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Friday, February 5, 1999 at 23:19:31
Name: George Key
E-Mail: Mathesh@AOL.COM
Class: 80
Message: Wish those Treckmans would stay off this page. Every time I see the name it gives me the shivvers. After all it was Peggy who put me in the hospital in Heidelburg. But I forgive her because I truly believe it was the fault of too much good German beer. Sckoll you all.
Friday, February 5, 1999 at 17:18:59
Name: Bruce Tate
E-Mail: locate4u@gte.net
Class: 81
Message: I joined classmates, thanks to my fiance, and found some of the old kids I use to know. However still waiting for those pics of the class of 81 to be posted sent mine in already hope everyone else will to.
I think this is really great and very informative keep up the GOOD WORK!!!
Note: Bruce, Sorry about that picture thing. It gets a little hectic, and sometimes things fall through the cracks. Oh......and this is NOT classmates.com
Friday, February 5, 1999 at 15:36:14
Name: Peggy Webster
E-Mail: pegs4bmws@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 77
Message: Hi Beth! What a nice surprise to see you online! This is getting to be a habit to check out this home page each day. Like I have nothing else to do! It's lots of fun, though, to read about everyone.
Hi Bill Snyder! How is your sister? I remember that she and Mandy hung out together all the time. Are both of you still in the area?
February 5, 1999 at 13:33:41
Name: Roni Kobel
E-Mail: roni.kobel@juno.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Keith, my heart bleeds for you... it's cold and rainy here. If all goes well, we'll be in Kaua'i in April - where are you?
MR. KEY! I love your feedback! I can't believe you didn't bust the GP! Did you really know? I'll never forget those green footprints... My sister Mandy says you came into their body shop awhile back. I didn't even know you were around here - stay online!!!!
I remember one football game when I was a freshman, and Tracy Flynn (pep squad mascot) smiled at me. Because of that, I voted for her for VQ. She won. Taught me a lesson. Smile at everyone - you never know who you might touch...
Friday, February 5, 1999 at 12:48:25
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been jones
Class: 76
Message: Well back in Hawaii. Rains in morning and sunny for the rest of the day. got pretty good tickets to the Pro Bowl on Sunday. Will be thinking of everyone while I soak up sun. I remember back in the summer between my freshman and sophmore year I got in a motorcycle accident. I was over at Vicki Kellers house in holy Glen and was coming out of the driveway when one of my friends (Marty Warner) hit me. There were no skid marks before impact and the cops measured the skid marks after he hit me and figured he was going around 40mph. It was that summer that Coach Minami was taking the baseball team to Hawaii to play a couple of schools over here. I wanted to go so bad. The doctors said no because I broke my leg. Well being the doctor I was i set my leg myself. When the guy came in to take me to get my cast i told i was OK and starting walking. Not to good though. The doctor saw me and looked at my doctoring job. He was really mad. He had to reset my leg. He explained to me what he had to do and on three he would re-break it. Well on two he bent my leg and rebroke my leg. I can remember that pain like yesterday. I also remember Sean Carroll being the first one I saw when I woke up. I also remember Jodi Swain, Sherry Blackwell, kathy Lynch, Tami Perius visiting. Jodi especially long. Remember Norman the equipment manager, he took all the food someone brought me. Love the memories.
Friday, February 5, 1999 at 11:22:02
Name: Bill Snyder
E-Mail: billsnyder@emg.com
Class: 78
Message: Thought old friends might enjoy this one. Just got word that Tony Frink (78) broke his wrist while ice fishing near Moorehead Minnesota with former Los Angeles Laker, Mark Landsburger. Strange but true. Just a little tid bit I thought I'd share.
Friday, February 5, 1999 at 01:11:02
Name: Beth Meade
E-Mail: bethmeade@earthlink.net
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 75
Message: Hi Peggy and Roni and V girls. T girls keep on coming! Hey Jodi T. Thanks for the email regarding the 25 year reunion next year. Wow! A cruise on the Viking Serenade? Funny, I've never been on a cruise, but tomorrow, we're heading out to do that very cruise (to Ensenada). Sounds great to me! Unbelievable! The year 2000!
Thursday, February 4, 1999 at 21:38:55
Name: Bob Rierdan
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: Darlene,
Wow, Denny's BBQ - do I remember that place - the best BBQ in town. I used to ride my bike about 4 miles each way to pick-up our Sunday supper from there. I think I remember that Denny had worked for a wholesale meat company delivering to grocery stores before he opened the BBQ place - it must have opened around the years 1955 or ?56.
