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Friday, February 12, 1999 at 10:08:25
Name: Alan Nelson
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: John, I accept the assignment. Just let me know when and where. No siren though, I'll be undercover so's the "Mob" won't know I'm onto them. And remember, if I'm captured or killed you and the secretary must disavow any knowledge of my existence. This message will self destruct in 5 seconds. 5....4....3...2...........
Note: 10-4........"Annie Annie Over and Out!!"
Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 23:58:44
Name: Bob Campbell
E-Mail: soup44@earthlink.net
Class: 86
Message: Wow... Rick Pierson is still alive and well!! Great to see it.
Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 23:24:17
Name: Roni Kobel
E-Mail: roni.kobel@juno.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: V-5, actually, it's the 75'ers who are going on the reunion cruise, so, of course, THEY should buy, that is, IF they're INVITED!
Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 23:07:43
Name: Squirts McGee
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
AKA: Da Brain
Class: 1974
Message: I almost forgot, and that's hard for da Brain to do, why not Vegas? Get Keith Jones, aka da Man, to set it up. Da Enforcer could help. Back Alley Sally could be called into play. And Frank Robs- You-Romano could pitch in. Time to awaken the moles of the outfit. Ingrid Larceny Larson, are you listenin?
Note: OK, but I'm NOT goin' without backup see. So Alan "Rubber Hose" Nelson, the Pro Bono Cougartown bodyguard will have to make it up from Parker to watch my backside while I'm hobnobbin' with dah mob girls. Come on Alan, no drinkin' on the job, but I'll buy you a beer AFTER the B's and V's have left the building.....whattayasay? OH.... and bring Tom Mosher with you, but don't let him play with the siren on the way up.
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
AKA: Squirts McGee
Class: 1974
Message: Oh, wait a second. What is that I hear? Oh I think it is silence. Finally after 8 straight days (except for one wild reunion dinner) my children were well enough to go back to school. I can visit Cougartown again. I can be 17 again. Whoopppeeeeee. Ok. What about this lawlessness? And, ALAN, what do you mean we don't look exactly the same as we did 25 years ago? Didn't you read the male guidebook of how to answer female questions? What is wrong with you? And the mini reunion was not held to exclude people, it was a wonderful excuse to buy John dinner since it seemed like the B girls and the V girls arrived en masse and ate Cougartown! :>) We, and I'm sure I speak for all of us, well, I'd like to think I speak for most of us. Maybe I'm just speaking for me, think it would be great to revisit Margaritaville with a bunch of alumni. I think the 76'ers should buy since they can afford to go on a cruise for their next reunion. Or maybe the 1-800 guy, oh wait, he's already springing for the reunion fling. OK, maybe we should go dutch. If any non-HHSers try to break in on the party, I'll get da enforcer to bounce them out. And, I like the 'handle' Jorge Llave. Good job, JL. Thanks for the pictorial John, although there aren't many people who live outside of the witness protection program who know these things about the gang. This internet is really hurting our confidentiality.
Note: "Well dip me in Skid Row bath water and roll me through a Flop House!!" It's....It's "The Brains" AKA: "Squirts McGee". They're almost all back. I won't sleep all night tonight, that's for sure. You know.....come to think of it, we haven't heard from "Jorge" in a few days. I wonder.........
Name: Cynthia
E-Mail: Mexilucy
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 66
Message: The V and B girls still look great! V-1 and I
(V-3) will show at our next reunion. I am glad that all of you had a great time. No one would have gotten a word in edgewise if all the V's and B's were together at the same time. However, now that you have been exposed to 50% of the V-girls, you can be transitioned into the full complement. V-5 and V-6 are already contemplating the next get together. I would love for it to be here in Las Vegas. We would have a blast!
I hear you are quite the man, John!
