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"Dedicated to Prom Night 2001"The Danleers
Name: Alan Nelson () on Tuesday, October 3, 2000 at 23:15:06
E-Mail: anelson@rraz.net
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: John, That's class of *73*. Quit trying to make me older than I already am. And Dennis' crime was "Impersonating a Dove Hunter". Too bad they didn't get the the shot from a few minutes later, when he resisted. Even the LAPD would have been impressed. I'll bet he's still washing the pepper out of his eyes. (And why did he keep asking where the mink lining was on the cuffs?)
Sorry about that Alan. Yeah, knowing Dennis, he was looking for a flyway in the middle of Hahlbecks bar. I'm telling you, don't play pool with the boy either. He'll only hurt you.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Tuesday, October 3, 2000 at 21:45:29
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: boredindebateland
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: I'm not saying debates are boring, but Janny's in the living room..spitting and sputtering & shaking his fists....and I'm so bored that I'm starting to ask myself, "I wonder how they make bricks.." so, I'll just take advantage of this prozac moment to say that the PROM NITE head count is pretty good at this point.. this is just the preliminary, but more than we expected.. the 60's came in strong.
So keep your eyes on COUGARTOWN for more details and instructions as we decide all the particulars.. Please don't miss this dance, we're planning some great reinactments from our youth.. (don't go there John) I've even heard that Bob Fraser is going to do a "DUKE OF EARL" skit.. his wife said he's been practicing with a curtain rod & afghan.. & John Rout is going to show us how he came in second only to a professional dancer back in the 60's.. as for me..just put on Tommy Edwards and I'm there..
How does "ONE SUMMER NIGHT" sound for the theme??????
Now, I'm off like a prom dress again.
Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg
Great debate. Mom "B" I'm not too sure your guy didn't do a tap dance all over his tongue tonight. JUST KIDDING!!! Hey, we're all Americans and I say we can vote for whoever we darn well want to as long as my guy wins. Thanks Judy for the Prom update. Can't wait to see Bob "The Animal" Fraser HHS60 do his Gene Chandler impression.
Name: Cheryl Mercurio () on Tuesday, October 3, 2000 at 19:32:55
E-Mail: CherylMerc@aol.com
Maiden: Mercurio
Class: 1964
City and State: Ben Lomond, CA
Message: Hi Everybody,
It is so nice to be getting the e-mails about the mini-reunion next summer. Just reading the names on the list brings back faces and memories. Those were the days.... Cheryl
What mini reunion?
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, October 3, 2000 at 19:06:24
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message: Hey John - maybe everyone is watching the debates!
Me, I'm watching Buffy slay a few vampires while I browse the internet. Any other Buffy fans out there?
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, October 3, 2000 at 16:50:14
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: OK folks, here's a couple of Hawthorne Intermediate people that were boyfriend and girlfriend in 1957. They found each other again thanks to Ctown. We know Joyce, but the other one went to the "L" school. Can any one name him?
Name: Dave Easter () on Tuesday, October 3, 2000 at 13:15:59
E-Mail: davewiser@aol.com
Class: 75
City and State: San Diego Ca
Message: Hello all, I was just wondering how many people are planning on attending the class reunion of 75 this up coming Sat 10-7. I called the reunion contact (goldenstatereunions) and they would not release any information as to who many have paid
Name: SCOTT ALAN MARTIN () on Tuesday, October 3, 2000 at 07:34:29
E-Mail: scottm@c2i.net
Class: 84
City and State: Norway
Message: Hello again :-)
Just another message again. I sent one b 4 and got to people the mailed me. (GREAT) So trying again. LOL Just send me a message if you know me . :-) Scott
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Monday, October 2, 2000 at 20:49:19
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hello Coug's. a quick note on the homecoming, the game does start at 7 against Mira Costa. After party at Stink N Stein, most likely around 8:30/9, remember S N S, the one on Sepulveda, check the address on the top of this page.
Saturday Picnic, I already told you about the meat and the Pot Luck share table, but I do need you to please bring your chair. we got the grills, so we are ok there, but if you wish to bring another one, that would be fine, the more we have the more food we can cook!! I do hope our out of towners got there rooms for the week end.
Again, check the top of this page for all information. See you Friday, Always a Coug!
Yeah Cougs, if you want to sit down at Ramona park, bring a beach chair, lawn chair, milk stool, blanket, etc. I talked to the owner of the Stick and Stein today and it's a GO for Friday after the game. We have the upstairs and we'll have our own bartender, appetizers, and music. Patti, please remember the CD player, and if you all want to bring the oldies, please mark your music so you get it back. Thanks Loretta and I'll see you and Larry at the Stick and Stein on Friday afternoon to decorate.
