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Saturday, January 30, 1999 at 20:24:00
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: Hodads Rule? I think it's as valid as the Ancient Sea Scrolls. Sorry to hear about the dreaded flu Patty. Granny Clampett was right, three days of bed rest, some possum stew, and you'll be good as new!
Saturday, January 30, 1999 at 20:20:58
Name: George Key
E-Mail: Mathesh@aol.com
Maiden: Dropout
Class: 1980
Message: Ray Castillo - don't have the foggiest idea of how to use this machine of the Devil but just wanted you to know I still have my yellow pad and am taking notes on all your computer statements. It is not too late for legal action. Besides, I have always known who the GP was but admired his genius too much to hang him. I have wondered many times if he is now a SS for FBI or the chairman of a Mafia group. Must sign off as my index finger is screaming with pain. Should have taken typing from Kye Courtney but his language always scorched my ears.
So long for now, G.K.
P.S. Patty . is a neighbor of mine but I had no idea the V girls were so scandalous. Of course we already knew about SB.
Note: Well what do you know....those Principals ALWAYS come back don't they. Mr. George Key, please add yourself to our email list and thank you for coming out of hiding, and onto our Feedback Page. Now we know you're out there, so please feel free to vent all those past frustrations that are bound up inside you. Actually now you can say what you REALLY wanted to say back then. :o) Thanks again and enjoy the site.
Saturday, January 30, 1999 at 16:55:34
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Maiden: V5
Class: 1974
Message: Not to disappoint everyone I thought I'd chime in :>). I've been down with the flu, and not even being voted in as the GP sidekick brought the energy to give feedback! It's been great seeing everyone's memories of the stores- I can still see the spray painted "Hodads Rule" on the side of Kresge's. Does that count as a valid landmark?!
Saturday, January 30, 1999 at 13:04:50
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: I've been fortunate enough to stay in contact with my friends from high school, the V-girls, Carmen Fischler, Janice Goodman, Valerie Hahlbeck. We are scattered to the four corners but even after long stretches of silence, can pick it up again just where we left off. Spent Mothers Day 98 together in San Diego and had a blast. I've truly been blessed. But I am starting to worry- no chattyword from Sue or Patty in days now. Not a peep out of Keith. No show from Glo.
Note: Don't worry Sharon. I'm sure they're just catching their breath.
Saturday, January 30, 1999 at 09:35:17
Name: Gary Nelson
E-Mail: Kruiszn@aol.com
Class: 60
Message: Loretta Cuiper: What a memory you have. I remember the party place very very well. Don't remember Joe but I do remember the female manager we had. Jerry Parker is still around and so is Ron Easton- remember him. See if Larry remembers the two candy apple car painters who would come in late at night with the great cars and girl friends (older women, 21-22!)- forgot the names, well known guys at that time- got lots of box boy attention, or the gal that would buy three grocery carts worth at a time and have 50 box boys helping her out- I think her dad owned the furniture store on Hawthorne Blvd.- forgot the name- Larry was probably one of them. Thanks for the info.
Friday, January 29, 1999 at 20:17:50
Name: Michael Allen
E-Mail: Onetaken@aol.com
Class: 1970
Message: I miss the friends you always say you'll keep in touch with, but never do. I miss the build up to the next football game. I miss the warm weather, (I now live in Okla.) the beach that I would sneak off to during my band class. Part of me will always be back there at dear old Hawthorne High.
Friday, January 29, 1999 at 11:46:26
Name: Loretta Cuiper
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: Hi, Gary Nelson
Larry was there from the end of 59 to beginning of 62. Jerry Parker was one of the guys, We stayed friends to the 70's and then lost where abouts of him. Wonder where he is? There was Joe Gondolfo, didn't go to Hawthorne, but was one of Larry's friends, lost where abouts of him in the 80's. Do you remember him, he went on to be the manager of the store. Larry just said do you remember the parties at the apartment complex on 104th, the Airplane path. This apartment had most of the Boys Market employees living there and the otherhalf were the Airline Crew. Do you remember? Funny how one person says one thing and it can trigger so many memories. P.S John, I love this sight. Keep up the good work----Bye
Friday, January 29, 1999 at 10:15:24
Name: Jon O'Brien
E-Mail: ssj4jon@fcmail.com
Message: my mom ginny may (bell) obrien (HHS69) told me about this place so i checked it out
Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 23:06:05
Name: Carol Hudson
E-Mail: hudson@comtch.iea.com
Maiden: Singleton
Class: 1964
Message: Wanting to locate Morningside High 1960 grad by the name of Rudy Rudenshire. He was an accomplished guitarist who often hung out with my sister, Mary Ellen (HHS Class of 60); and used to go skindiving with my husband, Doug (LHS Class of 62). Rudy, contact me regarding Mary Ellen if interested in renewing the acquaintance.
Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 22:54:30
Name: susan king
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Alan!!! You KNOW what a good girl I was - er, am - er, BOTH! YOU were my boyfriend!! And John, not another nickel if you squeal anymore! LOL - Actually, not enough votes were cast as the true GP has not yet been identified ALTHOUGH the suspects on the list are certainly worthy of mention!! And Alan, consider this, being out of school, you had all that free time to plan and execute the crime......
Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 21:43:50
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: Congratulations to Danny Fix. He won his battle against the Torrance P.D. today. He says the next stop is to get an injunction against the department so they won't ticket other motorcycle riders for the same non-offense. Next thing you know, it'll be against the law to smile on a cloudy day! Hey Rikki, you left out Bliman's Shoe Store. It was right next door to Clark's. Remember how for a great many years there was an empty lot next door to Clark's prior to the La Fiesta restraunt going in?
Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 21:26:49
Name: Gary Nelson
E-Mail: Kruiszn@aol.com
Class: 60
Message: Loretta Cuiper: What years did Larry work at Boys. I worked there for a few years along with about 12 others from HHS, will have to think back to name names. That's how we paid for the 409's, GTO's etc. I remember someone from Parks and Rec, coming in as well, probably Ricki Farrell.
Peggy Sarvis: I am looking for Dan Hurd, think he graduated in 59 along with Ron Evers, Terry Hughes and a few others. Maybe we can help each other if that would be of any help. E Mail who you are missing, etc.
Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 19:41:24
Name: Bud Rhoades
E-Mail: budrhoades@earthlink.net
Class: 74
Message: Hey Bets, even if Jack and I had directions I seriously doubt we would have had any luck finding the place. Who else was with us that night?
Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 16:54:47
Name: Alan Nelson
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: Just checked the votes for Green Phantom. Although Danny Winders may have had the disposition to do such a dasterdly deed, as he was class of '73, he was long gone before the crime took place. It is suspicious, however, that Susan is conspicuously ommitted from the list. Do I sense a conspiracy between our beloved site master and the beautiful damsel Bierman?? Hmmmmmmmm.
Note: Alan, Don't shoot the messenger here. All I did was tally the votes. and collect a little hush money. So there's no reason to blame the Webmaster. I can't believe she didn't receive one single solitary vote either. :o)
Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 12:09:15
Name: Stephanie Alhanati
E-Mail: SAlhanati@AOL.com
Maiden: Rogers
Class: 1970
Message: Really am enjoying this site! I just found it yesterday and I've been back about 10 times already. What about the Library? Or did you forget all about the library like you told your old man? I have an older half sister, Kitty Beal, who told me stories about some of the stuff that went on. I remember being in awe of the upper classmen, and even though I really enjoyed my time at HHS, I think that those of you who were there before my age group had it "made in the shade".
Clap your hands, stamp your feet, Hawthorne Cougars can't be beat!
Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 11:11:45
Name: Loretta Cuiper
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: Hi, Ricki Farrell
I'm one of many who still lives in Hawthorne and to answer your question regarding Boys Market, etc. My husband Larry was at one time a Box Boy there. Boys Market is now Ralphs, Clark Drug was changed just several years ago to Sav On, and the dime store now is a 99 cents store. Time has changed our town, but we still have good parts to Hawthorne. We have a daughter who will be going to her 10 Year reunion this year and a son who will graduate in the year 2000. Ricki, do come back and visit, we're still a nice town of people.
Note: Not too many people know this, but Loretta and I had this little puppy love thing goin' our Freshman year in high school. We'd walk home from school down Broadway and I'd carry her books and all. She's still as sweet as they come, and another "joined at the hip" friend. Thanks Loretta
Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 10:24:34
Name: Sharon MacDonald
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: Hadn't thought about the Boys Market in years. Remember the donut counter in the front of the store?
My first "real" job was at Clark Drugs making ice cream cones. My sister Pattie ('68) worked at Kresges on a work/study program. When I was at El Camino and she was at HHS, I would sometimes meet her for lunch there at the lunch counter.
