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another 60's classic...... Dylan
Name: YAMMA LAMMA () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 22:31:30
E-Mail: Ifeelgoodsogooduhuhuh!!!.com
Message: Walter Honey, you cain't have it both ways -- either yur a believer or you ain't! Make up yur dadgum mind! And Jensen boys lemme tell you -- we're BIG on yur minds cuz we couldn't be anything but BIG on anything! RammaLamma is plannin on talkin soon to youse guys. She's just wild fer the two of ya!! "Dogs" huh John boy -- thet's okay. We'd ruther be associated with that kinda animul than sum human beinks! HEY! Now a'm startin to DREAM about PROM NITE 2001. Walter Honey -- you just hold that first dance fur me and we'll make our own music! Yu'll be floatin' cross the floor with yur dream cum true! YOOOWIEEE! 2months10daystillPROMNITE2001! Wooouuieee!
Name: Neil Andersen () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 22:28:58
E-Mail: sumerset@aol.com
Class: 1962
City and State: Dallas, OR
Message: I was hoping to see more names on the list of attendees for the prom. Perhaps I'm not the slowest person to finally get around to putting finger to key.
Hi Neil, Please note that this is basically half of the attendees. Most are bringing dates. Do NOT wait too long as ticket sales have picked up drastically since June 1st and the people who've signed up but haven't sent payment yet aren't listed. Hope to see you there.
Name: EL () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 22:16:57
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Message: John...I respect a person's privacy and home. We do not snoop, look into medicine cabinets or infringe on a persons private life. Only after you and Janet left did we do all the above.:) Alas, I found those so called trophy's that were in plain view on your credenza or some other funny name for a trophy cabinet. Which is'"Jeez I'M Good"! I found them by accident because I would have never believed that anybody who can't remember 1964, could be that good. I really thought they were for "pole vaulting". Then I got an image of JB doing a vault and...NO!!!!!! It won't fly Mr Kingy!:) I also noticed that you had these great "learning tapes", you know the one's that show you how to hold a "puu cuee". And remember the diamonds! Beside's, you never gave us a minute alone at your place until ZERO hour, when you and that good lookin girl left. JB...it's time you folks come north and find out what people do up here in the winter or summer, beside's the other thing. You have been challenged!! Come up or shut up!!! P.S. You never asked me if "I PLAY POOL"? I thought it was your job to take us to The Stick and Stein. John and the rest of you COUGS lives that we touched, all we had was fffuuunnn!!! Open invitation!!!! Anyone who would like to come up and challenge the EL, has an ivitation to do so :). Also a place to stay! Wee love ya man! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! But, I have to warn you, "I'm GOOD!
EL, Are you sure you're not thinking of caroms?
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 22:11:07
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: Dribblemesomemoney-honey
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Here's a quicky (don't go there John) update for PROM NIGHT tickets sales.. I have BEVERLY MANNING '68 joining us... I knew Bev when she was a little girl.. Maureen Manning Desmore (her sis) and I buddied around together.. that there were "all these MANNINGS running amuck".. where are they now.. See you there Bev.. (I'm still working on Pat Desmore, but he's a tuffy to commit... along with...Franz Russell..and Jeff Willis) Hey, this ain't easy!! Now, back to drinking buttermilk in preparation for the PINK'S RUN Chili Dogs.
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 20:10:46
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: John...Isn't a 6er, a six pak of your favorite Brewsky?
I may be wrong, but I always thought it was the answer you gave your boss when he asked why you didn't come to work yesterday.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 18:33:04
E-Mail: theparadeisinphilly.com
Class: 66
City and State: rb, ca
What's a 6er??
Did you get the A.I. tattoo on your neck today?
Name: Dan Johnson () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 17:40:23
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Which One, Pinks?
Message: I just returned from lunch where I picked up a copy of this weeks New Times and lo and behold there's an article that references me, Which One's Pink? and Pink's hot dog stand. Forget the Aerosmith reference, this now makes the Pink's run a real happening event! http://www.newtimes.com/issues/2001-06-07/freekshow.html
Aerosmith who??
