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"Hawthorne's own" "Chris Montez"
Name: Gary Lents () on Thursday, March 16, 2000 at 10:15:39
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: 67
City and State: Vista, CA
Message: Hope some of these are new...haven't finished reading all these memories, but gotta work some time so.....Rollerama-Haw Intermediate nites there...Garret House in H'wierd-went with John McKenzie there and saw David Crosby solo in 65...Dick Dale still plays gigs at the Belly Up in Solana Beach. I heard he lives in Dana Point...Night Moves (Bob Seeger) video shows the Centinela Drive-In....Senior Parking lot, what an honor...The Dominator swims off PV....racing your popcicle sticks in the gutters of the street, and building dams along the way...Hawthorne Intermediate-in 63 the boys all-star softball team beating the teachers (teachers claimed to have never lost before)....Towncraft T-shirts with pockets...Cal Worthington is alive & well in Carlsbad...Felix the Cat!....Our Miss Brooks...The Oscar Mayer Weiner mobile still exists; I got a weiner whistle a couple of years ago...Sand surfin the dunes by the airport...and these kids now...tisk, tisk, the guys don't get to carry the girls books home from school; glad we didn't have backpacks then...finally, book covers were required and you could customize em.
Name: Petey () on Thursday, March 16, 2000 at 08:56:40
E-Mail: Smith
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem, don't inhal'em
Message: Big Kell you've been known to have a few good gigs of your own! Cal Worthingtons son on lead tamberine, it doesn't get much better than that, and the famous macrame belt.
When we went to 26st we bodywamped every chance we got. Carly, Beep, Eddie Lutz, all the Davidsons, Jeff Bottoms, Big E, Lavens. We would all take off on the same wave together. When we would get out of the water we would roll around in the sand and become jelly donuts. Except for Eddie he would put that wonderful zinc oxide all over and lie in the "soup"and yell like a beached whale. Little kids would start crying and their moms would move down farther by the pier. Carly and I would tandem ride on the waves. We should have been in movies.
Donnie Blackburn lives up by Portland and teaches school in Scappoose, Oregon and McKinzie was in Ashland I think. Hey Kelley meet you at the Galley in El Segundo. Love, Peace, Cougars Pete-Dog
Salem, don't inhal'em.......I saw that on the back cover of a MAD Magazine from the 60's, and never forgot it.
Name: Pat Cummings () on Thursday, March 16, 2000 at 01:25:39
E-Mail: Patycks@aol
Maiden: Vedenoff
Class: 1975
City and State: Hermosa Beach
Message: Elizabeth E. Damn girl! Why wasn't I invited to those parties!? And all this time I have known you and I never knew you lived on 133rd. Hmm Were the Stones and the Delgados on 133rd? It been so long.
.......and the Hunters and the Reales.
Name: Pat cummings () on Thursday, March 16, 2000 at 01:18:13
E-Mail: patycks@aol.com
Maiden: Vedenoff
Class: 1975
City and State: Hermosa Beach,Ca.
Message: 1. Heather Ruggirello; I have a friend living in Washington State. I'll ask and send any info I get.
2. Elizabeth Aleccia: I had no idea you had a brother, Leo, in my class. Must have been a popular guy if Sheree Klingenhagen went to a dance with him.:-) Also, I remember an "Escobar" but not "Annalisa".
Name: Sharon Johnson () on Thursday, March 16, 2000 at 00:55:28
E-Mail: sharon.johnson72@gte.net
Maiden: Kettering
Class: LHS 61
City and State: Nampa, Idaho
Message: I'm from the "L" word, ( Leuzinger), but went to intermediate with quite a few of the class of 61 from HHS, hope you don't mind me getting in on this wonderful site. Thanks for the memories.
Hi Sharon, No we don't mind you checking in here at all. I see you were in Mrs. Johnson's class along with Sue Jolly, Jim Delarme, our own Royal Lord, Jim Peppers, and Roberta Burket, who became a teacher at HHS. We all came from the same streets, Sharon. Too bad about that Leuzinger thing though.
Name: Charlie () on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 23:40:32
E-Mail: McQuake@msn.com
Class: 58
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: John Baker: You deserve an "atta boy" for your efforts. Thanks!
Thanks Charlie, It sure is fun huh.
