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For the Texas lovin' Cougs Buddy Holly
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 13:15:33
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Maiden: Used to be "Danny"
Class: 77
City and State: Haytown
Message: Bob, you're the one that hit the nail on the head -- I was enormously high strung as a youth. Now I make a living controlling (most of the time) my emotions in the Courtroom. But my memories of you, Bob, basically all involve mischievous behavior. All I can remember is you being very funny and always getting into trouble (ya know, without getting caught). Thank you for sparing my reputation in CT (unfortunately, anyone who remembers me from HIS or HHS already knows the truth). Stay in touch. DJ
Name: Jack Risner () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 11:46:25
E-Mail: rencaj@netscape.net
Class: 74
City and State: Hailey, Idaho
Message: First to John- I am not related to anyone with that name. My dad was known as Lucky (a WWll thing, I think) and his dad was Theodore. Grandpa lived in Hemet for years, then moved north of Mt. Shasta. To Walter Holt- Yes Jimmy is my oldest brother. He lives in Oklahoma near the Arkansas border. There were 5 of us Risner kids and we all went through 8 years at St. Joe's and then we all did our 4 years as Cougars. My oldest sister Patsy was class of '65, Jimmy '66, my other brother Bob was class of '69, I was class of '74 and my younger sister Mary Frances was '76. Mary's daughter graduated from HHS a couple of years ago. Personally, I have no problems with folks from "down there" and am proud of my roots. I am just in a place now where every morning when my eyes open-I am right where I want to be! I actually get a little more space being known as a former Crazy Californian! So as that famous coug said-along with you all, I will- Be True To Your School! PEACE
Name: Louise St.George () on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 10:39:46
E-Mail: louise@cmaintl.com
Class: 77
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Robert (Bob) Poorman. Wow thats a trip down memory lane! Another "77" grad shows up. We don't have many of us showing up here... Just remember the long hair and that Barbara Ramirez had a major crush on you!
Danny J. & Robert, I mean Bob, spread the word and try to get some more of our class on here. I'm still trying to locate Jenny Jorgensen if anyone knows her whereabouts.
Take care guys :}
Name: Kelley () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 21:21:19
E-Mail: youhaveneverseenmeriledup.com
Maiden: currie
Class: 67
City and State: oregon
Message: Please please this is all in fun. i'm just out here to get your goat and i did!!!!!!!! wow i won I did what i set out to do. now you just calm down rowdy queen and king john. you may be surprised what we have planned here in the coastal and willamette valley. if that dude can but a ticket at the door just for riding his bike 900 miles just think what could happen if we bonsaied up there for the prom. Hey petey,chris,philwow etc.lets thing about it. who ever sent me the email about the blues. could you send me your name. i'd like to know the "kind" person i'm connected with. peace, Big Kell
Name: Alan Nelson () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 21:18:43
E-Mail: anelson@rraz.net
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: All those Washorgonahos who complain about Californicators invading their territory eventually get their revenge. Unfortunately they take it out on us desert dwellers. There must be 23 bazillion of them 97 foot long Winnebarges with Northern license plates driving around here. (At 25 MPH under the speed limit with the perpetual left turn signal on) You can also tell them by their War Cry: "I'M A SENIOR CITIZEN - GIVE ME MY DAMN DISCOUNT!"
Name: Dennis Campbell () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 20:31:57
E-Mail: Campbell901@cs.com
Class: 61
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: Hey Tom Burroughs, looking back at the Plaza Theater the Los Angeles Herald Examiner used to have an office attached to the theater. Jim Crawford (Rout 2), Kermit Matthews, class of 58 Gary Nelson class of 60 and myself (Rout 3) worked out of that office starting in the early morning around 3AM before school 7 days a week we were bringing in the nickels dimes boy! And around the corner next to the Hawthorne DMV in the Plaza circle there was a bigger news paper called the Los Angeles Times now if you worked there you were big time because most likely you owned a Cushman Motor Scooter. I never made it to the big show! Paco & Mo thanks for sharing the good old Plaza with us.
