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For the Texas lovin' Cougs Buddy Holly
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 11:58:05
E-Mail: october27@lincoln.com
Maiden: cougartown
Class: 66/84
City and State: REDONDO BEACH, CA
Message: Did you go somewhere John or did everyone just stop writing? Hey Burroughs read the email address, your days are numbered! And Judy we all know its your party yada yada yada but if you drew Kelley's name she should get the ticket. Right Cougars? Let's put it to a vote. And if Morris comes I'll be happy to buy his ticket and his date's ticket. Class of 1966 we are going to have an announcement soon, huh Madam Chairwoman? Hope everyone is having a great new year!
Sloey the elder.
Name: Anita Young () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 09:57:02
E-Mail: youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Message: Hey Louise St. George: I don't know you but in your recent post, you mentioned Barbara Ramirez! She and I were very tight in her senior year. I don't remember her having the hots for Robert Poorman. But, do you or any other Coug in here know her whereabouts? I lost contact with her in the mid 80's and am so bummed about it! Barb was so much fun and so cool! Last I heard, she was with Mike McClain and was, I think, engaged to be married. Any help with Barb will be greatly appreciated. As for Jenny Jorgenson....let's just say I have A REALLY BAD MEMORY OF HER FROM DANA JR. HIGH DAYS
Name: Doris () on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 09:39:09
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
Message: Confuscious say: "When ya got a hunch, bet a bunch!" I "got" a hunch, CougarTown.com is down. Shoot! First time I've had some time and my favorite pastime ... shot down. Poor John ... look at all the catching up you're going to have to do. Almost snowing here in beautiful downtown Twin Falls, Idaho ... "almost" is not good enough. Calling all COUGS! Do your snow dance for us ... we need the white stuff! We need precip and prefer the "white fluffy" to the "clear and wet". Later!
Back up now Doris......
Name: Ailene () on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 20:13:31
E-Mail: xchikadecreed15x@aol.com
Class: 2003
Message: What Up to all the kids attendin hhs now.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 19:17:16
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Honolulu
Message: John I hope you post this cause I am baffled and need help from the Cougars.
You don't add the 2 dollars to the 27 dollars, you subtract the 2 dollars from the 27 dollars which makes it 25 dollars. Glad I could help you with your math lesson.
Name: Richard C. Marcotte () on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 17:35:27
E-Mail: rcmarcotte@aol.com
Class: 62
Message: I thought maybe it was time to contact HHS because next year it will be 40 years sense we graduated. I am living in Washington state but working on a project in Cleveland, Ohio. It's been a long time John. Good job on the web site. Hope to see you within the next 18 months.
Rich Marcotte
Hey Rich, man, it's nice to hear from the 62ers. Glad you've checked in and yes, we WILL get together at our reunion in 2002 if not before. Thanks again and stay in touch.
Name: RAMMA LAMMA () on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 16:20:31
E-Mail: itsnothepalemoonthatexcitesme.com
Class: thatthrillsanddelightsme
City and State: Anywhere, USA
Message: HEY BOBBY-BOO, where are you!!? Still wanna dance don't ya? Just got back from my dance seminar; now I know how to do the hula, polka, waltz and mambo! Gotta find somewhere to take all the 50's dancin before Prom Nite. Wuuuiee! Talk to me BB. Tell me some sweet nuthins.
Name: Mickey Mathena () on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 16:00:11
E-Mail: mathena@canby.com
Class: 58
City and State: Woodburn Or.
Message: Looks like a lot of activity here in the feedback section this past week or two. Hope all had a good holiday season.
While it looks like Kelly was pulling Judy's chain about Oregon Cougar's attending prom night I found all of Kelly's comments to be based in fact. I don't know what locals think they are going to spend for the evening but when I gave the costs a once over for me and the misses, it looks like the figure would come to close to $1000. For many that is still a lot of money for a few hours of fun. Making plans for something 8 or more months out can also be difficult. Not all can get away whenever they want.
