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Tuesday, December 8, 1998 at 10:08:14
Name: Alan Nelson
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: Oh oh, John - Me thinks you may have ticked off Chris and other beach kids - Costa-ites were the Mustangs, not Monarchs. And if any of them or the Falcons from Aviation check in-get a hold of me, those are my wife, Kathy's, stompin' grounds and she'd like to find old chums, too. Alan
Note: Alan, Yes I got my "M" schools mixed up. Sorry all you Morningside people out there. I will change that. Thanks Alan
Tuesday, December 8, 1998 at 00:01:37
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Gosh - Dec. 7th - Each year on this date I recall how Coach Noel Smith would send his morning T.A. (teacher's asst) with a note across campus to deliver to Coach Neil Minami with some crack about the Japanese and bombing Pearl Harbor - it was a big joke between them I don't know WHY I remember that.....I will look diligently for the Dowell kids and report in - Sooooo, Mike Lewis' little sister....why is HE not reporting in?? Mike and Marla Allen Clemens - where are you? I know you know! And Bud Rhoades - you and Robb Russell still raising cain together..... I recall how your poor moms must have been driven nuts by us girls driving by your homes at night and honking to let you know we'd come by....what DID they think of that? And tho the Valencia girls do boast a long line of HHS'ers I must say that I think the Stone kids hold the record! Larry Stone (King) was the oldest of 9 kids to go thru HHS - Larry graduated in 72 and Dennis ended the barrage in 90 I believe....there was Larry, Greg, John, Chris, Lincoln, Lisa, Jimmy, Jennifer and Dennis. Can anyone top that? And I must admit that the "little sisters" were sure a lot of fun - they were quite a kick and kept us all entertained - Patty Valencia and I had Gloria and Sharon, Susie Watts' little sis Betsy, Sally Upegui's little sis Betty, Marilyn Murray's little sis Terri, Dale Hahlbeck's little sis Valerie, gee - who have I forgotten. They were a wild little bunch!! I'm happy to say they all turned out quite nicely - us big sisters did our jobs well!! So WHERE is Mike McClain?
Monday, December 7, 1998 at 21:48:26
Name: chris helbling
E-Mail: g2helbling@aol.com
Message: What a great site you have! By the way, your Soul Brother is at www.dorseyhigh.org/table.htm
You're not old unless you can remember...
going to the Liquor Store with a "note," to buy a pack of cigarettes for your mother.
Monday, December 7, 1998 at 21:09:34
Name: chris helbling
E-Mail: g2helbling@aol.com
Class: Mira Costa 1973
Message: Hey dude, Be true to your school.
chris mira costa '73
(man, YOU must be old)
Note: Chris, Yeah I guess age is relative. I'm as old to you, as you are to someone from the Class of 84. Thanks for checking in. You're the first Mustang to make an appearance on the Feedback Page.
Monday, December 7, 1998 at 18:14:39
Name: Sondra (Sandy) Wyatt
E-Mail: swyatt@peacehealth.org
Maiden: Wasti
Class: 1959
Message: Does anybody remember the little "mom & pop" store on El Segundo Blvd. across the street from Washington Elementary School, I believe it was called "Reems", also does anybody remember the Boarding house behind the store that was run by a woman named "Gertie"? Memorie's are just wonderful, aren't they? Sandy Wyatt
Monday, December 7, 1998 at 16:27:58
Name: Kim Smith
Maiden: May
Class: 1979
Message: I know the class of 1978 just had their reunion, but does anybody know what Paul Ledesma is up to?
Monday, December 7, 1998 at 12:20:36
Name: Richard Hanson
E-Mail: richard.hanson2@west.boeing.com
Class: 56
Message: John, its been 6 months since the 1st Decade reunion. Weren't we supposed to get a souvenir program with pictures of everyone?
p.s. My 55 chev was fast for a stocker. It was a consistant "C" stock class winner at LADS (Lions Associated Drag Strip )
Note: Richard, Yes the souvenir books are supposed to be done and sent before Christmas according to Rich Sloan. OH... and on that crack about your 55 not being too quick. I figured it would be a way of getting you up here on the Feedback Page. Now send me a Picture of that 55 Chev, so I can put it up on the Car Talk Page.
