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"Hawthorne's own" "Chris Montez"
Name: Susan Walling () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 20:46:48
E-Mail: funds4kids@yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
City and State: Santa Rosa, CA
Message: Congratulations on your new daughter, Dan! To Janet and Glenn, thanks for stopping by while you were out making the Wine Country Reunion tour. Janet, I've decided that I'm with you. Being a 'wine pourer' sounds good to me. I'll see all of you Cougars in beautiful Sonoma County. Hey, King John, bring me an El Tarasco chicken taco, would ya? They haven't figured out how to make good Mexican food here yet :). Miss ya! Susan
You got it Sus'. Thanks for helping out.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 19:40:34
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Message: Elizabeth E-
Oh, yeah, I remember a party at your house! What I remember more was 7th/8th grade with Christi Higgins and Sharon (what was her last name?). Remember Timmy Underwood? Always had a pendleton shirt on (but who didn't back in 64!
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 18:56:06
E-Mail: sklingenha@aol.com
Class: 1975
City and State: Torrance,CA
Message: I just read the post from Elizabeth (Estrada) Aleccia, and I wanted to let her know that I also dated her brother Leo. We went to a Backwards Dance together in March of 72 and the Christmas Dance in December of the same year. He was a very nice guy and I remember him fondly. He did have a habit of lighting trash cans on fire though!
Name: Micki Lanterman () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 18:18:57
E-Mail: mtrl@tfb.com
Maiden: Reitmayer
Class: 1979
City and State: Fallbrook, CA
Message: This has been a trip, down memory lane! What about cruising Manhattan Beach, Hermosa, and Redondo. I clearly remember a cruising night complete with fire extinguishers and a lot of great toys!
Name: Dan Johnson () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 15:34:13
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Hawthorne, California
Message: Aja Danielle Johnson born at Cedars-Sinai, 3/12/2000 @ 12:54 p.m., 5lbs 3oz, 19 inches.
So it's not just Pink Floyd but Steely Dan too. Donald Fagan is passing out cigars as we speak. Congratulations Dan.
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 15:28:48
E-Mail: elizabeth@dizzyliz.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: OH MY! John, You are amazing. How did you do that so fast? I can't wait to show this to her. RHood...Are you there? As bad as I was in at HHS at least I never ended up behind bars.
To the class of 1975. Does anyone remember my brother Leo? He had a childhood sweetheart named Annalisa Escobar. I would love to talk to her. HELP!
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 14:15:27
E-Mail: elizabeth@dizzyliz.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: My sister Linda (Estrada) Acosta,'66, does not have internet service, yet. I just spoke to her via phone and she wants to say hello to her old compadre Carolyn Peterson. If you are here please e-mail me and I will give you her phone number. Thank you. My sister Vicky (Dr. Victoria Luz Estrada) '65, and sister, Sharon (Estrada) Verduzco,'61, say hello to all. I'm still trying to get them online. Rhood told me that he spent a night in the Hawthorne Police Station with my sister, Sharon after a particularly loud party. Anyone out there have more details on that night? I think my parents didn't want me to hear about that one for fear I might grow up with the wrong idea about high school. Little did they know The Estrada House and 133rd Street had a reputation that had to be upheld at all cost. I am proud to have done my part to keep the legend alive. Does anyone remember going to a party on 133rd at the Estrada House?
Name: Howard A Duran () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 13:45:12
E-Mail: doo4usc2aol.com
Maiden: Ayala
Class: 61
City and State: Lake Forest Ca
Message: To Gary Lentz, Fred Ragatz wore red shoes in 1960, when the season was over he was going to throw them out, so I got, and used them in the 61' season. As a matter of fact I still have them, My son used them once at El Toro.
Paco, It's a good thing you came from a boxing background.
Name: John J Enriquez () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 11:39:55
E-Mail: enriquezj@centinela.k12.ca.us
Message: Is anyone at this school currently working on a school web page?
Hi John, I don't know. You'll have to check with the school. 310-263-4400
Name: Cal McDougal () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 08:35:24
E-Mail: Phoenix@snowhill.com
Class: 62
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Message: Mattel made some great toys and some of them looked real! When I was on leave enroute to Vietnam in April 67 the kid next door, Scot Lockard (HHS around late 70's?), showed me a toy M-16 that Mattel was testing. I had used the older wooden stocked M-14 and had never seen a real M-16. I thought the Mattel rifle was kinda cute and good for kids. Imagine my surprise in May when I arrived in Nha Trang and was issued a plastic M-16 that looked just like Scots toy from Mattel. Another tie between Mattel, Cougartown and the Army was the Helicopter trainers (TH-55)that were made by Hughes. For a while some were stored in the parking lot east of the old Douglas buliding on the west side of Aviation. Mattel had used that building for a while and their Orange and blue sign was still up above the rows of parked orange and grey helicopters. While I was in flight school I heard those tiny helicopters got the nickname "Mattel Messerschmitts". Kinda made me feel like old home week. Thanks John for giving us this chance to refresh old and good memories!
