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"Hawthorne's own" "Chris Montez"
Name: Gloria Herlosky () on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 10:39:57
E-Mail: thatcheerhauntsme!
Maiden: Major "s" list
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas, Nv
Message: Thank you, Sloey for the press in Atlanta. Personally, I think the "Beat em, Bust em" cheer would be better out there. And don't you worry your pretty head off, I will always say hi to you. (You know, quietly with a tilt of my head so that nobody but you knows I know you.) : )
Pushem up
Pushem Up
WAY up!!
Name: Kathy Frankforter () on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 09:14:38
E-Mail: frankforter@earthlink.net
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: John, thank you for making me a "Honorary Cougar." I'm going to add a link from my website to "Cougar Town"
By the way, my husband Tom (Class of 79) went on to become a captain of a tug boat. He brings those big tankers in off El Segundo (Chevron Oil). Tom is also a crew chief. For a time, he ran the "BlackJack" Sportfishing boat out of Redondo Beach.
Kudos to you John for creating such a great website for the "Cougar Alumni" This has given me an idea for West High. Perhaps I should create a website for the "Warriors" :} As the Beach Boys song goes......"Wouldn't it be nice"? Yeah, I think so!!
Thanks again Kathy and good luck with a West High website. The best advice I can give you is to start simple.
Name: Elizabeth Castanon () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 22:50:17
E-Mail: lizcastanon6@hotmail.com
Maiden: Cary
Class: 1973
City and State: Amarillo TX
Message: Hi JB and all. Well I guess its time for you to eat another chili dog for me OK JB? Thank for the update on Bens. I know the chumgum and cinnamon suckers wouldn't be only a penny though. Mari Davis (Rutter). I sure would like a chance to meet you. I am always making trips to Plainview. Maybe we can meet in the middle sometime for a mini reunion. I would like to find any other cougars who live in the Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma area together for a little reunion "southwestern style". Well, you know I usually don't write in unless someones recollections have made me cry or I need to make a comment about something dear to me. I have been reading some of the latest discussion so now I must respond.....I was never an "A" teamer. I was the girl that "almost made it as song queen" or "almost got the lead in one of Fix's productions" or "almost was chosen to sing the part of Anita in the choir production of West Side Story". But I believe that I was meant to be right where I was and social stature or not, I contributed to HHS and my memories of that great school and the upbringing I had in Hawthorne Ca cannot be buried under any teenage social strata. As I have said before and heard others say, we all have the privilege of going to one of the most unique schools and living in a very special place. (Even if only to us) But think of all of the great talent that has come from our little city and the effect that these Hawthornians have had on our world. And I am sure that there is even more wonderful people to come from our hometown . All of our memories of this time and place are priceless and a treasure to share with others. The cougars of yesterday, today ,and tomorrow all have one thing in common,,,we all had the privilege of growing up in the most unique little city in our world, Hawthorne Ca, and of that I will always be proud. So we all need to share in our memories because sometimes that is all we have that keeps us going. And the new cougars of cougartown need to hold on to everything that they a
Hi Liz,
I don't know why you were cut short, but I LOVE your thinking. That's what it's all about folks. We all were lucky enough to have grown up in Hawthorne CA, on the HHS side of the tracks, if you know what I mean. Thanks Liz for the great feedback.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 22:27:29
E-Mail: ohwhereohwhereisrobin.com
Maiden: thenalongcamejones
Class: mcmlxvi
City and State: atlanta, ga
Message: hey john just arrived here in atlanta and man is it cold. 38 this afternoon suppose to be an ice storm. Lucky that Robin and I have the limousine that Keith set up!!! Oops! Robin went downstairs to get a paper I hope he told Marsha we were really coming here. Royal I have my head down and my hand in the air, personal foul! I shall email you next week. What is the A list anyway? I always thought we were all on the B list just hoping that one of the Valencia Girls would say hi to us. And hey Gloria the big cheer we have been teaching everyone in Atlanta is of course First in Ten, Do it again. It is really cute with the accents down here. You all have a great Super Bowl, hope we can get out of this cold weather, fortunately the game is inside tomorrow, and see you at Pink's on the 12th. We're trying to get Keith to arrange for limos that night for everyone. We still haven't seen him since we got here 6 hours ago. I think he is at the Commissioner's super bowl party but Robin and I are just glad to be at the game, y'all.
