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"More 50's Classic Do Wop on the way" "The Corsairs"
Name: Judy D. Blomsterberg () on Monday, May 15, 2000 at 18:25:43
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: changingitbacktoDeGraziaIthink
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Regarding the COUGARTOWN coffee and donut booth on Saturday Morning.. John Baker, Mo Trott and I will be working it from 9 - 11 am.. Sherry Peppers Wingo will be 7 - 9 and John & Annie Rout from 11-1 ~~ & not that we're trying to make any dough off it..or unlawfully getting an incentive going here..but with every cup of coffee we're giving away a free trip to Hawaii. Then later that day we're all off to represent the early 60's people at the Connie Jax BBQ.. Then Sunday morn..VFW BREAKFAST starting at 10:00 am & to celebrate a ROWDY GUY'S birthday~~(who could it be?).. OK MO TROTT.. get the Heavenly Choc Cake started. Oh boy~another marathon weekend. I've started injecting Janny with B-12 shots as he sleeps at night. Poor thing keeps complaining of mosquito bites and tasting liver all day. Hey, I don't want him to peter out now. (don't go there John)
B-12 huh. He DID tell me he didn't know what to make of it, but he's got more stamina than a female Russian shotputer on anabolic steriods. I won't say anything.
Happy Birthday to A.H. We'll see you at the VFW on Sunday.
Name: Karen and Bob Fraser () on Monday, May 15, 2000 at 16:48:09
Class: 60
City and State: Hawthorne,Ca
Message: To Robin and Marsha, Janny and Judy,
Many, many congratulations , best wishes , happinesses and lots of love. Can't wait for the reception at the VFW! But need to know the answer to this very important question : Did anyone get "leied" ?
see you Sunday...
Well I know I did, and Robin did, and Marsha did, and Janny did, and Judy did, and Sandy did, and Barbara did, OH and Janet did, but I didn't see anyone else with a Lei around their neck. Thanks Karen and we'll see you two on Sunday morning.
Name: Laura&Dave () on Monday, May 15, 2000 at 16:37:45
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele/Wang
Class: 76/75
City and State: Los Altos, CA
Message: Whew! Dave is relieved to learn the contest was merely a rumor. Especially since he was the one we were going to auction off to the Sloeys (the PTA won't let me go, I'm signed up to chaperone on too many field trips).
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Monday, May 15, 2000 at 16:00:34
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: I'msoconfused
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: So, all I have to say about all this talk about the who was the "BEST MAN" is... I've seen Janny bare ass naked..and HE'S THE BEST MAN. Sorry fellas.. just can't stop being ROWDY. One reason that Marsha and I decided to get married a day apart is that the flowers were still fresh!! so what the h*ll & it gives us a good reason to return to the same spot next year to celebrate our anniversaries..(was there a better reason?) So save your nickels and dimes and we'll see you in Maui May 7th & 8th. Last note.. some ROWDYS will be working the coffee and bagel booth at Saturday's car show.. I've started brewing the instant coffee now and I think Marsha is whipping up crunchy smoothy surprise..(don't ask) so we'll see you all there. Now, I'm off like a prom dress and still ROWDY with a diamond ring.
Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg
If all you Cougs want to congratulate the newlyweds, there's going to be a reception of sorts (No Gifts) at the VFW on 131st between Ramona and Hawthorne Bl on Sunday about 10am. It's a great breakfast and a good excuse to see Rowdy Judy and Rowdy Marsha with rings on their fingers.
Name: Melinda Farrow () on Monday, May 15, 2000 at 14:56:46
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@TRW.COM
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
City and State: Redondo Beach, Ca
Message: I just want to say 'Congratulations' to all the newlyweds, seeing all the pictures posted, it looks like you all had a wonderful time in Maui! I want to go there so bad!
