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El Rojo's favorite Chuck Berry. Chuck Berry
Name: Millie Roberts () on Thursday, November 2, 2000 at 00:59:43
E-Mail: snooks41@email.com
Maiden: Roberts
Class: 1958
City and State: Paso Robles, CA
Message: Hey John,
The check is in the "male", or is that the "mail?" It'll be great to see everyone, from HHS!!
Hey, Tom and Sande, I went shopping too, for Prom Night; I went to K-Mart, I found their formal wear, really out there, and I have been trying to make up my mind, on the mumu, with or without sequins? What do you think? You folks in AZ, are as 'dressy' as we are, here in the Central Coast.
Hey thanks Millie, and I would go with the sequins......after all, this is a classy affair.
Name: Chris Fall Knight () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 23:21:36
E-Mail: artzlady@unnet.com
Maiden: Fall
Class: 71
City and State: Michigan
Message: I was wondering if anyone knows Linda Fall from the class of 71. I was looking in the El Molino for some classmates and found a picture of a Linda Fall listed just below my picture. I can't believe that I went to Hawthorne for four years and did not know there was another Fall in the school. Could that maybe have been a misprint? That would really be too bad if we were somehow related and did not even know each other existed! It is strange to have just noticed that after all these years. I hope someone can shed some light on the subject. Thanks, Chris
Name: Donna () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 22:17:47
E-Mail: DonnaDGW4@aol.com
Maiden: Cook
Class: 69
City and State: LaPalma, CA
Message: Another Cougartown story- I was at work last week and a Real Estate agent came in with a new escrow. I looked at the property address and noticed it was Inglewood. I thought for a moment trying to picture exactly where it was. (I work in Seal Beach so we don't get much property in the South Bay area) While I was talking to this agent I mentioned I knew the area, that I grew up there. He then said to me, "Really, my wife grew up in Hawthorne too". I called his wife today, her name is Joan Cross Gatton and graduated in 1964. She told me she put her name on the alumni list a few months ago but didn't know about feedback. So I just wanted to say "Welcome to Cougartown Joan, I hope you are able to contact some of the people you were looking for! Oh before I forget, Wayne the goddess is going to be my date for the prom since you turned me down.
Thanks Donna, Small world, see below.......
Name: Joan Gatton () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 21:28:50
E-Mail: joan.gatton@analog.com
Maiden: cross
Class: 1964
City and State: huntington beach, ca
Message: This is the first time I have been on feedback. There was a mention at the top of the page about annual dues which I knew nothing about. Could someone tell me what the dues are and where I am supposed to send. Thanks.
Hi Joan, If you'll go back to the top of this page and click on the Membership banner, it will take you to a page that'll explain it all. At the bottom of that page, click on Alumni Registration and fill that page out, even if you do not want to become a member. Thanks......
Name: Mickey Mathena () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 21:18:48
E-Mail: mathena@canby.com
Class: 58
City and State: Woodburn, Or.
Message: OK, help me out. I've just taken a look at the pic on Paco's web site and I saw two pictures of familiar faces but am having a hard time putting names to them. They are located just below the pic of the 54 GAA.
Is it possible the first one is of Camille Hill? Say it's so as I'm too young to believe my memory is failing. It's only been 41-42 yrs.
Name: Trevor Song () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 21:13:17
E-Mail: SHarrier@hotmail.com
Class: n/a
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: John,
I hardly know you but the other day I had an idea. Have you considered creating a page of condolence for Kris Wadman's family so people can write in there? It might be helpful.
Hi Trevor, I thought it was nice to see all the condolences on the Feedback page. That way we ALL can read and feel the love generated by all Cougs who've been touched by the loss of Kris Wadman. I didn't know him, but after speaking with Mr Plotkin this morning, I feel cheated by not knowing him. This young man was filled with all the right stuff. He'll be sorely missed by all who were lucky enough to know him.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 19:56:06
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Maiden: Lead Balloon
Class: 71
City and State: LA,CA
Message: Now that I am older and wiser and I have learned that sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me, I can tell you my nickname. It started in the first grade, I was much larger and taller than most. Jim Trotter started calling me Vic Tannie… I like the name now but no one seems to remember who Vic Tannie was.
Come on Bob, Hawthorne had their very own Vic Tanny Gym on Hawthorne and 131st. The card above was mom's although I think she went twice.
Name: Doris () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 19:47:49
E-Mail: raydori@micron.net
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: 1957
City and State: Twin Falls, Idaho
Message: To: Mickey Mathena
You say you've gained weight, lost hair and your face has "weathered"? I like the word "weathered" -- think I'll use that! :-) As far as your hair and weight gain, I only remember your face! hehe!
