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"Hawthorne's own" "Chris Montez"
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 19:49:01
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
Name: DON DALLONS () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 19:35:26
Class: 79
City and State: HAWTHORNE
Message: Hi Eddie Braun. How are you doing ? Lets hook up soon. It's been too long. Hi to Kevin Frye and Corey Smith good to see you on the Hawthorne feed back.
Name: Polly Martens () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 18:56:23
E-Mail: pmartens@mediaone.net
Maiden: Beach
Class: 74
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: FYI, Sheree, yes I was a Jobs Daughter too! Belonged to good old Bethal #30. I am now active in Eastern Star, and now a Past Matron. So the truth is out. I did both Rainbow for Girls and Jobs Daughters in High School. I also took piano lessons, but we don't talk about that. Sheree, did your family live on 117th Street?
John, I think I will wait awhile before I unload anymore blasts from the past, or bare my soul, I think the "A" listers have been stirred up enough for now. Not that I ever really got into that garbage, but it is true some people still haven't grown beyond High School. Oh well for those people it must have been a potty training problem.
For the rest of us, live your life to the fullest, and enjoy the hear and now, for tomorrow you might be fish food.
Lifes too short to categorize. Who knows, you might even really like someone on the C list. Thanks Polly
Name: Howard A Duran () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 15:14:02
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Maiden: Simpson
Class: 61
City and State: Lake Forest Ca
Message: I was going thru some old photo's and found this gem, it was about 3 or 4am in front of "The Brass Lantern" in Manhattan Beach. Those in attendence were Bill and Lee Brown, Mike and Linda Wood, Steve and Linda Wood, Chas and Judy Tomblin, Doug and Diane Frohoff, Robin Hood,and Howard and Sharon Duran...What a night...
Great pic Howard. It looks like you guys may have polished off 2 or 3 country club stouts. Thanks Man
Name: Bonnie () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 13:56:19
E-Mail: bonita.roberts@conexant.com
Maiden: McCoy
Class: 78
City and State: Newport Beach, CA
Message: Message to Lori Ahrens: Guy Hocker is a Christian Missionary with his wife and three children. They recently got back from a 5-year mission in Russia. He and his family are temporarily staying with his father, Guy Hocker, Sr., on 138th St. in Hawthorne. (It's the same house that the Rice family used to live in.)
Name: Barbara Gordon () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 13:46:33
E-Mail: yaya@lightspeed.net
Maiden: Billswife
Class: 57
City and State: Wofford Heights ca.
Message: I read the feed back page daily some times twice a day and I really enjoy every thing I read. I did not graduate from HHS but from Morningside but knew most of Bills Friends from Hawthorne. Bill and I have been together for 45 years and married for 42. I was just wondering why more of the older crowd doesn't ck in and tell some of the stuff they did? I know they weren't angels "O" with Halos. And neither was Bill, he did donuts on the football field he ditched school and went diving off the Palos Verdes and he had me write notes for him on the letter head from the dentist I used to work for. Mr. Nelson came to my work and told my boss and I almost got fired. He used to get in the trunk of the car and sneak into the drive-in, and when he was in Boot camp used to get in the trunk of the car and sneak off base. I guess he was just a sneak. And Tom was right, John Cooper is a class act.
Thanks Barbara, too bad about that Monarch thing. OK, ZAP!!! You're an honorary Coug now. Great stuff Barbara. It doesn't matter where we went to school as we all grew up in the CVUHSD and have the same memories.
Name: Carol Shih () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 12:57:01
E-Mail: Carol.Shih@Juno.com
Maiden: McClintick
Class: 75
Message: Well, John, you've done it again. I've managed to connect with another friend from HHS after 25 years. This young lady and I engaged in an extraordinday amount of note passing in any class we had together. She also, had a bad habit of blowing out the alcohol lamps on all the boys science experiments. Another trick we would pull was to steal their lab notebooks and return them the next day giftwrapped with a pretty bow.
Polly- thanks for filling in the memory blanks ...
Are you sure it was a pinto? 5 pregnant teenagers in a pinto seems a bit crowded.
And, now for those who are tired of the "A" list debate, I think I'll jump into the same hole that Polly dug. Why such irate response?