Hey Cal, Nothin's too good for a 62er. Thanks for being out there.
Name: Petey Smith () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 07:05:50
E-Mail: beedyboink@msn.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem,Oregon
Message: Did any one ever go to Helms Bakery for field trips? Or have the Helms truck drive around on your street like the Good Humor man but the Helms man had donuts. We would buy cream puffs, candied apples, and the truck was always so clean. Later on as the Helms man faded away the old truck became a hippie van.
Then there's the standard field trips to the LaBrea tar pits. Peace, love, be a Coug
Name: Gary Lents () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 00:50:17
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: 67
City and State: Vista, CA
Message: Well, some is foggy, and I was 10 yrs old watching those guys...actually, I don't think Gene Faye was on that team either, and I meant Alonzo...oh well, I was really there! Wasn't it Dean Stafford that wore red shoes?
No, Eugene Fay wasn't on that team. Jim Reale, Rich Sloan, Bobby Hunter, Fred Ragatz, Jim Holton, Bernie Pressburg, Jerry Daquila, and Al Jardine were the backs. Very good for a 10 year old though. I don't know who wore the red shoes. It sounds like Dean as he did march to the beat of a different drum.
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 00:42:57
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Message: Ingrid nice to hear from you. But how about my bro? The doll thing is something between me and Wayne.
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 00:39:37
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
City and State: Oakhills, CA
Message: To Donna Cook- I too have a St. Christopher given to me by an old boy friend. It was given to me by Rick Soares in 7th grade. This past christmas my two boys bought me a gold St. Christopher. It was neat and brought back alot of memories. What ever is going on with you and Wayne, I hope it makes you happy.
To Gary Lent- Joyce Matthew lives in Santa Barbara, has two daughters and is divorced. Since her brother and I are divorced, I don't talk to her much anymore. If you need anymore info e-mail me and I will see if I can help.
Name: Dawn Moffett () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 22:08:35
E-Mail: Dawn7@aol.com
Maiden: Koch
Class: 78
City and State: Simi Valley, Ca
Message: Hi Cougars, can't beleive we're still talking toys! I look around my house and wonder which toys I should rescue and become rich off in 30 years or so. Polly, PTA still does fun stuff with the kids. We have put on family fun nights and all kinds of stuff. I do remember the Christmas Craft days, that was really fun! York School had them also. Any Beatles fans out there? We have friends that are one of the top Beatles tribute bands in the world...they've played all over. Anyway they will be playing at House of Blues in Hollywood on Oct. 7th (maybe sooner if they can get another night) and at Crown and Anchor in Thousand Oaks on May 20th from 9pm to 1pm. It gets really crowded at the Crown and Anchor because it's a small place but at either place they're so worth seeing.
Name: INGRID JONES () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 21:57:02
E-Mail: Ingazburban@aol.com
Class: 84
City and State: TEMECULA,CA
Name: Petey Smith () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 21:56:39
E-Mail: beedyboink@msn.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem ,Oregon
Message: I remember when shoe skates came out. Our parents would put lighter fluid on the wheels so when we would skate fast sparks would fly. In the summer we would stay out till dark and play tons of games like red rover and dodge ball, roll around on fresh cut grass then itch like crazy. Or coming home from a family picnic at the beach, (waiting my half hour too, before I went swimming) and being so water logged I could hardly catch my breath. The water seemed so blue then.
Love, peace, be a Coug
Name: Gary Lents () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 21:45:18
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: 67
City and State: Vista, CA
Message: My god, I don't know if finding this site was a good thing or not. Read more today than any good parent should. Anyway, here's some stuff I thought of:
Stub's Pub(Hermosa Biltmore)-wasn't all religion; was surf music and religion during breaks, but we all went out on the strand and pitched pennies during the sermon.
I remember going with Benny Baruch & his dad to the CIF final game vs. Long Beach Poly. HHS was a cinderella story (1st year in 4A I think). We had Jim Reale & Gene Fay and others, but they had Willie Brown & Ivan Quintana...oh well.