I have to agree with Terry on Zeppys pizza, that was my favorite, and when I was 8-9 months pregnant in '85 I had this awful craving real late at night and sent my husband out for a slice. Well he came home with a pizza box. I just needed the 1 slice and it did fine, but I think he was worried I would send him out again! I remember sitting up in bed with this pizza box between my legs and just chowing down, yum yum. Now my daughter who's a regular visitor at the beach enjoys them herself. Just thought I'd share that :)
Name: MoMo () on Monday, May 15, 2000 at 13:51:13
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Waaaaaaaaaaa
Class: 64
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: I just want to send my warmest and happiest CONGRATULATIONS to my bestest friends: Robin and Marsha (Mr & Mrs Hood) and to Jan & Judy (Mr & Mrs Blomsterberg). I couldn't be happier for you all. John, you were definitely the best choice for BEST MAN, for without you and Cougartown, this would never have happened. May R & M and J & J have long happy lives together with lots of love, joy, laughter and many good friends (as they do now). My love to you all! MYTMO
BTW, I'm saving my pennies for next year...who knows, maybe it will be my turn (if I meet someone) and if not, hell it will be just a great time!
Name: kostiszak () on Monday, May 15, 2000 at 11:58:58
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: kostiszak
Class: 83
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: The best pizza around is Zeppys Pizza, It used to be on Manhattan Beach Blvd next to Mickeys Bikinis but now it is in Hermosa Beach on Pier Ave. next to the Lighthouse or around there!! We used to buy square slices of Zeppys pepporoni pizza and eat it on our beach towels next to the Manhattan beach pier, on the way to your towel all your friends would ask for a bite of your pizza but by the time you hit your towel most of your pizza was gone due to your friends bites, BUT they had to recipocate the offer and give back bites so we were always searching for friends with slices of zeppys in their hand walking to their towel to give back the bites they owed!! what a vicious cycle! (the secret was to buy 2 slices, one for yourself and one for your friends!!)
"Jaws 4-Pizza Feeding Frenzy"
Name: Marsha Russell Hood () on Monday, May 15, 2000 at 11:28:01
E-Mail: i'mmauied
Maiden: Russell
Class: 64
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: Thank you for all the wishes for happiness and thank you to all of our wonderful friends who joined us in Maui and made our day that much more special. John, Janet, Jan, Judy, Barbara, Sandy, David, Eileen, Dennis, Larry, Virginia, Rosalie, Lindsey, Suzy and Joy........we love you all and thank you for all of the parties, dinners, lunches, laughs and just the best time EVER. Don't forget, next year we are all going back to paradise.
What more could we ask for, John Baker as best man and Judy DeGrazia (she was still DeGrazia) for maid of honor. John had to pull double duty and be best man the next day for Judy and Jan and I traded places with Judy and was her "matron" of honor...........what a great day!!!!!!!
Judy, it was so great to share this special time with you. In 1964 we talked daily in class, little did we know that in the year 2000 we would be getting married in Maui a day apart to two of the most wonderful men!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Robin and Janny, for the best man status. It was truly an honor to stand up for you two. I'm still dreaming about that warm and easy paced island paradise.
Name: Karen () on Monday, May 15, 2000 at 10:25:56
E-Mail: KLeMaistre @aol.com
Maiden: Masters
Class: '72
Message: John,
Just noticed your comment on Hank's Pizza. My sister "The Hank's Expert" has the following correction for you. The Hank's Pizza which was originally on Imperial Hwy and Sundale moved to Imperial Avenue (the little street that runs parallel to Imperial Hwy.), right off Main Street in El Segundo. They still have the same menu... and the same picture of the baby with a bowl of pasta poured over his head that hung in the original place (actually I think they took it down last month to paint the place...but the owner promises to put it back up...just for old time sake). The original owners recently sold it to a cousin I think... but he hasn't changed a thing. The Hank's on Hawthorne Blvd. and Rosecrans has no relation to the Imperial Hank's...but has very good food as well.
Thanks for the update Karen. It was pretty hard to beat the original Hanks.
Name: Art La Mere () on Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 21:31:25
E-Mail: lamerea@home.com
Class: 73
City and State: Bettendorf Ia
Message: Hello all, JB got the shirt yesterday and thank you it is great. thanks.
Wear it proudly Art. Cougartown Tshirts are now all over the planet. Here's a picture of Mike Wilking going into Russia with the goods.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 20:48:22
E-Mail: mauitripbutaintnomarriageinmyfutureexcepttheoneigot.com
Maiden: geele
Class: 66/84
City and State: redondo beach, ca
Message: Well well well Missy Geele, had to pick on one of the Sloey Boys huh? We have emails going to you now as we speak from the Phillipines!! Not going to be pretty deary! Notwithstanding that I enjoyed your humorous post. Since I am HAPPILY married, I am taking myself out of the "prize" consideration for the year long post!!! So feel free to participate daily without regret or trepidation. (But both of my brothers are available and they may be a "prize.") If Janet Reno reads this, the email reference above was in jest, Janet don't send in the troops . We don't know where Elian is either. Mary Valdez, what's your email address? Good to see you're well and living in Hawaii! Hope all is well with all the Cougars and that you all celebrated Mother's Day especially my new "friends" in Los Altos!
