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"Another 50's Classic" "The Chimes"
Name: Terrie Kostiszak () on Saturday, April 22, 2000 at 00:44:37
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: kostiszak
Class: 83
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: I went to St. Joseph Church also! After Church my family ALWAYS went to Hollys or Chips to eat. But in the 5th grade I rode my bike to St. Joseph Church with Lori Rice every Sunday, her mom would give us money to give to the church, we were sooo bad I felt soo guilty doing this, we would go into Church for like 10 minutes then we would ride our bikes to Frosty Freeze down the street on Hawthorne Blvd and spend the money on ICE CREAM!! This way we did not REALLY lie, we did go to Church (not for long though)...I always felt guilty doing that, but now I realize, her mom gave us money for the church BUT her mom NEVER went with us to Church...Hmmmmm....so now I dont feel AS guilty eating the Ice Cream with the money she gave us!! Lorie Rice if you read this you will remember also!! How is everyone (Tom Rice, Mike Rice, Tracy Rice and I know there was another Rice...Does anyone know where they are today? I heard Tracy may be a pilot now and Mike a lawyer am I wrong?
No wonder the Church is going broke.
Name: Sharon Johnson () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 23:45:27
E-Mail: sharon.johnson72@gte.net
Maiden: Kettering
Class: LHS61
City and State: Nampa, Idaho
Message: Just wanted to tell you, this is the greatest site on the web, although I didn't go to Hawthorne High, went to that old "L" word, several of my intermediate friends went on to HHS, which brings me to my question. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Ann Miller or Illen Hill? Would appreciate any word about them. Thanks, Sharon. PS. I check this site every night, I love all the feedback, it brings back happy memories. Thanks again.
Hi Sharon, and welcome back. I'm sure someone out there knows your friends. Come on Cougs lets help out an Olympian here.
Name: Bob Brophy () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 23:27:34
E-Mail: amirishWworldnet.att.net
City and State: Phoenix. AZ
Message: This site is awesome. It hooked me up with two long lost friends. I have talked to one and e-mailed another and it is great. Thanks to Jake Blevins for signing on so I could find his sister Jeane and Mike Thornton. All this talk about St Joseph School and church. I was one of the kids that sold sunday papers in front of church in the 50's. We always had sodas at chips between masses. Thanks again for a great site that is bringing people back together after many years. Bob Brophy Serra '63
Hey Thanks Bob for the nice thoughts. Bet you remember John Rout from Serra. He's a regular here in Ctown. Come on back and add your 2 cents anytime.
Name: Debbie Egland () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 22:39:20
E-Mail: gdfegland@earthlink.net
Maiden: Hagopian
Class: 80
City and State: Placentia, CA
Message: Hello Fellow Cougars,
The best teacher most of us ever had is Kathy Adkins. She made learning a joy (remember the quadratic formula?)
Take a moment and write an e-mail to her (EgboKathy@aol.com). She is retiring after 35 years of
faithful, creative, and energetic service at HHS. She deserves our thanks and kudos and so much more!
And Kathy was a pretty hot lookin little Cougarette back in HHS class of 61 too. Have a great retirement Kathy.....you served above and beyond.
Name: MoMo () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 22:17:23
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: City of Good Neighbors
Well, I know we have been back for a week now and I haven't made my conments about the wine country yet. Frankly, I was trying to come up with the right words to express my shear delight with the whole weekend. Most of what I wanted to say has already been said. But I do want to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Glenn Crist, his Mom Barbara (the NEW cougartown cook) for all the work he and she put into this WCW and also to Janet for her organization in helping Glenn setup the tours (not easy from Mission Viejo) and also to John, the main man, for whom without, none of this would have been possible. We bow to you oh Kingly one.Mo, You'll get me into trouble with those remarks The people that came were definitely the BEST!!! Let's hear it for the 60's people (and a couple of 50's). Let's see now, we had about 24 adult
s and one child (is that right John?)a few came on Saturday so I think it was about 27 Each time this alumni group gets together, there is nothing but FUN FUN FUN §(©¿©)§ Thank you ALL for the best trip I have had in a loooong loooong time.