Note: Well if it isn't V3 AKA: "Back Alley Sally"
You're not gonna get me to let MY guard down by giving me that old "QUITE A MAN" line nosiree!! I bet you'd like to get us all in Las Vegas wouldn't ya'..... You know, take us for a "little ride" out by the Lake. I don't think so missy. I haven't heard from Ray Castillo in a couple of days. Gee...... I hope he didn't go through Vegas on his way to the Mardi Gras. :o)
Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 17:58:55
Name: Swifty
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: unlisted
Class: 76
Message: HAH! Not only is it dark underground, it's quiet too! The Brains is plotting her next evil move;
Me 'n Ice are waiting for our assignments. I already toldja about the Enforcer- sneaks up on ya! Just giving you some time to let your guard down, then..... WHAM!
Note: Swifty, I'm not lettin' my guard down boy. I've been lookin' over MY shoulder all week. I guess "The Iceman" is out looking for another boyfriend by now. Gee, I hope she didn't "OFF" big Al. What IS a Griffon anyway. Is it like one of those flying squirrels or sumpthin'?
Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 17:48:57
Name: Mike Shay
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Class: 61
Message: Hey There,
You did a great job on Bob Frasers " CAR TALK " page. I don't seem to remember the car at all. He probably bought it about the time I started going with Barbara and 409 Chevys didn't seem all that important to me any more (What an idiot).
I do remember Bob though, He lived right next door to the Shelleys and he had his own "pad" right behind his moms house. Bob had every record that a black group made between 1955 and 1965. He was definitely the king of Rhythm and Blues. I think he worked at the Green Farms BBQ joint part time as well.
When I read about you sitting in his 409 at Kenneth Chevrolet it reminded me of late 1962 when Kenneth got in the very first split window, fast-back Stingray Corvette. I was sitting in that thing ( and lusting for it )wondering how anyone could afford $4,000.00 for a new car...I'm no closer to buying one now than I was then.....Keep up the good work.
Note: Hey Michael, Just talked to Big Bob Fraser last night and asked him if he wanted to go to the Long Beach car swap meet on Sunday. I know you're going to the cabin this weekend or you coulda' come with us. Have a good time and I'll talk to you next week.
Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 15:58:48
Name: bill snyder
E-Mail: griggit@earthnet.com
Class: 78
Message: Here's some Hawthorne trivia. If you graduated from Saint Joseph's around '74, you probably remember I guy by the name of Gary DePiero. He went to Hawthorne for a short time. He was an extra in the movie Animal House. He is all over that movie. Next time you see the movie, watch for the scene when the pledges first show up at the "animal house". Gary is in the group of guys playing cards. He's got a cigarette hanging from his mouth.You can't miss him.
Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 15:14:06
Name: Karen Mahoney
E-Mail: Kareb65@pacbell.net
Maiden: Mahoney
Class: 83
Message: What's up to the Class of "83"
Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 10:04:21
Name: Alan Nelson
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: John, I think most are recuperating from the conspiracy meeting at Cozymel's. And, yes, I will accept the job offer as Cougartown's Constable. (I'll even work pro-bono) I will return Law and Order to this out-of-control community.
While I'm here I seem to have lost two very important yearbooks. 71/72 and 72/73. If anyone has extras, or knows where to obtain them, please e-mail me with the info and your price. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all and God Bless.
Note: Alan, I think now that their cover is blown, they've moved on.
Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 01:39:44
Name: Delia Garza
E-Mail: delia.garza@usa.net
Maiden: Yawnick
Class: 86
Message: Ricky... Slammin' down margaritas and laughing... I'm there! Let's find more 80's alumni!!!
Wednesday, February 10, 1999 at 21:35:54
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Hello.......Is this thing on?? Where did everyone go?
Wednesday, February 10, 1999 at 19:45:08
Name: Kathleen Griffin
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: I can't stand it any longer! Why wasn't this shindig posted out here where the rest of us locals might have joined in?
Note: Kathleen, This was a spur of the moment action by the V's and the B's. We will have more of these in the future. As far as that Griffon thing.... I thought it was more like those flying monkey thingys in the Wizard of Oz. :o) Now Daryl, you know I'm just kidding.