See ya
Hey thanks Jim for the update. Maybe you can keep us updated tomorrow via your laptop. Course we COULD just watch it on TV. Be a Coug boy.
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 22:20:51
E-Mail: sockser@hotmail.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
Naw, Polly is our kind of person, Pauline. I've talked to her a few times in the last couple of years. She's a little crazy just like the rest of us. Just the way we lik'em.
Name: Laura Porter () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 21:37:09
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Tw
Class: 79
City and State: Hemet, CA
Message: Raymond Smith...I can address a few of the people you were asking about....
Teresa Zak is a successful attorney in Los Angeles
Connie Gaston is a Database Administrator in Lomita, Gary Mann is a fabulously successful hairdresser in Boston (he ran the marathon in a respectable time a few years ago) and I'm not sure where Marjorie Berkel is lately, although her sister Laura made her an aunt recently. I'll have to ask my brother Thom, who by the way lives in Whittier and has 3 kids. He works for FEMA and the toll lane company. Maybe they'll all check in soon.
Name: Georgia Fiorante () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 20:14:55
E-Mail: GFiorante@aol.com
Maiden: Cook
Class: '68
City and State: Buena Park, CA
Message: To Wayne Dickey-Here it is barbeque night again in Sunny Southern California, listening to John Berry. How's the snow and the Abba Zabbas?!
Name: Kathy Frankforter () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 19:55:58
E-Mail: frankforter@earthlink.net
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Although I'm not a "Cougar", my husband Tom Frankforter is. Tom is from Class of 79. This message is to Raymond Smith Class of 1981. You mentioned Teresa Zak. Teresa is Tom's cousin and she resides in Los Angeles Area. I have not seen her in quite a few years but I do believe she became an attorney.
By the way, I'm a "Warrior"...Class of 1971 West High School Torrance. This is a great website! Visit my website at www.kathysworld.com. If any of you remember Tom his picture is on my website. Tom told me he was pretty rowdy in school. I believe it! :} He's still rowdy!
Thanks Kathy. Too bad about that West High thing. OK, You're an honorary Cougar.....there, are you happy now.
Name: howard A Duran () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 19:51:41
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Maiden: Bibby
Class: 61
City and State: Lake Forest Ca
Message: I would like ALL fellow "F" listers, to help me root for the mighty TITANS on sunday...Go Fullerton!!
Funny Paco, REAL funny.
Name: Terry Leeper () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 18:57:49
E-Mail: HHS63@webtv.net
Class: 63
City and State: Hawthorne
Hey Twinkle Toes, The Masonic Temple jogged a memory or two. About the time you took dance lessons my mother started a dance and gymnastics school at the Temple. I remember my dad installing hand rails in a second floor room for the classes. I have a dance recital program from about that time (no date) and I don't see your name. But there are a couple of names you will recognize. I will make a copy and send it to you. I can't do the scanner thing. I want to thank Polly for Jogging that Memory. Terry
Terry, I probably wouldn't be in there. I lasted about a week.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 17:24:41
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hi John, I have to put my 2 cents worth in regarding what Polly said, but Ed you beat me to the punch, everything you said was true. We might be 17 or 60+, some might of been those Jocks, Cheerleaders or that Homecoming Queen, and as you said Polly, the "A" List, but in Cougartown, everyone is the same, there is no age here. We write in to find old friends and make new ones, we all share our memories with each other, we make these little side runs or get togethers to have fun. Larry and I were your average kids in school and we have shared some moments with Cougartown and it has brought alot of memories in the town, you say something and then someone else remembers something else and it just goes on and on, sometimes it is boring and other times we all get a bang out of it. Now alot of us could not go to Pinks because it was on a work night, but they are planning one for a Saturday night and for sure you can count on Larry and I to be there. We have been there before but never with the group, and the whole idea of taking a run to Pinks is to have all of us get together and see some old friends and meet those new ones. It is just a fun thing to do. I do hope you will try and join in, you will see we are just simple Cougartown folk. John and Jan have a super SuperBowl day, sorry you can't join our group, but have fun at yours.
