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"More 50's Classic Do Wop on the way" "The Corsairs"
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 10:23:08
E-Mail: hoodyyoucandrivemycart.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 66/84
City and State: sunny Redondo beach, ca
Message: Well for the less unfortunate my Redondo is sunny! But it is all about attitude! Well said Robin about the generation called X, no nothing. But I am blessed with 5 great kids who are a part of that group but not the scene. And do you want to go? Ken Slaughter the absolute funniest guy I ever met! See you on the 2nd! Cougartown what a country! El Rojo how are you? Where are you? And Hoochy Hoochy (you know who you are) be careful this weekend in SUNNY Redondo Beach! And Tambo(s) looking forward to seeing you and you too Lents!
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 09:10:49
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Message: Randy Hood-
You were roommates with Ando??????? Was there anyone this guy didn't pal around with??????
Randy, email me at home to update me on your family. I have tried all morning to spell this, so here goes - do you remember the "Udun Nudun"?
My sister had dinner with Don Matteson last night, and will get a kick out of this!
Betty Kean-Rodriguez
Name: Elizabeth Castanon () on Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 07:58:57
E-Mail: lizcastanon6@hotmail.com
Maiden: Cary
Class: 1973
City and State: Wherearetheoceanbreezes, TX
Message: Hi CT, Just a quick reply to Christine Baird, yes mam, it is hotter than pit up here in the Panhandle, two days in a row now over 100 and just southeast of us in Childress it got up to 111 degrees. Never had it so hot!!! Who mentioned Pup n Taco? I havent thought of that place in years!!! Favorite afterhours drive through when I was sick of Jacks. Then after I got married, took the kiddos for some quick cheap snacks. Oh the simple pleasures! Heres a small world story for you...talking to a collections company rep on behalf of my boy in the Corps....come to find out after I mentioned that Paul was born at Torrance, that his two kids were born there two...then found out he had graduated from HHS in 69 and had lived on 123rd over in Aviation area. Will be talking with him again today and will get more info. Will also encourage to get onto CT. He lives in Georgia I think. Anyway, yes this Memorial Day weekend has special meaning for me this year...my baby boy Paul is a Marine now, out there to defend all of us...sacrificing irreplacable life experiences to travel the shores and the oceans to protect us. He is just a baby himself...barely will be 20 in August. So think of my boy and all the other sons and daughters out there this weekend. Pray for their protection and pray for this world we live in. God bless us all Liz
Name: Lupi Perkins () on Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 03:30:55
E-Mail: perkisassy@yahoo.com
Maiden: Dominguez
Class: 69
City and State: Hawthorne,Ca.
Message: Ok Betty, I'm here alive and well. Thanks for asking. Sorry I missed the picnic on Sat. but was up north visiting my grandkids. Definitely will be at Cruise Night 3. Wayne Dickey, welcome back to Calif. For those of you who know my youngest daughter Stacy c/o 99 she's living in Lithuania with her husband and would love to hear from her CT friends. She can be e-mailed perkipooh@takas.lt
She's a little home sick. Ok Pauline and John where are you?????