Now, get ready girls.....it's PROM NIGHT soon!
I could go on for hours, but I do have a scrap book I am keeping of all the functions we have had, for those of you who can't attend. I will be bring it to the mini reunion, so those in attendance can see what they missed.
Mo, I want to thank YOU too for helping out with the collecting and the name list. Thanks for going Cougs, and to you people who missed it, we'll do it again, but next time we'll limit it to about 3 van loads and get the deposit up front.
Name: Mary Weiler () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 22:08:43
E-Mail: pmweiler@msn.com
Maiden: Risner
Class: 76
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: I've been hearing about Cougartown for some time. People have even passed on some messages. Yes I am one of those former St. Joseph's people, as well as a former cougar staff writer. I would love to hear from some of the rest of you who enjoyed our years with Konnie Krislock! Will we ever learn the identity of the green phantom???
Its hard to believe my daughter will be graduating from HHS this year as Class of 2000! Some things never change.
Name: Bob Melendrez () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 21:59:20
E-Mail: Strongheart@pacificwest.com
Class: 1971
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Hey Dan Johnson, thanks for the plug regarding the Beachstock Festival! You lose two points, however, for forgetting my name.... Thanks King John for coming to my rescue! Seriously, I'm looking forward to Beachstock. It will be my first performance with "Deja Vu" since undergoing back surgery last month, and we share the stage with "Which One's Pink?" It's going to be great fun! I hope to see some past and present Cougars there! Happy Easter/Passover to all of Cougartown. Many blessings to you all...
Hey Bob, No problem man. If you Cougs want to read more about Bob and the CSN tribute band, Deja Vu, please click here.
Name: Glenn Crist () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 21:43:48
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Maiden: not Rowdy, but working on it
Class: 1964
City and State: Sonoma will never be the same, CA
Message: To everyone who came to the Valley of the Lunatics to party, thank you. Isn't it illegal to have that much fun? I cannot remember when I've laughed that hard and long for quite some time. I'd (almost) wish we could do it every weekend.
John, have you recovered yet? With the fun being almost non-stop, I know I for one had to go back to work just to rest up. If you didn't get home until 11 p.m. it must have been late when you left on Monday.
Janet B. please don't discount your part in all this. Shall we start planning the next one.
By the way the weather has been pretty nice up here from Tuesday on. It's supposed to rain tomorrow and be nice on Sunday.
Hey Glenn, I'm ready. Thanks again for everything. Now we know how to do it man. This one will be easy to fill next time. I've been trying to catch up at work all week, and am working tonight actually. I'll get some pictures up soon...... I PROMISE!! You and Dave have a whatchamacallit on me at Fords. We'll be back before you know it. I miss you guys MAAANN!! Hey send me the bills too will ya please. Thanks Glenn.....
Name: Bob Rierdan () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 21:41:04
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
City and State: Mountain View, MO
Message: Barbara Bruce... Another alumni from 117th street. Madeleine Short just checked in a couple of weeks ago, too.
Good to see you're still around. Bob
Hey Bob, You missed another good one in Sonoma last weekend. Glad to hear from you man.
Name: jan "monk" carpenter () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 21:38:18
E-Mail: gladcar6yahoo.com
Maiden: leslie
City and State: auburn, ca
Message: What a weekend! Many thanks to John, Janet, Glenn and Glenn's Mom, Barbara, Mike Doyle, Dave Homewood and JK. You people really knocked yourselves out providing a fabulous experience in the Wine Country. Judy Wudy and Janny Wanny what can I say?...I'm still laughing. That goes for Cheryl and Tonya too! Was "Stand Up" on the curriculum at Hawthorne? You are all such lovely people. A special hello to my "we didn't go" partner, Linda Chesson, hope your okay.
Missing you all,
Jan Carpenter
Jan, You mean Skyline High in Oakland didn't offer "Stand Up"? Thanks for being a part of all this zaniness and you and Ed join in any time you like. You're part of Cougartown now.