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 23:11:27
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Kelly Currie!!! Oh, Honey! How great to hear from you. I've been thinking about so many things we did as kids. Do you remember when you, Karen Considine and I made our 'cocktail' dresses? We wore those plastic high heel shoes we got at Thrifty's and made our jewelry out of 'pop beads'. Were we really only 9 years old?
Gary Lents- I think you and I should join a 12 step program for this addiction called Cougartown. Perhaps there should be a warning on the homepage, "May be addictive".
Name: Polly Martens () on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 23:06:11
E-Mail: pmartens@mediaone.net
Maiden: Beach
Class: 74
City and State: Cougar Heaven
Message: Just a quick Hi! I've just unearthed some grade school pics from 1963 - 1970. I went to kindergarden in San Diego (sorry). But, all I can say is, class of 74', we really looked funny back then. Lot's of good memory's from Eucalyptus School, Sepulveda School and Dana. The Dana pic's show the old front of the school, before the addition. I guess it is black mail time, LOL.
Sure, send them on over Polly. I'll put them up.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 22:15:08
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: Interesting new update to Hawthorne Chat Central -( http://www.delphi.com/haytown/chat )In addition to regular text-based chat, they've added a voice chat feature. I haven't had a chance to try it out with a real live person yet, but it looks like fun. I believe there are Cougars still opening up the chat room on Tuesday and Thursday nights, 9:00 PM Pacific time. Everyone else can feel free to go in anytime that's convenient. Be a Coug!
Name: Gloria Herlosky () on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 21:43:32
E-Mail: Gpork
Maiden: justanoldiefromthe70s
Class: 76
City and State: The Meadows
Message: Just a quick congratulations to Danny Johnson on the birth of his new daughter...best wishes and WAY TO GO!!!
Hey Glo, I'm glad you checked in too. Hope all is well in the desert. Now if we could just hear from Frank, EL, and the B's.
Name: Jim West () on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 19:17:53
E-Mail: jwwestusa@yahoo.com
Class: 1961
City and State: El Segundo, Ca.
Message: Just wanted to say hello to everyone. Hi Russ and
Judy. How are both of you doing? Royal Lord looking for a lunch partner on Monday, 3/20/00, at the Olive Garden, Manhattan Beach, Ca. Give me a call to confirm.
Hey Jim, Glad you're back. Thanks for checking in....
Name: Patti Smith () on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 18:52:16
E-Mail: grnidL80@aol.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: Becky Slaughter, I remember getting my eyebrows plucked for the first time and you giving me lessons on wearing makeup - even though my mother didn't let me wear it for several more years! And I'm sure you remember a good share of parties next door while most of the family was on vacation.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 15:49:26
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: receptiontobeheldattheVFWhall
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: VFW BREAKFAST- this Sunday..March 19. We ROWDYS usually show about 10:00 - 12:00. Loren Heath (head VFW cook) just called to say his puter is down & to let you all know that there's also a St. Patty's day dinner.. but I'm not sure of the night. I'll get back in as soon as he tells me. Oh ya, an old St. Joseph's Catholic school alumni, John Rout, will be there to remind us of our roots BC, (before Cougartown) Marsha is home whipping up her meat toss & clam dip for the occasion. Look for the mushroom cloud over south Redondo..that's how you'll know when it's done. See you all Sunday.. Now, I'm off like a prom dress.
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS.
I wish I was half as happy as you Judy. What IS that magic Rowdy formula anyway.
Name: Mari () on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 15:37:24
E-Mail: irishrutter@hotmail.com
Maiden: Rutter
Class: 67
City and State: Lubbock, TX
Message: When I was just a wee 2 yr old my dad drove a Helms truck and I used to sit up on the dashboard while he did his rounds and eat cinnamon swirls. He's been gone for several years now but boy did I love to go to work with him...loved the pix of the truck on the feedback.
Mari, Remember these?
Name: Gary Lents () on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 12:39:58
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: 67
City and State: Vista, CA
Message: My god, I'm losing it with this site....not working, sleeping...HELP! Anyway, some more thoughts:
1.Where are Dave Hobart, Ben Baruch, & Bob Parisi?
2.What ever happend to Ponchos? Ciscos? and the place that was around the corner(with the Piranhas) with the portholes...wasn't it called the Porthole, and the Mexican food joint there as well...