We will see you on Pinks night. Bye for now
Loretta, you make me so proud to be your friend. I love you very much and am honored to have been in your class. That's what it's all about folks. Friends finding friends and making new friends. All are invited to these functions. From the 54ers to the 99ers. There's no "A List" here, and everyone IS the same age. It's the Cougar spirit that binds us all together. Well that and a few chili cheese dogs at Pinks . Thanks Loretta and Larry for being a part of all this fun.
Name: Polly Martens () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 16:21:22
E-Mail: pmartens@mediaone.net
Maiden: Beach
Class: 74
City and State: Hawthorne,CA
Message: O.K. O.K. I guess I stirred up a hornets nest, some people take this stuff to seriously. Alot of what I said was tongue in cheek. Oh, and Pattie, since you obviously went to school the same time as I did, you would have known my reputation for being very tongue in cheek (or the common name for it is a "Smart Ass").
So now I will let everyone in on the Pink Locker episode. Donna and mine's locker was above this guy Steve Thomas 75' locker. One day Donna accidentally spilt some pink nail polish and it dripped down the outside of the locker onto Steve's.
He left a note bitching about the pink stuff. So Donna and I being of the mischievous mind brought in some pink paint, and decorated. By the way we were never caught by the faculty.
Steve, and I became very good friends afterwards, he even said now he could find his locker really easy. We all used to hang out, and go to stuff as friends.
Now I hope that satisfies everyones curiosity, for now.
All I can say people, jeeeze lighten up. My favorite saying is "Life is a Bitch, now get over it." I think that came from Mrs. Mark, but I won't swear to it.
I have written other stuff before and been published (in national newspapers), but I have never stirred up so much anxiety in people before. In college they teach you to gear your writing to your audience. I guess this audience is very touchy.
Thanks Polly for clearing that one up. I love that story. You are now an Official "A" Lister, and no, I don't think our Cougars are touchy.
What I heard was, "join in and become one of us". You sound like Rowdy material to me. Thanks again . . .
Name: Luisa Cervantes () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 16:19:52
E-Mail: luisacervantes@yahoo.com
Message: Hello every one
Hello Luisa and welcome.
Name: Dale Tobiason () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 15:50:25
E-Mail: Redragon@dreamsoft.com
Class: 1970
City and State: Yucaipa, California
Message: Finally got caught up reading past pages. Many names mentioned, that I had not heard -- for awhile.
Names like Wayne Dickey (the only low rider with a surf board sticking out of the window), Bill Sloey (the BEST linebacker to have played at Nebraska), Jo Ann Sexton (editor of the 1970 EL MOLINO), Pam Cleeton (it was her car that ended up in SENIOR SQUARE, the nite some people decorated it & Nyman Hall were "DECORATED"), just to name a few.
I think that Del Aire is not mentioned much because of the freeways (the 405 & 105)destroy our little community & scattering so many.
Many people came & went, I believe, because their parents were service related (Air Force Base at El Segundo & Aviation).
John, this site still continues to be a blessing to all of us that the years of memories, could have faded into the blurs from the past. The greatest of THANKS, KING JOHN.
Ahhh Dale you humble me. I love this too much to ever give it up. Thanks for being out there to enjoy it.
Name: Marsha Russell () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 15:28:42
E-Mail: RussellMG1@AOL.COM@internet
Maiden: hurryupandgetyourselfdownhere
Class: 64
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: Polly, lighten up. Your memories and antics will never make it to feedback unless you write them in. John prints everything that is sent to him and thats the only way they are going to make it in feedback. As for the Rainbow Girls......I was one and still remember every word to the Rainbow Girl song and let me tell you, that was a long time ago. Ed Chesson...you said it all! I have had more fun getting together with old friends and meeting new Cougs. I participate in everything I can, it's there for us if we want it. I agree with Ed, if there is something that doesn't interest you, just move on to something else....OK, enough said but I just had to put in my two cents...Cougartown has been great....changed my life in a big way :o)
As for the Funky Chunky Fondue, it is just about ready and JB said that he will save some for Sloey.
Exactly.....thanks Marsha for clearing that one up. No, I said give it ALL to Sloey.
Name: Maureen Desmore () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 14:19:50
E-Mail: gdesmore@aol.com
Maiden: Manning
Class: 64
City and State: Woodland Hills, CA
Message: Dear Howard,
I am really enjoying your pictures. Please keep them coming!!