Wednesday, February 10, 1999 at 07:44:30
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: Jorge, Hurrumph is not Spanish, it's French-Irish.
Note: I thought that was "MOB TALK".
Wednesday, February 10, 1999 at 00:18:02
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: Hey all, nice to see all the pictures. George, glad to see you think the same about the Washingtonians as I do. We're on our way to the Mardi Gras, Debbie and I hope to see some juicy stories upon our return. I don't understand, she says I can't take my binoculars.
Tuesday, February 9, 1999 at 20:41:39
Name: Alan Nelson
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: Judging by the pics, I missed a pretty wild shindig. But you all screwed up. I can get the REAL story from Tom Mosher. I will threaten the rubber hose routine until I squeeze the the truth out. Amazing how the pictures of the "B" and "V" girls are just like I remember them. (yeah, right)
Note: "Rubber hose routine".....You sound like my kinda lawman Alan. Wanna take over for "Al"? I pay 30 bucks a day plus expenses.
Tuesday, February 9, 1999 at 18:26:18
Name: randy chapman
E-Mail: tworandys@juno.com
Class: 71
Message: Memories:
Phil's Bike Shop; Western Surplus; Officer Reinke (Hawthorne P.D.)
Tuesday, February 9, 1999 at 18:23:00
Name: Jorge Llaves
E-Mail: Mathesh@AOL.com
Message: Yo no hable o comprende el espano. Que es hurrumph? Mine Gott- Ray Garza would have a fit. Rest his soul in peace.
Note: Jorge, Mr. Manny Pizarro is shaking his head a little too. :o)
Tuesday, February 9, 1999 at 11:40:57
Name: Joyce Chance
E-Mail: chancesr@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: Hey Carol, Remember double dating and "PARKING" at the Airport? :o)
Tuesday, February 9, 1999 at 11:40:26
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
AKA: Swifty
Class: 76
Message: Big John Baker isn't telling the whole story here... GO HERE if you want the whole sordid story on what
really went down in MB Saturday night. Now that my covers blown I'll have to go underground... Too bad, hard to work on a tan down there. Mr. Key managed to retain his sterling reputation by only pretending to imbibe; I caught a glimpse of him pouring his Shirley Temple into the potted plant - Don't mention the fact that it was a silk plant... Mr.JB, it was TOO MUCH FUN meeting you. Let's all pinkie swear to get together again REAL SOON. We need room to roam around next time; too hard to swap spy stories sitting around a table. I nominate Patty "The Brains" abode (aka "hole in the wall." I'd offer my house but the
sheriff doesn't allow mobsters into our part of town. Sue "Iceman" King wasn't looking for her eyeglasses, she was looking for her margarita glass. Good thing it wasn't on her head! (Yet!) The one to watch is Glo "The Enforcer"
aka V6- she sneaks up on ya! Big Al of course has lots of splainin to do, now that the beans are spilled. Griffon, my ... er... foot! And Jerry LeBlanc, what a pleasure to meet the only sane person at the table (aside from moi.) Mr. Fix you are still a nut, just as Glo used to describe you in High School. Mr. Mosher, what a pleasure to meet you, as I said, I wanted to take auto shop in HS but my dad said NO WAY-
girls don't take auto shop. Now of course I can't even change a flat tire. I think he was afraid I'd meet a masher in class... not a MOSHER.
We all have John Baker to thank for this reunion; a nicer guy I haven't met. Thanks, John, you're a peach! Okay everyone - all together now - PINKIE SWEAR !
Note: Sharon AKA: Swifty, I had a blast with you guys the other night and I "pinkie swear" on a stack of El Molinos that I'll be there next time too. That George Key can "Party" can't he. A nicer guy, they haven't made yet, and Al...OOPs, I mean Daryl; I was just clownin' with that Griffon joke. What the "H-E-double hockey sticks" is a Griffon anyway. Now if we could just get Sue "The Ice Man" to loosen up a bit. :o)
And to "Patty dah Brains" and "Gloria dah Enforcer", and all the rest. You are the greatest. Maybe next time we can get the other "V" girls to show. Thank you all for a wonderful evening. It just went too darned fast.
