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"More 50's Doo Wop" "The Passions"
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr. () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 18:09:34
E-Mail: KewlDaad41@aol.com
Maiden: H 1
Class: 75
City and State: Yorba Linda CA
Message: YES YES YES I will be at Cruise Night.....feel
like cruisin' that weekend anyway :)
I found Marla Crane now searching for others to hit up for $$$$ Did see Alan Nelson, Dewey and Melanie, and Ol' Tom Mosher at the river that was
kewl! Planning to be there Labor Day weekend if you can find me near the Parker Dam, I will be happy to serve you!
Until the Cruise Night, Rock Steady ya'll
H 1 short and sweet : )
Hey Dale, Check back a couple of pages as Dewey put up some pictures. See you on Cruise Night.......be a Coug boy
Name: Cindy Hall () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 18:03:37
E-Mail: mtshadows@citlink.net
Maiden: Trotter
Class: 1960
City and State: Bullhead City, AZ
Message: 40 Years since graduation and we've always had a reunion - sometimes in between decades - but no
word about one this year. If any info available, please advise.
Thanks, Cindy
Hi Cindy, Haven't heard a thing on the class of 60 reunion. If I do, it'll be posted here. Thanks.......
Name: Reuel Callahan () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 17:56:08
E-Mail: Reuelcallahan@aol.com
Class: 65
City and State: Westlake Village, Ca.
Message: Hey John, I used to take my mom's car to the beach when I was 15 1/2 while she was at work. used to pick up my buds and a couple of girls from the class of 67 and stay at the beach all day. That is until one day I came home and Tom Stewart's (my classmate and next door neighbor) mom caught me and made me tell my mom. Never thought I would get caught but you can't outwise the parents.
In that period, other people watched out for your interests, as well as your parents interests. It was called being a good neighbor. Thanks Reuel.......
Name: Catherine Harris () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 17:51:21
E-Mail: FIREBIRD5@prodigy.net
Maiden: Harris
Class: 1968
City and State: Riverside, CA
Message: Hi to all my fellow Hawthorne High alumni, especially class of 68!!!! It's been along time since we trampled thru the grounds of HHS. It's hard to believe we have hit the big 50 this year, Yikes, where did the time go. Glad I found this page, hope to hear from anyone who may remember me.
Hey Catherine, Glad you found Cougartown too. Lots of 68ers here so I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a buddy. Enjoy.....
Name: Anita Young () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 17:47:24
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Bonnie, hey, what's up woman?
I don't remember crazy Mary or the sheet woman, but I do remember the guy referred to as Dracula. Bonnie, this story is so sad and so unecessary....makes me mad, too.
That guy ( can't remember his name) was slipped some acid in his drink when he was at a party one night and I don't even think it was just one hit, either. It totally fried his brain and he was never the same again. I don't think anyone ever found out who dosed him either. I wish they would have thrown the book at them. That kind of practical joke is totally uncool and uncalled for. They totally destroyed a person's mind and life. I don't know how that person or persons live with themselves because of that.
Name: Raymond Smith () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 17:15:34
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@Juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland,OR
Message: Ok, here it is. A picnic is being planned and will be held somewhere in the Portland area. The weekend we're looking at will be on the 2nd Sat. of Sept. Anita, Terrie, Mike and I are at work to see what we can pull off. So, you Northwest Cougars out there keep your eyes open. Should have a place picked out by a week or two.
Name: Raymond Smith () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 17:09:37
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@Juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: Boy, talk about crazy Mary. I too remember her and even though I never had a bad experience with her other than hear her mouth go off. She lived on York Street (or was it Oxford, the next one over) and her house was very unkept, weeds growing all over and she would put these white little crosses all over her windows. Another person to mention is "Poppie". He was an older guy who hangs out at Memorial Park to play with us little kids. At parade time he would dress up in his cheap clown outfit. His only job was delivering newspapers and he kind of reminds me of Pee Wee Herman riding his bike all over town. He wasn't all mentally up there you know what I mean? What ever became of him? Now I got a call to all of you guys out there. When was the first time you ever had to shave? I was telling this to a friend of mine and I blew his mind away when it was before I ever entered HHS. It was the summer of 77 and it was between 8th and 9th grade. I got tired of seeing my peach fuzz and my grandmother let me have my grandfather's old shaver. I thought it was cool. By the time I was a Senior all I had to do was grow a mustache and lo and behold beer or hard liquor was in hand. I guess back in those days we try to beat the system. Thank God they got a tighter hand on it.
I just heard from Linda Jones Reynolds HHS62, and she said crazy Mary lived on Oxford and she had lost her husband AND her daughter within a months time. She just snapped after that. Sad really........