There was a barber shop in the strip of shops on the side by the bank. The barber shop had a shoe shine stand where my younger sisters who went to St. Joseph's took their black & white saddle shoes every Saturday to be polished.
Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 10:23:36
Name: Pam Betraun
E-Mail: pbetraun2@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: Ricki,
Unfortunately all those stores have changed. Clarks is now a sav-on my friend Karen and I would spend hours in that store. Boys is now a Ralphs and Kresges is now a 99 cent store. Thanks for reminding me about Kresges. I used to love to go shopping with my Mom and then we would sit at the little cafe they had. I remember getting a soda in the silver holder that had the glass sitting inside and drinking with the paper straw. Oh the simple things in life. I really miss Hawthorne they way it used to be.
Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 08:02:47
Name: Don Matteson
E-Mail: dmatte6640@aol.com
Class: 70
Message: Thanks, Betty, for the nice remembrance of Lynn.
Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 01:11:55
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Did anyone ever shop for groceries at Boy's Market? I remember going in there to cash my checks from my Parks and Recreation coaches job for Hawthorne parks. It seems as though all the box boys were HHS kids. Even V6 was a box person. I remember spending my little allowance at Clark Drugs and Kresges. I wonder if they are still there. We should rent a couple of bullet proof busses and take a tour together and finish off at a nice park for a picnic. That would be a real kick. I wish I could meet you guys for dinner. I'll be thinking of you.
Wednesday, January 27, 1999 at 20:03:09
Name: Mike Shay
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Maiden: Hot Lips
Class: 61
Message: Hello John and all Cougars;
I just had to jump in and make a pest of myself. Kay-Kay almost got it perfect. Rena was actually the mother of Russ' wife Loretta. Those two ladies were the real sparkplugs of the business. In 1961 Barbara (my wife to be) went to work for them and we all became good friends. Loretta and her daughter Sherry threw Barbaras wedding shower in 1964. They were really nice people. The last we heard Russ and Loretta were living in Vista, CA
The place was actually "The Dairy Freeze" but to most of us it was just "Frosties". This was the place where you stopped for a cheeseburger and ended up staying for four hours just hangin out with the crowd and watchin' the cars go through.
( in those days a "drive by" meant you took off your header caps and lit up the tires.)
"Russ' Drive In" in Lawndale was on Inglewood Ave. between Manhattan Beach Bl. and Artesia.
Wednesday, January 27, 1999 at 04:14:22
Name: Miki Wan
E-Mail: backing1@prodigy.net
Maiden: Linda Reilly
Class: 68
Message: I remember dancing wildly at the Drop In, which is the Hawthorne Memorial Center on El Segundo.
I remember meeting at the laundromat before school and waiting for my friends, before school started. The laundromat was a warm place. I remember Mr. Garza (Latin) was looped most of the time, but very cool. I remember, that they wouldn't let girls take auto shop, regardless of your qualifications. I remember how as Freshmen, we were afraid to go into Senior Square. The cafeteria was okay, but going off campus for lunch was "the thing to do." I remember special people, and wish I knew where they were...and then wondering if we have anything in common anymore. Spending summers at the beach was what we looked forward to doing, you could never be too tan, too thin, too blonde, or too rich. Boy have things changed.
Wednesday, January 27, 1999 at 02:28:12
Name: karen kuehl
E-Mail: kaykay@tcsn.net
Maiden: graham
Class: 59
Message: Yes, Peggy you're right about Russ. But when it first opened in 1952 it was Foster Freeze and was owned by Rena Jones, Russ's mother who lived next door to us in Inglewood. She got upset with the Foster Freeze franchise people and quit. That's when it became Dairy Freeze in 1954. Rena was a wonderful lady. She had Russ build that little hamburger stand on the 133rd St. side. He ran the malt/ice cream shop while she cooked the burgers. Craig and my brother, Ron, were very close friends all through grade school, high school and later. When Rena died, Russ sold Frosties and started Russ's on Inglewood Ave just south of Compton Ave. My brother and Craig worked there together.
Frosties was the best place in town for a good burger. Rena never skimped on the meat and all the other goodies she put on them. What a great time we all had there after the games. I get such a good feeling remembering meeting all my friends there and rehashing the football, basketball games and talking about the "boys". Remember when Hawthorne Memorial Hospital was opened and they asked that we not blow our horns near there after a game? My mom let me use her 55 Ford convertible, and we'd pack as many girls in it as possible. What a blast!!! Those were really some good times.
