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For the Texas lovin' Cougs Buddy Holly
Name: A. Gore () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 13:58:34
E-Mail: first_runner_up@chad.com
Class: All
City and State: Currently in transit
Message: John.
Although I didn’t attend Hawthorne High School, I did invent public education. I would like to say, “You’re welcome” for the Internet, which I knocked off in my spare time. I am currently inventing a perpetual motion machine especially for you Californians. It seems you have completely abused my past invention of electricity. Can I be an honorary Cougar? If it comes to a vote, I’ll help count.
OK you can be an honorary Cougar if you stop sniveling and stand up straight...............and stop picking on GW too. I thought the Edison Co. discovered electricity......
Name: Walter Holt () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 13:11:20
E-Mail: imjustanoldmackrelsmakeratheart.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Deano....The Beads were what I seemed to get every time I went to confession.(musta been all those thoughts I had of those fine looking St. Joe's girls). The Rulers across the Knuckles & The Occasional Yardstick Across the Back was What I Got in the classroom. I do remember most of us coming out of that subdued atmosphere, had a tendency to get a little wild with our new found freedom...
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 12:11:04
E-Mail: youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Somewhere In OR-A-GUN
Message: I agree with Louise on this one, Dan! GEEZ! What are you and the wife feeding that baby, MIRACLE GROW?!!!!! And I thought Cassie, my 3 year old was big for her age....she's 45 lbs. and 43 inches tall! As big as most 4 and 5 year old's she comes across! Was you daughter big at birth? Cassie was 9lbs., 3oz. and 21 and a half inches long....e-mail me, man, let's compare daugther statistics, bud! LOL! = )
Louise, no problem. There are a lot of people here in CT who have helped me find old buddies. That's what it's all about, keepin' the old Coug community together, any way we all can!
Keith, e-mail me....I need you to go and check on my uncle, Fred, to see how he's doing after his surgery he had to have on,of all days, Christmas Eve! He's had a rough road of it, I hear. You'd like Fred....lots of good not-so-clean jokes and just plain all-around fun!
Oregazms, huh? Well, I can't think of anything wrong with being called an Orgazm! At least we get them! = )
And with that, I'm off like a hip-huggin', bell bottomed, tube-topped prom get-up! Wahoo!
Name: Jack Risner () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 12:08:58
E-Mail: rencaj@netscape.net
Class: 74
City and State: Hailey, Id
Message: To Doris D- I used to work at the local hospital here as an x-ray tech, and now I teach and write for General Electric Medical Systems mainly about how to utilize the cat scanners we sell. I have been here for 8 years. I even worked at Magic Valley Regional for summer! Maybe we will see you at Costco sometime! Walter Holt: I will relay your message to my bro as soon as I can. He is computer-less and I am trying to convince him to go to the local library and get an e-mail account. I am SERIOUSLY impressed with the music knowledge. I love trivia like that. Got any contacts with the business still? I have some lyrics I would love to move. Personally, I have found that the strangest information (like supposed "true" music history) is attached to my one functioning brain cell and it just keeps going round and round. I think this CT is a great place to push that stuff out for confirmation or debunking as needs be! It is part of our history and we should be here for each other. John, thanks again for all you do, writing, editing referee-ing, keeping Judy's spirits up as she strives for the ultimate party and allowing a blizzard of good times to keep on happening. PEACE
Hey Jack, This IS fun huh. I feel like I've known all the Feedbackers for years, and most I've never seen. The Internet......what a concept. Thank you Al Gore for inventing it.
Name: Big Kell () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 12:05:49
E-Mail: therainhasfinallycometothepacificnorthwest.com
Maiden: Like Currie Man
Class: 67
City and State: coos bay, Or
Message: Judy I'm heart broken, you have given up on the Oregonders, wow and i think you had about gotten to us. oh well. If Morris comes I'll be his date!That would be a certain way to get me to the prom, with my hip hugger tye dyed dress. It's been fun. Petey you acutally had your VW worked on. I just picked up another one cheap or gee how to i say this black rigged it. I had 2 of those babies. What great cars. I do remember your little light blue one.Love ya man.
