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For the Texas lovin' Cougs Buddy Holly
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Sunday, January 7, 2001 at 12:00:48
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: LeathertuxesatthePROM
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Just received email from TOM KLINGENHAGAN asking me, "If he rides his HARLEY 900 miles down to PROM NITE..can he purchase a ticket at the door..." Well Tom, this is sorta like the question "Where does a thousand lb gorilla sit"--answer: "Anywhere he wants"..... If you're on a Harley..blazing the road for 900 miles with bugs on your teeth and your in a leather tux in the heat of August..... YES!! I think I'll personally sell that ticket to you at the door.. (whew, this isn't easy at all) And as for all you hog lovin' boys at the PROM, I don't want to see the room clear out so you can talk to Tom about the size of his engine..or what kinda mileage it gets-etc.. but on second thought..we're going back in time for PROM NITE..and let's see here--I think the girls were allowed to dance with the girls back then--sooo what the hey, it's OK after all.. Now, for my brother, Andrew, that just got enough memory in his puter to pull up CT... you only have 300 more catch up pages to read and your with us. (still playing big sister)
OK John..We'll hold 1 ticket out for TOM (HARLEY)KLINGENHAGAN.
Tilly Noodleman... on a quest
Speaking of hog lovin', I bet the Ding Dong sisters will dance with Tom.
Name: Petey () on Sunday, January 7, 2001 at 11:47:29
E-Mail: lifeain'tnothin'butafunnyfunnyriddle
Class: 1972
City and State: Oregon
Message: To the Queen of the Rowdys and to her "quest in vain". When I moved to Oregon 27 years ago people from California were the ENEMY. They claimed we "californicated" their precious state and we really were not encouraged to stay. (There were even bumper stickers stating just that.) Now 27 years later I too have become an Oregon snob. I admitt it. Come VISIT anytime. As for prom night the culture shock might be too much for us Oregonians. We'll just have to send Phil Wow represent the Great Northwest. After all you have seen him naked. See you in the future.
Name: Richard Upton () on Sunday, January 7, 2001 at 10:35:11
E-Mail: richardupton@worldnet.att.net
Message: Happy New Year to all my former Wiseburn School District instrumental music students who played under my direction from 1962-1991. What a GREAT group!! Thanks for all your most welcome e-mail messages received here during the past year!!
Richard Upton
Name: Sharon Jokela () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 23:20:43
E-Mail: sej@jokela-arts.com
Maiden: Jokela
Class: 62
City and State: Laytonville CA 95454
Message: Greetings from Mendocino County - 150 north of San Francisco CA. My sister, Suzanne, found the Cougartown site and practically leaped through my email box with news of it.
Strolling through the site has brought up crisp memories - but from under such a stack of years that it nearly seems like the memories are from someone else's life. Hmmmmmm....
Greetings fellow 62er Sharon J. Glad you've found Cougartown and hope you connect with some long lost HHSers.
Name: Regina Jensen () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 23:15:10
E-Mail: jensenlatendresse@juno.com
Maiden: Big Mama
Class: 41
City and State: Hemet, Ca
Message: I am just checking in to make sure my kids are behaving themselves. Judy, I am still working on my travel plans for the summer and as soon as I get a date nailed down I will be on your door step regarding tickets for the PROM. No not a date for the PROM a date for my travels. Happy New Year to all at Cougartown.
Same to you Mom "J"
Name: David Hannon () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 14:52:58
E-Mail: bluesky@olypen.com
Class: 1968
City and State: Sequim, WA
Message: When I graduated I was not able to buy a yearbook. Does anyone know where I could buy a 1968 HHS Yearbook?
Doreen Whippo (class of 1967) my first love, if you read this, know that I'll never forget you.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 14:52:21
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: movin'on
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: I always knew that Soupy had his name legally changed..but I never knew his real name....so it's ~~ Milton Supman~~ I knew there was something I loved about the man...he's Jewish! Now, for all you Oregoners.. I give up!! Just stay up there..don't you dare come down. (that works everytime on those 70's people) I'm going to Arizona... OK TOMMY BURROUGHS.. let's get those desert Cougars worked up. Oh ya, re: the McQuittys... You'll be dancing in the parking lot if you don't buy your tickets..& I repeat, "BIG WINDS COME FROM EMPTY CAVES".. If you talk about coming to Prom Nite, you have to get a ticket first.
