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"More 50's Doo Wop" "The Passions"
Name: Howie's mom () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 20:04:45
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Maiden: Southwick
Class: 37
City and State: Torrance
Message: Little Howie is doing cart wheels. I believe he's born again!
Thank you Mom D for that special report.
Name: Kell () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 18:32:55
E-Mail: fourdaysoffandwhatiamidoingonfeedbackallday.com
Class: 67
City and State: breezeville usa
Message: All this talk about scary people brought to mind the haunted house we had on 133rd. I bet every street had one. This house was closest to foster freeze. there was the alley, a big field, then the house, man no body walked by it, especially at night. Fenced in all these trees and brush around it, i think i remember the old lady that lived there wore black. it was really great on Hollow winnie oops! I'd like to hear some scary house stories if any one has one to share. John, Curtis is also an old friend of mine. He sat and ate i know 2 kentucky fried chickens at our dinner table. when i first moved to oregon. at age 18 or 19 he sent me so much stuff, pictures letters, nonsense. I kept it for years. I don't know if he has a computer but my brother has talked to him on the phone. what a neat guy!!!!!! You know if you asked anyone in my family I'm that person yall are talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love to all big kell
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 17:54:47
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Sorry Chris dear....me and Kell patched things up. Your mudwrestling fantasies, guys, will have to be with some other Cougarites you may have in mind...poor babies! Besides, I'd rather wrestle in chocolate pudding or any flavor of jell-o anyhow! LOL! = )~
And Gina!....you are so funny! Yep, every family, I don't care who you are, has some very "colorful" characters in them, some more than others. I have a few in mine ( no surprises to anyone out there, I am so sure) but I am not going to air our dirty little secrets in here (just at family reunions, where they belong....HA!!!!!!!) Now you know why me and my brother moved to the Pacific Northwest and most of the rest of the family stayed in L.A. So, the rest of you So.Cal.Cougs...watch out....crazy relatives at large! Scary thought, isn't it? And John Boy, sending you out tomorrow A.M. a big picture pack to your P.O.Box! Enjoy it!
Thanks Anita...
Name: Kell () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 17:43:40
E-Mail: iprobablyshouldn'tchimeinseemstogetmeintroublebutheregoes.com
Class: 67
City and State: coos bay,ore by the ocean
Message: Yes I knew Crazy Craig very well. I lived down stairs from him in El Porto. In the 70's I used to make him concert outfits. He was so big he couldn't just wear anything. His favorite was this velour top and pants. He was the hit of the concert scene. We also body surfed the infamous wedge down south, and lived to talk about it. He could do more, take more, drink more than any person I know. I loved him dearly. Chris get back to work, I've got pictures of you I can send to Paco so be careful little guy!
Yeah Craig was just another character out of our past. Curtis A'lurede, Where Are You?? Curtis, really if you're out there, please try to make it to Cruise Night on August 5th.
Name: Gina Black Peck () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 16:49:40
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: The "crazy Mary", "Sheet Lady", "Vampires Dudes of Hawthorne", stuff is too funny. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. An event plus TIME equals comedy! If you aren't laughing now, just think about what's happening on your screen. Now, you just can't go out putting your "stuff" in the street and forcing yourself on the poor people of your particular Berg and not get talked about. The funniest part about this is that we are uncovering all the mysteries of Hawthorne. And, we are only a dimension or two away from the celebs in question!! What is it they say, you are only 7 dimensions away from anyone in the world? These folks were outstanding "characters" in our life's "play". It's only natural that we relate our stories and are curious about them. They were mysterious to us. They lived differently than we did. To the relatives, there is one in EVERY family. It just so happened that yours was a little more public and we all knew about them. It's okay, they added a little color to our sleeping little town. As children we wondered and were sometimes afraid, as adults WE ARE FLAT OUT FLOORED, because there, but for the grace of God, go I.
AMEN to that!!!
