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"Another 50's Classic" "The Chimes"
Name: Tina Ferguson () on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 18:13:11
E-Mail: sfandtf@juno.com
Maiden: Koerner
Class: 1968
City and State: Simi Valley, CA
Message: Hi all! I was able to save a few cabins for the 11/3 sailing on the Viking Serenade. If anyone is interested in joining the class of 1968 for their 50th birthday party, please let me know as soon as possible! Details can be found on feedback page 218.
Name: Dan Dye () on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 16:45:45
E-Mail: DanADye@earthlink.net
Class: 1962
City and State: Torrance, Ca. 90505
Message: Hello Cougars young and old, I talked to an old Cougar last night, RICK COOPER. We talked for about an hour, I have not talked or seen him for over 19 years. Class of 63 give Rick a shout. I am trying to get him to send a little feedback. Rick is doing great. He has his two son's and his Mom Marg working for him. We're going to try to make the O.C. reunion. Reconnecting with old friends is great. Thank you John Baker and all you Cougartown Junkies.
Hey Dan, Janet and I will be there along with Linda Jones Reynolds from our class too. I know the Rowdys are going too, as they don't get to eat cooked food too often. We'll see you there.
Hey big Rick, send some feedback. It'd be great hearing from you.
Name: Delia Garza () on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 16:32:09
E-Mail: delia.garza@usa.net
Maiden: Yawnick
Class: 86
City and State: Huntington Beach, CA
Message: Mike Mc Cann : Thanks for confirming that my mind hasn't gone yet... I can't believe I remembered Roger and Craig's name too! I just impressed myself. I went to Funship for many years and also worked there as a counselor for a few years. It was interesting to have had Tommy as a counselor growing up and then ending up as a co-worker of his when I was older. I saw many counselors come and go through my years at Funship but for some reason you, Roger and Craig stuck out in my memory... I guess when a girl gets to hang on the backs of good looking football players, you tend to remember it! I know I had a picture somewhere of the 3 of you.... wish I could find it. Well.. I hope you are well!
To everyone else who is going to the picnic on May 20th, have a GREAT time.. We are leaving saturday morning on our road trip and will miss meeting everyone. To Mr. Plotkin: Happy belated!!! I do hope to see you at a gathering soon! It would be so nice to see you after all these years!
I just sent in my 5 bucks for the picnic. Sounds like a great time to me. See you all there.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 15:30:39
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: I remember Donna Jackson!! Are you here? I would love to chat...drop me an email will ya? I remember you and I bonding over some trouble we had way back then. Were we sitting in the principals office? I warmed that seat more than once. The shorter my skirts got the longer I sat. Then, of course, the day we wore the ever dreaded JEANS! What rebel rousers we were. Who else was in on our demonstration for a free dress code? Man, I regretted that victory when my daughter started school. Pay back is a bit*h! My daddy tried to warn me. Love you Cougs! You're the best! The Goddess for a stricker dress code!
Name: Anita Young () on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 14:26:35
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Hey Shelly...now I'm starting to get some of Val's e-mails back, too. She's up here in Oregon, though, so I can at least call her at work, if need be. I sure hope it's not my WebTV. Hey, when you get a chance, please e-mail me your address and phone number, O.K. I'm going to send you some pics of me and the family soon.
And Ray Nelson...geez, do I ever wish I could send you some of our rain..hail too! I know that's what makes this beautiful state green and all, but lately, it has just been too much! Enough already! Tell ya what, Ray...you send me some of your sunshine, and I'll do an Indian Rain Dance and send ya some of our rain! Deal, bud? And Shelly, it's Ray you need to thank for finding Paulette DesRosiers, not me! I can't take the credit there!
Name: Mo () on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 14:05:31
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 64
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: John, just wanted to say GREAT SELECTION OF PICS FROM THE WINE TRIP. It was the best weekend... they were the best people. Thanks again EVERYONE for making it a "memory for the porch"...in our golden years.