See Ya all at the
Doo Wop Concert February,
40 Year- Reunion April,
Maui Janny Judy Blomsterberg / Robin Marsh Hood's get away vacation Lampum May,
Prom Night 2001 (One Summer Night “O” Baby you know what I like) August.
OK yes we are a Crazed wild bunch and we like it that way !
Later Cougs’
Name: Robert (I go by Bob now) Poorman () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 19:02:19
Class: '77
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Message: DJ - You hit it right on the head, freezin' my figs off up here. It was funny I had been just bouncing around the site after discovering it and one of the first names I came across was yours. After hitting the old enter key on my message to you I found you asking about 7th grade (an answer I had unknowingly already provided) and later came across an earlier message from you talking about being a, well, rather emotional young man. Not sure you'll find this humorous but that is actually the picture your name brought to mind. Emotional. I'll leave it at that so as not to have you go wild on any thoughts from the past concerning me. I'm still getting through the last 200 or so pages of messages so I'm sure to have a comment or two in the future. It would be nice to compare notes on what we've all been doing and what we want to be when we grow up.
Looking forward to hearing from any and all out there. Oh, and the "everyone should add on sign off" - Great Web Site! Now if only some of those other schools that we all had friends at could even come close to this one, we might find everyone we ever knew in life. Thanks for the vehicle!
Thanks Bob....
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 18:09:56
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
Just in case your memory has faded a bit, think of how lucky we were to grow up in a place like Hawthorne, click on Pacos Pics & picture yourself riding your bike down to the Plaza Theater on a Sat. or Sun. for two shows & all the cartoons you could watch! 25 or 30 cents took care of food & all. Kind of sends chills down your spine to look back & remember.
Name: Bob Melendrez () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 17:51:33
E-Mail: Strongheart@pacificwest.com
Class: 1971
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Happy New Year to all of Cougartown! (By the way, we ALL deserve it?) Just thought I'd chime in regarding Mr. Upton? It was he who got me started back in '64, and I'm still performing and teaching today. So, in a sense, Mr. Upton's lessons are reaching yet another generation of students. Two other people who had a huge influence in my life were Dr. Fred Morgan, and the late Dennis Wilson. Mr. Morgan for the discipline, and Dennis for the passion. "Thanks" can never be enough? Nor is "thanks" enough for you, JB, for all you have done for all of us! Take care, Bob
Hey Bob, Good to hear from you and thank you for the nice thoughts.
Name: Walter Holt () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 17:11:22
E-Mail: weregonnahavefunfunfunnowthatdaddytooktheTBirdaway.com
Maiden: Anothercalifornicatean
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Jack Risner you any relation to James Risner class of 66 ?...Now JB reading these past few days of CT feedback I’m getting the distinct feeling that other people outside of Californicate think we Californicateans are a bunch of bleachedblondovertannedsurferbeerandwinedrinkingcowpoking gonnascrewupeveryplacewego people and that just ain’t so. We’re just a bunch of funlovingbleachedblondovertannedsuferbeerandwindrinkingcowpoking gonnafornicatewhereeverwego bunch of people...Well East Coast girls are hep.. I really dig those styles they wear...and the Southern girls with the way they talk...They knock me out when I’m down there...The mid West farmers daughters....Really make you feel alright.. And the Northern Girls with they way they kiss...They Keep their boyfriends warm at night....I wish they all could be California Giiiiiiirls.
Name: Jack () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 15:21:59
E-Mail: John.Risner@amermsx.med.ge.com
Maiden: Risner
Class: 74
City and State: Hailey, Idaho
Message: I had to laugh when I saw the posting about Californication. When I moved to Idaho 8 years ago it was the same story. My response to those people was- I remember a little theme park opened in 1955-56 (does Disneyland ring a bell) and all these fine folks from Oregon and Washington and Idaho and Iowa came running out and decided to stay. Next thing you know the orange groves and avacado groves and cattle yards are gone and we have the Garden Grove Freeway and the San Diego Freeway and the Santa Ana Freeway. And don't forget all the little subdivision springing up. So now I tell my neighbors what you have here is a perfect example of AIN'T PAYBACK A FEMALE DOG!
