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"More Early R&R" "The Coasters"
Name: Alan Nelson () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 22:54:08
E-Mail: anelson@rraz.net
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: Can you really use the words "prom" and "nailed" in the same sentence, with a straight face?
I'll try. "I nailed my Prom Shoes to the floor so I wouldn't step on her toes."
This is going to be BIG Alan. I want you to "try" and get a date for this one.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 21:36:16
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message: Hey, page 300 .. WOW!! Was out of town for a few days and logged on tonight to see we had reached another plateau. Thanks again John for all your hard work.
I really like the Prom Night idea. Get the date nailed down early so that anyone from out of town can plan their vacations around the event.
Hi Sharon, Glad you're back. Judy (off like a Prom Dress) Degrazia Blomsterberg is in charge of this one, and said it'll probably be in August, but we haven't even nailed down a dance floor yet. Stay tuned as this one unwinds. It'll be a hoot for sure.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 21:20:34
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo
Message: Did I make it on page 300???
Do I win something???
Sorry, but I think you're going to end up on page 301 when I split this page.
While I have you here, will you go to the Prom with me next year? I know it's a little early but I want to ask you before I lose my nerve. Willya' huh?? PLEEEEZE!!!
Name: Susan O'Gorman () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 20:52:55
E-Mail: troleary@echoweb.net
Maiden: Susan Diane O'Leary
Class: 1961
City and State: Hawthorne, Calif.
Message: Hi, I would really like to be on the mailing list for the next 1961 class reunion . I am looking for any information about Mike Shea, Gayle Smith, Helen Teague and David Moore. Does anyone know of their whereabouts? I am using my brothers E-Mail address as
we're neighbors.
My address is:
Ms.Susan O'Gorman
1155 Eakin Road
Azalea, Oregon 97410
Hi Susan, Mike Shay is my best buddy and is on this site almost everyday. He lives in Cerritos. Helen Teague was at the big reunion in 1998, and I'm sure will be easy to find. I'm sure someone can help with the others.
Name: Dawn Moffett () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 20:27:10
E-Mail: Dawn7@aol.com
Maiden: Koch
Class: 78
City and State: Simi Valley, Ca
Message: Gosh, it's been a long time since I've checked in. I only wish I could go back and catch up but that's the life of a full-time student/mom. Sounds like we're having fun! Sorry I missed the hunk of a teacher contest, Susan is right....Science rules! Come to think of it the Professor I have right now for Astronomy has found his way onto that list. Hey Mike Weiss...do you have a sister named Sandra? If so what's she up to? Id love to hear from her. I guess I'd better get back to the books...or maybe I should make dinner? Or both at the same time:) That's my life and I love it. Always a Cougar!
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 20:15:43
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Gina Black Peck, This is a small world, I know your Aunt and if your parents are Helen and Chuck Black, I was a Junior Bridesmaid in their wedding, many years ago. Tell your Parents I said Hello and get your Aunt to come to Homecoming.
SCW and getting smaller.
Name: Stephen Colet () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 17:42:08
E-Mail: StephenColet7@aol.com
Maiden: didn't go that way
Class: 1968
City and State: Santa Clarita, Ca.
Message: Hey Cougars and Cougarettes, first thing I did when I got out of prison was look for some...well...same phylum...sorta, special shout out to those from 121st Street, whomever you be, damn, those fuzzy sixties! Peace
Name: Dan Johnson () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 17:16:37
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
Message: I remember Mr. Pizzaro coming to class one day with a copy of Queen's "Sheer Heart Attack" album. He said he bought it and didn't like it so he was giving it away. If I'm not mistaken, Andy Escobar was the lucky recipient. I also remember Mr. Pizzaro because he got me suspended. I took a Spanish test where the word was given in Spanish and you had to supply the English word. On one of the answers I gave the correct English word but misspelled it. Mr. Pizzaro marked the answer incorrect and I went ballistic to the point of threatening to blow up his classroom (I was quite an emotional young man -- that's all changed now, really). As a result, I was suspended for one day. What an inspiration I will be for my daughter, eh?