Tilly Noodleman...of the Florida Noodlemans
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 13:45:15
E-Mail: elizabeth@casaestrada.com
Class: 69
Message: Judy, I got your email "SHOW ME THE MONEY" but I have to admit that I have tentative plans to be in Europe next summer with my daughter. Soooooooo very sorry but I can't commit until travel plans are finalized....Kelly Currie, you and your brother Chuck taught me how to dance when I was 6 years old....to "Cathy's Clown" ??? I think you have it on film somewhere....I learned to do the Twist from sister Sharon and the mashed potatoes from sister Linda..and the Pole Princess taught me ..........well.........nevermind. It's a beautiful day out....I'm off to the beach. Later Cougs
Name: Doris () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 13:34:38
E-Mail: raydori@micron.net
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
City and State: Twin Falls, ID
Message: GEE JOHN! Sorry to hear you were under the weather yesterday but is seems JudyWudy knows exactly what to say to make you feel better, almost instantaneously! ha! SO glad you are doing SO well and SO soon, Don DiTomasso! And since I am such a big fan of SOUPY SALES, I would like to submit my vote (this would make 2 so far; his brother's and mine) to have
Bill Jensen lead off the Prom with the SOUPY SALES SHUFFLE! This I have got to see! And as far as Judy's excellent effort to recruit the Oregon bunch including the Hoods, COME ON YOU GUYS! Get with it! Sign up and get that check in the mail. And you know what else, Judy-Wudy???? We STILL do NOT have either one of the McQuitties...oops! sorry! McQuinnys...McQ@#!!% Well, you know who I mean!!!
Yep, good old Soupy (real name Milton Supman age today 74), Pooky, Hippie, White Fang, and Black Tooth are all pictured here. OH-Leh-oh!!!
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 10:51:38
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: winsome-losesome
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey Big Kellie Currie..well, girl, don't mince words..say what you mean--are you coming to PROM NITE or not.. Looks like I can't even get the Oregon Hoods to commit to a ticket for Aug 18's PROM.. Have I lost the campaign in Oregon.. well I'm going to call Phil (WOW) Christiana today.. and I don't want all you gals changing your mind when I get him down here. Philly owes me-and I've got too much on him for him to say no-I've seen him naked. As for Chris Hood-are you coming or not!! "Big winds come from empty caves" And BTW-where has my ALAN HAUGE been lately. (boy, this isn't easy at all) One last note, Sandie Tully and I have a date to meet Betty Bell in front of the Marriott for a little shot out of Betty's flask.. I'd say by 10:15 we old gals will be doing the "mashed potatoes" again.. and I happen to know that Maureen Manning Desmore can still mash from one side of the room to the other..(I have it on video) Last note, John boy.. hope you're feeling better today, but not to worry, the ROWDYS have made a special dish and we'll be over to nurse you back to health.. and this time, answer the door..
Judy in disguise...
Not another can of PEA BROTH!!! Hey I'm a......feeling lots better now....REALLY!!! No need to bring anything........ah.....HONEST!!
Name: Rick McQuitty () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 10:11:41
Class: 74
Message: Thank You Petey.
Name: Doug Medina () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 08:58:17
E-Mail: gulliblebum@cs.com
Class: 80
City and State: Murrieta,Ca.
Message: Dear Paco Duran,
I'll let my mom (Peggy Peters) know that you said hello. To Bill Cusac, Jim and Mary Jo have been living up in the Boise, Idaho area since 76'.
To another h-ll raiser Russ Jacobson. I remember you, you used to live next door to my grandparents Pete and Carrie Peters. How are you? We got up to your place in Boise in mid 70's. Do tell Judy and Dana that I said hello too. I also have fond memories of the Soucys, Connie, Diane, John, and Torrie. George and Lorraine are living down by us in Lk. Elsinore, Ca. What a bunch of wonderful people to grow up around! HHS and Hawthorne RULE! Great memories of those days!