For those complaining about the recent rains, don't blame Oregon, we've not had much this season. If we don't start catching up soon it's going to be a dry summer. We do have water rationing here on occassions.
Last month, Dorris and I were talking (e-mail) about this subject and I said I thought a big event like this could possibly be more successful if held at some public vacation spot lasting up to a week where people could come and go when needed to and had many places of interest near-by for entertainment. My thought at the time would be someplace like Tahoe. Camping, water activities, hiking, side trips over the Reno, Carson City, Virginia City, etc. Lots of time for group activities and possibly big campfires for good talks with old and new friends. Something to think about for the future.
Nice to see Tom Burroughs posting again after about a months absence. Web TV problems Tom?
Hi Mickey, I agree that Prom Night isn't for all Cougs. We try to have low budget stuff like Pinks Runs and Cruise Nights. Actually Prom Night is the first high budget event for Ctown. Last year we had Wine Country Weekend in Sonoma. I would love to do that one again this year too. If you can't make it to Prom Night, no one's going to be upset. Mike Hinsch, Anita Hill, etal had a Cougar reunion last year for the Pacific Northwest Cougs. Also, we planned Prom Night far enough ahead so that we can get a nice room, and so the out of state Cougs can make vacation plans.
Name: Jo Ann Day () on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 13:30:38
E-Mail: jaday1159@aol.com
Maiden: Francis
Class: 77
City and State: Hutchinson, Kansas
Message: As I stated in an earlier e-mail, I unfortunately did not graduate from HHS because we moved to Kansas in the summer before Junior year. I grew up in the Wiseburn School District, attended Anza and Cabrillo for Elementary and then Peter Burnett for Jr. Hi. Just wondering about some old pals, if anyone has info on the following: Astrid Martinez, Susie Evermann, Tia Wilson, or Stacy Greasby. Was also sad to read of some of the people who have died, Chico Padilla...I went to grade school with him, so sad. Have enjoyed the web site, thanks!
Name: Louise St.George () on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 10:48:46
E-Mail: louise@cmaintl.com
Class: 77
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Robert (Bob) Sorry its hard for me to call you that but I'll try to remember. You look great. Always were a cutie! Anyway, no you're wrong. Robert Rael married Jenny's sister Cindy Jorgenson class of "74". But you were close. Thanks for trying. She was best friends with Carol Drullis, anyone know of her whereabouts?
Anyway, Bob- as far as Cougartown and work goes. Its the first thing I do when I get to work with my morning coffee. Couldn't imagine not starting my day any other way!
Danny J. Hows the little one doing?
See ya :]
Name: Michelle Drapeau () on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 10:04:02
E-Mail: havnfun@qnet.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
City and State: Palmdale, CA
Message: Hey Louise St.G, what a small world! Here we are living in Palmdale and you're our neighbor! Dan (my hubby) & I had seen Renee and your mom waayyyy back at a restaurant but I didn't realize you were living in Lancaster too! Remember Keith Rich and Jeri (Duran) Rich?....well they live in Lancaster too. Lynn McGuyre just recently moved to Acton. Dave & Vickie Botelho are also living here in Palmdale. I haven't written in quite some time! I've been having too much fun reading and really enjoying the McQuitty bro's input! You guys are toooo funny!
Hey John...I know you're able to see who checks in and I always feel sooooo sneaky just reading but not posting! Hard to keep up with all this Cougartown wittiness! It has been my daily reading though! You're still 'THE MAN'! I've been receiving e-mail from past friends like Anita Aceves and Bryon Hood thanks to the 'ol Cougartown!
Judy-Wudy...you're doing a GREAT job on Prom Night! My husband and I were just talking about it and you've got us 'nibbling' at the idea! First we've got to get a few friends to nibble with us (about Prom Night!) Hey Louise how 'bout it...are you going?
Hi Michelle, Glad you're still out there. As for knowing who checks in, that's not in my bag of tricks. As an example, I can tell if an AOLer signed in, but not who that person is, so that narrows is down to about 500 people on the website.