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 21:10:46
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Gina Peck, you are incredible! I should hook you up with my bud, Meg Silveira. She helps manage a vets office and helps in surgeries. She has a zoo, too, and also prefers critters to people ( hey, that's cool, sometimes, I do too). She's in San Juan Capistrano. She graduated in '79 so maybe you already know her. In high school, she went by Margaret Silveira. Now she likes to be known as Meg.
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 19:16:05
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
City and State: Keno, Oregon (ontheriver)
Message: I forgot to mention that we met Myrna, the Royal Flogger while at WCW. We (the grappa man & I) have known the brothers, Tom & Gordon, for more than 40 years, and never knew they had sisters....go figure. Well, we are here to tell ya, they exist.(well, at least one for sure) It was great to finally meet you Myrna, and your Jim. We think you are really a fun gal. (I can't imagine why they kept you hidden all those years) It was great to see our buddy Gordon again too. We really have to do that again, soon....
The reason they kept Myrna chained to the headboard is because the Bells had a pristine reputation in Hawthorne and they didn't want it ruined. They found out that Myrna had a bad clutch early on, and brain slippage wasn't far behind. Well, you guessed it, both the girls (yes, Ginny May HHS69 too) ended up in a home for the "mentally sauteed" for about 5 years until Myrna finally picked the lock on the loony bin laundry room door with a broken tongue depressor and they both made a break for it. Myrna ended up in Coalinga and Ginny May made it to Oklahoma. That's why you never knew about the Bell girls cuz they never lettum outta their cage.
Name: Gina () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 17:39:03
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Lori, The animals are not the problem...it's the husband that is a handful. It just comes naturally, I always get in trouble when I say this but here goes...I LIKE ANIMALS BETTER THAN PEOPLE. Okay, everyone who was offended, GET OVER IT!!! Hell, I always have "extra" critters around. The more the merrier! Right now, I have my girlfriends cat and her three birds and I'm dog-sitting a little poodle, too. I have a business and a house to run, and it all just seems to get done. Alas, it must have been those 15 years spent as a secretary! Now, throw in the fact that I have Fibromyalgia and you can REALLY be blown away. I have to keep busy or my disease will overcome me. No, I lived on Stacy Street, remember Halcap Field? The southwest gate, by the restrooms? Or, if you were standing at the snack bar (the little shack) and you looked to your right, that was Stacy Street. I was not a Girl Scout, but I do enjoy their cookies. Maybe I'll make the May 20th picnic...I'll be the redheaded girl with the big red parrot on her shoulder. John, POOR Shelly!! It makes me sad just thinking about it!! A real Puff the Magic Dragon story. That song always made me cry.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 17:37:58
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: theRINGisin
Class: 64
City and State: REDONDO612@aol.com
Message: OK..OK..The wedding ring is in!! Boy, no one can say I'm not patient. Waited 53 years to get married..and 2 months for the ring. Picking it up tonight. Thank you Janny. Now, Kelly Currie really should be a ROWDY from all I've heard. If Marsha thinks you are~then you are, & Kelly, my brother Andrew remembers you! (memories la la la la la la laaaa)
The ROWDY MASCOT TORTOISE~Ok.. I'll bite, why not! Not to forget that May 20th, the ROWDYS will make it to both functions~THE CAR SHOW AT H.H.S. and THE MINI REUNION IN IRVINE. Looks like a few of us will be working the car show booth. (don't go there John) and there's a few sinks we haven't seen on campus since the early 1960's..it's never too late. Now I have to go get the dashboard Madonna out of the glove compartment so that when I pick up the folks on Sunday, they don't think I didn't like the gift. Correction: (for Sharon Willis) The dog, "ARROW", belonged to Jeff Willis. Have a great Easter..See you all in CT on Monday.. and now..I'm off like a prom dress. Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS.
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 16:43:26
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or yougnun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
John,I have a memory for the memory section. How about Chips restaurant on Hawthorne Blvd. My parents would always take me, my brother and sister there after church every Sunday at St. Joseph's church because it was right around the corner. This restaurant was also in the movie "Pulp Fiction" in the stick up scene.
Hi Anita, Yes, Chips is in the Hangouts pages and I think the scenes you're talking about in Pulp Fiction were filmed in Hollys.
