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"Hawthorne's own" "Chris Montez"
Name: G. Howie Fartz () on Friday, February 4, 2000 at 09:08:40
E-Mail: puertovallarta@mex.com
Class: 69
Message: TO; "King" John Baker and Debra McGregor
I sincerely appreciate both of your responses. It is obvious to me and many other respondents that Mz. Yost and Mz. Matthew have never grown to any acceptable level of maturity. There continued lack of knowledge about people, feelings and any type of sensitivity whatsoever, regardless of the situation, just like when they were/are in high school. To drive the point home to both of them, I not only had very dear friends on this flight, returning to Seattle, but my brother! So girls, just back off and go create your own whining website if you can not afford to behave in an environment that creates love and harmony. You both are surely not ones of affection or caring. And no, I did not nor do not know who Polly is so quit trying to manipulate the situation into one of your "sick" rumor/people bashing, high school playground fantasies! High school girls like you are what reminds me of my misfortunes of having to associate with HHS trouble makers like you two!
I had anticipated returning to Southern California to get acquainted again with my high school chums and colleagues, but knowing that the insensitivity and people bashing still lingers on with you two, I doubt I will make this trip to Pinks.
To be able to see the other side in time of crisis, rather than just the doom and gloom, somehow helps get through a tragedy in somewhat of a more sensible way. I am sure you two can not relate or ever will be able to. You can bet I would and will not post any mentions or articles of the memorial services I am participating in organizing. Just stay away from the people who need companionship and "true" friendships, not the phony persona. It will make many sincere grieving people much more peaceful at heart. The 88 human beings who tragedically and, at this point, mysteriously, fell to their deaths without even enough time, in seconds, to make their last wish or their last prayer.
Enjoy Pinks on the 12th girls.
Name: Michelle Davis () on Friday, February 4, 2000 at 08:55:06
E-Mail: michelle_davis@milliken.com
Maiden: Gonzalez
Class: 81
City and State: Lakewood, Ca
Message: Many thanks to my long time buddy, Lori Ahrens for turning me on to this website. WOW Lots of people I haven't seen or heard from in years, what a trip. Lots of catching up to do with so many of you, so email me! Eddie Braun, I share your feeling, driving by HHS these days is disappointing! Lots of great memories though!
Name: Shannon () on Friday, February 4, 2000 at 06:13:35
E-Mail: Keys
Class: 81
City and State: Colorado Springs
Message: "A terrible losing season for 2 years"? Raymond, let me help you a bit. The football team AVERAGED 3/4 OF A WIN in all your (our) 4 years. That would be opposed to the running squad which lost less than a meet a year during that span. Did the cheerleaders stop by our house with cookies and whatnot? One word....Friggin Bitter!
FYI - 80'S Norwesterners include: Mike Bowie, Johnnie Boulder, Tom Leplay.
Name: Terry Leeper () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 23:34:06
E-Mail: HHS63@webtv.net
Class: 63
City and State: Haw.
Hey John, I've got it! You talk Tom into driving the "bus" to Pinks and I will rent the accordion and champagne bubble machine. Is it a deal?
It's a done deal IF he'll play "Lady of Spain" AND "The Beer Barrel Polka"
Name: Raymond Smith () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 23:33:21
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@Juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: Calling all Northwest Cougar and Cougarettes. Something is in the works on planning a Northwest HHS reunion for all classes (17 to 19 hrs drive to Ca will not do) probably being held at Seaside,OR; probably being held this Aug or Sept but anything is in the air. I have no clue who's who in the Northwest but I personally know 1 in Gresham and 1 in Gold Hill Oregon. I've seen others in the state but I need a head count to start with then I've got something to go on. Maybe I'll have answers and more info early next month so write me up if you're out there. Beach party, Volleyball games or whatever else comes up is also included. I'll be checking in with the local hotels to see what rates they can give us to "Ex-Californian Cougars". I've seen at least 5 other locals on the web but I need to hear from those who have not written in the feedback. I may even have a couple of alumni coming in from Calif. Hope to hear from you soon. Hey Kevin Frye. Thanks for the info. Good to hear a Cougar Staffer on line. I've seen David Keller on the e-mail list but I haven't heard him speak. How are things going up there in Corona? To Lori Ahren "Holmes", my heart jumped to the heavens hearing from you. We haven't spoken to each other since our seperation in our Junior/Senior year. I will always keep you and this time you will not run away from me (and don't get lost either). To all the cheerleaders of 1980-81, thanks for the good memories on raiding my house before game night. It was sure nice to be thought of by your hard work and my heart will always treasure those days. I remember Maria Najarro and club who was dropping off some goodie before Halloween night and I had this dummy set up to flash his eyes to whom ever came closed to it. It sure scared her but she laughed it off knowing all the time I was behind the window doing the prank. We had a terrible losing season for 2 yrs and your action made the burden on our shoulder a little lighter.