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 02:07:12
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: I'm sorry to say I must put in my two cents worth on the 'porn' car issue. If you're sick of this subject feel free to scroll ahead. I was only at the car show for a couple of hours and that was to work a booth, but I managed to get a walk about and check out the art work. I may not have seen them all but what I did see did not offend me. Perhaps I've been desensitized by 20 years of massaging, or maybe it's because I've seen MTV and Calvin Klein commercials. I've seen the covers of 'Cosmo' and 'Sports Illustrated'(swimsuit edition) Sexy women have been used to sell everything from tires to toothpaste, from shaving cream to shampoo. When was the last time you looked at a comic book? It's not 'Archie and Veronica' anymore and it hasn't been for many years. Even Disney is guilty of portraying their heroines as beautiful, sexy, doe-eyed, pouty-lipped, long-haired beauties. The girls or women on the 'porno' cars were not tied up or chained down. They weren't being konked over the head by a lusty beast. They weren't being abused. They were posing in little more than what I see on the beach outside my front door. Day-time soaps show more. Women have been painted for thousands of years. It's because they are beautiful. Sex, lust, & nudity have permeated our newspapers, magazines, video games and comic books. Who remembers "Let's spend the night together. I need you more than ever." Do you think he was asking her to a slumber party? Having said all that the question remains, "was it appropriate at a High School function?" Perhaps not. But how can we expect more? I know I can't. I don't volunteer to mentor or tutor. I don't lead any Girl Scout or Boy Scout troups and I don't walk the halls of our campuses to share my wisdom or teach honor. You ask, "Where are their parents?" Are they educated professionals who work 18 hour days or is mom a junkie and dad a drunk? Is dad even there? There are some Cougar fathers my own age who are alcoholics who make empty promises to their children. They role-model denial. Their kids are lucky to have great moms. I know some Cougar dads who are raising their kids alone because the mothers of their children are selfish losers. These kids with the 'porno cars' are our kids and grandkids. Should we expect more? I know I can't. I don't volunteer to mentor or tutor. I don't walk the halls of our campuses to teach honor and respect. I don't lead a girl scout troop and I don't coach any teams to lead our children to explore the truth about respecting their bodies and each others. All I'm saying is our kids are exposed to this everyday of their lives and it's up to the adults to TALK to our children about what we believe. Role model honor and respect and don't think for a second that walking away from a porno car or a billboard or a magazine cover is protecting anyone. That's all folks.....
Later.....The Rowdy Goddess
Name: MoMo () on Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 00:50:05
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: To all our service men and women past and present. To those that are still with us and to those who have given their life for our country, this United States. Share these warm thoughts on Memorial Day:
If you are going to be out partying and having a good time....enjoy! But, PLEASE remember.... DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE....have your designated driver established before you go out. We want to see everyone back here on Tuesday.
Name: Anita Young () on Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 00:24:14
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves ( yes, got a problem with that?)
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Randy Hood! Hey ya! Nice to see you in here! Long time no hear from!
Thanks for clearing up the "Beeper" thing. Me and Bryon keep trying to e-mail each other, but he keeps having trouble with the e-mail, so he says. Would like to catch up with him, talk about our old days.
All I can say about Don Pike, since I was so little when I last remember seeing him ( like 12 or 13) is that he was a really nice, funny, and cute guy, seems like he'd do anything for a friend...Mary just said to say he's gone, but never forgotten...If you've talked to Petey lately,she can clue you in more to where my sister's head is at...not in a very good place, I'm afraid, so forgive her, Randy, O.K.
And when you brought up LaFontaine...Sharon Willis said she talked to her on the phone not long ago and she'd probably make an entrance soon. Well, she hasn't, and I'd love for her to. She and Mary are still tight. But I'd love to talk to her. It's been ages! Toni was always such a neat lady! Hell, the whole LaFontaine bunch was great! When my parents were still married, we lived on 125th st. off of was it Broadway or Sundale? You'll have to excuse me there, Randy, when we left, I was only 5...the street on the west side of the football field, right behind it....anyway, we were once a part of that neighborhood too.Gotta run! Take care Randy! : )
Name: Ken Slaughter () on Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 00:15:38
E-Mail: kensz3@hotmail.com
Class: 1966
City and State: Camarillo, Ca.
Message: Coach Hall !! two handed set shot
bean burgers & pink Sloey
Pendeltons - must tuck in the collar !
Grub day & Morris Lipson - WOW
The 57 ford (only one of its kind)
Family Billiards
The Pizza Show
Pup N Taco @ 2am
Name: harvey mandlin () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 23:10:46
E-Mail: harveymandlin@usa.net
Class: 61
City and State: nyc
Message: Does anyone have a line on Miss Dilly / Mrs Wolfhope who taught freshman english and world geography?
Name: Harvey Mandlin () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 23:07:19
E-Mail: harveymandlin@usa.net
Class: 61
City and State: NYC
Message: I heard that Enriquita Valencia was looking for me so I came as soon as I could.
Hi Ricki!
