little far from family. By the way I received my form for the multi class reunion and I'm still shown as MISSING.
Hi Debbie, Please email Noreen Crotty Culley at pcrotty@mediaone.net as she's the one that can rectify that mistake.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 02:11:26
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Honolulu, HI
Message: Boy I had Clayton's wife at Dana too. She was mean to us. At least my friends and me. She slapped Larry Coury. It was awesome cause he was going to really let her have it but since he was so small he thought better. She was very stern and very strict that if she talked to you if didn't look at her straight in the eyes she would get super pissed off at you and just go balastic. Not sure if the relationship between the two Clayton's are the same but that was my memory (or lack thereof) of her. Dana people remember Miss Sandler. Boy was she something too. Mr. Helvey was in the same ball park. Favorite teacher of course was Miss Putnam. WOW! Mr Degner didn't like anyone who was an athlete better than him. I remember the paddlings we used to get in PE by him and Mr Snavely. It was always a competition who could make the loudest paddle noise. Love those memories of Dana
Name: Rod Beck () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 23:54:01
E-Mail: RJbeckster@aol.com
Class: 76
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: Friends,
The Celebration Memorial for Randy will be held at
Elks Club
315 Esplanade
Redondo Beach
June 24 @ 4pm-7pm
casual dress
This will be a celebration of Randy's life, anyone wishing to speak may do so. Family and Friends are asked to bring a single flower that will be collected and taken out to the ocean at sunset.
If you are unable to attend but would like to contribute a memory in writing, we will include it in the celebration service. You may e-mail it to us at RJBeckster@aol.com
Please pass this on to any friends that you feel may want to attend or share a memory.
Any questions or need help with directions please email me at RJBeckster@aol.com
Rod Beck
Name: Debbie () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 23:50:58
E-Mail: pinkelephant10@yahoo.com
Class: 77
City and State: Del Aire, CA
Message: ~blush~ I stand corrected. Somehow the 8th grade teacher I was thinking of did not match everyone else's memories, LOL!
Name: carole ferruccio () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 23:14:45
E-Mail: isahighcarole@yahoo.com
Maiden: anderson
Class: 60
City and State: lake isabella, ca
Message: Am looking for Sharon Morris, Sharon Long, Wayne Morris, Butch Titler, Babalou, these people went to Hawthorne and/or Luzinger. any hints welcome.
they all attended Hawthorne Intermediate and all would have been class of 60 where ever they went.
thank you John for this site. we have already found four of us and are still looking and we are talking jr high friends. thats way way back
Good Luck Carole. I'm sure someone can help you with your search.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 20:10:20
E-Mail: anelson@rraz.net
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: I heard that the Coco palms had been smushed by the hurricane a few years back, but I figured it would have been re-built by now. The place was just too cool to go down for good. Hey, John. Is that little Suzie Bierman in that picture with Mr. Clayton?
Amen Alan, That's her all right.
Name: Bob Fraser () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 19:30:43
Class: 60
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca.
Message: John , I know you got the word but thought maybe some other Cougs would like to know that Larry Cuiper, HHS '60 had triple bypass surgery last Thursday. Went in for an angioplasty and boom, had to be opened up. The good news is that he came through it ok and when we went to see him at Torrance Memorial on Saturday he looked great. Loretta says they may let him out tomorrow.
Please send some get well wishes Larry's way !!
Thanks all....
Thanks Bob, and get well Larry. We've got lots more car shows to see.
Name: Robin () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 17:40:33
E-Mail: IwouldacouldashouldaSloey.com
Maiden: Pinks
Class: 60
City and State: RB,CA
Message: Walter ,the thing that tans my butt is that your c/o 66' reunion committee king doesn't have the decency to even call or e-mail anyone. I'm impressed that he wanted to see some new neighbors nephew try out for a T-ball team when its half way through the season.....BUT...Oh no, not even a stinking call (north to south Redondo is not a collect call Jim) SO...Thinking he will be there, I call my old buddy Rich Sloan...We make a ton of personal sacrifices to get our classmates Al (Jims surfing coach for decades) Jardine, and Brian to bring his band and really make this a night to remember...Forget the 400 pages of feedback or 3 years of Cougartown night...lets make this "Jim Sloey Night"....So everything's in place... the banners are up, posters on every telephone pole in town, the bands ready, Al buys the Greg Noll longboard he rode to fame on 4 continents as a little present for Jim to remember the good times they have had over the years....We're all there at 5:30..the parking lot is blocked off for the band and dance floor. Royal Lord says he will break dance when Jim arrives and Dan Dye says he will hug him if he does.......6:30.....7:30....8:30...9:30...at 10:30 Brian loads up and goes to some garage in Hawthorne to rehearse for his next show, Al gives the board to some kid whos dad went to Morningside and leaves, Rich says he will never talk to me again....Yea it was a great night...I drowned myself in the chocolate cake the B-ladies worked on all day and we all leave by 11:45....John told me this would happen but I didn't listen...We had a better chance of seeing the Big Bopper, Eddie Cochran, and Buddy Holly than our resident no-show....Man I hope none of you 66ers sent a personal check to him...Thanks again Jim and enjoy the parade in Philly...you, Dikembe, and Alan doing the bunny hop...Later Cougs..:o)
I always thought well of a man whos word was his bond. This guy's not just a "Smoke Blower" to people he doesn't know, he does this CONSTANTLY to his FRIENDS.