3.You folks keep talking about Okeefenokee...that was Bollinger's farm right? Many a good drunk had there.
4.Danny Trepanier....well, he and I did a lot of stuff together, including biz. We both moved to N. County San Diego in the early 70s. His ex-wife, Laura Block (Morningside HS), works at Coldwell Banker RE in Encinitas.
5.Was I the only one that saw Coach Bravo play for the Chargers when they were still in LA? He wasn't exactly a favorite of mine.
6.Is the Little League field still there by Holly Park? I remember our all-star team from there with Litton, Warner, me (blush) was a hot team. Also remember my brother having to open the park during the Watts riots.
7.Catalina on ditch day....I remember the hod rod crew figuring out how to make the little cars go faster, and I think it was Jerry Skaff that crashed one. And rum soaked "crooks" cigars made for a few green faces on the return trip.
8.Jim Sloey- do you remember officiating the Redondo basketball league? The other ref I hired was Paul Westphal (from Aviation)...he has done ok in the NBA. Best part of that job was having keys to all the gyms.
How about some Tijuana stories????
Hey Gary, Bob Parisi probably can be found by emailing Jim Parisi, I think class of 61. Panchos is still there. Remember Hooker well. He was in my Government class, although I don't believe he ever made it into politics. and the last one I can comment on is, I remember Alex Bravo playing for the Rams. Thanks for the memories Gary...
Name: Dan Johnson () on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 09:34:55
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Aja
Message: I used to have a vinyl Lp that I think was called "Crusin' '67" On the Lp is a taped segment from KHJ (now I was 8 at the time and still living in Inglewood, but we picked up KHJ from there). Anyway, one of the segments has a caller into Charlie Tuna and the caller is from Hawthorne. Now, it would be interesting for you 60s and early 70s Cougs to obtain a copy of this Lp (I'll bet dollars to donuts that they have this on CD) and see if you can identify the caller -- maybe its one of us and we don't even know it!
Name: Kelley () on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 21:58:56
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay, OR
Message: Hi,It's been awhile. Computer problems, little break to Vegas, now home and catching up. Liz Estrada do you remember me. I think I lived next door for at least 20 years!!!! Our parents and Karen Considines were very good friends and neighbors, I hope more people have the opportunity to live to the ripe age or 80 plus and hang with the same friends they had watching there kids grow up. Our mothers still play cards every Thursday, and have lunch. Estrada Parties, if you never went to one you really missed out. they would cook for days it seemed, really good mexican food, from scratch (rowdys that means not packaged food). And live music, her dad would get Mariachi Bands from LA to come and play. Wow nothing like it. Lots of memories come to mind when I think of 133rd street. Another thought, I read something about girls at beach not swimming, what's with that, if you never bodywamped you haven't lived, right Pete-Dog. One year Crazy Craig Caldwell and I bodysurfed the Wedge, Newport Beach and were alive to talk about it. One of the most frightening experiences of my life, thank goodness for Red Mountain mornings. Glad to be home and back on line.
Thanks Kelley, glad you're back too. Now if we could just find Frank and EL.
Name: Ray Keohen () on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 21:42:37
E-Mail: rmkeohen@tcsn.net
Class: 65
City and State: Paso Robles Ca.
Message: Would like to hear from Mike bare ass nowski [Baronowski].
Name: Diane Johnson () on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 20:44:39
E-Mail: scottsboat@tcsn.net
Maiden: Johnson
Class: 1974
City and State: Paso Robles, CA
Message: Did you know that Nyman Hall is selling refurbished seats for $100 dedicating the sponsors name on a plaque on the arm rest? My oldest brother Clayton Beck graduated in 1967, my brother Russell Beck in '68 & sister Eileen Beck in '69, then my brother Mike Johnson in 1972, me, Diane Johnson in 1974 & my brother Jimmy in '75.Wow, what a legacy.... Great school, great times....Keep in touch...
Diane, I think you may have missed our Nyman Hall seat dedication last year. Please click here and go to the bottom of the page to see all the seats that were generously donated by Cougartown members. Thanks......
Name: Gary Lents () on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 19:31:22
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: 67
City and State: Vista, CA
Message: Still reading all this feedback....this is an addicition. But thought I'd thrown in some tidbits.
Susie St Martin live in Hawaii for many years, and I spent a great deal of time with her there. Most of the time she lived on the Kona coast at either Kailua or Kealekekua. She was a great friend and I miss her mucho. Have many pics though.
