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"More 50's Classic Do Wop on the way" "The Corsairs"
Name: Marsha Russell-Hood () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 23:33:21
E-Mail: Speakingofugly
Maiden: Russell
Class: 64
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: Johnny boy......what did I ever do to you???? It was Mrs. Blomsterberg that called you fingers and talked about the rum caper, I was the nice quiet one. The only time I made a face like that was when I saw the GIANT PUSTULE you wore on your lip the entire Maui trip. Are PUSTULES forever?????
Marsha Russell-Hood (Pustule free)
That wasn't a pustule that was a malignancy. I can't believe it folks, I get this GIANT cold sore on my lip the day before I go to Hawaii and it doesn't leave until the day after I get back. BEE-YOU-TEA-FULL!!!
Re the picture; Marsha, frankly I was getting real tired of all the perfect Maui wedding scenes and thought I'd bring you back to reality. This is Marsha doing her famous Bucky Beaver impression at cruise night 1. Does anyone remember Ipana toothpaste?
Name: Kathy Frankforter () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 22:29:56
E-Mail: frankforter@earthlink.net
Maiden: Tom's Wife
Class: 79
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: Holy Moly...You don't waste anytime Mr. Baker (Laughing) Oppps...I mean John! Geez, I did not think you'd put the picture up on Cougar Town. At least you cropped our bottom portion. Tom's pants looked like he was expecting a flood or something. (Laughing) Thanks for letting me post here :}
Anytime Kathy.....
Name: Sharon () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 22:28:46
E-Mail: chas@ccmaui.net
Maiden: Willis
Class: 72
City and State: MAUI
Message: Aloha everyone...are you surviving the trip to Maui? Will the next group call me! 572-5100! Love to chat. I was just on the mainland for the mom's day weekend..What happened to Hermosa Beach? The street names are the same but the sites are different. My hubby grew up on 22nd street..we wouldn't recognize it except his whole family wrote their names in the cement..dated 1960!
Anyway Mary Valdez Campbell! Give me a call...I saw Jeff one night in Kihei and never again. I would love to chat. Where is Gil A...is he still there..HANA? My hubby lived out there too..Is Denise Lavin still on Maui??? Respond please! Aloha, Sharon Willis Quesnel...Haliimaile...
Hi Sharon, You missed our Kihei group by about a week. Plenty more on the way though. We'll be back next year. Maybe we'll have a Kihei Cougar Party.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 22:09:55
E-Mail: jburkett@compaq.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: Judy and John.....PLAY NICE!!! And, promise NO food fights on Saturday! John, PLEASE tell me you're NOT one of those banditos in that picture you put up!! (If you are, don't let anyone in OC know.....don't say it Sloey!!)
Janet darlin, you have nothing to fear as I wasn't even sitting at their table that day.
Name: Petey Smith () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 21:26:46
E-Mail: beedyboink@msn.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 72
City and State: Salem, Oregon
Message: So let me get this straight. If you can be a Cougar-by-marriage does that make you a Rowdy as well or do you have to earn that title??
John Laven the last time I saw you we were at Al's bar downtown LA somewhere then on to the the Atomic Cafe where I ran into a friend of mine from Oregon. That was 20 years ago. By the way where is Eric Munson?
A note to Ricky Davidson leader of the Revolution, get well soon and join us here on the Gold Coast! Love Ya! Petey
A Coug by marriage, YES. A Rowdy by marriage, I don't think so. See, a Rowdy doesn't cook, so I guess you COULD be a Rowdy by marriage but..........JUDY!!!
Name: kelley () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 20:24:29
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Maiden: currie
Class: 67
City and State: coos bay,ore by the ocean
Message: the group in the picture, petey, eddie lutz,surplus,mike trotter, rob smith, either Phil decuir or chuck jess, john mac, and little judy.
I believe the picture was taken at a bar in TJ or on the road to ensenada. Can you name the Bar?
Well Petey.....pretty close huh?
