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"More 50's Classic Do Wop on the way" "The Corsairs"
Name: Dick Dixon () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 23:47:31
E-Mail: dixon@racesearch.com
Class: 63
City and State: La Verne, CA
Message: Great hearing from Gary Lents. Thanks for the plug for the Indy 500. With 2 cars in this Sundays 84th running of the 500 I've been busy and thinking of where it all started with my dad back in the 50's. Hope there are some race fans out there who will be watching our TeamXtreme entries on ABC with drivers Davey Hamilton and Airton Dare (possible Rookie-of-the-Year for the 500). Be back in CA next week and hope to have a good report. I know John Baker will be watching. We'll stand on it for HHS. Also, thanks for the memories JB, be thinking of you at pitside. FYI, the Indy 500 awards banquet is televised on ESPN Sunday night live. JB, Bear, give me a call, you too Ernie Nixon at 888-722-3932 ext. 226 next Wednesday. Lets celebrate.
Hey Dicky, Glad you're back and hope to see you rubbing that Borg Warner Trophy next weekend. Yeah you KNOW I remember your dad, and where it all started. I still have a workbench that came out of his shop. Good luck and I'll be watching.....
Name: Maureen () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 22:43:33
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: I just want to say thank you to Kathy and Harry for having us all over last Sunday. Our Ms Brooks (AKA: Mrs. Lincoln...wasn't that it Judy) was so sweet to have us to her home, and a very nice home it was. And yes, we had to behave as we did in school. There was no talking unless you raised your hand. And, if you spoke out of turn or bullied the person sitting in front or next to you, there was a "time out" chair just for you, and you got to face the corner while the rest of us had fun. Judy, Jan, Marsha, Robin and John kept changing places in that chair. Barbara and me were good, so we got to stay in our own seats. And yes, if you had to go potty, you had to raise your hand and ask for a hall pass to use the restroom. She also timed how long you were gone, so you were sure to return promptly!
We had some chocolate cake that some really nice person made for Mr. Plotkin's birthday. She must be really really nice, cause the cake was really good (Mrs. Lincoln had 2 pieces). We got to watch a movie at Mrs. Lincoln's about this couple that got married in Maui. It was so romantic, that it made me cry. It was getting late and Mrs. Lincoln kept tapping her watch (which meant, "it's time to go home kids!"). So, we left Mrs. Lincoln's and went to Mr. Plotkin's house. We had to walk in two rows holding hands, so no one would get lost. John kept wandering off and almost got us all in trouble, but Mr. Plotkin's was real nice about it. We followed Mr. Plotkin to his house and got to meet his dog and look at some really old pictures. Well, by now Mr. Plotkin and Mrs. Lincoln had had enough of us and sent us on our way.
One last note: Harry, just as Kathy is your Ms Brooks, she is definitely "Our Ms Brooks". Again, thank you both for a most enjoyable afternoon that spilled into evening.
Your Faithful Student,
P.S. Yes John, I do have one, it just doesn't get used......waaaaaaa! waaaaaaa!
Thanks for sharing that. Gosh, what a suck up Mo........"Teachers Pet"
You and Judy keep saying "Time Out". They didn't call it that when we were in school did they? That's what they do nowadays instead of smacking the kid on the butt. If you spank your kid now, he/she can have you thrown in prison.
Name: MoMo () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 22:14:13
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: samenamesamestation
Class: 64
City and State: Hawthorne,CA
Message: First: Sharon couldn't agree with you more! Other than that, we all had a good time at the car show. We saw old friends and met some new ones. Linda, the name of the realtor is Dale Clark Realty at 13719 S Hawthorne Blvd. Their phone number is 310-679-9006. The sons run it now, their names are Paul and John (Cougars). The BBQ was also a great time. Sheila, it was so good to see you and to meet your husband. You have not changed one bit....damn it! The park was really beautiful. Connie, thank you for all your time and effort. Hope to see all of you and some new Cougars at the next get together....it will either be the next Cruise Night III, PINK'S, or maybe a hamburger Shack (not sure of the name) run. But, what ever it is....be there or be square! MYTMO...Hotlips!
BTW: Cheryl, great pic of the lips group!