Name: Randy Hood () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 23:06:01
E-Mail: rb6045@aol.com
Class: 71
City and State: the upper 1/2 of the state
Message: Thanks to Betty for clearing up the ''Hoods''. Yea, we're the younger one's: class of 70, 71, 72, and 77; though Chris Hood and I graduated the same year. The Hood's who grew up on Sundale and Broadway w/ the Campbells', Arias', Mattesons', Littons, Daquilas, Mckelvy's, La Fontaines, Kuzak-poe Mcquerrios, and others I can't recall, who had the best seat in the house for HHS football games without paying. Another thanks Betty for the tribute to Lynn!
Anita, for your inquisitive mind on how bryon got the nickname; he use to go beeping around the house all the time, so mom called him the ''Beeper''. For answering your e-mail on Pike, anyone who would like to contribute to Don's tribute can e-mail me; it's nothing i can do overnight; he was one of a kind who touched many lives and left many more wondering!
On to round ball. After living in Oregon, and having Ando as a room mate, fan enthusiasm will never be equal that of the Lakers, especially during the champiomship.. the days/nights at the ''Anchor Inn "go Blasers, even growing up as a Lakers fan. Western Conf. no matter what.
Thanks again Petey, and thanks John for a great site!
And thanks to you Randy for clearing all that up.
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 21:55:19
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Message: First- a big hello to new arrival, Paula Crawford. Please let me hear from you....and now to my soap box.
John has provided the medium for hundreds of rekindled friendships, blossoming romances, and new friendships regardless of the time of your tenure at HHS. He asks nothing for this wonderful labor of love. He had an idea that alumni could become members for ten dollars and this money would be used to publish a newsletter and maybe even provide a scholarship or two. There would be no privilege for membership other than the satisfaction of supporting John in this endeavor.
Judy, Marsha, and others provide at least eleven dollars of hilarious humor (off like a prom dress) monthly (The $10.00 is annually). Personally, I have received $10,000 of e-mails from former students and friendships from Cougar alumni. I had occasion to count the number of registered alumni during one four year period. There were 164 names. ONLY 3 WERE MEMBERS!! I must believe that you are unaware of these annual dues that run from June 1st through May 31st. If you read this and are not a member please send your $10.00 to:
jb1@cougartown.com Make checks payable to John Baker. I'm sure you'll be rewarded with a nice warm fuzzy feeling. Love to all, HCH
Thanks Harry. Yes it'd be nice to get at least 30% signed up. Then we could do something with our membership money. Come on Cougs, these are your friends we'll be finding and your HHS we'll be helping out.
Name: Steve Kristof () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 21:17:07
Class: 61
City and State: Kansas City, Mo.
Message: O.K. smarty! It was our Anniversary! 30 Years! Do you think for one minute that she'd put up with me that long without me taking her out once in a while? Don't answer that!
Name: Alan Nelson () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 18:57:00
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: OK, Cougs. This weekend brings another Memorial Day, and a three day weekend for most of us. As we stand around the BBQ, head off to the Beach, River, Lakes, or Mountains, let's all remember what the Holiday is all about. Take a minute and give a prayer for all those in the Armed Services who have given their all in defense of our freedoms. Then thank those who serve and have served for the sacrifices they've made for us. And finally, be extra careful if you're going to be on the roads or waters this weekend. We want you all back in Cougartown come Tuesday. God Bless!
Have a great weekend yourself Alan. Don't let those string bikini girls distract you. Be a Coug boy......
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 18:17:51
E-Mail: Srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
City and State: 1000 Oaks, CA
Message: Bravo Ingrid, to your mom, and other brave moms like her. If we had more moms who don't give a rip what the so-called pop culture thinks, we'd have a much better world. As it stands, many of us, myself included, are too scared to call it as we sees it, in fear of reprisal or old-pooperism. The fact is, the meek shall inherit the earth but I ain't so sure it's gonna be worth the inheritance tax...
On a much happier note, hearty congrats to four of my favorite Cougs, Robin and Marsha, and Rowdy Judy and Jan. Very best wishes to all of you in your new roles as CT newlyweds. The photos are
great, wish I could've been there. Those sunset shots are just TD4!
