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"More Early R&R" "The Gentrys"
Name: Chris Fall Knight () on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 at 00:39:28
E-Mail: artzlady@unnet.com
Maiden: Fall
Class: 71
City and State: Michigan
Message: John,
Please add my name to the list of people that think you are wonderful for coming up with this web site and maintaining it!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to David Ryan for listing his e-mail address with you, and also for answering my e-mail to him. I have found one of the friends from the past that I had always wondered about, from the class of 69, Dan Jones.
I have run across the list of "Senior Wills and Prophecies for 1971 if anyone is interested in seeing what corney stuff they wrote way back then.
Also, On the subject of a crazy lady in white in Hawthorne - I used to work at Clark Drugs as a cashier while in high school, and one day this lady all dressed in white came in with a shopping cart all lined in white plastic. She put every bottle of isopropyl alcohol that we had on the shelf into her cart and came thru my line. When she went to pay for the alcohol she opened one of the bottles and poured it all over the money she gave me and then all over the change I gave her back. I remember that as clearly as if it happened yesterday, and I get a free flashback to this day everytime I smell rubbing alcohol!
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 at 00:23:38
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: HHS
Message: Diana Calabro: Do you now or have you ever worked for GD&C?
Name: Robin () on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 at 00:22:27
E-Mail: I have it
Maiden: Stacy
Class: 60
City and State: Eugene
Message: Tilly Noodleman Blomsterberg....Under the new Bush platform LeeRoy could get 5 to 15 for conjugating a verb...I doubt he will even show Sat night..Morty...
My daddy told me I'd go blind if I conjugated too much.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Monday, July 31, 2000 at 22:34:34
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Just a note to let all know that we have a new winner and champion in the 'OLDIES RECORD GAME' Seems like Bob Fraser never told us that his wife, Rowdy Karen, is a cracker jack at the game. Thanks again John and Annie Rout, for the wonderful BBQ and fun. I've lost my feather boa and Marsha's lost her dangle earrings, so please hold on to them if you find them... LeeRoy Felderruster~~let's see if anyone can pick ya outta the crowd at Cruise Night..Saturday night. I'll bet most don't know that you were there for the very first one..and no one guessed.. Let's see, is it~John Baker~Doug Wingo~Jim Sloey~Dickey Norton~Robbie Norton~Chuck Currie~Loren Heath~Bob Fraser~Royal Lord~Dennis Campbell~Terry Leeper~or just one of the ROWDY GIRLS in disguise? A dashboard Madonna to the one that guesses! Now, I'm off like a velcro prom dress.. Judy Wudy DeGrazia Blomsterberg aka Tilly Noodleman OIY! MAZEL TOV!
I thought you were Catholic........
Name: denniszumwalt () on Monday, July 31, 2000 at 22:11:53
E-Mail: jeannieavm@qnet.com
Class: 1966
City and State: palmdale ca
Message: SO, whats up! Its been a few yrs ! I surfed 26, 11th hermosa, and manhatten pier. taco tios, a&w, the witchstand.the E-Mail is where i live, jeannie is my partners girl friend, my own E-Mail add. is dwzumwalt@netscape.com. Would love to hear from any and all, hope all is good for everyone, talk at u soon !!! Later----------------
Name: Janet Burkett () on Monday, July 31, 2000 at 20:53:51
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: Hey, 62ers, we're suckin eggs on that York school picture. I'm not sure, but is that the infamous Dan Dye right next to Mrs. Simmonds???
Speaking of that...great to see you after 30++ years Dan! And Dennis, yes, you have to wake up now....the Lake cruise is over!!
Yes That IS the one and only Dan Dye; bottom row, second from left. He looked about as big then as he does now, and how about Linda Dawson, another HHS 62er on the bottom, extreme right.
RE the Lake Cruise....... I know you won't admit it but you're the one that made it a fun day for all. From preparing the food, to the wine, cheese and crackers, to the party boat, You are just amazing and special to me..........thanks for everything!!!
Name: Sharon Leach () on Monday, July 31, 2000 at 20:49:19
E-Mail: slleng@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach
Message: I was just looking at some of the pictures on the Hangouts page. Looking at Holly's restaurant really brings back memories of when I was a kid. My parents would take us to the VFW for the Saturday night dances they held there. I think it was on 132nd Street. The VFW was also called the "Tank" because the building was a converted water tank. Is it still there? Anyway, after the dances, which usually ended between 12:00-2:00 a.m. My parents would take us to Holly's They would get something to eat and allow us kids to have a hot fudge sundae. Holly's made the best hot fudge sundae's and they were huge. At least to a kid's eyes they seemed huge.