Name: Steve Kristof () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 21:43:45
E-Mail: LKwriter@Juno.com
Class: 61
City and State: Kansas City, Mo.
Message: Hi John, I just got in from a night out with my wife of 30 years! Linda , Class of 64! It's also my son's Birthday. He's 20 years old today! Boy, time do fly when you're having fun!
Hey Steve, Well after 30 years, it's just about time you took Linda out. Happy birthday to your son too. Do you remember what you did on your 20th birthday?
Name: Anita Young () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 20:58:42
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
I know we don't want this site to not be fun, but I think what Tom Burroughs said was very cool and touching. Almost made me cry. I have not been back to the HHS campus since I graduated 22 year ago. It is very sad if the place has gone to heck and a handbasket. It does deserve more respect than that....so Tom, I have even more respect for you now...even though I did a lot when I found out you live where my mom used to and you are also a fellow WebTVite!
Cougs, On the plus side, the boys gym, now called the Kye Courtney Memorial Gymnasium looks great as they've painted and trimmed it out in red. Also to girls locker room has been repainted. Someone said the pool has been cleaned up too, so it looks like good old HHS is on the way back. I'll update you all as it progresses.
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 20:25:46
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Maiden: Harriet
Class: 52/97
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Message: Greetings COUGARS!!! Thanks for an hilarious afternoon Sunday. You are the greatest!!!!!!
And Mo, Kathy is still raving about your cake - I too!! Nice to see Dee Wisdom as a new arrival. Isn't it Dee Ann? And Vera Lumpkins, a ghost from my VERY FIRST CLASS. I believe I saw you at Dana taking a video for your grand child(ren). I saw Johnnie Winfrey at the HHS ten year reunion. I would love to hear from you and what you know about students in that first class of mine.
And for the record.... For the past three years on Mother's Day we have had a brunch and a half-dozen men put on a "fashion show" for the enjoyment(?) of the guests - and they do howl with laughter. It was my misfortune to have a picture within the grasp of a visiting Cougar - and you know the rest. Love to all, HCH
Well anyway, "That's Harry's story, and he's sticking to it". Thanks HCH for the feedback and for a grand time on Sunday too. You ARE a good sport.
Name: Kelley () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 20:10:30
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay, Or
Message: I can't believe with all the coug's in Oregon, we haven't once mentioned the NBA Play-off Lakers and Portland. I know we must have some fan's out there. I was wondering who Robin was betting on. Gooooo Portland.
Robin, Do you do pro basketball, or is it just "Duck Dunks" you pine for?
Name: Sherry Ward () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 19:49:53
E-Mail: ecomroad@icx.net
Maiden: Rout
Class: 65
City and State: The Atomic City
Message: I was just sitting here reading all the feedback about the porn cars, and people having access to pornographic materials over the internet in a public library, and I thought I'd throw my two cents worth in. In our community, we decided this was unacceptable. We got a petition together, and when we had enough signatures, we took it to our city council. We plead our case to have the library stop allowing access to pornographic material over the internet. You'd be surprised how many people feel strongly about this issue. We won our case, and the library was happy to comply. We don't have to put up with this sort of thing. We can make a difference. It just takes doing something about it.
That's right, someone stand up and say ENOUGH..... Thanks Sherry and sorry but I have no idea where the Atomic City is.......Chernoble??
Name: Christine Baird () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 19:44:55
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
City and State: Round Rock, Texas
Message: Well folks....summer has hit those of us in TEXAS and in a BIG way...right Liz... It was 95 with a heat index of 103, in central Tx., how 'bout you Liz? I'm sure it was hotter in the panhandle. Sooo, can anyone top that one yet so far? So how is the weather in S. Cali....I'll be there in a little over a week, looking forward to a little cooler weather. Should I bring a sweater? hehehe
105 in the Valley on Sunday. It's drizzling here this morning.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 18:48:44
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: I've been reading about the minor conflicts at the car show, and came up with an idea. I know that custom car buffs will do just about anything to show off their wheels. Every year we have a pretty slick car run here on the River. This year's was earlier this month, but it's never too early to plan for the next one. They also have one in Havasu in April, and June in Laughlin. The Parker one is down at our County Park, with Camping and RV spaces galore. And the Hotel/Casino is just a few miles down the River. I think we could show these River Rats what Hawthorne Roddin' is all about. And get some boating and Skiing in too. Check about their website for info
Hey thanks Alan, Sounds like a good excuse to have a Cougartown River Party.
