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"More Early R&R" "The Beach Boys"
Name: El Rojo
E-Mail: jakejude
Maiden: not lately
Class: all 3rd like the Bruins
City and State: IDho
Message:Can't post feedbacK? 9-15-00, JB I've been around since page 15. I wanted to
be the first to post all 100,200 and 300 pages.Although you let me in at 100(
my post was still there) Can I whine? A little cheese maybe? I had to work
last night and it was late. It's just like you sc dogs to try and exclude us
BRUINS:) But damn I never thought that 300 would go that fast. But your fight
song reminds me of a VW comercial. DA..DA.. DAH...DA..DA...DAA( MOVE FINGER
in fun, but I do wish, as a resident coug, that you put my message up in the
300, PHULEEZZE????? This is my legacy! May the Bruin , Ah.. I mean the COUGAR
BE WITH YOU as always. Love ya man, Jake N Jude!!! P.S. My Message is "Thanks
John". I found another friend thanks to you and Irene Callahan. Got in touch
with another 60's COUG by the name of John Blankenship. AKA, JOHNNIE B GOODE!
We had an hour talk or so and it was "COOL"! THANKS AGAIN MR. B.! MAY THE
Well I had to displace the Queen of Ctown, but there you go, and would you like a little cheese with that wine?
Name: Janet Burkett () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 20:42:25
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo
Message: So sorry to hear about Jan, he was a great person in high school and I'm sure he became even better over the years. You'll be missed J.P.!
On a lighter note....I got a great prom II title:
"The Second Time Around" in honor of all these new couples. This time we bring our final and best prom date! You know what they say "It's better the second time around!" Just ask Marsha and Robin, Janny and Judy, and now Donna and Wayne! Congratulations!
and uh......you and me too huh.....
Name: Patti Smith () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 20:32:17
E-Mail: GrnidL80@mediaone.net
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: Well, now I have 2 reasons to go to "Taste of Newport" at Fashion Island on Sunday - the Beach Boys and my daughter. Any of you Cougs that go there, go to the Yard House booth and ask for Brandi - she's the cutie with the huge smile. And speaking of hunky teachers, does anyone remember Mr. Featherstone from the Business Dept. in the mid to late 60's? He taught typing, and his classes were naturally full of girls drooling over him. He made me cut my nails once - my speed and accuracy dropped so badly so fast, that he always let me keep them long from then on. To this day I can't type with short nails. And Judy Wudy, I love the idea of Prom Night!!! Count me in to help in any way you need me. Billy Cusac, you take care. Bob and I will NEVER forget you -- you know what I mean. Neither will our mom. To my brother Mike, thanks for the birthday wish, big bro. Hope you're feeling better. Yep, I hit the big 5-0 last Monday. Gina Peck, my daughter is also a Wiccan, so if you get to the "Taste of Newport" Sunday, you BE SURE to look her up. I am also beginning study. Dale Hahlbeck, will you ever forgive me? And say hello to your Uncle George from the "Yellow Rose of Texas". Hopefully he'll remember - he used to play that song for me thru his window.
Name: Donna Wright () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 20:16:53
E-Mail: DonnaDGW4@aol.com
Maiden: Cook
Class: 69
City and State: LaPalma, CA
Message: Let's get this straight, I leave for 15 minutes last night (Went to Marie Calendars for cheesecake of course) left Wayne watching the football game and all of a sudden I am receiving congratulations from everyone. I just read feedback and realized what happened. Wayne was on the computer and thought he would have some fun (he has a tendency to do that often) and put his last name with my email address. We are not married as of this moment. Yes Judy, Cougartown would definitely be the first to know. Besides, I think going to the prom first would be more appropriate
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 19:53:12
E-Mail: leonard-linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
City and State: Kansas City, MO
Message: To Donna and Wayne, so you finally did it??
Leonard and I wish you the very best of the best.
May you always be happy and grow old together in style and good health.
Linda D.
Name: Gary Lents () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 19:20:02
Class: NONE
Message: Judy,
I will defer the judging of your proposed cooking contest to Jim Schroeder, aka, chezwhiz@yahoo.com as I do admit to being a whimp in the kitchen (see I am a rowdy). But, hey, I can Nuke with the best of em.