Name: Chris Hood () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 16:43:46
E-Mail: chrishood@stuntzner.com
Maiden: Shirley (shirley I'm kidding)
Class: 71
City and State: Coos Bay, Oregon
Message: Really folks the past few months has been a snooze. But the recent meow mix with cousin Kell, may even get pete back on line. You've captured my interest ladies, now all we need is a tub of mud, as if your not slinging enough. Stay tuned folks, those Cal/Ore girls know how to get down. Go Girl! Defend our Hood (no pun intended) Now were having fun.
Hey, you know this guys GOOD!!! I don't even miss Robin any more. Thanks Chris and please come on back anytime.
Name: Howie's Mom () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 15:58:47
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Maiden: Southwick
Class: 37
City and State: Torrance Ca
Message: Howie has to get a life now, Napster is gone....He's crying so hard...Poor little fella.
Mom "D", Tell Howie he's just going to have to steal his music from some other source.
Name: Denny () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 14:55:07
E-Mail: denunfried@msn.com
Class: 55
City and State: Del Aire
Message: The name of the so called "old guy" that used to own Melody Music was Chuck. He sold me $30 worth of stuff on just my word. Down the road when I wanted to buy a car he gave me a great credit reference.
Is this Mary everyone is talking about the same as "Marge the baglady" that used to hang in Frosties, and pour her fries out on the table?
Name: Bonnie McCoy () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 13:46:17
E-Mail: bonitaroberts@yahoo.com
Maiden: McCoy
Class: 78
City and State: Newport Beach, CA
Message: John Baker, to answer your question about there being two Draculas in Hawthorne, I only knew of one and as I said before his name was Mark Cooper. He hung out at the library in Hollyglen a lot and you'd always see him walking the streets in the general vicinity. This was in the mid to late 70's. So there ya have it about the guy I'm referring to. Okay, now does anyone remember the ice cream man in Hollyglen that sold drugs and pot to the kids??? First, he'd try to give ya a free sample so you'd get hooked on the stuff. He obviously didn't last too long once the cops found out about him.
I know this one has been mentioned before, way back, but does anyone remember "Crazy Craig" ala 26th St??
Name: Raymond Smith () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 13:35:59
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@Juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: Ah, what a beautiful day. Temps in the mid 80's, traffic is somewhat bumper to bumper on I-5. Taking a turn on 405 and soon I'll take another turn on 26 (huh you may ask?). Going down the fwy I look back toward the city and see the thin layer of smog forming up. Up in the distance the good ol' blimp is making it's flight around town. THEN it HIT me! I'm not in L.A. but in Portland, OR. Wow! I guess I'm back home in more ways than one. But there is one difference. The green scenery and if you're in the right location you could see the mountain views of Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, Mt. Jefferson and of course Mt. St. Helens. On a really good clear day Mt. Rainier would be visible too. Ah, nothing like home. Portland made it in the top 10 places to be most likely to be liveable what ever that means. I guess we have it too good. Hope all of you get to come and visit us.
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 12:55:24
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Hey Bonnie, funny how we were thinking of two different people altogether, huh. And Kelly, dear, dear Kelly...I got defensive, my dear, because you got after Bonnie and myself of something we didn't do, is all...I loves ya,man! After all, we have the Peteymeister in common! And, we both are Oregonites....I lived in Coos Bay the first 2 and a half years I lived in this state, hon. Yep!
And as for cat fights....ah, 8th grade at Dana Jr. High...when me and my two old buds from that time period, Valerie Rosauer and Marilyn Horn, got together recently, we spoke of the days at Dana when chicks would get into fights and why. 98% of the time, it was because some guy was 2 timing 2 different chicks. I had the same thing happen to me in 7th and 8th grade ( lucky me!) But, I have always been a lover, not a fighter. I was the voice of reason and always found a way of talking myself out of these things. I have always believed, and still do to this day, that fighting about something never solves anything. Plus, why should me and the chick fight one another over a guy? He was the one who was two timing us! He's the jerk! Both of us dumping his lame ass is always the best answer in my book, right ladies!? That'll teach the slimy dog!