Name: Kathy Frankforter () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 17:46:37
E-Mail: frankforter@earthlink.net
Maiden: Married to Tom
Class: 79
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: I always enjoy coming here and checking out the messages even though I did not go to HHS. You guys are a nice bunch... Quick note to Shelley Stone. Yes, Tom is George's brother. Lee, (Mom) worked at Computax. She still lives over on 137th Place & Oceangate. There's a picture of Tom and I over on my website www.kathysworld.com/family.htm. Of course it was taken back in 1987 when we got married. Congratulations to the two couples who recently got married.!! Best wishes always... This website truly makes me laugh because HHS Alumni have such a neat sense of humor and seem so close. Mr. Baker, I plug this website often and it is linked on mine...Too bad I had to go to West High School where we have a bunch of stuck-ups...:}:} By the way before I forget, not only did my husband go to HHS so did my son-in-law Justin Metsker....What a small world!
Mr Baker??!! That's my father's name. Thanks Kathy and you're always welcome here as we all grew up in the same streets, plus you ARE married to a Coug.
Name: Mo () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 16:08:44
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Hotlips
Class: 64
City and State: City of Good Neighbors
Message: OK guys, I'm going to try and help John out since he is trying to play catch-up from taking off for that much needed vacation (and fun time) with the info on the dinner tomorrow night. OK here it is:
THE HAWTHORNE PRESIDENTS COUNCIL presents THE TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY K-9 COMMUNITY BBQ DINNER. A BBQ CHICKEN DINNER WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS. ALL PROFITS GO TOWARDS: K-9 TRAINING & EQUIPMENT FUND. DATE: Thursday, May 18, 2000 TIME: 5:00 PM TO 8:00 PM (Food service closes at 7:00 PM). PLACE: Hawthorne Memorial Center at 3901 W. El Segundo Blvd. COST: Adults $5.00 Children 12 and under $2.50. Tickets will be available at the door or you can get them at: HAWTHORNE PD DESK, PARKS & RECS DEPT, HAWTHORNE CITY HALL TREASURERS OFFICE, AMERICAN POSTAL EMPORIUM AND LOCAL OUTLOOK....I know this is late notice, but hope some of you can make it....ALSO CELEBRITY GUEST STAR and DOOR PRIZES. Thanks, MoMo
Thanks Mo, I hope some of the locals can make it as it is for a good cause. Thanks for helping out.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 15:42:49
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: whocares--i'mSadieSadie~married lady
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey John B. I didn't mind that bone ugly picture of me with no makeup on..but why did you have to blow it up so darn big and add that goider to my neck...& I think you can see my sinuses from here. And I think I have a few goodies of you in Hawaii to pass around..however, I'm not editor and chief of CT so I'll just have to hire a crop duster and drop flyers all over southern Calif. So the moral of the story here is.."In the valley of the blind, the man with one eye is KING" and you are the KING! Oh ya.. the story about the fifth of rum is true.
Love you madly anyway.. (who cares..I'm married now) Judy Wudy..Blomsterberg.
Leaflets it is then. I think Robin still has some frequent duster miles built up with "Cropdusters R Us", his first choice for traversing the Pacific Coast. Maybe he can help out.
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 15:10:48
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
City and State: sam az befour
Message: HOWDY!
Wez bens reedin all dat stuffin bout dem folks gots theresefs heetchd ans we jest ben a ballin bout howz heppy yall mest bens. wez wuznt shore ifn dat judy wez mets dat nite fer ise screem wuz da sams one dat gots heetchd but BEULAH sez LEEROY dat wuz da one dat wuz so nice to ya and kissed ya on dat bald hed of yern. BEULAH wuz a liddle jelus buts wez gets ober mos dem dings. Wez so hapy fer yer wez stell gots teers in are eyez. So wats i's wans ta no iz wats can we fetch yal fer a prezint. donut be shys cuz wez goin ta da swaps meetin taday and tomorry. wez gonna seez yall Sunday at dat there brekfeast ifn wez can fine it. tank ya fer vitin usn.
ans dat utter foks dat gots heetchd theresefs two, wez heppy fer yalln two. dats guys wit da famez name huh, Robin Hood? dats his nams an his wif dat so sweet. lesn us to no bout dem prezints.