Thanks, Maureen
Name: Glenn Crist () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 13:37:51
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
City and State: Valley of the Lunatics, CA
Message: Hello to everyone planning to invade Sonoma in the beautiful Valley of the Moon in April. Good wine, good food, and most importantly, good friends. Janet, John and I are hoping to make this a fun time for all.
John has put up a page that has information for lodging whether you plan to stay in a hotel, B&B, or campground. Lodging can be tight once the weather turns nice and I would encourage everyone to get your reservations in as early as possible if you are planning to make the trip. If you need any assistance please feel free to e-mail me.
Looking forward to seeing everyone up here,
Thanks Glenn, and yes, anyone planning on going to Wine Country in April please make your reservations NOW. This is going to be a fun weekend for all, so please don't delay.
Name: Sherrie () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 13:03:29
E-Mail: rsmoyers@earthlink.net
Maiden: Driggers
Class: 76
City and State: Gilbert Az
Message: Gloria, it warms my heart that you think of me so fondly. I've wondered how you are. I hope the last 20 or so years have been nice to you. How the heck are you?
Name: Ed Chesson () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 12:28:25
E-Mail: CaPTChess@aol.com
Class: '63
City and State: Norco, Ca.
Message: To Polly Martens Beach, class of '74: I think you will find that here at Cougartown nobody is on an "A" list or otherwise. We're just all former Hawthorne Cougars finding old friends, finding new ones, bringing up memories and justing having a good time. Your "memories and antics" are just as important and enjoyable as anyone elses (such as painting a certain guys locker pink - heck, tell everyone who it was, it will generate more memories) and if they have not shown up at Cougartown, it's just that you haven't posted them; not that they are being ignored. I never used to hang out at Pinks either, but the first opportunity I have, I will make a Pinks Run just to enjoy the company of other Cougs. We can't all remember everything, but the combination of decades of Cougars putting them all together is of benefit to all of us. If you're not interested in some of the humor (rotating tires, etc.) then skip that part and move on. What is important here is that this great website will benefit you more if you use it as John Baker intended it to be used; a way for all of us former HHS students to relive our youth, find new and old friends, reminisce about happy times in our lives and enjoy good company.
MAN, I couldn't have said it better Ed. There is NO "A" list. Anyone can leave feedback and all the memories count to someone. . . . . even car stories. I'm the only one who has to read EVERY feedback and I thoroughly enjoy them all, so please, if you don't like what someone is saying, skip that one and go on to the next one. If you can't find anything you like to read, please add some memories yourself. We all Cougs and we all enjoyed where we came from, otherwise no one would be hanging around this Feedback Page. Thanks Ed . . . . .
Name: Patricia Valencia () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 11:39:20
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Hey I do too answer email. And as for Polly
are you being tongue in cheek or what? Are we 17 or 43... come on girl. "A" list, is this an Oscar event? I'm thinking you were being tongue in cheek. Afterall, I'm writing into CT and forcing people to hear about my memories. Oh wait. that just may be because I'm a younger sibling and never paid much attn to lists.
Cunning joseph? hmmm. Robin is back in Oregon? Marsha is in Redondo? Janet is in Mission Viejo and John is in Lomita? What is wrong with this picture? and who's trying to kill off the Cougars in Cougartown by making Pinks runs frequently?
Patty, Now don't go making light of my favorite hot dog stand. Pinks would be a health food store in Arkansas......just ask Jany Wanny. No kidding, you don't have to make all the runs, but they're easy and FUN. Still want to do a Tommys run to Thousand Oaks too.
