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Another 50's Classic....... Lavern Baker
Name: Dan Dye () on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 10:49:07
E-Mail: DanADye@earthlink.net
Class: 1962
City and State: Torrance Calif.
Message: We had a corner store on Prairie Ave and 117th st. we called it the Corner Store. There was another little store on 118th and Freeman, not sure of the cross street. Help me Linda Jones. And then there was the Imperial Farms Market on Prairie and Imperial Hwy. I remember riding my bike east bound on 117th st. from the Corner Store as fast as my little legs could peddle, because a dog was chasing me. While looking back to see where the dog was, I hit the back of a parked car. Went over the car but wasn't hurt. The best part was the dog was gone.
Yep, I always liked that part too (when the dog was gone). The store on 118th and Freeman was Bens Market (now it's Freeman Market), but what was it called in the mid to late 50's?
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 10:39:00
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: OK, everyone I have another WEB site for you to view. Again I have no direct afiliation with the site but I thought you might like to take a look... http://server45.hypermart.net/hhstech/index.html
That is Hawthorne High's new website. It's been on the What's New page for a couple of weeks. Does anyone EVER take a look at anything on this website besides the feedback page?
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 10:07:26
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: I was reading about the enjoyment everyone seemed to have with candy. I have found a WEB site that has many of the candies that we all remember. Do you remember Abba-Zaba, Atomic Fire Balls, Boston Baked Beans, Bubble Gum Cigars, Candy Buttons on Paper Tape, Candy Cigarettes, Chiclets, Double Bubble Gum, Fizzies, Good and Plenty, Jaw Breakers, Jujubes, Milk Duds, Necco Wafers, Pixy Stix, Red Hots, Redvines Licorice Whips, Sen Sen, Smarties, Smith Brothers Cough Drops, Sugar Daddy, SweeTarts, Teaberry Gum, Walnettos, Wax Lips, Whoppers, Malted Milk Balls. There are many others. No I have no afiliation with the WEB site but I have passed the name around to individuals on CT. Now here it is for everyone to enjoy. http://www.oldtimecandy.com/
Name: ron dokken () on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 08:19:32
E-Mail: rdokk@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
City and State: Endwell NY
Message: Speaking of Mom and Pop markets...I lived on 131st St just off Inglewood ave. In the early 50's, we used to go there for all that penny candy. Remember Horlicks malted milk tablets, and Walnettos? There was an old man at the market who wouldn't use the register, but slowly, with a wobbly hand, manually add up your purchases on a brown bag. Still remember a friend and me boosting a case of rootbeer from a truck in front of the store. Such a misspent youth...
Don't let'em track you down Ron. I don't think there's a statute of limitations on Root Beer pilferage in CA.
I remember going out in back of the mom and pop market on Hawthorne and 118th; picking up empty soda bottles and taking them around to the front. My cousin and I got about 24 cents for them. I'm STILL looking over my shoulder.
Name: Paco () on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 02:03:06
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Message: I've been on a diet for about 3 months, and all I think about is Pauls Bakery, with Johnny and his Cream Puffs...Then there was the Helms dude with his special goodies drawer! I want SWEETS!!!
"Johhny and his Cream Puffs"??!! Sounds like a homosexual doo wop group.
Name: Steve Curtin () on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 00:36:47
E-Mail: yorbiec@aol.com
Class: 1964
City and State: Mountain View, CA
Message: Really enjoyed the photos of Ben's Market and Don's Market. The picture of Ben's Market was taken from the DeCuir (Richard, Phil, Steve) front yard. It was called Tom's Market before his son, Ben, took over. Don's Market on 120th Street used to be called Al's Market. Wish I could remember Al's last name. He was really a nice guy too, just like Ben. Al's Market will always be "The Little Market" to me. That's what my mom always called it.
Thanks Steve for remembering Al's. He was a great guy.
Name: Patt () on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 00:34:31
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
City and State: Kennewick,Wa
Message: I want to let fellow cougars know that Jan Dorris Brown '63 had a heart attack today, she is in ICU at the local hospital in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Her husband says it is touch and go for her.
Jan has had MS for many years and lately has had numerous strokes,
Please pray for her and her husband Clyde Brown.
Her dear friend Terry will be doing her e-mail.
Any messages will be appreciated.
She'll be in our prayers Patt, Thanks.....
Name: Cindy Colby () on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 00:12:47
E-Mail: cindymcolby@aol.com
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 63
City and State: Laguna Hills, CA
Message: Mike, your story about the candy store (Bens) reminded me of the store between 119th. and 120th. on Inglewood ave. there was Solomons Variety Store, John Solomon was the owner, Groves Market and a liquor store, all in one very long large building. John's was the most wonderful place I had ever seen in my life, there was every kind of candy, those candy bars that cost something like 75 cents to a dollar now were a nickel, there were bins of toys model boats and airplanes, everything imaginable, I used to buy plastic airplane models for almost nothing. That was a good memory from my childhood, I wish my kids could have had something that cool when they were growing up.