Note: Darlene and Bob, Was that the place on the north west corner?? My Dad and I were always there in the late 50's. Great BBQ and Burgers.
Thursday, February 4, 1999 at 20:03:19
Name: Gary L. Sigritz
E-Mail: llabgnop@aol.com
Class: 1960
Message: Well John it's been a long time. You have done a good job with the site. Sorry I never made any of the Reunions but that's another story. Good luck
Note: Hey Gary, Glad you found the site and thanks for the praise. You might have missed the reunions, but you're back now, so stay in touch. You know, this place IS a reunion.
Thursday, February 4, 1999 at 19:59:41
Name: Al Rocca
E-Mail: arocca@access1.net
Class: 70
Message: Just wanted to say hello to everyone. Thanks for the memories. Also the last time I saw Jim Wilcoxson, he was living in Palm Springs and doing fine. As for Ken Angelini, I visited with him about six years ago in Ca. and seemed to have lost touch.
Thursday, February 4, 1999 at 18:27:36
Name: Patricia Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Maiden: top secret
Class: 1974
Message: Whoa brother. I didn't realize I presented such a sad sack life that people (esp. sisters and H.S. principals) had to start explaining to people who they think I should look like. Does this mean I better have a good personality on blind dates?! Also, does this mean I was adopted? Or do all the Vgirls have french and italian and mexican blood? Am I from this planet? Whoa oh. Another Treckman. I just knew the T girls would start arriving in droves....:>)
Thursday, February 4, 1999 at 17:25:40
Name: Cynthia
E-Mail: Mexilucy
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 66
Message: I have always said that Patricia V-5 looks like Sophia Loren. I was tickled that George Key made that comparison. I , in fact , have said that since she was a little girl. However, Patrica Mariana Valencia is mega Hispanic--with a touch of French and Italian as was disclosed by Mom V about 5 years ago---------Hasta La adieu, Bambinos
Thursday, February 4, 1999 at 14:16:41
Name: Darlene
E-Mail: babbet@pacbell.net
Message: My father owned Denny's BBQ on the corner of Imperial/Prairie. My brother and I graduated from the first two classes at Lennox High. Your rememberances are very clear in my mind, thanks for the site.....keep up the great work.
Thursday, February 4, 1999 at 13:35:59
Name: Peggy Webster
E-Mail: pegs4bmws@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 77
Message: Hi out there! This is my first visit to Cougartown. And what do I find but a picture of Roni (my sister) in What's New! Wow, Roni! Nice hair (-:
I don't see too many grads from the class of '77 on Cougartown. I'd love to hear from any of you!
Wednesday, February 3, 1999 at 23:00:37
Name: carl bryan
E-Mail: cbryan@nccn.net
Class: 66
Message: Shelley (who still don't know no better) and I are still here in Nevada City, Ca. 2 kids (John in Costa Rica and Chelsea nearby in Grass Valley with our grandson, Jack). Shelley is teaching 5th grade and I'm making book. Life gets better every single day. Hastalawago.
Wednesday, February 3, 1999 at 21:56:18
Name: George Key
E-Mail: Mathesh@AOL.com
Class: 80
Wednesday, February 3, 1999 at 20:44:47
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Maiden: V5
Class: 1974
Message: HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE! Hi Roni! Actually I have kept in close touch with Jerry LeBlanc and Sharon Netherton. We all had our first child(ren) within 6 months of each other!! And yes, I remember Driver's Training. I will always remember getting a flat tire, I don't think you were there that day.The instructor (don't remember his name) looked at me and I said 'The boys better start fixing that..." The instructor turned to me and said "why shouldn't you fix it? What will you do if this happens to you and you are alone?" Ok, I was young. It was a hot day. I said "I would find a phone, call my dad and he would fix it." The instructor said "good answer", made the boys fix the tire and took me to the liquor store and bought me a popsicle.
Note: Happy Birthday George
Wednesday, February 3, 1999 at 16:01:13
Name: Bill Otto
E-Mail: atticdj@yourinter.net
Message: Sounds and looks like the High School I went to in Western PA
Wednesday, February 3, 1999 at 14:07:46
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Ssshhhhhh! Listen everybody - it's a secret - and a surprise - GEORGE HUNTER IS 43 TODAY!! (Doesn't THAT make you feel old.....) Don't forget to send him Happy Old Guy wishes today - you can reach him at EZ4U2G@aol.com. - and if any of you can decipher what that screen name means would you please tell me?!?!?!