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 17:38:44
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo,CA
Message: Jensen Boys.... You two smooth talking guys. Now I'm Sorry that Ramma & Yamma aren't going to be at Pinks. It was so much fun watching you two duck & hide at the sight of every red head that appeared at the Fosters Cruise Night. Oh well there's Always going to be the fun of it at PROM NIGHT 2001.
Name: Rebecca (Beckie) () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 15:05:34
E-Mail: rlpoirier@yahoo.com
Class: 84
Message: There are a few of my favorite teachers I didn't see listed. They were Mrs. Brooks, English, Mrs. Hay, English (I had heard she passed away), Mr. Minami (Consumer Ec?), Mr. Williams (Art), and Dr. Opuku-Ageyman (Biology). Does anyone know what happened to them?
Name: JENSEN BROTHERS () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 13:58:46
Class: 63/71
City and State: SO CAL
Message: My dearest Yamma and Ramma, please don?t let Walter get to you. You?re not a figment of our imagination, your are real big in our minds. Sorry you won?t be at PINKS, you are going to miss a weiner of a time, or maybe a knockwurst in your cases.
Now there're a couple of dogs.....
Name: Dan Johnson () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 13:19:21
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: La Brea Tar Pits
Message: Last night, unable to sleep because of the gut wrenching Laker loss, I was watching a VH1 special on Aerosmith. They were talking about an Aerosmith special that aired on ABC last year. Aerosmith wanted to use a portion of the "Livin' on the Edge" video in which Steven Tyler is wearing nothing but skin tone makeup and has his hands over his "package." ABC insisted that Aeromsith "cover up" this part of the video. Aerosmith had the last laugh because they went down to PINK'S, bought a hot dog, shot Tyler taking a bite out of the dog and then superimposed that shot over the location of the "package" I thought this information might add a little flavor to the Pink's run on Saturday -- which I have a 20% chance of attending depending on what happens with the Dodger/Angel game and the Kirk Gibson bobbing head dolls. [Speaking of Pink's, Which One's is playing another free HOB show on 7/28 -- e-mail me for details]
Name: lizzy () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 12:08:58
Class: 69
Message: Chemical inducements went out of style? Jeeze, I'm older than I thought!
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 09:29:34
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo,CA
Message: Ah Dearest Yamma Lamma... Sorry to hear you & your sister can’t make another CT event (whew). I’m sure the Jensen boys will be heart broken again. BTW are you hanging around with the Felderbuster’s? Your accent is getting really twangy. Yes I am really excited about PROM NIGHT 2001. But alas, in regards to saving you a dance, I am afraid I will have to reserve that for another. Being that to dance with you would leave me dancing around alone out there on the dance floor. Since I am afraid you are truly a figment of our imaginations, and in light of that, our generation gave up dancing alone to our imaginations when chemical inducements went out of style some time ago. Sharon I will be looking forward to getting my invitation to our class reunion. It will save me from donning my protest, picketing outfit. Hey John should I bring my CDs & CD player to PINKS???? Long live all Cougars!
Probably not Walter, as it might be tough to set up. Thanks anyway......
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 09:20:22
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: Gettin'serioushere
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Another PROM NIGHT memo.. I see that Sloey and Sharon Moore are having the same prob. I am.. It's a small one and easily corrected. Here's the run down for the " 3 SEPARATE EVENTS" taking place in the month of August at the Marriott Manhattan Beach.
AUG. 11 - '69-'72 class reunion
AUG. 17 - '66 class reunion
AUG. 18 - PROM NIGHT (open to all alumni)
You can find links to all of them in the reunion section of Cougartown.. or just arrow up to the banner in feedback to find the Prom Night banner.
We didn't mind them all being so close together as we knew that some alumni would be traveling from long distances and would want to get in on 2 events while they were in town.. So look at it as, PROM NIGHT as "The Grande Finale" if you're attending your reunion. And now, I'm back to the mailbox to stand watch for the mailman..
Judy Wudy.. On a mission
p.s. Larry Harris, I grew up on 118th St & Sundale, but I don't remember you. I remember David & Karen Winkley, Gene & Mary Gutierrez. You'd better show us at Prom Night so I can see who you were--or are--or wannabe.