OK Northwest Cougs. No excuses now as Raymond has thrown down the gauntlet. Let's help him out by letting friends and relatives in the Northwest know that there's a get together being planned. There are lots of people that are on the Alumni list that only check into the website every two or three months, so please make sure your friends and relatives in the Northwest know about this. There's still lots more to plan but Raymond needs to know now, Who's Interested. Thanks Cougs........
Name: Terrie Kostiszak () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 23:25:17
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: kostiszak
Class: 83
City and State: Portland Oregon
Message: Raymond Smith, I am currently in Portland Oregon and would like to know of other Hawthorne people in Oregon..Maybe we should put the places where people live at now on the Alumni List or on another part of the website for those who dont care if others know where they live. That way they won't be afraid to put their email up and not put their place of living they can do that on another part of the website as an option and wont feel obligated to do it.
Terrie, This option will be available soon. Please stand by.
Name: Terrie Kostiszak () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 23:07:40
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: kostiszak
Class: 83
City and State: Portland Oregon
Message: I havent visited this site for awhile, boy has it changed, I am now seeing people on it from my highschool years like, Eddie Brauns and Lori Holmes, and hearing about Guy Hocker and others Right On, I will have to visit this site more often!! Hello Lori and Eddie, if you remember me! And everyone else!
Hi Terrie, Thanks and like I've always said, "This place is for ALL COUGS." Enjoy.....
Name: Lori Padelford () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 22:35:20
E-Mail: desilulu4u@aol.com
Class: 81
Message: Hey to all you fellow Cougars. I recieved some very sad news last night about Paul Mattocks. He went to Lawndale High but those of you who went to Ramona and Hawthorne Intermediate when I did would know him. Paul died last week from a self inflicted gun shot wound. There is going to be a memorial service for him next week in Redondo Beach, the details are still very sketchy at this time. If anyone wants further information you can e mail me over the weekend and I will have more details. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time.
We'll miss you Paul.
Name: Mike Shay () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 22:07:46
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Class: 61
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: I just had to say thanks to Tom Burroughs for the most fun feedback I've read in months... Great memories. Let us not forget about things like clamp on skates that kept falling off my PF Flyers and kept me in bandaids most of the summer, anyone remember what a Powell was??? How about a Salsbury??? Red Ryder air rifles, pea shooters, those great big indian head rings from TJ, Skipper Frank, jalopy derby ( where all the early fords went to die ), vibrasonics, 45 record players in a car, appleton spotlights, 22 inch glasspacks, Mickey Mouse Whitewalls, The Cisco Kid, somebody stop me!!!
Hey John, most of the lists I get on start with an S.
See Ya Soon,
NOW we're Feedbackin'. I remember Powell pickup trucks. In 1954 and 1955 a company built a kind of squarish heavy duty body out of really thick sheet metal all screwed together, and put this body on used Plymouth automobiles with their bodies removed. They rebuilt the motors, offered a limited warranty and sold a couple of hundred in the two years. AND if I had a choice, I'd take the 18" glasspacks. Thanks brother Mike
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 21:53:21
E-Mail: ibelikingpattisconfidence.com
Class: 66/84
City and State: rb, ca
Message: Yahno I told you Baker and others someone would say I was GHF! I am not, Patti(y). And that is alot of confidence to be able to say hi to me no matter who may know. Thanks from someone on the Z list you were always my favorite Valencia--after all the others. oops I am sorry I said i was not going to pick on you! February 3 not bad. Gloria nodding at you, big wave to you Cynthia and Rikki, and mom V. Ok getting ready for the Pro Bowl Sunday and my favorite two players, Rae Carruth and Ray Lewis. Be a coug!
