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More "Classic 50's Doo Wop" "The Shields"
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Wednesday, April 5, 2000 at 10:16:34
E-Mail: elizabeth@dizzyliz.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: RedondoBeach
Message: To: Judy, The Rowdy Queen, Thanks for welcoming me to the Rowdies, but I must confess,....I can cook. I Know, I know.......I can't help it. I'm sorry if I have failed the Rowdy test.......But if it helps in your decision whether or not to allow me into the Royal Court of Rowdies....(I've got the sink thing down)
And I know how to do a mean lap dance, Donna taught me. .....My new stage name is Goddess and Donna's is 'The Pole Princess' No, guys, not THAT pole. The Goddess
Name: Gary Lents () on Wednesday, April 5, 2000 at 09:50:51
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: 67
City and State: vista, ca
Message: Well, so many rumors??? What is the truth about the G----? Will the Goddess of Rowdy come clean? A late Friday at the W--- place must've provided a new chapter to Rowdiness...
God bless Chet Glenn...wishing you a speedy, full recovery.
Name: Petey Smith () on Wednesday, April 5, 2000 at 07:34:29
E-Mail: beedyboink@msn.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem, Oregon
Message: Big Kell is also a Rowdy Queen in my book. It's in their red royal blood. Don't even try to keep up, just sit back and enjoy.
Loyal subject peace, love, long live the Queen.
Does anyone remember these?? Here's our own little Petey Smith starring on her own 1963 calendar.
Name: Sharon () on Wednesday, April 5, 2000 at 02:34:44
E-Mail: chas@ccmaui.com
Maiden: Willis
Class: 72
City and State: Maui, Hawaii
Message: Wow! So great to see Tom DeGrazia's picture next to my last feedback! How do you do that? And then to see Petey's pic! Now that brought back memories. How about someone putting that picture from the 1970 year book of Pam Cleeton's 1949 or so car in senior square! Meeting Lisa Graham (67) last week end in Oahu and finding out the "whereabouts" of Pam Cleeton has sparked my memories, (I had been looking for her for years.) She was the first person I surfed with and I am grateful for her friendship, and her skills at getting me out of spanish in the am's when the surf was up. Any other true 26st'ers out there. Lisa says she is still a card carrying original.
Hi Sharon, The Tom DeGrazia picture was actually sent to me by Petey, and I just received it a day or so ago. You mentioned his name and well......there he is. If someone with a scanner has that picture of the 49, please send it along and I'll put it up too. Thanks Sharon......
Name: Janet Burkett () on Wednesday, April 5, 2000 at 01:07:57
E-Mail: jburkett@compaq.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: As they say....there ain't nothin like the REAL THING...and there are only two REAL rowdys who bleed rowdy red. They are Marsha and Judy and they are BOTH queens in my book.
Everyone else...take a back seat!
JB(the other one)
I agree that NO one can compare with these two non cookin', sink doin', canned pea eatin', Rowdy Queens from the early 60's, but there're other Rowdys out there (you for one), and it wouldn't hurt the Queen of the Rowdys to go over the Rowdy ground rules just one more time for the perspective rookies in the group.
Name: Bob Rierdan () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 23:13:53
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
City and State: Mountain View, MO
Message: Madeleine - I hope you remember me - You baby-sat me a few times, I lived across the street on 117th. I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. It's been over 45 years Madeleine, but I still remember playing under that weeping willow tree in your back yard.
Although you were an older woman, I always thought that we would marry someday.
Hey Bob, Nothing like waiting around until the time is just right huh. I think Madeleine's been married for about f*#&ty four years. You might be just a tad late in asking.
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 22:24:54
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Message: William Miller do you know brother Les Jones? Also a HHS alumni (73 I think)
Name: Kelley () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 22:14:29
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Maiden: currie
Class: 67
City and State: coos bay,or
Message: Really sorry to hear about Chet Glenn too. He was a member of a surf club some guys started. I loved it when they had a meeting at our house. Very, very good looking dudes. I was looking at Howards pictures, March 26 issue, WOW Ron Edie, aka Indian. Did he ever NOT have a mustache? Royal Lord, when you went to Lincoln City, you must have passed through Coos Bay, unless you took the 5 and cut over somewhere. Everyone, if you ever come through Coos Bay stop at Pony Village Mall (can't miss it), stop into Cone 9 coffee, espresso, latte food on me!! Say Hi to an Oregon Cougar. John you are better than spellcheck on my computer. Thanks Love Ya Kell. Did you ever explain Rowdy to That Estrada Chick?!
