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Here's one you haven't heard in a LONG time....... Jimmy Rodgers
Name: Anita Young () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 20:00:51
E-Mail: youngun39@yahoo.com or youngun39@care2.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Message: Some sad and serious news, Cougs....my wonderful, dear friend, Petey Smith, asked me to let all you Cougs know that her ex-brother in law, but still good friend, Randy Hood, suffered a major heart attack on Monday. He is in the I.C.U. at U.C. Davis. He is hanging in there she says, but he has a hole in his heart that has been there since he was young. Randy's son, Kyle, is Petey's nephew ( Randy was married to Petey's sis). She will keep me posted on his recovery and whatever else is to report. She and their families are all understandably distraught right now, so I am handling telling what is going on to Randy's Coug family here. Let's keep Randy in all our prayers! He needs them! Hang in there, Randy!
Thanks Anita...
Name: Scott Beers () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 18:40:34
E-Mail: galaxy7c@yahoo.com
Message: (Holly Glen/Lawndale High School C/O 76)
I'm only up to pg 308 on "Feedback" so forgive me if this has been cleared up since. Regarding the Wood family from Isis Ave: Jonathan(Jon)was the youngest Wood kid, Debbie the oldest, and Tim and
Mike in between. There most likely wasn't a Dave, or they kept him well hidden. Their mom Nancy was my cub scout leader, Pack 917, and later my Daily Breeze paper route Area Advisor. I rode dirt bikes with all 3 boys our jr.
high years in El Segundo and behind Boys Market in Lawndale. I learned to surf with Jon at Manhattan Pier in the summer of '72. I sold my dirt bike to
Paul Dallons' cousin Perry and bought a surfboard and wetsuit with the money; big lifestyle change there.
And John Baker, can people of my background call ourselves "Hawthorne Cardinals"?
BTW does anyone know the whereabouts of the Jugend sisters? I haven't seen any of them on the alumni list. Jackie(76) was my connection to HHS after Dana. Also Debbie(78)and a younger sister whose name escapes me.
Bye cougs, great website you (we) have here.
Hey Scott. Yes you ARE our resident Hawthorne Cardinal. Not too far from Holly Glen to Lawndale High. Thanks for the update and come on back anytime.
Name: Risa Kubly () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 18:29:33
Maiden: Manriquez
Class: 77
City and State: Glendale Ca
Message: Remember dressing up for Halloween. Did anyone ever enter the contest..I did. I just found the picture of myself, junior year, dressed as Gean Simmons (KISS). I made the costume and still have it today.. Just wanted to share.. Hi everyone..
Hi Risa....Halloween memories are very cool.
Name: Doris () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 18:29:10
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
Message: Okay ... this is really pushing the memory buttons WAY BACK! There was a little candy store on the corner of Washington Avenue and across the street from Washington Elementary; it actually faced the school. ALL they sold was what my Mother called "junk" candy and would never let me buy any. I was in 7th Heaven one day when she actually gave me a few pennies and let me buy something there ... also very nervous! Very exciting moment in my very young life. Had to be in the 40's. Does anyone remember the name of THAT store? Obviously before Hawthorne Intermediate went in there.
Also, another little "hole in the wall" down in Lawndale, one street west of Hawthorne Blvd, just south of Rosecrans by 1 or 2 streets. A great big HUGE old Mexican man ran the place and made THE BEST tamales I have EVER tasted. Mom would take me there to buy a dozen or so at a time and that's what we would have for dinner. That is the only Mexican food I can remember having as a young child. Also in the 40's. Does anybody remember that place?
Nope, I don't remember either but keep that 40's stuff comin' as it makes me feel real young.
Name: Maureen 'Mo' Trott () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 18:13:47
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: OK Cougars, I have a few others to add. EDDINGS BROS., HAWTHORNE BUILDER'S SUPPLY, HAWTHORNE PLUMBING, HAWTHORNE DOG & CAT HOSPITAL, WESTERN SURPLUS. John, can we include HAWTHORNE POLICE DEPARTMENT? When our fire department went to county, it changed it's name, but the Police Department hasn't changed. John, do you know the answer? MoMo
Mo, The question wasn't "can you name EVERY business in Hawthorne". We are trying to determine what is the oldest business name. The Police Dept. is a city service and not a business. No, I don't know the answer but I'm sure it's in here somewhere.