Yes you will Danny "Kasinski" Johnson.
Name: Gina Peck () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 16:29:08
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: ATTENTION! ATTENTION!! My Aunt, Nora Schultz, class of 56, has just telephoned to tell me how much fun she is having READING the feedback (I told her how to get to feedback, last weekend...and she is too shy to post something).
Nora LOVES the idea of Prom Night, didn't get to go to her own prom (something about working and feeding the family, yada, yada, yada) and would love to go, but alas she is dateless!! Her call of distress was for me to put out a post (And, you know she will be watching all afternoon until she see's it, too!)
Nora is seeking a sexy, hunky, male Coug, preferably NOT in a light blue tuxedo (I don't know Nodo, maybe we shouldn't be too picky...) to be her knight in shining armour and whisk her around the dance floor and enjoy an evening of prom splendour. Any takers???
Now, if you want to have a nice evening, she's your girl. She's tons of fun, you can take her anywhere, she has impecible table manners, quite a sense of humor and SHE'S A LOOKER!!!!! She is also my favorite Aunt, and did I mention she still has all of her own teeth?
Come on Cougs, make the old girl's day and flood her with invites....we are waiting!!!
Gary Lents, to answer your question...any damn way I want!! Besides, I got you up off that couch and into the dictionary to check it out, didn't I? Only kidding, It mostly depends on how much pain I'm in or how much sleep I've had.
Patti Smith - I'm sooo glad to hear!! I thought I was alone. Maybe we should have our own table at prom night?? Blessings be!
There you go all you Cougar wallflowers. Now's your chance to make a move on Aunt Nora.
Name: Donald Scheliga () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 16:04:52
E-Mail: des249@yahoo.com
Class: 62
City and State: Buena Park
Message: Hi John
I am sorry to here about Jan Pitkanen that is indeed a sad note.
Thanks for the update on the T-shirt. For all Cougars that are still working. If you would like to know how your current salary stacks up with others in your job class, check out salary.com
It's a fairly comprehensive wage and salary site.
Prom night sounds great. My twin daughters will be attending their Senior Prom in June 2001, why not the old folks?
Later, Donald
Who's old?
Name: Jack Risner () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 15:07:14
E-Mail: rencaj@netscape.net
Class: 74
City and State: Hailey, Id
Message: Wow- the things this site keeps bringing back! OK-COOL Teachers: Mr. Kirkpatrick (creative writing,The Polychrome Pen/hegavBrian Wilson an F for a "cutesy, little poem" and 1 or 2 years later Brian walked back into his class and put a gold record on his desk and said, "here's your F". It was Little Surfer Girl.) Joanne Levy (english for the class of 74's freshman year."Total Hippie/Total Babe"!) Manny Pizarro (spanish/ ran into him front and center at the forum for Alice Cooper's Billion Dollar Baby tour-Party on Manny!)Not a teacher but definetely cool: Bob Killonen (counselor/friend/advisor). Next: THE FARMER'S FIELD. The Leuzinger's were great neighbors. I lived on 127th pl, right down from them. We used to dig forts out in the old bean fields. Dewey Storey was the first one in my age group that I saw dare to walk up to the house. From then on we could all walk unafraid! Finally: Sheriff John- An institution in LA! He actually did 2 songs everyday- his "birthday song" and the Laugh and Be Happy closing. The words-well of course-for you guys anything:
Put another candle on my birthday cake
And when you do, a wish I''ll make
Put another candle on the birthday cake
I'm another year old today
We'll have some pie and sandwiches
And chocolate ice cream too-
We'll sing and play the day away
And one more thing I'm going to do
I'll blow out the candles on my birthday cake
And when I do, a wish I'll make
Put another candle on the birthday cake
I'm another year old today--
Happy Birthday to you-
I'm another year old today!!
Laugh and be happy
And the world will laugh with you
The sun will see you smiling
and it will shine on through
Never worry, never hurry
chase those blues away
Just laugh and be happy
All the liiiiveee, looonngg,day!