My sister was also a princess of the Hawthorne fair in the 50's. The different clubs such as the Kiwanis Club, VFW, Chamber of Commerce, etc. would sell tickets and depending on who sold the most tickets their representative for the fair either became the Queen of the fair and the three runners up became princesses. I remember selling as many tickets as possible so my sister could be Queen, but the VFW fell short and she was only a princess. I have some pictures somewhere of her sitting on a car in the Hawthorne parade. If I can find them I'll scan them and send them over to you, John. I also remember we worked the penny pitch at the Hawthorne Fair for the VFW. Every night we had to count and roll the pennies by hand. Boy, was that boring. Hawthorne was a great place to live.
Thanks for the memories Sharon. Please send the pics when you find them.
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Monday, July 31, 2000 at 20:11:58
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
City and State: San Pedro, CA
Message: Myrna oh Myrna! You have something I have been searching for since I was 18... Pete's Cole Slaw recipe.. Please please, if it's possible, could you email it to me?
Paco, Help is on it's way.
John, Jerry Garcia and I will be coming to Cruise Night on Saturday.
Sloey, your reunion pictures were amazing, everyone looks like they haven't aged a bit since HHS....except the Homelycoming Queen....
"Homelycoming Queen" Now THAT'S Funny. We'll see you and Jerry on Saturday Kathleen.....
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Monday, July 31, 2000 at 19:28:02
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
City and State: manhaddan beechs
Message: HOWDY!
Welp I wuz tying ta git cald ups wit da ledders yall rits heres buts its taks a longs times fer a fella liks me ta reeds it alls, Beulah beins gons an alls. Anitas Youngin yall dont makes no easyer neder da ways youse rits takes me neer on 2 houres reeds one of yourn. I's stils neber nobe wats youse sez eder, yous shor cans rits youngin. By da wayz who yourn kin, ifn youse da youngin? huh? oh neber youse minds i neber gonna unnerstans wats youse gonna sez enywez. Welp Beulah bees homes Saterdays maybe wese all komez fer dat ise kreem. Wen dat homes comin agin? i's joyed dat gams lest yers.
Sees yall
Man that LeeRoy can conjugate a verb can't he folks. Thanks LeeRoy and we'll be alookin' fer you and Beulah at Homecoming.
Name: Myrna Bizzell-Wood () on Monday, July 31, 2000 at 18:19:01
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: My stiff neck and crossed eyes should keep me from ever staying away from feedback for this long again. Of course, I have the local telephone company to blame for a few of those days! My sister Ginny May ('69) was here for a few days, of course the phone was down at that time and I couldn't get her on here. We (with her 15 year old son Jonathon) went North to Chico and brothers Tom and Gordon met us at Dad's. (I'll download the photos and send them in a couple of days John). I wrote down a few notes as I was reading - thought Gina might like my story of coming out of the restroom with my dress hem tucked in the back of my pantyhose when I was working at men's custody center. That was an embarrassing moment if I ever had one - the inmates sure enjoyed it!! Oh, John! I'm thinking maybe you don't like us '66'rs - calling us weenies, huh? But then, you came back naming us Bell's as some of the "cool Cedar people" So do you like me or don't you??? As for the blind broom man. I had totally forgotten about him, but for some reason I always loved when he came around. Mom always bought a broom. He surely was nice to us kids. Talking about BBQ Pete's, Pete's family was associated with our church when I was little, and my brother Tom worked there in high school sometime (I think before B&B Camera), anyway, when Pete was getting ready to close down, I asked him for his recipe for cole slaw. He gave it to me. It is still in my recipe book in his own handwriting. Some pages back, someone was talking about not driving 40 miles for ice cream. If you lived here in Coalinga and you knew about Superior Dairy in Hanford, you would gladly drive 55 miles for ice cream. They make their own and have for umpty-ump years! Definitely worth the drive! Oh, by the way, Jim - glad you posted the pictures of our class reunion lunch - I thought I missed it, and when my picture wasn't there I knew I hadn't lost my mind! Glad to be a Coug!!!