Houdini's castle-Joyce Matthew & Janet Voss crying when they, Dave Chauncey and I got caught by a madman with a shotgun.
Holly's- I could actually visualize that waitress spilling a chocolate malt in my lap.
How about Soupy Sales, White Fang, and Black Tooth?
Jerry Miles-yep it was the Insomniac, right there on Pier Ave.
Chinese fire drills in front of the movies in Inglewood...
Pat's Barber Shop-does it still exist? And Rick Zapf works there? Pat was my barber as a kid.
Teachers-Baxter & Gore were cool. Mrs Strahan kicking me out with less than a month to go in the school year was the pits (summer school). Hell, after a year in Tennessee and having Debe Schweikert & Carol Warnecke sitting beside me; what does she expect a guy to do? Sit quietly-NOT! But Miss Edith Gregor going for rides in my brothers Porsche was a high-lite for me.
Well, thanks for the memories...
No Ivan Quintana on that Poly team, but a whole lotta Lonzo Irvin and Willie Brown all right. And no, Pats Barber shop doesn't exist, but Rick Zapf does, at Jerrys Barber shop on Cedar and El Segundo Bl. Thank YOU Gary, for the memories.......
Name: Petey () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 21:38:54
E-Mail: beedyboink@msn.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem,Oregon
Message: Linda Yorkey your e-mail address is wrong. jghunter@earthlink.net does not work Hurry and fix it so I can write to you. Be a good woof!!
Name: Don () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 19:52:26
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: South Bay
Fellow Cougs:
I have two new compositions at my music site:
Living Life and Going On. Feel free to listen. (Real Audio required)
Have a nice week. Don D. http://dondt.homepage.com
Name: Gary Lents () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 17:15:04
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: 67
City and State: Vista, CA
Message: I must confess that I am reading all the old posts here, and Danny Litton's post on Janet Voss brought this one out. I saw Janet a few times on the flight to Maui(circa '83)...I think it was United AL; she was the flight attendant, and upgraded me to 1st class a couple of times. Her married name was something like Neumeyer???
Name: Donna Cook () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 15:57:15
E-Mail: DonnaDGW4@aol.com
Maiden: Cook
Class: 69
City and State: La Palma, Ca.
Message: Saw John Crotty's new house last night,(beautiful). Went dancing with Wayne and John and his wife. Had a blast. Liz, enjoyed Friday night, next time I want a massage! Pauline, you will have to ask Betty, she knows everything!!!!!!!!!Wayne gave me his Saint Christopher! Go figure. How many people still have the Saint Christophers their boy friend gave them??????????
Name: Gary Lents () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 13:28:00
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: 67
City and State: Vista, CA
Message: I was wondering what ever happened to Joyce Matthew (67), our homecoming queen, and a good friend of mine.....my god, this site has me pulling out old El Molinos
Name: Susie () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 11:06:20
E-Mail: ssp1072818@aol.com
Maiden: Manning
Class: 71
Message: Lisa Dulin,
I tried to email you back, but your address also said, it was not a correct address. Can you try and email me again, I don't know why my address is being returned. Thanks Susie
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 10:58:34
E-Mail: dzlizzy@aol.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Hey, Karen Considine Sturges, Are you out there? Monty and the Crystals need a comeback! Oh how I yearn to hear Norman sing, "Please, Please Please, Baby please dont go" Come on guys. Where are you? Im still a Motown girl at heart. Chuck Armstrong, Tom Wilson, Wayne Dickey, Timmy, Artie Verduzco on drums. Do you remember the car show battle of the bands when we screamed our heads off? Remember going to the Hollywood Bowl to see The Beatles? I think we were 13. The memories are flooding back. Barbie Dolls were the deal with us. (Still are) You're collection must be over 500 by now.
Donna Cook, It was great seeing you and Wayne Friday night. You look the same to me as you did 30 years ago. You really haven't changed a bit. I love you, girl. Say hi to your sisters. I'm so happy to see that you are happy. (Keep on keepin on, Wayne) Isn't that weird to fall for someone at your 30 year reunion? I love that. Wayne said it was special to connect with someone who's history was the same as his own. I think it's like coming home. How many loves have been re-kindled on Cougartown?