John Baker
PO Box 1406
Lomita, CA 90717
Monday, December 7, 1998 at 08:09:16
Name: Dick Dixon
E-Mail: accessrd@aol.com
Class: 63
Message: Got a call from Ed Carpenter regarding the nineteen '99 HHS Spring Fling. Thanks Ed and Santa's going to bring you that extra present for the call, I just need to find out your mailing address. Rose and Rhonda, are you coming down for the party? Hope so as I hope all of those from '59 to '67 will (not in age-right!). Hope all are doing well, spending wisely and will have a blessed Christmas remembering what it really represents. Thanks Lord for a great year and thanks John for this site.
Sunday, December 6, 1998 at 16:21:09
Name: Bud Rhoades
E-Mail: brhoades@earthlink.net
Class: 74
Message: What a great site! Robb Rusell and Dave Butner tipped me off to it last week. I look forward to hearing from all our long lost alumni thanks to this site. Hey Betsy, do you really have a high school senior? Are we really getting that old? Anyway, Happy Holidays to one and all. Oh and by the way, PARTY AT CLENDANIELS!!!!!!
Sunday, December 6, 1998 at 13:16:43
Name: Keith Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Betsy, I'm the baseball player. I'm not sure where I was for the senior pics. I didn't like my picture taken. I'm in there a few times (baseball pics) Say Hi to your mom. Mr. Helvey was mean. Kathy divorced her baseball husband and married someone else. I saw her at the 20 year but haven't heard nothing from her since. Leann Newsome I saw about 6 or 7 years ago up in Palos Verdes. I would like to know where Lori Nielson is too. Craig Bodkin is the same. Oh by the way it snowed here in Vegas today. White stuff all over the place. Made the dice cold too.
Sunday, December 6, 1998 at 11:27:26
Name: Delia Garza
E-Mail: delia.garza@usa.net
Maiden: Yawnick
Class: 86
Message: Quick question and comment.....
Ricki, where is it that you have this great animation program? (what city?) Congratulations on getting it started!
Keith Jones.... I was glad to see you mention Mr. Williams' height... I always thought he was TALL but wasn't sure if it was just me cuz I was so SHORT! I was always amazed at how long his arms were.... now THOSE were 6'7" (easy!)
Have a great one!
Sunday, December 6, 1998 at 09:53:53
Name: betsy wright
E-Mail: bettsann@aol.com
Maiden: watts
Class: 76
Message: keith jones: i remember you, did you play baseball? somewhere i have grade school pictures including mr. helvey's class, i have to find them. i tried to find you in my el molino, where were you for senior pictures? did you go to juan cabrillo for elementary school? i have great memories from dana dolphin days. where is craig bodkin and lee whitely? im still into baseball, my son plays varsity. went to yankee stadium and saw old timer's day, reggie jackson hit a homer. i work with a bunch of crazed yankee fans, my mom is still a dodger fan. would love to find: lori nilsson, kathy parker & amy jensen. i think kathy lynch married a baseball player and has a few kids as i recall. anyone know re: stefanie & shelly gustason?
Sunday, December 6, 1998 at 04:16:18
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: This never occurred to me before, but maybe someone out there can help me and my students. Last year I was the recipient of a $350,000 grant for the building of an animation academy on the campus where I teach. Last year I received the first installment of $35,000 to get it down on paper and map out a plan. This year I received the next installment of $100,000. With it we have built a state-of-the-art Macintosh G3 lab. We have also purchased state-of-the-art software. I have hired one new teacher and gotten the junior high teacher to teach a class. Our campus is 7th-12th grade. If everything goes well we will be expanding in the next few years.
I must admit here that I'm not a spring chicken and I knew that if I didn't include computers as part of my drawing and painting program I would soon be a "dinosaur." I've done okay, but computers and software move so fast that it's hard to keep up. If there is anyone out there who is knowledgeable about computer animation or computer graphics and is willing to spend some time with some pretty talented kids, please let me know. I was told we had the only academy of its kind in the state. We're all very proud of it. It's name is The Academy of Animation and Digital Art. Many teachers complain about administrators, but had it not been for my principal, this dream would have remained just that.
I also have to credit Art Orrell, who gave me the confidence to teach; Manny Pizzaro, who was always so supportive (even when we disagreed) and to Clayton Williams who taught me art and the courage to express my talent. It was he who taught me to teach. I still follow his example because it works. Thanking God and my family is a given.