Glad you're back Myrna.....
Name: Bob Milazzo () on Monday, July 31, 2000 at 17:04:58
E-Mail: mil93312@aol.com
Class: 60
City and State: Bakersfield,Ca
Message: Just came back from Oregon (vacation) looked up Nicki Fitzgearld Class fo 59, it had been close to 40 years since our last visit!!
Must say Nick your getting OLD!!!!!!!!
Nick say's that there is a cruise night about to happen! When and Where???? Would like to make the trip down and see some OLD COUGARS.
Hey Bobby, Cruise night is this coming Saturday night at Fosters in Hawthorne (120th and Hawthorne Bl) from 5 to 10 pm. Look forward to seeing you there.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Monday, July 31, 2000 at 13:49:31
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Fellow Cougs, thank you for the support you have given my family and I during this time of loss for us. Cruise Night III would have been the same time of his 84th birthday. (He passed away July 18th - Tue). I added more links regarding my father and the recent service and internment to my website. The links are located under the CA TRAVEL link at http://dondt.homepage.com
Feel free to provide feedback. Hope you all have a nice week....
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Monday, July 31, 2000 at 12:31:56
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Message: Welcome back, John: I see you changed Cruise Night time to my kind of starting time - 5:00 PM just when I can't get there until probably eight. Hope to see you there.
Patti Smith: I remember Mike Beard and Don Schuyler. I believe Donald was in my very first 7th grade class in 52/53. Yes, they were very nice boys. I also remember Gayle Walters. Her mother, Marge, worked in our cafeteria and then in Dana's office as a clerk/secretary - a very nice lady.
Love to all,
Harry, we'll see you at 8pm. Thanks.....
Name: Dennis Campbell () on Monday, July 31, 2000 at 10:10:18
E-Mail: Campbell901@cs.com
Class: 61
City and State: Mission Viejo Ca.
Message: Dockweiler Beach, Costa Rica, Play Del Rey (the
pits), Hot Dogs out the back door, Communes (JB1&2 D&E Lake House), Co-partner a Party Boat, Beany & Cecil, Leakin' Lena, Cha-Chi's, Man Over Board, Corvettes, Cheeseburgers In Paradises, Bob Marley, Jimmy Buffett, Son Of A Sailor Man, Channel 2-7-4 News, Moon Beams, Helicopters, 47 Ford Woody, Cheese Crackers Wine Grapes Roast Beef Sandwiches and & so much more see ya next week!
Hey wake me up John I got to much sun or something. Is it over? Do we really need to go home now? A day on Lake Mission Viejo with that wild couple JB1&2
Yes, we did have a great time huh. Thanks Dennis and Eileen, and Terry and Judy, and to Janet's brother, Tom, and his wife Jan, for a fun afternoon on Lake Mission Viejo. Let's do that one again.
Name: Anita Young () on Saturday, July 29, 2000 at 15:54:53
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg,OR
Well John...It happened again, just about a half hour ago! Another contact with an old bud, thanks to you and Cougartown! YES!!!!!! = )
Got a hold of Carla Pasch! She is alive and well and living in Corona del Mar! I wrote a private e-mail to Janet
( Kinder) Falkenstein to thank her personally, but I am in here to thank her in front of all Cougartown.com because what she did to reunite me with Carla is one of the coolest things about this site, John. I don't know Janet from adam. She read one of my feedbacks in here about Carla and found out she went to Miraleste High in Rolling Hills and either her husband went there too (don't still know quite the whole story or connection just yet) and he knows someone who is a close friend of Carla's and they gave him my e-mail address. He e-mailed me Carla's phone number and after several days of she and I playing phone tag, voila! Contact! We both could not believe how we both sounded the same and we talked like we had never lost contact with one another. She is coming up next month to party with me and Valerie Rosauer and a bunch of us for our mutual turning the BIG 40 this year! I am so insanely excited, you can not even imagine how I feel right now!
So John and Janet....you two are the absolute best people on the planet to me right now! God, I love this website to pieces! I have gotten together with about 15 old buds, whether in person, by phone, internet or a combo of them, and have even made new friends. Should we nominate John here for the Nobel Peace Prize? I think he should qualify, don't all of you? LOVE YA BIG GUY!!!!! And all the rest of the citizens of Cougartown,too...we are one great little community in here.