Tuesday, February 9, 1999 at 00:14:49
Name: Rick Straube
E-Mail: LordCruiser@juno.com
Class: 1972
Message: Well, you know what they say, "If you can remember the 70's. you weren't really there". But hey, I just heard about this site from another ol' friend in Reno, so if any of you remember me, drop me a note. I moved away long ago and have really lost touch with all my old chums. C-ya!
Monday, February 8, 1999 at 12:23:45
Name: Ricky Pierson
E-Mail: rpierso1@irf.com
Class: 86
Message: I was just wondering if any HHS alumni from the mid to late 80's ever check in on this page? What a great forum John has provided us all. I think it is great that all the alumni from the 60's and 70's are using this page to organize reunions and informal get togethers to slam down margaritas and have a few laughs :) What about it 80's alumni???
Monday, February 8, 1999 at 10:45:13
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Maiden: Gloria's sister
Class: 1974
Message: Hello all,
Now for the real scoop. Brother, do those educators drink :>). It was a fun night, especially reading everyone's El Molino! Good food, fun, new and renewed friendships. And we all looked great before and after the 4th or 5th pitcher. Whose house should we tp next, B girls? And Beverly, you would have been proud of Gloria and me too. I also had a blast going to the bathroom not just with one girl, but 3. It WAS just like high school. Except when Danny Fix walked us out to the parking lot it was to look at pictures of grandchildren, even though he still had a chance to check up on us to make sure that life was treating us well. You can take the teacher out of school, but you can't take the teacher caring out of a person, eh? Thanks to all of you for joining us, and, let's all bring a friend other than George Key. (Hurrumph).
Sunday, February 7, 1999 at 21:18:07
Name: George Key
E-Mail: Mathesh@AOL.com
Maiden: Dropout
Class: 80
Message: Sorry Ray, I am not from Washington and I do not make covert deals concerning my yellow pad. And you just got another strike against you. The audacity to infer that your educational leader would imbibe.
Thanks to John for all the work he is doing to give us all this fun. Next fiesta lets all bring a friend. I mean someone besides a V or B girl. You all get to bed as first period will start at 7:03 tomorrow. G.K.
Note: George, I'm the one having the FUN here. By the way, I'll meet you back at Cozymels for another pitcher of Margaritas. This time I'M buying.
Sunday, February 7, 1999 at 15:26:14
Name: Roni Kobel
E-Mail: roni.kobel@juno.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Sounds like a riotous shindig! And how WERE the tools, uh, margaritas? Even Mr. Danny Fix was there, huh? Reminds me of an unforgettable night in Nyman Hall. We were in the middle of a Wizard of Oz performance, and I was seriously singing "Over the Rainbow". For some unknown reason, the entire audience was cracking up. My fragile self-esteem suffered until I realized that my darling Toto was on the other side of the stage nosing around on the bed as if she were preparing to, well, let's say, leave her mark. I'm not sure I ever recovered... Was anyone there that night?
Sunday, February 7, 1999 at 00:45:13
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
Message: I just have to say that I went to dinner with the Elite of the 70's Alumni and Faculty tonight. Mr George Key, you are the greatest. Now I know why everyone thinks the world of you.
Mr. Danny Fix was there. What a great guy. He also wants to set the record straight on the little rascals thing. He wasn't one of the little rascals, He was in the silents, before the little rascals with Mickey Rooney, then known as Mickey McGuire. I can see why he was so well liked by all who knew him.
Tom Mosher was there too. He's now teaching in Parker AZ. Alan Nelson, Tom said to say hi to you. I guess these two ex HHSers are neighbors now.