Name: Lori Padelford () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 16:39:06
E-Mail: Desilulu4u@aol.com
Class: 81
Message: Hi everyone. Long time no check in . I saw a message from Richard Dines and wanted to let him know that Tony Zaccaglin lives in Canyon Lake last I heard. I saw his sister Gina at the reunion and she said that the whole family lived there. I remember years ago also hearing that Russ Painter worked at Northrop. You might call Northrop and ask for the human resources dept. They will look up a number for him if you make it sound important. I don't know what happened to Mike. I still have a scrap book from 7th and 8th grade and have a picture of Eclipse signed by you guys. We would never miss a "drop in" that you guys played at. I'll have to scan the picture and have John post it. Gina Black how do you handle all those animals???? I have 2 cats and 2 dogs and work a full time job and can barely handle all of it. By the way did you live on 133rd Street and were you in Girl Scouts? I am still trying to place you. Eddie Braun and Don Dallons where have you guys gone???
Name: Marsha Russell () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 15:21:29
E-Mail: RussellMG1@AOL.COM
Maiden: Russell
Class: 64
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: OK John boy, where is my wine???????? You promised that you would bring us back a few bottles. Sounds like you all had a great time but whats new, it's always fun when a few cougs get together.
Kelley girl....I have no idea what the Rowdy rules are, Judy makes them and changes them all the time, I am soooo confused. But I did hear months ago that you are definitely Rowdy material and I think you should be a Rowdy just cuz.
Well my---my, If it isn't Marsha Russell. We haven't heard from you in weeks Marsha, and now you sound so cheery, so....so....."twinkly". Why so happy Hmmmmm???
Name: kelley () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 15:13:11
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Maiden: currie
Class: 67
City and State: coos bay,ore by the ocean
Message: raymond smith when will you be thru coos bay? did I have a morning of bliss. youngie told terry manson that he saw his name on ct. he wouldn't tell him who posted, terry looked and saw it was me wow he e-mailed me. it's been alot of years i almost cried. then i see tony zacklin, his grandma and grandpa lived next door to me. leanard and louise, of course so did his dad, donnie. donnie married, they bought the house from his parents. i saw tony grow up, then they moved. gosh never knew he was in a band. wait is this the same tony zacklin? How old am i anyway? oh and john i have an outstanding check from nov. i love cougartown and know you're a busy man but really should i just void and write a new one and send it? i've given up upper case in typing it takes too long. does anyone remember thom mcanns shoes, was it on haw. blvd. and broadway? haven't heard the name for so long, now they are in walmart or kmart, weird. also i love the song john and really loved the one that goes "you cheated, you lied, you said that you loved me" keep up the good tunes. when is the next pinks i'll be around may 5 which is a friday, perhaps i could get my bro out for an evening.
To all of you who I haven't cashed your checks yet. Frankly I was losing hope in our newsletter fund and I wasn't going to cash them. There has been a clear change in the wind lately and I think we might be OK if the trend continues like it has. I sound like a politician huh. Gonna be gone on the 5th of May. Let's see.......what WAS that thing I had to go to........ oh well, it'll come to me. Thanks Kelley
Name: Johnson, Daniel A. () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 14:14:03
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Miami FLA
Message: Richard Dines: I remember Eclipse quite well. In fact, I moved into the Deakins' family apartment @ 4672 w 118th Street #A in about 1973 and lived there throughout High School. When I saw Russ Painter at the '77 20 year reunion I reminded him about a special project he and Michael did when we were in 6th grade for Mr. Brent (at Eucalyptus). Those guys made a "super 8" movie short on pollution and wrote a song called "Pollution Everywhere" (a forerunner of the music video). They did a "time lapse" of trash building up on the field in Eucalyptus Park. What's funny is that Russ did not remember this until I reminded him at the 20 year reunion. Anyway, Eclipse was great and I remember them playing stuff like early Kansas before it was even played on KMET.
