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some 70's Silver Bullet music...... Bob Seger
Name: Marcia Coleman () on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 15:48:12
E-Mail: westco@vcmco.com
Maiden: Wyatt
Class: 66
City and State: West Covina, CA
Message: I just wanted to thank John Baker for this fabulous site! Over the past years I have wondered how to get back in touch with old friends and rehash the good ole days and thanks to you it's possible - FANTASTIC JOB JOHN! Would anyone remember John Heckendorf? Bernie Hoffman? and the senior trip to Hollywood to see "Battle of the Bulge"? Due to a head injury in 1980 I've had problems with events prior to 1980 - but thanks to John Baker's work some of those past times are coming back! Would love to hear from any of my old friends/acquaintances from Hawthorne-I lived on 132nd and Ocean Gate until I was 12 and then moved to the area where the old Boys Market was on Hawthorne Blvd until I graduated. My sister Trudy and my brothers, Charles (Buddy) and Richard (Dickie) Wyatt were all COUGARS! AND PROUD OF IT. Thanks again John for bringing back some great memories!
Thanks Marcia, I'm glad you enjoy it and hope you find ALL your classmates. Please sign up for your reunion in August too. You will NOT regret it.
Name: Doris () on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 15:45:07
E-Mail: raydori@micron.net
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
City and State: Twin Falls, Idaho
Message: GEE GOSH! I'm even SORRIER now, after seeing all the pictures and reading all the FEEDBACK, that I was unable to attend Cruise Night at Fosters. GREAT PICTURES! Both yours, John, and yours too, Paco! And I understand LARRY DRAGER was there! He's from the class of '57! At least someone represented us, huh?! And one of my roll models, Hal Chauncey, too! Boy! You'd better be at the PROM!!! Glad everyone enjoyed themselves so! What a nice "family", us COUGS!!!
Doris, Yes, the Ol' Coach and wife Cathy are all signed up for Prom Night and will be there. The Reunion Pics I haven't gotten to yet, but will soon. Thanks Doris....
Name: Robin () on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 14:09:13
E-Mail: Youjusthadtobethere.com
Maiden: I won Sloey, I won!
Class: 60
City and State: RB,CA
Message: Attention all 59,60 and 61 Cougars:...I just received a call from Worthington Reunions and unfortunately they have lost the tape from the video camera. However they have rented a room at the Sheraton and will be there 24-7 until friday midnight for those who want to retake their interviews. ....Gordo, Camille, Ritchie, Karen, Rich, Mary, Theresa, Janet and Ruth (That could not have been Pat Beltran
...Thank you one and all, soooooo much!!...The combining of classes made this reunion the absolute best. And to paraphrase John....Cougars, if you have to sell a kidney, do not miss these treasures in time, that can NEVER be replaced. You would think that after 40 yrs, new grandchildren would be the only new news...Not true...From "The" Coach and Cathys 50 yr old Robin Hood story that I had never heard to Mr Nymans dilemma of all the women who kissed him that night. "What would I have done if this had happened 40 yrs ago"..LOL...Again thanks to all involved and lets do it again while I can still comb my hair (or still have it to comb)..Love you all....:o)
It seems the older I get, the more youthful I become, not in the Fabio sense, but I can't begin to tell you what a fun and "youthful" time Janet and I had Saturday at the Cerritos Mall with Jim and Sandie Perry. We were only there for an hour and a half, but it was therapeutic. I know I added at least a couple of days to my life because of that experience. Robin's right!! Do not miss these experiences, as they are transforming, mystical, and just a helluva lotta fun.
Name: Jim Peppers () on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 13:50:18
E-Mail: peppers@acs.gr
Class: 61
City and State: Athens, Greece
Message: John, it was great to see you and I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to personally thank you for the wonderful thing that you have done. If it weren't for this site, I'm positive that the attendance at the reunion would have been entirely different. It was sort of earth shaking to see all the old faces, and I mean old faces. We've all changed physically so much over the years. It's a shame the body wears out because I'm sure I'm not alone in the feeling that inside I'm still no more than twenty five. John because of you, last night I saw Betty Bell-Boyer again and we had a really surreal time remembering and renewing a very dear friendship to both of us. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making last night and the reunion possible. God bless you and all the cougars.