Kell, like where's Chuck been? Peace.....
Name: Louise St.George () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 11:15:08
E-Mail: louise@cmaintl.com
Class: 77
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Hi to one and all! I'm so excited to read and hear from all you late "70" folks. (love all the 50s & 60s folks too) But its just really special memories with all my old buddies. First to Michelle Drapeau- my neighbor. I'm thinking about moving to Valencia (where I work) or Palmdale (Rancho Visa) maybe you can point me in the right areas in Palmdale. Wanted to go to Prom nite but didn't see too many of us on the list. I'll go if you go, maybe. We must get together. I'll send you an email with phone numbers. I can't believe Lynn moved to Acton. Great place!
Robert forward me what you can on the directly, I'd really appreciate it. Sorry Bob, its just like you said the mind is the first to go. I'll try to remember- BOB.
Anita thanks for the feedback and the info. As far as Barb. R. and the crush on you know who, it was when we were freshman. So I'm sure it didn't last long - 2 seconds maybe. Danny J. what are feeding that baby?? My daughter is going on 4 and weighs 30 lbs. (she's a little shrimp) thank God she didn't take after me!!
J.B. I said it before, but I'm saying it again, Thanks... This time my check is truly in mail. Such a small price to pay for the fun and enjoyment I get from this. Don't know what I would do without my morning fix of "Cougartown"
Love ya all! :]
Hey Louise, Thanks, and to all 70's and 80's people......Please sign up for the prom. Just because Judy's always talkin' Doo Wop, doesn't mean there's actually going to be any played. I was thinking more along the line of Saturday Night Fever. We could get Dan Johnson to be "Tony Manero" and Susan Walling to be "Stephanie". We'll get some Donna Summer and Gloria G. music going with the Bee Gees (actually they started in the 60's) and maybe the Hues Corporation.
Really folks, we're going to have ALL the music there, so 70's and 80's people, please get your deposits in so others will see your name and sign up too. I know for sure the Bierman girls will be there, and Susan Walling too. Don't be shy Cougs, get your names on the list.
Name: deano () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 11:02:05
Class: 65
City and State: tustin
Message: jb i forgot an item or two for w. holt whats with the beads at st.joe's all i ever got was the metal side of the ruler over the knuckles but thanks for the music titles.
ahhhh those Nuns at St Joseph........God-like, weren't they?
Name: Deano () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 10:54:50
E-Mail: DKarels@msn.com
Class: 65
City and State: tustin
Message: well it's been a few days since i checked in on ct. great pic. of billy cusac, i was wondering if doug's uncle jim ever mentioned rainy day football at euca. school with the devine's, benson's, o'brien's & any one else that showed up and what's this about kelly ever being shy or a wall flower i must be thinking of a different girl. oh yea jb i sent you an article about the states by someone in canada, that maybe you'd post here, guess you never got it, and for all the snowed in folks hows the brandy?
Hey Deano, I never received an article from you. Probably just as well as I wouldn't have the time to retype a whole article. It's always better for me, if you type it out and email it to me. That way I can just copy it. Thanks
Name: Marsha Russell-Hood () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 10:47:20
E-Mail: RussellHoodMG@AOL.com
Class: 64
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: Petey, thanks for the "flash to the past", I haven't thought about Vladamirs VW repair on Hawthorne Blvd in YEARS. You are sooooooooo right those steel toed boots were scary and I always felt very SMALL when I was there.......but they sure did know how to make a VW run.
Judy, don't bother looking for the cloud over Redondo Beach, I am trying a new recipe for the party. As you know, the rains have washed all kinds of dead fish up on the beach and I can't see just letting them go to waste........ how do you feel about fish stew????
It's better if you can find a Sea Gull or Pelican to soak in it like a tea bag for a few days before cooking.