Wednesday, February 3, 1999 at 12:55:26
Name: Roni Kobel
E-Mail: Roni.Kobel@juno.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Hey, Sharon! Great to hear from you! Where did you see Beth?? I haven't seen her since Thanksgiving - Thousand Oaks might as well be New York. Are you still in the area? Planning the 25-year yet?? Yikes. I'm in Huntington Beach, married to Dave for 8.5 years, with 3 boys - Cory, 7, Wes, 5, and Connor, 4.
Patty V.- I got an email from Jerry LeBlanc a couple of days ago! Wow! A voice out of the past! Remember drivers training?? Scary.
Wednesday, February 3, 1999 at 01:01:19
Name: Patt
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: John I enjoy seeing all the feedback and the rapid loading of your pages.
Tuesday, February 2, 1999 at 23:20:24
Name: Carol Hudson
E-Mail: hudson@comtch.iea.com
Maiden: Singleton
Class: '64
Message: The Wink Martindale Show, the West Coast version of American Bandstand, featured some "regulars" from dear old Hawthorne High. The twins, Mary Ellen and Marie Elaine Singleton, Jeff and Greg Baldwin, Danny Delp, Rick and others rock and rolled to the sounds of Chubby Checker and Fats Domino. Regulars could even win 6 pacs of Coke to bring home after dancing on the live show. Anyone remember any of the other dancers?
Tuesday, February 2, 1999 at 20:05:31
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: Hey, Roni! Welcome aboard Starship Cougartown. I talked with your big sis a while ago; what a surprise this site has been- all kinds of folks from the past who live practically around the corner! It's pretty tough trying to keep up with those V-girls, but you T-girls have 'em outnumbered, so GO FOR IT!
Tuesday, February 2, 1999 at 18:13:42
Name: Cynthia
E-Mail: Mexilucy
Maiden: Valencia3
Class: 66
Message: Ray and friends.
I am V-3. John and Ray, you must understand that "mensito" is an affectionate term for "little stupid one". I don't know you Ray, but I continue to mother V-5 and V-6. I am sure that we will meet one day the way that Cougartown is bonding its members. Now you have a guardian---smart move. You have moved from "mensito" to
"listo". John, if you are going to get in the groove of the Hispanic V-girls, you must meet the
V-Mom who is alive and probably more energetic than most alumni even though she is 82 years old.
We were the only Hispanic family at Eucalyptus Elementary School for many years. I, personally look forward to meeting you one day. Ricki appears to already have made your acquaintance. This is not a surprise since she is V-1. Do you know Leo Valencia (V-2) or Carlos Valencia
(V-4)? We actually regailed the halls of HHS for 14 years. None of us were the famed GP. The Bierman's were always closely intermingled. It is somewhat Twilight zonish to relive the days of Hawthorne High. I would like to hear how Mr. Molitor is doing as well as Miss Imes and Michael Gold.
Note: V3, Yes I'm looking forward to meeting all the "V girls" and the Biermans too. I've already received email from Mom Bierman. Let's get Mom "V" online too. Heck, my Mom's taking computer lessons and will be online within a month. Look out for her boy. :o)
Tuesday, February 2, 1999 at 00:16:50
Name: J.B. Schroeder
E-Mail: j.b.schroeder@usa.net
Class: 64
Message: Hi to all and imagine my surprise to find a former Little League team mate running a nostalgia hot ring. Not to mention the fact that Dick Dixon is in Vermont. Check out the snow skiing. Having migrated back east in the 80's the snow and cold aren't all that bad once you get used to it. That only takes a couple of years. Anyway thanks for setting up the site and hope to talk to some of the nuggets of curiosity still itching my what ever happened to buttons. Regard from Ohio. J.B.
Note: Hey J.B., Glad you found the site. Don't be a stranger now. OH..... and go Optimidgets!!
Monday, February 1, 1999 at 23:19:45
Name: Roni Kobel
E-Mail: Roni.Kobel@juno.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Unbelieveable! How funny to see my own face staring at me on the What's New page! Who put that there???? (Thanks, Janet!) That picture was taken during an El Molino advertising campaign.
Cougartown is a lot of fun - I wish more people knew about it! So, who's out there???
