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Name: Danielle Waters () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 13:59:40
E-Mail: danirie1@aol.com
Maiden: Waters
Class: 1988
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Hi. I'm looking for teachers that were friends of Mr. Atkins that may have possibly joined him in being able to marry people. I'm engaged to Wayne Atkins and we have been trying to find these friends. No one seems to remember who did this with him. Please e-mail me at danirie1@aol.com with any info. thanks.
Name: Linda Farrow () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 13:17:10
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@trw.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
City and State: Redondo Beach, Ca
Message: Message to Lori Ahrens Holms ~ regarding your inquiry on Tommy Tatasciore, I used to play some volleyball with him at the beach, and he is now a chiropractor in Santa Monica. That's all I know.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 12:29:52
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hi John, Since the Pinks run is going to be on Saturday the 12th, is the time the same or will it be a little earlier? I know you said earlier in the feedback that you all meet around 8:30, since there might be the possiblity for a larger group, should we start a few hours earlier?
Terry and Carol got the old gray matter moving and I remember near that circle, on the north side there use to be a Women's Club and at different times they would have teen dances and local bands use to get to play, I believe at one of these dances is where we all got to hear Zeke or now known as Chris Montez. I think this was way back in 1959, I also remember going to this dance with Sandy Snyder Wheeler, Hessie Mcknight and Judy Houk. All of us were just freshman and thought we were HOT stuff because we were at this dance and we knew Zeke, and to top that off we all were wearing Red pegged skirts and thought we were four Roses. What Nuttyness that was, but we were having fun. Those years were good times to grow up in our little Hawthorne. As it has been said before "Thanks for the Memories"
I think we can do the Pinks run at the same time. They don't last as long as a Cruise Night.
The womens club was one circle north of the Broadway circle. It was behind Kenneth Chevrolet and the Odd Fellows Lodge was right there too. Joyce and I had our reception at that womens club. I bet you were there too.
Name: Lori Ahrens () on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 11:36:15
E-Mail: purplepridegal@aol.com
Maiden: Holmes
Class: 1981
City and State: Carson City
Message: I have recently reconnected with Raymond Smith and also can answer a couple questions he had that maybe some others would like to know as well so here it is: Yes Gary Mann is a successful hairdresser in Boston, he owns his business and has two locations (another in NYC) Michelle Gonzalez (now Mrs. Michelle Davis) has remained one of my best friends all these years. She and her husband of 8 years (Roy) are expecting their first child. Congrats Mich! Karina Entenmann (Now Walsh) is married and living in El Segundo, and me...well I'm in Carson City, Nevada feeling a little homesick these days and missing the good 'ol days. Oh, and a big HELLO to Kevin Frye, who I used to have a crush on. When I was Varsity Yell I made sure his house was on my list for the night before the game visits the cheerleaders used to do. Now I have a question: does anybody know what ever happened to Tommy Tatasciore? (Another "crush" of mine) I used to sign his absent notes for him pretending to be his "Mom". What a scam! I look forward to hearing from any of you from C/O 1981 and 1980 to reminisce whatever.
Name: carole ferruccio () on Monday, January 31, 2000 at 23:41:58
E-Mail: caroleferr@aol
Maiden: anderson
Class: 60
City and State: newhall, ca
Message: Hi
I haven't been online for a while and had to do alot of reading to get caught up. I loved Tom Burroughs memories. I guess I am old enough to
identify with his. when reading about Broadway park I immediately saw it in my mind. Also the drug store where as I remember you could get a vanilla
coke. Also isn't that where the street cars started? I am always a little sad when I read about things like the parks and the plaza show etc being bulldozed for a mall. I haven't been in Hawthorne in about 20 some years and I guess I wouldn't see alot I remember. I really had to go back and read to find this "A" list thing. I was not on any list except maybe detention. Back when I was at school if you were a rowdy you were on a lot of lists you didn't like to mention.
Well we've all grown up now, or at least gotten older and now we are all "A" list people. Anyone who went to HHS has got to be on it. Just think of how lucky we were back then.
Thanks Carole and you're correct, as we're ALL on the "A" list now.