Wednesday, January 27, 1999 at 01:08:24
Name: Patt
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: It was on January 25, 1963
I was on a blind date and double dating with my best friend. We had gone to a basketball game and then to P.V. We got busted but fortunately we were not hauled in,( My parents would have Killed us all!!)The cop asked us all for ID. My date gave me his drivers license to hold after we showed our ID to the cop. I inadvertently put it in my purse. The next morning at about 5 A.M. the date from the night before rang the doorbell and awakened my DAD asking for his drivers license. I did some fast talking to explain that one! Til the day they died my parents never( to my knowledge) knew the truth!
Christopher, the truth is out!! Now my granddaughter is the same age and I laugh to think they do not know what a 10:00 curfew is all about! I will not reveal the names of the other three but they can come clean if they dare!!
All HHS alumni!!
Dear Mrs. Mark made me write her a letter about the incident. One of the guys involved had a mother who worked at HHS and was a friend of Mrs. Mark. I wrote her 13 pages and she gave me an A for honesty, but my language needed help! My friend got a "G" as an "F" was too good for her!!
Wasn't Mrs. Mark the Greatest?
Another friend and I plastered her door with" GO NAVY" stickers!! We did not get caught either!
Note: Patt, It may have taken you 35 years or so, but at least you've come clean. I hope you feel relieved. :o)
Tuesday, January 26, 1999 at 17:24:44
Name: Joyce Chance
E-Mail: chancesr@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: Yes Patt,I was busted for curfew in P.V. they even took us to the Police station and gave my date and I a pretty good lecture. I was with an "Older Man", class of '60, we were riding a motorcycle at the time. Those were the "Good Old Days" :o)
Tuesday, January 26, 1999 at 16:34:57
Name: Betsy Wright
E-Mail: Bettsann@aol.com
Maiden: Watts
Class: 76
Message: Yea, Yea, I have a contest every morning in my drafting class to identify bands on the radio with seniors, and I always win!! I haven't yet told them about the Eagles bash. KMET wanted cheerleaders to introduce the Eagles on New Years, 1974, I think. Funny thing, these tough girls from Culver City showed up at the Shrine,thought they would kick our butts. We got to party backstage and meet Bonnie Raitt, Rondstadt, etc. Of course we were too young to think of taking pictures and have none, but do have the memory of shaking when I went to West Hollywood to meet Glenn Frey and Don Henley at some office with my yearbook!! My mom thought he was lying when he called me. I do miss my groupie days in LA but try to remember I have a son who is 18 and does not need any details!!!
As I recall, I never made it to the Bevery Wilshire cause I was in a car with Bud Rhoades & Jack Vallembois, who wouldn't ask for directions!
Tuesday, January 26, 1999 at 14:05:32
Name: Betty East
E-Mail: bettye@amgen.com
Maiden: Wright
Class: 74
Message: Wish my memories of HHS were as vivid as those I've been reading. Too much *@!# has happened in between those years and now. Thanks to the V-Girls and B-Girls for the history lesson.
Tuesday, January 26, 1999 at 11:59:21
Name: Gary Sigritz
E-Mail: KSigritz@aol.com
Class: 1960
Message: Thanks to Gary Nelson (Kruiszn)for the connect and notifying me of this site. You have done a great job and I will enjoy the fun times ahead. Boy do I miss the A&W on friday nite.
Thanks again Gary Sigritz
Tuesday, January 26, 1999 at 10:32:41
Name: Peggy Sarvis
E-Mail: peggy.w.sarvis@boeing.com
Maiden: Westbrook
Class: 1959
Message: The class of 1959 is planning a 40th year reunion this summer. So, we are looking for those missing in action .You will be receiving more information later in February. So if you have addresses of classmates, please let me know.
By the way, Dairy Frosties in 1955-1959 was known as Russ'. The owner, Russ was a great friend to the kids at Hawthorne. Attended all the football games. We used to cruise Hawthorne Blvd. from Imperial to Manhattan Beach Blvd. after games and the place to be seen was Russ'. Those were some wonderful memories. Thanks for bringing them back. By the way, the pictures that you have of Dairy Freeze was some of the annual staff for '59.
Note: Peggy, Thanks for checking in. Yes Russ Seyb was his name and he WAS a great guy too. His son, Craig graduated from HHS in 63 and I think he had a daughter alumnus too. Please keep me apprised of the 59 Reunion as I need to put it on the reunions page.
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