Thanks Jack
Name: Myrna () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 14:34:44
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: I vote for "Second Time Around" for the our Prom theme! Us second time arounders think the second time is GREAT! Count us in! Jim will be retired by then (or at the very least, HE DAMN WELL BETTER BE!!!!!!)
Hey Class of '66 - do you realize that only 14% of those registered on the Alumni List have paid dues?
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 14:14:42
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: First I want to tell Judy, John and who ever else that came up with the PROM, that was a great idea.
I would love to help if you need me to do some foot work, let me know.
I want to let you know what is happening regarding 50 years of HHS. I will be on a committee, who will put together a large 50 years reunion, for the day after NEXT YEARS homecoming.
They are talking about the day after and a picnic with entertaining. It's in the talking stage, they felt by putting one together this homecoming would cut it short, just not enough time. They will need a year to put the other one together. So expect a biggy next year. Thanks again....Always a Coug.
Thanks Loretta, and Janet had the original idea for Prom Night. Thanks Janet........
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 14:04:02
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hello all, I have information regarding Homecoming: Friday, Oct 6th, 2000
After game party: Stick N Stein, 707 North Sepulveda Blvd, El Segundo (310) 414-9283
Hotel accommodation: Hacienda Hotel, 525 No. Sepulveda Blvd, El Segundo (310) 615-0015
(To reserve a room, you need to contact the hotel before Sept 29th and the rooms are under the name of "HAWTHORNE HIGH HOMECOMING". Room rates are:
Single - 65.00 and Double - 71.00 a night.)
Saturday Oct 7th, 2000 PICNIC 11 to 3:
Ramona Park, 136th street, (between Ramona and Inglewood Ave). Will be bring your own and pot luck. More details next week)
I will get back with more information next week on all of the above. Thanks all....Always a Coug!!
Thank you Loretta, and now it's official folks. I will get a banner up on this page with the above info, so make your plans to be there. It's going to be another fun picnic in the park.
Name: Patti Smith () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 13:33:48
E-Mail: GrnidL80@mediaone.net
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: Now I'm really looking forward to Prom Night 2001!! I have already been asked to it, and we're planning to do something I didn't do either one of my prom nights back then (I didn't do it any nights then) - let's just say I'll be sewing velcro into my dress!! And I'm going to check my El Molinos (I bought all 4 and still have them handy) for pics of Mr. Ormondroyd. And John, you are so right! It is important to go to your reunions. Each is an opportunity to rekindle old friendships and make new ones that will never come again - except maybe in CT.
I'm getting lots of excited emails about Prom Night. I know this one will be a total blast from the past. And yes, do NOT miss your Reunions.
Name: Jerry Rigney () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 11:35:42
E-Mail: jnsrig@webtv.net
Class: 59
City and State: Palmdale, Ca
Message: Van DeCamps main bakery, corporate office and the landmark coffee shop and restaurant, was located on the southwest corner of San Fernando Rd. and Fletcher Dr. in Los Angeles. It has been gone for years.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 09:36:21
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: Mr.P's watchingyou.
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: UPDATE ON PROM NITE FUN-2001 Mr. Harry Plotkin and Our Miss Kathy Brooks have committed to acting as chaperones for next year's PROM NITE. Thank Mr. P.. you're always there for us. Now, can we hear from Coach and Cathy Chauncey or any other H.H.S teachers that think they can keep us in line.. Hey, it's a tuff job, but someone has to do it!! Judy Wudy B
Name: Sean Ramey () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 08:28:51
E-Mail: sean_ramey@toyota.com
Maiden: Fitzpatrick
Class: 72
City and State: Corona, CA
Message: All this talk about Prom night makes me nervous. If you remember Judy Wudy, I had a hard time just trying to get to Grad Night. What's to say Mom won't have to come looking for me again?
