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More "Classic 50's Doo Wop" "The Shields"
Name: Nick Mutrix () on Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 15:22:15
Maiden: Nick Mutrix
Class: 2003
City and State: Alta Loma CA.
Message: I think u guys need more work but if u e-mail me then i can help u out i know everything there is to know about the 60's/world history, k well don't forget to e-mail me k: ZEROCOOLNM@aol.com
well bye.
Name: Sue Gassler () on Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 13:15:07
E-Mail: mgassler@home.com
Maiden: Rhoades
Class: 69
City and State: Dallas, Tx
Message: Donna Van Douris, Yup, it's me. I can't believe this web site. I have had the best time reading everyone's memories. How are you after all these too many years? I only went to El Camino 1 year. I got stupid, married and moved to St. Louis. So much has happened over these 30+ years I can't even believe it. Keep in touch. I love hearing from old friends. We were just in Hawthorne in January. My grandfather passed away, yup, grandfather. He was 94. So we went by the high school and the old house on 142nd St. My kids couldn't believe it. Nostalgia is a good thing. So many old memories have popped back up. Wow. I get on here about once a week or so, so do write back. lol Sue
Name: Michael Burt () on Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 10:36:45
E-Mail: burtmichael@netscape.net
Class: 1976
City and State: Riverside, CA
Message: Tammy,
Thanks for the response. Oh, I remember well the long, agonizing hours in the honors classes. Were you in Goodfellow's honors English class? I'm getting old and can't remember things. Remember early in the school year (October) when he was trying to read some uplifting literature to the class and his hair was sticking up in back and everyone got to sniggering about it until he got so upset he made a curt comment to the class and left the room?
Hey, I located George LeDoux through his younger brother who is on the alumni list.
For anyone looking for my sister, Mary (Burt) Henry, class of 1975, I can contact her. She's married to a great guy and has raised/is raising four fine kids. I think she keeps in pretty close touch with all of her high school pals already, so that may be why she hasn't added her name to the list.
How come there aren't more 70's graduates on the feedback pages? It's seems like it's the same three people all the time.
Name: Anita Young () on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 23:24:09
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Elisabeth Castanon...you are too funny! Good ol' sheriff John! I also used to watch him and Hobo Kelly! But I remember the Sheriff John birthday song! I sang it to my own 2 year old daughter on her birthday. It was a total crackup! No one here in Oregon knew what the hell I was singing! Too funny! Thanks for that fun memory!
Name: Lori Ahrens () on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 23:03:44
E-Mail: purplepridegal@aol.com
Maiden: Holmes
Class: 81
City and State: Carson City, NV
Message: Hey Arno Portegies! Not too long ago I inquired as to your where-abouts, then lo-and-behold, you show up on the Cougar page. It was good to see your name.... talk about memories...Remember Guys and Dolls? I was a freshman, just coming out of my shell, my braces had just come off, and I was beginning to "bloom". I hung with fellow freshmen and budding thespians Michell Gonzalez, Julie Potter, Karina Entenmann to name a few. Towards the end of the production we had all become pretty tight, and started to hang out together. I will never forget the time you came to my house and so convincingly talked my pretty strict mother into letting me go along with the rest of the gang to see the infamous Rocky Horror Picture Show. Which of course meant little Lori would be out way past midnight.... It was so funny, you sitting in our Living room and telling my Mom what we would be seeing, how you told her it was a movie sort of like the rock opera "Tommy" (which I guess she related to, being an ex-hippie herself) I for one had no idea what you were talking about, but it worked on her, and I was able to go to the Bijou in Hermosa Beach that night for my first of many viewings of that cult classic! What a blast that was... such an instigator you were! Drop me a line some time Arno, I'd love to hear from you!