You MEEK!!! I think not....thanks Sharon
Name: carole anderson ferruccio () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 17:46:37
E-Mail: caroleferr@aol.com
Maiden: anderson
Class: 60
City and State: soon to be lake isabella ca
Message: Hi John
I hadn't added to feed back in a long time but do read it everyday. Just wanted to add to the car show talk. Lake Isabella has 2 car shows a year and the last one had over 400 cars and no naked pictures. The cars are great. They really don't need pictures on them to stand out. But these are cars owned by older people mostly so I guess thats probably the difference. Also I thought I saw the name Leo Pino(?) on a message awhile back
but could never find it again. Did someone mention him. I knew him in jr high at hawthorne intermed. if its the same person. thanks.
Hi Carole, Lots of Pinos on the Alumni List and I did talk to Leo at a party a couple of months ago, but he hasn't checked in yet.
Name: Jeanne Carrillo () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 17:19:25
E-Mail: Hcarr74215@aol.com
Maiden: Burk
Class: 69
City and State: Carlsbad, CA
Hey Lizzy E. Did What's his name- the second move? Donna mentioned he was moving out of state? Do you know if that happened? Hey Donna, bet you are happy.... Wayne is here and What's his name... going, going, gone? Have fun.
Name: Robin () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 15:42:35
E-Mail: Lakersalltheway.com
Maiden: CanIdriveyourcartSloey?
Class: 60ish
City and State: RB,CA
Message: Cousin Kelley...Will always be a Duck but have been a Laker fan since "Zeke from Cabin Creek" (Jerry West) and Elgin Baylor were the Shaq and Coby of the Lakers, Chick Hearn was a young man, and it cost $5.00 to see them play Boston in the playoffs...Thanks Mr P and Our Miss Brooks for a great time Sunday...Felt like a long version of "sharing time" :o)...Hate to beat a dead horse JB but what do you expect of kids with $20,000 Hondas not counting the chrome and 12 marine batteries in the trunk to run the sound system and hydraulics?..I didnt see many calloused hands to earn those toys and when I asked a few of them about what they had done to modify the engines, it was obvious none of them had ever changed a muffler bearing. As far as the porn pics, I also agree with Sharon but as you said "Where the he** are their parents, peers and mentors"??..Listen to the music they play, the language they use, there attitude towards anyone who attempts to create a dialog...If this is the generation raised with the "hands off" theory of discipline, then its obvious they need a good a** whipping....enuff said...Good luck Dick Dixon this Sunday but go Billy Boat!...Later Cougs..:o)
Yeah, I can see me driving up with a "Naked Mural" on the trunk of my car when I was in school. Dad would've handed me a can of paint remover and a "For Sale" sign.
I wish someone would step forward in the younger classes and please tell us what the "Naked Murals" are all about. Does it help you get girls? Do todays girls like this degradation? Really, someone please step forward and explain. I won't make fun, I promise. I know there's a large gap between my "Car Guy" days and yours. I just don't understand the concept. Please step forward and explain.
Name: Ran Nario () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 15:08:50
E-Mail: offlntz1_2000@yahoo.com
Message: To Whom It May Concern,
Great website but it's missing pics from past alumnis and present. Pics from the yearbook. I think that would be great to have them becuase past students forget what thire classmates looks like! I think it would be great to look at, on the internet, famous people graduated from Hawthorne, i.e. Beach Boys, Marsh, etc.
Anyhow I need your feedback regarding this opinion!
My opinion remains the same as it's always been. Famous people are welcomed here just like not so famous people. This site isn't here to glamorize or publicize the fact that the Conways, Marshs, BBs, Scotts, etc, went to HHS, although I won't hide it either. If you've got an interesting story about any famous HHSer, then please send it along.
Name: Rowdy Goddess () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 14:31:18
E-Mail: dzlizy219@aol,com
Maiden: Esrada
Class: 69
City and State: freezemyassoffredondobeachgloom
Message: Hello everybody! :) To Jeanne Carrillo-Burk, You do indeed have 'knowledge' of What's-his-name the second. So glad you agree. In answer to the weather question, I'm freezing in Redondo. It's cloudy and cold and I pray for a sunny weekend.