So Kel, no hard feelings hon. I always loved ya and still do, and all the rest of ya out there, too! BE COUGS!!!!!!!
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 12:45:00
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: beautifulbitchinbeachyCA
Message: Hello Everybody! FYI The Lady In White is the mother of a fellow Cougarette. A very beautiful Cougarette who doesn't much like talking about her mother for obvious reasons. Caused her much grief growing up when she wouldn't take her medication. When last we spoke Mom had disappeared. Don't know if she ever came home. Hope she did and is well. Much love, The Goddess
EGADS!!!..... The Sheet lady is, is....... Janet Burkett's MOTHER!!!???
Name: Kelley () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 11:39:53
E-Mail: ishouldkeepmybigfingersoffthekeyboardsometimes.com
I thought we were going to have a "cat fight" there for a minute.
Speaking of that, I can remember at Intermediate, when a couple of girls would meet after school to fight, the guys would show up and they really didn't care who won, it was, "Rip Her Blouse Off, Rip Her Blouse Off!!!" Ahhh, now that's what I miss........the shallowness of 8th grade.
Name: Bonnie McCoy () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 11:31:57
E-Mail: bonitaroberts@yahoo.com
Maiden: McCoy
Class: 78
City and State: Newport Beach, CA
Message: Finally, I remembered the guy's name that was referred to as Dracula. It was Mark Cooper and he lived on 134th St. near the corner of Isis. Just wondering what the truth was about him and if he's doing better these days or if he's even still around. Like I said before, it was sad.
To Kelley Currie: I don't feel we're making fun of anyone, just remembering Hawthorne locals that stand out in our minds and a natural curiosity of what made them that way. Love to all, Bonnie
Does Hawthorne now have two draculas? (Mark and Rudy)
Name: Patti Smith () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 11:19:34
E-Mail: GrnidL80@aol.com
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: Oh My Gawd! I hadn't realized that the "Dracula" guy everyone was talking about was Rudy Zubillaga!! He lived across the street from my brother's first wife, Gayle Walters, on 135th. I knew him and his brother for several years, but had lost touch. I did hear, though, that he had died. On another track, does anyone remember Don Schuyler and Mike Beard, class of 58? They were both very nice guys, and the world would be better off if they were still of this realm.
Name: Louise St.George () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 10:30:08
E-Mail: louise@cmaintl.com
Class: 77
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: I'm just blown away. Now I am embarrassed to call her "Crazy Mary".
To Lisa Simons, are you sure we are talking about the same lady. This lady wore a black trench coat for at least 10 years in any kind of weather and had grey hair that hadn't been brushed in 10 years. She walked the streets at any hour. I know she lived somewhere near Freeman Ave. near St.Joseph school. Could this really be the same person???? If so I am just floored!!!!! Why for so many years did she lose touch and how did she finally come back? I'm being sincere, I would love to know if this is for real or are you teasing us??? Again, I'm just so shocked but if its true, very happy for her!!!!!
Hi Louise, Funny how apathy turns to compassion when we find out someone, we thought was a total "Nut Case", is related to a friend huh. I mean who's being "weird" here, and I'm as guilty as the rest of you.
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 03:11:03
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Kelly, first of all, Petey e-mailed me and told me Rudy's name. I had forgotten it after all these years. And, if you read my e-mail right, which you obviously didn't, I said someone else dosed a drink of his at a party, not him. And, he may or may not of had a mental illness before then. My brother knew him, too. I did not make fun of Rudy nor did I say he did that to himself nor did I imply he was a drug addict. I would have a lot of room to talk there. I did my share of wild things back then. I really like what you have had to say in the past, Kelly, but let's not get mad at people for putting words in their mouths that they did not say. Rudy was a harmless guy who unfortunately freaked a lot of people out who did not know of his tragedy. I would never make fun of or intentionally hurt anyone with any kind of disability or handicap. I said I wish they would of caught the person or persons who slipped him that O.D. of acid and thrown the book at them. I'm sure there'd be others who would agree with me. So, let's just drop this and not accuse people of things anymore, alright.