Name: Kathy (Hubbard) Hansen () on Monday, October 2, 2000 at 19:32:17
E-Mail: khansen77@aol.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Seattle, WA
Message: Well.....no, I'm not from the class of '77, but I am looking for the class of '77...in particular, those kids from my first two years of teaching at Eucalyptus Elementary. Come on, guys!
Also...I thought the Beach Boys grew up in Manhattan Beach. Al Jardine married a girl from El Segundo in about 1963. I thought for sure that the Wilsons were from Manhattan. Correct me if I am wrong, please!
Kathy, You have been corrected (first time I've corrected a teacher too). You will have to stay after and clean erasers for that one. The Wilsons are from Hawthorne, as is Al Jardine.
Now who out there remembers Mrs. (Hubbard) Hansen from Eucalyptus Elementary? We know you're out there, so don't try to hide behind the person in front of you.....step forward and say hi!!!
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Monday, October 2, 2000 at 18:33:05
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
City and State: shiloam springs. ak
Message: HOWDY PERRTY SMITH! I's taint no relashuns wit Hoods nors enybodies elsis buts my Beulah! Has sums funs at de feetballs gams fer me ans Beulah!
Name: Sharon () on Monday, October 2, 2000 at 17:46:06
E-Mail: slleng@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: Regarding homecoming, is anyone going to the daytime assembly. I remember when we were in school all the "old foggies" would show up at the afternoon assembly on the football field. Do they still do that, and is anyone going? This "old foggy" thinks it would be a lot of fun.
Name: Bob () on Monday, October 2, 2000 at 14:05:09
E-Mail: woolcity.fsnet.co.uk
City and State: West Yorkshire, England
Message: Just wanted to say what a great site for someone who only heard of Hawthorne because of my favourite group! Seeing as I'll probably never see your town for real, I really appreciate what you've done and the content and design of the site. Well Done!! Bob
Hey Bob, Thanks for the nice words on the website and thanks from the Beach Boys too. Join in anytime.
Name: John Baker () on Monday October 2, 2000 at 09:45:49
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: Here's our own Cougartown Sergeant at Arms, Alan Nelson HHS72, slapping the cuffs on Dennis Campbell HHS61 in Parker AZ. Not too sure what the charges were........maybe peddling Taiwan jet skis without a license?? See you when you make bail Dennis.
Name: Petey () on Friday, September 29, 2000 at 19:45:06
Maiden: Honduras
Class: 1972
City and State: Oregon
Message: Leroy are you really Robin, cousin to Surfbabe? Anyway here in Orygun the ONLY predator to the cute opossum is Goodyear. Also on your time and temp for Hawthorne what is that hanging over the mountain? It's grey. Could it be the air down there???
Name: Debra Lee McGregor () on Friday, September 29, 2000 at 17:16:56
E-Mail: mcgregord@la.lancaster.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72`
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: I'm all alone in the school office, time to check in on CT. Still trying to save enough for my own *&%!# computer. My condolences to our recent losses. My prayers are with the families.
I got my hotel reservation in and I'll take any excuse (especially a good one like this) - to get to the beach area and see old (as in prior) friends. Hope there's a good turnout next Friday. See ya all at the Stick & Stein! Have a great weekend Cougs ...
Hi Deb, We'll be there. See you on Friday night.
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Friday, September 29, 2000 at 14:52:24
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
City and State: shiloam springs. ak
Message: wez gots possems wit wite stripsd two.
MMMMmmmmm sounds delectable. I'll keep that in mind.
Name: Doris () on Friday, September 29, 2000 at 11:01:51
E-Mail: raydori@micron.net
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
City and State: Twin Falls, Idaho
Message: You've done a fine job with the COUGARTOWN website and I for one want to express my appreciation. This has to be extremely time-consuming! Anyway, THANKS!
Thanks for the nice words Doris. Time consuming?.......Yes
Name: keith jones () on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 23:45:49
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been jones
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas
Message: Ingrid, I am a part owner of the Gold's Gym in Trabuco Canyon. We have our Grand Opening on Nov. 4. I'm bringing the kids down. Why don't you and Les come by. Ingrid, Jaime and Cassie's mom had a house built here in vegas and live out in Summerlin. So if you and Les ever get here come by.
John we had air conditioning at Dana too. And back then we didn;t even know what guns were or knives. I do remember that the class before us student council voted for air conditioning over a swimming pool. Everybody thought they were crazy but I guess it turned out okay.
We had air too. It was called a window stick.
Name: Lori Padelford () on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 22:55:59
E-Mail: Desilulu4u
Class: 81
Message: Sean Fitzpatrick did I ever respond to your feedback about our brothers being friends? I know that sounds crazy but for the life of me I can't remember If I responded. If I didn't let me know. You are right that Bob and Mark were friends not Steve. Where is Mark these days? Please forgive my lack of memory, blame it on the profeession I have chosen.....Escrow. It'll make you crazy.