Hey Kelley, Yes, I think Liz would make a great Rowdy, but I was waiting for the "Queen of the Rowdys" to lay down the Rowdy rules.
Name: Sharon () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 21:50:53
E-Mail: chas@ccmaui.com
Maiden: Willis
Class: 72
City and State: Makawao, Maui, Hawaii
Message: Hey Ray Hauser, Kailua do you remember Lisa Graham, we just reunited on Oahu, I live on Maui, she was visiting. Do you know any other cougars on the islands? Should we have a cougar reunion here??
Judy DeGrazia, is your brother Tom class of 72? I knew him in the St. Joe days, although I went to Dana.
Surfs up gotta go!
Name: Joe (I can't remember) Cox () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 19:10:40
E-Mail: jcox@minolta.com
Class: 67
City and State: Riverside, CA
Message: Hey, Larry Biller! How are you? I guess I've killed too many brain cells, because I recognized the picture next to your message, but did not know your name... Will alcohol do that? Glad to see another '67er on board. When you mentioned Steve Hanna, a flood of memories came back. This Feedback is great! Before you know it, I'll remember some of the words to the alma mater... Let's see, "oh something and something... Okay, somebody help me out.
Name: Bonnie () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 19:00:37
E-Mail: bonita.roberts@conexant.com
Maiden: McCoy
Class: 78
City and State: Newport Beach, CA
Message: To Michael Aceves: I remember the Annex Deli and El Tarasco in Manhattan Beach. Those were my two favorite places to eat - Annex for lunch while hanging on the beach and El Torasco for after dancing the night away! Are you related to Anita Aceves, c/o 78?
Name: Petey Smith () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 18:09:21
E-Mail: beedyboink@msn.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem, Oregon
Message: Stephanie so glad you made it to Cougar Town I was hoping you or your brother would chime in. Please mail me. Peace Love Surfs Up
Name: Ryan De la Torre () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 17:32:41
E-Mail: BigRyno61@aol.com
Class: 1991
City and State: Covina, CA
Message: Hey, what's really going on in here. I am currently a youth pastor and still am a meatcutter. Hope to see you guys at the reunion.
Hey Ryan, Glad you found us.
Name: Stephanie () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 15:06:37
E-Mail: stephanie@garbell.com
Maiden: Vlcek
Class: 73
Message: This surely the one of the best alumni websites out there!
Thank you John Baker!
==Stephanie Vlcek '73
Thank you Stephanie......
Name: Madeleine Hahlbeck () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 14:40:08
E-Mail: GrannyHah@aol.com
Maiden: Short
Class: 57
City and State: Calif, Murrieta
Message: Hi to all the young ones! Where are all the oldies but goodies? Come on 50 people! What is this thing about a Cougar list of graduates from the beginning till now??? It is 69 dollars.. Is it legit? What do we get for that price? I haven't received anything yet. Barbara Knutson got a notice in the mail. Please let me know! Madeleine
Hey Madeleine, Yes, it's legit and you get a book with all Cougars names and addresses in it for 69 dollars. email Melanie Chacon at chafam@aol.com for more info. Thanks......
Name: MYTMO () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 14:22:53
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 64
City and State: City of Good Neighbors
Message: Judy, Judy, Judy.....Janet is definitely the Queen....of John's heart, that's a no brainer. But yes, you are the Queen, the "Rowdy Queen" of Cougartown. No one can match your wit. I didn't mean to offend anyone.
Name: Kathleen ("Kathy") Purchase () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 14:05:37
E-Mail: LPurch6636@aol.com
Maiden: Hamler
Class: 1968
City and State: Phoenix, AZ.