Name: Frank N. Stein () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 18:40:09
E-Mail: hotmonster.com
Maiden: zipperneck
Class: ages
City and State: Mel Brooksland
Hey, awhile back, we were all talking about the great old monster movies they used to show on Chiller and Fright Night. How many Cougs got in some of the great marathon that started last Friday night and ended last night on AMC? All the old greats with the likes of stars like Bela Lagosi, Boris Karloff, Vincent Price etc. Fantastic! I sat at home and watched the last night of it, all Frankenstein night while the signifcant other took our litte "ghoul" out to trick or treat. A great way to spend All Hollow's Eve, I think!
Cheryl Nicocia.....don't feel bad, I've had nicknames like Peach, Bonita Fish, Fishwoman, etc. Some things, you just can't get away from! Any other fun nicknames out there we all should be aware of? C'mon, don't be shy now!
Anita, Does "Fatty Fatty 2 by 4" count as a nickname?
Name: ruth watson () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 18:14:10
E-Mail: ruth_watson@customchrome.com
Maiden: Kara
Class: 64
City and State: Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Message: John,
Did your receive the package I sent you?
Also, I've sent Prom forms + deposit check.
Also, I won't be checking Cougartown from work
as I'm off on Medical Leave (carpal tunnel surgery) from November 6th to Dec. 4th.
Ruth, Yes I did receive the package from you. Thanks a million; they're great.... I haven't shown Janet her calendar yet, but I know she'll like it. Glad too, that you'll be here on Prom Night. Get well and will talk to you soon.
Name: Ed Sharp () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 16:53:09
E-Mail: esharp@csc.com
Class: 68
City and State: Anaheim, Ca.
Message: Patricia, will you go to the Prom with me?
Eddie Dean
Name: Susan King () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 16:20:00
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: To Glenn Crist and Darlene Schimming - and of course, to you dear John, IT WORKED! My dear, dear friend from so long ago has contacted me!! Her note was brief and I haven't even had time to email her back but just wanted to let all of Cougardom know that great joys are happening every day and it's never too late to rekindle old friendships. I'll update you all very shortly and you can expect to hear from MaryAnn soon! On another note, condolences to the Wadmans from Cougars everywhere. The loss of one so young is so terribly tragic and we feel for you.
Hey Sue girl, Glad you're back with a best HHS bud. Like the song says, " Now that you've found her, never let her go". Uhhhh....of course the SONG means something else, but you know what I mean.
Hope to see you and Darryl at the Prom in August. Don't wait too long as tickets are rapidly evaporating.
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 14:43:34
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
City and State: Keno,Oregon(ontheriver)
Message: Ah yes, nicknames....I personally think "Janny-wanny-chicken-fanny" tops them all. They called me "Boney Maroni" & "Olive Oil", but now my friends just call me "fatso", huh John?
Ahhh come on Cheryl, You're not THAT fat.
Hey I got the scan of the dead varmint, Grappa John slaughtered. Can you send me something I CAN post on the Feedback page.
Name: Mickey Mathena () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 14:01:12
E-Mail: mathena@canby.com
Class: 58
City and State: Woodburn Or.
Message: Norm Vorhis: Norm your name seems familiar but I can't place a face with it. Any chance we did know each other in school? Thanks for the comment on Tom, I sent him an e-mail message several days ago when I noted on an older page that he was experiencing some medical problems. I've not received a replay so wasn't sure if he has seen it or maybe still mad at me for something that happened 40+ yrs ago (ha!). Tom and I shared a locker in our senior yr.
Noted Polly said they had another big night last night with giving out over $100 worth of candy. Living out here in the country we are lucky if we even have any kids come by. Last night we had a total of 2, last yr no one. For the few that does show up they get a bigger helping.
Looking over some of the earlier pages it sure looks like there are a lot of Hawthorne trivia buffs out there. Noted one message asking if anyone remember about Ramona school being 2-story at one time. I do seem to remember that. Maybe why only a few have remembrances of that was the twister that hit town in the fall of 65. It did a lot of damage to the school and also touched down and took off part of the roof on my folk's house.
Tom Burroughs: Don't know if you remember me but we were almost neighbors. Lived on 132nd st. between Ramona and Inglewood Ave. House address was 614.
Sent John a pic taken on campus in 58. If John posts it maybe some of you old timers will remember.
Name: Kelley () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 13:53:15
E-Mail: k.k.currie@att.net
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay Oregon
Message: Hi a few pages back someone posted the time and place of Chris Wadmans service could you please post it again, can't find it. thanks Kelley
White and Day Mortuary on Torrance and Prospect. Saturday at 1pm.
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 13:52:01
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
City and State: Oak Hills, CA.