Jim Peppers
Hey Jim, You know I love the "rekindle old relationships" stories, and thank YOU for coming all the way from the other side of the globe to be with friends and family. That, in itself, is such a gift to all who "knew you when".
I personally don't look for that face I saw 40 years ago, but listen for the sounds of youth that are still among all of us. I went to a high school reunion with my mom in 1996 and she and her old friends were as giddy as the day they left school. That's what it's all about. Thanks Jimmy for being there. We all enjoyed your company and now with the Internet, we can stay in touch for the rest of our lives.
Name: Ron Dickson () on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 13:44:41
E-Mail: ron201@linkline.com
Class: 67
City and State: Norco,Ca
Message: Guess who/67, has to be Gary Lents. Gary send me your new Email address.
Name: Jerry Rigney () on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 12:51:24
E-Mail: jnsrig@webtv.net
Class: 59
City and State: Palmdale, Ca
Message: Thank's John for a great cruise night. It was fun to see people I haven't seen in year's, and a real pleasure to meet you and the other Cougar's I didn't know. See you at the Prom.
Hey Jerry, Thanks for coming. You fit the Cruise Night mold perfectly. I know the car guys were glad you showed. Yep, we'll see you at the Prom next, if we don't have another Cruise Night first. Maybe a Beach Party this summer too.....
Name: JudyMac () on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 12:04:31
E-Mail: jmclean@douglasemmett.com
Class: '63
City and State: santa monica
Message: Wow, John & Paco...great pictures of Cruise Night and from the weekend's '61 Reunion. You guys are on top of it. Cruise Nite was great..connected with some old friends and memories..Kathy Barnes & Larry Drager...cruised my old neighborhood. Thanks again, Bobby. And my childhood friend, Carol Ward, who now lives in Wash., reminded me that we used to have party lines? Gads, remember those?
Thanks Judy, Nice to finally put a face to you, and hope to see you at the next Ctown event.
Name: john walling () on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 10:10:51
E-Mail: johnw@tetercon.com
Class: 72
City and State: fresno,ca
Message: Hi to all the old haytowners. Sign me up for the reunion. Does Anyone know where Carna formely known as Phillips is these days. (ceramic teacher)
Name: Sandie Perry () on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 03:26:00
E-Mail: jimandsandie@lvcm.com
Maiden: Tully
Class: 62
City and State: Henderson,Nevada
Message: I had a blast at Cruise night and at the reunion. I was a freshman in '59. Seeing everyone again was great fun. Jim Peppers '61 and I drove to KCOP channel 13, everyday after school to dance on the Wink Martindale show, which later was the Bob Eubanks Show and finally The Lloyd Thaxton show. I hadn't seen him since he drove me to the church my wedding day in 1964. He now lives in Greece and my husband, Jim and I are going to visit Jim and his wife there. John and Janet thanks for the fun day at the Mall. Janet and I didn't want to get out of the $2700.00 massage chair demonstration experience. I want that chair and the fly house sun glasses for Christmas. On a sad note, I am so sorry about Larry Clark. We went to school together from the fifth grade. My heartfelt sympathy to his family. The last I remember he lived in Colorado. Thanks to all who work so hard on all the get-togethers and a special thanks to you, John, for the web site.
OK, for you and Janet, I'll spring for 2 pair of those 49 dollar Chinese knockoff Scarlet and Gold sunglasses, if Jim will pop for 2 of those medievil butt crusher massage chairs with the built in combination TV remote/bar/GPS system, and the optional 976 speed dialer with "grandkiddy lockout".
We had a great time hangin' with you two last weekend. We WILL do this again at Prom Night.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 00:22:36
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: John Baker, those Cruise Night pictures are wonderful. Am glad that I was able to be there....