Name: John Baker () on Monday, January 31, 2000 at 22:22:22
E-Mail: john14
Class: 62
![]() ![]() Message:To all that came to the Super Bowl Party, Thanks for being there and for sharing a great day as the Mighty LA Rams, yes that's right, LA RAMS, pummeled the lowly Houston Oilers 23-16. I know you might think they're the St Louis Rams, but THEY'RE NOT SEE!!! I've got the Head Bobbin' Doll to prove it!! Actually this doll was purchased in 1951 at the LAST Ram championship. I knew it was a good luck charm. Thanks again to all the Titan fans who showed up on Sunday and thanks to JB (the other one) for providing the place and the food and drinks. We all had a wonderful time. |
Name: Dennis Higgins () on Monday, January 31, 2000 at 22:04:54
E-Mail: dennis@lionstigersbears.com
Class: 68
Message: Here's a message, thanks for asking
OK, and Thank YOU......
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Monday, January 31, 2000 at 16:05:18
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: The"A"list???
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Regarding the "A" list.. like Mo Trott, I use to be on the DD list..but since my surgery, I'm on the C list--and I like it that way. What gal wants to or needs to be an A anyway..(can't figure that one out!) I've heard a rumor that Marsha Russell will be gracing PINK'S on Feb 12th with her Rainbow Girls song for anyone that feels left out..(consider this a warning) See, we weren't always THE ROWDY GIRLS. See you all at PINK'S on the 12th and then at my place for pie. Do you know how hard it is to get Coco's to give you those empty pie boxes to store those home made pies??? If anyone has an orange or green fondue pot, please call Marsha Russell. She's whipping up another batch of her famous Funky Chunky Fondue..for the occasion.
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS.
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Monday, January 31, 2000 at 14:13:24
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
If your pushin 60 take a ride with me. I remember growing up on 130th St between ramona & inglewood ave. Lived close to my adopted brothers & sisters Terry & Linda Leeper & Lois & JR Marotta. Remember Ramona School & the little store close by where 5 cents would fill your pockets with candy for a week. My first grade teacher Mrs Black. Getting hauled to the principals office, Mrs Kellogg, along with Richard Robison for kissing Sonya Johnson & Pat Martin at recess. Please Mrs Kellogg dont tell our parents! Other teachers at Ramona Mrs Westling 5th & Mrs Johnson 6th Grade. Our 1st TV from Lloyd Dennee`s. Hawthorne Intermediate, Ms Roach 7th & Mrs Nieter 8th. The Pan Pacific Gilmore Field, Wrigley Field. Famous wrestler Gorgeous George when he lived on 131st st. Pinkie the cop when he rode a 2 wheeled motorcycle! The roller rink in Lawndale. The races there that were always won by David Hill when he was there. The roller rink in Redondo with the penny arcade down stairs. Cushman motorscooters Pitching for 7up in middle league. The Plaza was a dime. High school & Mr Pizzaro`s spanish class the day someone said they had spotted some girls under garments in the back seat of Mr Pizzaro`s car. He was a bachelor at the time. He was the most enjoyable teacher I ever had. The days when Mr Chauncey would sub. were always great. This guy was funnier than Jonathon Winters!
The day Craig Campbell & I left school early & drove my 51 merc. up to Scrivners in the hole on Manchester to get a good parking spot, because Art Lubow did an afternoon broadcast from there & you could dedicate a song to someone. Craig`s was to Shelia Rung & mine was to Georgeanna Thorne. The afternoon we took Craig`s 52 olds 88 to Hollywood park, parking lot & to our surprise blew away Carl Blomsterberg's dad`s new 56 Buick Century! Cars I remember Norm Frantz & Bob Brands Fords, Gary Kanka`s 49 Olds convert. Harley Lairds 49 Merc. Bagging groceries at Food Giant for Joe Costanza & John Cooper. John Cooper, a class act. The guy was always friendly to everyone. The Toucans car club.
worked at Food Giant. These are all things no amount of money can buy, growing up in the greatest place in the country, Hawthorne CA in the 50`s & 60`s. They say you can never go back, but thanks to Mr John Baker they're dead wrong. Hope I didn`t bore you younger cats to badly! Maybe this will stir up some of you more senior guy`s & gal`s. Thanks for letting me drive the bus! 1958 HHS Great!
NOW THAT'S FEEDBACK FOLKS!!! Thanks Tom for a great walk down memory lane. It's about time someone stirred up the memory banks. And Tom......The ol' Coach is still funny. Thanks man. Anyone else have some memory Lane Feedback??
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Monday, January 31, 2000 at 10:27:18
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: South Bay
Message: Hello Cougs,
I have two new compositions on my music website:
Easy Waves and Holding With Comfort. One of
my favorites is still active on the site:
Looking For The Light
Feel free to listen....