Name: Maurine White () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 01:25:29
E-Mail: maurinekwhite@hotmail.com
Maiden: Endicott
Class: 59
City and State: Huntington Beach, CA
Message: For Lanny Harris, yes, I remember the whole Gutierezz family. Mary was a year behind me but we had business classes together. Vickie was the switchboard operator when I first attended HHS. My sister probably knew Shelby as she also graduated from Leuzinger in '53. Gene Gutierezz and my brother have remained good friends and are still in touch. Also, I think Gene still has the '63 Lincoln mentioned earlier. It's really neat to see all of us reconnecting with our old neighbors and friends and remembering the old neighborhoods. I know 133rd Street was very special but my street, 137th was pretty neat too. We had David, Donald, and Larry Cole, Hal and Jaye Lyn Stonbraker, Newell and I, Mike, Jerry, and Monica Bollin, Patti Rice, and the Jepsens. Probably others I didn't get acquainted with. There is now a park where my house stood and the neighborhood has really changed with the addition of several 4-plexes! But the memories are still great. Look forward to seeing everyone at Prom Night.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 00:56:54
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Honolulu, HI
Message: I haven't been to Kauai in awhile. The last time I was there I think the COCO Palms was a big lump of palms on the ground. Did they rebuild that place. Eat at JJ's Broiler in Anchor Cove. Real good food. Kauai is kind of boring at night though for me. Nice scenery though. Great Buffalo Burgers in Kapaa to.
Name: Lanny Harris () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 23:31:40
E-Mail: Fourwindspub@juno.com
Class: '62
City and State: Salt Lake City, Ut.
Message: My earliest memories were living at the "little shack" as my mother called it, located one block west of Prairie on 116th st. south side. It was a small run-down white framed house. I lived their untill I was five then my grandparents moved to the new, big house at 4936 w. 118th st. between Gene Gutierrez and david Winkley. My uncles, Roy (HHS '54) and Shelby (LEUZ. '53) Clonts took me with them down into the drainage ditch by Prairie and we came out/up at the Hollywood Racetrack. Does anyone remember Roy and Shelby? How about Bill Bass, Mary and Vicky Gutierrez? Any of the Gutierrez'? Bonnie and Calvin Kieffer? Lanny
Name: Blake Withell () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 23:19:52
E-Mail: withells@idirect.com
Class: 67
City and State: Tor. Canada
Message: It's 1966 and if you don't own a car you better have a bike.
There was your usual collection in the parking lot. Hondas, Yamahas and Suzukis. Then there were us no names a Ducatti, Bultaco, a Hodaka, and me on the Bridgestone (see the parking lot page in the 67 Elmo).
I bought the bike for the outrageous list price or $399. It was fast (at that time for 90cc) 68mph just like it said in the brochure.
My dad worked in the aerospace industry for a company that made instruments and cameras for satellites. They were experimenting with more earthy applications for lubricants they were using and I volunteered my bike.
After reassembly and break in I was anxious to prove its worth. I jumped on the SD Freeway and ran it for all it was worth. The speedometer which read to 80 mph was pegged, as I exited at Rosecrans I was stopped by the CHP, who also had a Honda Scrambler pulled over and was citing him.
When I asked why I was stopped the Officer stated they were looking for a kid with no helmet and shorts doing 84 in the fast lane. Being 17 and full of (being 17), I had the nerve to ask why he had stopped me. He replied because you have to have at least 15 horsepower to ride on the freeway. 17 year old me had to ask why again. The officer replied, "that's pretty obvious you're not fast enough to keep up with traffic."
I think that is when I learned the difference between being 17 and being stupid. I pushed my bike down the ramp. The lubricaton called Microseal was used in a record setting Suzuki Hustler at Ascot and in Andy Granetelli's Novis at Indy. I wasn't quite so embarrassed about the B/S Emblem on the gas tank after that.
Name: Marlene Russell () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 22:49:11
E-Mail: etrayul@aol.com
Maiden: Diltz
Class: 1964
City and State: Vancouver, WA
Message: Marlene would like to be added to the alumni list. Thanks.