Name: sharon () on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 20:13:18
E-Mail: slleng@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: John, I received my Cougartown T-shirt today. It's great! Thanks a lot. I think every Cougar should have one. I'm sure there is plenty of time before homecoming and the picnic for everyone to order and you can deliver them at homecoming. It's well worth the money, and what better way to "be true to your school." Thanks again John.
You are welcome.....
Name: Rick Sundell () on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 18:19:25
E-Mail: rsundell@msn.com
Class: 1967
City and State: Huntington Beach, CA
Message: I haven't been to a homecoming since I graduated. Are there enough tickets available at the gate or is it necessary to buy them in advance, if so, where? Anyone know? Hope to see some old friends.
Rick Sundell '67
Hey Rick, Yes, you can buy them at the gate.
Name: Ingrid Jones () on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 17:11:24
E-Mail: Ingazburban@aol.com
Maiden: Schulte
Class: 84
City and State: Temecula, Ca
Message: I remember you! Scott Martin (84)...I did not get a chance to get your e mail address...so I hope you read this. How is it living in Norway?
I remember you had long hair and dated Michelle Lane? Take Care......
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 16:51:52
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
City and State: San Pedro, CA
Message: Yes John, Dana had lockers. We had a gym and showers too. They shut the cafeteria down a year or so before I got there though.
Hey Paco, I would have named the Dog Duran....
Then we would know who Barbarella was looking for.
So let me get this straight. Dana gave you a place to hide your guns, cigs, and drugs, and they let you clean up, but they wouldn't feed you?
Name: Gina Black Peck () on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 16:13:37
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Thanks for the pumpkin, John, I really like it!!
Tis the season...
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 15:07:06
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
City and State: shiloam springs. ak
Message: HOWDY!
Welps mez an BEULAH when bak homes fer a speld. I hab dis gret idees fer a bidnes ans i jest noed it gona werk hear in shiloam springs, arkensaws. i gits da idees wen wez wans ta dat lawbstard plac were ya peeks yer lawbstard from a liddle water ting, welp wez opens a possems place hears in shiloam springs and wed leds the kustomerz peeks der possems live dey is from a cage. wez gots lines wayding fer hors ta eat wom of dese prise possems. wed tinkin bout frankem, ya nose liks da hambergs macdonelds, so ifn ya wents a to bys a frankem wez be proodd ta selz won ta ya. wez bee dere affer dat feetballs gam ta opens da west kost ferst LEEROY'S POSSEM N GRITS
SEE YA DEN! Ohs bys da wayz wez cannt sellz dem rard, cuz ifn ya donut cooks dem longs nuf det jest git ups ans runs off!
Not gonna touch that one as we have lotsa' possum lovers on this website. Thanks LeeRoy boy, and I guess that "Road Kill Restaurant" idea of yours didn't pan out huh.
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 11:55:06
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Maiden: Dickerson
Class: 61
City and State: Lake Forest Ca
Message: Thanks Cindy, my dogs full name is "Wendall Tyler Duran" he's a fast runner but doesn't speak well, woof...
My dogs name is Stomper......."BRUIN Stomper".
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 11:53:42
E-Mail: howdidievergetoutofmyyouth-withoutfoingawholelotoftime.com
Class: 66/84
City and State: REDODNDO BEACH, CA
Message: Zabriskie Point! That brings back memories. Actually it was filmed about 1968 and it used Prairie and 120th. They put some money into the old liquor store and bar across from the airport. They stored police cars at the Hawthorne airport at the time and a couple of cougars who shall remain nameless use to take the cars while employed at night at the airport and drive around the streets. Equipped with sirens and lights they MAY have even pulled over a couple of cars, but it seems a little foggy now. It was a for the two nameless individuals, a real blast to report for work during those 4 weeks of shooting. Gomer and Barney reporting for duty!
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 11:36:54
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hi Coug's, just a little up date regarding the
picnic on saturday the 7th. We are planning a bring your own hamburger meat or what ever you wish to bring. Also we will have a pot luck table, so please bring something to share with all. We will provide all other things, at the park there is a grill, and I have one other, but to play it safe, I think we should have at least two more. Please get back with me, if you can bring a grill. SO HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL ON SATURDAY, OCT 7TH, FOR GAMES, FOOD AND GOOD COMPANY. Thank you all. Always a Coug
Thanks Loretta, I know we can get a couple of BBQs out of someone. Little hibachis will do just fine.
Name: Jim Peppers () on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 07:49:04
Class: 61
City and State: Athens, Greece
Message: Question: Does anybody (read ex-HHS teachers) happen to know the whereabouts or have an address for the Russian teacher whose maiden name was Zalowski? I had a great time with her and would like to get in touch.