Joe Mailander, glad you liked the Hermosa Beach
webcam (http://www.hermosawave.net/wave/livecam.asp)
Don Di Tomasso '75
Name: MoMo () on Monday, January 31, 2000 at 00:54:31
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: Hawthorne,CA
Message: Well, Super Bowl XXXIV is over and done - gone bye bye, and isn't it a shame the Ram's had to move to St Louis to win a super bowl. Oh well! Hope everyone had as much fun at their super bowl party as I/we did. We had a terrific hostess and host, and saw a couple of new (old) faces... Paco and Dennis Campbell, that was a real nice surprise. OK, we have covered the super bowl.... and now about this "A LIST" thing. Personally, I'm on the "DD LIST"....and was all through high school (it's more fun)! So lets get off the list thing....List, there aint no #@*!+ list. We're all one big happy family and everyone is a member! YOU became a member when you signed on to cougartown.com. Soooooo, fat, thin, hair, no hair, lebanese, married or single, who cares, just keep in touch with YOUR FAMILY and try to come out and see them every once in awhile!
Be a coug...cya, MYTMO
There you have it folks. Spoken like a true DD lister. Thanks Mo
Name: JIM and ROBIN HOOD SLOEY () on Monday, January 31, 2000 at 00:08:20
Maiden: sloeyhoodrobinjim@SUPERBOWLXXXIV.COM
Class: mcmlxmcmlxvi
City and State: atlanta, did they really name the state after this wonderful woman?
Message: John
What a game! I found Robin and we got to sit in Georgia's box. She kept asking if we knew Keith and where he was. So Robin picks up the phone pretends he's talking to Keith and says Keith is on the sidelines and Vermeil wants her down for the entire game!!! We never saw her or the group of weirdos she calls her entourage the rest of the game!!! But we ate very well. Right Robin!! None of that green stuff they were boiling in Redondo Beach, but he misses you Marsha. John we are on the 2:35 A.M. flight be at the curb!!!! oops we land in LA at 4:35 AM Thanks John you are the King!!! What a game. From our vantage point it looked like Vermeil kept yelling at "YOUR GIRL" John! And if you think she is ugly and crude from your TV set you should see her up close! Brilliant Robin absolutely brilliant. And oh by the way we did run into Keith and he and Madden were getting ready to head for vegas on the bus. Madden and his group dropped us at the hotel so we could get our stuff. What a game!
Sloey and Robin
And hey since Gloria said hi does that mean we are on the "A" list?
Gotta go the flight is leaving!
OK, I'll be there, and please have all the Super Bowl paraphenalia put away. It's so embarrassing when you two are waving those pennants at the curb.
Name: Ted Gioia () on Monday, January 31, 2000 at 00:01:19
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
City and State: Napa, CA
Message: Joseph . . . party at Ted's house? Well, I was planning a BBQ, but when I heard your quote from M.F.K. Fisher about hamburgers, I was forced to reconsider. As a last resort, I thought I might host a "theme" cocktail party -- only featuring drinks mixed using Mitz as a key ingredient. I even tracked down WWW.MITZ.COM. As the page slowly downloaded, I could already imagine the savory flavor of Mitz on the rocks, as I swirled it around my palate, enjoying its slightly chanterlle aftertaste, with delicate overtones of hickory. (Yes, Cougs, living in Napa allows one to talk like that.) Alas, WWW.MITZ.COM is a web site for a fashion consultant, with text in English and Japanese. No beverage in sight anywhere on the page -- not even a Icee or a Fresca. The search for Mitz goes on. Until I find it, the party must remain on hold.
Name: Kevin Frye () on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 23:28:50
Class: 81
City and State: corona, ca.
Name: Dawn () on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 22:27:40
E-Mail: Dawn7@aol.com
Maiden: Koch
Class: 78
City and State: Simi Valley, CA
Message: Just wanted to drop in and say a big HI to Polly! I remember you as being one of the funniest people I knew. Your sense of humor was the best. You now know where to find me if you ever get a Rainbow reunion going. Lots of good memories of going to convention etc. Does anyone know where to find Rhea or Pam Allen (maiden name) We had spent so many nights driving down to Manhattan Beach in her Bug! I'll never forget digging in the bottom of our purses for change so we could buy gas, even $1.00 did something back then. Boy, have times changed! And John, you mentioned a Tommy's run to Thousand Oaks? I didn't know there was a Tommy's there (we're supposed to be getting one in West Simi) but we'll find it and come if the Cougs do!