Saturday, December 5, 1998 at 18:42:52
Name: Susan Long
E-Mail: k9karma@webtv.net
Maiden: Watts
Class: 73
Message: Looking for Lisa Carey...where are you?
Saturday, December 5, 1998 at 17:09:48
Maiden: PLATER
Class: 1964
Saturday, December 5, 1998 at 11:26:37
Name: Keith Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Hi Betsy Watts, I remember you and your mom. Do you remember me? I remember the days at Dana. I remember breaking the water fountain off the wall and flooding the whole playground a foot deep. The water department had to turn off the main water supply to the school and to half the neighborhood so they could repair the pipes. Also remember getting paddlings from Mr. Degner. And having the Spanish teacher Mr. Williams (who was 6'7" easy) chasing Ralph Keskey around the school. Mr Mack's wood shop class and me breaking more bows playing my bass in Mr. Upton's music class. I had my initials in one of the chairs in detention. And in Mr. Helvey's class I burned up his thermofax machine by stuffing to many pieces of paper in it. Wow do I miss school.
Saturday, December 5, 1998 at 07:24:23
Name: betsy wright
E-Mail: bettsann@aol.com
Maiden: watts
Class: 76
Message: my compliments to the chef. this is cool. i am grooving reading all these funny stories. i grew up on 135th street, across from dana, my mom was a lunch lady there. i had lost touch with alot of old pals, so this is a great place to reconnect. im in new jersey, close to pennsylvania, working in a high school as an asl interpreter with deaf kids. its a blast. my sister, susie, class of "73 lives in roanoke, virginia, and my big bro, donnie, '71, lives in houston. i have great memories from my rah rah days and and can still hear the pure laughter of gloria v. and baby bierman. i saw mike dowell a few years ago, he lives in tampa. i left LA in '81 with my son for nc and lived there till last year when i married mister wright. whats the deal with the cruise?
Friday, December 4, 1998 at 20:30:23
Name: Kathleen Griffin
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: It's been awhile since I was last here. Looks like more of my classmates have found Cougartown. While I thoroughly enjoyed growing up in Hawthorne and attending Anza, Sepulveda, Dana and HHS I can't honestly say I would like to be back in school again. To me there is nothing more important or precious than the present. It's rather fun to find out how some of the people I grew up with are doing these days. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Kim Schwarz-Olsen (74), Patricia Louder-Martinez (74), Steve Walker (73), Peggy Anderson-Billor (74), John Billor (78) or John Swallow (73), I'd like to hear from them and anyone else from HHS that remembers me. I have the HHS Cougar Band Scrapbook from 1970 - 1980. Alex DeLaO gave it to me at our band reunion about 15 years ago. Anyone who would be interested in keeping it please let me know. I do not have much room on the boat for non-essentials so a new guardian is being sought. Once again John, thank you for making this web site happen and thank you for keeping it going!
Kathleen Griffin
Friday, December 4, 1998 at 17:12:25
E-Mail: bill.snyder@emg.com
Class: 78
Message: I've been dropping in on the site for a couple of months now; it's a real kick. I heard from amanda treckman (81) via e-mail thanks to your site. I'd love to hear from any old friends. I moved to Chandler, Arizona in 89. I write and host educational tv broadcast productions and teach high school. Anyone involved in similar endeavors?
Friday, December 4, 1998 at 04:27:47
Name: Carole Campbell
E-Mail: rugrats@tfs.net
Maiden: Castillo
Class: 1979
Message: Just wanted to join in on letting you know what a great page this is. I haven't been back to Hawthorne for a few years. Still keep in touch with some of my class mates though, like Adriane Frizzel (Loper), and of course my sister in law Debbie Castillo (Heine) Anybody know the whereabouts of Brenda Newkirk? Did anybody else go on the trip during spring break of about 74 to the grand canyon? I remember a few on the bus; Gail Christ (cause she got sick), Guy Hoffman, Glenn McCarroll, Mark and Curtis Plotkin. Anybody else? Remember Adriane getting hit between the eyes with a rock in front of a restaurant in Nevada by Barry Maiden? We had a lot of fun on that trip. Also was wondering in the memories section if the market called Ray's on Felton was the same as Felton Market run by Phil and Bess? It was on Felton and 118th I think.
Note: Carole, Yes.... Ray's Market and the Felton Market were the very same place.
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