Name: Petey Dude () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 04:31:05
E-Mail: dudelookslikealady.com
Maiden: Honduras
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem, Oregon
Message: Hoody I'm only committed during the week. They let me out on weekends now. Once I saw this ankle thing off I'm free. Not EVERY crazy person lives here in Salem for ever. We send some back home to the Gold Coast.
The movie One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest wasn't filmed here for nothing. And Rick apology not necessary dude. See you in the future. Peace.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 00:51:47
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: N/A
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Doris Donaldson:
ref."Don DiTomasso ... Hope you're physical therapy isn't too bad ... stick with it. PT makes all the difference in the world! "
Yes...Doris...I am doing quite well...it looks like I have full range of motion except for behind the back or ears. I can return to work on Monday. Thank you for your e-mail and concern.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 00:40:53
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: Chris-or-Chrystal...Hood
Class: 64
City and State: Torr
Message: This one's for Chris Hood... "YOU GO GIRL!" Nothing shocks me anymore,.... except that someone "stills smokes"... It always amazes me how John Baker can take the best pic you've ever taken and turn it into an ugly guy in drag. (been there myself) Now, I've got work to do.. only 7 more months til PROM NITE.. and if you do happen to make it down for the function of the century..please start shaving now..give up smoking and for God's sake, find a bra.
I say this with much love... we're very close...(you know the rest)
Tilly Noodleman... I'm off like a prom dress again
Name: Kell () on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 00:36:38
E-Mail: k.k.currie@att.net
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay Oregon
Message: Thanks for the scanner input. I know it's hard to believe that people can actually change and become better. but Bebop has done just that and I'm proud of him. all this talk of music. the very best, i mean too cool, why before there time was Peter Greens Fleetwood Mac. this was before the chicks had to get in there and ruin a terrific blues band. My Cuz Timmy Hood gave me a CD live from the BBC from 1969-70. Now there is music. Robin I just read a study that you can't actually lose brain cells. You grow new ones. So for those of you who may think you have lost brain cells just look for the new ones, they are there. I certainly found mine, i think! I was in the Greatest and I don't remember any nudity. maybe it wasn't always a nude bar. Then again maybe i need to look for that brain cell. Peace Kelley. Oh and Judy does hold out mean. NOT,I MEAN NOT GOING TO PROM NIGHT. if so yes i'm a hold out. Anita are you really going? ouch.
Name: Bob () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 22:09:56
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Class: 71
City and State: LA,CA
Message: Walter Holt, Brother Bill can still do a mean Soupy Sales Shuffle. I watched him perform the shuffle on Christmas day for our mother (she asked if he could still do it). I think Bill should lead off the first dance at the PROM with the "shuffle". I on the other hand would rather do the Hustle.
Name: Bill Jensen () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 22:03:03
Class: 63
City and State: Kiddie Country
Message: Oh Gee! I forgot to comment on Webster Webfoot & uncle Jimmy. Our family has a picture of brother Bob when in grade school that reminds me of uncle Jimmy. Little Bob is wearing a bowtie and has a funny smirk on his face. I understand that Webster and Jimmy Weldon now travel around the country giving motivational talks to large corporations. I wish they would come by my work, because some of the clowns over here don't have a very good sense of humor. Oops!
Name: Bill Jensen () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 20:35:06
E-Mail: william.jensen@trw.com
Class: 63
City and State: Archive Country 90250
Message: While reviewing the COUGAR, VOL. IX NO. 14 JANUARY 5, 1962, I came across a column titled "TV Dedications". I found it amusing. The following is a partial listing of the anonymous dedications.
"Funday Funnies" - Starla Cary
"Invisible Man" - Mr. Means
"Maverick" - Mike Kelly
"Dennis the Menace" - Dennis Lord
"Ladies! The Continental" - Les Johnson
"Soupy Sales" - Rose Leven
"Wild Bill Hickok" - Butch Morris
"Thriller" - Ron Petch
"Surfside 6" - Terry Mason
"Wanderlust" - John Johnson
"Who Do You Trust" - Tom Boles
"Continental Classroom" - Mr Gaier
"Twilight Zone" - Semester Exams
"To Tell the Truth" - Pat Achen
"Beat the Odds" - Gary Miller
OK so no one knew it was Webster Webfoot and Jimmy Weldon. I met Jimmy at a Civitan meeting about 6 years ago. Nice guy too and could still do a mean WW.