All the kids and grandkids of the transplanted disney lovers are coming home again. I also agree with some of the Oregon crowd coming down to (smel)LA could be traumatic. Come visit the great northwest and spend your tourist dollars here, then go home! Now to the music things going on. Even the worst songs have some value if you judge them by the fact those people at least tried to use their musical talents. I was (and am) to lazy to learn an instrument so anyone who can and has put out the effort to get it recorded-HATS OFF!! Ok except for Muskrat Love-I agree that one has to go-along with probably the entire Barbara Streisand collection and most of Bette Midler. Just kidding (except about Barbara-HA!). Does anyone remember Chad and Jeremy from the 60's and they're hits Summer Song (Autumn Leaves), and That Was Yesterday? I have had the opportunity to get to know Chad Stuart a little and I will be singing with him and a band he has put together for some charity events in our local area. I am "like so totally stoked, okay". He sounds the same as ever and is quite adept at several instruments. The listening audience may only hear cats screeching and dogsa howling but it will be fun for me. I told Chad that I used to listen for his music on 93 KHJ to be able to sing along with him and now he is asking me to sing with him. Too cool!! I hope everyone's 2001 is an easy "Oddessy" with many great memories. I am sure with John and Judy at the controls the chances will be there for those that wish to participate.PEACE
Hey Jack, Did you have a dad or grand dad named Wafe?
Name: Dave Chauncey () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 14:59:15
E-Mail: bogey_shooter@yahoo.com
Class: 66
City and State: SC, CA
Message: Hey Norm Pasewalk! I'm out here. A little wet today. Got an email from Jim Schroeder the other day. Sounds like he's doing well in OR. Teaching 6th graders. What are you up to?
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 14:58:53
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: quota-full-4-Oregon
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey big Kell.... So what are ya saying here..don't mince words girl..just say what you mean.. The truth is that we've had several PROM NITE tickets sold to some Oregoners.. and that makes John and I very happy.. Now Kelly, if your pants are in a bunch, that's one thing..but you didn't have to curse Calif with rain all day!! Just think, most people go to Oregon to "chill" and then they shoot me down in Cougartown. I'm not one to stay where I'm not wanted..so..I digress--- Now for you Walter Holt...in answer to your question..the hippie movement is OFF! FORMAL IS BACK ON! Back to dressy suits..semi formal wear..and romantic dancing.. smooching with your sweetie..and rock and roll. However, I will allow "tie dye" Prom Dresses for those that aren't a slave to fashion. Leave the brownies home.. I don't want my mom to have to get me outta jail at my age. I don't want to give her anymore ammunition than she already has.
Ok Kell, enough rain already.. take the curse off. I'm sorry..I'm sorry.
Judy Wudy.. wet and wild
Name: Dan "Danny" Johnson () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 13:16:26
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Comfortably Numb
Message: Poorman -- Yes, "Danny" Johnson here. Ms. Puterbaugh -- that's the name that escaped me. I could only remember Mr. Dana from 8th grade. What are you doing in Minnesota, besides freezing butt? Good to hear from you -- there are some occasional 77ers who visit here, so stay tuned and they'll be coming out of the woodwork (like the roaches that we are). David Hannon, my stepsister was Doreen Whippo (I used to hate it at Eucalyptus when they'd call me "Danny Whippo" I haven't heard from her or brother Davy in over 30 years (my Mom divorced their dad in like 1970). I do remember one of her boyfriends, Big Bill Whaley. It was the late 60s, maaaaaaan.
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 12:22:35
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
City and State: Oakhills, CA.
Message: Message: Mr. Upton- My son Bill Matthew played the drums for you since he was in the fourth grade. He is still playing the drums to this date. He was in a band that played surf music and they did very well until they broke up in Sept. 99. They have a CD in the surf museum in Huntington Beach. Bill is living in Spokane, WA. and playing in a band. He has you to thank for all his success. Thank you again for all the hard work you put in to teach our students music and to play their chosen instruments.