Name: Bob Rierdan () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 23:05:52
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
City and State: Mtn. View, MO
Message: Hey, you Hawthorne history buffs - here's a 1946 streetcar map showing the route down Hawthorne Blvd.
Great stuff Bob, Thanks......
Name: Mary Weiler () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 22:35:08
E-Mail: pmweiler@msn.com
Maiden: Risner
Class: 76
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: I hadn't gotten around to reading my newspaper for a few days and when I did, I saw the notice that one of my best friends from high school Cindy (Clutter) Hilpert had lost her mother. Cindy's folks owned S.L. Clutter's the ceramic store on Inglewood Ave. Cindy, I am so sorry I missed the services. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Your mom was a terrific lady, and I will always have wonderful memories of her.
Name: Blake () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 22:27:31
E-Mail: withells@idirect.com
Class: 67
City and State: Toronto Can
Message: I remember The Toronto Maple Leafs games when there were only six NHL teams. After moving to California in 1959 we used to attend the LA Sports Arena and watch The LA Blades play. I think they were part of the Pacific West League (a minor league), great hockey, and my mom got the tickets for free.
I distinctly remember meeting a player by the name of Willie O'Rea. For the sake of trivia he was the first professional hockey player who was black. He hailed from Nova Scotia Canada. I commented to him once that it was a heck of a hit he took in the second period that night. He replied," they seem to mistake me for the puck." I fear that part may not have changed.
Name: Mike Backus () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 22:24:45
Class: '74
Message: Bob Poorman, thanks for your recollections about Ben's Market. That is the thing
that I love so much about Cougartown; that these strange fantasies, these recollections
from another life, are actually shared by other people. Thank God! I thought it was
just an amazing dream that I had! It's also good to see my 'little sis'
Sharon back in here with more bike (and hitchhiking! tsk tsk!) stories. Thanks,
John for posting that picture with my feedback. Only that wasn't Ben's. It couldn't
have been. Ben's was larger and more splendid than the Taj Mahal....
We had a thing about Mom and Pop markets in Hawthorne about 2 years ago. Ben's was voted the number one Mom and Pop in Hawthorne. Our favorite market was Don's above, which was called something else then. It was on 120th between Menlo and Oxford.
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 22:04:22
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: OH PULEEEZE!! "Guns don't kill people. People do." Tell that to the parents in Santee.
Name: Dave Hanson () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 21:57:46
E-Mail: dave@cyclinggoods.com
Class: 1975
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: AHHH bicycling stories, I remember riding my Schwinn stingray home from HHS with Lee Boswell and we would wheelie almost all the way home, to 135th and Prairie, or jumping the parked cars at the train depot at Broadway, remember the ramp? The local people that worked in the area would park their cars along the ramp and we would jump our bikes off the ramp and over the hoods of the cars. Well funny I still race bikes at the age of 43.
Name: Gary Lents () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 20:28:30
E-Mail: glents@cybertelmail.net
Class: none
City and State: Vista
Message: Hmmm, standings say Ice Dogs are in 2nd place after becoming part of the WCHL...Gulls in first. And for true hockey fans, the WCHL is a lot more fun than going to the NHL games. SD Gulls serve hot dogs and beer and have prices anyone can afford. Staples Center has sushi and sake, and the seats I sat in were 100 bucks a pop. If you really want to contact some of the players, I may be able to help...send me an Email.
Also, the tragedy at Santana High School is just that...a tragedy. Santana is in the City of Santee (Eastern part of SD county), and while not the best part of San Diego, it's not much different than the Hawthorne of olden days. Sad day! Our high school hockey team is scheduled to play them a week from Friday.