Name: Art LaMere () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 18:27:16
E-Mail: lamerea@home.com
Class: 73
City and State: Bettendorf Ia
Message: well sounds like the bbq was a fun time sorry I wasn't there but the better half wouldn't buy me a plane ticket. However for the car show sounds like it was out of control with the paint jobs? Anyway glad to see all had a good time.
Hey Art, No, actually the paint jobs were the ONLY thing wrong with the car show. We had a great time otherwise, and the BBQ, well that was very cool. We need more get togethers like that.
Name: Linda Reynolds () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 17:15:14
E-Mail: linrey@yahoo.com
Maiden: Jones
Class: 62
City and State: Chatsworth, CA
Message: The car show was fun & I'm glad I wasn't the only one who felt the "art" was distasteful. Dan Dye, I heard you were gonna be there.....course, since your secret is out about you eating our lunches when 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Simmonds make you sit in the closet.... Larry & Loretta, always a pleasure to see you. Erik is an adorable all American guy, John Baker, you make everything fun, and it was nice meeting all the people whose names I see on Feedback all the time. Oh, by the way, Mo--- I can't remember the name of the realtor you told me about.
Hey Linda, I thought we ditched you after the car show. How did you get home so fast? It's only Tuesday.
Yeah Dan, I saw your name on the work list. Where were you??!!
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 14:32:59
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
You people have got to stop repressing your real feelings on the porn paintings we saw on some cars at the show & say what you really feel!! All kidding aside, I agree 150% with all that`s been said. This was my first time back to HHS in more years than I want to remember. It was a little heart breaking to see the school I am so proud of graduating from, looking so in need of repair. As I walked around, a part of me is still there, & it kind of hurts to see it in this shape. I know all of us feel that way or we would not be here at Coug. Town. Aretha Franklin sings a song called RESPECT. Looking around the campus I see a lack of respect for the property of others, the rights of others, & the feelings of others! I know the involvement of Coug. Town at the school can only be a positive influence!! There were in the past, & still are a majority of great students attending HHS. I feel they deserve better! I hesitated writing this because I think Coug. Town should be fun & positive. But reality creeps in to all that we do in the world. Unfortunately we can`t turn back the clock to the 50`s 60`s or 70`s. But all together we can make difference! Whew, pretty heavy stuff for me!!! Thanks Marilyn for the pic. of Patmars. In 1948 I met & sat in the car & talked to Charles Laughton & his chauffeur. Only you real old folks will even remember the name. He was a famous English actor. Ok Tom put a lid on it! See you soon.
Hey Tom, Always a pleasure and you are correct that Cougartown should stay fun and stay out of the politics. I think they all know how we feel now, so let's get on with the fun part. See you at Cruise Night III
Name: Anita Young () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 13:58:16
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves ( ah what's it?)
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Message: Hey Patrick Henry...your name sounds really familiar. My brother, Mike, was class of '74...did you know my brother, Mikie? He keeps in touch, also, with Tom Winters, who, I think is also class of'74. Both are in here in the e-mail alumni section of this site if you are interested in e-mailing them. If you knew them, I'm sure they'd be glad to hear from you.
Derek Barraza! Bless your heart! Thank you so very much for the info. about Richard Allen and the possible connection to some El Molino's. You have no idea what that means to me! A HUGE kiss on the cheek for you, young man! :)
Lori Padelford...honey, I'd love to come to some of the functions...I am class of '78, but I live all the way in Oregon! We Oregon Cougs need to do a get together, (first, we have to get organized) and then how many of you would be willing to come up here for a get together? Let me know. But, I do still have a lot of friends and family down there, they are just scattered all over like you'd not believe. Next time I'm down there, I will have to come in here and check on get togethers down there and shock the hell out of a few people! Now that would be loads of fun!