Who said hi to you?? I missed that one. I think GHF is Judy Wudy
Name: Angelia () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 18:29:23
Maiden: Crespin
Class: 86
City and State: Lawndale,CA
Message: Just a quick note to say "Hello." I'm also looking for someone from the class of 85 that might know Milo Cudanes (I think the spelling is correct), and know how to contact him or if you can just pass on a "hello" to him for me? Thanks.
Name: Maureen () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 15:36:02
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: I just came across some information I thought cougartown would like to know....I just finished talking to my friend and xboss from Crocker Bank, Billie Hayes, who is also a member of the Hawthorne Rotary, as is Del Fox. She informed me that Myrtle Reeves husband, Del Fox is in the critical care unit in Little Rock, Ark. and has been for 5 weeks. It is quite serious. Myrtle is on leave of absence to be with him. As I hear any additional information, I will pass it on to Cougartown. May all our Cougartown thoughts and prayers be with Del and Myrtle at this time and give them both strength and support.
Your coug, MoMo
I'll be saying a kind word for Del tonight. Thanks Mo.....
Name: Patty () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 15:34:48
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
City and State: Just this side of the Pacific today
Message: I've decided to be on the "A" list. Anyone else? Ok now we need to decide on some secret codes. Plus, it's very hard to take anything seriously when its addressed to GHF. Sounds like a Sloeyism to me. So I'm not sure if everyone is being tongue-in-cheek or just naive - but I have to say, it made me miss the serious points and crack up out loud.
Sloey - you've always got my 'hello' and I'm confident enough so that it doesn't matter whether anyone notices that I know you. That goes for you too, Robin and John. Later gang, gotta get back to work.
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 14:54:53
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
Wow, I just knew one of the old folks would come through! Thanks Denny Unfried! So you old people, grab your walkers & get on Toms tour bus. Just drop your change in that thing at the front of the bus that looks like a big blender. The change goes round & round in there, what the heck is that thing anyway, I never did know? Just reach up above the window & pull the cord, & we will let you off! Do you remember Lawndale when many of the streets were unpaved? TV shows Beanie & Cecil, Cyclone Malone Kukla Fran & Ollie, Doye Odell, Tim McCoy & Ironeyes Cody. Spade Cooley, Ina Ray Hutton, the show when the top of her dress fell down!! Home Town Jamboree, Gene o Quinn singing Hey Good Lookin? Town Hall Party, the Collins Kids Lorrie & Larry? Merle Travis & Joe Maphis pickin those double neck gibsons like no one I ever heard before! Auction city? Roller Derby at the Exposition armory. Red Smart, Speck Saunders, Ralphey Valadares, Joyce Beasley, Tuffie Brassoon, Loretta Barrons, Spider Wallace. Help me out here John, tell Terry the "whippie" is the guy that gets out front on the jam & scores all the points! A glory position! The Olympic, Wild Red Berry, Baron Leone, Gino & Leo Garabaldi, Mr Moto & the dreaded sleeper hold! Watching Steve Bilko jack em over the left field wall at Wrigley Field! Seeing Chuck Conners (Rifle man) play for the Hollywood Stars at Gilmore! Listening to a little tube radio late at night to the Hunter Hancock show from south central. Early R&B. Gaucho shirts & wedge sole shoes loaded down with taps! Pegged pants & socks in shocking pink, orange, yellow, & green. While in grade school, going to a HHS football game at LHS & seeing Joe Contestable light up the night with probably one of the best passing arms ever in high school football! He had a favorite receiver whose name escapes me, help coach HC! Theaters Fox the UA, Inglewood. Centinela Park on the 4th of July! Initation to the Toucans car club & being taken in the trunk of Joe Lustro`s Olds up on Sunset Blvd just east of PCH & being left, along with Craig Campbell in nothing
Tom, WHAT HAPPENED?? You were on the best nostalgia roll in Cougartown history. COME BACK TOM!!!! Now that's some great memories folks. Yes Terry, The whippee (the jammer) scores the points. Now Tom, I have something that Terry had sent me with YOUR name all over it (Gay Ranchero-Accordion Solo-Tommy Burroughs) PALEEEZE!! No wonder you accidentally left out Myron Floren from the list above Does anyone recognize this document, or anyone in it? Thanks Tom and Terry for the great nostalgia.......