Don't tell me anything anymore Jim, as it's all smoke from you.
Name: Susan King () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 15:50:10
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: I must let you all know that my own memories of Mr. Clayton are not all that sweet. I had the good fortune to have another teacher for homeroom though Mr. C WAS my math teacher - he WAS strict! I always thought of him as a little twisted too! I recall vividly the little implement of torture with the two wires. For whatever reason one day, I became the object of his attention and he kept goading me to grasp the two wires - one in each hand. My eyes were as big as baseballs and I - against my compliant nature toward authority - repeatedly answered no and refused to do it. He finally tired of my resistance and moved on to his next victim who took the bait. Though I didn't know WHAT would happen if I did grab the wires, I KNEW, due to the sneaky look in his eyes that it wouldn't be good. I recall him requiring kids to put their gum on the ends of their noses if caught chewing in class. Perhaps I'd have seen another side of him if I'd been his full time patsy, er, student. Actually, I must say though, I DID learn math under his tutelage. I recall the rumors that he had a wife who taught at Dana who was equally as evil (my gosh the urban legends spawned in our childhoods) and we thought them a truly scary couple. As junior high girls, our one constant and relentless pursuit was the passing of daily notes. God forbid that HE would get hold of one because he WOULD share it with the class - it always contained the name(s) of our current objects of attention (boys) and which girlfriend was on the outs with us. How embarrassing. To this day I have a collection of those notes and I laugh and cherish their content..... It is a pleasant surprise to learn of another side of him.
Name: Kathy Frankforter () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 15:44:56
E-Mail: kathy90277@earthlink.net
Maiden: Tom's Wife
Class: 79
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: COUGARS EVERYWHERE...I'm married to one. my son-in-law is one, and now I find out today my client is one!!!!!!!!! (Laughing)
Fred Garcia Class of 1966. I told him he needs to get on line and visit Cougartown. He is soon. Next time he brings me work, I'm going to show him the website.
What a "Gem" of a guy Freddie is. He's probably one of my favorite clients. I had to share this with the Cougars. I told him about Prom Night too-
Thanks Kathy, Keep spreading the word.....
Name: Dan Johnson () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 15:40:03
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: La Brea & Melrose
Message: And the security guard was an Olympian whose friend was a Rasta Mon! It couldn't have gotten any better than that! CTers, thanks for the invite and the wonderful "run". I'm so glad I answered the "sign" from above (New Times, Pinks) and showed up. Ya know, I think a lot of the 70s folks would really enjoy these get togethers -- I know I did! Sharon, that Eagle's box set we discussed is called "Selected Works -- 1972-1999" Mr. Baker, for all you do, this Pink's for you! Thanks again, DJ - W1P
Thanks Dan, Good to finally get to see you in person.
Name: Debbie () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 15:39:28
E-Mail: pinkelephant10@yahoo.com
Maiden: Miles
Class: 77
City and State: Del Aire, CA
Message: Wow, Mr Clayton from HHS was married to Mrs Clayton from Dana? That's a surprise. Mrs Clayton MUST have mellowed in later years, my class had her just after lunch, and, ahem, there were those who took advantage of her. I never had Mr Clayton but do remember that he was known as a strict teacher. There sure were a lot of HHS faculty romances weren't there?
Hi Debbie, I think we're talking about Mr ClayDon from Intermediate.
Name: Bill F () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 14:40:40
E-Mail: aledafrey@hotmail.com
Class: 68
City and State: kalispell MT
Message: Does anyone know the whereabouts of Bob Emmett or his brother Greg. Would appreciate any info at all, maybe even a finders fee involved. Thanks muchly.
Hey Bill, We need your full name.