Me too Don, Thanks
Name: Robert ( Bobby) Fitzgerald () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 22:28:37
E-Mail: bfitzg7885@aol.com
Class: 60
City and State: Santa Ana, Ca.
Message: WOW ! Two nights of great fun and special friends, your right John I to feel bad for those who do not take the time to see old friends and classmates, it is truly something special. Thanks to all of you that made both evenings so very special. P.S. John I am putting the football tapes in the mail. GO COUGARS
Hey Bob, It was great meeting you and Nick on Friday Night. Actually I was just trying to remember who had those tapes. They'll make a great addition to Cougartown. Thanks again Bob for being there this last weekend. It was a full blown wiggy blast!!!
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 21:44:20
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message: I was reading "Today's Collector" magazine tonight and thought you all might be interested in a little blurb I saw in the Collecting Roundup section. "The Beach Boys have been rocking the surf bars for the past 40 years on the Capitol Records label. According to Discoveries, to commemorate the event, the recording label is re-releasing 16 of the band's albums on eight digitally-remastered CDs. The CDs will include bonus tracks and/or alternate versions of many of the Beach Boys' hits. Four of the CDs will be released March 13, with the other four coming out April 10." Guess I need to make a trip to Best Buy..... Just got back from 2 weeks in Hawaii where my hubby and I made sure everything was in order for the next Rowdy Trip. See you all at Prom Night!
Funny how the country is CRYING for the Beach Boys. Brian's not talking to Mike. Mike's not talking to Brian. Dennis and Carl are history. Bruce Johnston is out of work, and Al has to call his group Al Jardine-Family and Friends. Capitol is trying to dig up ANYTHING that's in the archives to sell to the "Wanting Public".
Come on guys, get it together. I know you can hear people SCREAMING for you to make something happen. Sorry, I'll climb down off my soapbox now.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 21:09:17
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: WOW...Rich Sloan, you did it again. What a great reunion! There were so many people there that shared some great and special times many years ago, and so many we hadn't seen since. And,...what about THE football team showing up! I didn't know you guys could relive one game soooo many times in one weekend! That's OK, cause we all enjoyed every one of those stories, especially those that the coach had to share, and I was only a flag girl!
Sandy Tully-Perry and Jim...what a kick! We've just got to go mall shoppin again, next time, John buys the sunglasses. And Sandy, without you, I never would have gotten that over due apology from Jim West! (Just funnin Jim).
Good to see all of you again after so long, Al, Jim, Tim, and Ida and Jake! How much fun was that! But, next time, I am NOT talking til 3:00 in the morning with that group.
Thanks again Rich and your whole committee, it really was a weekend to remember. (Rich, sorry bout the wet car.)
Rich, I have to echo Janet's words. You did it again man. Great Reunion. That whole early HHS group is very special.
......and Sandie, you and Janet will have to get along with Ray Bans as I am not buying you those "Lord Of The Flies" sunglasses. Thanks to Jim and Sandie Tully Perry for a fun fun afternoon on Saturday at the Cerritos Mall. We'll see you soon.
Name: Gary Nelson () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 21:08:41
E-Mail: Kruiszn@aol.com
Class: 60
City and State: Granite Bay CA
Saw the Cruise Night pictures, looks like it was great fun, wish I could have been there. Will be at the next one with the roadster or maybe the 37. Going to work on Mike Mecey to come with me.
Question, saw Bob Coffee was there, Anyone out there know how to reach him. He seems to turn up once in a while but don't know how to get hold of him. Help !
Gary, go to the Reunions page and email one of the reunion committee members in his class. I'm sure they can help.
Name: Old Friend () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 19:58:49
Class: 67
Message: Does any body know what happened to Dave Orlaska?
List the names of those in Chev Inc. in the Class of 67
Guess who I am
Name: Cal Kappen () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 19:42:46
E-Mail: ekap4@home.com
Class: 59
City and State: El Cajon CA
Message: WOW! What a weekend. I want to thank Rich and Mary Sloan for being who they are. I guess they just can't help it. John Baker and Janet, I'm glad to have finally met you two.
