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Tuesday, January 26, 1999 at 00:31:29
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Good gravy, now you all can see what I have been up against all these/those years. Baby sisters just itching to get into the fray.....I was always dragging her outta some dangerous situation! And if you think the little voice is sweet and harmless wait till you get a look at the innocent little face that goes with it! This is the same child who, after she and the sophomore cheerleaders opened with a cheer onstage at the Shrine Auditorium for the Eagles (75?) -- (Betsy, I think YOU arranged that) she accepted the invitation to go back to their hotel afterwards and join all the other groupies doing God knows what in the suite! I allowed her (chaperoned by me of course) to take the elevator to their floor and peek in the room at the band and the entourage and her heartthrob Jackson Browne and then hauled her on outta there. Oddly enough, today she is a model of sensibility and responsible living for a whole scad of cub scouts!! But every now and then, her "other" self comes thru...... .hahahhahaha, I love you baby sis.
Tuesday, January 26, 1999 at 00:23:08
Name: Patt Deckard
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: Does any one else remember getting busted by the cops for being at P.V. after curfew?
Note: Patt, I wasn't THAT kind of boy. :o) I want to hear about your experience though.
Monday, January 25, 1999 at 21:20:17
Name: Shy Sharon
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: misstimid
Class: 76
Message: kinda sorry the feud is over. looked like fists were gonna start flying. let's see- who else can we offend?
Note: Quick, Somebody grab Sharon.
Monday, January 25, 1999 at 21:18:37
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Maiden: Bond, James Bond
Class: 1974
Message: Gosh I love big and little sisters, even when they are someone else's... I have now reconsidered biting Ray's ears(as in Mike Tyson).
Monday, January 25, 1999 at 20:07:34
Class: 60!
Note: Consider it done Russ......I mean El Rojo.
Monday, January 25, 1999 at 18:18:03
Name: Linda McDowell-Shahian
E-Mail: Southpaw53@aol.com
Maiden: McDowell
Class: '62
Message: Penny Mitchell (Sickles) and I would love to locate our dear, long, lost friend, John Lasley, aka Van Van Pelt. He was last known to be living in the San Francisco area. If anyone who reads this message has any knowledge of John/Van or of his mother, Marge Spencer, please email me A.S.A.P Thank-you!!
Monday, January 25, 1999 at 18:13:04
Name: Cynthia Valencia
E-Mail: Mexilucy
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 66
Message: Ray Castillo, you "protesteth too much". Them's fightin' words. Patty could out duel you both literally and figuratively. You don't know who you are messin' with, mensito.
P.S. You did it. You did it. You did it!
Note: What's a "mensito".
Monday, January 25, 1999 at 07:42:27
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: I never heard about any bomb threats at HHS. I did, however, know several students who were "bombed" on a daily basis. Perhaps this is where the misunderstanding lies.
Monday, January 25, 1999 at 06:12:49
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: Hi Patty and Gloria! Don't worry, no apology needed. I can certainly understand that printed text sometimes doesn't play like the spoken word.I do however, enjoy both Bombeck and King. It's nice to see all the names from days gone by, and I love each and every memory this page brings. I hope it continues forever.
Sunday, January 24, 1999 at 23:59:13
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
Message: I attended a LHS-PTSA meeting tonight at Marie Callendars in Gardena. I was the only Cougar there and was treated rather kindly too. Anyway, Leuzinger High is having a Memorabilia Day at their school on March 5 from 9am to 2pm. I will post the details in a few days, but it looks like a fun time. There'll be guest speakers and former teachers in attendance and a buffet lunch will be served. Alumni from all years will be present so make your plans now.
Sunday, January 24, 1999 at 23:49:26
Name: Gloria Herlosky
E-Mail: gpork@aol.com
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 1976
Message: Ray, I know you have misunderstood my sister Patty's attempt at levity on her latest feedback, regarding you. She and I have fond memories of you from our time in the Music Man and your barber shop quartet! No way was she being accusatory. She meant it in fun. Also, I had the pleasure of a surprise phone call tonight from Danny Fix! He sounds exactly the same and mentioned your name. (fondly, of course.) Please understand our endeavors to sound like Erma Bombeck, actually are more like Stephen King at times!
Note: Ray, The "V" girls are starting to circle the wagons.
Sunday, January 24, 1999 at 23:39:44
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: Pvalencia2@aol.com
Maiden: Mud
Class: 1974
Message: Ray I wasn't accusing you of anything and I am sorry that you took my last posting as such. It was fun to see your anecdotes, so eloquently written - I can hear your voice through your words. I know you didn't do those things during high school because I knew you. If you don't already, you should write scripts, because I could actually see that teenager's knees knocking! And, I too, have not changed since you last knew me. I still don't believe in endangering others or in being mean to people or mean-spirited, life is too short. Please accept this as a public apology. I didn't mean this to be anything but funny. Obviously it wasn't.
Note: I was laughing.