Name: Sharon () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 07:55:02
E-Mail: slleng@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach
Message: Patti, you're right. Mr. Featherstone was a hunk. In my senior year I was assigned to his 6th period class. I went to the office to drop his class because I had been accepted to 6th period Dance Workshop. When I went to the office, all the secretaries thought I was nuts. They said they had girls begging to take his class. But, let me tell you my favorite
teacher was Mr. Ormondroyd. I had a big time crush on him from my freshman year, when I had him for reading until my senior year. My friends and I used to go to 26th Street and he would be there playing volley-ball with his friends. I think they called themselves the Rinky-Dink Volley-Ball Team. When the ball would go out of bounds and come our way, all us girls would practically fight each to catch it and return it to them. Now he was a hunk.
Name: Larry Biller () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 06:50:26
E-Mail: Lbiller49@YAHOO.COM
Class: 1967
City and State: Portland,Oregon
Message: Anyone remember those chili tamalis they sold out of the "lunch shack" located in the middle of campus? I think they were a best seller.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 02:12:28
E-Mail: DZLizzy219@aol.com
Maiden: stillthegoddess
Class: 69
City and State: moonlitredondo
Message: MAN! I LOVE YOU GUYS! Prom Night sounds like a hoot and most appropriate for the newly-weds, newly-loves and the lucky ones to still be together after all these years. If I can be of assistance....you have my number. Anita, I loved your story. It's amazing how huge our community is. As for cars....who drove that gorgeous yellow Nomad in '67? That car was hot. I do love hot lookin' cars, though I never understand when you guys write about what they were or what they had under the hood or anywhere else for that matter, but that never stopped me from appreciating the power and beauty. I drove a '66 Mustang from 1969 through the '70's. I managed to get a ticket or two for racing but it was worth it!
Homecoming is soon. Do you remember your cheers?
We are the Cougars, Mighty, Mighty Cougars..Everywhere we go, people want to know...who we are.......so we tell them........
Good Night : )
.........four speed--dual AFB's--4:56's--Isky roller--Edelbrock Hi Riser--Positraction--Jardine Headers--Cheaters........
Name: Norm Vorhis () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 01:16:11
E-Mail: olds88coupe@yahoo.com
Maiden: Norval
Class: 59
City and State: Monrovia, Ca
Message: John: The caption under my picture from the decade reunion. I wonder how the "Pilgrim" reference came about on a Dodge.
Tom Burroughs: I remember the house trailer/hamburger stand, no way would I have recalled its location. That reminds me. Sherry Ward: reference page 264, there was a Van DeCamps bakery built like a Dutch windmill, the clerks wore the Dutch garb except for the wooden shoes. Don't know where it was, as we came there from Gardena in those days.
There was/is one out around Disneyland somewhere.
Name: Anita Young () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 00:14:50
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Another small Cougartown world, folks, can't wait to share this story with ya....
I was out shopping with hubby and my kid and not only were we shopping for groceries, but I was for some decorations for the reunion this weekend. I was having trouble finding some supplies when I had to ask a woman who worked in the store where to find something. I told her what I was looking for and what it was for. She asked what high school I went to, and I told her it was down in Southern CA and that she may not of heard of it and she said, don't be so sure, I went to school in southern CA so I told her Hawthorne High and her jaw just about dropped you guys! She screams out SO DID I!!!!!! Her maiden name was Pipken and her name is Debi, Debi Pipken. She said she was supposed to graduate in 1974, but graduated a year early, in 1973! Can you believe that? So, you can even run into Cougs without a CT t-shirt (though, John, I swear, I will buy one soon!) She is going to check with her hubby tonight to see if they are busy this weekend, and if not, she is going to make the reunion up here! So....anyone who remembers her, she's up here in Newberg, OR working for a grocery chain up here called Fred Meyer, is married and has, as she put it, a bus load of kids!
Now THAT'S a great story. I keep tellin' ya folks, "It's a small Cougar world out there. Anita, I know you have already, but please make sure she knows where to find her buddys. Thanks Anita....that made my night.