Message: Just wanted to thank all of those people who emailed me regarding my tribute to Terri Lowery. Terri might have only lived a short life, but she had a very deep and very personal impact on the lives of many...
Name: Larry Biller () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 13:43:30
E-Mail: Lbiller49@yahoo.com
Class: 67
City and State: Portland,Oregon
Message: Had a great time yesterday visiting with Steve
Hanna(67) and his wife Thea. They got married a week ago and picked Oregon for their honeymoon.
Thanks once again to John Baker and Cougartownfor making these mini-reunions possible.
To Jean Chesson and Connie Jax: OK --Another 67er checking in!
Name: Bob Milazzo () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 13:41:17
E-Mail: mil93312@aol.com
Class: 60
City and State: Bakersfield,Ca
Message: Glad to see that there are other Cougars in Bakersfield (Ernie Nixon, also Jodi Torgerson and Greg Torgerson) any others out there?
This OLD Man will try and get down for the next
gathering of the Cougars
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 11:39:51
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: justaDAIRYQUEEN
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey..No way am I Queen of CT!! That's Janet Burkett's job..she's a lot more tackful than I. However, I'll own up to being a Dairy Queen.. Queen of the ROWDYS, Dolly Levi~Queen of the match makers (right Shy Guy, Robin Hood) Queen of Janny's heart & even a Prom Queen~~ but..Geeze Louise, how many plates do I have to keep spinning at one time (don't go there John) Ahhh..It's good to be Queen!
Now.. IOLAPD...& no Alan..it does not mean "my name is "Iola from the Police Dept."
Judy DeGrazia
Judy, I thought you gave up that Dairy Queen moniker last October.
Name: michael aceves () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 11:39:49
E-Mail: hebkoiboy@aol.com
Maiden: same
Class: 1974
City and State: Soggy Washington
Message: does any one have an email address for Teresa Herrera, class of "74 or know what ever became of her??? or how about Pauline Poticha ? also class of "74. any help would be great!! thank you.
who remembers the Annex Deli in Manhatten Beach?? or El Tarasco. home of the world's BIGGEST Burrito HaHa........
Name: william a miller () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 10:35:00
E-Mail: wamiller@co.doug.or.us
Class: 65
City and State: Roseburg, Oregon
Message: Retired from the CHP in 1993 and moved to Oregon in 1994 and currently a parole officer in roseburg, oregon.
Hey William, thanks for checking in, but before I can add your name to the email list I need a real email address. Yours doesn't work. Thanks, John B
Name: Gary Lents () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 10:18:51
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: 67
City and State: Vista, CA
Message: Ray, I am so sorry to hear about Chet. Is Kathy living there now too? I heard from Jan St Martin (Citron). She mentioned that Susie's daughter Neah is living in Washington, and that Carmen is on Oahu....Lisa, contact Jannie and say hi while you are there; she's on the Big Island. Bob Bazis is over there too. I know that Debe Schwiekert McKain spent some time with him there recently.
Name: Gina Peck () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 10:16:19
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Gary Swafford, I did email you, per your CT request. Did you get my email? I've been having server problems, but I think we've recovered.
Glad everyone had a good time at Pink's. It's good to see "OLD FOLKS" happy.(he,he,he!)
P.S. I want to be a ROWDY Girl, too!!
Name: Ray Hauser () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 04:31:02
E-Mail: rayhauser@cadence.org
Class: 67
City and State: Kailua Hawaii
Message: Gary, you mentioned earlier that you met Chet and Kathy Glenn in Hawaii. I just ran into them in Waikiki while Kathy was checking them into a hotel. Chet was in a wheel chair looking really bad. She told us that Chet hit his head at work and had to be hospitalized for four days. He is still in much pain, unable to return to the big Island (home) until he can sit up without pain. This has been going on now for twenty days. Keep him in your prayers!