Hey speaking of the missing, where's LeeRoy been hiding? LeeRoy....you out there boy?
Name: Ray Nelson () on Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 07:12:05
E-Mail: prnelson@prodigy.net
Class: 73
City and State: Fayetteville, Ga (AKA Billy Goat Acres)
Message: It sounds like that the great marriage safari 2000 was a complete success. My best wishes to the new couples and may you all enjoy long happiness together. OK John, when is the next trip to Maui?
To Barry Smith; How is Mike McClain doing?
To Anita Young and Shelly Stone; Any luck in contacting Paulette?
To Keith Jones; is Les’ e-mail address listed in this site correct?
To everyone else with a little too much rain, please send some out my way. My Billy Goats are getting restless.
And Finally, to all you moms out there, Happy Mothers Day!!!!
Happy Mothers Day mom. I love you and I'll see you Tuesday.
Name: Barry Smith () on Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 00:57:10
E-Mail: bsmithmbi@aol.com
Class: 74
City and State: Hermosa Beach, CA
Message: A quick update on class of 74's Mike McClain & his quadruple by-pass heart surgery last Thursday, May 11th......Everything went well & Mike is slowly recovering in the Bakersfield Heart Hospital! I'm sure he'll be up & around in no time. Thanks to everyone who called, emailed or supported Mike in some way. It was great hearing from people I hadn't heard from in years!
Get well Big Mike. I want to see you at our next Cruise Night. Be a Coug boy.......
Name: John Rout () on Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 00:25:20
E-Mail: Jmr812004@aol.com
Class: 1963
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Hey!! you guys take off for one lousy weekend and everybody starts getting married! What happened to you John? With all that love spreadin around and you managed to escape. Congrats to Jan and Judy. Great couple!
Hey John, I was wondering about you and Anne. Yep, Janet and I escaped with our bachelor buttons intact. Maybe we'll see you two next weekend at the car show at HHS.
Name: Laura GW () on Saturday, May 13, 2000 at 17:25:06
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele
Class: 76
City and State: Los Altos, CA
Message: Dave is calling to me from the other room since he knows I'm checking the site for the first time in a while. Wants to know if what he heard is true: if you logon and post to C'town every day for a year, you get a free trip to Maui? (I thought the prize was that you got to marry Sloey.)
Which is it, John B? Would we get a free trip to Maui if one of us manages to read and post for the next 365 days straight, or would one of us have to marry Sloey?
Your answer will determine the amount we participate in Cougartown. Thanks.
Oh, and ps -- he also says happy best wishes to the folks who won the trip to Maui this year.
Tell Dave he's close. You get an all expense paid trip by you to Maui and you HAVE to marry Sloey. That should keep the entries down. Actually Jim Sloey's wife might not want to give him up just yet........HEY, I think Bill Sloey's available.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Saturday, May 13, 2000 at 16:05:25
E-Mail: jburkett@compaq.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: ALOHA!!! Is Hawaii great or what?? Marsha and Robin, Janny and Judy....may there always be mangos in your mornings and Mai Tais at sunset!
What a super time we all had. Thanks to all of you, for the dinners, the shows, the diving, the dancing, the boat rides, the convertible rides, etc., etc., etc. (Now where's that Pina Colada sippin cat at??)
JB(the other one)
Here Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty........
Name: Ed Carpenter () on Saturday, May 13, 2000 at 08:29:32
E-Mail: edcarp63@hotmail.com
Maiden: monkey
Class: 63
City and State: Auburn,ca
Aloha and congrats to Jan and Judy, Robin and Marsha may god give you many years of happiness.
My wife Jan and I had a great time at WCW, lots of fun seeing Jan and Judy, Ed and Linda and all the rest.
I'll ask Gordon to send Jan and Judy a case of "Gordo Red" to celebrate their wedding.
Jan and I are celebrating too, after welcoming a new little monkey in to the world, a grandson Travis Jr born 5/9/2000 life doesn't get much better. Once again you da man JB, keep up the great work, may the coug be with you.
