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Thursday, December 3, 1998 at 11:30:30
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: Pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: The Beach Boys, The Beatles, come on, aren't there any really famous celebrity connections through our alumni? Anyone not had sex with Clinton, but spent some time alone with him in the Oval Office? Let's get some real anecdotes for the media. What about the HHS bathtub sleeper? Care to comment after all these years? The Green Phantom escapades during 1974? Will the Streakers finally unmask themselves?
Thursday, December 3, 1998 at 09:10:03
Name: Debbie Cholley
E-Mail: chaplain@sofnet.com
Maiden: Shock
Class: 79
Message: Sue King...read your message concerning Teri and Mary Ann Dowell. My brother, Mike Lewis Senior Class President Class of 73, use to date Teri. If you find Teri or her sister please let me know.
Hello to all...Ray & Debbie Castillo loved seeing you take care all.
Thursday, December 3, 1998 at 04:06:06
Name: Vickie Arestegui
E-Mail: arstgui@aol.com
Class: 1984
Message: Such a cool site....I am surprised that Hawthorne...the Hawthorne I remember growing up in...has a site on the web!! I do sincerely miss that old A&W!! The old Pizza Show still cranks some great subs...beats Subway any day! Such was the good life.....living in Haytown and hangin at the (Manhattan) beach! Thanks for the stroll down memory lane. Keep up the good stuff!!!!
Thursday, December 3, 1998 at 01:08:31
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Rose Leven: I taught at Lynwood High School from 1968 until 1981. Carla Elger taught physical education there the whole time I was there. Sadly, I haven't seen or heard from her since. She graduated from HHS in 1960 I believe. You might contact Lynwood High School and see if they know anything.
Wednesday, December 2, 1998 at 16:10:55
Maiden: LEVEN
Class: 63
Message: HI JOHN,
Note: Rose, Sorry,I haven't heard from Carla Elger (HHS 60). Maybe someone else can help you out on this one.
Wednesday, December 2, 1998 at 16:03:11
Name: sondra (sandy) wyatt
E-Mail: swyatt@peacehealth.org
Maiden: wasti
Class: 1959
Message: I was wondering if there was going to be a 40 year reunion in 1999, as I have lost contact with quite a few people and do not have a clue as to where to begin to find them, and thought that a reunion would be a good start, hopefully you will have some info for me, thanks, sondra wyatt (wasti).
Note: Sandy, Yes I will post reunion information for all classes, on this site. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, December 2, 1998 at 02:16:48
Name: Geri O'Malley
E-Mail: gomalley@lightspeed.net
Maiden: Kaminski
Class: 65
Message: I'm living in Bakersfield don't ask me why. Love being with all my family but would like to see home. Geri O'Malley
Tuesday, December 1, 1998 at 14:39:53
Name: Tony Frink
E-Mail: tfrink@spacestar.net
Class: 1978
Message: An old classmate of mine, Bill Snyder ('78), told me about this Web site. Couldn't wait to check it out. My job requires constant use of the 'net, and I've got to tell you, you've created one of the most impressive Web sites that I've seen. It's obvious this has been a labor of love.
I especially enjoyed reading everyone's old HHS tales. I moved back to Minnesota in 1987 and have only been back to Hawthorne a few times since. I was unable to attend my class' 10 and 20 year reunions, so I really had fun using your site to reminisce about the good old days. I'll definitely pass on news of this site to my family members and friends that also graduated from Hawthorne. Keep up the excellent work. I look forward to dropping in again.
Note: Tony, Thanks for the nice praise on the site, and yes it IS a labor of love. I do know that the site especially hits home to alumni that haven't seen "Home" for awhile. I'm glad you had that positive experience too. And yes, please pass the word as we're always coming up with something new. If you'd like to add something to these pages ie anecdotes, pictures etc., please feel free to send them along.