Jerry LeBlanc class of 73 was there. Thanks Jerry for showing up. It was nice to meet you too. Nice people, those 73ers.
Then there were the Biermans (Sharon and Sue. Beverly, I don't know where you get Sue as being shy :o) you have two here that you can be extremely proud of. OH, and Daryl, you're OK too.) ,and the Valencias (Gloria and Patty). Gloria came all the way from Las Vegas to be there tonight and Patty didn't hardly get rowdy all night :o). What can I say......well they bought my dinner OK. No really they aren't that bad. :o) Just Kidding. I loved these people. I know the next time we do this, it will be even MORE relaxed. I actually hadn't met ANY of these people before. Yet it seemed I knew them all. We had a great time and, like most reunions, the time went way too fast. There will be pictures of this mini-reunion so be looking for them. Thank you all for buying my dinner and thanks for everything. I'm calling the Cougar "Towner". He's peering down at me from on top of my monitor where he'll stay. OH and we WILL do this again.
Sunday, February 7, 1999 at 00:24:26
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Maiden: mensito
Class: 1973
Message: Hey George, it appears as though you might have a soft spot for or an appreciation of superb brews. One of my hobbies over the past few years has been the fine art of brewing. Perhaps we could cut a deal..... My homebrew for your burning of certain yellow pads???? Whaddya say??
Saturday, February 6, 1999 at 23:47:38
Name: Barry Scheck
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Protected Witness
Class: 1973
Message: Hi Sue. Secret Shmecret, my sources say you had a covert meeting with George Key, the Valencia clan, and Danny Fix at the Cozy-Mel in Manhattan. I wonder if this is the same location that was once "Tequila Willie's." Boy, this Federal Witness thing is kind of a drag, I really wanted to be there, but the "Feds" said "No Way, Jose!"
Hope all had a great time.... signed: F.W.P. aka Mensito.com P.S.--- George is too shrewd to spill the frijoles!!
Saturday, February 6, 1999 at 21:16:54
Name: Bob Rierdan
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: Speaking of the Century & Centinela Drive-Ins - If the truth were known; I'm sure that many of the younger Cougars that frequent this website owe their very existence to the fact that these two theaters were there. :-)
Name: Alan Nelson
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: Just remember, Sue, the statute of limitations has long expired.
Saturday, February 6, 1999 at 15:14:13
Name: Kim Caesar
E-Mail: LKCaesar@aol.com
Maiden: August
Class: 1979
Message: Hello! I was the 1978-1979 Cougar Mascot. I am checking in to update on our 20 year reunion. I understand it will be a fabulous weekend in July, including dinner and a show and cocktail hour at the Los Angeles Famous House of Blues on Sunset Blvd. and a golf tournament, etc. I am a surgical technician at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center and have been in practice since 1982. I have two sons and married 12+ years. I am looking forward to catching up with all the classmates who have slipped away over the years. I welcome your e-mail. (LKCaesar@aol.com) See ya in July! Kim
Note: Kim, You've come to the right place for catching up with classmates, and thanks for the update on your reunion too. I know people are wondering When and Where.
Saturday, February 6, 1999 at 13:19:49
Name: Peggy Webster
E-Mail: pegs4bmws@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 77
Message: Well hello there, Mr. George Key! All I have to say is (quoting somebody famous) "If I don't remember, it didn't happen!" Are you SURE it wasn't another T girl?? I must say that the brews over there are potent! My profound apologies to you, a few decades late!!
Saturday, February 6, 1999 at 12:08:37
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: OK all.....tonite there is a top-secret meeting between the V and B girls and some high level administration - both of this site and formerly of HHS.....stay tuned for an update and report on the current and past activities (?) of those involved. We will be using various tools (margaritas) to get the details so this should be good!!! If there is any specific info you desire, please post here before 5:00 p.m. or email me directly. I'll do my best. Wish us godspeed.....
Note: There will also be pictures, so stay tuned.
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