Name: Walter Holt () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 13:52:37
E-Mail: yummyyummyyummyIgotapinkschilidoginmytummy.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo,CA
Message: I would just like to say what a great time I had Saturday seeing & meeting some more Cougars at the Pinks run. There is just nothing that matches standing in line for 50 min for those gastronomical Hot Dogs & Chili fries. (only after few Pepcids later, and my skin is looking so much better after all that grease). There's nothing like a good challenge to the ole system. Much thanks to the Bierman Sisters for the yummy Chocolat/Chocolate Cake. (My Arteries will be screaming for days) all kidding aside it was another wonderful Cougartown event even though Mr. WhenarewehavingaPinksrunjustnamethedateandI'llbethere AKA mysonhasabaseballgameandIcan'tmakeit AKA Sniffles AKA Sloey no-showed again. (Wait till Hoody Posts). Seriously Sloey we missed You (maybeit'sbecauseheonlygoestoeventsthatAlJardineattendsnow thathegotapicturewithhim) Anyway cant wait to see you all at PROM NIGHT 2001. (Yamma & Ramma the Jensen boys are just giddy about getting to dance the Polka with you two there, especially Bobby since you told him who you are)
Name: Steve Stonebraker () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 11:03:50
E-Mail: thisisreallymikebackusbutdonttellstoney
Maiden: Stoney
Class: '74
City and State: Drunk & Disorderly
Message: (Transcribed from an actual Stonebraker e-mail): "I remember a very somber affair in Mr. Clayton's room. Its seems that our beloved Trimarchi was found to have been chewing gum in class. As I remember there was polling of the classroom for burial material and Trimarchi was instructed to bury his gum under the pile of scrap paper. Upon completion Clayton inquired as to the state of the gum at the time of burial. With a quizzical look on his face, Trimarchi responded that he had no idea whether the gum was alive or dead when it was buried. Clayton feigning concern, had Trimarchi exhume the gum to determine the exact state it was in (dead or alive), and re-bury it."
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 00:35:32
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: Pink'sDogisstillwithme
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: So good to see everyone at Pink's again.. I don't know about all of you..but I'm still digesting that 10" chili dog..topped with a basket of chili fries..and a "diet coke." but I digress.....
PROM NIGHT UPDATE: The latest new entry in is GARY NILSSON '69.. don't wait too long, I'm working with Mo Trott on the badges this week and we want everyone planning to be there to have one.. so get your name & money in now and make it easy on us.. Hey...did I mention that I got to hug Dan Dye at Pink's..
Judy Wudy..
P.S. Hey Sloey.. we thought this Pink's run was just for you..so like..where were ya????
Name: SANDRA () on Friday, June 8, 2001 at 15:11:40
E-Mail: THOMP 1942@AOL.COM
Maiden: HICKEY
Sandra and Carole, Email addresses don't have spaces in them. Take the space out and try it.
Name: Patti Smith () on Friday, June 8, 2001 at 14:41:55
E-Mail: GrnidL80@mediaone.net
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: I, too, remember Mr. Clayton very well. He did run his classroom like a Marine unit, which scared the daylights out of me...but with the thugs he got, it was absolutely necessary! It seems that he always got the 2 extremes...thugs and nice kids (I was one of the latter). But his classes were always under control, and he ended up my favorite teacher of all time. His US Constitution test was the toughest in the school...probably in the district... but when you passed it, you KNEW the Constitution. It was that way with all of his tests...if you passed it, it was because you knew your stuff. Now THAT'S a Teacher! It's such a pity that teachers these days can't do one thing to keep their classes in line without the parents having a hissy fit and sueing the school and the district. BTW, Mr. Clayton's wife was an 8th grade teacher at Dana, and from what I heard from my brother Bob, she was just as strict. To Mr. Clayton, up there in the big classroom in the sky, THANK YOU!!! You taught me well.
Name: Mike Backus () on Friday, June 8, 2001 at 13:27:58
Class: '74
Message: I've been thinking lately about Mr. Clayton, my 8th grade teacher
at Hawthorne Intermediate in 1969. My daughter goes into the 8th grade next year so that may
have something to do with it. I was so bummed when I found out that I had Mr. Clayton
for 8th grade because he was the one who patrolled the hallways terrorizing us as 7th
graders. With that flat top haircut and drill sergeant personality he had everyone
convinced that he meant business. Arriving in his class didn't do much to reassure me.
The class was an obvious mix of thugs and 'goody good' kids. The honest truth was that I
didn't know which group I fit into! I saw him pick a student up by his shirt and pin him
to the wall of the classroom, feet dangling. He had a small hand crank generator and would
actually make misbehaving students hold the output wires while he cranked it! How would
THAT fly today?!? Students not paying attention in class could expect to be powdered in the
head with a loaded chalk eraser, one that he kept full of chalk dust for that purpose. Any time
that Mr. Clayton was absent we got to see how good he really was. Substitute teachers were
powerless. One female sub nearly had her hair set on fire with a lighter by one of our thug
classmates. Most of us were always relieved to see Mr. Clayton come back. My only
run in with 'The Law" was when I clumsily stepped on the back of a female student's shoe,
giving her a 'flat' (the height of jr high school wit was to do this intentionally). Of course
since it was unintentional, I didn't bother to notice Mr. Clayton standing right there. I think
he knew that I just 'spazzed out' but since the girl was cute he opted to punish me (or her)
by making us share the same desk for the remainder of the day. It turned out to be the
highlight of my jr high school career! Mr. Clayton was one of the best teachers I ever had.