Thanks again, John B
Tuesday, December 1, 1998 at 13:44:24
Name: Keith Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: John, I hope you take this as just a suggestion, cause this page is one of the best on the net but I have one possible suggestion. I just went back to page one and read nearly all the messages. It was great! I sure work hard in my office. But it took me to long to get back to the first page. Maybe (now it's just a suggestion) you could put a numbered bar at the bottom of feedback pages to navigate through the pages easier. I know (believe me i know) that this is a little time consuming but it sure would be neat. Anyway with that out of the way, this is still the best web site for any high school in the world. You've done a tremendous job. Keep it up. Where is kathy lynch diane plinck or carmen san diego. Miss HHS and I'm still waiting for someone to invent that time machine so I can go back.
Note: Keith, Yes, I know it's a pain and I've had others suggest the same thing. It wasn't that big a deal when there were only 3 or 4 pages, but now it's getting out of hand. I DO appreciate the feedback and will rectify the glitch, I assure you.
Thanks for speaking up Keith. I never know how pages are received from this side of the "Web".
Tuesday, December 1, 1998 at 13:26:41
Name: karen kuehl
E-Mail: kaykay@tcsn.net
Maiden: graham
Class: 59
Message: Ricki: I live on the Central Coast just above San Luis Obispo. I left the Hawthorne area about 20 years ago and love it up here. How 'bout you? Don't worry about the tipoes, we al due it!!! It's not our spelling that's bad, it's our tiping! Sorry Miss Corliss.
Tuesday, December 1, 1998 at 11:53:37
Name: Jim Sloey
E-Mail: sloeylaw@itsonline.net
Class: 66
Message: Last week I was starting a trial on Commonwealth Avenue in Los Angeles across from MacArthur Park. It seems to be a less than affluent area with a large population of unfortunate homeless persons who all seem to have a drug problem. Everytime I have been in the area I have been approached by these persons in need of some money for their habit. I have offered to buy them something to eat but I have had no takers and I have always declined to simply give them money to help their habit. Well (this is going to be long so get comfortable) as I fought the three or four steps to get my two bankers boxes and brief case loaded on a cart up the stairs I was approached by a guy who asked, "How much you gonna give me?" I told him I was sorry but I had no extra money, to which he replied again "How much you gonna give me?" Now I am looking for the gun or the knife seeing none I decided he was hard of hearing. Sorry I gave all my money to the parking lot across the street. I said it fairly loud because I had now decided he was deaf. He backed up looked at me and said "Well Whoopty damn do!" And he walked away. Of course I and the friends I have recanted this story to now refer to this court as Whoopty damn do court. So my point is, ready, I read the Post by Miss Arias and my response is Whoopty damn do! No one cares here at Cougartown.com what you have become or what you have not become, it is not important. We all have roots, feelings for old friends and times and this web site lets us all recall a very significant part of our youth and our past. We care about all of the people who went to Dear old Hawthorne High School whether they were in the first class or the last one or any of the ones in between. Good health, happiness, love, prosperity and most important the only thing that matters at all God's special blessing on ALL. John Baker thank you for this web site, we ARE all joined at the hip! And besides Miss Arias, my dear friend Danny Litton said it best!
Best wishes to all!
Tuesday, December 1, 1998 at 01:10:21
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Ugh! I reread my post from the other day and realized how many errors I make while writing out one of these messages. I don't wany my former teachers to think I didn't learn to write. I can't believe I wrote "here" for hear. I apologize to all of those of you who are cringing. Mr. Pizarro and Art Orrell did teach me better. I would die if my students read this stuff.
Roberta Burket was very pleased to hear from Becky Kabwasa and Delia. She is doing very well.
Mike Shay, I still have your tape and I'll take it to school...just let me know when. Frank Romano would like a copy of it. Can I make him one, or are they for sale, or what? Can they still be purchased? Thank you all for catching me up on old times. Karen Graham do you live locally?
Happy shopping to all!
Tuesday, December 1, 1998 at 00:04:28
Name: Delia Garza
E-Mail: delia.garza@usa.net
Maiden: Yawnick
Class: 86
Message: Message to Bob Wyler (it's hard not to type MR Wyler. I never had you as a teacher but I do remember you from my years at HHS.