Name: Terrie Kostiszak () on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 22:59:34
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: kostiszak
Class: 83
City and State: Portland, Oregon
Message: Hello Everyone, I remember many of you from Hawthorne, I did not know how to put pictures on the feedback so I will tell you about MY WEBSITE I have pictures on the PHOTO GALLERY pages just go to terrie.8k.com and you will see pictures of me and friends!! So if you remember me and want to see recent pics check it out....It is new I just got the site so I will put new photos on it in the future, good to see you all in feedback, that is... terrie.8k.com
Click on the small photos on my website and they will enlarge to bigger photos.
P.S. Hello Anita Young, Eddie Braun, Mr. Plotkin, Shannon Keys, and many other people I recognize!!
Bye for now...Terrie Kostiszak
Name: Alan Nelson () on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 20:40:50
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: Speedos. Hold that memory, Liz. 'Cause you sure wouldn't want to see us in them NOW!
Name: Pat Grove () on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 19:16:22
E-Mail: PatsyMTRN@aol.com
Maiden: Landrin
Class: 1961
City and State: Mesa Az.
Message: Just checking if anyone out there remembers me. Drop me a line if you Do. Pat Landrin Grove
Name: Anita Young () on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 16:40:44
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
This is to all of you cougs out there who sent me e-mails or wrote me in here in the Feedback section regarding my terminally ill mother-in-law...she finally passed away at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 13th. She died in her sleep and in no pain. I just want to thank all of you. One person said she couldn't believe I was in here, letting a bunch of strangers into my life...you all are not a bunch of strangers to me. We all share a common bond in here. We are all Cougs and we are a family of sorts, a little community, if you will. I was proud to share it with all of you and your kind words and thoughts were greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much. You were indeed Cougs!
Name: Elizabeth Castanon () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 18:29:22
E-Mail: lizcastanon6@hotmail.com
Maiden: Cary
Class: 1973
City and State: Amarillo Tx
Message: Hey Dizzy Lizzy, I caught up with your comment on page 235 about flannel pjs and muk luks...brought back childhood memories of staying home sick playing with my lincoln logs in my flannels and mukluks and watching sheriff John and Captain Kangaroo. I also watched Spin and Marty and Engineer Bill. Also mention of speedos made me think of all the times I used to watch Allen, Jeff Nathanson, My ex David Bridgwater, Bill Horton and all the boys in the waterpolo team. We used to get a chuckle over the speedos. Also Liz, if straddling porcelain is part of what it takes to be "rowdy" then count me in. Catch you all later, Liz
Thanks Liz, and with that, I will close the Feedback page until Monday, as I have to get ready to leave for WCW. Susan, I'm sorry girl, but I didn't get your El Tarasco Tacos. Just too many things to do. I will see you WCW people on Friday and the rest of you Zanys on Tuesday. Be a good bunch of Cougs and NO SPITWADS!!!!
Name: Ginger Fruitt () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 17:17:11
E-Mail: Ginyfruitt@aol.com
Maiden: Haller
Class: 64
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Recently, I received an e-mail from my long ago neighbor and friend, Denise Dickerson, class of 66. She and her husband, Jim Cherry (class of 64) live on the big Island of Hawaii and operate their own charter fishing business. Denise and I are going to get together on her upcoming trip to California. Haven't seen her is about 30 years and I am very excited. Also, I have been e-mailing back and forth with April Hayes, class of 64, who lives in Sacramento. This is a great way to find old friends. Thank you so much.
You are welcome Ginger. I'm glad you're connecting.