Name: Kathy Frankforter () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 20:18:44
E-Mail: kathy90277@earthlink.net
Maiden: Tom's Wife
Class: 79
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Seems I'm popping in here more often- I just read a few of the posts about the Santee Shooting Spree. I agree with John Baker with regards to guns. Tom belongs to the NRA and is an avid sportsman. We have several guns which we keep locked up in a steel safe (Cabinet). Parents do need to teach their children that guns do in fact kill. Kids need to be taught this by their parents- To say we need to ban guns is just ridiculous every time we have a shooting. Guns do not kill, people do- You choose to pull that trigger. We all have choices in life and we all need to be responsible. Kids today have nothing- Think about all the things we had to do when we were kids growing up in the South Bay. I would NOT want to be a teenager growing up in todays crazy mixed up society. I do believe parents need to be more responsible for their children and quit worrying about making all that money to buy that nice new SUV or whatever. Your kids need to come first-My opinion, kids are getting left behind. John, I hope you don't mind me adding to the feedback on this subject- I did watch all of this unfold today on TV and I was heartsick- People need to quit blaming it all on the guns and start looking at the "Big Picture" here-
Name: Myrna () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 19:47:44
Class: 66
Message: John, I just want to touch a little on something you said earlier today. When my grandsons (6 and 8) come for their once-a-year visit to Grandma Myrna and Papa Jim's we like to do things with them that they don't do at home. We made stepping stones with cut glass and cement, we made stilts together, we ride our bicycles together out to the school farm (Grady slipped and fell in the pig muck - yes, Coalinga is out in the boonies), and, with their mother's permission, they are learning the rules and how to handle and shoot a gun. We started them with a BB gun in the backyard. (Yes, remember this is the boonies) The rules are very strict. They are under constant supervision, never left alone with the gun and have to answer questions on safety. Papa Jim is not at all tolerant of any kind of infraction (i.e., putting one foot up even with the shooter, let alone getting ahead of him). The gun is always put down with the safety on. The boys are learning how to handle the weapons properly. This summer they may advance to a handgun out in the creekbed for target practice. That will depend on the kids and their refresher course. Kids do not know how to use a gun unless they are taught, and respect is the number one issue when learning how to use a gun.
Take the mystery away and you'll have a safer kid (Not sure this equates to todays tradegy though). Dad bought me a 410 shotgun when I was about 6 and supervised my every move. He took the mystery of guns away and had a safer son for it.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 19:46:08
City and State: Fools
Message: Okay mom, close your eyes (again.)
Speaking of hitchhiking to the beach... Amy Jensen and I did that twice. We were supposed to take the bus from Rosecrans and Isis, but once we were at the bus stop, Amy conned me into hitching a ride. The first time, we got a ride in the back of an open pickup truck with three guys in the cab. No worries; no problem. We must've taken the bus back because I can't remember the return trip. Or maybe mom picked us up. But the second time we hitched, we were picked up by a scary guy with an accent who drove a small two-seater sports car. If I remember correctly, Amy made me get in first. (!SUCKER!) We got to the beach and the guy wouldn't stop the car... Amy tried to open the door but there was no handle on the inside of the door. The guy finally stopped for a light; Amy reached outside and pulled the door open and we jumped out and ran. That was the end of my hitching days. The next time we went to the beach, we rode the bus! Over the back seat of the bus, someone had written, "So you say your grandmother died in a wheelchair race?" Dunno why I still remember that.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 19:34:20
E-Mail: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
Maiden: Grace
City and State: Emergency
Message: I guess I shouldn't pick on Steve... I myself managed to crash my own face into the sidewalk in the 5th grade, thus breaking off my "two front teeth" and landing me in hospital for 3 days, where I was observed for possible internal bleeding. Those were the pre-helmet and pre-MRI days when we had to do everything by hand... OUCH!
Name: Bob Poorman () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 19:32:25
Class: 77
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Message: Aaahhhhhh, Ben's market! Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters not to mention any empty coke bottles we could salvage all went to Ben. His candy selection was great. Everything from cinnamin toothpicks to candy necklaces. He had it all. A couple of years ago I walked into a store that had this selection of what I think of as "retro-candy" and my thoughts went directly to Ben's. We lived about halfway down the block from his store on Freeman so I spend a whole lot of time there. Mom used to send me down with a note for cigarettes.
And the bike stories! Between that and old clay wheeled skate boards it's a wonder I didn't forget how to walk. From sun up to sun down we were peddling or pushing a skateboard. Sure there were times when I should've been home at some time or another and I got hit with the, "I was just getting ready to send the cops looking for you", but those were truly much different times. When thinking of "that was then this is now" Halloween always comes to mind. Kids everywhere. You'd have to run from house to house to get there before all the candy was gone. And you'd go for hours. It seems that now I always have candy left over for months due to people afraid of what's out there. Either that or it's my wife's theory... That I just buy way too much candy so that I can eat it myself between now and next Halloween.
Which I guess takes me back to Ben's. Candy oh glorious candy! Some kids never grow up.
Name: Karen () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 19:18:47
E-Mail: Kusumi
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
City and State: Anaheim
Message: To Dale Craig, A friend and I get tickets thru work to go see the Ice Dogs, if you can beat the price and get better seats, I will take you up on a couple of tickets.