Speakin of cars....does anyone remember Benson's Nomad....that was a nice ride. And Miss Gregor (French teacher deluxe) liked to go for rides in my bro's Porsche when I could talk him into letting me use it. And T'birds....having worked at the Chevron by the 'A', we got to see em all, and I remember Erika Dekker from Morningside having a beauty.....hey, we even washed the windows back then. In fact, on CERTAIN OCCASIONS
Name: Sherry Ward () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 19:19:51
E-Mail: ecomroad@icx.net
Maiden: Rout
Class: 65
City and State: Somewhere in Redneck Land
Message: Anita! The teacher in the 60's who taught Russian was Miss Zalowski, and she was Russian. She also taught Spanish. I had her for Spanish I, and what a trip! She would wear these totally sexy outfits, and prop herself on the corner of her desk. Every guy in the room would be falling out of his chair. She would brag about how she wasn't just a teacher, she also did some modeling, or something like that. I don't think any of the guys actually learned anything, but we had the biggest Russian club ever! Hadn't thought about her in a long time. What a hoot!
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 19:06:54
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: My prayers go out the Jan Pitkanen's family as they do for the Harriet Patterson (Zaccaglin) family. Judy prom night sounds great. Doug and I will be there. Any help needed just let me know. You know my number!
Name: Larry Ramirez () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 19:04:15
E-Mail: exfix@home.com
Class: 81
City and State: Colleyville, TX
Message: Speaking of Teachers Cars, I remember an incident with the local Kiln Keepers (Karna) Porsche. One of the resident Rats had become Buddy Buddy and was given house sitting privileges. After a little too much Cheescake (or whatever) decided to go for a Joy Ride!!!!! Needless to say ceramics was never the same
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 18:41:53
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: FYI Did you guys know that Yukon Intermediate School students are wearing uniforms this year? Mom E said those kids look great......What else is new in Hawthorne schools? Hmmmm?
Name: Bonnie McCoy () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 18:41:27
E-Mail: brandyhlaguna@yahoo.com
Maiden: McCoy
Class: 78
City and State: Newport Beach, CA
Message: Just wanted to let all of my fellow Cougars know that The Beach Boys will be performing in Newport Beach this Sunday at 4:00pm in Fashion Island. Please go to www.tasteofnewport.com for more details. I definitely plan on being there! : )
Name: Susan Walling () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 18:30:32
E-Mail: funds4kids@yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
City and State: Santa Rosa, CA
Message: Geesh Anita, who did you get stuck with for Science class?
King JB, do you have a pic of Noel Smith in a '76 or '77 yearbook? All I remember is that he was tall, blonde, and a hunk. I spent many a day running around the track after school (was I nuts, or what?!?!) for months on end, just because he was out there. Geesh. On another note... count me in for the prom, it sounds like a blast. This time around I'll even have a date! Can anyone come up with a definition (of 10 words or less) for Cougartown?
Name: Donald () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 17:40:26
E-Mail: Scheliga
Class: 62
City and State: West Covina, Ca
Message: Hi All, I recently returned from the Kern River area where my family and I spent the Labor Day weekend with Norman Greenfield (HHS 62) and his family. Norm and I share, along with others, a common interest in the old logging town of Johnsondale, now known as the R-Ranch in the Sequoias. Upon my return, I have been catching up on some of the past feedback. It is truly a "blast from the past", especially the fun and culinary delights talk about at Pink's. Can't remember the last time I was there. When is the next run John? In the more recent feedback, there has been much said about "cheesecake", this makes me hungry, how about a cheeseburger? For all you cheeseburger lovers, there is a web-site called "Cheeseburgers in Paradise" where, almost all burger and hot dog stands from coast-to-coast are listed. Check it out and see if your favorite place is listed. John I am still shirtless!
See ya, Donald
Hey Donald, I just this minute got back from the silk screener and we will have shirts by next Wednesday.
On another sad note for the 62ers, Jan Pitkanen past away on August 28th. It's been a sad month for our class indeed.
Name: Debra Lee McGregor () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 17:27:18
E-Mail: mcgregord@la.lancaster.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Howdy ya'all ... as I sit here at my desk sniffling and coughing sharing colds with all the dear darlings here at the Elementary School, I'm glancing through FB which I haven't done for awhile. There's a party on Saturday?! Let me know what I'll be missing, I have to start a 2nd job again and of course I begin that night. The Prom sounds interesting. I'm wondering how many spouses or signficant others (or maybe both spouses and significant others...) feel about going to the prom if they didn't attend HHS. I can't believe we're approaching page 300. After losing 15 lbs. I'll say NO to the cheesecake, but would love some potato chips ... God bless y'all.