I think you're doing a disservice to any currently in high school cougars reading this if you deny that a lot of the high school experience is fraught with that feeling of not fitting in, or knowing quite what to do, the fear of doing the WRONG thing. And anyone who believes that the kids using weed hung out with those kids who were attempting to build a hovercraft, is a bit senile. As the mother of a 9th grader, I can tell those of you with long term memory loss that there still are groups. Though, some of the titles have changed. (for example - at my daughter's school besides the Jocks, and the Brains, and the Rah-Rahs, there is the Shoplifters) And, I agree with Sheree that for most of us that's past history. But, then most memories listed here are.
So, I say, instead of denying that stratification existed, and still exists, why not tell some of those kinds of stories in a positive way (with names removed to protect the innocent). Certainly, this could make as interesting topic as drinking "Mintz", eating hot dogs or watching the superbowl. So, here goes.....
My memory was that I was neither popular or unpopular. I do remember, occasionally wishing I was part of yearbook staff, or a cheerleader.... I certainly would never have attempted to invite any of the star athletes to the Backward's Dance. Seemed every older boy I got a crush on ended up telling me their feelings toward me were more like those one had for their little sister.
Then, I went to my 20th reunion. Having missed the 10th I was a bit astounded at how many people approached me. Even one of the hot football players remembered me clear back to 8th grade. I didn't remember him that far back.....
One of the things I discovered was I knew people in a lot of the different groups. Had I not gone, I don't know that I would ever have realized how skewed my perceptions of high school group dynamics were. The point being there are nice people in all groups.
Oh, and John (and fellow Cougars), I apologize in advance for again daring to suggest a topic not car related. By the way, I bought a new car, and my 10 year old thinks I should get a personalized plate that says COUGAR.....
Carol, I'm really not sure........I have NO CLUE what you just said. Are you for an A list or agin'em??? NO Wait, please don't go any farther. It doesn't matter. We love all you guys MAAAN, it doesn't matter if you were soshes, nerds, tramps, jocks, neer do wells, non-strips, geeks, homecoming queens, science fair fanatics, band members, cheer leaders, fonzies, car guys, or kiss ups. The point is, no one is grouped here, (Well, OK, maybe the Rowdys but they'll NEVER change) and we're all the same age. Thanks Carol, and I wish you could have COUGAR but it's taken.
Name: Eddie Braun () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 12:20:58
E-Mail: eddieand.meg@gte.net
Class: 79
City and State: manhattan beach,ca
Message: hey, thanks for the quick response. you are correct, ive never been to this site before, very interesting. ill have to bookmark it and check more often. ive just returned from work out of town, and drove by the school, very depressing, looks like a different place...
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 10:52:04
E-Mail: alistofwishes.com
Maiden: valencia
Class: 66/84
City and State: redondo beach, ca
Message: Patti(y) any acknowledgement from the Valencias is all anybody could hope to receive. Thanks Gloria! And Patti you still look 17. (Don't ever say I ALWAYS pick on you!)
JB (the pretty one), Hector called yesterday. Please forward you're insurance carrier information, nice party and all but bidness is bidness.
Paco it was a pleasure to have met you! Loved listening to your stories. And what is this list stuff we keep hearing about? We were all on the A list weren't we? Don't tell Keith, he thinks he's the only A. And he is.
Keith you should try to make it to Pink's on the 12th! I mean it is what, 45 minutes by plane, there are people dying to meet you. Everywhere I go where there are Cougars gathered the first thing I am asked is "who is Keith Jones?" Or "Do you really know Keith?" or "Do you think Keith can get me an audience with the POPE?" or "Can I get an audience with Keith" or "Is it true he really walked around with that bicycle rack on his head for three years?" I mean Keith you need to start functioning with some of us low end Cougars. You could take over Cougartown with your affable and charismatic personality, then you could be King! Try to make it.
Robin as always great to see you and everyone else!!!
And hey John I hear you have finally got a grip on REALITY!
Hey Jim, "Reality sucks"......thanks man
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 08:51:42
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: South Bay
Message: Howard Duran,
You have some great pictures posted for Feb 1.
"I was so ashamed when Marsha and Judy grabbed Hector the lawn man, shoved the leaf blower down his pants, turned it on full bore,..."