Sunday, January 24, 1999 at 20:06:47
Name: Ray Castillo
Class: 1973
Message: Okay Patty, you asked, you got it. I firmly deny EVER having ANYTHING to do with ANY BOMB THREATS at ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, period. Further, I firmly deny having been the Green Phantom. And although I know I'm no Saint, I certainly can't recall ever being too appreciative of those who would care to deface anything. I did think that the Phantom had a certain flair at drawing attention to himself, and I suspect that he had a good sense of humor. I believe his(her) place as a supreme practical jokester is secure in Hawthorne High's history. Patty, a joke at the expense of anybody's safety fails to be funny. Wouldn't you agree? Thanks for the tip about Danny "Lil' Devil" Fix. I'm many miles removed from a copy of the Daily Breeze, and would appreciate seeing the article. I got my usual Christmas letter from him, and it didn't mention any debate with the Torrance P.D.-- As always, I wish him the best!!! In closing Patti, I'd appreciate your re-reading my original letter in which I stated that I thought it would have cheapened the joke if the Phantom was also being so stupid as to call in threats.(Isn't this page a hoot?"
Sunday, January 24, 1999 at 14:52:26
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Maiden: V5
Class: 1974
Message: Well, well, well. Ray, get with the program. We aren't supposed to be confirming who is or isn't the Phantom. Or is this a ploy to get us to believe you, of all people, that you didn't influence younger kids to 'deface' public property? Ok, let's say you weren't the GP. What about the bomb threats? I didn't read any denials on that accusation, Mr. Castillo!!! :>) By the way, re:Danny Fix. If you want an update, check out Sunday's Daily Breeze, the front page of Section B is devoted to him and his motorcycle helmet debate with the Torrance police.
Sunday, January 24, 1999 at 12:32:48
Name: Ray Castillo
Class: 1973
Message: I've noticed a particular amount of attention as to the identity of the fabled "Green Phantom". He was the merry prankster who painted the little green footprints on some of our classrooms, and on Nyman Hall. I've never heard of anyone else being called into George Key's office and interrogated over his identity, but I know I was. I was standing outside of Danny Fix's classroom one day, waiting for Danny to show up. He was customarily three to five minutes late on a daily basis. Anyway, there we were, all gossiping and having a wonderful time, and there I was assurring a couple of people that of course, I was the Phantom, (which was a pile of B.S.) when all of a sudden, Danny's class door opens. There stands Danny with that chesire grin of his, and his forehead pulled upwards. He was inside the class the whole time, drinking his customary heavily creamed coffee, enjoying the gab fest. So, class ends, mundane life goes on, and during the next period, I'm summoned to George Key's office. Now remember that the rule of thumb was that you spoke with your counsellor, then your Vice-Principal. Geez, I'd never seen the inside of Mr. Key's office! Well, there sits affable George, this guy who always smiled, and waived, and said hello, and told me how much he liked or drama productions, and gave me a pat on the back. But this time, the air was different. There was no smile, no easy-going nice fellow. Here's this stern stereotypical Highschool Principal taking a depostion from a student. He even had the yellow legal pad out, and was scribbling as fast as I could talk. After I swore on everything Holy that I was just kidding, that I had no idea who the Phantom was, or where he could be found, or what he was going to paint on next, or even what kind of toothpaste he used, Mr. Key put the note pad down on his desk, eased back in his chair,and put both hands behind his head. He looked upward, and then told me why the big commotion. He said that Mr. Fix had spoken with him, and that he told Mr. Key exactly what he had heard. He said that the problem was deeper than little green footprints. Evidently, along with the paintings, the school was receiving bomb threats. Mr. Key was cautious in saying that they weren't certain that the threats and the Phantom were connected, but there was a good amount of circumstantial evidence to support that theory. I stuck out my grubby little paw, shook his hand, and walked out of his office with my knees still knocking. The next time I saw Danny Fix, he asked if I had had a chat with George. I called him a couple of expletives, and after two minutes of discussion, we carried on with what has turned into a lifetime friendship. Now as for the guy who voted for John Heine....THERE IS NO WAY John Heine was the Phantom. John is my brother-in-law, and he's the best brother-in-law on the planet, and he loves a good prank maybe more than the next guy. BUT in the FIRST PLACE, he's not old enough to have been the Phantom, and in the SECOND PLACE, he HATES TO PAINT!! I wish everybody well in their search, and if the real Phantom is reading this, I want to thank him for the memories. I also would like him or her to state for the record that they had nothing to do with any bomb threats, as it would cheapen their trick considerably. By the way, after that day, I always stood on the brick planter outside Bldg.22 Rm.3 to make sure Danny-Boy wasn't sitting there!!!!
Note: Ray, Great stuff. Thanks for the GP update. I still think it was you.
Saturday, January 23, 1999 at 22:46:13
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: John, at least you will know how many of us consider you a reliable source. I had already contacted almost everyone I know. Like yourself, I believe in checking email addresses at least every 6 months.
Strangely, I am receiving all of Sue King's mail from you, Patty and others. I haven't figured out why. I feel as though I were listening in on a private phone conversation. Nothing really juicy yet though.
Note: Ricki, Yeah my credibility went right down the outhouse hole last night all right. I think I'll stick to the website and pass that political stuff off to Karen Graham Kuehl (59), Marsha Soares West(63) and Rob Williams (90). I had actually written the letter, addressed the envelope, and added the stamp. What a Maroon!!