Name: Bonnie () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 13:55:21
E-Mail: bonita.roberts@conexant.com
Maiden: McCoy
Class: 78
City and State: Newport Beach, CA
Message: Hey, John Baker! I remember crazy Mary and seeing her tearing up money and throwing it on the ground. I also remember the lady dressed in white sheets that pushed a shopping cart around town full of white sheets. That used to totally freak me out when I'd see her. There was also a guy in the Hollyglen area that had long black hair that looked like Dracula and that's what we all referred to him as. I think he had two sisters that went to Lawndale High. Rumors have it that he was a former drug addict or that he was mentally ill due to some tragedy that occurred in his life. So sad, I wonder what ever happened to him and what the real story was.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 12:58:52
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: Dennis Lord, congratulations on your retirement. For the ones that don't know where Stacy St. is It is right behind the high school football field. John, the sheet lady that pulled that shopping cart, well she was quite well off. She owned at least 3 houses in Haw. I always thought she was poor. She was always asking for money and became quite indignant if you didn't give her some.
That's the one. Thanks Sherry....
Name: Kelley () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 12:02:45
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
City and State: coos bay,ore by the ocean
Message: Well, since Stacy st. is that side of El Segundo Blvd. Thats cool. Every part of Hawthorne has its memorable streets. Lisa you didn't live near stacy street, your memory is just fine. or mine is a mess. Hey John, I went to the Hangout page, I haven't surfed this site in awhile and it looks really good, You be da man. Petey, now who does that sound like?! Petey is out there she just won't chime in. We'll get her sooner or later.
Thanks Kelley, Hey, I was kinda partial to Cedar Ave. We had the Bells, the Heaths, the Hillers, the Norths, the Conways, the Birds, and the Dixons, to name a few. Now there's some cool people.
Name: Louise St.George () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 10:37:04
E-Mail: louise@cmaintl.com
Class: 77
City and State: Lancaster,CA
Message: John,
Just want to thank you for this wonderful site. Not only am I reconnecting with great friends that I haven't talked to in 20 plus years but also making new ones. I'm getting together with an old pal August 5th. Her and I used to be really good buds, but you know how things go, you get married have kids and you move on with your life, but then you remember how important these people were and now we get a second chance. Thanks!
Gina Peck, yes I remember crazy Mary. That was a big thing for the St.Joseph clan. The highlite of our day. She was this women who had the same clothes on for a about 8 years, never brushed her hair and picked up trash from the street. Of course a little yelling and cursing at herself every so once in a while. God forbid you crossed her path, she would get very angry. I really did feel sorry for her in my own way. I'm sure alot of you 70's people must remember her. She walked around Hawthorne, I mean the whole city for years.
Always wondered how she became that way. Oh well folks have a great day....
I remember Crazy Mary too, but do you remember the "Sheet Lady"? She dressed in white sheets and pulled a shopping cart full of folded white sheets. Also, do any of you older Cougs remember the guy with, I think, Cerebral Palsy in the 50's that rode a three wheeled bike and sold eggs door to door? How about the blind man that sold brooms door to door in the 50's?
Name: Cindy () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 10:22:57
E-Mail: otptoy@pacbell.net
Class: 1978
City and State: El Segundo
Message: GARY LENTS - My nephew Adam McGrath is also in Canada (Brampton) in the Hockey playoffs. He plays for the Bulldogs, Pee Wee division. If you see him, tell him I said good luck and good luck to you and your team!
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 10:12:37
Class: 66/84
City and State: REDONDO BEACH, CA
Message: Well I detected a little cynicism in Mrs. Leach's tone like there wasn't really a reunion so here are the pictures of the class of 66. We had a great time! I guess you aren't the blonde huh Sharon? Hey I knew where Stacy was, Mykkanen lived at the end of it, Gary, where's your email?, but what is this 133rd Street that people keep writing about? Was that before or after 132nd Street. I remember going there once but I think it was when nothing was going on the paint had dried and the grass had stopped growing. Enjoy the pictures.
Sharon, Click here for pics of the people who were at Sloey's class of 66 Lunch Reunion.
Name: Danny Litton () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 07:43:59
E-Mail: dlitton@tapestry.net
Class: 68
City and State: Fairfax, VA
Message: John: I absolutely love that obviously pre-historic street map of western Hawthorne and Del Aire. I simply could not remember the lay of the land prior to the 405 splitting the city (literally)
in two. It was a harbinger of future bad things to come to the city's geographical integrity ... such as the new freeway along Imperial Hwy.
Hey Danny, That map came out of a 1958 Thomas Guide. It was my fathers and I can remember saying to him, "if you throw that old thing away, I'll get you a new one". I'm glad now he kept it. Thanks Danny.....
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 00:47:27
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
City and State: Fullerton
Message: Thanks John, once again. Got in touch with some nice folks.