Wasn't Dan Karella the activities director back in the mid 80's? Do you know what happened to him?
Welcome to this website! Hope you pass this site on to other people with familiar names. Brings back great memories of my years there.
Take care!
Monday, November 30, 1998 at 20:28:21
Name: Bob Wyler
E-Mail: Bobwyler@aol.com
Message: I've been working at HHS since about '81. I became (and remain) the Activities Director in '92-93. This is a great website and those who visit/read it should spread the word.
Monday, November 30, 1998 at 09:55:17
Name: Dick Dixon
E-Mail: accessrd.com
Class: 63
Message: Question: are the cougs of '63 sleeping or what. I see HHS's from pre'63 and post '63 but just VERY few of grads from my dear ole classmates. Would truly like to find you, as I'm sure others would. Come out of the woodwork and get those fingers on the keyboard and pound out a message.
Had a great Thanksgiving with my step-son coming home from his year in Dublin, and with an accent too. He even blew off coffee for tea and milk. I'm off to Indy for a trade show and back on the 7th. Hope to hear from a few cool folks by then. Merry Christmas HHS'ers.
Dick Dixon
Saturday, November 28, 1998 at 16:44:40
Name: Frank Romano
E-Mail: US-RENT-A-CAR@worldnet.att.net
Class: 61
Message: Yo Ricki, check e-mail addresses... you'll find some folks listed there... Enjoyed your letter very much.
John. Can't begin to say thanks large enough for the cougartown page.
Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday. Las Vegas is doing well, and so is the new thumper.
Friday, November 27, 1998 at 22:29:06
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Hi everyone. Hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. John, I think of you everyday and this weekend a special thank you. It only seems appropriate. My husband and I tried something new today. We went out early and shopped for Christmas. Neither of us had tried the day after Thanksgiving thing. We ended up having a real good time. We looked at it as an adventure. I am worn out though.
I see names in here that are so familiar. I had family there for so long...1961 until 1976. It makes me smile when I hear these youngsters ask about the slot car place that their older brothers went to. I don't remember the name, but in my case it was my younger brother who frequented it.
I wish that there was a way of getting more people on this site. There are so many schoolmates with whom I would love to be in touch. Bruce Griffin where are you??? Bill Perry? Dave Carter? John Fragnito? Don and Carol DeWald? Bob Clark? Anita Meyers? Ann Smith? Manny Pizarro, if you're around...get in touch. Andale pues.
Friday, November 27, 1998 at 16:54:47
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Hope everyone had lots of turkey. I ate then went to the RIO and played my game, have to tell you that this thanksgiving was definitely my most profitable. By the way, I know these names are out of my grad class (way out, like the 60's) but has anyone heard from Pat Mack, Terry Mack, Linsey Castle (70's) Ron Treat, Rick Cardin. These guys were a big influence on my baseball playing. They were all great friends. Also, Coach Minami was close. I know we had the best principal ever Mr. Key. And how about the guy that won best looking and most likely to succeed in our class...Dale Craig, where is he. I sure miss the good ol' days. Hi Sharon and Susie. Big Dale what about the cruise? Is it open for all? Anyway, come back soon and often. See Ya. Keith
Friday, November 27, 1998 at 00:27:12
Name: Duane Park
E-Mail: duane.park@trw.com
Class: 1974
Message: I got this great web site url from Polly Beach Martens'(1974) husband Greg Thanks Polly. It's great to relive the old days of Hawthorne, it sure has changed. I saw a post from Sharon Branigan dated November 19, 1998, she was wondering what the name of a slot car track on Hawthorne Bl. was.. "I recall my brother racing slot cars at a hobby shop... I was quite young at the time...anyone remember the store name?"
Well, I remember 2, there was American Hobbies close to El Segundo on the west side, then there was a smaller track also on the west side of Hawthorne Bl. closer to Broadway, called Al's Speedway, I think Al had cheaper track rates, and he had a really cool track.