The poor gardener with a leaf blower down his pants - that would have been a good picture. Imagine him at the police station: "Officer, they put a leaf blower down my pants and turned it on." The officer responds: "Is everything still there or do we need to gather evidence?"
Hopefully the guy will eventually have a sense of humor regarding this unauthorized use of his gardening equipment...
I don't know what he was saying, but it sounded like a cross between Ricky Ricardo and Speedy Gonzalez. He was HOT.
Name: Eddie Braun () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 08:25:49
E-Mail: eddieand.meg@gte.net
Class: 79
City and State: manhattan beach,ca
Message: hello all, anybody out there run into keith jones? if so please have him e mail me, haven't heard from that guy for ages. No, he doesnt owe me any money......
Let me take a stab at this one. You're not a regular here, are you Eddie. Keith's email address is cmi50@yahoo.com. Thanks man......
Name: Elizabeth Castanon () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 07:16:04
E-Mail: lizcastanon6@hotmail.com
Maiden: Cary
Class: 1973
City and State: Amarillo TX
Message: Hi Cougs, JB, I just got a chuckle out of the "lawn man " story. I can't believe you guys did that to him. You all are "rowdy". Before I forget, be sure to have two chili dogs for me.(I'll be working that night). All this talk about the Plaza Circle and the Masonic Temple stirred up some old memories. When I was small about 9 or so I used to get a hamburger and coke from the freeze and walk over to the circle park and eat. I remember getting mad at all of the pigeons because I was afraid they would do something on me or my food. Nobody makes juicy hamburgers like the Freeze except Denny Burger on Prairie and Imperial next to the Airturf Market. Is any of that still there? If anyone knows what happened to Donna Carll Johnson (74) Please email me. I've been wondering about her alot lately. She married Mike Johnson (class of 73). Thanks Liz
Hey Liz, No, Dennys and Airturf were swallowed up by the 105 FWY project. Dennys were the greatest burgers. My dad just loved that place.
Name: Robin () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 01:04:32
E-Mail: whocares.com
Maiden: maid for hire
Class: MCMLX
City and State: EUGENE, OR
Message: I was so ashamed when Marsha and Judy grabbed Hector the lawn man, shoved the leaf blower down his pants, turned it on full bore, and started singing "Up Up And Away In My Beautiful Balloon". He won't be back.....Now thats funny JB..!!!
It may have been funny to you but when Hector threatened to go to the condo board, Judy grabbed a hay hook off the back of his pickup, ran it through his cuffs and hooked it on the garage door. Marsha hit the remote and there he hung like a dressed out buck. Marsha grabbed a Garden Weasel? off his truck and while tapping his nose with it, told him if the condo board got wind of this, they'd make him look like a previously owned pinata, and his tootsie pops would be the first thing to hit the concrete. That's about the time the SWAT team showed, and I guess you know the rest. All I can say is don't mess with the Rowdys after a few dozen slammers.
Name: Glenn Crist () on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 00:09:02
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop,sonic.net
Class: 1964
Message: Am wondering if Mr. Kyllonen still has 51% of the vote in this democratic society.
And am I correct in remembering that one of his first period students in Biology managed to sleep completely thru til last period (not an easy thing to do, considering the class bell was just outside the door a mere 10 feet away). I guess the guy was really tired. Along with Mr. Silcox, he made science fun.
I guess my favorite story from chemistry class, was the day Mr. Silcox called Kathie Lawrence "Chatty Kathie (sp)" ('cause she was most often turned toward the back of the class at her lab desk talking to her lab buddy), and she picked up a squirt bottle of de-ionized water and nailed him right between the eyes. I don't remember who was more shocked, Mr. Silcox or Ms. Lawrence.
I seem to remember a live two-headed chicken in Mr. Kyllonen's class, too.
For you that don't know, Mr. Kyllonen just checked into the site tonight. His email address is on the Faculty list.
Name: Ed Chesson () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 22:55:15
E-Mail: CaPTChess@aol.com
Class: '63
City and State: Norco, Ca.
Message: John, it would seem that it just took a few Cougs to comment on Polly Martens to get her out of that hole! :) She's a regular Coug after all!! By the way, for those of us who don't know where Pinks is, how about giving us the address in case we can make it. :)
Hey Ed, Yes Polly is a firecracker all right. I was just wondering if she learned to TP in the Rainbow Girls.