Note: Hi Roni, I loved that pic and thought it should be placed where everyone could see what a "Happy Cougar" looked like. Enjoy
Name: V6 & V5
E-Mail: gpork/pvalencia2
Alias: Smith & Jones
Class: 76,74
Y C R B Y C H (You can run, but you cannot hide)
We have been rejected/avoided by people better than you, bucko.
Name: Barry Scheck
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Protected Witness: Ray Castillo
Class: 1973
Message: Mr. Key, in an effort to shield himself from impending doom, my client has enrolled in the Federally Protected Witness Program. He says fear of your yellow pads has left him no option! But prior to his going underground, he did state how wonderful it was that you have surfaced on the Cougartown Website. (Just between us though, he realizes that not even the F.P.W.P. can hide him from that pesky Valencia clan.)
Monday, February 1, 1999 at 07:24:36
Name: Dick Dixon
E-Mail: accessrd@aol.com
Class: '63
Message: Well Cougs, I'm off to the green mountain state of Vermont. Sold my publishing company to Hemmings Motor News and am going back to set it up for them as if they really need me - they were established in 1954. Back in March (after I freeze) and will maintain the same phone number 888-231-2272 or my home 888-963-RACE if anyone cares to find out the weather in Arlington, VT (new digs). Have an extra room if anyone cares to drop by on Historic Route 7A and see my neighbors the Rockwell's of Norman Rockwell days. Cool folks with the originals on their walls. This is a big change and I'd really appreciate hearing from anyone in light that I know no one there. Help, and remember the words, "reach out and touch someone" ME -- I could use the hi's from any HHS'ers, including Gary Nelson, Big John #2, Joyce, Rhonda and Rosie, Goldie, and of course Lynn Brooks, Paul Mackie and the cool people from Cougarland. See ya in the spring and Joyce and I are still going to put on the Spring Fling in Mid-May. We are working on it, the new location (Orange County'ish) and perhaps Gary Nelson could suggest a nifty location for gettin it on with KRLA, great BBQ and street rods galore. Till I here from you, be true to your school. Miss ya!
Note: Dicky, I've tried calling you and as far as getting the Spring Fling on KRLA.......It's talk radio now. Good luck in VT and tell the Rockwell's John says hey. :o)
Sunday, January 31, 1999 at 13:25:35
Name: George Key
E-Mail: Mathesh@AOL.COM
Class: 80
Message: RAY You need new friends. Dont ever trust a V girls advice, I already have a court date on the calendar. G.K.
Sunday, January 31, 1999 at 11:19:39
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been jones
Class: 76
Message: Sorry haven't signed in lately but have been checking in daily. Just don't have the time to do anything right now. Real busy. Finally signed contract with Gold's Gym Enterprises. I am Marketing Director worldwide (also part owner) for the Gold's Gym Vitamins and Supplements worldwide. So, I begin traveling extensively around July 99' I'mpicking up my laptop this week so I can stay in touch no matter where I am. When you see the commercials and print ads and the product on the shelves be sure to think about this former crazy HHS grad. We will definetely have the best products out there. I leave for hawaii on Tuesday and will be back around the 15th. But, I will be checking in and telling of my stories. Betsy i remeber Linda Spivak. She lived next door to me. She was my first (and only) experience at voyerism (?). She had the bedroom right across from me (with a low fence) curtains open...sorry, was just going into one of my hypnotic trances into the past. Anyway, I'm glad everyone is back (especially you John) and it's always a welcome sight reading Sharon, Susie, Gloria and other messages. Bet on Atlanta, and 5's and 9's have been good to me this month. Keith
Sunday, January 31, 1999 at 08:05:17
Name: betsy wright
E-Mail: bettsann@aol.com
Maiden: watts
Class: 76
Message: Dear Bud, funny how memory works. Vivid details of strange info, with gaps in between. I remember the concert, even how to do the Eagles cheer (yes I can still do cartwheels), but for the life of me, can't recall the rest. Was Linda Spivak with us, in a green car? She was usually my partner in crime that year.
Sunday, January 31, 1999 at 02:48:27
Name: Mike Cruikshank
E-Mail: Packrat3@pacbell.net
Class: 1982
Message: A great page about a great school. HHS provided me with some of the greatest things in life...an education, fond memories, first love, the BEST of friends, and a great foundation to face the future. Thank you HHS & to all the faculty that made the experience so wonderful!
Sunday, January 31, 1999 at 00:55:16
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman!
Class: 1974
Message: Ray-Mr. Key is JOKING.
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