Name: Robin () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 17:50:33
E-Mail: Ourcornerstorewasthebest.com
Maiden: Luigi
Class: 60
City and State: RB,CA
Message: Loretta: To live in that neighborhood and NOT remember the 134th and Ramona corner store is equivalent to not remembering your first kiss. And coincidentally mine was there.....I was 23 and walking to Fosters one night...Just kidding!!:o).I was 8 and had stopped for my daily afterschool two fisted fix of those tiny wax bottles of red dye #6....A young and attractive Arkansas girl named Marsha Dee Edwards (later a Cougar) cornered me between the Fritos and bread shelves. I knew this was on a dare but I gave in anyway ,and planted my best on her rosy cheek (left if I remember correctly)...True story and yes history does repeat itself....A half century later I cornered and married another young and sooooo attractive Marsha from Arkansas.(also a Cougar) And two months from today we will be sitting on Makena beach in Maui with two glasses and a better than wax bottle of something to celebrate the best year ever....The moral of this story is either stay out of corner stores, watch out for those Marshas from Arkansas ,or never give up. I prefer the third choice.....Later Cougs :o)...PS..John are you that skinny blond kid we used send home crying with lime cool aid in his hair??
WAS THAT YOU GUYS!!!! Hey Robin, What was the name of that store?
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 17:00:14
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
City and State: manhaddan beechs
Message: DALE S. CLARK REALTORS wuz der wen mys dady bots ourn huoses frum dem in 1950ans4
Ps. I's jest lerns dat anuder kids guts shots in pensilvanya. i's gunnas chains mys mines ans sez als u foks terns ins yer guns cept fer mes ans my buddes in dat rifel clubs. Toos meny fools knots nose hows ta use em.
Name: Paco () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 16:59:31
Message: I remember a mom and pop on Inglewood Ave and about 130th or 131st street, it had wooden floors and looked like the building would fall at any time. Brian Tully and I would get our supplies there daily...I remember bubble gum by the piece, I think they were 2 for a penny...My dentist loved them!
Paco, Call Brian and have him get his Prom tickets soon.
Name: Steve Bunch () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 16:40:34
E-Mail: buncherino@aol.com
Class: 71
City and State: Alta Loma, Ca.
Message: I was reading the feedback from all you Cougars and was surprised to see several comments about Luigi's restaurant. My Uncle George owned Luigi's for ten+ years and I worked there as a dishwasher, cook and busboy for five years. George and his wife ran Luigi's as a small family operation until he sold it in the late 70's. I always enjoyed the food there and to this day my family enjoys the Italian food I learned to cook while I worked for my uncle. Uncle George passed away, but my memories of Luigi's still live on. I'm glad to see so many other people enjoyed it too. Who knows, maybe I was the one who made your pizza or meatball sandwich. By the way, is Luigi's still there?......Steve
Name: Bob Poorman () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 14:58:00
Class: '77
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Message: Well just had to phone half way across the US but, Mo (confirmed by John), I think you're on to something with the 352. My uncle (Dennis Eldredge) just confirmed that his dad (Bugs) started working there in the 40's. His guess was that it was there as far back as the 30's. He refused any comment on whether he was allowed to drink there while attending HHS. Actually, I think I've heard a few stories of him and Richard Kadak drinking themselves silly there on a number of occasions but you didn't hear it from me. Speaking of Richard he owned the screen and glass shop on Inglewood Ave just down and across from Gene's. Was that Obrien's? I know this as he was always my saviour as a kid when I busted out a window. Wow I haven't been to the old stomping grounds much over the past years but Mo sure did stir up a lot of memories!
Name: Dan Johnson () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 14:00:13
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Steely Dan, CA
Message: On the topic of old Haytown businesses (this one bit the dust a long time ago), there was a coin shop on El Segundo just west of Hawthorne Blvd. I used to live at 12712 Ramona (by the church with the funny sayings on the marquee) and I walked by this coin shop everyday on my way to and from Hawthorne Intermediate. I used to pocket my 35 cents in lunch money and on the way home buy foreign coins instead of lunch. I still have the coins to this day. Also on the topic of El Segundo Blvd., every Friday my mom would avoid cooking by handing me $2.00 and send me off to my choice of Orange Julius (in the parking lot of Delta Liquor) or McDonalds (which is still there east of Hawthorne Blvd.). I developed such a love for McDonalds that when Burger King launched a "watch out McDonalds" ad campaign in the 80s I was personally offended by the attacks (am I not Madison Ave's target audience?). Speaking of commercials, hey Bill Wadman, remember "it's not nice to steal from Delta Liquor" (spoken to the "tune" of "it's not nice to fool mother nature")?
Lots of memories Dan, but still not the oldest. Thanks.....