Saturday, January 23, 1999 at 21:45:36
Name: Kathy Stonebraker
E-Mail: stoney@ca-connection.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: Any information about a class of 1974 25 year reunion?? It would be alot of fun. We missed the 20 year reunion.
Friday, January 22, 1999 at 21:01:12
Name: susan king
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: bierman
Class: 1974
Message: OMIGOD, Sharon Bierman, like ANYONE was gonna buy that one - remember there is an entire student body who is collectively raising their eyebrows at this very minute!! I remember being the sane one along with the other big sisters trying to keep you little sisters out of trouble!!
Note: Click here to see the results.
Friday, January 22, 1999 at 17:51:38
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: And, John, just in case you were wondering...
I *AM* the shy one!
Note: Sharon, The way I see it is Bierman or Valencia, and "SHY" don't belong in the same Building!! :o)
Friday, January 22, 1999 at 15:41:29
Name: Sandy
E-Mail: sandsy00@earthlink.net
Maiden: Snyder
Class: 1962
Message: It is great to see some familiar names being added
almost daily. I was wondering if anyone has relocated to Las Vegas, NV. I moved here from CA
Sept. 1997 and love it. I know that Sandy Tully also moved here at the same time, haven't had a chance to talk to her yet. So if there is anyone else out there, please e-mail me
Friday, January 22, 1999 at 09:53:31
Name: Dick Dixon
E-Mail: accessrd@aol.com
Class: '63
Message: I don't know how many Cougs live in VT but count me as one who is relocating there on a part time basis. Sold my company to Hemmings Motor News (the largest automotive publisher in the world) and am leaving SoCal 2/1 to set up shop in Bennington. This doesn't make me a fat rich cat just a cold cat in 40 inches of snow. I'll be back monthly to SoCal and am looking forward to hearing from ya-all anytime. Have a nice place in Arlington, VT with an extra room (B&B for HHS'ers) and will miss the smog, traffic and my pals. But remember the street rod shows are here and I'll be back. We will still work on that Spring Fling and I'm seeing Joyce Savisky '62 to work out the ongoing details. Be in touch. My toll free number will remain the same 888-231-2272 or 800-CAR HERE. Be true to your school cougs.
Thursday, January 21, 1999 at 23:58:00
Name: susan king
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Geez! First I get a bunch of lip about "overkill" and then they're begging for more!! Unless you were referring to the other 3 Biermans......I was stepping back in case some folks were living vicariously thru this medium.....You know, it's HARD not to chime in when you grew up running with the likes of the V-girls, Murrays, Dowells, Petros', etc. Life was one big gab-fest and that's the way I LIKE IT!!! I think it's George's turn.....or Randy's, or Danny's or Barry's, or Bud's or Alan's.....by the way I chaperoned D-land Grad Nite this year with my daughter's class - my advice: Don't do it!! hahahahhahaha. Those kids are wild!! (j/k)
Note: Click here to venture a guess.
Nowadays they check their purses for a powdery substance all right, but it's not Oxydol they're lookin' for. :o)
Thursday, January 21, 1999 at 22:45:35
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Hi, V1 here. I noticed that you already heard from V6. The inbetweeners are always last. V6 and I are the Virgos. Soooo you class of '62ers done a dirty deed at Disneyland too. I think that what you described is more up to the Disney standards. You know, color etc. I remember when the Disney TV show had the best color on television: "The Wonderful World of Color."
Note: V1, Yeah anybody can do them whitey ol' bubbles. Actually I heard from JakeJude (Russ Jacobsen '60) last night and he explained to me what the class of 58 did. We later classes were lucky they let us in. I'll let him tell it.
Thursday, January 21, 1999 at 22:41:58
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: I'm still checking in. I'm still alive. I must be experiencing some level of shock (and flattery) at being accused of being the Green Phantom. Let's see, 2 votes, Ricki, Gloria, oh, Cynthia must not have yet voted. A typical V-Girl tactic. Or, Susie, Sharon = 2 votes, a typical B-Girl tactic. Can't explain the George votes. Can guess at the Keith votes! Peace, love, etc
Thursday, January 21, 1999 at 21:55:16
E-Mail: clowns@aa.net
Note: Hey Don, Thanks for checking in. This site is for all us SO. BAYer's so come on back once in a while.
Thursday, January 21, 1999 at 19:52:52
Name: gloria Herlosky
E-Mail: gpork
Maiden: valencia
Class: 76
Message: Hi John, V6 here. We haven't forgotten you or the feedback page, just typical, daily "life" keeps interrupting my time in cougartown! I want to tell the class of "79 to make sure they get a program that includes pictures. Our ten year reunion did that, but our 20 year (oh my God, it's been over 20 yrs!!!:{ Did not do that. And I would have gladly spent some extra money to have pictures of my former classmates; as I am certain many of them would. We may look in the mirror and seem like 40+ yr olds to the rest of the world; however, to me, everyone still looked 17! Take care, and in the words of Aristotle, (or was it O.Harrison?), Peace, love and harmony!
Note: V6, Thanks. I feel better now. :o)
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