Michael Burt -- I ignored you because you referenced all the old cross country runners and specifically ignored ME! (Well, who can remember a guy with a name like "Dan Johnson"?) Anyway, I was indeed on X-country and track with you (albeit a year behind). I also was a member of Mrs. Burkett's Freshman Honors English class that defeated Mrs. Liles sophomore Honors English class in charades (and I think you were on the losing end of that one!) Of course, you were an incredible runner and I never came close to beating you or being within minutes of you (which is another reason you probably don't remember me -- I was always in your rear view mirror!) Have a good one Mike, its good to hear from you!
Here's some information that some of you may be interested in regarding the Redondo Beachstock Pop Festival 5/12, 5/13 and 5/14 @ Seaside Lagoon (Torrance Blvd and PCH). The Festival starts on Friday 5/13 @ 6:00 p.m. with three tribute bands (Jefferson Airplane, Fleetwood Mac and Rolling Stones). On 5/14, a Cougartown flavor is brought to the festival with Deja Vu -- A CS&N tribute -- featuring the drummer who is a HHS grad (name escapes me at the moment)I'll bet it's our HHS class of 71 Bob "Strongheart" Melendrez. The lineup on 5/14 is as follows starting at noon tributes to Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd (that would be Which One's Pink?), CS&N, Santana, The Doors and Randy Hansen doing Jimi Hendrix (you might remember that Randy Hansen did the Hendrix type music on the Apocalypse Now soundtrack). Finally on Sunday starting at noon are tributes to the Allman Bros, Greatful Dead, Bob Dylan and Led Zeppelin (starting at 6:00 p.m.). I've seen many of these bands and they are remarkably good. The cost of the festival is $10.00 per day (children under 12 are free)-- mothers get in for $8.00 on Sunday, an Vietnam Vets get in for $8.00 all weekend. More info is available at 310-781-2020. With this diverse lineup of 60s and 70s bands, I know Cougs from all eras will find something they enjoy. Me? I'm stuck in Miami until mid-July. So everyone please go and give me a report on the festival! Thanks, DJ
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 13:58:37
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: To all the Kings and Queens of Cougartown and Rowdies, to the Ambassadors and Winos and Derelicts...and to those who looked out for them......Welcome Home. I have missed you all more than words can say....My addiction to you is much more evident to me now. However, I became quite creative in all that spare time....What do you guys know about 'Body Art'? Donna? Vicky? Tell me...Does it hurt? Love, The Goddess
I knew a Mr. Universe type once.......Arthur Glasson. For all you ladies.... Now THAT was "Body Art".
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 13:55:07
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Hey Richard Dines...no problem, hon. You would not believe the help I've gotten from these wonderful fellow Cougs in here finding old friends. I'll help any one of you in here any way I can to help you find your buds, too. by the way, Richard, since you live out there in Palmdale, and were class of '76, did you know Bret Keys, and remember that he was in a few bands, too? I've heard he's somewhere out there not far from you, from his little bro, Shannon.
Name: Myrna () on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 12:08:00
E-Mail: Mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: Glenn is the BEST!!!! and, Janet the second BEST for jumping in and helping with the WCW. It was such an overall success. Glenn knows terrific people who helped to make us sooooo comfortable and provided us with a very entertaining and educational weekend. I learned a lot about wine and brandy and champagne! And, being in the room next to Judy Wudy and Janny Wanny, I learned that things do go bump in the night.
It was great to finally meet some of these people with whom I share a great bond of being raised in Hawthorne and educated at Hawthorne High. Cougartown has broadened my horizons and highlighted to glory of friends. Jim didn't really understand this running off for the weekend (although he was pleased it was a wine tasting weekend, before he got there)to meet people I didn't "know". He is now a convert - he thinks that Cougartown is GREAT for what it has done to "friendships begun". John, I don't know how to thank you for what you have created! Love, Myrna
Yeah, I think they were doing the role playing again and Jan was "Manuel, the Grape Pickers Capitan" and she was "Lupe, the Water Bucket Girl".
Thanks for the nice thoughts on Cougartown Myrna. You've been a joined at the hip friend for decades, but I've met so many people here, AND have met so many people AGAIN, here. I've also met so many people that I SHOULD'VE THEN, here. It's a second chance to rekindle ......don't miss out Cougs. Wine Country was great, but the main reason I went was the friendships.
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