Name: Doris () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 10:19:24
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
Message: Walter Holt ... Y - E - S !!!!!! And John, your vote for MISTER Holt was even more eloquent ... "seniority" and experience count for one heck of a lot! And hey kids! We are ALL COUGS ... let's not scare off any seniors ... it's hard enough getting them to sign on here without your intimidating them. They want to belong just the same as you do. Peace, younguns ... we love you and just want to be loved back a little, you know? Because we're older than you was just a chance of nature, and vice-versa that you're younger than we are. GAWD! Somebody kick this soap box out from under me. COUGARS UNITE!!!
Doris, here now, take hold of my arm and step down easy. Don't pull on me!!! I'll fall and break a hip or somethin'. There now.....go sit down a rest.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 07:59:46
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message: Although my motor home will have Wisconsin plates (that's kind of North), I will definitely have to remember to drive at least 25 miles under the speed limit with my left turn signal on if I ever drive through Arizona! Actually, up her in Wisconsin, we get the old folks who winter in Florida with their Cadillacs (the ones that are the size of small nations) and drive home to the Badger State during the Holidays. At rush hour, they putt-putt along in the fast lane on the Interstate as sloooooow as they possibly can, alternating between the left and right turn signal being left on for extended periods of time. Then, just when you think you've got their pattern figured out, they speed up a little and pull right in front of you in the middle lane (with their right blinker on, of course) and apply their brakes to drop back to the slower speed. I guess that maybe these "driving fools" are put there to test us ......
Well, back to searching for the big, baby-blue, tux for my everloving......
Sounds like they learned under the tutelage of my mother.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 00:49:27
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Honolulu
Message: Well after a seven hour drive to LA (cause of a huge accident outside of Baker) on Tuesday and driving in all the rain and having a five hour delayed flight out of LAX this morning I am finally back home in this dreaded 80 degree weather and clear skies of Hawaii. More later as the saga is just beginning.......Keith D. Jones P.S. Spent some great time at dinner with my best friends Art Degirmen and Kurt Morlock too.
I thought Sloey and I were your best friends. Hey Keith, was I right about the 25 dollar thingy??
Name: Walter Holt () on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 00:39:39
E-Mail: dontmesswithyourelders.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Michael Aceves....For your information Hanky Panky was originally written by Jeff Barry & Ellie Greenwich Moonlighting as The Raindrops. Then was Cut By Tommy James & The (Original ) Shondells On Snap records Located In Tommy's Home Town of Niles Michigan in 1963 and Released Regionally. It was picked up by accident by a Pittsburgh Dj and Bootlegged selling 80,000 copies and shooting to the 1# on the Charts in Pittsburgh. It was Recut in May of 1966 and released through Roulette Records Nationally hitting #1. You may have a copy of a 45 Dating 1968 but it was not recorded or on the charts during that period. It Did make a resergence on the FM stations in 1970 during the split musically between the AM Chart And the emergence Of the FM Stations. I do admit to a typo error of including it in the 70's instead of the 60's if you are referring to my posting and to me as Mr Thinks you still got it. I still remember quite a bit of my music past as I spent 12 years as a PR person for RCA Records Meeting, Promoting, Keeping up with the charts and scheduling events for a lot of the groups of our day. Yes I know what a 45 is, I was Listening to those when you were still cuttin teeth unless you're thinking of weapons and I know what those are too. So before you pop off at the keyboard, do a little further research so you know what your writing about. I do, and say a lot on here to just have fun, so lets keep it that way.
WHOA!!! I think Walter do know what he's sayin' bout music.
It's kinda like when Robin told someone way back on the feedback pages, "Royal Lord and Robin Hood were Cougars long before you could stand up to go potty" or something like that. There's something about seniority that overpowers all else. Anyway, I haven't even looked this one up but will say Walter wins for some reason. I guess it's children, don't mess with your elder Cougs.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 21:40:47
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: 10centsadance...that'whattheypayme.....