BTW, John, I sent you a flyer about THE TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY, K-9 COMMUNITY BBQ DINNER on Thursday, May 18th, from 5 to 8 PM at the Hawthorne Memorial Center. ALL profits go towards: K-9 Training & Equipment Fund. Tickets are available at a number of locations in Hawthorne. Do you think you might have the time (ya, right) to post it in cougartown before you leave? It would really help our K-9 units if we can get a good participation. Hope to see you and Janet and the gang there, and any and all cougars. There will be door prizes and a celebrity guest star!!
Be cougs, MYTMO
Name: Terry Leeper () on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 12:41:02
Class: 63
City and State: Haw.
Message: Thanks to all for the great WCW, especially Glenn Crist, for transporting us back and forth from the campsite. Our ride was open to the elements and Glen really went out of his way! After WCW, we headed north for another week and found some sunshine. Good to get back and read all the feedback. Got some good pictures, as Mo can attest to. Will scan some more soon. See you at the car show.
Terry and Judi
Hey Terry and Judi, Glad you two had a good time and made it back safely. Maybe you can get the trike out for the car show.......or maybe the 53 Chevy
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 11:50:12
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: So ol' What's-his-name and What's-her-face made it public....well it's about time! Congratulations you two and may God bless your union with many years of laughter and passion, good health and prosperity, and above all, the joy of knowing you are both loved so very much. Aloha, Robin and Marsha. Now let's PARTY!
Ya Think??
Thanks Liz......
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 11:05:17
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
City and State: Oakhills, CA>
Message: To all the cougars who want to purchase the directory that is being put together. Harris Publishing did the directory for my sons school and did a very good job. So don't worry they will do a good job for us too. The information they put in the book is very valuable. So if you have not received the card, please call Harris and get your information in the book. The phone number is (800) 488-9412, it only takes a few minutes to give them the info needed.
Name: Shelly Tomlinson () on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 10:29:20
Maiden: Stone
Class: 1978
Message: Hi Dear Anita,
Yes, I'm still OK, and no my computer is not!! I'm patiently waiting for my new one, and the company just isn't moving quickly enough for me. I get some e-mails and don't get others, and I get those undeliverable messages too, it's been kind of a touch-n-go thing. I did get your message about locating Paulette, thanks a bunch!! I'd like to get in touch with her. I'll let you know when I'm up and running. Thanks for your concern. And while I'm here, I want to say HI ALL COUGS, and THANKS FOR MAKING THIS SITE POSSIBLE, IT'S AWESOME, TOTALLY AWESOME!!!! Hey Mike McCann, thanks for your message too, you know all of those you asked about, Nick, Bobby, Marcella... etc. I haven't heard of nor seen any of them in years. I lived in Northern California for a few years, in the hills, and lost touch with everyone. Will probably be going back soon. I can't take this big city life any longer, I'm quite the mountain mama, but if you EVER find out what happened to Nick Mungarro, please let me know. Not a day goes by without me thinking of him and hoping and praying that he's alright. Does ANYONE know? I miss Nick!!!!! To the one who mentioned Sam's Place. When did it disappear? My husband and I hung out there quite a bit in the early 90's doing the KAROAKE scene every week-end, and eating those fabulous burgers. Last we were there was in 1993. BYE FOR NOW ALL!!
Name: TOM FRANKFORTER () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 23:10:42
E-Mail: frankforter@earthlink.net
Class: 79
City and State: Redondo beach
Hi back at ya' Tom. Thanks for the shout.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 22:42:41
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: Alex Bravo, Rams lineman, HHS cross country coach -- dishing out the pain down Valley Drive. Micheal Burt was an animal, Darrell Cessor was an animal.
Hey Dan, Congrats on your newest, Aja Danielle Johnson on 3/12/2K.
Name: Ray Nelson () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 19:25:41
E-Mail: prnelson@prodigy.net
Class: 73
City and State: Fayetteville, Ga (AKA Billy Goats Acres)
Message: Hey,
How about some of you folks in Oregon send some of your rain this way. My goats are getting thirsty and there's only so much moon-shine to go around.