PS (hoping Linda Chesson is alive and well. Judy stay away from those boiler makers. They make you do funny things)
Hey Monk, Thanks for the shout and congratulations on the new grandbaby.
Yes I know Judy would just love a case of Gordon's fermentation. It's aged for a week and a half in a sparkletts bottle. That's the secret to its delightful bouquet.
Linda Chesson, We wish you well, and we need you back amongst the Rowdys.
Name: Petey Smith () on Saturday, May 13, 2000 at 08:15:27
E-Mail: beedyboink@msn.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 72
City and State: Wet Dream!
Message: Maria Maria I missed you my woof. What is your email address? I think about you often and hoped you would find me!! Tell Jeff hi for me. Kelleys coming to Salem in a few weeks. We'll call or mail you!!
Take care!
Love Petedog
Name: kelley () on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 23:41:01
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Class: 67
City and State: coos bay,ore by the ocean
Message: Paula, Lisa and I were just talking about you and Susie. How ya doing. and Little Mary hi from your old roommate Kell. send me an e-mail we want to find Gill A. who got married? someone from hawthorne, who got back in touch on cougartown, wow unreal. do i know them? how odd. My poor little mind is blown.
Name: Glenn Crist () on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 22:30:14
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
City and State: Lonely, now that all my friends have gone home
Message: John, John, John...
You really are becoming the professional party animal...how do I apply for a job like yours. I'm glad you're back home, but probably not half as glad as you are.
Thanks to all who e-wished me a happy B-day, especially Mighty Mo, Judy Blomsterberg, Janet Burkett (and probably a few I've forgotten without cheating by looking back). And a great big thank you to all who came to my sleepy little town and brought the party to my backyard. I probably had the best time of all; I laughed hard and longer than I have in a long, long time and can't wait (let's see, if it's 51 weeks until Hawaii, does that make it 49 weeks and counting) for another WCW.
JB (webmaster, extraordinare), I won't clog the airwave since you'll probably have a harder time catching up with work and play this time than the last few, but I'll check in again soon. Congratulations, Jan and Judy, Marsha and Robin.
Hey Glenn, Yeah, I've got to stay home for awhile and take care of business. It's so much fun to go, but it's nice to be home too. We'll be back before you know it. Be a Coug boy.......
Name: Debbie Egland () on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 21:09:05
E-Mail: gdfegland@earthlink.net
Maiden: Hagopian
Class: 80
City and State: Placentia, CA
Message: For Raymond Smith and the mysterious "blue ink" editor:
Thanks for the Hank's info! I'll check it out the next time I'm in town.
Name: Wayne Dickey () on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 21:07:21
E-Mail: be@donna'ssoon
Class: 69
City and State: La Palma inaweek
Message: Well, John,Jim,Betty,Liz,Keith,Bill,(of course Donna Cook)and many more cougars out there. Escrow closes this Tuesday, and I will be in Ca. (If I drive like a maniac), by Saturday. If I drive with some sense, I will be there later. I will never leave Ca. again. These last few months (getting to know my old freind, and many new ones), has been great. John I want to give you a BIG THANKS for creating Cougartown. I seem to be hearing bells in the future for another cougar couple???????????????????????
Welcome home Wayne. I wonder who that OTHER couple is?
Name: The Goddess () on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 19:46:46
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Maiden: 133rdEstrada#4
Class: 69
Message: My, My, My! What were you guys drinking? My congrats to the newlyweds. I'm happy for you all, but I'm staying away from that place. It sounds very dangerous to me. Welcome home you Rowdies
Name: mary-rita appleman () on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 19:36:10
E-Mail: mrrappl
Maiden: appleman
Class: 1969
City and State: lk.elsinore,ca.
Message: Dear john, thanks for the chance to contact lost classmates and old neighbors. as you can see I'm back on line with a new old name.