Name: Rick McQuitty () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 19:34:08
Class: 74
Message: Don't get your panties in a wad, Robin. You might bust a vessel. I love you too.
Thank You Doris, it's fun to be back, stirring it up.
Sorry Petey, didn't take the time to go back and look for your pic. My apologies. :)
And no John, I didn't mean it as it came out.I wish you and yours the BEST.
Name: Bonnie McCoy () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 17:26:19
E-Mail: brandylaguna@yahoo.com
Maiden: McCoy
Class: 78
City and State: Newport Beach, CA
Message: To Cesar Mendoza: Is your father Ruben Mendoza, c/o 1977??? Just curious because he was my boyfriend back in 1978.
Happy new year to all!
Name: Joe Webber () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 16:43:26
E-Mail: jwebber@acuffrose.com
Class: 1970
City and State: Nashville TN
Message: Thought I would comment on a couple of things. The song that was in "Play Misty For Me" was by Roberta Flack,..but it was her first hit "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face." (And while we're at it, "Killing Me Softly" was written about singer/song writer Don McLean). And "Muskrat Love" was recorded and released first NOT by America, but by the person who wrote it who was Willis Alan Ramsey. Also, Michael Martin Murphey who sang "Wildfire"...was in a group in the late sixties on the same record label as the Monkees (Cologems)...called The Lewis & Clarke Expedition, (he was Lewis)..which they played at an assembly at HHS in 1967.
Name: Walter Holt () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 15:45:12
E-Mail: gonnaputmymouseketeerearsbackon.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo,Ca
Message: Bill Jensen...Yes we did gain a wealth of Knowledge From Soupy Sales(ok who remembers the Soupy Shuffle) & all about Politics from the Sock It to Me gang at Rowan & Martins...But what about all of the knowledge we gained of growing up from Jimmy Dodd & The
Mouseketeers...We Learned how to act with each other from Spin & Marty, got our sex education watching Annette grow up.(least we forget Bikini Beach & Beach Blanket Bingo) OR Learning our appreciation of music From Cubby playing drums & who could forget that memorable song..Now its time to say goodbye..To all our family..M I C..See you real soon..KEY.. why..because we like you .. M O U S E...Have a good weekend Cougs!!!
Or my favorite all time kiddie show above (thanks Chris Prewitt)
Name: Robert Poorman () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 15:22:19
Class: 77
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Message: Dan Johnson class of '77? Is that you Danny? The same Dan Johnson? I think we go back to Mrs. Puterbaugh's 7th grade class and then on through to graduation ceremonies at HHS. Hoops in the morning before class and again at lunch at HIS. Good old Mr. Sweeney. What a character. I've seen a number of other names I recognize on this site and will eventually get around to seeing if any of them have any stories to tell. Got a copy of the alumni directory, what a walk down memory lane. I'll have to get out the old El Molinos to put some faces to some of the names. Take care.
Name: YAMMA & RAMMA LAMMA () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 15:09:12
Class: mannnymooonsagooh
Message: Walter Honey; you missin'me? metooyou! Glad you're polishing up those dancin' shoes; sounds like you use 'em quite a bit! Could ya sing that song one more time? YAMMA LAMMA Bob Baby; didn't know if you were missin' me or glad to git rid o' me. Thanks for askin' about me. Never you mind what they say about me; so I'm big. Some of Johnny's references to me have been less than nice: buffalo herd, Jonah, water buffalo, walrus and baby elepahnt to name a few! There's more o' ME to go around YOU on that 12 sq" o' dance floor! How come no pictures of you Bobby? RAMMA LAMMA
Gettin' her to dance on 12 square inches of dance floor would be like getting a Hippo to dance on a postage stamp.
Name: Debra Lee McGregor () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 14:46:50
E-Mail: mcgregord@la.lancaster.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Whooops! I woke up at 2:30 in the morning, thinking to myself, Killing Me Softly With His Song, was not from Play Misty For Me - It was First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (which is equally as bad). Oh well - Have a great weekend Cougs. John, when was the date again for the next Foster's run?
It'll be Friday April 6th as some people are coming to town to go to the 59-60-61 Reunion the next night.