York school, 1955, 4th kid--1st row: Dickie Marquez.
I'll gird my loins and try to show for cruise night 3.
Now see, I thought that was Dickie Marquez too, and so did Linda, but Dan said no, but seeing as you agree with Linda and I, then it's Dickie.
We'll see you on Cruise Night Ricki.......
Name: Sharon Leach () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 23:32:35
E-Mail: slleng@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach
Message: I'm back! My computer crashed. This time for good. Had to go out and by a new one. Three years seems to be the max. Sorry I missed the BIG reunion. Jim, I'm sure you did a great job. I would really have loved to park all the cars. In high school I was really good with cars. Used to push my dad's out of the garage, back it down the drive way, then push it down to the end of the alley, so he wouldn't hear me starting it with the extra key I had made. Then me and my friends, who had helped me push it, would go cruising. Those of you who helped know who you are. Just want to thank you guys for making sure the gas tank was full when it was returned. Of course you could fill the tank for about $1.25 then. Now I have to take a second mortgage on my house to fill the tank of my car.
Anyway, it's good to be back and read all the feedback I missed.
John, Judy said it all. You really are our hero. I have connected with so many old friends. I can't thank you enough.
Hi Sharon, that's the way we did Bob Reagan's dad's 55 Pontiac. Push it out of the garage, down the alley, and THEN start it and go cruising.
I wish Bob would tell the story of getting caught by his older brother Don while on one of these cruises. How did all you others "borrow" your parent's autos and did you ever get caught? I got caught taking a spin........
Name: Lisa () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 22:49:27
E-Mail: ledsea123@aol.com
Maiden: Graham
Class: 67
City and State: Ramona, CA
Message: I lived at l2622 Costa Drive, my parents owned two houses on that block and I don't remember Stacy Street. I tell you the more I check in on this feedback page the more I am believing I have burned out brain cells. Crazy Mary is probably doing time in prison system if she did stab her husband - check with CDC. We could write a book about the stabbing, maybe it was due to the smell from El Segundo that made her snap. I am grateful my parents did not live in the area when a gang shooting took place. Should I come armed to the Homecoming game? What a life. Lisa
Name: Gary Lents () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 21:50:42
E-Mail: none for a while
Class: None
City and State: in transit
Message: Goodbye Cali, Hello Toronto....If Blake Withall reads this, I am staying at the Best Western in Brampton....this may be dangerous, the drinking age in Ontario is 19, and over half of these kids are 19+....oh my God, no Coug ever drank at that age did they?
Good Luck Cali.....
Name: EL ROJO () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 21:13:17
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Message: Hey ya'll, were doing well up here. I see that the next frosties run is coming up. Jeez, I can't believe that we've been here this long. Wish Ida and I could make it, but life says no. I do want to say ... IRENE CALLAHAN... you haven't said if you have ever gotten ahold of John B.. Tell him that I would love to have a chat with him. I also want to say to Sharon Kettering Johnson that you never did say whether you knew Marlene Greenup or Sharon Springer? Just curious. ...Christine Baird, yes there is something that smells worse than what you smelled. It's called human f.... forget it. John there are now "4 Cougs" alive and kickin in this world and Ida and I are awfully proud of where they went. You'll hear more later. Jim West, we're still waiting to hear from you. Need your phone number. And Howard Doo4, would love to get with you folks someday. We love the shots. It's a great pickup at the end of a day. MoMo where are you? JakeNJude. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU!
Hey Jake, my Coug is sitting on the shelf right next to the front door. Lots of people ask about it. Thanks again and again. I wouldn't trade it for a passing grade in English class, if it meant I wouldn't have to go to summer school at Leuzinger.
Name: Gina Peck () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 18:57:05
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Hey John, how was the Jerry Garcia? No one ever knew where Stacy Street was. It was an unicorporated area of Los Angeles (not Hawthorne at all!) and was serviced by the Sheriff's Department in Lennox. Once I had to call the police and 1) had to convince them it WAS THEIR jurisdiction and 2) direct them how to get there. I'm glad nothing major happened there (very often). They say Crazy Mary stabbed her husband on the corner of Stacy Street and Costa Drive. Also, I saw my beloved Stacy Street on the news ('86 or'87) when gang members chased some people in a car back to Stacy Street and shot the people right on the Robertson's front yard!! That night Greg May got his 15 min. of fame on the evening news. He looked good! What was Crazy Mary's REAL story anyway? Does Anyone know?