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 09:54:24
E-Mail: leonard-linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
City and State: Kansas City, MO
Message: Welcome to CT Elizabeth E. You are just as pretty as Susie Essner any day. Sorry you missed the 30 yr. reunion. It was a blast. I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to more people there. Most everyone looked pretty much the same in the face. Some of us have filled out pretty much but then there were those that still have their girlish figure. There were just a few that have changed so much you had to look at their name tag to know who they were. To me that was embarrassing to do so maybe thats why I didn't talk to more people. Clay Jordan really turned out to be a hunk. He must be a professional entertainer because he got up and sang a song for us and he acted so natural in front of the crowd. I hope everything turns out good for Donna and Wayne. Hey JB maybe you can have a singles page here on CT and get some more old Cougars together. I'm sure there are quite a few unattached. Hi to all out there in CT!!
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 01:07:36
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Message: Wayne, No problem but Sloey has already tried to swap me for his Rosanne doll. But...well you know what I mean.
Name: Polly Martens () on Sunday, March 12, 2000 at 00:32:45
E-Mail: pmartens@mediaone.net
Maiden: Beach
Class: 74'
City and State: Cougar Heaven
Message: I've got another recollection for you.
Remember the old Hawthorne Fair, in the old days with all thoses neat exhibitions? I think there was livestock and all kinds neat stuff? They had a booth where you could get your picture taken with a celebrity. My Mom still has one taken with me and the kid from the "Lassie," T.V. show.
Also does anyone remember the old Christmas Craft Classes they used to have at Eucalyptus School during the sixty's? My Mom, used to be in charge of that for the PTA, every fall our living room used to look like a craft factory. As Mom used to assemble the kits for the crafts in our living room.
It seems like PTA of today isn't as much fun as what my Mom had. That bunch of ladies were always doing something fun for the kids, and having fun while doing it. Like the old carnival they used to put on during Halloween week. I also remember a time when she came in and taught our Second Grade class how to make bread and homemade butter.
Anyway school sure seemed to be alot more fun back then than it is now. There really isn't anything really fun for the kids and it seems that alot of us are so tied up just trying to make a living. We seem to forget the most important thing in our lives. Our kids.
If anyone remembers that stuff it sure would be nice to hear it.
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Saturday, March 11, 2000 at 22:55:14
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
City and State: Oakhills, CA.
Message: To Elizabeth Estrada- The picture in question is Susie Essner. Glad you found this site. It is nice to see more classmates of 1969 signing on.
To Betty- What is going on with Donna and Wayne? What ever it is, I hope it makes them happy.
To Donna Cook- Did not have much time to talk to you at our reunion, but I hope everything is well with you. Hang in there.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Saturday, March 11, 2000 at 16:59:32
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Message: Elizabeth E-
So glad you found us!!!!! I've been asking about Estradas on Feedback for many months. I thought Chuck Currie would have found you, but he's among the missing again. I guess you know about Donna and Wayne - but do you know everything????
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Saturday, March 11, 2000 at 16:41:05
E-Mail: elizabeth@dizzyliz.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Thanks, I think I remember looking something like her. I have 2 e-mail addresses. dzlizzy219@aol.com and elizabeth@dizzyliz.com. I must have been very tired when I wrote that last night. Thanks for the correction. I love what you are doing. It has brought a sense of community back into my life. It's great re-connecting with old friends. You've done a great thing here. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will absolutely spread the word.
Thanks Elizabeth, I wouldn't do it if I didn't love this thing so much. Stay tuned.......
Name: Wayne Dickey () on Saturday, March 11, 2000 at 16:27:50
E-Mail: DonnaDGW4@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: Salisbury, NC
Message: Hey Keith, I have done some alterations to my doll, you may like. She's still in NC. So when I get back, I will have to look you up. But you can't let Sloey know! You know how he gets. See girls, even boys play with dolls.
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Saturday, March 11, 2000 at 16:13:14
E-Mail: cindym@penlight.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Message: John: This is a picture-post request - There's a picture from the '74 El Molino from the prom page that came out separate with Mike Aceves and Brenda Martinez. Can you post it if you can find it? My yearbooks are packed away and it will be a couple of months before I can get to them (building a house). Sorry Mike but that picture just sounded fun enough for everyone to see! Mike's been e-mailing me and we found out he only lives a few minutes from where I work but HE HASN'T COMMITTED YET to stopping in so I can see if I recognize him! And if you don't have or can't get that picture, how about one of Mike Aceves, class of '74. Thanks King!
Couldn't find the prom pic, but his senior picture is right down there.
Name: mike aceves () on Saturday, March 11, 2000 at 15:42:22
E-Mail: hebkoiboy@aol.com
Maiden: same
Class: 74
City and State: N.W. Washington
Mike, Don't be discouraged because she didn't get right back to you. Some people don't check their email but about once a month. She probably hasn't checked lately.
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