Message: To the Wadman Family- I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your son. I too lost someone very dear to me last week. I can feel your pain. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
Name: Doris () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 10:58:47
E-Mail: raydori@micron.net
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: 1957
City and State: Twin Falls, Idaho
Message: JOHN ... You must be busier than a one-armed nailer 'cause I haven't seen any comments from you on the latest FEEDBACKS ... and I look as forward, if not more so, to reading your comments AFTER the individual feedbacks, as I do the actual feedbacks! Just want you to know ... your special tidbits ARE missed!
Hey Doris, Yep.....I'm busier than a one legged man in a butt kickin contest.
I don't want anyone to think I've deserted the feedback page cause that just ain't true. I'll get this all straightened out and be back in no time. Thanks Doris for the nice words and I'm still here....HONEST
Name: Judy () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 09:38:13
E-Mail: jlmeintz@up.net
Maiden: Sundstrom
Class: 62
City and State: Powers, Michigan
Message: Went to see Jeff Daniels in Escanaba in Da Moonlight. He is from Michigan and likes to film here. So this one was filmed last winter in Escanaba. Local extras were used so it was quite a happening in our neck of the woods. Ask your local distributor for the movie as Jeff is looking for a buyer. It premiered at the same place we saw Chris Montez last summer. Was with Gary Lewis and the Playboys, Brian Hyland and others. We are getting to be an entertainment center. Ah the wonders of the casinos.
Name: Polly Martens () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 01:11:05
E-Mail: pmartens@mediaone.net
Maiden: Beach
Class: 74'
City and State: Ground Zero
Message: Howdy! just a quick line, just finished with the annual Halloween festivities. Place 3rd in our company costume contest for portraying a very large busted wench. This year we gave out even more candy than ever (over $100.00 worth), and still ran out.
This makes me think of the bad old days over in Del Aire. Trick or Treating, and not coming home until you had at least a pillow case worth.
Bill Barmore, emailed me to ask about the "Radish Lady," reference. That was a nick/pen name I used when I used to write poetry and funny storys that Dr. Demento used to read on the air once in a great while. I also used it as my CB handle, back when it was vogue to do CB.
That name sure beats the pants off the nick name I had in grade school of "Bean Pole." Just because I was skinny and tall. Oh well we all outgrow these things.
Hey Dewey, since you are in Chicago, check out a little hole in the wall place called Man jo vins, on Damien Ave. on the North side. Great food. Also, don't forget to go to "White Castle," and endulge in a sack of sliders and wash it down with some "Old Style."
Gotta go for now.
Name: Norm Vorhis () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 00:50:25
E-Mail: olds88coupe@yahoo.com
Maiden: Norval
Class: 59
City and State: Monrovia, Ca
Message: Mickey Mathena: Tom is still into photography, although, not as heavy as he used to be. Check the Olds pics on page 315. He was trying out his new digital. Loretta: In the movie "Redline" they are shooting in the Hawthorne Mall? They did the car chase, North on Prairie, East on 120th a month, or two ago.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 00:19:52
E-Mail: sloeylaw@msn.com
Class: 66
City and State: redondo beach, ca
Message: Mike Wadman our prayers are with you and all your family. Christopher was an outstanding young man and he will be missed by all of us who knew him. An old proverb says a joy shared is doubled and a sorrow shared is halved, Debby and I would like to help you half that sorrow. We love you Mike and our prayers are with you and your family! God Bless.
In Memory of My Student, Kris Wadman
There is a short stool in my classroom that Kris Wadman used to borrow
every afternoon at lunch to sit out on the grass outside Building 9 with
his large group of friends. Even days when I had unmercifully teased
Kris and he was pretending that he wasn't speaking to me for the day,
he'd come in and get the stool and jokingly explain that while he was no
longer my friend, he did still need a place to sit... how difficult it
has been this week for me and for my Seniors, who knew Kris so well and
loved him so much to sit in class and look at that empty stool.
Though Kris and I remained close throughout his time at Hawthorne, it
was as his teacher in AP U.S. History that I learned to love him. I
used to walk him to his Spanish I class every day during sixth period as
he frequently would "get lost" on the way. He always protested, but
went anyway.
His Spanish teacher assured me that he enjoyed the extra push and that
he even enjoyed my incessant teasing. "That's the kind of kid," she
said to me, "that you'll forever stay in touch with. The kind of kid
you'll get a wedding invitation from." How painfully ironic it has been
to remember her words. I only wish that had been the case.