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 22:12:10
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Message: Well, well, well where can I start. First I have been looking at this "A" list thing. I was always on the "D" or sometimes the "C-" list but never made it to the "A" list. I pretty much blended in with the crowd like I do now. I guess you can call me "just a regular kind of guy." I kept to myself (like now) and never made waves or did anything that made me stick out. I guess I'm kind of lucky. I should have gotten into crime like bank robbery or something cause it would be real hard to pick me out of a crowd. And if they did I know I would be set free because I would hire Jim Sloey as my attorney (if he'd lower his fee below $450 hour) cause after his participation in the O.J case and his relentless defending of Mike Tyson to keep him out of jail, I know I would be in good hands. Heck if he can keep those guys out of jail it's a cinch he'll keep me out. Oh, and Jim the limo was waiting for you outside your hotel room and the limo driver said he only saw a silouette that looked like a hunched over lawyer trying to pick up a penny someone had dropped. I told him that couldn't have been you cause you wouldn't pick up anything less than a quarter. Hope you had a great time and did you put that $1000 I gave you on the Rams?
I like it Keith. Very funny.
Name: Kelley () on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 19:56:40
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay, OR
Message: HI, WOW A List . I was on it ya know, A.Blonde A. student A.person A."Chucks Sister", A.A.for sure. I was just thinking about my Dad and I walking the railroad tracks, and ending up at the broadway circle. Nice little parks they got rid of for the monkey mall. anyway we always had sodas at a neat little drug store on the corner. It was so neat, little stools at the counter. I just can't remember where we started to walk the tracks or the name of the soda shop. Anyone (like my brother) know? We lived on 133rd on the west side, I figure we must have walked past El Segundo to get to the tracks. Oh and I've been thinking, Lisa Graham would make a great Rowdy, she once told me that when she was married, many moons ago, she was so tired of doing dishes that she just threw them all in the trash!! Hi Mari Rutter,Georgia Cook. Yes Betty I did marry Bob "Bebop" Hegg." People are strange when you're a stranger" as the Doors put it years ago. Looking at the Pic from Howard, Robin didn't miss many meals during his visit to SoCal. I can say that with LOVE we are related.
John, do we send another 10.00 to help out CT .I sure hope most of the cougs who use this site for fun, memories or PSA send in their money. It's worth the little star by your name!!! Hope you can have a Pinks night end of April, I'll be in Hawthorne, or maybe another Car Show at HHS. one more thing , are there any Big Daddy Roth fans out there?
ED "Big Daddy" ROTH!!! Lives in Utah, I think. Painted "Early Times" on the sides of Mike Shays boat. A strange bird Ed is. That's why I likem. The tracks were about 3 doors south of Broadway and the drug store with the soda fountain was Mastins Owl Rexall on the corner of Hawthorne and Broadway. Grant Mastin was the owner and long time resident of Hawthorne.
Name: Mike () on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 16:28:05
E-Mail: mn_hinsch@msn.com
Class: 77
City and State: North Plains, OR
Message: Hey all you alumni "Grass Kickers" (David Castro. Lincoln Stone....etc.) What are all the old Soccer players doing these days! Especially the 1977 Pioneer Champion team members like Ole Mikkelsen, Steve Lewis, Coach Winslow and Coach Knight. That was a great team (record 9-1-0). In the early 80's I last saw Ole playing in the now defunct NASL after a successful stint at UCLA. Has anybody heard from him or knows where he is? Let me know what you guys are up to and what the rest of the squad is doing these days. Looking forward to hearing from you again.