Name: Sharon Willis Quesnel () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 01:47:42
E-Mail: chas@ccmaui,com
Maiden: Willis
Class: 72
City and State: Maui, Hawaii
Message: Hey! You never know what old, no pun intended, cougar you will meet! I was in Oahu for the weekend at an annual event I attend every year and met Lisa Graham (Dulin) class of 67?. We have a mutual friend who didn't know we were from the same ol school, and we were all very excited. So keep on the look out we are everywhere.! Lisa lives in California and I live on Maui. Are there any other HHS folks that live on Maui??? I here you are here? That is how Lisa and I started a conversation, she was asking me about someone she thought lived here..keep on keepin' on...
Sharon Willis Quesnel...
Name: Bob Brophy () on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 00:07:14
E-Mail: amirish@worldnet.att.net
Class: 63
City and State: Phoenix, Az.
Message: Didn't go to HHS but grewup in Hawthorne. Class of '59 St. Joseph. This one should show some age. Does anyone remember El Segundo as a two lane road lined with Eucalyptus trees or the flood channel at 132nd and Yukon. I saw where someone in the past mentioned Devils dipps out by the rail road track. that was a great place to ride bikes if you didn't mind getting scraped up a little Cruised The Blvd alot in my '55 Chevy. Wish I still had it. Serra '63.
Hey Bob, Then you must know John Rout Serra63. He went to Hawthorne his freshman year and that was it for him. Thanks for the memories....
Name: MYTMO () on Monday, April 3, 2000 at 22:09:10
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott (anyone want to change it?)
Class: 64
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Well, as you have already read, Friday night at PINK's was a grest success. We had 37 cougs in attendance. That is by far the best turn out yet. For those of you who could not make it, PLEASE try and make the next one (John will let everyone know well in advance....isn't that right John!). For those of you that did make it, it was great meeting you (sorry didn't get a chance to meet everyone). Liz (Boom Boom) Estrada, remember you have a job to do....get Sharon and Vicky to put something, anything in feedback! =^:^= I think I can speak for everyone when I say "A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL" (and specially by Liz and Donna) See everyone at the next outing....Be a coug!! BTW, you realize we do have a King AND QUEEN for cougartown don't you....KING JOHN AND QUEEN "ROWDY" JUDY!! John we know as made a name for himself with all the work he has done on this web site....and Judy, well she has just made a name(?) for herself.... again. always be a coug!!
Name: Cal McDougal () on Monday, April 3, 2000 at 20:47:05
E-Mail: Phoenix@snowhill.com
Class: 1962
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Message: Thanks Janet, must be the vibration from the chopper that stirs the brain cells (both of them) and makes some things easy to remember while others are very, very difficult. I sure enjoy your input to the pages and John is a real kick with the way he keeps this whole thing going. I think he puts some addictive substance in the blue ink, cause I keep coming back.
Glad you're here Cal. We've got to keep us 62ers together somehow, blue ink or not. I see another 62er checked in today.... Hello Barbara Orr Barclay. Glad to see you here too.
Name: Lisa () on Monday, April 3, 2000 at 20:43:18
E-Mail: ledsea123
Maiden: Graham
Class: 67
City and State: Ramona, CA
Message: Hi, Sharon - I can't believe I am on the North Shore of Hawaii and I get to meet you. Did you get your feedback in before me? It has been wonderful meeting you and talking over old times and old friends. I am still amazed that I am here and find an old friend who went to HHS. It is a small world. See you all Friday. Lisa
Name: Cal McDougal () on Monday, April 3, 2000 at 20:40:30
E-Mail: Phoenix@snowhill.com
Class: 62
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Message: You never know where you will run into another Cougar. July 1965, three years after Graduation from "Good Old HHS" I got drafted into the Army. I lost my student deferment partly due to my greed in working to earn enough money to take helicopter flying lessons and partly (ok, mostly) cause I didn't go to classes often enough at El Camino and they didn't want me back. So anyway, I am in basic training at Fort Polk, Louisianna and I get cellulitus, kind of a cross between a pimple and a boil and I can't walk or march or run. The army puts me in the hospital and starts giving me shots of Penicillin several times a day in the hip. Next Day they put a new patient in the bed next to mine. He looks familiar but doesn't have much hair. While he is off getting his sheets I crawl out of my bed and look at the name tag on the end of his. It is Donald Scheliga another class of '62 alumnus. We had a reunion right there in the hospital. He also had Cellulitus, but told them he was allergic to Penicillin so he didn't get the shots, but took some pill instead. Needless to say he got better before I did. Haven't seen him since, but I see he is a gold star member of Cougartown. What am I doing now? The Army taught me to fly helicopters and after I retired I went to work teaching flying as a civilian at the Army flight school. As Royal Lord says, Thank God I'm a Coug.