Hey LeeRoy, I'm not supposed to say anything but Judy said she could sure use a gallon jug a white lightnin' just to get her in the mood at night, and Janny's had a hankerin' for a push mower. Keep your eyes peeled.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 11:05:06
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: IdareyoutoputthisinCT
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: JOHN BAKER QUOTE: "Yeah Judy kept mooning the Island Boys. They started calling her "The Big MOOBA". Judy, what DOES "Big Mooba" mean anyway"
~~~~~~~Well John Boy... MOOBA in Hawaiian means, " The Rowdiest, but most beautiful girl on the island that never tells on the Big Kahuna that stole a fifth of rum and an ugly fruit from the local market & almost got all his good buds put in jail on a recent visit to Hawaii" Now.. I'm putting my canned goods together for the donation at the VFW breakfast...and I'm off like a prom dress.
Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg
Judy wanted me to share this lovely picture taken of her at an exclusive club in Maui. Thanks Judy for sending me the picture, you ARE a giver......
Name: Anita Young () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 08:05:07
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
This message is to Shelly Tomlinson Stone...I hope to God, woman, that you come in here soon and read this! Do you know that Val and I have been trying to send you e-mail now and unsuccessfully, I might add, for the last 4 weeks? I'll say your work needs to get you a new computer...either that, or your works network is FUBAR!!!!
So, no, we haven't forgotten about you dear. We even got your virus warning on the 16th, but when I tried to reply, you guessed it...it came back.
I hope you know by now that we found Paulette DesRosiers, thanks to Ray Nelson, my bud in Billy Goat Acres (what a guy) : ) I've tried to send you her address and phone number. She's just in Gardena, you know. Hey, and Eva even e-mailed you hon! She got so frustrated, she asked me to try and send it, so I did, and once again...uh huh...undeliverable!
YOU ARE MISSING OUT ON SO MUCH!!!!!! I am so bummed and I miss ya! So, do you have a home e-mail address or a friends computer you could use or a library you could go to and use theirs? Heck, I was a library web junkie up until a few months ago. Better than nothing! Do something...we all miss ya. E me your home address and phone...I'll just call ya...heck, you are definitely worth the toll call!
That's the frustrating part. When someone changes, or gives out the wrong email address, then I can't even contact them to let them know it's wrong.
People will put in an email change and it'll say "john14" ........that does no good without the "@cougartown.com" part. Every email address needs a user name (john14) an "@" sign, and a domain name (cougartown.com). Please check to see if I put your changes in. If not, you probably left something out. Thanks......
Name: Anita Young () on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 07:56:26
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
First of all...congrats to all of the newlyweds! I've only been to Hawaii once in my lifetime. I was 16 ( and savaged) and went with my mom to go see an uncle that used to live over there! It was on the island of Oahu on the North Shore. I can relate to the sentiments of not wanting to come home ( then, anyways...I LOVE coming home to Oregon!) That was one of the best trips I ever took anywhere! So here's to getting leied! ( and married too, I guess...LOL!)
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 23:56:00
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: Now here's a real seedy looking group. Do you recognize anyone here? It looks like a scene out of an old "B" bandido movie. I'll bet there's not a draft card in the lot.
Name: Donna () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 23:50:06
E-Mail: DonnaDGW4@aol.com
Maiden: Cook
Class: 69
City and State: LaPalma, CA
Message: Congratulations to all you newlyweds. Hawaii is so beautiful. I went last summer for the first time and I really didn't ever want to come back. Gee, I wonder if it takes getting married to get over there again???
Wayne...Are you sure you have everything? This is it, no turning back. Salisbury North Carolina is no longer your address, just a memory now. You be careful and we'll all be waiting for you here in sunny California. If you drive that big truck like a low rider I guess I won't save a burger for you in Irvine?? Or should I ?? See ya soon.......
Name: Joyce Sams Krcmarik () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 22:43:31
E-Mail: krcmarik@yahoo.com
Maiden: Sams
Class: 1962
City and State: Anaheim, CA
Message: Glad I was told about this page by my sister Peggy Sams Harbour ('56) and her friend Mary Jean Skaggs ('56). You have done a fantastic job with this production!!! Keep up the good work!
Hey Joyce, The last time I saw you was in 92 at our last reunion. It always special to have a class member check in, so welcome and enjoy the site.