Kathy Glenn went to my 10th reunion with me and my former wife. She lived in Seal Beach then. Chet Glenn was living on Kona coast too, so she might be there.
Janice St Martin married Jeff Citron and were living on Kona the last time I heard. They, and Susie, had resurrected the "Donkey Mill" there and worked in the coffee biz. I would bet that they are still there.
Jim Mayer lives in La Costa. He had a bypass years ago, but was still kicking the last time I remember.
John Fernandes splits time between Encinitas & working as a back country ranger for the National Park system.
Where is Donnie Blackburn, John McKenzie, John Devine, Linda Wadman, Nancy Notterman?
I have been talking to Sue Kiester (Susan Ferguson) since finding this site. She asked about reunions??? Ever thought about one of those 3 day Ensenada cruises?
Name: Heather Ruggirello () on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 16:38:32
E-Mail: ruggih@hotmail.com
Maiden: Reoch
Class: 1975
City and State: Anaheim, CA
Message: Fellow Cougars,
I'm hoping someone out there can help me - found out today that my husband is being transfered to Washington State - around the Everett area (he works for Boeing). Being born and raised here I have never been to Washington let alone thought of living there - has anyone lived there or is still living there? Are there any areas that we should be looking at when we purchase a home? Good schools? etc. Any advise/comments/warnings would be really appreciated. I know it rains there almost everyday buts that's about all I know.
Class of 1975 - we will still have our reunion - our committee is starting to finalize everything -looks like it will be late August - early September most likely in the Irvine area - look to Cougartown for details as they come in......
Heather, It may rain alot, but it sure is green. Good luck and it doesn't matter how far you move, we'll all be here in this little box any time you need us. Be a Coug girl.......
Name: David Clayton () on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 16:26:26
E-Mail: dclayton@manntheatres.com
Class: 1983
City and State: Reno, NV
Message: How come only the old people leave feedback??? Why doesn't anybody from the class of 1983 leave messages. Come on people, where is your school spirit?
You tell'em David. How come just the old people from the 70's leave feedback. Come on 80's people, this is your site too.
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 10:34:18
E-Mail: elizabeth@dizzyliz.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach.,CA
Message: Sherry K. Thank you. I have a picture of you at the Christmas Dance with my brother. You guys were pretty cute!
Betty K, her last name was Volland. She married Woody McCain and I think they still live in Hawthorne with 3 kids. By now the kids are probably grown and gone. Tim Underwood had charisma didn't he? Has anyone heard from him? Eighth grade graduation dance was a bust because I had a party at my house and nobody went to the dance. They canceled dances there for years because of it. My mother still works in Hawthorne School District Cafeteria's. She'll be 80 in June but she gets up every day at 5AM to make breakfast for a few hundred jr. high kids. She's incredible. Are you up for an evening with Donna and Wayne at my place when he's back in town?
Name: Patti Smith () on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 10:32:07
E-Mail: grnidL80@aol.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: To those members of the class of 64 who have heard that Bob Smith has passed away, the rumors of his death are greatly exaggerated. He is very much alive and well and living in Carson. He is now following his passion building custom longboards. And the old fart still surfs! He and Linda Young (67) are still married (33 years next month).
So I guess that means I can stop working on his tribute now. Very Good News for the Bob Smith Marching and Chowder Society. Thanks Patti for clearing that up.
Name: Robin () on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 02:05:29
E-Mail: YounevercouldtalktoanEstradagirlandnothearaboutitthenextday.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: MCMLX
City and State: Eugene ,Oregon
Message: Well Liz thanks for all the swell ink :o)I was at more than one Estrada gig and anyone who went to Fosters was close...Glad to hear about Vickys PHD..(I could have done that too but 1 to 5 sentences kept me out of school too long:o)...Does Sharon have controlling stock in Mattel as is the rumor?...Little Leo was my favorite kid...Called me "Bum"(like his dad), every time I walked down our beloved 133rd...The best of times Liz (and the best block in Hawthorne but we wont tell anyone)..I only wish everyone could have lived there...Paco only you would still have Freds RED shoes, like all the old pics...I wont go through all the same games JB but does anyone remember the "Pluto Platter" before Whamo(sp) named it the Frisbee?..Ours was blue and had all the planets stamped around it...and "Haynes at the Reigns", H.Hancock and Dick Whittinghill brings back too many memories John...by the way where has El Rojo and Frank Romano been?? last item...Spud guns still are a happening thing here in OR ...and I thought the Air Blaster was a cordless hair dryer...never did enjoy it...? Later Cougs :o)
HEY, you don't think Frank dumped Maria and El Rojo did the same with the ID Queen and........AND.....nahhh, not those two big old brawny Cougs.