Name: Doris () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 12:56:14
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
Message: WOW! Miss a day and it takes forever to catch up! But that's great! GLAD TO SEE YOU BACK, RICK! REALLY! And Don DiTomasso ... Hope you're physical therapy isn't too bad ... stick with it. PT makes all the difference in the world! I'm sure you know that after that hellish auto accident you had some years back, huh? And Bill Jensen, I LOVED SOUPY SALES ... still do to this day! Don't you think Mel Gibson should play the lead in a SOUPY SALES biography? It would become one of the all-time classics! A happy and safe weekend to all COUGS ... love ya all!
Same to you Doris......
Name: Paco Duran () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 12:52:11
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Maiden: The Glove and Goggle Bandit
Class: 61
City and State: Lake Forest Ca
Message: OK,OK already, I'll tell you who the dancer was!
It was Skinny Kenny ala Renny, that's right, Kenny Blomsterberg! Sandy gussied him all up for the halloween party, with a wig and baby dolls on, actually he looked quite nice, well anyway we had to go and get more beer at the market, and right across the street was the "GO GO"..Well we tried and it worked, Kenny made beer money and alot of new friends...
Thanks Paco, Now poor brother Janny will have to move back to Arka-do-nothin and live in seclusion for the rest of his days.
Paco, Did he take it all off??
Name: cesar mendoza () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 12:50:39
E-Mail: irocku2nite@aol.com
Class: 00
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: C-House!
Uhhhh...... H-Barn!
Name: Walter Holt () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 12:22:35
E-Mail: whenthemusicsoverturnouthtelights.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo,Ca
Message: To Ron Dickson....Nope I haven't forgotton The Doors or Pink Floyd, The Band, The Allman Brothers, Lynrd Skynrd, Jethro Tull, ELO, BTO, ELP, The Rascals, Deep Purple, Blue Oyster Cult, Black Sabbeth, Grand Funk, Chicago, Yes, Three Dog Night, America, The Eagles, or any of the other great bands (thats why the: and many more)& if I tried to list them all I dont think JB would appreciate that. Of course The Doors had some great songs but some got a bit much to take & I would like to see anyone in their right mind try to sit through: Hyacinth House, Rock is Dead, The Celebration of the Lizard, Crawling King Snake or Go insane and a few others.
You left out the 1910 Fruitgum Company
Name: Chris Hood () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 10:45:40
Maiden: Travolta
Message: Blomsterberg, even in a “coma” I’ll dance circles around your boot scooten booty. And it’s not that Phil Wow doesn’t answer his phone, he just has caller I.D. Kelly's always been shy at parties (ask anyone) and Petey's been committed for years...They just don't let her out for extended periods. Besides we heard that after you Californians finish your second Shirley Temple, you start whining that it's sleepy time. Who would we have to make fun of the second half of the prom? I guess we could look at rerun videos of John dancing. Oh and we have a sweet kissing spot up here too. You're welcome to use it anytime (call my sister Marsha a pig will ya). Petey, Hoody, you guys be kind to those McNugget boys, they're the sensitive types.
Hey Chris, Send me your picture.......Thanks for the quick response. I always thought you were Robins brother.
Name: Robin () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 09:50:08
E-Mail: Acouglostinspace.com
Maiden: Hood
Class: 60
City and State: RB,CA
Message: RE: DEC 22nd.... Rick ????...Not sure what your reference was concerning a Hoods ability to spell your name, but Im happy Christmas with your family is more important...And speaking for myself, I missed you about like I miss jock itch.....BTW, the Petey I know is far from a dude and I'll bet Doris gets her wish before you learn to read posts correctly. So release your cap lock and Happy New year to you and all your friends (both of them)......and who said acid didnt kill brain cells?.....Mr Hood
Name: Petey dude () on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 05:56:05
E-Mail: everybodywaskungfufighting.com
Maiden: Honduras
Class: 1972
City and State: Beaver Believer As Well,Oregon
Message: What mundane question is ???? talking about? It's a fact Jack or Rick or whatever your name is. You kids have SO much to learn. Surfbabe Kelley IS tuff and OWNS the block next to Rowdy Babe Judy.
Just have patience young man, you'll get there.
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