Lots of people from the Lancaster-Palmdale-Quartz Hill area. Hope you all make it to Prom Night. We need the 70's people too.
Name: Doris () on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 09:10:20
E-Mail: raydori@micron.net
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
City and State: Twin Falls, ID
Message: Hey Risner! I lived in Sun Valley and Ketchum for 26 years. Four years ago, moved to Twin Falls and I love it! What do you do up there? God's country, for sure! Tom Burroughs (doing this from memory, which is SAD, indeed - the memory, that is!), I remember your face! Must have seen you on campus more than once. In "those days" HHS was the greenest grass you ever did see and more than half was like that! It was maybe 1/3 buildings and 2/3 green, green grass. What a beautiful campus it was! I was dumbfounded when I drove by 13 years ago and it was all buildings! Better go; have to work again today ... dang! Hi John! Good morning you rebel rouser Judy-Wudy! Keep up the good work, you two! And remember Cougs ... PROM NITE 2001!
Hey Doris, I saw Tom at Cruise Night and he hasn't changed one bit since HHS.
Name: Bob Poorman () on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 08:36:39
Maiden: aka Robert
Class: '77
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Message: DJ - As I, for a living (you call this a living?) spend a whole lot of time in long cylindrical (sp?) objects I hope one of your cases never includes me. I've spent the last 15 years in International Sales, Marketing & Operations for computer related companies. In '91 I actually sold everything (well almost, couldn't get rid of the wife and dog at the garage sale) and left the Silicon Valley for a four year stint in Europe. Set up shop for a US company then was asked to return to HQ (hence the MN address). All in all this is a real good place to live (I don't tell the natives though). Good quality of life, excellent schools, great arts, possibly a Super Bowl Champ and great summers. Those damn winters though! I recently started a new job and was offered to relocate back to CA but declined. The more recent picture is of me sitting on the bow of my boat. It's docked 5 minutes from my house so it's our "summer cabin". Spend the afternoons/evenings on it during the week after the work day is done then usually spend at least one night a weekend sleeping over. So you're "dabbling" in music. You know the only person that I've really talked to (and only every 3-5 years) is Ernie (sorry EJ) from HHS. He's still thumping his base. Oh there is one other name that I talk to about twice a year (Xmas & Bdays) from our past, Kevin Garcia. He's doing well living in Yucaipa. He and his wife are teachers (scary thought that he is molding young minds, eh?)and they have 2 kids. More later.
L St. G. - Okay so as the joke goes, the mind is the first to go and I don't remember the second one. I got home and checked the Alumni Directory. I almost got the JJ info right. RR was in fact married to a Jorgenson but it was Jenny's sister. Sorry to all for the confusion. JJ's last contact info was Victorville. If you don't have a directory let me know and I'll forward you what's there. Sorry no email address. Are there really people that don't have one?
Having now got myself hooked on this site I'll probably now be travelling with my directory so that I can on those sleepless nights due to jet lag I can do something constructive, dig up old relics from our pasts.
Take care all.
Name: Petey () on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 06:07:38
E-Mail: everypicturetellsastorydon'tit.com
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem,Oregon
Message: Sherry Kreins I met you when I was fifteen, barely. It was Kelley's twenty first birthday and of course there was a party!!! So a few of us climbed into my VW (which WAS going to be mine when I turned sweet 16 and have a license) and off we went. None of us could find reverse so we pushed it backwards when necessary. It was a very windy day at Kell's granny's house. I remember the wind catching the paper plates of food and blowing them in our faces. We were all wearing potato salad. There was quite a colorful group of people helping Big Kell celebrate. One named Tim Fye and one named Art Vandergalen. If I would have only had my camera.
Petey, to go backwards in a VW bug push down and pull back.