Name: Linda Reynolds () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 18:27:42
E-Mail: linrey@yahoo.com
Maiden: Jones
Class: 62
City and State: Chatsworth, CA
Message: Hey! Re: York Avenue School picture
Second Row, 2nd person: Donovan Smith
Second Row, 5th person: Larry Johnson
Cute kids! It was nice seeing you Dan Dye at John's house. Oregon Cheryl Nicocia, I wish you had been there. We are still gonna make it up there to visit you on the River. .......Linda Reynolds
Linda, She's sitting next to me right now with Margarita in hand. Dan's coming back tonight too. He's bringing Anne and Janet will be here too. Sorry sucker!!
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 17:10:46
Class: 69
Message: Stacy Street? And where is that in relation to 133rd Street?
Stacy is west of HHS, and 133rd is south of HHS
Name: Anita Young () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 16:44:35
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Kelly, first of all thanks for asking that question, and John, thanks for answering her with a map of the area. I thought Stacy st. sounded familiar. When my family lived on 125th st. ( I lived there until I was 5) we lived just off of Felton, so Stacy st. was just a few blocks away.
And, I was meaning to come in and bring up an old topic of some interest ( I hope)....
John, since you were a grammar school kid of the 50's, your duck and cover drills were mostly for air raids, weren't they? Just curious. I remember we had those when I was a kid in elementary and jr. high, and I think we had them for all around emergencies. The main reason I bring all this up is that I was at a BBQ at a neighbors the other night, and here in Newberg, this old funky town still uses their air raid siren when there is a big emergency, like a big accident or fire or something like that. Every time the thing goes off, I think of the duck and cover drills when I was a kid. It went off when the BBQ was going and all the different guests were from all over the U.S. and we had fun talking about all our different rememberances as to what our duck and cover drills were about. Ours down in L.A at the time I was in elementary school, like I said, I think was for all around emergencies, but weren't they also for earthquakes? I'd like to hear anyone else's rememberance's of duck and cover drills.
As I recall the duck and cover drills, no one told us little guys what they were for. I remember them along with fire drills and they were just an excuse to get out of class for a bit. I don't know what I'd have done if a real disaster had come along.
Name: Kelley () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 16:07:19
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay, OR
Message: I'm sorry but where is Stacy street again, I missed that. I thought everyone lived on 133rd. Glad you old timers are getting together. I love the old Haw. stories!!!!!
Now see, I KNEW I'd get a rise out of a 133rd St. person.
Stacy St. is just west of the football field.
Name: Charlie Fox () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 15:56:28
E-Mail: Foxhaus@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Message: Regarding Del: My dad has once again beat the odds and stepped way back from the abyss. Last week he turned in his wheel chair, put away the walker, and is now getting around quite nicely with the use of a cane. He was at the last board meeting at the college and I believe he's going to be back behind the wheel next week, driving himself here and there. His recovery has left us all in awe of his amazing will to stay with us. Thanks for asking, John. I'll let him know you're thinking of him.
That's great to hear Charlie, thanks for the update. Hope to see him again this year at Homecoming.
Name: Lyman Moss () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 13:51:22
E-Mail: Lyman.Moss@PSS.Boeing.com
Class: 59
City and State: Everett, Wa.
Message: First Row, 2nd person (Mel Bolton)
Third Row, 1st person (Keith Lent)
Hi Lyman, I don't think so. These are class of 62 people, that did not necessarily go to HHS. I've got two more though, Ted Griffin and Jerry Simpson. Thanks man......
Name: Charlie Fox () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 13:48:48
E-Mail: Foxhaus@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Message: Okay...early Hawthorne smells: Can anything compare to the smell of the El Segundo refinery in summer?
Hey Charlie, Yeah that was a cross between rotten eggs and rotting meat. I think the AQMD cleaned up "El Stinko" in the last few years....... Hope Del's feeling better.
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 13:13:04
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Message: FYI:
Harry Johnson, 8th grade teacher at Dana, passed away in March of this year. Margrate Bennett Gowder, principal at Anza and 1st principal at Sepulveda passed away on July 16, 2000. Margrate was my sister's husband's sister's husband's sister. Be sure to do more than think your feelings of affection for your loved ones - express them often.
Love to all,
Always sad to lose a mentor. Thanks Mr. P. for the update.....we love you too.
Name: Christine Baird () on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 12:26:08
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
City and State: Round Rock TX
Message: Smells.....Hmmmmm Gotta share this... I noticed mention of a smell associated with cows and whenever I hear mention of bad smells there is only one thing that comes to my mind. I was stationed in Iceland and in downtown Rekjavic they have a sign...you know like a Stop or Yield sign, but with one big difference, there were not words on this sign. The only thing that is on the sign is the profile of a rather large nose with a clothespin clipped on it. The sign was outside of a plant that processed fish remains into fertilizer! Pheww!! That has got to be the worst thing I have ever smelled! Worse than caca cows, I assure you! ")
Hawthorne? Cougars? Dana? Intermediate? Frostys? HHS? Teachers? Cruisin? Memories? ......
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