Come on boys, it's time for bed check in Ctown. Frank, the last time you checked in was January 4th and El, it was January 21st. That's way too long boys. Let's hear from you two.
Name: Gina Black Peck () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 23:31:19
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 1980
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: I seem to remember that night with the fire extinguisher, too! And the car chase that followed. Did we piss that guy off, or what? I didn't think we would EVER lose him! He could drive that car...but I drove better and faster!! We have proof, we're still alive! we were bad, bad catholic school girls (St. Joseph's aka the prison camp). This is a great sight. I always wonder about those stoners we went to High school with. Do you remember the CB radios? My "handle" was "Shadow" and Kay's was "Panda". Those golden days of summer, and how we girls NEVER went in the water (expect for that one time...). Surfer's girls lay on the beach and look good. LOL Mike Baker and his chartruse surfboard and Halloween night in his lepard print "panties" at the Rice's party. Micki, remember when we broke down on the freeway and we used red lipstick on your brother's (Mike Reitmeyer) boogie board to write "need help, call police". I'm sorry to hear of Mr. Courtney's passing. Johnny Lee Hooper passed away in the 80's also. Tony Epperson, if you are out there, I think of you fondly. You were one of my best friends, but I'll bet you didn't know it...too bad we screwed our friendship up. On my birthday Micki and I visited the old neighborhood. Boy! Those houses are SMALL! One car garages!! We went by all of our houses. Fewer trees than I remember. It seems that most of Hawthorne moved to Vista and Fallbrook.
Name: Ernie Nixon () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 22:54:39
E-Mail: ErnBren 66
Class: 63
City and State: Bakersfield Cal.
Message: Just wanted to let everyone know that Mike McClaine class of `74 came in third in a field of a about 12 people running for mayor of Bakersfield
Way to go Big Mike. I was pulling for you boy. Next time the White House......
Name: Cal McDougal () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 21:41:24
E-Mail: Phoenix@snowhill.com
Class: 62
City and State: Enterprise, Al
Message: Remember those great AM radio stations of the Sixties? KFWB Channel 98 was pop music, but their jingles were great. Night time is the right time to listen and enjoy K F W B. My sister Connie (HHS 63) liked KHJ, and then there was KFI, Clear Channel station 640. Remember Conelrad 640 and 1240? KLAC had a morning show ... Lohman and Barclay where they did five minute comic soap operas. In 62 they ran a takeoff on Gunsmoke they called "Matt Dilbert, Frontier On The Job Training Marshall". Every day a new episode of Western comedy. I don't know about Hawthorne, but AM radio has died in this part of the country. I sure miss it. When I was in seventh grade at Dana I had a little crystal radio the kind that worked without any batteries. It didn't have enough power to play a speaker, just an earplug and only got the most powerful stations, like KNX. It was shaped like a Buck Rogers rocket. Wish I had held on to that toy!
Hey Cal, You left out 1580 KDAY as a big Rock and Roll station of the 50's and 60's and Hunter Hancock on KGFJ and KPOP. The guy I remember in the morning on KLAC was Dick Haynes, "Haynes at the Reins". Another great morning man from the early days was Dick Whittinghill on KMPC. I loved his "Helen Trump".
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Monday, March 13, 2000 at 20:59:06
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message: Hi all... back from a weeek-end Toy Show in Toledo, Ohio. Lots of memories ... set up near a fellow with lots of small plastic card called promo cars. They were/are plastic replicas of the cars that were given away/sold by the car dealers. I remember my younger brother having a bunch of these cars in the mid 60's. My brother-in-law, Gene Henderson, would get them from Kenneth Chevrolet where he worked. One afternoon, my brother and his friends played smash up derby with the cars until they were nothing but pieces. These cars that were for sale last week-end were priced in the $50 - $80 range. Guess that's another one we should have taken better care of...
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