Cruise night was great and then on over to the Sheraton to visit with coach Chauncey. Old stories and jokes. It doesn't get any better. But it did. The next night was the reunion and after that a late night visit to the 8TH floor hospitality room for more livation. The next morning we met for breakfast and more visiting with old friends. We said goodby outside at Rich Sloan's 56 Chevy. When I finally walked to my car I cried!
Good Friends and good memories. Until we meet again. Thank You All!
Hey Cal, I know what you mean. I'm still floating after this last weekend. We'll see you at Prom Night and do it all over again. Thanks for being there.
Name: Maurine White () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 19:41:28
E-Mail: maurinekwhite@hotmail.com
Maiden: Endicott
Class: 59
City and State: Huntington Beach, CA
Message: The 59, 60, 61 reunion was so-o-o-o much fun. It was great to see so many people from the class of '59 who haven't made it to previous reunions. Many thanks to Rich and Mary Sloan and those who worked on the committee who made it all possible. What a great night!
Name: John Rout () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 19:26:08
E-Mail: Jmr81204@aol.com
Class: 63
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Paco, thanks for the info on Larry Clark. I hung out with Larry when he was a Sophomore and I was a Freshman. He was a nice guy way back then. I think he went to Hawthorne Christian. I can't remember whether it was him or his girlfriend at the time, or both. Anyway, my condolences to his loved ones.
Name: Janine Wilson () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 16:59:32
E-Mail: j9wil@aol.com
Message: What a great site.
Thanks Janine, I like your email address.
Name: walter holt () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 15:27:46
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo,CA
Message: Marcia…Nice to know you remember my name, by now you has probably seen my mug shot on Ctown from the 65 pictures. Good to see your post. No, like you in 76 I was on the other coast so I missed that one and don’t plan on missing any more. Patti You’re very welcome Sarah & I enjoyed you’re company, she’s still talking about you (even though the put down for being from FV High. Heh Heh). Chris, Sarah was beginning to wonder as I was putting that collection together. It was a labor of love inspired by John & Cougartown. I plan on bringing it to THE PROM just in case the DJ doesn’t have some of our requests. Much Thanks to The Stonebraker’s for the use of their CD Player. Fellow Cougs, This was my first event & all I can say is We have a great group of people to connect with. I had a great time & look forward to getting together at the next event Especially PROM NIGHT 2001. Paco...we had a Larry Clark in our class of 66. Can you check and see if it was possibly be him?
No, it was our Larry Clark all right. I just didn't find him in our 62 book.
Name: Irene Fernandez () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 15:20:36
E-Mail: nanairene@hotmail.com
Maiden: Callahan
Class: 60
City and State: LA, Calif.
Message: Just wanted to add my "Thank You", to Rich, Mary, Camille, Pat, Janet and the rest of the (59,60,& 61)Committee for the "Great Reunion". Rich as always you all did an outstanding job and a fun time was had by all. It was so much fun visiting and rekindling old friendships.
John, it was great to finally meet you in person and again a "BIG" thank you for this great site!!
Hi Irene, Yes, I have to agree with you on the Reunion Committee. They did an outstanding job as usual. Nice to meet you in person too. Thanks for the nice thoughts on the website.
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 13:50:58
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
Great Cruise Night, as always! Wayne Dickey we love you man! A true Coug. Says he will bring his Accordian & backs up his words. A true virtuoso!! Searched all night for that Corn Husker? Great to meet Paco, who keeps names with faces with great pics. I can`t figure out though, who the old guy is in the pic. with Donna Wright? Thanks again John for all you do for us & HHS! TB from AZ.
Hey Tom, Thanks for driving that 9 hours from Phoenix. Sloey said he would have been there, but he had a runny nose. I wish you would've made the Reunion too. We had a great time. See you in August.
Yeah, who WAS that Old Guy with Donna.....