Name: Gman () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 14:13:56
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: 67
City and State: Vista
Message: Chris,
The party that is in Orange County is not just for 66-69ers...wide open big guy. Just another chapter in the ever growing world of Cougartown. Connie has put together a park deal instead of Ruby's cause there was more interest that initially figured upon. Contact her at sncbeverly@earthlink.net
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 13:34:25
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, WI
Message: To all who are lucky enough to be able to attend the WCT this coming weekend - HAVE A GREAT TIME - I wish I could be there. I guess that my husband and I will just have to drink a bottle or 2 of our favorite California white zinfandel (hey, you don't have to be able to spell it to drink it!) and wish we were there. Rowdy Judy, my ma is going to supply you with some more glow in the dark rosaries as soon as she can remember where she put them. She says those rosaries used to be given to the churches in vast quantities (probably to make everyone feel guilty and give to the cause). My ma used to help sell at the religious articles "stand" in the back of St. Joe's on Sundays and she used to recruit (can you say "help out or no allowance") my sister Pattie and I to help too.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 13:12:12
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Message: Randy Hood - hey, little neighbor! Please say hi to all your siblings and your folks for me. I have many great memories of your family room with the juke box and that funny shuffle board game.
And the Ham Radio - tallest antennae in the neighborhood!
John B - you all have a great weekend - wish I could have been able to make this one! Maybe next year. I'm taking my kids touristing in Downtown Los Angeles this weekend. Might have lunch at Pinks!
Betty Kean-Rodriguez
Not a problem Betty. We've got a load going to Wine country and I'm not sure we could fit any more into some of those small tasting rooms. We'll see you next time.
Name: Bonnie McCoy () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 12:58:44
E-Mail: bonita.roberts@conexant.com
Maiden: McCoy
Class: 78
City and State: Newport Beach, CA
Message: Calling all Cougars! Connie Jax has put together an HHS mini-reunion. Following is the message she sent out: It will be a BBQ at 6 PM at Heritage Park in Irvine on Saturday May 20th. The setting is beautiful, next to a pond and fountain, Tennis Courts and Basketball. Picnic tables and BBQ grills. Freeway close and we can hang out, talk and listen to Beach Boys and catch up with each other. The cross streets are Walnut and Yale Ave. Lots of Parking and it's free!
It's close to the Irvine Spectrum if we want to go there afterward for those wild ones!
You can send your check for $5 per person to:
Connie Beverly
1744 E. Commonwealth Ave #104
Fullerton, CA 92831
Or you can use your credit card by clicking on this site. Plus if you are a new user you will get $5 bonus. So it's like getting you BBQ for free.
I will email directions once payment is received.
I look forward to seing you all.
Connie Jax Beverly '67
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 11:50:18
E-Mail: leonard-linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
City and State: Kansas City, Missouri
Message: I see we have some new names on the new arrival list. Welcome Brad Keith. Gosh, we had some wild times with you and your friends. I remember when you rolled your VW right in front of me. I nearly had a stroke. Can't remember who else was in the car with you but the cat you swerved to miss was saved. I do remember the tornado. I must of been a freshman and a whole bunch of us kids were watching it from a distance at school. Later that day saw some of the damage it did on the way home. Now I live in a place where they have them and not once have we had to deal with it. Hope it stays that way until we can get out of here in a couple years. I'm a little concerned about Frank. Has anyone heard from him? You all have a great week end and PLEASE be safe.
Name: Tammy Tagami-Reeves () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 11:04:29
E-Mail: r2t2@msn.com
Maiden: Tagami
Class: 76
City and State: El Segundo, CA
Message: Hi Mike Burt...just started to scan the feedback and there you were...remember enduring all those long hours of honors classes together? Hope you find your running buddies. Tammy
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 10:43:44
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: OK all of you Coug's this is a chance to "Be True to YOUR School". I know that this is the same day as the 66-69 party but why not make it a day instead of just an evening? The last HHS car show brought together some alumni that had not seen each other in years. I'm sure that this could produce a great many more memories. John, how is Kermit feeling, a little green? Maybe you can get the rowdies to polish him up and enter him in the show. Maybe Alan could bring his car/cars. There were also motorcycles, Mr. Keys do you think you and Mr. Fix could show up on your bikes? How about Pat and Ed? As for the Rowdies, so you won't have to cook I will purchase the first 6 dozen doughnuts (for you to sell not eat!!). All you will have to do is look pretty and take the money (by force if necessary). Now for the coffee should we need to defend ourselves, Sloey, are you going to be there? A good time can be had by all so mark this one on your calendars.