You are welcome Mary-Rita, and welcome home.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 18:33:03
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: WOWdoIhaveahangover
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey..what's all this about me getting married??? All I know is that I had a boiler-maker on the plane over to see Marsha and Robin say their vows..and then I woke up back home in Torrance with a ring on my finger and an ugly piece of fruit around my neck. So I'm married, heh. If that be so, then I'll have to go to all the men's heads and remove my phone number. Boy..a ROWDY'S job is never done. Anyway..Janny cooks, cleans and is soo sweet, that I think I'll keep him. Hey..the trip & weddings were the best. My good friend, Marsha, made magic..too good to resist. All of us have a pact to return every year..same time, same place.. to Sugar Beach. Only 51 more weeks to go. Good to see my old bud, Colleen Trott O'Ryan in K-mart today. Now there's a gal that knows how to have fun. We don't see enough of her at the functions.. Thanks to all for the good wishes...and thanks to Mr. Plotkin for teaching Janny all about b*ners. Now, I'm off with my rag and turpentine..to erase those numbers. Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg..(one of those names has got to go ) P.S. I'm having that ugly fruit mounted John Boy. Do you want a necklace or should I just have it framed?
Man that thing looked like somethin' that should be hanging from the south end of a Babboon all right. What the H-E-L-L was that thing anyway......and NO!!! I do NOT want it. That Hawaiian fruit looks great on the inside, but outside, this thing looked like an ugly strawberry with pubic hair. Keep that thing away from me as it can only bring BAD LUCK!!
Name: Greg and Sharon Willis () on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 18:10:54
E-Mail: chas@ccmaui.net
Maiden: Willis/Willis
Class: 71/72
City and State: Maui/Ventura CA
Message: Aloha! Brother Greg and I are sitting here checking out the Page!!! Hey, you all were in Maui and didn't give this cougar a call????? I live up country Maui...no Pinks here, but I have a big back yard and we could have luaued!!! Oh well..
Greg and I look forward to the reunion in August of 2001! We will be there!
Does anyone know Susie Bell's address or email? I was in her First class she taught...6th grade in Peter Burnett, later ran into her at MB women's health club!!! Can't believe she is retiring.!! I will send her a card from Hawaii when I return!!! Please tell her hello from Sharon Willis!!
Mahalo and Aloha...Sharon and Greg!
Sharon, Check with Loretta Cuiper at Lcuiper@aol.com. I think she'll know it.
Name: Raymond Smith () on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 17:50:55
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland,OR
Message: This message is for Debbie Hagopian on the subject on "Hank's Pizza". I'm not sure if there was ever one in Hermosa but I DO know there was one in Hawthorne on Imperial Hwy and Sundale Ave which is a few if not one block away from San Diego Fwy. How do I know this after all these years? Well, my dad used to live 2 houses away from him and when I got to visit him you bet we would order that slab of greasy/cheesesy, thick pepperoni with thick sauce. Makes like there was no competition except for the other Hank's which was located somewhere in Lennox. Ah, I can smell the pizza scent now. Ohh, darn it's only Godfather's that I'm smelling. How disappointing. I do believe that the one on Imperial Hwy is gone due to the new fwy. Is the other one still around? Now for Sherrie Eckert. I do now know that you're living in Chicago because a little bird from Houston told me. Get off your be-hind from your textbooks and take a break and e-mail me because I've been trying to relocate you since you moved in 1983 and from the 2 reunions that your class had you were not there. John, thanks for finding that bird who knows where the other bird is. Kauri, I thank you for your support and friendship and just so happy to reconnect to someone who was (and still is thanks to this website) a part of my life and now is back and I'm just so joyful of the website. 2 down and a few more to go.
Ray, Hanks Pizza moved from Imperial to Rosecrans and Hawthorne Bl. It's still one of the best pizzas going.
Name: Paula Steiner () on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 16:10:14
E-Mail: psteiner@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Steiner
Class: 67
City and State: Seattle, WA
Message: This is the best. I have been reading all the messages and I feel like I am still in Hawthorne. Lisa Graham, Kelly Currie and all the rest of you. But today I noticed Don Snyder has just signed on. I couldn't believe it. 36 years have passed and I've always wondered what happened to him. Does anyone remember me. Where is Morris Lipson? We went to gradnite together. Thank you John for taking us all back to some wonderful years.
Name: Mary Campbell () on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 14:10:36
Maiden: Valdez
Class: 73
City and State: Hana Hawaii
Message: aloha petey, this is Mary Valdez Campbell living in hawaii now married to jeff campbell we have a daughter 7 years old. her name is juliette. she keeps us real busy. so just wanted to say hello, and god bless.
see ya Mary
Mary, We just "Survived the Road to Hana" on Wednesday. It's still a small Cougartown World.
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