Name: Maureen 'Mo' Trott () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 13:44:50
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: OK Cougs, I have thought of a few more places (I don't think have been mentioned) still in business. I don't know how long they have been in business, but I know they have been here for a LONG LONG time. OK, here we go: CHIPS RESTAURANT, LEDDY & HALL (now run by their sons), WHITE'S BAKERY & A-1 OFFICE SUPPLY (yes John, they're still here), JERRY'S BARBER SHOP, COLE'S EQUIPMENT RENTAL, JONES FIREWOOD, ALOHA DRUGS, UNITED HARDWARE, HAWTHORNE NURSERY, GOLDEN PHOENIX RESTAURANT, DALE CLARK REALTY, POUND PENNY MARKET, SOMERVILLE PLYWOOD, ROSE MUFFLER SERVICE, PIZZA SHOW, O'BRIEN SCREEN & GLASS, VEL'S TV REPAIR (used to be on Felton, now on Inglewood Ave.) REX TROPHIES, THE FISH BOWL, MOTH AIRCRAFT CO., SAV-ON SURPLUS CENTER, EARL SCHEIB, SECURITY AVIATION, ACTION BATTERY, HAWTHORNE BUILDER'S SUPPLY, BOULEVARD SCREEN CO., GENE'S RESTAURANT (used to be ROZZUTI'S). Now for the bars: AVENUE CLUB, THE DEN, 352, THE GREATEST, SAM'S OFFICE. I think I listed just about all of Hawthorne. Always be a coug!
OK we want the longest running business with the same name now as then, so Genes or the Den wouldn't qualify.
Leddy and Halls has been that since about 1960 (It was Leddys Brake and Wheel before). Rose Muffler has been there since about 1960. Just called Moth Aircraft and Ed Clark proprietor on Yukon; 1970. Chips has been there since the mid 50's. Jerrys Barber Shop doesn't qualify. The ones that grab me are the 352 club and Hawthorne Nursery. Hawthorne Nursery has got to be the only agricultural land still being used for same, in Hawthorne.
Thanks Mo......
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 13:41:27
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Can anyone from the 133rd street group remember the Mom and Pop Store on the corner of 134th street and Ramona. (late 40's and 50's). I remember wooden steps into the store and the place had wooden floors and many glass front penny candy bins. I also remember the favorite of most, those red wax lips.
Oh, they also had barrels of pickles...Have a good day. ALWAYS A COUG.
Loretta, I too remember that store, not that I lived close but I spent a lot of time after school at George Gates' house at Ramona and 136th St. and that was THE store in that neighborhood in the mid-50's.
Name: Mike Shay () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 11:29:50
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Class: 61
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Hey There John & Fellow Cougars;
I read Dan Dyes' posting about a large guard dog chasing him on his bike and it reminded me of an experience I had on El Segundo Bl. This was probably in the L.A. strip rather than Hawthorne but close enough. There was a marine supply shop called Glenwood Marine up near Western Ave. I went in there to get some parts for a boat I was restoring (John, the one I bought from your Dad ). I walked into the show room and quickly discovered that I was the only one in there. I yelled "hello is anybody in here?" and all I could hear was some very large claws clicking on the concrete floor. I turned around to see the biggest Doberman that ever lived standing eye to eye with me, and he was shaking like a leaf. I was so scared I was frozen.......after a few seconds of staring at each other he slowly opened his large toothy mouth.........and a little red rubber ball came bouncing out at my feet. He was still shaking but now staring at the ball. I didn't know what else to do so I kicked it across the showroom and all of a sudden this beast went running and sliding across the room and finally crashed into the wall just as he scooped up the ball in his mouth. That was all it took. He ran back, dropped the little ball at my feet ( stubby little tail wagging) so I could kick it again. After about the 10th. time the owner came in and said "I see you've met Goliath ".
Were sorry We can't make it to "Prom Night" but we are looking forward to the 59-60-&61 reunion and cruise night.
Hope to see many friends old and new!!
Name: Mike Backus () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 11:27:38
Class: '74
Message: Here's an old picture of the "Catalina" during her heyday. I figure this to be around 1947.
Shown with her are my mother (now 84) and my brother (now 57). Background left you
can see the old Avalon Ballroom. I am nowhere to be seen (born in '56).
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 10:12:20
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: notCatholicnotJewish..
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: PROM NITE UPDATE: I've had a couple of questions about the "dress" for Prom Nite.. The committee wants everyone to be very comfortable, so if you dress up just a bit or go for the formal look, either is fine.. Gals, if you feel more comfy in a dressy pant suit..go for it.. We'd like you to wear something as if you were going to a reunion.. The fellas can wear a suit or sports coat if they'd like.. We just don't want T-shirts and shorts.. Perhaps the next function will be more casual..but this is a great dance in a great ball room... I'm still looking for my tiara and merry widow..and where are those pearl clips for my French roll..and the sparkles for my wing..and did I flush those false eyelashes down the John again.. Will my "geesh" keep my spit curls in place... After all, I have a Jewish reputation to uphold.. Rule for this dance: Dress up..look good, but above all, be comfortable. Don't forget that whatever you wear, you'll have to "Rock & Roll & Twist the night away" in.
Judy Wudy..
You mentioned pearls and I thought of something out of the past. Remember POP BEADS?? They came in lots of colors and you just snapped them together.