And lastly, Millie Roberts...the job I had before I became a stay-at-home mom, was at a labeling company called Dana Labels, up here in Beaverton, OR, that specialized in wine and microbrew beer labels. Do you happen to know who does your wine labels? I still keep in touch with some people at Dana, and know of a sales person at Landmark labels. In some ways, I hope you don't do business at Dana...the owner's are not too nice to their employees, but the people at Landmark are a bunch of good folks. Some of the nicest people I met on that job were the wine and beer people. I used to talk to people all over the U.S., Canada, and many places around the world (Australia, and Italy, to name a few). I was the receptionist/customer service and asst. to the bookkeeper there...Jane of all trades!
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 13:15:38
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Regarding those cars with the Naked ladies, I agree, those cars do not belong at a school function. This was the first time Lowriders and Street Rods were together, so the group who planned this event will learn from what happened
on saturday. Im sure they will be alot stricter on what will come on campus! I personally think there should of been more Rods and I would of liked to hear a mix of music too! I will say except for those few things that did happen, the most wonderful part, is the fact that Lowriders and Rods groups can get along, nothing happened, all got along, they all were a wonderful group of families. There cars are beautiful, everyone puts alot of time/work in their cars. Last year was the first Car Show and it was on a small scale, so for this type of Car show for the most part was good, and if there should be a Car Show next year, you bet it will even be better. There were alot of people who worked very hard on this Car Show, and there is alot of work getting something like this together. I just want to let them know we appreciate all their time/work!!....NEXT YEAR BIGGER/BETTER
Always a Coug
Name: vera lumpkins () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 12:36:58
E-Mail: luv2zig@aol.com
Class: 58
City and State: hawthorne,calif
Message: Is there anyone out there who remembers the 50's?
Name: Gary Lents () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 10:07:51
E-Mail: glents3030@aol
Class: 67
City and State: Vista
Message: Look for Dick Dixon at Indy with Davey Hamilton and Airton Dare as his drivers...Dick is VP for The Ultimate Speed Shop
Name: Judy Degrazia Blomsterber () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 09:33:10
E-Mail: Redondo612Aol.com
Maiden: seriouslyROWDY
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey Rowdy Sharon Branigan. Good for you kiddo..I loved your thoughts on the PORNO CAR and agree.. A family function includes "kids" So speaking only for myself, the next time there's a function with "porno" displayed, I plan on leaving the party and asking for my money back. You'd be surprised how voicing your opinion of displeasure goes unheard, (freedom of speech ya know) but when it comes to money, you'll get their full attention and "things" start changing. Their fault for crossing the line. Then I'll turn around and donate twice that amount back to Ol' HHS in a different way.
Judy D THE ROWDYS on a quest.
Name: Elizabeth Castanon () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 07:30:31
E-Mail: lizcastanon6@hotmail.com
Maiden: Cary
Class: 1973
City and State: Tumbleweedsandtornadoes USA
Message: Hello Ctown, It sounds as if all had a great weekend as usual. I hope JB remembered to indulge in some BBQ in my honor. Am anxious to hear more about the HHS reunion. The "Big Taco" has been promising a trip to Cali in order for me to pay respects to my parents (both laid to rest in Inglewood). Maybe we can coordinate the trip to make the reunion. How was the porcelain Judy?? I didn't get a chance to break in any on our lake trip. We camped so far into the boonies, all there was was an outhouse!!! Help, I'm dying out here!!! Thanks to Cliff Hitchcock for emailing me often enough to keep me functioning! Have a great week everyone and God bless Liz
P.S. John, "checks in the mail" thanks for this place to come home to.
Thanks Liz for being a part of it all and yes, I had a chili dog in honor of all the Cougs stuck in the Texas Panhandle.
Name: patrick henry () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 03:46:31
E-Mail: patrickhenry56@nightmail.com
Class: 1974
City and State: hawthorne ca
Message: hi all im still living in hawthorne boy its changed some.
looking for some old frends class of 74 or so
patty klatt, cindy long, tony grillo, rich dermain, gean snook, jim hilderbrant, or may someone that remembers me? email me at patrickhenry56@nightmail.com
Name: Derek Barraza () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 02:26:29
E-Mail: Derek@HawthorneHigh1980.com
Class: '80
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: Mr. Richard Allen (Journalism teacher) may be of help to those searching for old El Molino Yearbooks. As far as I know, he is still at HHS. Call the school and ask for him I'm sure he would be happy to help.