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey Sloey... We were just commenting today that we never hear from ya anymore.. Re: giving away that freebee ticket.. Us Californians only mean the best to those Oregazms, but somehow, we're always in hot water.. (jealousy I suspect) The prom is open to everyone that attended HHS. "Many will be called but few will heed the word".. I'm outta Oregon now, and working on Arizona & Nevada.. besides, I've filled my quota for Oregon. And about getting you to PROM NITE Sloey.. we know you're in a 10 step program to avoid "large flood lights" and/or "stackable chairs and bleachers" Seems that everytime we invite you & Deb out, you have either a graduation or ball game to attend.. (we understand - it's a disease) It's hard to give you backstreet directions into Manhattan Bch without passing a function or two.. besides, I know that you have something special in store for Cougartown..but I don't want to ruin the surprise.. And now, I have to stard the whore's overies for John & Annie Rout's party this weekend. How about Peppercini & Peanut butter on a Ritz.. Hey Marsha.. start the fondu.. I'll look for the mushroom cloud over your house.. I guess we could ask JB2 for a recipe.......naaaw, she'd only make us look bad.
Judy Wudy..on a quest
Hey "I" could show you two up. Oregazms....now THAT'S funny!!!
Name: Petey () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 20:08:43
E-Mail: there'sonemorethingIgotthepinkslipdaddy.com
Maiden: Honduras
Class: Indeed
City and State: Salem,don't inhale'em
Message: John I want to thank you for the driving lesson. Where were you 31 years ago???? Do you remember Vladamirs VW repair on Hawthorne Blvd? Most of the mechanics were women. It was the steel toed boots that were intimidating! See you in the future.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 19:59:30
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: HOB, Sunset Strip 2/16/2001
Message: Bob, I go to see EJ's band on occasion. They're playing out in the Valley at a place called "Little Rock" this Saturday night. That was the best part of the 20 year -- Silent Rage as the band for the evening! I bought the videotape and there's some good footage of the band. I hope you never need a lawyer, but I'm always in CT if you need me! Louise, the baby's incredible (but large, 27lbs for a 10 month old). I saw Creed back in Nov '98 and heard "With Arms Wide Open" long before it was a hit and before I had the little one. It really hits home now!
Name: Anita Young () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 18:36:47
E-Mail: youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Message: Hey Robert ( or Bob, which do you prefer?) Poorman, hey sorry buddy, didn't mean to burst no bubbles, not trying to be mean, just that Barb and I hung out almost constantly together in her senior and my junior year and if she had the HOTS for you, I was just saying, well, she was secret to me about it anyways. But you are ( were) a cutie, so I could see why she would have....= ) there, does that make it better?
Louise, I may know of an old friend of mine who can find Carol Drulius for you. Her name is Paulette ( Des Rosiers) Meader, class of 1978. She and I have been in touch for awhile now and I believe she told me that Carol's little brother, Steve, is still in the south bay, I think she said he owns a car repair shop or something. Look up her e-mail address in class of 1978. Paulette is cool, I'm sure she'd help ya. After all, isn't that what we Cougs are all about....helping one another?
Yeah, Kell, I heard on the news last night that a lot of the So. Cal. people are going to have a huge rate hike due to them having to buy so much of our electricity from up here, like a 150% increase! YIKES!!!!! I'm glad I'm up here, man!
Peace and love ,kiddies, no Oregonian/Californicating fighting anymore, alrighty?
Anita Bonita
Name: Michael Aceves () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 18:25:06
E-Mail: hebkoiboy@msn.com
Maiden: still looking
Class: 1974
City and State: soggy N.W.
Message: Hey Mr. Thinks you still got it, you don't. My Baby Does The Hanky Panky is from 1968, not the 70's. Called Hanky Panky by Tommy James and the Shondells. Look it up on the 45. Do you know what a 45 is??
Name: Ramma Lamma () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 17:40:22
E-Mail: dingdong@aol.com
Maiden: Ding Dong
Message: Bobby Boo -- No, I do not "shag" (contrary to what that -- that -- JohnnyB thinks!), but I bet I'll learn it before PROM NITE 2001!!! And I'll be the best "shagger" there is, so to speak! RammaLamma
Name: Bob Jensen () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 16:52:10
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Maiden: arthurmurrywho?