Name: Raymond Smith () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 05:55:19
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland,OR
Message: I was just thinking, what ever happen to the greats of HHS? The people I'm referring to is Teresa Zak, Connie Gaston, Becki Booterbaugh, Gary Mann, Ted Clayton, Bobby Moon, Linda Hously, Maria Najarro, Michelle Gonzalez Majorie Berkel, etc etc. Surely these people have contacts and surely they must be aware of this website. If not it's up to us few to "INFORM THEM!" As they say, Pass it on! Already I've contacted 6 people I haven't heard from and a few that are friends of my friend who happens to almost live down the street from me. What a SMALL world which has gotten a little bigger. Spread the word! Cougartown has arrived! And to the Class of 1980, give my ol' wrestling mate a hand in organizing the 2000 reunion. I'm sure he would appreciate it. Good luck Derek. Say hi to your sister Belinda (my frisbee partner in 1981 on campus). I would sure love to go so I can bump into (hopefully) some of my ol' friends such as Gina Black, Eddie Bell, Jeff Tully (Bennie Hill lover), Debbie Tuzzio and the list goes on. What's become of the Hawthorne Mall? I left my footprints (from spilled paint) on the parking garage by JCPenneys on the stairway so my kid can see it when I take her to visit. Is that gone? Surely there's not another mall nearby. The South Bay Galleria was the closest one to it. I remember my first dance there after the Homecoming Game and we have the Mall all to ourselves with 3 different bands playing. Man I would love to have a video of that. To Betty "Ogen" Vaugh, I support you 100% on getting a family. I love ya soooo much and you have a GREAT MAN beside ya. I can't wait to see you in Portland this summer. We'll have to go to the Apes Caves so bring out your grubbies. But, I must break you in on babysitting my lil girl (1 minute will be long enough). Keep up the great work John. Keep me posted on the Great Northwest Allclass Reunion.
Hey Ray, Sounds like you're the one to carry the ball on this one. Make it a weekend event and plan a few details, and let's do it. You know I love getting these old Cougs back together. Seriously, if you want a Northwest Cougar Reunion, then start planning it. I know there're lots of Cougs in that area, from the early classes to the later ones. Anyone in the Northwest want to help Ray in his quest? Thanks Ray.......
OH, The Mall is closed down and boarded up. The city wants to build a school there.
Name: Raymond Smith () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 05:25:11
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@juno.com
Class: 81
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: O.K. To all you cougars who lives in the Northwest, we must get a reunion set here in Oregon. Now I see alot of names in the Duck/Beaver State so we got some good going here. Now I nominate the coast of Seaside because it has some resimulant of Hermosa Beach and there's lots of good places to go to. How about a Volleyball tournament Class of 59 to 71 vs. 72 to 99? And some outdoors B.B.Q. Something will work out. I miss the Cougar Spirit and maybe my Indian brother up in the sky are trying to tell me something? Love to hear some feedback, comments. I hear that something is in the works but we must push the ball because it's year 2000. Let the fun began.
Name: Robin () on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 00:51:06
E-Mail: Trojansburstunderpressure.com
Maiden: Rams by 6
Class: MCMLX
City and State: Tracktown USA
Message: Royal:...I wont rub it in but it was a pleasure to beat the Trojans if only by a half a bucket..Football was the same this year with a triple overtime Duck victory but I wont rub that in either. Im happy we dont have baseball because I respect Mike Gillespie too much. And yes it was great talking to you and your lovely wife Pat at Cruise Night2 the sequel....
Bob Veach: Send all the 21 yr old LB Poly seniors you have...We'll take them as long as they can punt pass or kick...SC or UCLA could have used a few last season...Would be nice to see an LA Pac 10 school in a bowl game again but no need to rub that in either..:o)
Well JB and JB(the other one).. have a great Superbowl Sunday Gig, go easy on the Funky Chunky Fondue and save some for Jimbo...Later Cougs..:o)
We're gonna miss you on Sunday man. Be a Ram fan, although I'm not too sure they can stay with those other guys. Jeff Fisher being a TROJAN and all. Later. . . .
Name: Carolyn Bainton () on Friday, January 28, 2000 at 23:13:43
E-Mail: cjb67@webtv.com
Maiden: Petersen
Class: 67
City and State: Torrance CA
Hey Irishrutter...this is CJ out in SOCal..You mentioned Mr. Molitor...what a flashback gas!! We could get any type of excuse out of class to go visit our "counselor". What a great guy he was. Does any one remember Mr. Harrison? Now there was a funny guy. I took Bookkeeping I believe in my soph year then tried to take Bookkeeing II my JR yr but the class was cancelled for some reason. Anyway, it turned out fine as I never wanted to be a bookkeeper anyway. But I did learn one thing...I know how to write checks, just ask by husband! Actually I don't even write checks...they have a new thing now days, it's called an ATM Debit Card...isn't plastic great?
Hey, any Vegas and or Laughlin lovers out there? Did you hear about the lucky waitress who won the $35 Million Megabaucks?? God Bless her!! I had big plans to win that next month. Guess I'll have to wait a few months, years...
Well later all you Cougs and Cougettes...GO RAMS!!!
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