Name: Myrna () on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 02:25:08
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: John, I once again have a computer. There's nothing like returning home from a trip to Europe with a few cards of digital pictures and having your computer go toes up! It will probably take a while to catch up on the feedback, a quick look tonight let me know that some of the Oregonians and farther Northerns are trying to get the Hatfields and McCoys going again. Oh crud, I can't remember who wrote about the Plaza theatre, the Herald Examiner office, and the LA Times office and working there got you a Cushman Scooter - was he talking about my brother Tom? That's what he bought with his paper route money. Brother Gordon is seriously checking out computers, hopefully he'll be able to get on-line up there in Downieville. I'm glad to be back, and happy to see that you're still working this great site!!!!! I hope you are taking every weekend off - you deserve it!!! Love Ya'
Glad you're back Myrn', Yes I remember Tom's Cushman "Murder Scooter". My left thumb still shows the scars from it. It's good to have my computer back too. I was going through heavy withdrawals last night.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 19:55:33
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: BigKell-Youwonalright
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey Big Kell..!! YES!! you won alright kid..but what you won was a "free ticket to PROM NITE!!"...Therefore, now knowing your feelings on Calif, I just can't offer it to ya. (I won't insult anyone) You can see how very sad John Baker & I were that you just can't see your way down to your home roots of C-A-L-I-F-O-R-N-I-A. Looks like we'll have to draw another name outta that hat John..Who knows, maybe one of the McQuittys will win this time...(boy, this ain't easy at all) Next thing ya know, I'll have to offer a free trip to Hawaii with each purchase.
Judy Wudy...picking straws.
Name: Sherry Ellison () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 19:53:38
E-Mail: kittymama2u@hotmail.com
Maiden: Kreins
Class: 1969
City and State: Palm Desert, CA
Message: Hello, Elizabeth tells me she has been in touch with many of our mutual friends. It is so great to hear about how people are doing. I am a psychologist, working at Desert Regional Medical Center in Palm Springs. I do psychiatric evaluations in the emergency rooms of all three hospitals in the Coachella Valley. I also have worked at the Betty Ford Center for the past 6 yrs. Actually, one of my collegues at the Betty Ford Center is the daughter of the
creator of this website. Small world! I spent 10 yrs going to school to earn a doctoral degree and loved every minute of it. I am happily married, have a nice home, and love my work. My children all have 4 legs and a tail, hence, kitty mama. Please let me know how you are doing. If anyone knows how to contact Bernetta "Bernie" Smythe (1968)please let me know.
Hi Sherry and welcome, Well it is a small world, and I guess sooner or later I knew that someone would......well pick up on our family secret. Pictured, as you know, is my daughter Kelly Hudson. Of course when this picture was taken at the age of 12, we called her "Boom Boom" Baker. She took after her Nana in those days. Thanks Sherry for checking in and absolutely making my day. Tell my daughter Kel I love her, even though I wouldn't pay for that breast augmentation surgery when she was in 7th grade. OH, and please ask her to send me a more recent picture.... ....the girl was always so popular in High School too.....
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 19:41:47
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Maiden: "Danny"
Class: 1977
City and State: Lost Angeles
Message: Bob, I am a civil litigator. I started practice in 1987 and for the past three years, I have focused on aviation litigation (i.e., air disasters). As a hobby, I "manage" three bands - Which One's Pink? -- a Pink Floyd tribute band, Red Zero -- a 70s/80s style metal band influenced by KISS and Metallica -- and Yortoise -- a REM/Elvis Costello type alternative rock band. I loved your current picture by the way! You still look great. Louise, I'm working on trying to get more 77ers here. I just got the HHS directory and there are quite a few e-mail addresses in there -- so I will send out appropriate feelers
Name: Betty East () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 19:15:16
E-Mail: bettye@amgen.com
Maiden: Wright
Class: 74
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Hey Alan. Half of those senior citizens with Oregon plates on their RVs don't actually live there. There's no sales tax in Oregon (and a few other states) and on a $300k motorhome, that's $21k savings. They buy them there, register them there and live elsewhere. Happens all the time. In fact, some of those folks actually live full time in their RV. I'd get claustrophobic in a real hurry.