Hey Cal, I talked to Don a month or so ago. He's doing fine and IS a member in good standing of our illustrious Cougartown group. Thanks for the story.......
Name: Susan King () on Monday, April 3, 2000 at 19:46:24
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Shhhhhh......!! Don't tell Konnie Krislock. She will be in town in Orange County this weekend and a few of us have arranged to meet her for lunch. EVERYBODY is welcome to join us for a lot of laughing and reminiscing and reacquainting. Geno Effler has nailed down the site - Dave & Buster's (a restaurant - not someone we can't quite remember) near the junction of the 5 and 405 freeways. We will collect at 11:30 and stay as long as we like!. She has a business dinner that eve so we will have to cut her loose at a reasonable hour but it should be a real blast. Email me if you can make it so I can get a reservation large enough. Calling all Journalism Junkies.......!!
Name: Janet Burkett () on Monday, April 3, 2000 at 19:28:18
E-Mail: jburkett@compaq.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Great boots!!
Message: Yea Cal!! You are right on...it was Judy Liber from the great class of 62!!, what else? I can't honestly say I remember the exact time, but I believe it was our freshman or soph year.
Hope all is well in your world Cal. Great to see you on feedback.
JB(the other one)
Name: Debra Lee McGregor () on Monday, April 3, 2000 at 16:55:33
E-Mail: mcgregord@la.lancaster.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Hey ... sounds like I missed out on a crazy night at Pink's. The money I made in tips was good, but I really wish I could've been there. Hope next time's a great turnout too. There's also some more alumni on Classmates.com - but there's nothing like good old CT. Remember the Blue Chip Store on Hawthorne Blvd. I'm looking forward to a nice little overnight trip to Redondo Beach with my daughter this week. Have a great week Cougs, God bless ...
Yeah Debra you missed a good one. We'll see you next time.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Monday, April 3, 2000 at 15:32:25
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: notBOOMBOOM!!
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey John boy..Thanks for another great PINK'S RUN. WOW..the crowd just knocked my socks off (don't go there John) Oh and John..you left your James Dean tape at my place. Us ROWDYS couldn't resist watching it..but in the process all the tape got tangled up in the VCR~~don't worry dude~~Marsha & I managed to get it all stuffed back into that little cartridge.. (and they say we're good for nothin') And now to my new ROWDY friends..Liz BOOM BOOM Estrada..I think you're starting a new branch of the ROWDY GIRLS.. "The late 60's" losing keys~~cross dressing~~hitch hiking~~ !! hey wait a minute, no talk of peeing in the sink.. the early ROWDYS still rule..!!
Now.. once more for Alan Hauge I'm off like a prom dress. Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS 1st set
Alan, She's just kidding about the James Dean tape AREN'T YOU JUDY!!!
Name: Gary Lents () on Monday, April 3, 2000 at 15:21:40
E-Mail: glents3030@aol
Class: 67
City and State: hastala Veeeeesta Baby
Message: Hey Liz....I know the manager at Olympic Gardens in Vegas! They pay much better...and auditions are gratis....ROFLAMO....
Name: Elizabeth BOOM BOOM Esrtrada () on Monday, April 3, 2000 at 12:23:53
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: GooseTown
Message: Hey Wayne Dickey.........Can you overnight that black dress......I think Donna and I have a gig.
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Monday, April 3, 2000 at 12:02:01
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Maiden: Boom boom Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: HEY DONNA, where are you? I just got a call from the head of security for The Wild Goose. Remember the guy who used the slim jim on my car? He says he has the whole "After Pink's Incident" on film............Think we can get it on DVD?
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