Name: B3 () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 10:51:17
E-Mail: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
Maiden: Lucky
Message: John Baker you are amazinq. You say you'll send our sunshine to the wine country, and the next morning it's raining in So Cal. Would you please close your eyes, sit cross-legged on the floor, place your index fingers to your thumbs, and repeat the following mantra:
B3 will win the lottery; B3 will win the lottery; B3 will win the lottery. Heck, if it works, I'll buy (round trip!) tickets for those Oregonians so they can come party at the Prom with us!
B3, They're just borrowing the Sun for a couple of days. We'll have it back by Wednesday or Thursday.
As for that Lotto thingy, Don't you know what the odds are of hitting that thing? If you had a 10X10X10 foot room filled with white marbles and someone mixed in a red one. Then if you reached down into that sea of white and pulled out the red one on the first try.......you'd have to do that 4 MORE TIMES IN A ROW to win the lottery. Would you give me a dollar a try for that twice a week?
That's like KENO. I don't know what they pay now for picking 20 out of 80 numbers but I remember as a kid it was 25000 dollars. In the complete history of Las Vegas Keno it has NEVER happened. Don't get me started on sucker bets.
If Jesus Christ himself was chanting, you might lower the odds by maybe half.
Name: Walter Holt () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 10:42:37
E-Mail: Landofdazedanconfused.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo,Ca
Message: Happy Monday Fellow Cougs...Getting caught up on all the feedback from this weekend...Bob J, never knew they did an ump pa pa version of the Hustle. I definately want to see you an Ramma doing that in 12 square inches of floor space. Besides You better be holding Ramma real tight When Tom Klingenhagen gets there on that Harley. Last time I was with her an she saw a Harley she started singing "Leader of the Pack" an left me like a bad case of road rash...Yamma Darlin you bet I'm missin ya Honey an having to go buy a new pair of dancing shoes cause I already wore out the others practicing & buffin em up for THE PROM...Speakin of THE PROM...JUDY WUDY...You got me confused...Am I supposed to be wearing my Jellie Rolled Brylcreamed Hair, with my Black Doubled Breasted Suit, an my Doo Wooping shiny dance shoes or My Afro styled, Bandanad, putting on the John Lennon Tinted Glasses, wearing my Multi colored Day Glo Shirt, with Hip Hugging Bell Bottomed Pants an My 4” Platformed Multi colored Boa Constrictor Boots (for the Oregon crowd)? ...Gimmie a Head with Hair...Long Beautiful Hair...Shinin Gleamin Screamin Waxen Flaxen...Gimmie it Down to There...Shoulder Length or Longer...Here Baby There Momma...Everywhere Daddy Daddy...Haiiiiiiir...Proud To Be A Cougar from Southern Californicate (as Kelly would put it...Heh Heh).
Name: YAMMA LAMMA () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 10:25:36
Message: Blake Withell - ha!ha!ha! (meow) And where are you Walter Honey?
Name: Pete Woof () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 09:57:54
E-Mail: areyouexperienced?.com
Maiden: Mudd
Class: 1972
City and State: Orygun
Message: Queen Rowdy what a great idea! Just one more thing since your'e in such a giving mood.Throw in one of those light shows and some brownies and we'll all climb into the micro mini van and head south for PROM NIGHT 2001.I'm off like a tie dyed prom dress. Again this is just a joke.
Name: Blake Withell () on Monday, January 8, 2001 at 01:12:33
E-Mail: withells@idirect.com
Class: 67
City and State: tor.ca
Message: John,
I wanted to tell you about my cat, but I see there are several on line.
Name: Kell () on Sunday, January 7, 2001 at 23:56:52
E-Mail: promnightbongnight.com
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay. Oregon
Message: Judy, Why don't you just move the prom to Oregon, then you SoCal people can see all the expense involved in getting to this prom. damn you act as if we are all rolling in the dough, and the best vacation possible is the damn prom. Maybe us oregonders can have a little gig up here on the same night. Now would that make everybody happy. Also, Petey has no hair on her back to get ruffled, she may snarl a little, but her bark is much worse that her bite. don't go picking on my woof. . Judy maybe next time you can plan a beach blanket bingo party @ 26. You might get some of us down to
SoCal for that. Love you all, just goofing around, Kell
Hi Kell, I'm sure Judy didn't mean to get you riled up. She's just trying to bring us all together. There're lots of people signed up from Oregon and Washington for Prom Night.