Name: Eddie Braun () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 14:41:46
E-Mail: read prev
Class: 79
City and State: mb ca
Message: yes, you are correct, i did have a broken back, but that was several months ago,( jan 99,"WALKER, TEXAS RANGER"),they fixed me up after a nine hr surgery, and i was back to work three weeks and four days later. with the kind of guys i work with, you cant let a little broken back keep you out for long....as they say, cowboy-up son....how did you hear that i got injured? Eddie.
Someone mentioned it. I think it was Keith Jones.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 14:40:21
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: South Bay
Message: Kathy Frankforter, Thank you for your post. Let us know how your West High Alumni message board turns out. What are your projections regarding that or are you just 'thinking about it'?
Maiden: McClintick said:
"So, I say, instead of denying that stratification existed, and still exists,..."
Yeah...that is something that is there from the beginning of our lives to the end. During high school I didn't think about because I already knew I did not want to be part of an "in" crowd. I associated with a wide range of fellow students...some of the more popular folk and some of the mainstream people like me who were trying to do well in school, meet some nice people and make life as easy as possible. The only popular things that I did (that I know of) was being on yearbook staff in my junior year and getting a most thoughtful and considerate award. I was surprised and grateful for both. I would have been just as happy hanging around with the small circle of supportive friends (which included Ray Fillmore and Laurie Salvetti(sp)-Warner(?) - we had a little music group - During my last two years in school they were my most precious friends ) - and others scattered throughout the school. The people I always tried to avoid were mean. That was my only criteria for avoiding people. Fortunately, I did not experience
too many of them....I wish I was more involved with school activities but I accept the fact I did the best I could at the time. And I am grateful that John got this site going. It has been healing for me to redress past memories that had been buried - not necessarily bad memories but memories that I never examined...because I was living my life without much awareness into myself at the time...just trying to survive and enjoy friendship along
the way. Overall, I enjoyed myself during that time. I think it was a good time to be in high school....I found most of the students I had contact with friendly and the teachers very concerned and helpful...I am grateful I am not in high school now. It seems a lot tougher on the kids - more negative influences although there are positives - but some schools are more difficult than others (And not every student can go to Whitney High School in Cerritos)...
Name: danielle waters () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 13:07:25
E-Mail: danirie1@aol.com
Class: 1988
City and State: hawthorne, ca
Message: to Lori Ahrens: Arno isn't that common of a name so I'll take a stab at this one. He's married with two kids and currently living in Holland. Owns a couple of restaurants there. I still hang out with his younger brother Eric c/o 88.
Name: Martha Yost () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 11:07:56
E-Mail: ny139@hotmail.com
Class: 2000
Message: To G. Howie Fartz- Why don't you just back off and mind your own business. Take a few moments and just think what Miss Polly said about fish food. You know if you had a heart you would feel for the families of the 88 people who lost their lives in the air crash. You must be related to Miss Polly.
M. Yost
Ladies please.....remember we're NOT potitically correct here. I'm sure no one wanted a plane full of people to die. For once I have to agree with the famous saying by Rodney King.
Name: Debra Lee McGregor () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 11:06:19
E-Mail: mcgregord@la.lancaster.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Hey ... haven't written for awhile, but been reading daily. Pauline, sometimes people need to use a little humor to react to tragedy and stress. I don't think that makes them "the person they really are!" Everyone has their own coping mechanisms.
Anyway ... looking forward to the Pink's run. I've been contacting a few folks and an going to make night of it, cuz I can sleeeep in the next day!
God bless y'all ...
Name: G. Howie Fartz () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 10:02:35
E-Mail: puertovallarta@mex.com
Message: TO: Pauline Spencer Matthew! Talk about being sensitive and "quick" to respond in a negative manner. BACK OFF GIRL! Take a deep breath, a glass of wine or something. Calm down already!