Finally to Wayne Dickey. Welcome back! I'll see you Sunday and I can't wait. Get some rest, Big Boy. We're gonna shake up some trouble. Donna? Are you OK? Pace yourself. LOVE YOU GUYS, The Goddess of Rowdy
Name: Bonnie McCoy () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 14:12:37
E-Mail: bonita.roberts@conexant.com
Maiden: McCoy
Class: 78
City and State: Newport Beach, CA
Message: Thank you Connie Jax for putting together the mini-reunion! A good time was had by all and it was great to finally meet John Baker, the Rowdy's and their new hubbys! It was also a pleasure to reconnect with you Lori Padelford. Thanks for bringing back the memories of the infamous party I had at my house on 138th St. & Isis in the summer of '79. Please do keep in touch! It was also nice to meet some new people like Jim Pasternak, who happens to live here in Newport Beach and goes to the same church I do. Finally got to meet you Gary Lents and thanks for letting me know about this fun event. I met a few others and unfortunately don't remember your names. However, I look forward to seeing you all at the next Cougar get-together!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend and let's not forget those who served our country and those who continue to do so!!! xoxoxo
Thanks Bonnie, and nice to meet you face to face too. These small "in the park" reunions are so easy, and are a great place to see old friends and meet new Cougs. I say we do it again.
Name: Anita Young () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 14:11:11
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Message: You Bet, Kelly Currie.....GO BLAZERS, GO!!!!!! BRIAN GRANT, THE RASTA MASTA!!!!!!ALL THE WAY BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SORRY ALL YOU L.A.ITE'S! THE BLAZERS RULE!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 10:46:46
E-Mail: ingridl@fdgdesign.com
Class: 74
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: I have to comment on the editorial written by Sharon (Bierman) Branagan. I was tickled to read what she'd suggested as a "solution" to the problem of people logging on to porn sites at public computer terminals at the local library. It put me in mind of a situation close to home that our family dealt with in the 60's - 70's. We lived over on the west side of town, a block away from the (in)famous Wild Goose. When it first opened, there were three similar venues along a three block stretch of Aviation. My mother was outraged! "If people want that kind of entertainment, let them put it next door to their own house. I don't want it in my neighborhood." She was on a one-woman campaign to close them down. She attended Zoning Commission meetings, and County Council meetings and requested Environmental Impact Studies, and anything else she could think of to make it difficult for those businesses to function. Finally her most effective strategy was to walk down to the sidewalk in front of the Wild Goose, and stand there with her Kodak Instamatic camera and take pictures of everyone going in or out of the establishment. You have to picture this tiny wisp of a woman, standing up to the verbal abuse of the patrons, as well as the threats of the big burly bouncers, as she explained to them that she was well within her rights to stand on a public sidewalk and take photos of anyone or anything she wanted to.
The best part was, that those people had no idea that she really had no film in the camera anyway. It obviously wasn't enough pressure to close down that enterprise; it's still there (as evidenced by the recent visit there of a couple of C-T ladies who shall remain nameless), but it discouraged a few people from walking in, and made Mom feel like she had some effect on the situation.
So Sharon - I think your idea to draw attention to anyone who is using a public computer terminal to access porn, is an excellent one. And one that can be effective. You go girl!
Exactly.........if people don't feel the pressure, they'll continue to do what they're doing. I say "Put the Squeeze on the "Sickos".
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 10:01:58
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Message: Well, I cannot remember how Bryon Hood got his nickname, Beeper. My sister might remember, tho.
I'm also wondering where some people from the class of '69 are? John Crotty, Pauline Spencer, Lupi Dominguez, Robin McLean, where are you guys??? We miss your posts!
Connie, did I thank you for sponsoring the Picnic? It was real nice - good food!
Wayne & Donna - well???????????????
Yeah Wayne, Come up for air for crying out loud!!!!
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