Name: Robin () on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 14:30:09
E-Mail: IcantfindSloeyanywhere!.com
Maiden: JIMBO!callmeonmycellphone
Class: MCMLX
City and State: Atlanta today
Message: John, I went down to get a paper, ran into Georgia Frontiere, she asked if we would like to watch the game from her skybox suite, and now I can't find Jim or Keith!...I think Keith is signing autographs for the all Madden team but no sign of Jim..Wish I could find them ..We are playing this new board game Georgia brought..Its called "How to drowned your husband in 6 inches of water"...Its a gas. Maybe I can try the PA system.. great food up here ( No Funky Chunky Fondue but the rest Sloey would love) You guys have a good TV party...Game time in a couple hrs..if Jim checks in give him my cell phone # ..545-GO-COUGS...Later, A-list Robin..:o)
Hey Robin, Whatever you do, DON'T play Georgia at that game. She's a PRO. Jim called in and said he was down bailing Keith out of jail. I'm not sure but it had to do with Madden's bus and Keith borrowing it to go to Ted Turners house for a Super Bowl party. Since Jane bailed out on him, he's become a REAL party animal. Call us at halftime and go Rams.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 12:55:02
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: "A-Team"? Did I miss Mr. "T"s post or sumpthin? And which one of us is Murdock? Heck, most of us didn't fit into any one's list, way back when. I'm sure even the most popular had insecurities about something or another. We've all been rejected by that one special person we had the hots for, shunned by the group we wanted to join, or sat on the end of the bleachers at the sock-hops. The one and only thing that matters here is that we are all Cougars, or have a link to a Cougar. Leave the insecurities at the door, and jump in head-first with both feet. Oh, and I predict it will be the Lambs by 9. What is a Titan, anyway?
Well said Cougar brother Alan. Everyone in the POOL!!!
I refuse to make a prediction because I've jinxed these guys too many times. I had the Rams and 11 in SB XIV and lost by 1 point. I will keep still until the final whistle. Thanks for the shout Alan.
Name: Polly Martens () on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 12:49:16
E-Mail: pmartens@mediaone.net
Maiden: Beach
Class: 74'
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: Just a quick note, thought everyone would like to know. I got a really nice email from Wayne (Orth) Dickey (he graduated in the sixties sometime). His family were the first friends we had in Hawthorne. When we moved here around 62',from Indiana, we didn't know a soul. But, we met the Orths and they were great. That was one of the reasons Dad always liked Hawthorne, you could always find a friend for life. Anyway he is doing well, on the east coast with his car restoration business. He said his brother Tommy, still lives and teaches in Torrance.
As for the Pinks run, what time? As I do work on Saturdays from time to time. Just for the hell of it I might just show up. Also my next door neighbor is a cougar. Ray Stein class of 70', maybe I can talk him into showing up to.
FYI, for anyone who was involved in Lawndale or Hawthorne Rainbow for Girls. We are trying to get together a reunion this summer this time, but we need input, and where to find you. I had a partial list at one time, but when you move, things get misplaced. So I need HELP!
Also, as I mentioned before I occasionally write stories for publication. I am thinking of doing a story about HHS, but I am really stuck for a direction. I want to do something like a montage (spelling? ) of storys. This is something really new for me as I usually do political stuff. So any suggestions, send them my way. Also, for those who know, I have a spell checker on my lap top, I admit I can't spell worth a crap.
Polly, you do fine. We get to Pinks about 8:30pm and yes please come and bring Ray too.
Name: Mike Hinsch () on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 12:23:53
E-Mail: mn_hinsch@msn.com
Class: 77
City and State: North Plains, OR
Message: Hey Ray,
Let me know what I can do to help you get this Northwest Cougar Reunion together. Sounds like lots of fun! My family and I lived on the other side of the street from the Booterbaughs in Hawthorne. My sister Susanne (Hinsch) Mills was good friends with Becky and mentioned that she lives in the Bay Area now and that she E-Mail's her from time to time. I'll make sure Sue lets Becky know about Cougartown.
I'm serious about the reunion! Seaside would be a great spot. I hope the rest of you Northwest Cougars join in and lend a hand in this "BLAST FROM THE PAST!!!".
Name: Steve Deuel () on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 11:00:58
E-Mail: sdeuel@aol.com
Class: 1972
City and State: Torrance, Ca
Message: Hey John, you gotta love this!
I work for Torrance Fire and the other day a comment was made by some of the "class of 70's" guys that a lot of our younger firefighters are starting to wear longer and longer sideburns. Using a "STAN" (aka Shoot That Ain't Nuthin'), I brought in my "El Molino" from 72. After several hours, one of our senior members turned to me and said, "You got a lot of guts bringing that thing into a fire station. I'd never let anyone find out how I looked in High School!!" After I picked myself off the floor from laughing, I have to admit, there still is a whole lot pride inside about who we were and who we are today. And that goes for each and everyone of us!
All of us Deuel's are doing great and if anyone wants to get any messages through, I'd be happy to pass them along. Good health to all and I'll check back later.
You're right about the pride thing. I feel it too. Thanks man and be a Coug.......
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