Jim Peppers
Name: Patti Smith () on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 23:51:56
E-Mail: GrnidL80@mediaone.net
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: John, I just reread the ad for Homecoming, but it doesn't mention what time the game starts???
Name: Cindy Colby () on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 23:29:18
E-Mail: cindymcolby@aol.com
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 63
City and State: Laguna Hills, CA
Message: I'm sorry but I had to laugh, Paco, Dr. Ross dog food is doggone good, it brought back "those days" anyone who names their dog Wendall has got to have a good sense of humor. Just kidding, it just struck me funny. Thanks for the laugh.
Name: Diana Olsen () on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 22:09:28
E-Mail: DGIRL1@earthlink.net
Maiden: Price
Class: 64
City and State: Ogden, Utah
Message: Judy, Prom Nite Sounds out of control. "ONE SUMMER NIGHT" sounds inspired. Me thinks you are having to much fun with this one. Always a Cougar. Diana
Name: Dennis Kilroy () on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 22:04:10
E-Mail: cabledude1@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Buena Park,CA
Message: It has been a hard few weeks for our classmates. I also went all the way thru school with Karen Cook. I had the PLEASURE of having the locker right next to her in 8th Grade at DANA. Boy I never missed a chance to get my books out of my locker that year! My heart goes out to her Friends and Family. She also was very warm and friendly to me. I thought she was as charming as she was beautiful. When I finally started El Camino after 3 years in the service, she was the only one I every ran into that I knew there. She would take the time to talk with me and make me laugh about how I used to accidently alot bump into her in 8th Grade. She had the ability to make those around her feel special. I remember talking to her at the class of 77 10 year reunion. She was surrounded by a group of guys and she had told the group she was about to become single again. If I recall this right, there were a bunch of excited guys all of a sudden. But she should also be remembered for all her other talents as well. She was a one of a kind person.
I hope she did not suffer with her illness. I pray for her and her family that they can find peace, because she is WAY to young to have left this earth.
Dana had lockers??!!
Name: Kathy Frankforter () on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 21:55:50
E-Mail: kathy90277@earthlink.net
Maiden: Tom's Wife
Class: 79
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Cougars:
I have not had a chance to post a note until now but I was saddened to read many of the posts regarding losing a couple of HHS Alumni. Condolences to all--Always sad and so very hard to lose a fellow alumni. John Baker, "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY" to you. Warriorville is going strong and we are thinking of doing a big 40th Reunion for West High Alumni. West High (Torrance) opened in 1962. Anyway, just a quickie check-in to say "Hello".. I'm always plugging Cougartown so I hope people are stopping by to visit this wonderful site. Take Care :}
Thanks Kathy, Glad you're getting Wville off the ground and good luck with the 40th.
Name: Teri Hoenig () on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 21:43:50
E-Mail: Smokey95969@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Klein
Class: 73
City and State: Paradise,CA
Message: Hello class of 73, If you don't already know, the class of 70,71,and 72 is planning their reunion for this Summer. Alot of 73 alumni that I have kept in contact have expressed the desire to be a part of this reunion also. If this is of interest to you contact the reunion committee for 70,71, and 72. Hope to see ya there. Teri(Klein) Hoenig
Name: Gina Peck () on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 17:18:39
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: God, John! You been hanging around with Lents, or what. Too rude, I think you should apologize to Anita. There is nothing wrong with the photo. Your mom was a little prudish, Anita. A little too Victorian and not enough Puritan. John, the least you could do is place the picture correctly, and try to remember that bran muffin. Leave Cougartown for a few days and look at the way you are treating one another. If you are trying to incite a "cheesecake" riot, you will have to do better.
Whatever you say Gina.....
Name: Nancy Prince () on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 15:23:48
E-Mail: nancyp@insight.org
Maiden: Zolman
Class: 1975
Message: Haven't been on in awhile and want to update my e-mail address. What happened with a 25 year class reunion ? I never heard ?!?!
Hi Nancy, Click here to upgrade email address.
Your reunion is in a couple of weeks. Please look at the Reunions page.
Name: Larry Wetter () on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 14:00:53
Class: 63
City and State: HH 90250
Message: John: You are correct so far and can claim pop corn kernels from the first batch made in the new machine acquired by HHS in 1962 (which I have saved) extra credit would have included "Zabriskie Point" directed by Michelangelo Antonioni circa 1972. Filmed at a liquor store on Prairie Avenue across from Northrup.
Ahh yes..... Hawthorne, The OTHER Tinseltown. Mike Shay knew that liquor store well. I'm sure that's where he bought his "underage alkyhaul".
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