Name: Lori Padelford () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 00:51:10
Message: Its me again. I just saw a post from Millie in Paso Robles and was curious if you worked for one of the wineries in Paso. I am going to my nieces wedding this weekend and hope to get a little wine tasting in at some of my favorites like Arciero, Meridien, Live Oak and Castoro. We make a point to go up there for the wine festival every May. Who knows we may have crossed paths. By the way your not going to a wedding this weekend at the Hixson Ranch are you?
Name: Lori Padelford () on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 00:44:23
E-Mail: Desilulu4u@aol.com
Class: 81
Message: Just wanted to say hi and say I had a great time at the BBQ Saturday. I was a little reluctant to go by myself since Mario had to work, but the C-town people are like a big family. Ann Rout thank you so much for the coupons, Chip and Chloe really appreciated them. Don Di Tommasso, I saw your post and it was great finally meeting you but I was the class of 81 not 78. Please don't make me older than I have to be (lol) To all the Rowdy's great seeing you there as always, Bonnie McCoy great seeing you after all these years, keep in touch. Well, I can't wait for the next get together. To all the people from the late 70's and 80's what does it take to get you to come to one of these get togethers? If you think because the majority of the people are from the 60's you won't know anyone or won't have fun, think again. These people know how to have fun and party. Oh well it's your loss, more parking spaces for the rest of us.
Thanks Lori, We'll see you and Mario at Cruise Night III.
Name: John Baker () on Monday, May 22, 2000 at 23:59:40
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message:Finally, here's a picture of Patmars. I've been trying to find a picture of this drive in located on the Southwest corner of Sepulveda and Imperial for about 2 years. This was found by Marilyn Wisham Ross in an El Segundo Eagle yearbook. Thanks Marilyn
The building was moved to a golf course on El Segundo and Sepulveda in the late 50's or early 60's, as I recall, to make room for a Hughes building.
Name: Wayne Dickey () on Monday, May 22, 2000 at 23:51:06
E-Mail: DonnaDGW4
Class: 69
City and State: La Palma
Message: Well it's Monday night, and after driving 2500 miles, I have finally arrived in Calif. Great to be back. John, I will get you my new email, when I get settled.
Welcome back Wayne. I'll be looking for it.
Name: Millie Roberts () on Monday, May 22, 2000 at 23:29:24
E-Mail: snooks41@email.com
Maiden: Roberts
Class: 58
City and State: Paso Robles, CA
Message: I would love to participate in any reunion plans for my year, '58. This page is great, I'm so glad that someone got it going, great!! I enjoyed your wine trip pictures, I am also involved in the wine industry, it's a wonderful hospitality industry, and a good jumping off spot for a mini-reunion for all those interested in the class of '58?!
I'm putting out the challenge or invitation for any other participants.
There you go 58ers. Let's get a reunion going. Thanks Millie and welcome aboard.....
Name: John Rout () on Monday, May 22, 2000 at 22:24:38
E-Mail: Jmr812004@aol.com
Class: 1963
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: About the porno cars at the show. I didn't get a chance to see them because Anne wouldn't let me look. Said I would go blind. I was going to take a chance on the left eye, but she wouldn't let me do that either! Seriously, the thing that got me was the green truck placed right against the fence on El Segundo Blvd for every car or person passing by to see. Must have given a great impression of what was going on at the school. That was WAY out of line.
To my sis, you didn't miss out on any of the good times because I had to take you with me, remember?
That's right John. What an ad banner for the school.
I heard that the guy playing the Rap music played something about a cop killer and the HPD told them to turn it off NOW. That's when Martha and the Vandellas showed up. Good job HPD.
This Gangsta' trash is getting OLD REAL FAST!! I say next year we have a REAL car show with REAL hot rods and REAL CLEAN lowriders. Something that the kids can enjoy and look up to. Nothing naked gets in the door except seeing eye dogs.
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