Name: Vicki Nielsen () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 19:19:57
E-Mail: cleo@fea.net
Message: I was a freshman at HHS in 68 and transferred to Lawndale HHS in my sophmore year. I graduated from Edison High School in 1971. Vicki Nielsen
Vickie, Please add your name to the alumni list.
Name: Tom Buckingham () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 15:25:27
E-Mail: buckinghamtom@netscape.net
Class: 1964
City and State: Clovis,CA
Message: Hey Diane Robertson-Thanks for your posting on C-Town. But your e-mail address isn't connected. Got a better one? Do you remember the Spring Sing at El Camino in 1967. The concert had a Roaring 20's theme. Our group The Brethern and the Sistern really killed 'em. I played the washboard and you had a tambourine as I recall. Our group sang the theme song from the Roaring 20's TV program and some others. I think we also sang Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey. I think we had a guitar player named Bill as well as a girl who played mandolin and someone else played a washtub bass. I'll have to check my Warwhoop newspaper copies, I think there was a picture of our group in one of the papers.
Name: Jeanne Carrillo () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 13:33:57
E-Mail: HCarr74215@aol.com
Maiden: Burk
Class: 69
City and State: Carlsbad, CA
Message: I was thinking about people and I haven't seen or heard anyone talk about Denise and Buddy Swinford? Remember they were married in our senior year. They were good friends with Terry Devine. By the way, Terry Devine is in Texas and has been for years. Lynn Eggum keeps in touch with her. Anyway, if anyone has heard about these follks, let us know.,
Name: MoMo () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 12:01:35
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 64
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: JOHN....the person responsible for the LIPS is Judi Strahm. There should be a pic with all or most of the girls and their LIPS. THANKS JUDI!!!
DIANE PRICE-OLSEN....how the H... are you? I'm glad you found this site, we thought you had fall'n off the face of the earth. Co tried to locate you for a long time. E-mail me with all the dirt!!! Isn't this site the best!!!!! I know you hear it all the time, but thanks big guy!
Thanks Mo.....
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 11:19:37
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Message: Re: Birthday greetings. A GREAT BIG "THANK YOU" to all the Cougs who wrote on feedback or e-mailed me from the Northwest to Georgia to Southern California. I'm going to make believe all you said is true. You made my day very special.
To the bridal party: You are such a fun group and really nice people. I know you will create a memorable time. Robin and Marsha - the very best to you. I wish I could be at Kihei with you.
Much love to all Cougars, HCH
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 10:12:52
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: All the best to Marsha and Robin. I'll be with you in spirit Sat.
I thought it was Sunday.....
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 09:07:07
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: To Wayne Dickey, you stud!!!Donna told me you may be here for the mini reunion in OC. Escrow will close just in time..Come on home Big Boy! The sun is shining the air is soft and warm, the beaches are long and white and clean and .....and...oh yeah! Donna Gayle is here! Your very own Pole Princess. It doesn't get better than this.
Name: Anita Young () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 08:56:46
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
This is for Shelly Stone...hey lady! Sorry you haven't gotten any e-mail from me lately, and no, I'm not mad at you. I see you've been in here lately, so I hope you come back soon. For some reason, all the e-mail I try to send you, either from my WebTV or yahoo account comes back to me as undeliverable. Is everything O.K.? Or are your computers at work being weird again? Let me know. It may be this stupid WebTV thing I have. If it is, I'm calling them and having it fixed. I tell ya, if I hadn't of gotten this thing as a gift, I'd not gotten it on my own. It's so limited! Oh well, I guess better than no internet at all, which is what I had before...well either that or go to the library to use theirs. Problem with that is, you can only use it for a half hour (more if no one is waiting), and, if someone sends you a joke, and it's really funny, they get pissed when you laugh! Bunch of killjoys!
Name: Mike Mc Cann () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 08:47:00
Class: 1980
City and State: Moreno Valley
Message: Hello Reul, Good to hear from you. Thanks for keeping an eye on us, as you know we needed it !!!