Pinks is one door North of Melrose on La Brea, on the west side of the street. I just cruise La Brea to Pinks, but depending on which way you're coming, there are other routes. Check out a good map and you'll do fine.
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 22:48:12
E-Mail: sklingenha@aol.com
Maiden: I love that name!
Class: 1975
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: OK, I've been mulling over this problem with Polly Beach and her listing of groups thing,
A, B & C, and since I all ready discussed this on page 123 I will refer Polly to that page so I do not repeat myself. Polly go read page 123. I do remember you Polly as I was a "Job's Daughter" and our paths crossed a few times. It was a time in my life, not my life still. I loved high school but I love my life now, pain and all. I actually still have the best friends of my life from prior to high school and we will be friends for life. Elaine, Heather & Diana, we were close then and still are the best of friends. We are all one here, no cliques and I think we all have grown out of that stage of our lives. Yippee! OK, enough said have fun folks and I'm gonna go watch the 70's show now! Party on!
Name: Polly Martens () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 21:48:24
E-Mail: pmartens@mediaone.net
Maiden: Beach
Class: 74
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: John, this is for anyone's FYI, Hawthorne and Lawndale Lodges, merged to now make Unity Lodge #753, F. & A.M. They still meet at the Masonic Center in Hawthorne. At present there are no youth groups at the center, but there has been talk of starting a new Rainbow Assembly.
Now, the full story on the "BlueBeard," escapade. Jeeze I am baring my life here. Rachel Horton (now Honey) 72', Donna Billingsley (now Phillipi) 74', Carol McClintock (now Shih) 76', and Pam Byrd 74'. Were hanging around, Rachel's house and we were bored. We started talking about "R" rated movies, so the more talk the more we were curious. To get out, we all told our parents we were going to a "Disney" movie playing at the old Torrance Drive in. We piled into Rachel's old blue pinto, drove to Boy's Market. We went nuts raiding all the junk food aisles, as well as stocking up with toilet paper (in those days you never knew when an occasion would come up).
As we got out to the car, Pam comes up with the bright idea of dressing up as pregnant women to pass for 18. So we stuffed pillows and toilet paper up our blouses to make our selves look pregnant.
We got to the theater, as we are paying to get in Pam for effect started hollering "oh my gosh I just had a labor pain." The look on the poor guys face at the ticket booth was priceless.
We got to our place at the drive in, the show was stupid so we left. So we stopped off to eat our junk food, I don't remember where. Then decided to pick a house at random, and do a little tp decorating. Well needless to say with a trunk load of tp we really did a job. I can't imagine what the poor souls who lived in that house must have thought when they walked out of the house the next morning.
Now, that was the whole story, I hope everyone is satisfied. Pam, Donna, Rachel, if you are out there, tell your side of this tale. I know we all had different versions of that night.
I have a message for Dawn Koch, yes I remember you. I also remember sharing a room with you and the Allen girls and Bambi (I don't remember her last name) at Grand Assembly, held in Fresno. You guys were nuts!
Remember how we all harrased the waitresses at Bob's Big Boys, after installations, with the penny in a water glass trick? And, the Straw fights? Remember the "goat," for initiations?
Any way I've gabbed on enough, everybody have a good rest of the week.
Thanks Polly, Great stuff. Any more??
Name: Janet Burkett () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 21:31:43
E-Mail: jburkett@compaq.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: Hey Paco, thanks for putting up some great pictures from Superbowl Sunday! What a terrific time, seeing some of you for the first time in 30+ years.... Dennis! And, to find out we literally have lived down the street from each other for over 10!
Since it's pretty hard to get all 20,000+ cougars in one room, (even if it is the Marriott ballroom Keith) I encourage everyone to do your own get togethers with geographically desirable Cougs. It's well worth the effort! We can ALL create our OWN "A" teams!
John, I know you were making some strong cactus drinks, but I swear I don't remember Robin in that picture???
JB(the other one)
Yeah, he was there all right. Came in about the 3rd quarter when you and the other Rowdys were doin' those slammers in the garage. I was so ashamed when Marsha and Judy grabbed Hector the lawn man, shoved the leaf blower down his pants, turned it on full bore, and started singing "Up Up And Away In My Beautiful Balloon". He won't be back.