Name: carole ferruccio () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 22:40:35
E-Mail: isahighcarole@yahoo.com
Maiden: anderson
Class: 1960
Message: Sandra Hickey - your email address is wrong.
Did you have a brother named Leo? If you did I would love to talk to you, we are old friends.
Name: Sharon () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 18:46:42
E-Mail: hawthornehigh66@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: Hello to the Class of 1966. I want to remind you that our class reunion is August 17, 2001 at the Manhattan Beach Marriott. Tickets are starting to sell quickly and I want to remind you to get yours now. I also want to mention that Prom night and the 1966 reunion are two separate events. Most of us are planning to make a weekend out of it and attend both events, but if you want to go to your class reunion you will have to contact Lauren at Golden State reunions at the following e-mail Lauren@goldendstatereunions.com. We are planning a wonderful event and need you all there to make it a success. There will be door prizes, give-a-ways and great music from the 1960's not to mention all your old friends and flames. If you should have a problem contacting Golden State Reunions, please feel free to contact me toll-free at (866)574-7763. Looking forward to seeing all of you there.
By the way Walter Holt, your invitation is in the mail. Really!
Name: YAMMA LAMMA () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 16:22:24
Message: WALTER HONEY!!! It's so good to see your name on FEEDBACK once agin! Cain't make the Pink's Run but EEeeewieeee! It's countdown time for PROM NITE 2001. Cain't hardly wait! We're stilla gonna dance, ain't we???? EEEeeewwwieeee! RammaLamma says she's plenty enough to take care of those Jensen boys, so it's you an me honey! OOooW!
Name: Bud Rhoades () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 16:20:46
E-Mail: budrhoades@earthlink.net
Class: 74
City and State: Newport Beach,Ca
Message: Oh, something very dear to my heart, MAUI. We stay at the Kapalua Golf Villas for a few weeks every year. The place is fantastic even if your not a golf junkie like me. Walking distance to great dining, surfing, beautiful beaches, etc. The hottest tip though is to make dinner reservations at Chez Pauls just south of Lahaina. It is without a doubt, the greatest dining experience you will ever have. Call well in advance, as it is reverred world wide...Mahalo, we'll be there in a few weeks. Take care cougs......
Name: Alan Nelson () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 16:12:20
E-Mail: anelson@rraz.net
Maiden: Formerly of Eva Beach, Hi.
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: No trip to the Islands is complete without a side trip over to Kauai. While Lahaina is nowhere near as spoiled as Oahu, it's getting more and more commercialized every year. If you want to see the REAL Maui, rent a jeep and take the Hana Highway to the end. But also make sure you budget a couple of days for Kauai. My recommendation for lodging there is the Coco Palms in Kapaa. You get to stay in a real thatch hut (very plush), with conch shell sinks, and a private outdoor spa.(Leave the kids at home) there's a swim up bar in the pool, and you can fish right from the porch of your "room". (although the "trophy" fish is only about 5 inches). A drive up to Kawaikini is a must, (bring a jacket, the temp drops about 40 degrees) along with a roll on the beach at Hanalai, ala "The Thornbirds". Aloha!
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 13:40:48
E-Mail: ingridl@fdgdesign.com
Class: 74
Message: Maui - Since I was there exactly one year ago today, let me share "my favorite place to stay" with all of you. Get a group of friends together and rent Randy Travis' estate on the outskirts of Lahaina. Beautiful grounds, koi pond, pool, jaccuzi, pool house, bbq, polynesian architecture, you can rent the whole place for about $1000 a night (but if you have a group of 10 friends sharing the expense, it's really affordable. Walking distance from all the shops, restaurants and tourist traps of Lahaina, and across the street from a beautiful quiet beach that's perfect for watching the sun go down. Exceptional. I highly recommend it.
Sounds like I smell a Cougartown party brewing in Lahaina.