Anita, That's what it's all about. Finding your old buds and getting back together. As you know I never tire of hearing these kinds of stories. Let's keep finding those long lost friends and someday they'll ALL be accounted for. Thanks Anita
Name: EUNETRA () on Saturday, July 29, 2000 at 02:05:02
Maiden: MOORE
Class: 1984
City and State: HAWTHORNE,CA
Name: Anita Young () on Saturday, July 29, 2000 at 01:32:21
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Still recovering from hernia surgery from a week ago and still on Percocette ( groan) for the pain. And, in my spare time, still trying to read as much old feedback as possible. I'm on page 125 right now, towards the end of August of last year. Reading all that stuff has gotten me to reminisce of my own memories of Hawthorne...
My first day in school, which was kindergarten, Anza school. That was the only year I went to Anza as my parents got divorced after that year. Neat school and neighborhood. Had my very first kiss there, too. Some boy we called the "kissing bandit", Carlos something.I'm telling you, no girl in that class was safe from this kid...he'd nail you no matter where!
My first "real" friend ( and I am lucky to say, still have her Eva Hesselius (now Engdahl).She lived down the street from me on El Segundo Blvd.once my mom finally settled us into one place after the divorce. Eva's parents were divorced, too, and she an only child. She and her mom were from Sweden. We met in 2nd grade.We still keep in touch today and have all this time over the years, through thick and thin.
The long walk Eva and I and a few others of us had to get to school every day. We went to Juan Cabrillo school on 135th street, on the other side of the San Diego freeway. Quite a walk from El Segundo Blvd. That was the Holly Glen area. We used to cut through the train tracks a lot to make the walk not as far. Sometimes,though,someone would patch up the hole in the fence we'd go through to get to the other side. That was a bummer! Then we'd have to backtrack and go all the way around. That would make us late sometimes.
The slumber parties we had at Paulette DesRosiers house and how her older brother, Richard ( rest his soul) and his friends would razz us and give us a hard time,but in a brotherly good natured way. Carla Pasch every now and then would have a sleep over or two as well.
Going with my friend, Marie McCoskey (had to go to Lawndale for high school) to the YMCA to watch her in her gymnastics classes. I didn't mind. She was good at it and so were our other friends who were into it: Teri Painter and Lauren Bryan. And their coach, Justin Simonds ( who ended up at HHS as a gymnastics instructor in the mid to late 70's!What a babe he was! = )
The Dana dances...where I got my first "real kiss aka french kiss" from my 7th grade steady, Norm Field out on the dance floor ( me and a fellow HHS alumnus was dicussing this issue on the phone a while back weren't we OA...don't worry, your name and secret will stay with me...how are you anyways?)
And, to end this memory lane of the elementary and jr. high days, the first time I ever had to dissect an animal in a science class...in 7th grade at Dana. Can't remember the teachers name for the life of me, but first..an earth worm (eewwwww!!!!), then a frog and then, a sheeps eye. The sheeps eye was the least groce. The inside of an eye is a lot like the inside of a camera, believe it or not.
There, next, but won't say when...HHS memories.
Name: Lisa () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 23:57:52
E-Mail: ledsea123@aol.com
Maiden: Graham
Class: 67
City and State: Ramona
Message: Okay, Kelley it is official per Melanie I am losing my mind that is a relief to find that out. I thank you Melanie for that insight. Rudy and I got escorted out of our 20 year reunion I guess we were just a little bit over the edge that night. Some of us from the class of 67 drove the car until the wheels fell off and continued to drive on the rims. I think of Rudy and Crazy Craig a lot. I saw Craig in the afternoon and he died that evening and I know he knew I was visiting with him. I have only fond memories of both of them. I guess I missed what the almost cat fight was about. Kelley are you stirring up trouble in Cougartown? I sat here laughing to myself if some of these people on this feedback page really knew my story I would probably be barred from this web page altogether-access denied - we don't want your type of people here- find another high school to claim to be from - warning. When I get over tired I find the first thing to go is my personality not that anyone here has ever lost their personality. I say wear the world like a loose garment. Thank you John for this site you are my hero. Lisa
Hey Lisa, Thanks for being out there.