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 07:43:35
E-Mail: heybartistambogoingtobetherjune2.com
Class: 66/84
City and State: LEIGH, NEBRASKA
Message: Thank you Rowdys for all the birthday wishes for my WONDERFUL BEAUTIFUL wife, she says thank you and I am thankful to be Blessed with such a wonderful person in my life, and I feel that way about all of you too. You are great people and it has been a great year getting to know you. And to Marsha Russell and Robin Hood, God Bless you on your lifetime journey together this week and for always! We are very happy for you both in fact we are ecstatic!!! And to all the Rowdys making the trip to the Wedding have a great time! We wish we were going. Cougartown, where friendships begun stay true to the end, all hail to you hail Hawthorne High School! (cougartown.com)
AMEN to that Jim, Thanks......
Name: KIM GOLDBERG () on Monday, May 1, 2000 at 23:37:09
Maiden: MOORE
Class: 74
City and State: TEMECULA, CA.
Message: Hello Cougartown! I was so thrilled to find this site. It has been a long time since I have been in touch with anyone from HHS. Humphrey Marien, if you read this, update your e-mail address! My e-mail to you came back host unknown. Keep up the good work John!
Name: Diane Robertson () on Monday, May 1, 2000 at 23:25:34
E-Mail: fredddead@yahoo.com
Maiden: Robertson
Class: 65
City and State: Mission, B.C. Canada
Message: Hello, from an old sixtys radical, who through no fault of her own, fought the war, dropped out, burned her underthings, and married a Draft Dodger. I am continuing to evolve, and would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.
Dear Diane, Stokely, Angela, Timothy, Abby, and brother Jesse say Hi and peace sister, and glad you found Cougartown. NOW do you trust anyone over 30??
Name: John Rout () on Monday, May 1, 2000 at 21:19:49
E-Mail: Jmr812004@aol.com
Class: 1963
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Hey Sis and Dianna Price, there is no way I can Hail Mary my way out of that GITD rosary pic, I can't even genuflect anymore. I remember John Blankenship, I played Middle League with him on Lloyd Dennee's Cardinals. Well actually, he played and I learned mucho on the bench like splinters up the butt are not a good thing. He was a great guy and I hope still is!!
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Monday, May 1, 2000 at 21:08:45
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. PLOTKIN!!!!! :O) I feel so privlegded to have met a man who could make kids enjoy learning. 'That's quite a gift you have, Sir. Donna Cook told me about what an outstanding educator you are. Hats off to you, Mr. Plotkin. By all these Cougs who still remember and love you I can't help but wish I had been in your class...Have a great birthday!!!
P.S. Don't you believe for one second that Donna and I were really at The Wild Goose that night...ummm because...umm well....just don't! :o)
Name: Jean Triplett () on Monday, May 1, 2000 at 20:44:26
E-Mail: AngelWings3939@aol.com
Maiden: Chesson
Class: 67
City and State: Riverside, CA
Name: Michael Burt () on Monday, May 1, 2000 at 20:06:45
E-Mail: burtmichael@netscape.net
Class: 1976
City and State: Riverside, CA
Message: To Dan Johnson...
Man! I am really, really, really, really sorry I didn't specifically mention you name, but you know how it goes-- "too numerous to name"-- but of course you were one of those tough, stoic (or were we all just incredibly stupid?) hombres out there in the heat and smog, tripping over oily railroad ties on your way to one of those lovely X-country workouts in the Manhattan Beach hills. Good to hear from you again!
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Monday, May 1, 2000 at 19:11:18
E-Mail: cindym@penlight.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Message: Hiya Clark Millman! I saw Chris Penny's note saying you had written in but don't have time to go back and find your note, gotta run! Remember our puppet play in 6th grade in Mrs. Allen's class? I have a picture of us! I'll try to find it and e-mail it to you. Nice to see you're here!! I had lots of fun being your 6th grade classmate! And to those talking about glow-in-the-dark rosaries ... we had those in San Diego and used to dare each other to put them over our heads like necklaces but nobody EVER did! We were convinced they'd turn into snakes if we did! Well they would ya know! Hey once you've been exposed to ANY Catholicism, you're affected for LIFE! I don't go to Catholic churches anymore but I still stop chewing my gum if the pastor looks my way ... ya, I do! And the first time I went to a church that wasn't Catholic, I couldn't go in because they didn't have any holy water and nobody genuflected before sitting and they didn't have any benches to kneel on. I thought where the heck am I and then tried to hide from the lightning I knew would strike at any moment!! (I genuflected anyway just to be safe!) Oh and the confessionals were missing! And if you go to a non-demoninationl church after communion, you'll be able to pick out the Catholics because they won't be chewing the wafer!! Too funny!