Name: Jeanne Carrillo () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 09:58:30
E-Mail: jcarrillo@universalcare.com
Maiden: Burk
Class: 69
City and State: San Diego,CA
Message: Wanted to put my 5 cents worth in about gun control especially since our most recent tragedy here in Santee. How many kids need to die before we realize that an angry kid + a gun = disaster. I cannot think of one friend I had in school whose parents had guns in the house. We weren't as paranoid then. When we were young our angry kids got into fist fights, not gunfights. The fact is if that kid in Santee did not have EASY access to a gun, he could not have used it to kill two other kids. Parents tend to see what they want to see. No one wants to know their kid is bordering on psychotic. To a kid that is bullied, shamed and humiliated.. a gun is an equalizer. We don't have control over many things but we can take control of handguns. They have only one purpose... to kill another human being.
Name: Mike Backus () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 09:37:20
Class: '74
Message: Bob- My friends and I sometimes wandered into Snappys on Imperial,
but it was not really our favorite. They initiated the much hated
"fo fo five" (four for five) meaning you only got four pieces of penny
candy for a nickel. Highway robbery! Loved Jack Risner's model
stories. Although my own models were sacred to me, I did indulge in
model destruction at my friend's houses. One particularly creative
buddy filled his battleship models with firecrackers, covered them in
glue and then set them afire and adrift- in his parent's pool! It was a spectacular
show, but as you can imagine, he got an equally spectacular ass whuppin
when his dad came home and saw the condition of the pool! Ummmmm,
old businesses...how about St. Joseph's Catholic Church? Not a business?
Sorry John, I suck at this game!
Sorry Mike, Although St Josephs Catholic Church is a business, we can't count it as it is just a branch office of the Main Plant in the Vatican.
Karen Webster Bearns emailed me with 3 good prospects. The Pizza Show, Carlos Hair Fashions, and my favorite, and how long has this one been in Hawthorne, or is it still there......Whites Bakery.
Name: Dewey () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 06:41:16
Message: See what happens ..you move to the other end of the 405 and they close a good business
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 01:16:21
E-Mail: finallyaquestionicananswer.com
Class: 66
City and State: redondo beach, ca
Message: Blake, I know I know. There were many musicians on 138th Street during the 60's and early 70's. Let's see Jan and Dean, Mamas and The Papas, Dorsey and Johnny Burnett, The Kinks, The Byrds [I think] The Carpenters but only once, Carl and Dennis a few times, and the other boys, and Bing Crosby, Elvis Presley's entire backup band and I probably left off a few. Why were they there? Many of them had a business manager and others just wanted business advice from a gentleman who lived on the corner of 138th Street and Glasgow. Who was he? My kids called him PAP PAP. His name was Don Zaccaglini the brightest business person I have ever met and a good grandfather too. Did I leave out anyone Judi?
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 00:14:31
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Honolulu, HI
Message: Thanks John for the link about the Catalina. That Singer guy was my uncle's partner. When my uncle died it all went to Singer and he decided not to do anything with it. He was basically the guy taking care of business and my uncle was the money guy. When my uncle died no more money and so no more Catalina. It was a White Elephant from the start.
I thought it was a White Steamship.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 00:07:20
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Honolulu, HI
Message: How about Jones Firewood on Rosecrans. I used to work cleaning Luigi's when I was in 8th grade. How about Green Farms. Does anyone remember Rennasaise Gym on Hawthorne Bl.. Who in C-town was a member. Back then there wasn't a gym on every corner.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 23:53:51
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Honolulu, HI
Message: ABout the 138st question. I grew up on 137st in Holy Glen. That street was where the Zacaglin's (everyone knows), Guy Hocker (realtor), The Rice's (who owned about a million dry cleaning business), The Sides (who owned a race horse that made them millions, can anyone name the horse), I remember the band playing in the garage they also played at the Montez's house down the street from us. Not sure if they were real famous though. Sloey may know.
So......in other words you don't know the answer, but just wanted to name-drop?
Name: Linda Reynolds () on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 23:52:10
E-Mail: linrey@yahoo.com
Maiden: Jones
Class: 62
City and State: Chatsworth, CA
Message: Hi Dan Dye! Yes, I remember Ben's market on 118th & Freeman and especially Imperial Farms. We lived just a few blocks from there and my mom & I would walk there about every other day. I remember she was so amazed at the beautiful produce there....she would write or phone our relatives in Pennsylvania and tell them. For me, I went straight to the candy aisle! (Nothing has changed!)......Linda
Name: Dewey () on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 23:21:59
Class: 74
Message: Ok I ‘ll. take a shot at the oldest business …Independent Lumber
Independent lumber is gone. They pulled up stakes a couple of years ago. Nice try though.....
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