See Karen, you're supposed to leave your email address in the slot where you put your married name, then Dale can email you with Ice Dog ticket prices.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 18:52:24
E-Mail: anelson@rraz.net
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: I used to live a scant 3 blocks from Santana High School. If I'd stayed in Santee my kids would have gone there. This is another senseless tragedy that could have been prevented by a concerned adult, and one phone call. We, as parents have to get involved in our children's lives. Teach them right from wrong. And when you hear a cry for help, act on it. My heart and prayers are with the students, teachers, school staff, and the responding Officers and Firefighters who will have to live with this for the rest of their lives.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 18:51:53
E-Mail: daledaledaledaledalelistentowhatisay.com
Class: 66
City and State: REDONDO BEACH, CA
Message: DALE, DALE, DALE. The object was to buy girl scout cookies from Patty's daughter a coug by proxy who was sick and unable to sell them, $3 a box Dale, I bet you can't eat more than 8 [BOXES] Dale! Anybody else want to help out a Cougar kid? Email Patty Valencia at PValencia2@aol.com
COUGARS STICK TOGETHER---Walter Holt, 1965, behind the Dairy talking to 12 Olympians in a not so kind environment.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 18:31:47
E-Mail: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
City and State: Memory Lane
Message: Ahh, bicycle memories. Reminds me of the old home movie of brother Steve riding his brand new bike down the driveway one Christmas morning. The film captures him as he pops a wheelie, then abruptly cuts off just before he crashes into the side of the house. These days, with reality TV and the shenanigans on America's Funniest, that cut-off tape would be worthless. But trust me, our family got huge laughs out of that film for years!
Name: carole ferruccio () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 17:52:33
E-Mail: isahighcarole@yahoo.com
Maiden: anderson
Class: 60
City and State: lake isabella, ca
Message: I have'nt put anything in feedback for quite awhile but the freedom stories got to me. When I was in jr high my friends and I used to hitch hike for rides to the beach. (I never had a bike and never did learn to ride one) Now we are talking 1955 or there abouts. I would just kill one of my grandkids if they did that now, but back then, families, etc would pick you up. with hind sight I'm not sure how safe it really was but we never had one bad moment. just goes to show how times have changed. also I wish we could let everyone write what they want without going into blasting them because someone didn't like what they said. I being a female type person do get bored with car stories but still read them and laugh.(ok! sometimes I scroll). Thats what freedom is, the right to be cool or dull or dumb.
Name: Pat Bagby () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 17:21:28
E-Mail: disc0pat@aol.com (that is a zero for those of you who have been confused)
Maiden: Kavanaugh
Class: 1964
City and State: New York
Message: Well, the "Perfect Storm" has so far turned out to be something of a media hype, at least here in the city, but I can't say I'm sad. Got home safe, but I had to cancel some patients who couldn't make it in.
But, the real reason I am writing is to say that in June, my husband and I plan to be coming out to the Reno/Tahoe/Sacramento area. Probably will be meeting some of my sibs out here too, if any of you know them. Anyway, I know a few alums from that area, including Barbara (Battle) Kennedy and Bill Ennis, and will be seeing them. Are there any more of you out there? One Friday night, we plan to go to Bill's brew pub in Sacramento (Hoppy's), so if any of you would be Sacramento area Cougars would like to join us, drop a line. It will be my version of going to the cougartown prom, I guess. Although I don't recall drinking after my own prom, we plan to tilt up a few of those great dark brews Bill's place makes and salute you all. :)
and yet ANOTHER Cougar mini-reunion is in the making. Sounds great. Good luck Pat.....
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 17:16:40
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: wow..ShakespearewasaCoug!!
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Rainy day-Update for Aug 18th's PROM NITE.. More tickets sold to those "kick butt" 60's people.. Thanks Karen Hoffman Newkirk-'62 (Haw), Carol Tillson Bell-'64(Hemet), and Maryann Moretti-"67 (coming from Las Vegas, NV) The numbers grow everyday.. And I can't believe that Shakespeare checked into CT..My pop would love this. Janny and I just returned from Mrs. Gardner's funeral.. I'll leave the report to Mr. Harry Plotkin.. but believe me, it was a beautiful ceremony. Lots of great speeches on her behalf. I wish I could have met her. Mr. Plotkin made a beautiful speech on behalf of CT.. Judy Wudy..
Name: Maureen () on Monday, March 5, 2001 at 17:07:06
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 64
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: OK Jensen Boys...Regarding the run to Bob's Big Boy, and the comment about the A-1 Steak Sauce for your fries. I say, try dipping your french fries with their blue cheese dressing...mmmm good! Also, try putting the blue cheese dressing on your hamburger...even better! If you don't like blue cheese, try it anyway, I'm not crazy about it on my salads (can't stand the lumps), but love it with Bob's Big Boy hamburger and fries, (I just remove the lumps). Just one opinion!
Mo, The lumps ARE the bleu cheese.
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