Name: Deano () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 21:27:19
E-Mail: dkarels @msn .com
Class: 65
City and State: Tustin
Message: well it's been awhile since i wrote in on feedback but thought i'd drop aline or two' yes pieboy i'll be at the picnic on the 20th in irvine' thats my backyard. j.b. i'll leave the p-blank s-blank alone so judydoublewhat doesn't get in trouble and speaking of her how can she call herself queen of the rowdys anymore after going on the wine tasting trip. i mean if its not out of a 3 buck gallon or box, its not rowdy wine. checked out all the pics looks like everyone had a great time. beverly jax, i hope you are taking checks at the door for us party crashers and j.b. will you have any t-shirts with you to sell i need two double-x thanks and i guess congrats are in order to the newlyweds. so judy what do i call you, queenofflikeapromdressoftherowdysorjudydoublewhatqueenoftherowdysofflikeapromdress, i'll try not to stay away so long next time i'm just at page 222 on the catchin up reading.
hey i just saw john rout's name mentioned. i remember him from st.joes. had a sister sharon that i was in class with. boy does that bring back memories. rulers across the knuckles with the metal edge writing a 100 times i won't something. just thought i'd say hi
Hey Dean, We're out of XXL's but I'll order some next week. We'll see you all on Saturday at the BBQ and the car show.
Name: GLORIA HERLOSKY () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 21:00:08
Class: 76
City and State: LAS VEGAS, NV
Message: Hi John and everyone! Haven't been on in awhile, keep getting side-tracked with my life. Hope all is well in CT. Congrats to the newlyweds in HA. I was there in 84 and have never forgotten it. Well, wish I could say something clever, but until that occurs, Aloha!
ALOHA it is then. Thanks Gloria for letting us know you're still out there. Now where are the rest of the V's. Vicki, Cruelda, are you still out there?
Name: Loren Heath () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 19:27:58
E-Mail: Down til 5/27
Class: 64
City and State: Anaheim
Message: Well I'll be "DAMNED," I just talked to Judy to ask how Marsha's wedding went and she gave me the wonderful news. I guess all it took was to get Judy under a Banana, I mean Palm Tree, and she becomes Mrs. Janny Wanny. Great going Jan.
I wish you both the very best and that you will be as happy always as you are today.
Marsha and Robin, I wish you the very best and happiness also. Ofcourse, yours was not a surprise since everyone was going over there for your wedding. At least, I know now to stay away from Hawaii, once is enough.
The pictures are great and I can imagine all of the flashing and mooning had the natives restless.
See you all Sunday at the V.F.W. Judy one special order of SOS comin' up.
Yeah Judy kept mooning the Island Boys. They started calling her "The Big MOOBA". Judy, what DOES "Big Mooba" mean anyway?
Hey Loren, I'll take my SOS plain on Sunday please. See you all there at 10am.
Name: Art () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 18:52:30
E-Mail: Lamerea@home.com
Class: 1973
City and State: Bettendorf Ia
Message: come on class of 73 lets break loose of the ten bucks and join. not a lot of stars in the class of 73. Steve Deuel say hello to your brother Tom for me. John it also looks like a lot of fun was had in the islands of love. you better watch out next time it just might be you. thanks for the update on big mike.
Hey Art, Yeah a great time was had by all. Get well big Mike and let us know how you're doing.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 17:03:09
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: Ionlyflashedtwiceatmywedding
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey John boy. I see ol' LEEROY FELDERRUSTER is back online.. I finally met Leeroy at the very first Foster's cruise night..but everyone else missed him.. maybe we can get him out again. I've had a few new ROWDYS ask me when we're having another Foster's night..or at least a PINK'S RUN. Can we start planning for the summer.. the first Cruise night was late July '99. How about it big guy.. give us married ROWDYS something to shoot for. We're cravin' a Foster burger again.. I'll try not to fall on my face a week before hand.. I don't have those built in air bags I had last year at this time.
Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg THE ROWDYS
It's funny you mentioning those "double D's" as I was just back on page 158 doing a little reminiscing. We will again shoot for a late July Cruise Night 3, although I'll clear it with Leo, the owner, first.
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 10:32:32
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
City and State: mann hadm beech, kaliferya
Message: HOWDY!