Name: Blake Withell () on Sunday, January 7, 2001 at 23:31:16
E-Mail: withells@idirect.com
Class: 67
City and State: Toronto Canada
Message: Thanks again John for the great Cougar T Shirt.
I noticed that Reggie Powell's name /67 on the tribute list. I last had contact with Reg. in 1973. If someone has some details Please E.Mail me direct.
Thank you
Blake Withell
You're welcome Blake, and the Tribute for Reggie was sent in by SweetDzert@aol.com in April of 1999. That email address might still be good. Good Luck
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Sunday, January 7, 2001 at 21:29:19
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: PromisesPromises....
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: This is for all you Oregoners..that won't come down a few hundred miles for a great time at PROM NITE... I just talked to Phil WOW Christiana and I got a "definite maybe" outta him. Say, perhaps if I put you all up in my place..sing Koom-by-ya before retiring by a campfire - fill the trees with squirrels & bluejays and make everyone wear bell bottoms & tube tops to the Prom you'd see it differently. I'll even hire a booth in the corner of the ballroom to paint daisies on your faces...and staple in a navel ring.. we'll play COME ON BABY, LIGHT MY FIRE & THE THEME FROM "HAIR" all night long (the long versions) There goes my Doo Wop idea.
(I'm on a quest)
Judy Wudy..
She just gives and gives doesn't she folks.
Name: Ray Nelson () on Sunday, January 7, 2001 at 21:24:50
E-Mail: prnelson@prodigy.net
Class: 1973
City and State: Fayetteville, GA (AKA Billy Goat Acres)
Message: Richard Upton,
We are the greatest. I played the flute from 1965 to 1969. I still have that flute. Because of you, my son is also playing the flute.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Sunday, January 7, 2001 at 19:48:14
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message:Hi John, Found this cd at Best Buy yesterday and thought you might like to see the photo from the cover. My husband and I decided we were destined to buy the cd because we
had been talking about our trip to Calif. in August on the way to the store.
Very interesting.....The original picture was taken from the 62 El Molino on the left. I see Laralee Brevig, JoAnn Collins Angie Perez, Linda McDowell, Nancy Brooks, with Betty Elliott pointing, among others in this group. I wonder how much they were paid?? Notice in the circled areas where they missed adding the background surf. Thanks Sharon....
Name: Glenn Crist () on Sunday, January 7, 2001 at 19:18:08
E-Mail: gfcrist@sonic.net
Class: 1964
City and State: Sonoma, CA
Message: I remember Sharon Jokela as being a pretty fair artist at Hawthorne High, so I checked out her website
Hey Glenn, I'll box up a little and send it in the morning, Thanks
Name: Norman Pasewalk () on Sunday, January 7, 2001 at 17:20:10
E-Mail: norman@sedona.net
Class: 66
City and State: Sedona, AZ
Message: anyone out there?
Name: Yamma Lamma () on Sunday, January 7, 2001 at 15:08:18
Maiden: Ding Dong
Class: Mannnymanymoonsago!
Message: YOU BET YOUR LIFE WE'LL DANCE WITH TOM KLINGEN -- KLINGENHOF -- KLINGEN -- KLINGENHAGAN! Boy! That's a name and a half! We ain't got nuthin against HOGS! Nor HOG LOVERS! And ya gotta LOVE 'em to ride one THAT fur! But I'll bet I can tell you what we won't be doin' and that's dancin' with any wimen and that's fur sh;ure!!! Now Tom K; this also depends on our dancin' pards, Bob Baby and Walter Honey, but I think they might git too tired fur us and you better be READY! Wooooie! PROM NITE 2001 COME ON!
HEY! Petey got the hair up on the back a her neck or whut!!??
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