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Monday, May 1, 2000 at 16:18:40
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: nieveattheDROPIN
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: ROWDY MR. PLOTKIN.. from all the ROWDYS~~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! & for your gift we've decided to never tell anyone what you've been sporting around in that "worn out" wallet of yours for the past 40 years..(our secret) Hope we see you for the May 20th CAR SHOW AND BBQ..& then the usual meeting place on the 21st VFW BREAKFAST. I think a MO TROTT Heavenly Choc Cake is in order for VFW..in celebration! I'll make one and Mo makes one.."contest" Sharon Rout~well kiddo, your brother JOHN ROUT didn't mean to wear that glow in the dark rosary around his head...it just didn't fit over it anymore.. (some of us use to wear our rosaries like a necklace~what did we know) BTW~I'll be donating another GITD rosary for the Connie Jax's BBQ. (now there's your incentive to excel) Gary Lents~hey, I didn't even know what those floating vessels were back then at the Drop In's..but from all the laughing I knew I'd find out fast..oh you nasty boys! I didn't know chaperones could move that fast. & one last HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ROWDY DEBBIE SLOEY..Miss you Deb.. where have you & Sloey been...not the same without ya. Marsha, thanks for the thong undies.."great gift" So does the tag go in front or back? Please advise before I go for my walk. I don't want to have them disappear on me. And now I'm off like a prom dress.
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS
Name: Reuel Callahan () on Monday, May 1, 2000 at 15:30:36
E-Mail: Reuelcallahan@aol.com
Class: 65
City and State: Westlake Village
Message: Hey Mike McCann you brought back memories talking about funship. If you don't remember I am Craig's Uncle. I had to keep an eye on you guys when you were seniors.
Mike Mecey I don't know you but John Blankenship dated my sister when I wasn't even at HHS yet. I remember him being a real nice guy.
John thanks for this site it is really great hearing about what our peers are doing.
It was real nice hearing from Jean also. Still looking for Bob, Wayne & Terry.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Monday, May 1, 2000 at 11:42:44
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hi All, I have received some E's regarding the Alumni Directory, seems there are a few who never did receive the Card. I will type the card as it reads, this will give you information on what the directory is all about and if you wish to submit personal data you will have the number.
Dear Graduate:
We need your help immediately! Right now our publisher is in the process of collecting current biographical information for the Hawthorne High School comprehensive directory of graduates. Our plan is to research the most recent data on alumni representing all existing class years for this exclusive personal reference volume. We do not want to print the directory until we hear from you! A brief telephone call at this time will guarantee that you are properly listed in this important historical register.
Kindly call our official publication office at Harris Publishing Company to ensure that your individual listing is complete, accurate and up - to- date.
Mon-Fri, 7am to 9pm, Sat, 9am to 5pm, Sun, 2pm to 9am.
In advance, thank you for your help in making the Hawthorne High School Alumni Directory a valuable and successful publication.
Dr. Harvey Hoyo
As you can see the Publishing Co will get all the personal data, and we were asked to submit information regarding the decades and famous Cougars that came from HHS, BUT, we need this by Thursday May 4th, Melanie and I have to put what information we have together and get this to them on Friday. Any information that you submit to me is greatly appreciated. Please submit to my E-address (Lcuiper@aol.com) .....Thank you all.....Be a Coug
Name: Shelly Stone () on Monday, May 1, 2000 at 11:30:17
Maiden: Tomlinson
Class: 1978
City and State: El Segundo, CA
Message: Thank you Ray, for the news on the DesRosiers. My prayers are with you and his family. I'm so happy to hear that Paulette is doing well. We were great friends in jr. high!!
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