Name: Anita Young () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 16:34:59
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newhambuger, Or a gun
Wow, at this rate, guys, page 300 is going to happen before Friday for sure!
Great bunch of feedback, you guys!
Susan Ciampa...damn!Another reason why one should of bought their El Molino's ( I'm such a dolt!). Noel Smith sounds very familiar, so he was a cutie pie,too, huh. Don't think I had him or I'm sure I'd remember ( like I said, equal opportunity for us gals, too, why the heck not). And Dan, if you did remember or notice Pat Macha's looks, I'd really wonder about you hon, the ladies man you are and all! = )
Cindy Whittaker, good to see ya, sweetie! Well, I finally caught up with you,hon...the big 40, and know what? Feels pretty darned good. Don't have a problem with it at all, so you and the girls go out to Palm Springs and break it in good, ya here, and drink a toast for me too, while you're all at it!
Gary, I'm sure the spelling of intelligent, Gina did phonetically for our good, dear friend in here, Leeroy! You go,girl! Leeroy deserves some respect!
And Gina, we need to make Alan Nelson a cheesecake a piece and send one out to him, pronto! Sara Lee? You poor, underapprecited man!
And last, but not least, Dale Hahlbeck....don't stress the reunion, buddy. I know yours is bigger and much more detailed than the one we are having up here, but as 2 very wise sages told me ( and one of them is the guy here who writes in the blue ink), don't stress it, enjoy it and hey, just have fun! That, after all, is what it is supposed to be all about in the first place. Things will fall as they may.
I have to say a HUGE thank you to Raymond Smith for having the dream and inspiring me to help him achieve it and to Mike....hey, buddy, you are generous to a fault. I can't believe you! Hell, all I did was e-mail people, how hard is that. Those 2 guys deserve, as far as I'm concerned, all the credit! Way to go Ray and Mike! You 2 make me so proud to be a Coug!
Have a great one, Oregon.
Name: Gary Lents () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 13:54:55
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: none
Message: The all-sport (Xtra) radio station in San Diego is saying that the Beach Boys & The Turtles will be playing at the Hydro-plane races on Mission Bay this weekend.
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 13:30:53
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
City and State: San Pedro, CA
Message: Prom Night? Oh my goodness! I never went to a prom and neither has my hubby. What a great idea Judy! Let me know if I can help out! Perhaps we can have a "fund raising" event at the Prom so we can get ol blue bottom to participate!
You know I have two left feet and I certainly don't want to step on anyones toes, but I'll do what I can.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 13:00:08
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Class: 71
City and State: LA,CA
Message: Hello Kathleen Griffin. Of course I remember you. I remember you not only because you could play a chromatic scale but you were also a lovely person. You are absolutely correct. I drove the oldest car at Hawthorne High during that period. It was a 1939 BUICK town sedan, black with 5 inch white walls. I even recall that evening. After that party I continued on to the AFS Xmas party and I ended up being talked into driving to Mr. Kirtpatrick's so we could TP his house. I could tell you a lot more but Mr. Wetzler maybe reading this. Having a car that large was a plus when someone wanted to transport a large group. You could get at least six people on the running boards and if you had a few small people (the Gunther sisters) you could get 8 inside with out any trouble. I had that car until a couple of years ago. The only reason I sold it (I use to say I was going to be buried in it) is that I stored it in Palm Springs and it didn't have A/C, AUTO and POWER WINDOWS. I have become a creature of comfort. My other vintage cars have the above mentioned accessories and to this day I enjoy driving them. Do you recall all of the fundraisers we were apart of? Maybe you and I can sponsor a fundraiser for CT. A CARWASH perhaps. Please give my best to Pat Louder, I remember her also. Do you hear from any of the other band members?