Name: Chuck Sacayan () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 13:19:42
E-Mail: csacayan@panamsat.com
Class: Hard knocks
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: I stopped by and recognized a couple of names so I thought I'd say hi. I don't have any class memories; I never attended class. I hung out at the Pool Hall with the Berry and Dunn brothers (and other drop-outs). Most of you probably remember my brother Henry (Rick). I'm the good-looking one. I use to hang with Doug Gonzalez, Mike Clark, and deaf-mute Charlie. Here's a memory: we had a party at our place on 118th street. The police came, Mini started a riot, and we all went to jail. When it was time to make my phone call, there was no one to call. Everyone I knew was either in jail or out in the lobby! Good times..good times...HaHaHa...
Peace, Chuck
PS: Charlie's in Vegas. Last I heard, Doug was in Oregon, and Mike passed a long time ago.
Name: Denise Haro () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 13:05:11
E-Mail: sabrecat2000@ivillage.com
Maiden: Chapin
Class: 1978
City and State: Lakewood CA
Message: I enjoyed the site
Thanks Denise
Name: Walter Holt () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 12:24:28
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo,CA
Message: Uh lets see, Maui....I seem to recall Maui back in Christmas break of 1965. Staying on the Beach of Honolua Bay with a friend. They accomodations were cheap, the scenery was beautiful & the surf was fantastic. Gettin ready for the gastronomical delight Sat. at PINKS see ya there.
Name: Bob Yarbrough () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 10:58:41
E-Mail: robert_yarbrough@3com.com
Class: 68
City and State: San Diego, CA
Message: Just checkin in and lettin the world know I am still alive.
Name: Matt Peterson () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 10:15:30
E-Mail: mattpete6@yahoo.com
Class: 74
City and State: El Dorado Hills, CA
Message: Hi everyone. I want to update you on the Toast to Yost, wrestlers/scorekeepers reunion. Coach Dallas Yost is looking forward to seeing everyone. I am getting lots of responses, but there is plenty of room. The place can seat 100. Don’t hesitate, because you need to buy your ticket by July 4th. Again, the reunion will be July 14, 2001 at the Lakes Golf Course Restaurant in El Segundo from 6 pm to 10 pm. The price will be $33.00 per person. For more information email me at mattpete6@yahoo.com.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 09:53:46
Class: 66
City and State: RB,CA
Message: ATTENTION CLASS OF 1966. THE PROM IS NOT THE REUNION! Many of us received a mailer about the "66-67 HHS Prom nite" It is NOT the 66-67 Prom it is for ALL classes. The 1966 reunion is the night before August 17, 2001, at the Manhattan Beach Marriot. If you have mistakenly thought you were going to the reunion but signed up for the prom contact John or me and we can get this rectified. The reason they are back to back was to allow out of towners the opportunity to attend both events. 1966 reunion is August 17, 2001, Friday.
That's how Jan keeps track of which Alumni List has been sent the Prom Message.
Cougartown Prom Night and the Class of 1966 Reunion are 2 different events that are held one day apart at the same venue.
Name: Melinda Farrow () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 09:27:03
E-Mail: linda.farrow@trw.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
City and State: Redondo Beach, Ca
Message: To John and Keith and everyone else, thank you so much for the information on Maui I will reseach it all..And oh my god John, that senior picture of me is scary..I haven't seen that in a long time.
Thank you all again...Linda
You're welcome Melinda
Name: Paco () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 01:50:31
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Class: 61
City and State: Lake Forest
Message: I'll second "The Ka'anapali Beach Hotel", it's one our favorites, The "Royal Lahaina" is a little more upscale. Kihei is a little warmer than Lahaina, if that matters. Cowabunga
Name: Mary Gilbreath () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 00:36:13
E-Mail: mgilbreath@juno.com
Maiden: Smiley
Class: 76
City and State: Olympia, WA
Message: Hi Cougs,
I am searching for Patty Villanueva or Jim Villanueva. Anyone know their where abouts? Lost contact long ago. All is well in the Northwest! Hope to receive a reply.
Name: mark gulliver () on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 00:06:33
E-Mail: gullableone@webtv.net
Class: 69
City and State: lawndale,ca.90260-2204
God bless you. I still sing, been married 2x, have a girl 23 a boy 20, got a b.a a.a., groundskeeper at a local highschool, and if you have a musical talent to use for the Lord I could use it some Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. for our Young At Heart Class (65 or older) for five or ten minutes at L.C.C.
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