Great stuff Chris. Yes, I hope someone, or all of you, have emailed Melanie with the "I CAN HELP!!" message. I know the coffee booth people have to be local, but the journalism people can be from anywhere as you can send it all via the net. It would be fantastic to have all Cougs working on the Cougar directory? Lots of you have been asking how you can help. Here's your chance. Thanks Chris.......
Name: Barbara Duran () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 10:27:59
E-Mail: BJD2354@aol.com
Class: 72
City and State: El Segundo
Message: Just saw Bruce Camilli on the new arrivals list. Welcome! Bob Veach & I were wondering what happened to you. Do you remember me?
Name: Bill Sloey () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 09:13:46
E-Mail: wsloey@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: JB, I thought Calvin Clark wrote "Which Twin has the TONI" Man learning is a progressive thing, isn't it? :0) All of you on the bus to WCW have a great time, no restriction from me, but you get back here safe and sane. Well maybe safe. Sharon Stowes are you Harold's Sister? if so tell him hi, and that we all would like to see him on this site. It is going to be a long weekend without CT feedback. Hey DZ could you e-mail everyone, just to keep the lines from rusting, it sure would help the void. cya Bill
Thanks Bill, Janet and I will be leaving early tomorrow and CT feedback will be closed until Monday when we return. You can still send email though. I guess I could designate Bill Sloey as the Cougartown's "Feedback Pacifier" for this weekend. If anyone feels the need to send Feedback, send it to Bill Sloey at wsloey@aol.com
Thanks Bill for volunteering and we'll be back on Monday.
Name: peter () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 04:11:43
E-Mail: peterock33@hotmail.com
Message: It was tough to find, but I finally did, and I would just like to say thankyou, because you have the best Top 100 list that I've found on the web. If there was only one thing I would like you to do, it would be to show the top 100 for all the other years too, but again, THANKYOU!!!!!!
Hi Peter, Actually our top 100 lists were "borrowed" from my good friend Allan Sniffen, who owns the WABC website. Thanks again Allan for the great lists.
Name: Alan Hauge () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 03:57:04
E-Mail: GMT333@AOL.com
Class: 1961
City and State: Playa del Rey
Message: Okay Laura Nyce,
class of 1978 I think. The idea of a shackburger is the best idea yet. We have done the Froster's thing and Pinks, but a SHACKBURGER RUN would blow people away. There is nothing like it. Right? Anyone else game for a mini hangout night at the SHACK in Playa del Rey for the greatest burgers ever? Come on John...I'll buy your first burger if you'll show. The other seven are at your expense. Or maybe Sloey will pick up the tab. And everyone heading for the wine country trip...watch out for the Rowdy's, especially the one wearing the prom dress. Have a great time. Bring back lot's of pictures for a download.
Hi Alan, I'm not against a Shackburger or ANY food for that matter. Let's plan a Shack Run in about a month.
Name: Randy Hood () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 02:33:43
E-Mail: rb6045@aol.com
Class: 71
City and State: Browns Valley,Ca
Message: Thanks Petey for the directions to Cougar Town!
Aloha ha ha Sharon W! You ever see Campbell or Gil on the island, say yo to em !Randy Hood
Name: Donna Gohr () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 01:15:23
E-Mail: DGohr @ aol
Maiden: Van Douris
Class: 69
City and State: Torrance
Message: Who was looking for Linda Kemp ('75) the other day? She's my cousin, and she lives in Cambria, CA with her family. They own West End Bar & Grill, she looks terrific, and they're doing great.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 00:54:48
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: I remember very well that tornado, the Newspapers and TV media were calling it a low gust of wind. No way according to our neighbor who had been in a few of them, back in Minn. We had in our back yard 4x4, 2x4 beams, parts of the car ports from the neighbors across the street, as well, the trash cans, part of roofs. We saw large wooden splinters pierce through wooden garage doors. Our neighbor had this beautiful huge picture front window, a trash can lid sailed through that beautiful window right into their TV. That roof from Ramona School, bits and parts were found all the way to 129th street, the school sat on 135th or 136th. Im really not sure what year that was but it was most likely around 67 or 68. I still remember that sound. At first it sound like a thousand birds going over, then as it got closer it got louder and louder, there was a roaring sound. I remember being on the phone with my neighbor and her telling me to drop to the floor, I was taking care of a little boy, I fell on top of him and he thought I was playing a game, little guy never knew what was going on.