Name: Sharon Kettering Johnson () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 23:45:49
E-Mail: sharon.johnson72@gte.net
City and State: Nampa, Idaho
Message: To El Rojo- No can't say I knew either of the people you mentioned, sorry.
Do any of these names sound familiar to anyone:
if so, I'd like whatever info you have on them.
Ann Miller, Larry Smith, Rick Abshier, Ronnie Barnes, Suzanne Barton, Mary Louise Benecke, Beverly Borland, Neoma Bradberry, James Brokaw, Gary Carpenter, Tommy DeFrancisco, Ron Draper, Mela Dee Elkins, Gene Engel, Carol Erickson, Peggy Evans, Carol Haskell, Illen Hill, Patsy Hodnett. I'll stop there, I found my graduation program from Hawthorne Intermediate, it's dated June 12, 1957. Thanks for any help you can give me. Sharon
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 23:27:03
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Maiden: Same as above!
Class: 11961
City and State: Cerritos, California
Message: Jake & Judy, Thanks for the phone call the other night. It was great to hear from you again. I am glad to hear everything is going well. Hope to hear from you soon.
Sharon Kettering Johnson-I remember you from HIS and then I lost track of you when you went to that other High School. Boy was that a long time ago. How have you been? and what have you been up to? Send me an e-mail if you get a chance, I would love to hear from you.
Jim Sloey- Haven't heard from you in a while, How's it going big guy.
Dennis Campbell- Hope to see you at the Cruise night III. I think my brother, Dennis, will be there also.
John Baker- I Hope to be at the Cruise Night III. We had to miss a few activities, but we are getting into the groove again. See ya there. Royal
Thanks Royal, We'll see you and Pat on the 5th.
Name: Robin () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 22:51:02
E-Mail: LastoftheHoodsbutonlythebeginning.com
Maiden: Baker-Sloey
Class: Jakes class
City and State: Eugene, OR
Message: Chris Hood c/o71?...Are you from the Hood family who resided at 746 and later 4748 W.133st(Not Stacy st.), OS6-5329, son of Hillman and LaVerne Hood who could do 300 pushups at age 10, beheaded my parakeet "Hotshot" at 12 and didnt fess up for a quarter century, fell out of more cupboards than misplaced dishes as a 3yr old headfirst and lived to tell about it, had more cars towed from Raymonds parking lot than there were tow trucks in Hawthorne, was removed from Bandon High School classes for uttering such left wing sayings as "Out of sight" and "Far out" in the late 60s,and more recently fathered a son with a bigger age gap than Frank and Cody Gifford???....If so, I have the wrong Hood..:o)...Kidding Bro...good to see you aboard!..Welcome to the millenium...Glad that 286 was finally put to use...Later Cougs.....Old Hoody
"Bout Time!!"
Name: Dave Chapman () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 22:31:13
E-Mail: Bigwhite90260
Maiden: # 54
Class: 91
City and State: Hawthorne Ca
Message: This web site is really cool. Ive been checking out all the feedback and they are bring back lots of good memories. I grew up in hollyglen and remember alot of stuff the older Alumni are reminising on. I remember Joe the baker who sold pastries from his truck. God, I was probably 4 years old when he stopped coming around. I also worked out at Docs gym, he was a great man. Any Hawthorne Wrestlers, or football players out there? I still say The 1991 Hawthorne football team was one of the best.
Thanks Dave, glad you found us.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 21:28:47
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: Someone had mentioned on feedback about the hangout page so I clicked on to it. It's great John. Loretta Cuiper and her husband provided a menu from BBQ Petes. Check out the prices!
Hi Sherry, Yes the Hangout Page has been on the website for at least 3 years. Glad you finally found it.
Name: Diana Calabro () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 20:33:46
E-Mail: joe_diana@yahool.com
Maiden: Thompson
Class: 1961
City and State: Hawthorme.Ca/
Message: Well here is from your semi-regular, yes John Calabro is my brother in law he lives down the street from me. I am still waiting to hear from my good friends Charlotte Arnold and Vita Beneze, any clues where they are? Well I have heard from some of my old friends, Betty Fellows and Betty Bell. I have not heard from Mary Fee, Ricki Valencia or Loretta Cuiper in awhile are you still out there. Well are you going to Cruise Night, Betty, Betty, Ricki and Lorreta would like to see you again, hopefully Charlotte and Vita will be there.
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