Name: Eddie Braun () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 09:49:49
E-Mail: eddieand.meg@gte.net
Class: 79
City and State: manhattan beach, ca
Message: don dallons, hey call me, i dont have your latest num. if you want, tonight i have a big car crash to do in pasadena, come visit the set... ill be around the house, or starbucks pretty much all day, building up my courage for tonight, so call me or plan to come visit. this site is great, ive already had a few people email me from my past that i lost touch with......Eddie
Hey Eddie, I thought you had a broken back?
Name: Denny Unfried () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 06:48:12
E-Mail: denunfried@msn.com
Class: 55
City and State: Del Aire
Message: JB: Thanks for correcting me on my last feedback. Sometimes my fingers get into high gear before my brain turns over. Sure wish you would install a recall button on the Guest Feedback page. Maybe even a spell checker.
If I did that, the girls would want a Lady's Lounge installed too. Thanks Denny
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 00:25:57
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Message: Finally, an Estrada is on the Alumni List! Welcome, Elizabeth-Class of '69! Missed you at the reunion. Please write in, we're all here! Chuck, Kelley, Karen, Donna Cook & Wayne Dickey - lots more!
Name: Kathy Frankforter () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 22:03:56
E-Mail: frankforter@earthlink.net
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Thank you to Don Di Tomasso for sending me here to Cougar Town. Actually Don sent me an email after stumbling onto my website. He told me he attended Hawthorne High so I jotted him a note back to tell him my husband did as well. So, here we are! Tom was definitely not on this "A" List but, he's a cool dude and a fantastic husband :}:} If anything, with age he only got better. Lucky me (smile) Isn't that how it goes? Usually the geeks turn out to be the studs? (laughing) May I remind you all of "Revenge of the Nerds"? (wink)
Name: Lori Padelford () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 22:02:46
E-Mail: Desilulu4u@aol.com
Class: 81
City and State: Garden Grove,CA
Message: To Lori Ahrens, regarding the whereabouts of people from the past: Mike Kissick, I last saw Mike about 3 years ago at Little Company of Mary Hospital with his darling son. He was there because his wife was having a baby and if I can remember correctly he was in construction. Guy Hocker was in my office a few weeks ago and what Bonnie said was right, he is an investment broker. Last but not least Jackie Hutchinson married Dan Mabry (C/O 79?) and the last I knew years ago they had a baby but have lost track of them. At any rate it was good to see you in here, its nice to see people from the C/O 81.
Eddie Braun it is great to see your name in here too. I know you must be really busy with your line of work but the Sturgeons haven't seen you for ages. We all often think of you, don't be a stranger.
Name: petey smith /konnie () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 21:18:37
E-Mail: beedyboink@msn.com
Maiden: smith
Class: 1972
City and State: salem oregon
Message: i love this! what a trip!
Name: Denny Unfried () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 21:10:34
E-Mail: denunfried@hotmail.com
Maiden: Donthaveamaiden
Class: 55
City and State: Del Aire
Message: Message to Tom Burroughs: Thanks for the bus ride of memories. Remember Gorgeous George's hair pins that he called Georgie pins? My father built a picket fence for him and the idiot followed dad around with a broom sweeping sawdust off the grass. I remember the Plaza theatre 10 cent movies but the price didn't include flea powder which was a must. I worked on the south end of the building part time for "Bob Shultz Photo Studios" in the lab... Ralph Valaderez (LA T-Birds) and myself peddled our bicycles down to the Lawndale roller rink a couple times a week with a bag of spare wooden skate wheels and bearings. I guess they don't use those anymore. Also I remember the rink in Redondo. It was upstairs in the old Mandarin Ballroom and was owned by ball player Specs Saunders.
Message JB: No one has mentioned a word about Wray's drive in on Crenshaw. That was the meeting place for Corvettes. Sometimes 15 or 20 of us parked two deep around the place. I must have logged a zillion miles between there and Frosties. The Gastapo red lighted my '57' on Rosecrans one night. Asked him what I did wrong and he said, nothing, just that the next time I have to chase you home I'm going to shoot ya.
Sounds like Fred M. Also, I thought Spec Saunders was an LA Tbird too. Great stuff. Thanks Denny
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