It has been hard for me these past few days to watch my students agonize
in grief over a loss they cannot comprehend, over a tragedy that seems
to make so sense. And, in truth, it has been hard for me to maintain my
composure as their teacher. I am still overwhelmed and still so stunned
and still miss Kris so very much. I can't begin to imagine the pain of
my former students, who graduated with Kris, who spent everyday at his
As I explained to Melody and Mike in the remembrances being put together
by the current Hawthorne faculty, Kris and I used to always talk about
what would happen once he graduated, what I would do without a "Wadman"
to tease, joke with, lean on. Kris assured me that another student
would come and take his place once he left, that I would find another
target for my incessant joking and encouragement, that another student
would come and fill his shoes. And yet, these last few days, it has
become devastatingly clear to me that no one ever will. There was only
one Kris Wadman. He was a true original.
To Kris's former classmates... most specifically those who spent that
special year with him in the AP U.S. History class of 1999, to those
Hawthorne Knights who worked so hard at his side on so many community
projects, and for those who spent their lunches everyday outside
Building 9 laughing... please know I share your grief and that you are
all in my thoughts and in my prayers.
To Mike and Melody, though no words can, I'm sure assuage the pain you
must feel, please know how very much I loved your son, what a blessing
he was to me personally and know that the prayers of my entire family
are with you.
Steven Anderson
Teacher, AP U.S. History and AP American Government
Name: Trevor Song () on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 19:26:38
E-Mail: SHarrier@hotmail.com
Class: n/a
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: I'm very sorry to hear about Kris Wadman. Being that I went to Kindergarten (1987-1988) w/ him and that we were in the same classes in Cabrillo up until around Dana Middle School (1995-1996), it's really hard to digest the news. I hope that everyone who knew him feels that where ever Kris is, he's not suffering any pain.
Name: Holly Hatton () on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 18:20:56
E-Mail: hhatton@ggu.edu
Maiden: Hollingsworth
Class: 1966
City and State: Monterey, Ca
Message: To Mike Wadman and family:
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your son. It really makes us stop and think what is really important in our lives. Embrace the present and all those who surround you. My thoughts and prayers are with you now.
Fondly, Holly
Name: The Estradas () on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 12:55:53
Class: many
City and State: RedondoBeach
Message: To the Wadman Family, Our hearts go out to you for the loss of your son. We know personally the depth of your sorrow as we, too, lost our brother many years ago when he was so very young. We send you our love and our deepest felt sympathy and hope your hearts will find comfort in knowing that he was a special gift for the time he was here. We didn't have the pleasure of meeting him but he was a Wadman and that says it all. God bless you. The Estrada Family
Name: Bonnie McCoy () on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 11:47:56
E-Mail: brandylaguna@yahoo.com
Maiden: McCoy
Class: 78
City and State: Newport Beach, CA
Message: To the Wadman family: My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. May God's love comfort you in this time of sorrow and grief. With deepest sympathy......Bonnie
Name: Patti Smith () on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 11:19:17
E-Mail: grnidl80@mediaone.net
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: Dropped my check for Prom tickets in the mail on the way to work this morning. So very sorry to hear about Kris Wadman...I knew Bob Wadman from 3rd grade thru graduation, and send my prayers for solace and strength to the entire family. Children are not supposed to die before their parents.
Name: Kelley () on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 11:01:17
E-Mail: k.k.currie@att.net
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay, OR
Message: I haven't read CT in a few days, so this morning I turn on the puter hit favorites get to CT and read that Mike Wadmans son was killed in a car crash. I cried. I'm so very sorry, he was a great kid, a pleausre to know. I just saw him at the Lancer picnic, I'm glad I did. My Love to the Wadman Family.
On a happier note talking about the Pike, that's where I got my first tattoo. At the age of 18. My mom could have disowned me at about that time, but she has gotten used to them by now, I think. I don't especially like Halloween, but bring on those other 2 big ones, I'm ready, I have worked in retail for too many years to let it get to me. I also loved it when Haw. Blvd would light up, now I think the lights go up just after Halloween, just not the same. Again My Love to the Wadmans. Kelley
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 10:42:50
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
Am I ready for Prom Night or what? Checks in the mail, spent all yesterday morning at the Target Store picking out a dress for my wife & a new pair of sweats for me. We should really knock em dead. We really know how to dress up here in AZ!!
Hey Tom, sounds great. We'll see you there.
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 03:13:17
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
Ya well it`s Tues. morning & I am on my way to work & I don`t see any info on where to buy my tickets?? I was going to mail the check on my way through town!! Time to get up folks! Luv ya TB from AZ!
Name: Robin () on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 01:16:30
Message: Mike and Melodie...To know the Wadman family is to love them. And I can't remember a time in my 50+ years that to mention Hawthorne wasn't somehow saying Wadman. There is no experience as tragic as the passing of your child...And not child in the sense of chronological age. At what point does your child stop being your child? Never, as there is never an appropriate time or age to lose one. It is always a gross injustice, an unconscionable tragedy. On behalf of the Hoods, the entire Lancer family and so many other Cougars, we are at your side, we love you and pray for your strength in this time of grief...Butch
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