Name: Mike Hinsch () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 12:40:29
E-Mail: mn_hinsch@msn.com
Class: 77
City and State: North Plains, OR
Message: Hey you Cougars out in the Northwest Lands the weather will be in the 80's and the coal's will be on the fire so come on out and rub elbows with the NW Cougar Elite (Marilyn, James, Anita, Ray, etc.) at the Northwest Cougar Reunion. Cars that will be at the function for photo ops: '57 T-Bird, '59 Ford Skyliner, '58 Edsel Pacer Convertible, '68 Mustang Convertible. Come on out and make new friends, eat, drink and be happy. Maybe we can start a new yearly tradition and add to our great memories of the people from Hawthorne High! Thanks again John for all your help on getting this function rolling on such short notice. This whole thing started with Ray wanting to get some folks together Anita took it from there and here we are ready to go. Hope to see all you Cougs at my house in "Fabulous" North Plains Oregon (home of the Elephant Garlic Festival) on the 16th.
OK NW Cougs. Don't miss this one. I know it's going to be a fun day for all in attendance......No Chevys huh Mike.
Name: Susan Walling () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 11:35:44
E-Mail: funds4kids@yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
City and State: Santa Rosa, CA
Message: After spending the last several days trying to catch up on Feedback, I have a couple of things to add to both the Nudie-QT establishments and the Hottest Teacher posts. Judy, get out the glow-in-the-dark rosary! I had a teacher at St. Joe's who also worked part-time as a dancer at the Kit Kat Club (John, I'm sure you must know the location) on Hawthorne Blvd. Seems that when the parent/teacher conferences came around, her and my dad recognized each other right away!
As for male teachers at HHS in the '70's... Noel Smith was on that list with Pat Macha. I clearly remember that every female wanted to be his T.A. and Science suddenly became our favorite class. For those of you who didn't have Cindy Crum for English, she was one of the best teachers at HHS and by far the kindest person I've ever met.
Thanks again, Cindy! And.... thanks again, John.
After the parent/teacher conference, did Dad shove a dollar bill in her waist band?
Name: Patty Valencia () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 11:07:22
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Hey you! Cheesecake, beefcake, pancake - what's up? What clique am I in, or am I not in one? Yikes. Prom nights - I don't think so. Unless it was a fundraiser for something. And held in a really cool location. Hey Brian! The Beach Boys could play! John boy what is the site coming to? Hey Jorge, you haven't signed in lately either, you know. I actually got to write on Mr. Key's infamous yellow pad the other day. It was scary. Music played.
Later, Patty-Cakes.
Hey V5, Where have you been?? Yes the old Feedback page has been turned into Martha Stewart's kitchen. Don't bad mouth Prom night either. This is going to be a grand night for Cougartown people with many surprises. Make your plans....
Name: Raymond Smith () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 11:00:55
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@Juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland,OR
Message: Just a few days away of not only meeting Cougars of all type at this weekend "All Class Picnic Reunion" but the magic number page "300". I wonder who's going to have that TOP HONOR being the first to write in??? Maybe that person can win a cougar prize or better yet, when we get to page 1,000 that person can win a trip to Hawaii?? Surely your funds would be overflowing by then wouldn't it???? It's funny how page 300 would land on a weekend unless we all stop talking then it would probably land on a Monday and since football is back those two shouldn't be on the same day. Linda, bud! Miss you so much. Wish you were here for Terra's First birthday party on Oct.18th. I wished I had the money to hire a phony for her to ride on. But, I think it would be more worth it if I waited so she would get a better enjoyment out of it. Anita, can't wait to see you and the gang THIS Saturday. Last one to leave the picnic blow out the tiki torch.
Hey Ray, I think she would prefer to ride a Pony.
Name: Mike Weiss () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 10:34:58
E-Mail: weissm@amtrak.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Santa Clarita CA.
Message: I was thinking about all of the former cougars who are no longer with us and wondering if a memorial page with names and/or photos of them would be appropriate. Is that something that would be welcomed or even possible? Just a thought.
Mike, That's the Tributes Page......
Name: Joyce Chance () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 10:07:21
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
City and State: Anaheim,Ca.
Message: Last "CHANCE" Prom Night 2001, how could I not be there with my last name?
Of course the theme song will be Chances Are, right Judy Wudy?
Sounds like fun to me. I'm sure I will be able to smuggle some booze in since I was able to do so at our all night party, remember John?
Let's not just talk about doing this, LET'S DO IT!!!!
Count me in Judy to help, I have some ideas.