Anyone know, or have an email for any of the Winter family, they lived on Ramona between 120th and Broadway, I think their mom worked at Clarks Drugs. I'm mainly looking for my friend Tommy Winter.
Friday, November 27, 1998 at 00:11:17
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. Oh, and John.....I gave thanks for you today. I suspect we all did.
Note: Susan, Thank you. That's very kind.
Thursday, November 26, 1998 at 22:43:30
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: I'm telling you all, its a small, small world... and it just keeps getting smaller. Speaking of Treckmans: checking out the alumni list today, I noticed the name Beth Treckman Meade, class of 75. I do believe that I met a Beth Meade last June at the Conejo Valley Cub Scout Day Camp. Beth was a Scout Skills program coordinator. Could this possibly be Beth Treckman? Looked up Beths' senior class picture and sure looks like the same person... I hope you're watching, Beth, and I hope you're still willing to work Day Camp 99...Volleyball is looking good as a Sports session... and we need ya! Say hello to Roni for me! (PS: if this isn't the same Beth Meade- can you work at Day Camp anyway???) Say HI to Roni for me!
Thursday, November 26, 1998 at 11:25:33
Name: Mandy Martes
E-Mail: mmartes@gnsys.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 81
Message: Well, happy Thanksgiving one and all. I wonder who else out there is doing what we are doing today.....that is, sitting around the computer checking out the Cougartown website. We have represented here: myself, class of 81, Beth Treckman Meade, class of 75, and Roni Treckman Kobel, class of 76. This website is so cool!
Roni has email, but has no internet access. She wants anyone interested to email her. Check out the alumni list for her email.
Beth says she is also listed on the list, Jodi.
Maybe later my other two sisters will add their names to the list...Peggy Treckman Webster, class of 77, and Patti Treckman Barry, class of 79.
Among all of us, we have 14 kids, aged 12 to 1.
Keep up the great work, John, and happy turkey day from the Treckman girls.
Note: Mandy, Happy T-Day to you and yours. Thanks for the comments and it looks like the Treckman Cougs are giving the Valencia Cougs a run for "Family Numbers". Thanks for checking in girls. You've just let all your friends know you're out there.
Thursday, November 26, 1998 at 08:59:24
Name: Dick Dixon
E-Mail: accessrd@aol.com
Class: 63
Message: Happy Thanksgiving Coug's from the guy who is sponsoring (really his company) the nineteen99 Spring Fling. Have had a few comments and suggestions, a few had stepped up to the plate and said "I'll help" and thanks to those who have responded. It's a go and I am working on the city permit. What I need is people, lots of 'em. So get out of those rockers, and rock to "ACCESS Street Rods & Trucks HHS car show, 60's music, a blow out BBQ and just chill and share at this well organized fun-anza for post arm chair QB's and their ladies, and anyone from '59 to '67 (up the years by 2). The e-mail on this gig went out on the 11/17 and I need to hear from around 400+ of you. Oh, what the heck, maybe 500 will do!
John B, call me after Dec. 8th, to talk it over. I am going to Indianapolis for a race car trade show from 12/1 to 12/6. For anyone else who would like to say hi toll free, my # is 888-231-2272. Hi to my recent renewed friends, John Baker, Paul Mackie, Lynn Brooks, Rosie and Rhonda, Linda Staehr and her sister Nancy, Geri L (who now has me as her client - spending buck on the best ad specialties items known to mankind) and Lee Leonard and those who have e-mailed me. I'm
very thankful this day, everyday, to have the life I dreamed of as a kid, health, happiness and a group of HHS's who are my extended family. And all I want for Christmas is more e-mail from
my pals, and those who just want to be pals.
Regards to all and remember we all have a great deal to be thankful for.
PS: all HHS faculty (any year) are invited to the party in April. City location is San Dimas, CA. Details to follow.
Thanks again John for the coolest site on the web.
Dick Dixon (Dickie to some)
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