Name: Gary Lents () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 19:07:59
E-Mail: glents@cybertelmail.net
Class: 67
City and State: Vista
Message: Norm Pasewalk,
Old number 67....I remember you pulling around end very well....howsit?
I'm headed to Vegas on Wednesday to coach WinterNational championships in hockey....anybody in Vegas?
Name: YAMMA LAMMA () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 18:06:41
Message: Walter Honey! You say the sweetest things. Your Yamma darlin.
Name: Krystal Hudson () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 17:56:00
E-Mail: girl3chld4@hotmail.com
Message: Hey, all my Hawthorne Cougar old friends Holla at a sista, I am actually looking for Laura Rems, I think she may be married now, but if anyone reads this and knows where she is tell her to email me.
Thank You, Krystal
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 17:07:49
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
City and State: KENO,OREGON(inthesnow)
Message: It's SNOWING, it's SNOWING....I just had to tell someone.(you know how happy that makes me, John)
Big fat flakes, so heavy you can hear em! Piling up real fast...Grappa man might have to follow the plow home from work. Lots of new people up here lately, huh? The name Bob Poorman sure rings an old bell. Whats Mom & Dads, or Gramma & Grampas names? Judy Wudy, glad to see you are doing such a good job getting everyones attention. You know WE are coming to the "PROM", don't you? Even tho we live in Oregon, I first lived in Minnesota, then in California, then back in Minnesota, then once again in California, and finally in Oregon, I wonder what that makes me???? Oh yea, about that SURFIN picture, that could be me in that picture, huh, John? The Blonde with someones arm in front of her face? I was blonde for awhile in 62, remember??? Yea, thats it, it must be me.... I showed it to JoANN and she didn't know she was famous, & wants to know where the money is??? Hey Glenn, were your ears burning over the Holidays? We were at JBs house with Tonya and hubby, talking about how much fun Wine Country Weekend was, and what a GREAT job you did, and we want to do it again this year...How about it, anything in the works? And did JB send you some sun? Hope so! Well, gotta go put some more wood on the fire....yes, life is good........
Name: Walter Holt () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 15:59:04
E-Mail: walter_holt_hhs66@hotmail.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Jack Risner...Good to see you on CT...James & I went through a good portion of St Joes together & HHS. Also if memory doesn't fail me I believe we spent a few years in scouts together. I Dont know if he will remember me but next time you communicate with him give him my email address and tell him a big Cougar Howdy for me. Judy Wudy..Were we havin a contest with those Oregamis...er, Oreganos...er, Oreganonmics..er, well you know those people just to the north of us? If so...What was the prize an HOW THEY FIGURE THEY WON??? (Just kidding folks we're all Cougars at heart)
Name: Bob Poorman () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 15:15:05
Class: '77
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Message: L St. G - I may be completely off on this but didn't she marry my old pal Robert Rael? The twenty year reunion has now been awhile so it's all starting to run together. If I'm wrong on this I apologize to both of them. And come to think of it I think they were listed under separate addresses in the Alumni Directory. So if they were maybe there not, now. Okay, you're probably saying, "That was a lot of help!" I'll try and remember to have a look at the directory tonight. Do you have a copy?
DJ, esq. - A lawyer? I can see that. No, there are no lawyer jokes coming. What kind of law?
Risa - I didn't think it necessary to look back and get your married name. I mean how many Risa's do you think are on this site? Are you still out there? Now we go way back. I've seen a number of older postings (I still haven't made it through all of them). After you and I have reacquainted ourselves it would be a good idea to hook our moms back up after all these years. Greetings to both her and Marla. Maybe Cougartown isn't ready for that.
You know since I found this site I'm having a real hard time getting anything done here at the office. Not a bad way to make a living, strolling down memory lane and all.
Name: Richard Hanson () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 15:09:24
E-Mail: reh2469@aol.com
Class: 56
City and State: Simi Valley, CA
Message: Any plans for a CRUISE NIGHT in February
Hi Richard, No, not at this time. It'll be April this time around.
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