Name: Raymond Smith () on Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 00:09:22
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@Juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: Are we there yet? AM I the first man on the moon ah... I mean "Page 300"? I am being very selfish am I? Well, I want to be "THE MAN" to go down in history of being No.300 dude. But, all games for everyone else, that is. Now John, about you comment on the phony ride. Do you remember your first one at the age of 1? If so then maybe it'll be worth it huh?
Hey Ray, I want you all to know that the Page 300 person is already determined. I have a 60kb page in front of me that is going to be cut in half. When I do that, the name at the BOTTOM of page 300 will be the winner. I will split this page in a few minutes. And Ray, my first "phony ride" I think was on my daddy's knee.
Name: Norm Vorhis () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 23:51:56
E-Mail: olds88coupe@yahoo.com
Maiden: Norval
Class: 59
City and State: Monrovia, Ca
Message: Hey John: Whose '57 Ford wagon, and '53 Merc are parked behind Coach Plum's '39 Dodge. The only thing I can say about the Healy is that it is newer than my favorite (the 100-4). While I'm here, I'll remind you I'm '59 not '58. I wonder if someone out there has a better recipe for cheesecake, than my wife of 35 years That'll be hard to do. When I managed in Lennox Little League in '73 and '74 one of my 9 yr old's mother danced at that Beaver place (name changed to get past the censor). Never saw her work but she was about as close to a ten as I've ever seen.
Hey Norv, The 57 Ford might've been Frank Graves, the Wood Shop Teacher. The Merc is anyones guess. Where on the website did I say you were the class of 58?
Name: Loren Heath () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 22:10:27
E-Mail: lorenheath@netzero.net
Class: 64
City and State: Anaheim, CA
Message: Hey everybody, I'm back. Getting the mice to cooperate with this "puter". Please note my new e-mail address.
Judy, Judy, Judy, you did it again. Prom Nite 2001 sounds great. If you wish to make the cost low, I can get the VFW Hall at a special low price, I know several great caterers and we have a list of bands. Just "food for thought" (there we go again) and an option that is avaiable. I know how hotels cost for "Reunions." We could possibly get the Hawthorne High Jr. Navy ROTC to serve the food and bus tables, for a small donation. At least the price of the drinks are very reasonable.
I don't know if the Malibu Bay Club is still open after all of these years. If you decide to form a committee, let me know.
Hey John, where the hell do you find that picture?
Which Picture?
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 21:42:38
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: cheeseburgerinparadise, HAWAII
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: "CHEESEBURGER IN PARADISE.." Hey John Boy.. that was our favorite place to be in Hawaii.. The burgers were so good that I didn't even care that CT King snapped me with no makeup and a ponytail.. I was in Heaven... (somehow I have a sinking feeling that butt ugly pic is gonna make it in CT again) ugh.. Judy Wudy
Nope, but this is the place...."Cheeseburgers In Paradise" in Lahaina town. Great Mai Tais too.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 21:37:04
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: RE: PROM NITE 2001. I think it's gonna happen.. & thanks to the gals that are offering their help.. I'll make a list and we'll talk. Patti Valencia, no, we didn't plan on Prom Nite 2001 being a fund raiser..but is that the only thing that would get you out with your old buds to dance at a prom again..? Come on Patti, you've always been with us for all the fun..don't die on me now girl. Pink's isn't a fund raiser and you've been there!! We don't know where it will be now as it's a few months away, but who cares.. it's PROM NITE!!! So gals, get out that merry widow with the push up bra~find that tiara~.. Fellas, start practicing your slow dancing & your stroll again and dig out that flask of sloe gin. Mr. Plotkin and Kathy Brooks, Coach and Cathy Chauncey, looks like you'll have your hands full just one last time..(no smoochin' in the coat room~smoking in the restrooms~spiking the punch~or dancing too close) You know what all that'll lead to..don't ya? Now, I'm off like a prom dress..(that was a hint) Update to follow.. we're looking at July or August of 2001.. how's that sound? Judy Wudy Blomsterberg.. THE ROWDYS
Sounds great to me. I'll have to get out my Arthur Murray dance lesson paper with all the foot prints on it. I have one for the Waltz and a black market one for the Lambada.
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