He sent me off to HHS absolutely certain that I wanted to be a goody good rather than a
Name: Judy Douglas () on Friday, June 8, 2001 at 11:55:45
E-Mail: 105161,3540@compuserve.com
Maiden: Brazelton
Class: 62
City and State: Inglewood CA
Message: Looking for Barbara Jean Harris, married name Hayden, class of 62. I'm MHS, '62, grew up with her on 119th Place in Inglewood. Or her brother Bill, class of 60? Please e-mail to 105161,3540@compuserve.com. Thanks!
Name: Cindy Colby () on Friday, June 8, 2001 at 10:33:44
E-Mail: cindycolby@att.net
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 63
City and State: Laguna Hills, CA
Message: Lanny Harris, I remember the guy who walked through the plate glass window at Nyman Hall, in fact if I am not mistaken he did it twice, I believe he was in the class of 63, I think that his name may have been Robert.
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Friday, June 8, 2001 at 10:15:22
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: HappyBirthdayMissBrooks
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: MS. KATHY BROOKS Kindergarden teacher is going to a birthday on June 11.. so before John boy shuts this thing down...let me wish you all the best. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATHY BROOKS!! Don't know if you'll make PINK'S. So we'll plan on seeing you when you get back from vacation..and we'll do dinner. (no John, dinner isn't the name of a guy)
Judy Wudy and all the ROWDYS
I thought Kathy just HAD a birthday. Are you sure she's not double dipping on the free dinners? Happy Birthday Ms Brooks........
Name: Lyman Moss () on Friday, June 8, 2001 at 09:48:44
E-Mail: lyman.moss@PSS.boeing.com
Class: 59
City and State: Everett wa. 98205
Message: Hey EL and JB, have either of you ever played
Jerry Scholes "class of 60" in a game of pool?
I used to watch him play at the Tropicana Bowling
Alley. He was one of the best 9 ball players around. This would have been in the sixties. I heard that he continued to play for the Big Money
for a number of years and probably still does.
I also play the game of pool. I belong to the Boeing pool players league and play winter and spring sessions but I am probably not as good as either of you.
Take care all you Cougars. Go Seattle Mariners.
Hey Lyman, I think Jerry's in Vegas or Reno now. His sister Bonnie, was in our class of 62. Great 9 ball player indeed, and, at one time, a pretty fair barber too.
Name: Lanny Harris () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 22:53:55
E-Mail: Fourwindspub@juno.com
Class: '62
City and State: Salt Lake City, Ut
Message: When we were about ten or eleven Danny Kieffer and I were out on the road that is close to the landing strip where the new jet airliners were landing. We started throwing rocks at the low flying planes as they were about to land. To our surprise we could hit them with our rocks! Soon a large group of airport officials came roaring up on the inside of the fence. We stood there a long time waiting for them to open the gate to get us, but after trying all the keys on their giant key ring they couldn't unlock the gate! So they just gave us a lecture and made us promise to never throw rocks at airliners again. I guess there was, at least 10 or 12 of them. Funny scene. Does anyone remember a kid running through a plate glass window in the student bldg.? Last year I was down visiting Danny Kieffer and Bob Fox (both '62) and stopped at the highschool and walked around. A memory I had was when Mr. Wetzler would find me while talking to frinds and check to see if I was wearing a belt. Of course I wasn't, because to be cool I would cut my belt loops off from my Levis. You know, like taking extra chrome off of your car? Well I was sent home several times for that. When I checked into school Mr. W. decided right then and there he didn't like me. Maybe it was because I was wearing my cousins prison coat. I remember writing my own notes when I played hooky and gave them to the office. Once I really was sick and my Grandmother wrote a legitimate note and the lady in the office brought out all these other notes that I had previously written and asked me "Who wrote all of these other notes since the handwriting is so different?" Oh, Oh, I'm busted!!! Back to see Mr. Wetzler. Today the school looks pretty run down. Some sprucing up would help, like a high pressure wash of the main sidewalk areas (Gum and candy all over the place), cleane the windows etc. I love that school! Mr. Repashy was memorable because he would pass around old war photos for the class to see. Does anyone remember those photos? La
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 22:44:15
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message: Keith, I think that the Coco Palms is still closed. After the hurry, hurry of Waikiki, the peace and quiet of Kauai were great. Hope everyone has fun at Pink's this weekend. Luck to the Lakers going up against the 6ers. The Bucks almost made it but the NBA wasn't happy with a small market town (Milwaukee) being in the play-offs ...
Thanks Sharon.....
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