Name: Terry Leeper () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 20:37:23
E-Mail: HHS63@webtv.net
Class: 63
City and State: Haw.
Tom, Looks to me like you used up 10 bucks worth of space on your last feedback!
John Baker
PO Box 1406
Lomita, CA 90717
I do remember a few trips to the Plaza on the handlebars of your bicycle; Tarzan, cartoons and such. Remember the paint job you put on the old Cushman? I must have been 10 when you had that dazzler! We would clamp on skates and play Roller Derby and I seemed to always be the whipee!! FUN TIMES! Will you be over this way for Pinks? Your "former" friend, Terry
I remember my cousin Dennis was the whippee all the time. I guess because he was the smallest. I'd tether him to a rope and pull him with my bike for about a block, then turn the corner while pulling on the rope and he would slingshot by me at OH about 50 mph. One day a bearing locked up in one of those old clamp on skates and well.........Dennis was a "Human Scab" for about a month. I could never talk him into doing that again.
Name: Susan King () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 20:27:15
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: The post from Danielle Waters, Class of 88 made me smile. If you would like to share my smile with the rest of Cougartown John, go to page 269 of the 1974 El Molino and there you will find Danielle's betrothed - with his twin brother. They're driving some pretty hot rods those two.....
That's a big smile all right. Great too that the long gone "Big Wheel" also gets a plug. Thanks for that Sue, and thanks also, to Danielle and the Atkins twins.
Name: Bob Rierdan () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 20:09:17
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
City and State: Mountain View, Mo.
Message: Good to see the pictures of my old pals - wish I could have been there for SB. I have finally gotten in touch with Ed Longmore '62. His charming daughter Sheri contacted me after seeing my name on Cougartown. Ed and Betty (George) '62 are doing well. They have been married for 37 years now and still going strong. They live in Westminster. Ed has been with Garrett Corp for over 30 years. They raised three kids and have many grandchildren. Not hooked up to the web yet, but I think that will change soon. Another Cougartown success story.
Another big Cougar name from the past. Thanks Bob....
Name: Lori Ahrens () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 19:47:02
E-Mail: purplepridegal@aol.com
Maiden: Holmes
Class: 1981
City and State: Carson City, NV
Message: Thanks Linda Farrow (Elia) for the info. While I'm now remembering more people I've wondered about over the years I'll write them down and see if anyone has news to pass on. Ok, here we go, anybody have information about: Jason Wyman (82), Mike Kissick (81) Arno Portegese (78), Guy Hocker (81), Vic Barendino (78) Jackie Huthinson (82). Talk to you later!
Name: Carol Shih () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 15:07:08
E-Mail: Carol.Shih@Juno.com
Maiden: McClintick
Class: 75
City and State: Silicon Valley
Message: Polly Beach..... Hmmmm. If I recall correctly she was that crazy girl with a great sense of fun who persuaded me, a lowly freshman at the time to sneak into a "R" rated movie at the drive-in (do drive-in's still exist?)
It was a horror & sex thriller titled BLUEBEARD.
Then, of course, after the movie it was time to go toilet papering houses. Donna Billingsley was there too. Who's car, what kind of car and the other two girl's names I don't remember....
See Polly, I knew I liked you......did you have a brother named Sonny Beach? Thanks Carol. Get those tires rotated yet?
Name: Patty () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 14:20:00
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Wow, that's a great picture of Robin at the Super Bowl party. The Oddfellows Hall, now there is a blast from the past. That is one name that just seems made up in a childhood imagination, and yet here it appears in print! I would have never remembered that. Also, the Masonic Temple, the place we held an 8th grade choir concert for Christmas. I remember my knees literally knocking during the few moments before the performance began. And, Jim, don't be offended by my sister's slight tilt of the head hello so that 'no one but you knows I know you'. She still does that to me!
WHATTAYAMEAN Great Picture of ROBIN. . . . I thought it was a great picture of everyone.
Yes the Odd Fellows Lodge, the Rebekahs, and the Past Noble Grand all met in the Odd Fellows Hall. Polly would know, but I think the Hawthorne lodge moved to Inglewood. My grandmother Baker was involved for many years.
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