Name: Melanie () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 02:36:45
E-Mail: msminear@hotmail.com
Maiden: Minear
Class: 82
City and State: Hawthorne,Ca.
Message: Okay, now I Don't remember Crazy Mary, but i think I know the "sheet lady'? or is that before me??? I know there was a lady in white, dressed like a nurse or something with a little two wheeled cart that she pulled around with her. i used to see her EVERYWHERE!! I spent a lot of time at South Bay bowl in the early 80's & she used to sit in the lobby by the arcade, she used to come at you with scissors if you got too close to her!! Is that the same lady??? There was also A guy named "Rudy"? That came over to Hollyglen park when i worked there. He would come in the summer & try to play in the pool with the little little kids. he made the mommies nervous, so I had to call the P.D. I remember the one officer telling me that the guy was harmless, he went to Hawthorne with him & that "he took one acid trip too many & hasn't been the same since". Okay one last thing!!! Lisa- sorry to tell you, your memory IS going! I lived on 126th street between Tahoe & Felton. Costa & Stacy are right there right behind the football field. Behind the "vistors bathrooms" Now I live on 133rd How cool is that?? Sorry to ramble but you guys are really stirring up the memories M-
Hi Melanie, That's the sheet lady. Thanks.......
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 01:43:11
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
City and State: Fullerton
Message: We're right about Dickie. He sat across from me for a year when we were in 7th grade(Mrs. Brockett). I think that the first person in the first row is Diane Emerson. I remember her from art class. She did some art work for Mattel when we were in college.
Hi Ricki, I'm looking in the 58 Intermediate book and I don't think it's Diane Emerson, but I'll put it up until someone says different. I got some more too. Donald Trapp, Lynn Beach, and David Austin. Thanks Ricki.....
Name: Debbie Egland () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 01:27:58
E-Mail: gdfegland@earthlink.net
Maiden: Hagopian
Class: 1980
City and State: Placentia, CA
Message: Hey, Kids,
I'm, on a roll! Hello to DAWN MOFFETT! Great seeing you at Alex's party. And you are so right -- we need to see more alums at his party next year. We'll "advertise" here next Spring and have the biggest turnout to date!
Name: Debbie Egland () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 01:18:20
E-Mail: gdfegland@earthlink.net
Maiden: Hagopian
Class: 1908
City and State: Placentia, CA
Message: Hi, Richard Lopez,
Yes -- I think Sheri had a brother named John and a sister named Vanya. If you or anyone else knows where Sheri Chalekian (class of 1981) is, PLEASE E-MAIL ME!!!!!!! Thanks a bunch!
While I'm at it, does anyone know where TERESA HOFBAUER is? Please e-mail me with any info!
Name: Kelley () on Friday, July 28, 2000 at 00:14:50
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
City and State: coos bay,ore by the ocean
Message: bonnie and anita, are you thinking about rudy who lived on 135th across from the laundra mat off Inglewood Ave. He did do his fair share of drugs back then, but who's to talk. He had a mental illness and other serious health problems. He died some time back. We need to be careful when we talk about people who seem different than ourselves. Rudy was a very wonderful person who I can call a friend. He was in my class of '67 a very bright young man. Never harmed a soul except himself. On that thought, Sloey do you mean Morris Lipson? Another dear friend of mine who has been missing for sometime now. Lets not speak lightly of Morris!
Name: Gina Peck () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 23:57:41
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: b
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: John, I feel my leg being pulled...stop it! The Sheet Lady and Egg Man, indeed! WOW, Lisa Simons, blow my mind!!!Crazy Mary was really your Grandmother? So, is the "she lost her husband and daughter" story true? Tell us WHY she wanted to escape reality. Now, all you folks out there who can't get and date or find a mate...you have NO EXCUSE!!! If Lisa's Grandma can do it so can you!! This is so funny, it's almost worth the wrath of my sister when I call her at MIDNIGHT (her time) to tell her this. If I don't live through it....pray for me.