Class: 71
City and State: Dance capitol of the world
Message: Hola Ramma, I?m here in Myrtle Beach practicing my shag. Do you Shag???
Hey Bob, You don't wanna know the answer to that one.
Name: Kelley () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 16:21:03
E-Mail: vacationplanstohawthornewhatfun.com
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay. Oregon
Message: Yesterday I was watching vh1 for nothing better to do. They had this top 20 of many funny things such as teen idols, teen groups etc. Well the The Beach Boys were in the top 20 of something. Glad I caught the show because they come from Torrance. What a shock to me when all these many years I thought they lived in Hawthorne. Plus for anyone interested they say that Jeff Beck left the Yardbirds and met Rod Stewart and they started the Jeff Beck group, makes me wonder, because I thought I saw Rod Stewart and small faces with Jeff Beck. The show had some misinformation. Also there is an add for a CD of female groups. Wow did that music bring back memories. Most of the older female groups were early 60's I must have had all the 45's. I was in 7th and 8th grade. We would have dances and that was the music played, also at those stupid parties you went to in those days. Well back to cleaning the pad. I didn't realize that the frig has so many hidden places that can get so funky. Later friends, off like a tie dyed prom dress. Peace
Name: Bob Poorman () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 15:59:50
Class: '77
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Message: Now ANITA, you really didn't need to burst my bubble. But let the truth be known. While Barb and I were REAL good friends (and neighbors living on 130th across from HIS) during our HHS days it was just that, Good Friends. Oh well. And note to all, I will not deny such rumors until I am called on it in the future as I was in this case. It's a guy thing.
Name: Larry/Loretta Cuiper () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 15:40:50
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 60/62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hi John, Just a quick note to let you know that
Ron Arias (60)got a hold of us. It has been years, maybe the 70's the last time we had heard from him. His Mother still lives here in Hawthorne. It sure was nice to connect again. Also, Darla's friends Heidi Garcia (89), contacted Darla, she found her through Cougartown. Two of Eric's friends too, but then Eric has not been out of school that long, but it still was nice for Eric to connect with his friends. Through Cougartown, and the 2000 Alumni book, has really brought many of us together again. Thanks John, it takes alot of work to put all this information in the computer, so Hail to thee old mighty King! Oh, never did say HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. HAPPY NEW YEAR...ALWAYS A COUG..
Hey, it's not me but the Ctown vehicle and YOU ALL who're doing the connecting. Thanks Larry/Loretta for the feedback. It's nice to know we're all re-connecting with our friends.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 14:38:30
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: Great pictures you posted Howard. Les Johnson, you're still as handsome as ever. Maureen great Plaza pictures. I remember it cost .25 for the show .15 for plain popcorn and .10 for a coke. Man .50 and we had a whole day of entertainment.
Name: Bob Poorman () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 13:55:25
Class: '77
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Message: John - You really scared me. Having just discovered the site less than a week ago and not having even made it through all the back logged messages I was ready to pay the ransom. The checks coming, put it towards a good virus protection package.
P.S. Was the feedback from the last 24 hours or so lost or are you working on posting them? Don't want to compound the pile you must be working on.
Hey Bob, Viruses come with the territory. I get so much mail and so many attached email jokes cartoons, etc that it's bound to happen once in a while. BTW Cougs, I'm not opening ANY executable email attachments unless I know what's coming.
Name: Kell () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 13:20:52
E-Mail: youbettertureoffyourheatersandotherunimportantelectricty.com
Class: 67
City and State: coos bay, Or
Message: We must like Californication because we seem to be sending lots of electrity there. Our electric bill doubled because of the electricy we are sending SOCAL. so judy everyone from the Pacificnorthwest.com will be at the Prom free, since we are probably paying for the lighting. Sherry good the see you on CT looks like you life has really changed since we hung around together!
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