We beck fer da sumer maybe longur. Ifn dat women wanns to gives her husbun awey wez gets sums kuzins still libs in arkensaw who wood takes him, dey muvie sters two. dey wuz sum ektrees in dat femes muvie Deliveby. less usn nose dey can comes an gits hem ifn neeeds bee. Wenn wese goin fer ise screem agin? Me an Beulah seery bout nots ritin soonar but youse seems ta hab a problim wit yer messeg gissmo, ebery times wez trys to sends a messeg wez gits a box dat sez, sorry we can not take your message now Gary Lents is utilizing the server, please try again in about a week thank you for your patience. Wez donut minds waitin but meester Baker wez tinks youse shood git da spillin fiksed on dat messeg. Tanks fer all dat email i gits frum all ourn friends at cougartown! Beulah jest gits a tear eberytime she sees a messeg. tank uya.
Well chop off my legs and call me Shorty if it isn't my old buddy LeeRoy. Nice hearing from you boy. If brains were measured in megatons of TNT, this boy would amount to no more than fumes from a paint can, but we lovem just the same. Thanks LeeRoy for checkin' in.
Name: Patty Valencia () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 10:31:39
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
City and State: PVE, Ca
Message: Congratulations to all you newlyweds!!! Those sunset shots look fabulous. I can't help but think of all of you as H.S. Seniors - you guys look great and very happy. Beaming I might add. Thank you Barry for keeping us updated on Mike. I spoke to him before the surgery and that guy has the same wonderful uplifting attitude he had in high school - I'm really pleased to hear that he's doing great. It makes me feel good that here in CT everyone cares as if we are involved in each other's daily lives once again. Frank R....here Frank R...here boy. Where is he? Fingers can't type? Just send a note to let us know that you are doing better...And for you Jorge Llave, thank you for your mysterious philosophy. I'm not just stopping with Chapter 13 bucko - I'll return it when I'm more thoroughly enlightened. Thanks for caring. And finally, thanks John, for the CT community.
Well.....a V-girl emerges. Thank YOU for being out there Patty. Now where's the OTHER V's? Gladys was it?.........NO that's not it.......Gilda?....no.....Vicki......no.......and that middle one.....was it Cruelda?......
Name: Gary Lents () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 08:44:49
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: 67
City and State: Vista
Message: Congrats to all the newlyweds...and it must be the water in Hawaii!!!
Hey, a while back some folks were asking about Steve Tamburrino. I am bringing him with me to Connie's BBQ. Any other surprise guests?
I have a question. Why is the BBQ starting so late? At 6pm the sun is going down. Just wondering.......
Name: Steve Deuel () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 06:39:48
E-Mail: sdeuel@aol.com
Class: 72
City and State: Torrance, Ca
Message: I'm not going to sleep well until I get more information about how Mike "Big Mac" McClain is doing post surgical. The big guy was almost like another family member around the Deuel's. Hope he did well!
Thanks for any updates or contact info.
Name: Harold Wright () on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 01:09:32
E-Mail: hwright@slonet.org
Class: 67
City and State: Los Osos, CA
Message: Great web site.
I attended HHS during my Freshman and Soph. year but did not graduate from HHS. I still have my letterman sweater (too bad everyone switched to jackets). I would have been in the class of '67. (I graduated from Culver City High in '67).
John: I suggest that you include a few words inviting all who attended HHS to sign in.
Also in the feedback page add to the "If you graduated or attended HHS....."
Yes folks, you didn't have to graduate from HHS to add yourself to our list. If you ATTENDED, then that's close enough. Thanks Harold and too bad about that CC thing.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Monday, May 15, 2000 at 18:34:38
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, WI
Message: Marsha & Robin, Judy & Jan congrats!!!!!
Isn't the whole atmosphere in Hawaii make you want to stay forever?
My son, daughter-in-law, and grandson live in Kailua on Oahu. Everytime we go for a visit, I have to force myself to get on the plane to return home. Glad to see you all made it back.
Name: Myrna () on Monday, May 15, 2000 at 18:32:05
E-Mail: Bizzell-Wood
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: Jeez!!! I haven't been on-line for a couple of weeks and look at all the excitement. Happy Wedding Bells to all of you! It's going to take me awhile to catch up and check it all out, but I'm looking forward to reading the news in CT!
Myrna, Where have you been?
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