Newspaper reporters were all over the place and they saw all the damage that had happened, but they still called it a low gust of wind!!! This was an experience I know I will never forget.
Name: John Rout () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 00:35:32
E-Mail: Jmr812004@aol.com
Class: 1963
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Hey, have a great time this weekend in the wine country. Just remember Judy D, No Thunderbird, No Red Mountain, No Spanada, and definitely no Boone's Farm. I gotta see the pictures when you get back, assuming anyone is in condition to take pictures. Enjoy!
Thanks John, and there WILL be pictures.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 00:22:16
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hi John, thought you would like to know, I saw a banner hanging at HHS with information for there 2nd car Show. Which is to be on May 20th, a Saturday. Last years was a little sad, not enough cars showed up, and since we have a few Cougs who are still into old cars, maybe they can get information from the school on how they can put their cars in the Car Show. I'm not sure who is heading it this year, but I seem to remember the Chacon's were involved with the show last year. Would be nice to see more cars in the show this year. Did hear from Jim Isadore and he says Thank you for your wonderful web site too! We Thank you....We are a true Cougartown....
Loretta, your timing couldn't have been more perfect. I just heard from Melanie and I have the particulars on this years car show. It won't be a BIT like last years. This is going to be much bigger and better. I have the info and will post it when I get back from Wine Country. Thanks Loretta
Name: Elizabeth () on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 00:17:13
Maiden: Senorita Estrada
Message: Zorro?...Are you watching?...Are you here?...My candle always burns.........Come climb my balcony.....And Zorro,...bring your sword.
Love, The Goddess
Hey Zorro, sounds to me like Liz wants you to carve a "Z" on her.....uh.....somewhere.
Name: Melanie Chacon () on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 23:55:09
E-Mail: chafam@aol.com
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: John,
Would your alumni group be interested in having a coffee and donuts booth at the car show? Our PTA has finked out on us and we need some reliable, "I don't want to worry about it" people to run this. You would get all the profits and since we are having thousands of people this year instead of hundreds it could be quite good. I bet the alumni group could use a few bucks! We can probably arrange for the two big coffee makers and we have a donut shop locally that gives us a good break. Bagels would be good too but that is just an idea. You would need someone to come to a Wednesday night, 7:00 p.m. meeting at the HHS Faculty Lounge. We will not meet there during school spring break but at my house. If you are interested you can just let
me know.
The other issue that I desperately need help on is the editorial pages for the Alumni Directory. These require some layout of pictures etc. I am no further ahead now and I have passed three deadlines now and begging for more. I know the alumni have collected photos and memorabilia. If someone out there could lend me a hand or coordinate it I would bless them forever. So far the response to the mailers has been a positive one and I have received many requests from people who know people that got them and wanted one too. Got to go now. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give me in these areas.
Melanie Chacon
OK Cougartowners, can anyone help Melanie out with the coffee booth or the editorial pages for the Cougar directory? If so, please let her know at chafam@aol.com. I'm sure someone out there can donate a little time for the Cougar cause. The coffee booth needs to be manned on May 20th at the 2nd annual car show at HHS. I went last year and had a great time. It will be a fun day for all, especially in the coffee booth. The editorial pages sound like something that's right up the alley of you HHS journalism junkies. Whattayasay?? Email Melanie and get involved. Thanks Cougs......
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