You sneaked booze into a DANCE??!! I'm appalled..........
Name: Michelle () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 10:05:35
E-Mail: Drapeau
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
City and State: Palmdale, CA
Message: Hey P. Trembley....I remember Mrs. Schaller's jaguar too, only I remember it as being dark green! I always wondered how someone sooooo tall could fit into such a short car! The jaguar is my dream car and I think it all started with seeing hers. She was my FAVORITE teacher of all time! Mrs. Schaller, Tony Levizon, and I talked during class of liking to go fishing, so she told Tony and I to bring our fishing poles to 6th grade camp and she'd take us fishing. We got out of taking that tiring, boring hike to go fishing. We didn't catch anything but we surely couldn't tell everyone that so we found a dead fish floating on the edge of the stream and brought it back and told everyone we "caught" it....she was too cool!!! I've never really forgotton about her and her jag but you brought it all back to me and inspired me to write about it!!! Does anyone know where she is or doing these days?
Name: Gary Lents () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 10:04:00
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: old
City and State: Vista
Message: I have some news of interest. I asked the "Ole Coach" to join in for homecoming, and he said that if he & Cathy can make arrangements, he would come. What a perfect 2000 homecoming!
Hey Gina, how do YOU spell intelligent?
That's Great. Now we have to get the Coach and Cathy to chaperone our Prom Night.
Name: Linda Farrow () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 09:46:51
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@trw.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
City and State: Redondo Beach, Ca
Message: Message to John:
John I will be seeing Brian Wilson Sept. 24th at the Bowl and have backstage passes to meet him. I would like to give him a gift and thought a Cougartown shirt would be great. How can I get one right away from you? Let me know, maybe I can pick it up. He probably is and XL.
Also, I will be having some pictures taken with Brian, would you be able to post one of him on feedback?
Hi Linda, I don't have any shirts here. The shirts come from Shipper Sharon but she can certainly get you one by the 23rd. Just go to the order page and fill out the info and we'll get one out to you.
Sure, I'll post a picture of you and Brian on the website. No Problem. Thanks......
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr. () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 09:20:38
E-Mail: kewldaad41@aol.com
Maiden: stressin' out on Reunion biz
Class: '75
City and State: Yorba Linda Bush Country
Message: Nothing really to say, my e-mail at home is down
Hi Mom and Dad, Val, Sheri....fellow classmates from 74, 75 and 76 (reminder hit Reunion page for details on Oct. 7th!) No recipes or gossip today but stay tuned! I am also sending e-mails to HHS teachers who may want to attend our reunion.
John B you and a guest are welcome on my tab at the reunion or any other place you can track me down at.....my thanks for this website my friend.
I also plan to be at Homecoming game, heck I might even suit up for a couple of long snaps.
Only 24 more days to register for Oct. 7th!!
Don't delay sign up today!
(Hear there is going to be a handsome, single emcee for the event) Damn, I thought I was going to emcee!?? Rock Steady ya'll H1
Hey Dale, Yep, reunion time is closing in fast. Don't miss your reunions folks. This is NOT like ditching an assembly to go smoke a cigarette. These reunions are just as precious to you as your Prom or Graduation. These are events that you'll never get back, so please go to them. People who miss reunions are not only cheating themselves, but their classmates.
Name: Mike Weiss () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 09:12:46
E-Mail: weissm@amtrak.com
Class: 1980
Message: I just wanted to say that you have a great site here. I do enjoy reading the thoughts of others who went to Hawthorne. My own children are in high school now and I remind them that these are such important years for them.
Thank you.
Mike Weiss
Thanks Mike....
Name: Sharon Leach () on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 07:33:11
E-Mail: slleng@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: LongBeachCAhomeofthenewlywedandnearlydead
Message: JUDY WUDY Prom Night. GREAT IDEA. I hate to admit this publicly, but I was never invited to my Junior or Senior Prom, so this time I'll invite my husband. Why wait to be asked. I'll shine up my spiked heels, set up an appointment to have the old beehive teased and sprayed, go shopping for crinoline petticoats, hunt down some white lipstick and nail polish, dig out the false eyelashes, look for and off-the-shoulder dress, find a strapless bra that will hold up under pressure, and I'll be ready for the big night. In other words, count me and my date in.
That's the spirit Sharon. This one's going to be fun.....
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