Name: Paco () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 13:16:15
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Message: Larry Clark class of 1962 has passed, Larry was part of our neighborhood teams and lived on Oceangate and 134th St.
Paco, Don't remember a Larry Clark. I looked in the 62 El Molino and there's a Carolyn Clark, Dane Clark, Karen Clark, Martha Clark, Richard Clark, and Vi Clark.
BTW, I hope you're all catching Pacos Pics. He's got some great shots of Cruise Night.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 10:08:08
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: I don't know how to put this but Walter Holt, how do you have any time for Sara? I looked at your CD collection and couldn't believe you have any time for anything else. Folks this guy has almost all of the songs from 1960 to 1974. Actually with his 300 baud MODEM, he has been downloading the songs since 1960. I heard he was downloading from Napster before the PC or Napster was invented. Actually Walter I am jealous. You have a great collection, too bad it took so long for someone to come up with a CD player at Cruise Night.
OK Cougs the next big event is PROM NIGHT. I am sure that Judy has a ticket with your name on it. All you have to do is go to the box above and where it says "Click Here" do it. Then follow the instructions. If that is too hard for the next 10 people all you have to do is send your name and if you have a date his/her name and a ($37.50 or $75.00 per couple) deposit check in an envelope clearly marked "PROM NIGHT" to:
John Baker
PO Box 1406
Lomita, CA 90717
Your name will magically appear on the list of people going to the PROM NIGHT event. If for some reason you don't want your name displayed on the list please indicate that also. Judy is that enough of a plug??
Now that's telling it like it is.... Yes Prom Night tickets are being sold every day and since the word was put out at the 59-60-61 Reunion last weekend, sales have picked up. Please don't be left on the outside looking in. When they're gone, they're gone.
Thanks Chris....
Name: Linda Elia Farrow () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 09:21:58
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@trw.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
City and State: Redondo Beach, Ca
Message: John Baker~I just wanted to say that it was great to finally meet you at Foster's last Friday! And I would love to see that picture taken of our group that you took of us..I really wish more 80's people would show up, come on you guys I know allot of you are still in the area, come out and join the fun with everyone.
Thanks again for a fun night!
Linda, It's the first picture in the Cruise Night pics. Thanks for being there and yes, all you 80's Cougs are invited to Cruise Night too.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 09:16:51
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: comparingBrianTullynotes
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Well, all I can say for CRUISE NIGHT is that we found out that "everyone" & I do mean "everyone" dated Brian Tully at one time or another..! Sorry Brian, the truth comes out even 40 years later. I digress~~ Wayne Dickey, you were a riot with your accordion. Sorry I didn't get a chance to go over to say hi, but you were drawing quite a crowd. If you were smart, you would have thrown down a hat and made some money. Sandy Tully, good to see you again. We're still on for a sip from your flask on PROM NIGHT. I was tickled to finally meet Russ and Judi Jacobsen, Karen Kuehl & Scott Beers. Lots of new faces for the first time.. it was "the best Cruise Night so far." There were PROM NIGHT flyers for those of you that would rather purchase tickets snail mail..but if you missed them, let me know and I'll snail mail one out to ya.. Now, back to getting ready for the ROWDY May trip to Hawaii. "CHEESE BURGER IN PARADISE" here we come!
Judy Wudy..
Yep, Brian Tully had more girlfriends than cars, and he had a slew of cars. Thanks again to all the Cruisers and to all the Reunion people last weekend. It's always a blast.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 04:22:43
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: H, H, Haw, T, T, Tho, R, R Rne
Message: John, it's just that I felt "guilty" and I just want to testify what missin the cruise nights is doin to me
Name: sherril moyers () on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 00:00:54
E-Mail: rsmoyers@earthlink.ner
Maiden: driggers
Class: 1976
City and State: Gilbert Arizona
Message: If anyone from the class of 76 is interested in organizing a 25 year reunion, e-mail me and I'll let you know how easy it is. I did the 20 along with Carolyn Lemonde and we are in 2 different states. I wish that we would have had then and now picture books done. But I hope everyone had a good time. :}
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