The sheet lady, egg man, and blind broom salesman are all real, I swear.
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 23:18:08
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
City and State: Oakhills, CA.
Message: To John Baker: Is it possible to have Cougartown Sweatshirts this homecoming? A nice red with yellow silkscreening or yellow with red silkscreening. Thanks again for this wonderful site.
I'll check into the cost Pauline. I'd like to sell the Tshirts from last year.
Name: Lisa () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 21:18:53
E-Mail: LMyerson@webtv.com
Maiden: Simons
Class: 72
City and State: Los Angeles
Message: Crazy Mary is alive and well. She is retired and lives in Encino with her second husband. I know because she is my grandmother. She never was crazy, people. It was all a front not to have to deal with reality. But she's fine now. Anyone interested in sending her a line, I'll be more than happy to relay a message to her. Take Care. Love this site.
Thanks Lisa, You tell your grandmother that all us sinners say hi, and thanks for clearing that one up.
Name: Betty East () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 19:50:00
E-Mail: bettye@amgen.com
Maiden: Wright
Class: 74
City and State: Thousand Oaks
Message: I still duck and cover when tremors hit. Its so automatic. I too remember Crazy Mary. I think she moved to Thousand Oaks. Take care all.
Name: Patti Smith () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 19:02:32
E-Mail: GrnidL80@aol.com
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: I remember Stacy Street, too. When we first moved to Hawthorne in 1956, we lived at 12410 Tahoe, around the corner from the Umbarger, just a couple of blocks from Stacy. My after-school babysitter lived just a few houses from there. In 58 the freeway was taking our rented house, so we moved to 123rd, between the Hahlbecks and Becky Slaughter. I recognize NOTHING west of Felton now.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 18:41:28
Class: 66/84
City and State: REDONDO BEACH, CA
Message: For the person or persons who wanted to know where Morris Lipscom was, check out the 66 reunion pictures link below. It was good to see you Morris.
Funny I always remembered that our victory queen was very pretty, talk about coyote ugly!
Name: Irene Fernandez () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 18:40:31
E-Mail: nanairene
Maiden: Callahan
Class: 60
City and State: L.A.,Calif.
Message: Hi John, I know my brother Reuel Callahan (class of 65) is telling how he got caught taking our mom's car to the beach but I'm sure it was more than once but was lucky and never got caught again. If I did anything, I usually got caught because of my little "Brother"!! My son Craig Fernandez (class of 80) also tried to pull some of the same but I usually found out!! He forgot, I was a teenager once TOO!! I'm sure his classmates could also tell me a few stories. As you can see my family has had many years and stories at HHS. Not to leave my younger son out, he went to Mira Costa (class of 85) where he was coached by an HHS Alumni Bob Hunter (class of 60). Again thanks for this great site. It's great hearing all the stories and getting to renew friedships!!
Hi Irene, I remember Bobby Hunter. Another 133rd St person. I think in school, Bob wanted to become a comedian. His brother Gary was in my class, and I remember Mike and Charlie too. Another great HHS family. Thanks Irene.....
Name: Irene Fernandez () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 18:13:06
E-Mail: nanairene
Maiden: Callahan
Class: 60
City and State: L.A.,Calif.
Message: El ROJO, I left a message with John today so hopefully I'll hear back from him soon. Last time I spoke with him was a couple of months ago when I told him about Cougartown and that people had asked about him. At the time he wasn't a PC user but said he was going to start. Do you remember Shoreen Hotchkiss? She married Don Eakin (class of 58) I spoke to her around the same time and she's not a PC user either. I told both of them how great this web site is and that they should sign on!! Do you THINK that's the reason we don't hear from many of our clasmates is that they are not PC users!! Come on "CLASS of 60" let's hear from you!! Rojo glad you keep in touch, say hi to Judy! Chat with you soon!!
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